Quiz Landing Screen
Quiz Landing Screen
Quiz Landing Screen
4. Results Screen
1. User should see “RESULTS: YOU SCORED “XX” OUT of “YY”
1. XX means user’s score
2. YY means total achievable score
2. User should also see some “Feedback Text” (This should be managed from Admin)
3. Display “Play Again” button
1. On click, user navigates back to “Quiz Introduction Screen”
Game Logic: (These logics re mentioned in OLD FRS however, they are not matching with the current
1. The quiz should have 6 scenarios
2. Each scenario should have a rating on a scale of 1(low) to 5(high) which gives the possibility of the results
being between 6 and 30.
3. There should be 3 possible results based on the score obtained:
1. Result 1 - Not suitable
1. Score Range: 6-12
2. Text Displayed: “Thank you for taking part in this quiz
3. Call to Action: Navigate back to landing/home careers page
2. Result 2 - May be suitable
1. Score Range: 13-18
2. Text Displayed: “Why don’t you have a look at our careers?”
3. Call to Action: Navigate to “Working at TA” page
3. Result 3 - Suitable
1. Score Range: 19-30
2. Text Displayed: You are ready. Find out what roles would be suitable.”
Call to Action: Navigate to “Opportunities” page