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Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotions, reactions, or sudden
exclamations. They are typically standalone and do not function grammatically within a sentence
but convey a feeling or sentiment. Interjections are often used in informal speech and writing and
can express emotions such as surprise, joy, sadness, anger, or pain. They are usually followed by
an exclamation mark, although they can also be used with a comma for less intense emotions.

Characteristics of Interjections:

1. Express Emotions: Interjections convey immediate emotional responses. For example,

"Wow!" expresses amazement, "Ouch!" indicates pain, and "Yay!" shows happiness.
2. Standalone Nature: Interjections do not rely on other words or phrases in the sentence to
complete their meaning. They are often independent and can appear at the beginning,
middle, or end of a sentence.
3. Punctuation: Interjections are often followed by an exclamation mark to indicate strong
emotion, though a comma is used for milder expressions.
4. Informality: Interjections are commonly used in informal contexts such as
conversations, storytelling, or expressions of personal feelings.

Types of Interjections:

1. Single-word Interjections: These are simple words that express an emotional response.
o Examples: "Wow!", "Oops!", "Ugh!", "Yikes!"
2. Compound Interjections: These are phrases made up of two or more words that express
a strong feeling.
o Examples: "Oh my gosh!", "Good grief!", "Well done!"
3. Sound Imitative Interjections: These interjections mimic the sounds associated with a
particular event or feeling.
o Examples: "Bang!", "Buzz!", "Moo!"
4. Interjections for Greetings and Farewells: These express greetings or goodbyes.
o Examples: "Hi!", "Hello!", "Goodbye!", "Bye!"
5. Interjections for Agreement or Disagreement: These show agreement, affirmation, or
o Examples: "Yes!", "No!", "Indeed!", "Nah!"

Functions of Interjections:

1. Expressing Surprise or Amazement: Used to react to unexpected events.

o Example: "Wow, that was incredible!"
2. Expressing Pain or Discomfort: Used to express physical or emotional pain.
o Example: "Ouch! That hurts!"
3. Expressing Joy or Happiness: Often used to show excitement or pleasure.
o Example: "Yay! We won the game!"
4. Expressing Displeasure or Disgust: Used to show dissatisfaction or aversion.
o Example: "Ugh, I can't stand that smell!"
5. Expressing Contempt or Disbelief: Used to show disbelief or disdain.
o Example: "Pfft! That's ridiculous!"
6. Filling Gaps in Conversation: Sometimes interjections are used to fill pauses in speech
or to gather thoughts.
o Example: "Well... I guess that's true."

Examples in Sentences:

 Surprise: "Wow! Look at that beautiful sunset!"

 Pain: "Ouch! I stepped on a nail!"
 Happiness: "Yay! We finally finished the project!"
 Disgust: "Ugh! That food looks terrible!"
 Excitement: "Yippee! It's my birthday!"

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