Drives Syllabus
Drives Syllabus
Drives Syllabus
(COURSE CODE: 3360906)
Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered
Today’s industrial and domestic loads demands precise and smooth variable speed control.
The development of compact thyristor power converters has made this possible by smooth
speed control of both AC and DC motors which are employed for several applications such as
DC/AC drives, Vehicles and renewable energy. This course enables to develop the basics of
electric drives and maintain different types of DC/AC drives in industries.
The competency in this area is highly required in diploma pass outs working in most of the
industries since these industries employ large number of motors and drives and their smooth
operation and maintenance requires lot of competent man power. Thus this course is must for
students who want to work in industries.
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop required skills
in the students so that they are able to acquire following competency:
Operate and maintain different types of DC/AC and special electrical machine
drives in the industry.
3 0 2 5 70 30 20 30
Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical; C – Credit, ESE - End
Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment.
Unit– II 2a. Explain the nature of speed 2.1 Steady state load Torque speed
torque characteristic of various characteristics
Dynamics of types of loads and drive motors
2.2 Multi quadrant operation of drives
Electrical with the help of neat sketch. 2.3 Types of Braking-(a) Plugging, (b)
Drives 2b. Explain the multi quadrant dynamic/rheostat braking and (c)
operation of electrical drive. regenerative braking.
2c. Describe different methods of 2.4 Starters- Typical control circuits for
braking used in any electric shunt and series motors, Three phase
drive. squirrel cage and slip ring induction
2d. Describe the basic concept of 2.5 Close loop control of drives
various control loops used in i. Current limit control
electrical drives. ii. Close loop torque control
iii. Close loop speed control
iv. Close loop speed control of multi
motor drive
Unit– III 3a. Explain conventional speed 3.1 Speed control of DC series and shunt
control technique(s) of DC motors – armature and field control.
DC Drives motors. 3.2 Solid state speed control of single
3b. Explain various solid state phase and 3 phase DC drives with the
. speed controls of single and following:
three phase DC drives. i. Half wave converter
3c. Describe the speed control of ii. Semi converter
Unit– IV 4a. Explain speed control methods 4.1 Basic principle of 3 phase induction
of a 3 phase induction motor. motor drive.
AC Drives - 4b. Explain the working of various 4.2 Solid state control of 3 phase induction
Three Phase 3 phase induction motor drives motor:
Induction for precise variable speed i. Stator voltage control -3 phase AC
Motor Drive control. voltage controller and soft start.
ii. Stator variable frequency control-
voltage source inverter- PWM drives
and current source inverter drives,
cycloconverter fed IM drive.
iii. Stator voltage and frequency control -
Basics of V/f drive, scalar and vector
or field oriented control of drives, V/f
sensor less flux control drive.
iv. Static rotor resistance control
v. Slip power control – Static Kramer
and Static Scherbius drive.
Unit– V 5a. Explain the principle of two 5.1 Control of synchronous motor -
modes of variable frequency Synchronous mode and Self mode.
AC Drives - control in 3 phase synchronous 5.2 Self-controlled synchronous motor
Three Phase motor. drive employing load commutated
Synchronous 5b. Explain the working of self- thyristor inverter, closed loop control
Motor Drive controlled synchronous motor 5.3 Self-controlled synchronous motor
drive employing load drive employing cycloconverter
commutated thyristor inverter
for high speed and high power
5c. Describe the working of a
cycloconverter fed
Synchronous motor.
Unit– VI 6a. Describe the working of 6.1 Drive for brushless DC motor
various advance electrical 6.2 Stepper motor drive
Drives for machines drives. 6.3 Drive for switched reluctance motor
Advanced 6b. Explain the working of solar solar powered pump drive
Electrical powered pump drives. 6.4 DC drives with chopper control for
Machines 6c. Explain the working of battery electrical vehicle.
powered electrical vehicles. 6.5 Induction motor drive with voltage
source inverter control for electrical
The practical should be properly designed and implemented with an attempt to develop
different types of skills (outcomes in psychomotor and affective domain) so that students
are able to acquire the competencies/programme outcomes. Following is the list of practical
exercises for guidance.
Note: Here only outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical. However, if these
practical are completed appropriately, they would also lead to development of certain
outcomes in affective domain which would in turn lead to development of Course Outcomes
related to affective domain. Thus over all development of Programme Outcomes (as given in
a common list at the beginning of curriculum document for this programme) would be
Faculty should refer to that common list and should ensure that students also acquire
outcomes in affective domain which are required for overall achievement of Programme
Outcomes/Course Outcomes.
S. Unit Practical/Exercises
No. No. (Outcomes in Psychomotor Domain)
1 III Test the performance of DC shunt motors. 2
2 III Test the performance of DC series motors. 2
3 III Control the speed of DC motor using single phase half wave
4 III Control the speed of DC motor using single phase semi converter.
5 III Control the speed of DC motor using single phase full converter.
6 III Control the speed of DC motor using single phase dual converter.
S. Unit Practical/Exercises
No. No. (Outcomes in Psychomotor Domain)
7 III Control the speed of DC motor using three phase half wave
8 III Control the speed of DC motor using three phase semi converter.
9 III Control the speed of DC motor using three phase full converter.
10 III Control the speed of DC motor using three phase dual converter.
11 IV Test the performance of closed loop speed control of 3 phase
induction motor using stator voltage control.
12 IV Test the performance of 3 phase induction motor V/f drive 2
13 IV Test the performance of vector control drive 2
14 IV Test the performance of field oriented control drive 2
15 IV Test the performance of 3- Ø induction motor using VSI drive. 2
16 IV Test the performance of cyclo converter fed induction
Motor drive.
17 V Test the performance of a self-controlled synchronous motor drive
employing load commutated thyristor inverter
18 V Test the performance of a self-controlled synchronous motor drive
employing cycloconverter
19 VI Test the performance of stepper motor drive 2
20 VI Test the performance of BLDC motor drive 2
21 VI Test the performance of switched reluctance motor drive 2
22 VI Test the performance of solar powered pump drive 2
Total 44
Note: Perform any of the practical exercises from above list for a minimum of 28 hours depending
upon the availability of resources so that skills matching with the most of the outcomes of every unit
are included.
A) Books
Title of Book Author Publication
1. Fundamentals of Dubey, Gopal K. Narosa Publishing House, New
Electrical Drives Delhi ,2nd Edition
2. Power Electronics Bimbhra, P.S. Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
5th Edition
3. Power Electronics Singh M.D., Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Khanchandani K.B. New Delhi
C) Software/Learning Websites
iv. SEQUEL (open source)