Inverted Minor Standard

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard



Here you will find standard inverted raise. In modern bidding, Inverted minor raise is a popular convention. The natural meanings of 2-level and 3-level raises are inverted. 2-level raise shows 10+ where 3level shows 6-9. Logic behind this change is: First, saving bidding space after stronger raise for better game choice and more accurate slam bidding. Second, 3level raise makes life harder for opponents to get in to the auction (mostly for a partscore battle). Inverted minor, will NOT be game forcing. But, either invitational or game forcing. (We use inv+ to mean: At least invitational) Responder denies having a 4c major suit. Structure Of The Development Of The Bidding 1-) After Inverted Minor Raise (2-Level) The usual tendency after inverted minor will be to show stoppers or bid NT. Openers Power and Distribution Opener first responsibility is to show if he is minimum. Minimum for the opener is 12-14. Showing his minimum, opener will also describe his distribution type, whether he has a balanced or an unbalanced hand. He will do this bidding 2NT or 3 of the original minor suit. Responder may sign-off at 3 of the agreed minor suit with 10-11 points after opener has shown he is minimum. Stoppers Any new suit bid by players are showing stoppers in that suit. Once both players show stoppers this creates force. If a player skips a suit, he denies having a stopper in the suit skipped. Slam Bidding If a player of the partnership skips 3NT then his previous stopper showing bids were advanced cue bids. Jump new suits at the 3-level shows shortness in that suit. 4 of the agreed minor suit asks for the keycards. 2-) After 3-Level Raise After 3-Level raise opener will decide for the contract against 6-9 points and 5+c support. Openers possible bids are: Passing to play for a partscore or bidding 3NT with a strong hand. His 3 new suits will show shortness in the suit bid with a hope to play a game contract and asks responder to decide against his holding.

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard


Lets see the above mentioned topics in details, one-by-one...

Auction After 2-Level Raise

1-) Openers Power And Distribution If opener shows min, Responders 3 is sign-off Any rebid by Opener other than 2N or 3 is GF. OPENER 1 2NBalanced min ; 12-14 3Unbalanced min ; 12-14 215+ ; stopper ; may have / stoppers 215+ ; stopper ; may have stopper ; denies stopper 215+ ; stopper ; denies and stoppers 315+ ; shortness ; better than Jxxx 315+ ; shortness ; better than Jxxx 315+ ; shortness ; better than Jxxx 3N18-19 balanced with either bad or good 14-16 with partial stoppers in side Suits. 4RKCB- 4Void in ; 15-18 ; Good 4Void in ; 15-18 ; Good 4Void in ; 15-18 ; Good If opener rebids other than 2NT or 3 showing 15+ hands than the partnership is commit to game. Any subsequent bid will be forcing and will not be passed till partnership bids a game. Only exception for this is, if Opener shows a stopper in a suit and responder shows minimum with lacking stoppers in the unbid suit then Openers 4 would be sign-off. OPENER 1 2NBalanced min ; 12-14 3Unbalanced min ; 12-14 215+ ; stopper 215+ ; stopper ; denies stopper 315+ ; stopper ; denies and stoppers Copyright 2002-2004 ETHBridge All rights reserved | 2/9 RESPONDER 2 RESPONDER 2

Inverted Minor Raise - Standard


315+ ; shortness ; better than Jxxx 315+ ; shortness ; better than Jxxx 415+ ; shortness ; better than Jxxx 3N18-19 balanced with either bad or good 14-16 with partial stoppers in side Suits. 4RKCB- 4Void in ; 15-18 ; Good 4Void in ; 15-18 ; Good 2-) Stopper Showing Any suit bid by partnership is first taken as stopper showing and creates game force. RESPONDER OPENER 2 1 2N (Bal ; min) 3 Stopper 3 Stopper 3 stopper ; denies stopper 3N and Stoppers 4Denies and stoppers OPENER 1 2N (Bal ; min) RESPONDER 2 3 Stopper

3Denies stoppers in and 3 Stopper 3 stopper ; denies stopper 3N and Stoppers Auction will continue common sense natural. Responder may sign-off in 3m after opener has shown min OPENER 1 2N OPENER 1 2N RESPONDER 2 3 Sign-off RESPONDER 2 3 Sign-off

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard Responder may sign-off, if lacking a stopper OPENER 1 2N (bal ; min) 3 (denies stopper) OPENER 1 2N (bal ; min) 3 (denies stopper)


RESPONDER 2 3 ( stopper) 4Sign-off ; pdship is lacking a stopper RESPONDER 2 3 (stopper) 4Sign-off ; pdship is lacking a stopper

Any player realizing all suits stopped, will bid 3NT OPENER 1 3 (unbal ; min) 3N Other suit stoppers RESPONDER 2 3( stopper ; GF)

There is a bidding problem. Opener when showing minimum may have 12, 13 or 14. Responder may have 12. With 12 responder will begin showing his stoppers. We said this creates force. Pdship could not understand the range. So, with 12 to 12 game may be bid. I hope, having a fit in a suit may help making 3NT. 3 and 2NT rebids by responder shows minimum (10-11) OPENER 1 2 RESPONDER 2 2NStoppers in unbid suits but min 3Denies stoppers in unbid suits and min 2Stopper 3Denies stopper but shows stopper 3 singleton RESPONDER 2 2NStoppers in unbid suits but min 3Denies stoppers in unbid suits and min 2 Stopper 3 Stopper but denies stopper 3 singleton



RESPONDER 2 2NStoppers in unbid suits but min 3Denies stopper ; min 3 singleton 4/9

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard


Over responders minimum and lacking stoppers in the unbid suit bid, Opener may sign off in 4. (remember the exception) How to show shortness when partner begins showing stoppers? Problem is, how will responder show his shortness when opener begins showing stoppers, without skipping 3NT contract? A well designed bidding system should have a solution. Because, when partner has concentration in your shortness the best contract would be 3NT instead of a slam. If partnership has 30 or combined points, jump to show shortness will work, if 4NT by partner is to play. But if there is no wasted values on partners shortness makes slam when partnership has 24-28 combined points. So, showing shortness with 12-15 would have an importance. Please see Inverted minor advanced for better singleton showing structure. If Opener or responder shows minimum by bidding 2NT or 3 minor then any suit bid at the 4-level shows singleton in that suit. Responders strategy to show his singleton are: First, for better choice of game. Second, Slam interest. OPENER 1 2N (balanced ; min) RESPONDER 2 3Sign-off 4 singleton 4 singleton 4 singleton RESPONDER 2 3Sign-off 4 singleton 4 singleton 4 singleton RESPONDER 2 4 singleton 4 singleton 4 singleton RESPONDER 2

OPENER 1 2N (balanced; min)

OPENER 1 3 (unbalanced ; min)

OPENER 1 3 (unbalanced ; min)

4 singleton 4 singleton Opener may bid 4NT if he has vasted values in responders shortness. 4NT is to play. Else he will try for slam. 5/9

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard


3NT and 4 are pairs. Responder does not want Opener to pass 3NT. Opener with wasted values and minimum may sign-off at 4NT. Up to now we have covered, limitations with stopper and shortness showing bids. Deciding about game contracts will be easy for partnership. Below we will began for slam bidding auction. Please note that I have developed a more complicated and artificial Inverted Minor Raise structure for expert to top level players. See the complete document for artificial method in Inverted byEth Artificial notes. You may also find another Inverted minor for advanced players.

3-) Slam Bidding After any shortness or stopper showing bids if players advance bidding over 3NT than partnership is trying to bid a slam. Slam bidding is in advanced made in the above described auctions. Below we will clarify some of the sequences. 4NT by a player after his partner has shown something at the 4-level is to play there. If a player wants to ask key cards over such a bid, he should firts cue bid to show his interest for the slam and then at his next turn bids 4N it is to ask for the key cards. Any 4 bid by a player , except immediately after partner has shown something like minimum and/or lacking stoppers, is Kick-Back and asking for the key cards. OPENER 1 2 ( stopper 15+) 3NSign-off 3#of trumps ask OPENER 1 2 ( stopper 15+) 3 (#of trumps ask) RESPONDER 2 2N (stoppers in the unbid suits but min) 3No SI ; lacking decent slam values 34 very good trumps ; decent slam values 35 trumps with A or K 3N5 trumps headed with J or Q 45 trumps with 2 of the 3 top honors RESPONDER 2 2N (stoppers in the unbid suits but min)

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard OPENER 1 2 ( stopper 15+) 3 (#of trumps ask) 3NLost interest 3re #of trumps ask)


RESPONDER 2 2N (stoppers in the unbid suits but min) 3 (No SI ; lacking decent slam values) 34 very good trumps 3N5 trumps headed with J or Q 45 trumps with A or K 45 trumps with 2 of the 3 top honors

Please look at the slam bidding documents to see for cue bidding styles, asking for key cards ant the trump Queen and for grand slam bidding and inquiries.

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Inverted Minor Raise - Standard


Auction After 3-Level Raise ; 6-9 Opener may sign-off placing the final game contract. 4 of the original minor by opener is preemptive. Any 3-level new suit by Opener is a stopper ask in the bid suit. Any 4 level new suit by Opener shows shortness there.

Passed Hand Bidding

With a passes hand system-ON. But responders slam bidding is very rare.

Bidding In Competition RHO of the Responder Enters the Auction RHO Doubles System-OFF. Truscott or Flip-Flop is to be played. My recommendation is to play Flip-Flop. Please look at the documents for Flip-Flop details. Because with less values responder preempts with 2NT and if invitational values than bids 3 of the original minor if to be played 3N then the strong opener will be on lead. OPENER 1 RHO dbl RESPONDER LHO 2N support 6-9 3 support 10-11

RHO bids a suit System-OFF. Cue bid of the RHO suit will be invite+. Responder for competitive reasons may show his support even with 4 cards. Jump supports will be preemptivish. OPENER 1 RHO 1 RESPONDER LHO 2Support 6-10 2NNatural with stopper ; 10-12 3Preemptivish 4Preemptive 2 support ; no 4c ; invite+

Generally after cue bid Responder does not have stopper in opponents suit. But with Kxx or Axx he would like to play from declarers side to guard the lead. So cue bidding opponents suit does not 100% deny stopper. Copyright 2002-2004 ETHBridge All rights reserved | 8/9

Inverted Minor Raise - Standard


Examples And Tests

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