Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
The consequences of the First World War of 1914-1918 for Ukrainians, who
had to fight for both belligerent parties, were tragic. During the whole war
Halychyna appeared the arena of the biggest and bloodshed battles on the Eastern
front, its population got awful damages from destructions and devastation, caused
by the war actions, and roughness of Russian and Austrian command.
But together with physical losses the war even greater worsened the fate of
Ukrainians, who did not have own state, which could defense their particular
interests. The great amount of Ukrainians (in Russian army it was amounted 3.5
mln of Ukrainian soldiers and 250 thousand served in Austrian forces) fought and
died for empires, which not only ignored their nation interests, but also active tried,
as in particular Russia, to eliminate their national movement. The worst was that
Ukrainians as the participants of fight from both parties were forced to kill each
All Ukrainian cultural establishments, cooperative and periodic editions were
closed by order of tsar authority of Russia. There were implemented restrictions to
use Ukrainian language and made attempts to apply Russian language at schools.
Especially massive attacks had Greece Catholic Church – the symbol of western
Ukrainian originality. Hundreds of Greece catholic priests were removed to Russia,
instead there were put Orthodox priests, who inclined peasants to Orthodoxy.
Metropolitan Andrew Sheptitskiy, who refused to save himself from the Russians
by escape, was arrested and taken to the city Suzdal. But Russians had no time to
execute finally their plans, as the Austrians launched to counter-offensive and up to
the May 1915 retook the most part of eastern Halychyna. Going back, tsar forces
took in hostages several hundreds of outstanding Ukrainian figures and evacuated
thousands of people, including many Russophiles, role of which in Ukrainian
policy finished.
2. Revolution in Ukraine
3. Map of the West Ukrainian People's
During World War I the western Ukrainian people were situated between
Austria-Hungary and Russia. Ukrainian villages were regularly destroyed in the
crossfire. Ukrainians could be found participating on both sides of the conflict.
In Halychyna, over twenty thousand Ukrainians who were suspected of being
sympathetic to Russian interests were arrested and placed in Austrian
concentration camps, both in Talerhof, Styria and inTerezín fortress (now in
the Czech Republic).
The brutality did not end with the end of the First World War for Ukrainians.
Fighting actually escalated with the beginning of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
The revolution began a civil war within the Russian Empire and much of the
fighting took place in the Ukrainian provinces. Many atrocities occurred during the
civil war as the Red, White, Polish, Ukrainian, and allied armies marched
throughout the country. The Jewishsuffered the most as Cossack gangs raped,
looted, and massacred many Jewish communities. Other villages experienced
raping, looting, and killing but not to the same scale as the Jewish communities.
There were two attempts during this period where the Ukrainians tried to
become their own state. One was at the city of Kiev and the other inLviv but
neither gained enough traction to work and they both failed.
The 1919 Treaty of Versailles gave away Ukrainian land to other European
countries. In the west, Halychyna and western Volyn» were given toPoland.
The Kingdom of Romania received the Bukovina province.
Czechoslovakia gained Uzhhorod and Mukachevo. The remaining central
and eastern Ukrainian provinces were given to the Soviet Union. As a result of
World War I and the Russian Civil War, Ukrainians saw all of their land given to
other countries and 1.5 million had lost their lives.
With the collapse of the Russian and Austrian empires following World War
I and the Russian Revolution of 1917, Ukrainian national movement for self-
determination emerged again. During 1917–20 several separate Ukrainian states
briefly emerged: the Central Rada, the Hetmanate, the Directorate, the Ukrainian
People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's Republic. However, with the
defeat of the latter in the Polish-Ukrainian War and the failure of the Polish Kiev
Offensive (1920) of the Polish-Soviet War, the Peace of Ryha concluded in March
1921 betweenPoland and Bolsheviks left Ukraine divided again. The western part
of Halychyna had been incorporated into the newly organized Second Polish
Republic, incorporating territory claimed or controlled by the
ephemeral Komancza Republic and the Lemko-Rusyn Republic. The larger, central
and eastern part, established as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in March
1919, later became a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, when it was formed
in December 1922.
News about the collapse of Russian tsar regime reached Kyiv on March 13
1917. For several days the representatives of the most important establishments
and organizations of the city founded Executive committee, which had to keep
order and act on the behalf of Temporary government ofRussia. At the same time
Kyiv Rada of working and soldiers deputies became the center of radically
disposed lefts. But opposite to the events inPetrograd, in Kyiv the third active
person came out the arena: on March 17 Ukrainians founded Central Rada. It was
established by moderate liberals from the Association of Ukrainian progressives
under the leading of Evgen Chykalenko, Sergiy Efremov and Dmytro Doroshenko
together with social demokrates at the head of Volodymyr Vynnychenko and
Symon Petlyura. Mykhaylo Hrushevskiy – well known, authoritative figure, who
returned from deportation, was elected the president of the Central Rada. So unlike
Russians, in Kyiv the Ukrainians of all ideal persuasion gathered in one
representative body.
Mykhailo Hrushevsky
Hrushevsky on fifty hryvnia note
Symon Petliura
To the east from the city Kruty (modern Chernigiv region) in the last great
fight with the approaching forces of Muravyov faced detachments of Petlyura.
After desperate fights the Ukrainians had to step back. 300 of gymnasium pupils
got into encirclement, they all died, their death got honorable place for them in the
Ukrainian national pantheon.
Seven incomplete years of war and social distempers led subordinated to
Bolsheviks territories of former Russian empire to the state of ruins. Only
in Ukraine battles, shootings and epidemics, connected with the First World and
civil Wars, took over 1,5 people. Shortage of food, fuels, unemployment forced
hundred thousand people to go out from city to village. Industrial production was
almost cut off.
3. Ukraine in the first years of USSR
Joseph Stalin
Gulag prisoner
population statistics from 1934 to 1953
In 1928 Ukraine received over 20% of the total investments that meant that
from 1500 new industrial enterprises, established in the USSR, 400 of them
accounted for Ukraine. Some of those plants were huge. Dnieproges, erected in
1932 by the force of 10 thousand workers, was the biggest hydroelectric power
station in Europe. New metallurgical plant in Zaporizhye and tractor plant in
Kharkiv was the biggest in their area. In Donetsk and Krivoy Rog’s basins so many
plants were established, that the whole district looked like vast building site.
Flag of Soviet Ukraine.
In spite of those shortages the first five-year plan achieved striking success.
In 1940 the industrial potential of Ukraine in eight times exceeded the level of
1913 (in Russia – in nine times). Productivity of labor also increased (though
wages generally decreased). Thus if the whole USSR from the fifth of the biggest
industrial country in the world turned to the second, Ukraine (which under the
production power approximately was equal toFrance), turned to one of the leading
industrial countries in Europe.
Already in the early 1930s over 90% of agricultural land was "collectivized"
as rural households entered collective farms with their land, livestock, and other
assets. The sweeping collectivization often involved tremendous human and social
costs while the issue of economic advantages of collective farms remains largely
The idea of collective farms was seen by peasants as a revival of serfdom.
The Soviet Communist Party had never been happy with private agriculture
and saw collectivization as the best remedy for the problem. Lenin claimed "Small-
scale production gives birth to capitalism and the bourgeoisie constantly, daily,
hourly, with elemental force, and in vast proportions."Apart from ideological
goals, Stalin also wished to embark on a program of rapid heavy industrialization
which required larger surpluses to be extracted from the agricultural sector in order
to feed a growing industrial work force and to pay for imports of machinery. The
state also hoped to export grain, a source of foreign currency needed to import
technologies necessary for heavy industrialization. Social and ideological goals
would also be served though mobilization of the peasants in a co-operative
economic enterprise which would produce higher returns for the State and could
serve a secondary purpose of providing social services to the people.
Faced with the refusal to hand grain over, a decision was made at a plenary
session of the Central Committee in November 1929 to embark on a nationwide
program of collectivization.
In November 1929, the Central Committee decided to implement accelerated
collectivization in the form of kolkhozes and sovkhozes. This marked the end of
the New Economic Policy (NEP), which had allowed peasants to sell their
surpluses on the open market. Stalin had many so-called "kulaks" transported to
collective farms in distant places to work in agricultural labor camps. It has been
calculated that one in five of these deportees, many of them women and children,
died. In all, 6 million peasants lost their lives to the conditions of the transportation
or the conditions of the work camps. In response to this, many peasants began to
resist, often arming themselves against the activists sent from the towns. As a form
of protest, many peasants preferred to slaughter their animals for food rather than
give them over to collective farms, which produced a major reduction in livestock.
Collectivization had been encouraged since the revolution, but in 1928, only
about one percent of farm land was collectivized, and despite efforts to encourage
and coerce collectivization, the rather optimistic First Five Year Plan only forecast
15 percent of farms to be run collectively.
The situation changed incredibly quickly in the fall of 1929 and winter of
1930. Between September and December 1929, collectivization increased from
7.4% to 15%, but in the first two months of 1930, 11 million households joined
collectivized farms, pushing the total to nearly 60% almost overnight.
To assist collectivization, the Party decided to send 25,000 "socially
conscious" industry workers to the countryside. This was accomplished during
1929–1933, and these workers have become known as twenty-five-
thousanders ("dvadtsat'pyat'tysyachniki"). Shock brigades were used to force
reluctant peasants into joining the collective farms and remove those who were
declared kulaks and their "agents".
Agricultural work was envisioned on a mass scale. Huge glamorous columns
of machines were to work the fields, in total contrast to peasant small-scale work.
Due to high government quotas peasants got, as a rule, less for their labor
than they did before collectivization, and some refused to work. Merle
Fainsod estimated that, in 1952, collective farm earnings were only one fourth of
the cash income from private plots on Soviet collective farms. In many cases, the
immediate effect of collectivization was to reduce output and cut the number of
livestock in half. The subsequent recovery of the agricultural production was also
impeded by the losses suffered by the Soviet Union during World War II and
the severe drought of 1946. However the largest loss of livestock was caused by
collectivization for all animals except pigs. The numbers of cows in the USSR fell
from 33.2 million in 1928 to 27.8 million in 1941 and to 24.6 million in 1950. The
number of pigs fell from 27.7 million in 1928 to 27.5 million in 1941 and then to
22.2 million in 1950. The number of sheep fell from 114.6 million in 1928 to 91.6
million in 1941 and to 93.6 million in 1950. The number of horses fell from 36.1
million in 1928 to 21.0 million in 1941 and to 12.7 million in 1950. Only by the
late 1950s did Soviet farm animal stocks begin to approach 1928 levels.
Despite the initial plans, collectivization, accompanied by the bad harvest of
1932–1933, did not live up to expectations. The CPSU blamed problems
on kulaks (Russian: fist; prosperous peasants), who were organizing resistance to
collectivization. Allegedly, many kulaks had been hoarding grain in order to
speculate on higher prices.
The Soviet government responded to these acts by cutting off food rations to
peasants and areas where there was opposition to collectivization, especially in
the Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of those who opposed collectivization were
executed or sent to forced-labor camps. Many peasant families were forcibly
resettled in Siberia and Kazakhstan into exile settlements and a significant number
died on the way.
On August 7, 1932, the Decree about the Protection of Socialist
Property proclaimed that the punishment for theft of kolkhoz or cooperative
property was the death sentence, which "under extenuating circumstances" could
be replaced by at least ten years of incarceration. With what some called the Law
of Spikelets ("За н с а "), peasants (including children) who hand-
collected or gleaned grain in the collective fields after the harvest were arrested for
damaging the state grain production. Martin Amis writes in Koba the Dread that
the number of sentences for this particular offense in the bad harvest period from
August 1932 to December 1933 was 125,000.
Between 1929 and 1932 there was a massive fall in agricultural production
and famine in the countryside. Stalin blamed the well-to-do peasants, referred to as
'kulaks', who he said had sabotaged grain collection and resolved to eliminate them
as a class. Estimates suggest that about a million so-called 'kulak' families, or
perhaps some five million people, were sent to forced labor camps. Estimates of
the deaths from starvation or disease directly caused by collectivization have been
estimated as between four and ten million. According to official Soviet figures
some 24 million peasants disappeared from rural areas with only an extra 12.6
million moving to state jobs. The implication is that the total death toll (both direct
and indirect) for Stalin's collectivization program was on the order of twelve
million people.
In 1945 Joseph Stalin confides to Winston Churchill at Yalta that 10 million
people have died in the course of collectivization.
5. The famine. Great Purge.
The origins of the word Holodomor come from the Ukrainian words holod,
‘hunger’, and mor, ‘plague’, possibly from the expression moryty holodom, ‘to
inflict death by hunger’. The Ukrainian verb "moryty" (м рити) means "to poison
somebody, drive to exhaustion or to torment somebody". The perfect form of the
verb "moryty" is "zamoryty" — "kill or drive to death by hunger, exhausting
work". The neologism “Holodomor” is given in the modern, two-volume
dictionary of the Ukrainian language as "artificial hunger, organised in vast scale
by the criminal regime against the country's population." Sometimes the expression
is translated into English as "murder by hunger or starvation."
The famine affected the Ukrainian SSR as well as the Moldavian ASSR (a
part of the Ukrainian S.S.R. at the time) between 1932 and 1933. However, not
every part suffered from the Holodomor for the whole period; the greatest number
of victims was recorded in the spring of 1933. It is believed that over 12 million
Ukrainians died in this small time period.
The reasons for the famine are a subject of scholarly and political debate.
Some scholars view the famine as a consequence of the economic problems
associated with radical economic changes implemented during the period of Soviet
industrialization. However it has been suggested by other historians that the famine
was an attack on Ukrainian nationalism engineered by Soviet leadership of the
time and thus may fall under the legal definition of genocide.
By the end of 1933, millions of people had starved to death or had otherwise
died unnaturally in Ukraine, as well as in other Soviet republics. The total estimate
of the famine victims Soviet-wide is given as 6-7 million or 6-8 million.
The Soviet Union long denied that the famine had ever taken place, and
the NKVD (and later KGB — the public and secret police organization of the
Soviet Union that directly executed the rule of power of the Soviets, including
political repression, during the era of Stalin) archives on the Holodomor period
opened very slowly. The exact number of the victims remains unknown and is
probably impossible to estimate even within a margin of error of a hundred
thousand.Numbers as high as seven to ten million are sometimes given in the
mediaand a number as high as ten or even twenty million is sometimes cited in
political speeches.
One reason for estimate variance is that some assess the number of people
who died within the 1933 borders of Ukraine; while others are based on deaths
within current borders of Ukraine. Other estimates are based on deaths of
Ukrainians in the Soviet Union. Some estimates use a very simple methodology
based percentage of deaths that was reported in one area and applying the
percentage to the entire country. Others use more sophisticated techniques that
involves analyzing the demographic statistics based on various archival data. Some
question the accuracy of Soviet censuses since they may have been doctored to
support Soviet propaganda. Other estimates come from recorded discussion
between world leaders like Churchill and Stalin. For example the estimate of ten
million deaths, which is attributed to Soviet official sources, could be based on a
misinterpretation of the memoirs of Winston Churchill who gave an account of his
conversation with Stalin that took place on August 16, 1942. In that
conversation,Stalin gave Churchill his estimates of the number of "kulaks" who
were repressed for resisting collectivization as 10 million, in all of the Soviet
Union, rather than only in Ukraine. When using this number, Stalin implied that it
included not only those who lost their lives, but also forcibly deported.
1938 NKVD arrest photo of the poet Osip Mandelstam, who died in NKVD custody.
Officially his death was of natural causes, but it is possible that he was murdered.
Writer Isaac Babel was arrested in May 1939, and according to his
confession paper that contained blood stain he "confessed" to being a member of
Trotskyist organization and being recruited by French writer Andre Malraux to spy
for France. In the final interrogation, he retracted his confession and wrote letters
to prosecutor's office that he implicated innocent people, but to no avail. Babel was
tried before an NKVD troika and convicted of simultaneously spying for the
French, Austrians, and Leon Trotsky, as well as "membership in a terrorist
organization." On January 27, 1940, he was shot in Butyrka prison.
Writer Boris Pilnyak was arrested on October 28, 1937 for counter-
revolutionary acitivies, spying and terrorism. One report alleged that "he held
secret meetings with (Andre) Gide, and supplied him with information about the
situation in the USSR. There is no doubt that Gide used this information in his
book attacking the USSR." Pilnyak was tried on April 21, 1938. In the proceeding
that lasted 15 minutes, he was condemned to death and executed shortly afterward.
Theater director Vsevolod Meyerhold was arresed in 1939 and shot in
February 1940 for "spying" for Japanese and British intelligence. In a letter
to Vyacheslav Molotov dated January 13, 1940, he wrote: "The investigators began
to use force on me, a sick 65-year-old man. I was made to lie face down and beaten
on the soles of my feet and my spine with a rubber strap... For the next few days,
when those parts of my legs were covered with extensive internal hemorrhaging,
they again beat the red-blue-and-yellow bruises with the strap and the pain was so
intense that it felt as if boiling water was being poured on these sensitive areas. I
howled and wept from the pain. I incriminated myself in the hope that by telling
them lies I could end the ordeal. When I lay down on the cot and fell asleep, after
18 hours of interrogation, in order to go back in an hour's time for more, I was
woken up by my own groaning and because I was jerking about like a patient in
the last stages of typhoid fever." His wife, the actress Zinaida Raikh, was
murdered in her apartment by NKVD agents. She was stabbed 17 times, two of
them through the eyes.
Georgian poet Titsian Tabidze was arrested on October 10, 1937 on charge
of treason and was tortured in a prison. In a bitter humor, he named only the 18th-
century Georgian poet Besiki as his accomplice in anti-Soviet activities. He was
executed on December 16, 1937. His friend and poetPaolo Iashvili, having earlier
been forced to denounce several of his associates as the enemies of the people, shot
himself with a hunting gun in the building of the Writers’ Union. (He witnessed
and even had to participate in public trials that ousted many of his associates from
the Writers' Union, effectively condemning them to death. When Lavrenty
Beria further pressured him with alternative of denouncing his life-long friend
Tabidze or being arrested and tortured by the NKVD, he killed himself.)
In early 1937, poet Pavel Vasiliev is said to have defended Bukharin as "a
man of the highest nobility and the conscience of peasant Russia" at the time of his
denunciation at the Pyatakov Trial(Second Moscow Trial) and damned other
writers then signing the routine condemnations as "pornographic scrawls on the
margins of Russian literature." He was promptly shot on July 16, 1937.
Jan Sten, philosopher and deputy head of the Marx-Engels Institute was
Stalin's private tutor when Stalin was trying hard to study Hegel'sdialectic. (Stalin
received lessons twice a week from 1925 to 1928, but he found it difficult to
master even some of the basic ideas. Stalin developed enduring hostility toward
German idealistic philosphy, which he called "the aristocratic reaction to the
French Revolution") In 1937, Sten was seized on the direct order of Stalin, who
declared him one of the chiefs of Menshevizing idealists. On June 19, 1937, Sten
was put to death in Lefortovo prison.
On July 30, 1937 the NKVD Order no. 00447 was issued, directed against
"ex-kulaks" and other "anti-Soviet elements" (such as former officials of
the Tsarist regime, former members of political parties other than the communist
party, etc.).
The implementation was swift. Already by August 15, 1937, 101,000 were
arrested and 14,000 convicted.
According to the declassified Soviet archives, during 1937 and 1938, the
NKVD detained 1,548,367 victims, of whom 681,692 were shot - an average of
1,000 executions a day. Historian Michael Ellman claims the best estimate of
deaths brought about by Soviet Repression during these two years is the range
950,000 to 1.2 million, which includes deaths in detention and those who died
shortly after being released from the Gulag as a result of their treatment in it. He
also states that this is the estimate which should be used by historians and teachers
of Russian history. According toMemorial society
On the cases investigated by the State Security Department of NKVD
o At least 1,710,000 people were arrested
o At least 1,440,000 people were sentenced
o At least 724,000 were executed. Among them:
At least 436,000 people were sentenced to death
by NKVD troikas as part of the Kulak operation
At least 247,000 people were sentenced to death
by NKVD Dvoikas' and the Local Special Troykas as part of
the Ethnic Operation
At least 41,000 people were sentenced to death by
Military Courts
Among other cases in October 1936-November 1938:
o At least 400,000 were sentenced to labor camps by Police
Troikas as Socially Harmful Elements (с циа ьн -
вредныйэ емент, СВЭ)
o At least 200,000 were exiled or deported by Administrative
o At least 2 million were sentenced by courts for common
crimes, among them 800,000 were sentenced to Gulag camps.
Some experts believe the evidence released from the Soviet archives is
understated, incomplete or unreliable. For example, Robert Conquestsuggests that
the probable figure for executions during the years of the Great Purge is not
681,692, but some two and a half times as high. He believes that the KGB was
covering its tracks by falsifying the dates and causes of death of rehabilitated
Percentage of people with Ukrainian as their native language according to 2001 census (in regions).
produces the fourth largest number of post-secondary graduates in Europe,
while being ranked seventh in population.
Ethnic Ukrainians in Ukraine (2001)
Ukrainian administrative divisions by monthly salary
Crimean in 5.3
Tatars 248.2 0.5 0.0 times more
in 1.8
Armenians 99.9 0.2 0.1 times more
1. Де арація пр державний суверенітет У раїни. Прийнята Вер вн ю Рад ю
У раїнсь ї РСР 16 ипня 1990 р у. - К. 1991.
2. А т пр г шення неза ежн сті У раїни, прийнятий Вер вн ю Рад ю
У раїни 24 серпня 1991 р у. - К. 1991.
3. К нституція У раїни. Прийнята на п'ятій сесії Вер вн ї Ради У раїни 28
червня 1996 р у. - К. 1996.
4. Крип'я евич І. П. Іст рія У раїни. - Львів, 1990.
5. П нсь а-Васи ен Н. Іст рія У раїни. Т. 1-2.-К. 1992.
6. Andrew Wilson. The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation. Yale University
Press; 2nd edition (2002).
7. Anna Reid. Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine. London,
Orion Books; 4th impression (1998, preface 2003).
8. Mykhailo Hrushevsky. History of Ukraine-Rus’ in 9 volumes.
9. Orest Subtelny. Ukraine: A History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press
10. Paul Robert Magocsi. A History of Ukraine. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press (1996).