jen_jen_grade_12_Research (1)

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Family is a two or more person who are related by birth marriage or adoption and who live
together as one house hold.Family is important because only family can understand you, aacept
you who you are.Even if society cannot understand/ accept you, but always remember that your
family always there for you to support for your dreams. Especially they support for you to finish
your studies in school, and reaching your goal in life. ("Grade 12 Personal Development Book")

It is widely believed that the home has a great influence on students' psychological, emotional,
social, and economic state. The state of the home affects the individual since the parents are the
first socializing agents in an individual's life. This is because the family background and the
context of the child affect her reaction to life situations and his level of performance.(Ajira et
al,2007)and Uwaifo(2008)

According to Traser (2001), Psychological home condition arise mainly from iligitimacy of
children, the label of adopted child, broken home divorce and parental deprivation. Such
abnormal conditions of the home are likely to have a detrimental effect on the school
performance of the child. Moreover, he asserts that life in single parent family or broken homes
can be stressful for both the child and the parent. Such families are faced with challenges of
inadequete financial resources. It says that family problem can affect the performance of a
student in school due to family problems they faced. Hence, this study comes into being in order
to determine the students perceptions on family problems in connection with their academic

research study is anchored on the idea of Ajila et al (2007) which stated that the home affects
the individuals since the parents are the first socializing agents. This is because the family
background and the context of the child affect his or her reaction to the real life situations and his
level of performance.


Causality or causation present the relation cause and effect wherin this study, the dependent
variable are the family problems including lack of finances, death of a parent, divorse/separated
parents, desertion, illegetimacy and misunderstanding, while the dependent variable is the
academic performance of the grade eleven students. The force mentiogned family problems are
considered as cause while the academic performance is the effect of these problems. variable.

Independent Variable Dependent


Family Problems Students Academic

.Lack of finances Performance

.Death of a parent

.Divorce/separated parents




Figure 1: A schematic diagram showing the relationship among variables.


This research aims to find out the students perception on their family problems in connection
with their academic performance.

Specially, this study seeks to answer the following research questions.

1. What is the common family problem student's had encounterd in their lives?

2. What do the student's usually do if they are faced with family problems?

3. What is the prevalent perception of the student's on their academic performance?


This study focuses on student's perception on their family Problems in connection with their
academic performance. This study will be conducted at Carol-an National Senior High School,
Year 2019- 2020. The respondents of the study will be randomly selected grade eleven students
of the said school. This research study utilize a self-made questionnaire to gather the data needed
in the study.


The result of this study will be beneficial to the various stakeholders in strengthening their
knowledge about the student's perception on family problems in connection with their academic

STUDENTS. The result of this study can be an eye opener to make them aware about
their perception on family problems in connection with their Academic Performance and be able
to establish steps on how to handle/manage family problems that they had.
TEACHERS. Through this study, they will be aware about the perception on family
problems in connection with their Academic Performance. This will enable them to understand
why students behave in such manner at school.

PARENTS. They will know what are their children's perception on family Problems in
connection to academic performance. This will help them encourage their child to study well in
behalf of the family problem they faced.

GUIDANCE CIUNCILOR. They will give them an idea on how to handle and guide the
students in facing such problems with courage and to let them set aside problems and worries
from their studies.

SCHOOL ADMINIDTRATION. They will make them aware about the students
perception on family problems in connection with their Academic Performance. This will enable
them to lighten the problems if the students on their Academic performance through various
school activities that students will surely enjoy.

RESEARCHERS. They may use this study as a reference in conducting future research
endeavor and thus, they could already gain ideas with the steps they should take in conducting
the research.

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for classification and understanding.

Academic. It is a belonging to an academic or other institution learning; also a scholarly society or

organization (

In this study, it refers the performance of the dressmaking students in their different subject.

Connection. It's a relationship between things or events; association; alliance; as a causal connection
between interest rates and stock price (

In this Study, it refers to the connection of family problem on students Academic performance.

Death of parents. It is the loss of mother or the loss of father is one of the most emotional and universal
human experiences (

In this study, it refers to the one of the family problems which refers to the loss of the mother or father.

Desertion. It is the abandonment of a duty or post without permission and is done with the intention of
not returning. (https.//

In this study, it refers to one of the family problems in which the child is abandoned by either his/her
mother or father or both.

Divorce. It is the end of a relationship, divorce and parenthood after separation mean extensive life
changes when the support is need in family. (

In this Study, it refers to the legal separation of parents of the students.

Family. It is consist of the people who support and love you, and people you can confide in and trust
(Milton Hershey school)

In this study, it refers to the close relatives of students whom they belong.

Illegitimacy. It is a status of children begotten and born outside of wedlock (

In this study, it refers to the situation where students are born as illegitimate child.

Lack of finances. It means that an applicant does not have the financial ability to conduct.
In this study, it refers to the family problems that can affects students performance in school which is
related to money matters.

Misunderstanding. It is a mistaken or incorrect understanding (

In this study, it refers to the conflict/ argument within the family.

Perception. It is the process of getting, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information

In this study, it refers to the students point of view on family problem they faced.

Performance. It is the act of performing; of doing something successfully using knowledge as

distinguished from merely possessing it (

In this study, it refers to the grades of the dressmaking students that shows how they perform well in

Problem. It is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and
overcome (

In this study, it refers to the family problem faced by the students.

Student. It is a person who goes to school and learning something (Wikipedia)

In this study,it refers to the grade eleven dressmaking students who are officially enrolled at Carol-an
National Senior high school S.Y. 2019-2020
Chapter ll


Poor academic performance in national examinations have been attributed to many factors
that are mainly family based such as those that are faced with changing hard economic times which has
made it not possible for them to meet their responsibilities for ensuring a healthy and literate family.
The size of the family in which the child grows especially if the family does not have adequate resources
will affect the child growth and development due to lack of quality feeding, lack of proper medical care,
and more so a child will not be given the required attention on his/her academic work which can make
him/her lose focus. The issue of homework, payment of school fees, providing security is all within the
confines of the family to provide to the children. We can say that children/s can't focus to her/his
academic performance due to lack of finances for quality feeding, lack of proper medical care, and more.

According to " Ajira et all.,2007,it is widely believed that the home has a great influence on
students' psychological, emotional, social and economic state. The state of the home affects the
individual since the parents are the first socializing agents in an individual's life. This is because the
family background and the context of the child affect her reaction to life situations and his level of
performance. We can say that our family first can influence us who we are and what we are. Family
supports us to be in school, but if our family have a problem or not healthy family, that family situations
or problem can affect student performance in school.

As what Emeke(2004) has attributed, the causes of poor performance is a combination of

personal and institutional factors. Personal factors related to individuals include family or parental
influences and societal influences. On the other hand, institutional influences include school related,
students - teachers related factors accomodation and living conditions.

According to traser (2001), Psychological home condition arise mainly from Illegitimacy of
children, the label of adopted child, broken home divorce and parental deorivation. Such abnormal
conditions of the home are likely to have a detrimental effect on the school performance of the child.
Moreover, he asserts that life in single parent family or broken homes can be stressful for both the child
and the parent. Such families are faced with challenges of inadequate financial resources. It says that
family problem can affect the performance of a student in a school due to family problems they faced.
Hence, this study comes into being in order to determine the students perceptions on family problems
in connection with their academic performance.

The causes of poor academic performance among secondary school students. Some of
these factors identified include intellectual ability, poor study habits, achievements, motivation, lack of
vocational goals, low self- content, low social economic status of the family, poor family structures and
anxiety. The consequences of this include indiscipline in schools and low levels of educational standards.
(Wise man et al., 2000)


This chapter contains the research design, local of the study, respondents of the study, research
instryment, data gathering procedure and data gathering analysis.


The research design that will be used in this study is the descriptive research design. Such research
design is used to describe the students perception on family problems in connection with their
Academic Performance.


Carol-an National High School is located at Barangay Carol-an Kabankalan City Negros Occidental. It is
approximately thirty three kilometers(33km) away from the city and the DepEd-Kabankalan Division
Office. It was located along the proper of Barangay invitingly placed near the main road going to the
upper Carol-an where you can see the mountain, thus creating an overlooking Himamaylan known as
Tiqui. It is accessible to all type of vehicles and some part would be reached by communication either
through two way communication or single- side and radio and cellular phone.


The respondents of the study are comprised of grade eleven students of Carol-an National Senior High
School who are officially enrolled S.Y. 2019-2020. In selecting the respondents of the study, the random
sampling method will be used. In addition, in order to determine the sample size, slovin's formula will be

In this data, a self-made questionnaires will be utilized to find the answer about the students perception
in Family Problems in connection with their Academic Performance. Since it is a self-made questionnaire
reliability testing and validity testing will be done.


To formally conduct the research, the researchers will seek first the approval to the office of the
principal if Carol-an National High School. After the approval, the researchers will conduct a survey
utilizing the self-made questionnaire to the identified respondents.


The data will be analyzed through descriptive statistics. To interpret the data on the students perception
of family problems in connection with their Academic Performance, the following scale or categorized
value to be used is:

Value. Scale. Descriptive Interpretation

5 4.20-5.80. Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19. Agree

5 2.60-3.39. Uncertain

2 1.80-2.59. Disagree

1 1.0-1.79. Strongly Disagree

The statistical tools to be used for the treatment of the gathered data in order to come up with a
confirmation of the result are:

To determine the common family problem student's had encounterd in their lives, frequency
distribution will be used.

To determine the things students usually do if they are faced with family problems, mode will be used.

To determine the prevalent perception of the student's on their family problems in connection with
their Academic Performance, mean will be used.

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