Revision 25
Vulcanair S.p.A.
This data sheet which is a part of Type Certificate No. A31EU prescribes conditions and limitations under which the
product for which the Type Certificate was issued meets the airworthiness requirements of the Federal Aviation
Engine Limits. For all operations 2,700 r.p.m. (200HP) (See NOTE 2(C))
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A31EU 2
Number of Seats. 6 (2 at - 31.5 in.), (2 at - 2.8 in.), (2 at 34.2 in.) (See NOTE 5)
Fuel Capacity. 108 gal. total (2 wing tanks 54 gal. each at +30.3)
2.5 gal. unusable per tank (See NOTE 6).
Engine Limits. For all operations 2,700 r.p.m. (200HP) (See NOTE 2(C)).
Fuel Capacity. 108 gal. total (2 wing tanks 54 gal. each at + 30.2 in.)
(2.5 gal. unusable per tank) (See NOTE 6).
The model P 68C is same as P 68B except for: 1) fuselage nose change for weather radar installation;
2) hydraulic shock absorber on nose landing gear;
3) modified fuel tanks and increased capacity; and
4) weight & C.G. range increase.
Number of Seats. 7 - (2 at -37.4 in.), (2 at -5.7 in.), (3 at +34.2 in.) (See NOTE 5).
Fuel Capacity. A. For S/N 209: 108 gal. total (2 wing tanks 54 gal. each at +30.2 in.)
(See NOTE 15) (2.5 gal. unusable per tank) (See NOTE 6).
B. As of S/N 210: 142 gal. total (2 wing tanks 71 gal. each at 30.2 in.
2.5 gal. unusable per tank). See NOTE 1.
Engine Limits. (See NOTE 8) For all operations 2,575 r.p.m., 42 in. Hg (210 HP) (For TO-360-C1A6D) or
2,575 r.p.m., 44 in. Hg (210 HP) (For TIO-360-C1A6D)
Fuel Capacity. 142 gal. total (2 wing tanks 71 gal. each at 30.2 in., 2.5 gal. unusable
fuel per tank) (See NOTE 9).
Oil Capacity. 16 qt. total (8 qt. each engine at +4.0 in. See NOTE 1 for data on unusable
fuel and undrainable oil).
Fuel Capacity. 142 gal. total (2 wing tanks 71 gal. each at +30.2 in.)
(See NOTE 15) (2.5 gal. unusable per tank.)
VI. Model AP68TP series 300 Spartacus (Normal Category), Approved May 23, 1984.
Propeller and Propeller Limits. a) 2 Hartzell full feathering, reversing, three blades
Model HC-B3TF-7A/T10173F-21R
Diameter: MAX 80" (2.032 m)
MIN 78" (1.981 m)
Pitch setting at 30 in. sta. (0.762 m):
LOW = 8º ± .5º
HIGH = 85º ± 1º
REVERSE = -11º ± .5º
Airspeed Limit (CAS) Maximum operating speed: VMO = 197 Kts (up to 15.000 ft)
VMO = 160 Kts (at 25.000 ft)
Straight line variation between these points
Number of Seats. 9
See loading instruction for passenger loading
Maximum Operating
Altitude Limit. 25,000 ft
7 A31EU
VII. Model P.68TC OBSERVER (Normal Category) approved September 30, 1985
The model P68TC Observer is same as P68 Observer except for: (1) turbocharged engines; (2) modified cabin heating
system; and (3) all-metal wing leading edge.
a/c modified as
per MOD.OBTC/01
Airspeed Limits (CAS). Never Exceed 193 Knots 194 Knots
Max. Structural Cruise 153 Knots 154 Knots
Maneuvering 125 Knots 132 Knots
Flap Extended (35º) 99 Knots 103 Knots
Min. Single Engine Control Speed 63 Knots 64 Knots
Maximum Takeoff Weight. 4321 lb. 4594 lb. a/c modified as per MOD. OBTC/01
Maximum Landing Weight. 4100 lb. 4365 lb. a/c modified as per MOD. OBTC/01
Fuel Capacity. 142 US Gals total (2 wing tanks 71 gals. each at 30.2 in.)
2.5 gal unusable fuel per tank. See NOTE 9 and 6.
Oil Capacity. 16 qts total (8 qts each engine at +4.0 in.). See Note 1 for data on unusable
fuel and undrainable oil.
A31EU 8
VIII. Model AP68TP-600 Viator (Normal Category), approved December 19, 1986.
Propeller and
Propeller Limits. a) 2 Hartzell full feathering, reversing, three blades
Model HC-B3TF-7A/T10173T-21R
Diameter: Max 80" (2.032 m)
Min 78" (1.981 m)
Pitch setting at 30 in. sta. (0.762 m):
LOW = 8 deg +/- 0.5
HIGH = 85 deg +/- 1.0
REVERSE " -11 deg +/- 0.5
b) Woodward hydraulic governor, model 8210-018
c) Hartzell spinner, model A-3640
Airspeed Limit. Maximum operating speed: VMO = 200 kts (Up to 15000 ft)
(See NOTE 20)
VMO = 164 kts (at 25000 ft)
Straight line variation between
these points
The model P68 Observer 2 is the same as model P68 Observer except for :
a. New instrument panel
b. 100 Amps alternator installation
c. Up turned wing tips
d. Strengthened leafspring
e. Oversized main wheel
f. Nose wheel steering disengagement
g. Increased maximum take off and landing weight
(See NOTE 11)
Maximum Weight. Ramp Weight; 4630 lb. - Maximum Take Off Weight; 4594 lb.
Fuel Capacity. 142 gal. total (2 wing tanks 71 gal. at 30.2 inc.)
(2.5 gal .unusable per tank)
(see NOTE 12)
Fuel Capacity. 142 gal. total (2 wing tanks 71 gal. at 30.2 inc.)
(See NOTE 19) (2.5 gal .unusable per tank)
11 A31EU
Control Surface Movements. For Models P.68, P.68B, P.68C, P.68C-TC, P.68 "Observer",
(See NOTE 20) P.68TC "Observer", P.68 "Observer" 2 and P.68R.
Wing flaps Down 35º ± 2°
Aileron Up 30° ± 2° Down 17° ± 2°
Stabilator L.E. Up 6° ± 2° Down 16° ± 2°
Stabilator Tab (with respect to
stabilator chord) Down 1° ± 1° Down 15° ± 1°
Rudder Right 25° ± 2° Left 25° ± 2°
Rudder tab Right 30° ± 2° Left 30° ± 2°
For Models AP68TP-300 Spartacus and AP68TP-600 Viator (up to s/n 9004)
Wing flaps Down 35° ± 2°
Aileron Up 30° ± 2° Down 17° ± 2°
Aileron Tab
(with aileron neutral) Up 19° ± 2° Down 19° ± 2°
Rudder Right 25° ± 2° Left 25° ± 2°
Rudder tab Right 20° ± 2° Left 20° ± 2°
Elevator Up 26° ± 1° Down 12° ± 1°
Elevator Trim Tab
(with elevator neutral) Up 10° ± 1° Down 39° ± 1°
Serial Numbers Eligible. Each individual aircraft manufactured under this type certificate must be
accompanied by an Export Certificate of Airworthiness as noted below under
"Import Requirements" when an application for a U.S. airworthiness
certificate is made.
Date of application for Type Certificate: January 22, 1969 for P68C-TC; April 30,
1985 for P68TC "Observer". Type Certificate No. A31EU issued December 7,
1971. Amended August 16, 1974, July 24, 1980, September 10, 1982, November 3,
1982, September 30, 1985.
For Model P.68TC "Observer" embodies modification No. MOD.OBTC/01.
FAR 23 effective February 1/1965, as amended through 23-6 effective August 1, 1967
and: 23.909, 23.1043, 23.1047, 23.1143, 23.1305, 23.1527, 23.1583 as amended
through 23-7 and 23.507, 23.509 as amended through 23-14 effective
December 20, 1973, 23.2 and 23.561(b)(2) as amended through 23-36 effective
September 14/1988; 23.629 is amended through 23-31, effective December 28, 1984;
23.1322 as amended through 23-17 effective February 1, 1977; 23.1321(a) as
amended by Equivalent Level of Safety, 23.1401 Amd. 20.
SFAR 27, effective Feb. 1, 1974, included Amendments 27-1 through 27-4,
and FAR 36 effective Dec. 1, 1965, included Amendments 36-1 through 36-12.
SFAR 27, effective Feb. 1, 1974, included amendment 27-1 through 27-4, and
FAR 36 effective Dec. 1, 1965, included amendments 36-1 through 36-12.
The Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC) originally type certificated
this aircraft under its Type Certificate Number A365. Effective September 28,
2003, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) began oversight of this
product under their Type certificate Number A 365 on behalf of Italy.
A31EU 14
Requirements elected to comply: Amendment 23-7 for 23.725, 23.727, 23.729, 23.735,
23.1435, and Amendment 23-14 for 23.867
The following list provides specific certification basis requirements for the model
S-TEC 55X autopilot
Amendment 23-18, §§ 23.1301, 23.1309, 23.1321, 23.1329, 23.1357, 23.1365,
23.1367, 23.1381, 23.1431. Amendment 23-45 (JAR 23 effective 11 March
1994), §§ 23.29, 23.143, 23.253, 23.601, 23.603, 23.605, 23.607, 23.609,
23.685, 23.689, 23.1529, 23.1581, 23.1583, 23.1585, 23.1589. Amendment 23-
49: § 23.1359
Validation Basis. Type Certificate A31EU was issued pursuant to FAR 21.29 in validation of the Registro
Aeronautico Italiano (RAI) certification of compliance with the aforementioned
certification basis, and in accordance with the standard airworthiness certificate
provisions of FAR 21.183(c).
Note: The airworthiness provisions of FAR 21.183(d) may be cited as the basis for
issuance of standard airworthiness certificates for aircraft imported from a country other
than the country of manufacture.
Equipment. The basic required equipment as prescribed in the applicable airworthiness regulations
(see Certification Basis) must be installed in the aircraft for standard airworthiness
certification. In addition, the following items of equipment are required:
a) Pre-stall warning indicator, Safe Flight Instrument Corp., Type 164 or equivalent.
b) Partenavia - "RAI approved aircraft Flight Manual":
1. Model P 68, dated December 7, 1971 (Document No. 97224/T) or later RAI
approved revision, or,
2. Model P 68B, dated May 24, 1974 (Document No. 115.831T) or later RAI
approved revision up to S/N 152.
3. Model P 68, maximum T.O. weight 4321 lb. F/M Suppl. C dated June 25,
1975 (Document No. 124.415/T) (See Note 4).
4. Model P 68B, S/N 153 and onward; new issue dated May 23, 1978
(Document No. 148.015/T) or later RAI-approved revision.
5. Model P 68C, dated July 23, 1979 (Document No. 158.229/T Revision 3)
or later RAI approved revision.
6. Models P 68 and P 68B, maximum takeoff weight 4387 lbs. and maximum
landing weight 4167 when operated in accordance with AFM Appendix,
dated March 23, 1979 (RAI approval No. 156.014/T).
7. a. Model P 68C-TC, dated April 29, 1980 (Document No. 164.503/T) or
later RAI-approved revision.
b. Model P 68C-TC dated 26 November 1983 (RAI approved No.
195867/T) or later RAI approved revision.
8. Model P 68 "OBSERVER" (RAI approval No. 165678/T), with Revision 1
(RAI approval No. 185817/T) or later RAI approved revision.
9. Model AP68TP Series 300 "SPARTACUS" dated Dec. 9, 1983 (RAI
approval No. 196197/T) or later RAI approved revision.
10. Model P68TC "Observer", dated June 18, 1985 (RAI approved
No. 210.866/T) or later RAI approved revision.
11. Model P68TC "Observer", Doc No. NOR 10.707-4A (S/N 400-04/OTC
and subsequent) reissued August 8, 1994 (RAI approval No.94/2721/MAE) or
later RAI approved revision.
12. Model AP68TP-600 "Viator" (RAI approval No. 250540/T for aircraft up to
s/n 9004, and RAI approval No. 265727/SMCA for aircraft from s/n 9005 up
to s/n 9010) or later RAI approved revision.
13. Model P68 Observer 2 dated November 30, 1989 (RAI approval No.
260429/SCMA) or later RAI approved revision.
14. Model P.68R dated February 2, 2009 (EASA approval No. EASA.A.A.01887)
or later EASA approved revision.
15. Model AP68TP-600 "Viator" (EASA approval No. 10051648) or later EASA
approved revision.
Import requirements The FAA can issue a U.S. airworthiness certificate based on an NAA Export Certificate
of Airworthiness (Export C of A) signed by a representative of the the Ente Nazionale
per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC) on behalf of the European Community. The Export C
of A should contain the following statement “The aircraft covered by this certificate
A31EU 16
has been examined, tested, and found to comply with EASA TC No. A.385 approved
under U.S. Type Certificate No. A 31EU and to be in a condition for safe operation”.
Country other than Manufacturer (U.S. bilateral agreement and the original Export
Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the country of manufacture must exist): A U.S.
airworthiness certificate may be issued on the basis of a log book certifying statement
endorsed by an authorized representative of the civil aviation authority of the exporting
country. It is incumbent upon the exporting civil aviation authority to determine that
the certifying statement includes evidence of acceptable service history and
modification deviations and the following statement: "The aircraft covered by this
certificate has been examined, tested, inspected in accordance with the provisions of
FAR 21.183)d) or its equivalent, and found to conform to the type design approved
under Type Certificate A31EU and is in a condition for safe operation".
Service Information Each of the documents listed below must state that it is approved by the European
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) or – for approvals made before September 28, 2003-
by the Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazone Civile (ENAC). (These approvals pertain to the
design data only).”
· Service Bulletins
· Structural Repair Manuals
· Vendor Manuals
· Aircraft Flight Manuals, and
· Overhaul and Maintenance Manuals
The FAA uses the post type validation procedures to approve these
documents. The FAA may delegate on case-by-case to EASA to
approve on behalf of the FAA for the U.S. type certificate. If this is the
case it will be noted on the document.
NOTE 1. Current weight and balance report including list of equipment in certificated empty weight, and loading
instructions, must be provided for each aircraft at the time of original airworthiness certification.
All P68 models: the certificated empty weight and corresponding center of gravity location must include
undrainable oil (1.0 lb. at +4.0), and unusable fuel (30 lb. at +30.3). (See NOTE 6 and 16)
AP68TP Series 300 "SPARTACUS" and AP68TP-600 "VIATOR": The certificated empty weight and
corresponding center of gravity location must include undrainable oil (1.0 lbs at -15.75 inches) and unusable fuel
(13.0 lbs at 34.25 inches).
NOTE 2. a) The following placards must be displayed in full view of the pilot:
In addition, all placards required in the "RAI-approved Airplane Flight Manual" must be installed in the
appropriate location.
17 A31EU
b) Each individual airplane must be equipped with a placard that specifies the kind of operation such as VFR, or
IFR, DAY or NIGHT, to which the operation of the airplane is limited by the equipment installed.
c) Avoid continuous operation between 2100 rpm and 2350 rpm (for IO-360-A1B engine only).
NOTE 3. All the service life limits, overhaul limits, instructions for continued airworthiness, airworthiness limitations,
special inspections and mandatory maintenance requirements that are published on Partenavia/Vulcanair Aircraft
Maintenance Manuals have been approved by RAI in the ’80 and ’90 as shown below and are considered FAA
For P.68, P.68B, P.68C, P.68C-TC, P.68 Observer: RAI Approval No. 226.078/T dated
23 December 1986 – RAI Approval No. 94/1365/MAE dated 27 April 1994 – RAI Approval No.
99/2246/MAE dated 09 June 1999
For AP68TP-300 “Spartacus”: RAI Approval No. 285.158/MAE dated 11 December 1992
For P.68TC Observer: RAI Approval No. 95/4.295/MAE dated 18 December 1995 – RAI Approval No
99/2246/MAE dated 09 June 1999
For P.68 Observer 2: RAI Approval No. 275962/SCMA dated 23 September 1991 - RAI Approval No.
94/1365/MAE dated 27 April 1994 – RAI Approval No. 99/2246/MAE dated 09 June 1999
For AP68TP-600 “Viator”: RAI Approval No. 224.168/T dated 16 October 1986 – EASA Approval dated
April 2005
These airworthiness limitations may not be changed without FAA-approval.
NOTE 4. The maximum T.O. weight can be increased up to 4321 lb., provided that Service Bulletin No. 21 is applied. With
the weight of 4321 lb., the airspeed limits are (CAS):
NOTE 5. The number of seats is 7 (3 passengers on bench-seat at +34.2 in.) for the airplane that incorporates the Service
Bulletin Partenavia No. 29.
NOTE 6. For the airplane equipped with integral auxiliary fuel wing tanks the fuel capacity is as follows:
153 gal. (2 main wing tanks 54 gal. each at +30.3 in. 2.5 gal. unusable per tank)
45.0 gal. (2 auxiliary wing tanks 22.5 each at +30.3 with 1 gal. unusable per tank).
NOTE 7. For Model P.68 and P.68B equipped with Partenavia Kit P/N 68-015 the fuel capacity is:
142 gallons total (2 wing tanks 71 gallon each 30.2 in.)
2.5 gallon unusable per tank.
NOTE 8. For Model P.68C-TC and P.68TC "Observer", operation below 2,400 r.p.m. at manifold pressure above 36 in. Hg.
is prohibited.
NOTE 9. The P.68C-TC, S/N 208-01TC, is approved with standard and with auxiliary fuel tanks of
Model P 68B. See NOTE 6 for total capacity and unusable fuel.
NOTE 10. Crew doors for Models P.68C and P.68C-TC are approved when installed per RAI-approved
Partenavia Drawing No. 2.2503. For the affected airplanes, the airplane Flight Manual must
include the "Supplement I - Crew Door", RAI approval No. 199.649/T April 17, 1984.
NOTE 11. The following optional equipment and systems are available:
- bubble nose for weather radar installation.
A31EU 18
- wheel fairing
- integral auxiliary fuel tank.
- Oversized nose wheel with strengthened wheel fork.
NOTE 12. For the airplane equipped with integral auxiliary fuel wing tanks the fuel capacity is as follows:
142 gal. (2 main wing tanks 71 gallons each at 30.2 inch 2.5 gal. Unusable per tank).
42 gal. (2 auxiliary wing tanks 21 gal. each at 30.2 inc. with 2 gal. Unusable per tank).
NOTE 13. P.68 Observer aircraft models (S/N's through 383) equipped with Kit P/N 68/051 as per
S.B. 79, can be operated with Increased Maximum Take-Off Weight of 4594 lbs and Maximum
Landing Weight of 4365 lbs.
For those modified aircraft, the Operating Limitations are changed as follows:
For aircraft equipped with Kit P/N 68/051 as per S.B. 79, supplement N (RAI Approval
No. 227.006/SCMA dated November 11, 1991) must be attached to the RAI Approved Flight
NOTE 14. P.68C aircraft models equipped with Kit P/N 68/051 as per S.B. 79, can be operated with
Increased Maximum Take-Off Weight of 4594 Lbs and Maximum Landing Weight of 4365 Lbs.
For those modified aircraft, the Operating Limitations are changed as follows:
Forward Limits:
- 12.80 in. (0,325 m) aft of Datum (20.97% MAC) at Ramp Weight of
4630 Lbs (2100 Kg).
- 9.06 in. (0,230 m) aft of Datum (14.84% MAC) at 3704 Lbs (1680 Kg) or
less with straight line variation between these points.
For aircraft equipped with Kit P/N 68/051 as per S.B. 79, supplement N (RAI Approval
No. 277.978/SCMA dated December 23, 1991) must be attached to the RAI Approved Flight
NOTE 15. P.68 Observer (S/N's through 383) and P.68C aircraft models equipped with Kit P/N 68-050
as per S.B. 78, can be operated with optional Auxiliary Fuel Tank System to increase total fuel
capacity to 184 US Gals (696 Lts) as detailed below:
- 2 wing integral main fuel tanks of 71 US Gals (269 Lts) each at 30.3 in. (0,77 m).
Unusable fuel = 2.4 US Gals (9 Lts) for each tank.
- 2 wing integral auxiliary fuel tanks of 21 US Gals (79 Lts) each at 30.3 in. (0.77 m).
Unusable fuel = 1 US Gals (4 Lts) for each tank.
For aircraft equipped with optional Auxiliary Fuel Tank System, supplement L/1 (RAI
Approval No. 227.006/SCMA dated November 11, 1991 for P68 Observer a/c model and
RAI Approval No. 277.978/SCMA dated December 23, 1991 for P68C a/c model) must be
attached to the RAI Approved Flight Manual.
NOTE 16. P.68TC "Observer" aircraft models modified as per MOD.OBTC/01, can be operated with
optional Auxiliary Fuel Tank System to increase total fuel capacity to 184 US Gals (696 Lts) as
detailed below:
- 2 wing integral main fuel tanks of 71 US Gals (269 Lts) each at 30.3 in. (0.77 m).
Unusable fuel = 2.4 US Gals (9 Lts) for each tank.
- 2 wing integral auxiliary fuel tanks of 21 US Gals (79 Lts) each at 30.3 in. (0.77 m).
Unusable fuel = 1 US Gals (4 Lts) for each tank.
For aircraft equipped with optional Auxiliary Fuel Tank System, supplement L (RAI
Approval No. 94/2721/MAE dated August 8, 1994) must be attached to the RAI Approved
Flight Manual.
NOTE 17. P.68TC "Observer" models (S/N 400-04/OTC and subsequent) models modified per
MOD.OBTC/02 Revision 1 are approved with a Cabin Forced Air Heating System Installation.
NOTE 18. P.68R aircraft modified as per MOD P68/151 or applying Vulcanair SB 198 are approved for a
Maximum Take-Off Weight of 4548 lb.
For those modified aircraft, the Operating Limitations are changed as follows:
NOTE 19. P.68R aircraft models modified by Type Design Change No. MOD.P68/150, can be operated with
optional Auxiliary Fuel Tank System to increase total fuel capacity to 184 US Gals (696 Lts) as
detailed below:
- 2 wing integral main fuel tanks of 71 US Gals (269 Lts) each at 30.3 in. (0,77 m).
Unusable fuel = 2.4 US Gals (9 Lts) for each tank.
- 2 wing integral auxiliary fuel tanks of 21 US Gals (79 Lts) each at 30.3 in. (0.77 m).
Unusable fuel = 1 US Gals (4 Lts) for each tank.
NOTE 20. AP68TP-600 Viator aircraft from s/n 9005 onwards are approved for a Maximum Take-Off
Weight of 6614 lb.
For those modified aircraft, the Operating Limitations and Technical Characteristics are changed
as follows:
Airspeed Limits (CAS). Maximum operating speed: VMO = 200 kts (up to 15000 ft)
VMO = 164 kts (at 25000 ft)
Straight line variation between these points
Maneuvering: VA = 141 kts
Flap extended (full) VFE = 131 kts
Gear Operation VLO = 150 kts
Gear Extended VLE = 150 kts
Minimum single engine VMC = 79 kts
Noise requirements. FAR 36 effective Dec. 1, 1965, included Amendments 36-1 through 36-28
ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 10
Major Change, Level 1, Vulcanair MOD P68/123 – “Sagem Avionics Integrated Cockpit
Installation IFR”
Applicability: Vulcanair P.68C, P.68C-TC, P.68TC Observer, P.68 Observer 2
21 A31EU
Major Change, Level 2, Vulcanair MOD P68/86 – “S-TEC 55X Autopilot Installation”
Applicability: Vulcanair P68 Series
Major Change, Level 1, Vulcanair MOD P68/240 – “Garmin 950 Avionics Installation”
Applicability: Vulcanair P.68 Observer 2, P.68C, P.68C-TC, P.68TC Observer and P.68R
Major Change, Level 1, Vulcanair MOD P68/266 – “Installation of Garmin G950 avionic system
and replacement of existing autopilot with S-Tec 2100 model”
Applicability: Vulcanair AP68TP-600 “Viator”
Certification Basis:
Amendment 23-17, § 23.143
Amendment 23-26, § 23.253
Amendment 23-51, §§ 23.25, 23.29, 23.301, 23.303, 23.305, 23.307, 23.395, 23.397, 23.405,
23.561, 23.601, 23.603, 23.605, 23.607, 23.609, 23.611, 23.613, 23.619, 23.623, 23.625, 23.627,
23.671, 23.677, 23.685, 23.689, 23.729, 23.771, 23.773, 23.777, 23.867, 23.963, 23.1301,
23.1303, 23.1309, 23.1311, 23.1321, 23.1322, 23.1323, 23.1325, 23.1327, 23.1329, 23.1331,
23.1335, 23.1337, 23.1351, 23.1353, 23.1357, 23.1359, 23.1361, 23.1365, 23.1367, 23.1381,
23.1431, 23.1501, 23.1523, 23.1525, 23.1529, 23.1541, 23.1543, 23.1545, 23.1547, 23.1549,
23.1553, 23.1555, 23.1581, 23.1583, 23.1585, 23.1589
Amendment 23-52, § 23.1305
Amendment 23-57, § 23.1308
NOTE 22. Major Level 2 Change with approval for FAR23.1308 Amdt 57-
“Mod P68/157- Replacing Crossbow AHRS 500 GA with Axitude AX1-200 in
SAGEM glass cockpit installation (IFR)
Applicability: Vulcanair S.p.A. P68C, P68C-TC, P68TC Observer, P68 Observer 2.