Pump Affinity Laws
Pump Affinity Laws
Pump Affinity Laws
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• Dynamics Turbo machines affinity laws are used to calculate volume capacity, head or power
• Economics consumption in centrifugal pumps when changing speed - rpm - or wheel diameters
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Static and flow levels in seconds! No mess, nothing to lower in well.
• Hydraulics and
• Insulation The Affinity Laws of centrifugal pumps or fans indicates the influence on volume capacity, head (pressure)
and/or power consumption of a pump or fan due to
• Material Properties
• Mathematics change in speed of wheel - revolutions per minute (rpm)
• Mechanics geometrically similarity - change in impeller diameter
• Miscellaneous
Be aware that there are two sets of affinity laws
• Physiology
• Piping Systems affinity laws for a specific centrifugal pump - to approximate head, capacity and power curves for different
• Process Control motor speeds and /or different diameter of impellers
affinity laws for a family of geometrically similar centrifugal pumps - to approximate head, capacity and
• Pumps power curves for different motor speeds and /or different diameter of impellers
• Standards Organizations
• Steam and Condensate Pump Affinity Laws for a Specific Centrifugal Pump
• Thermodynamics Volume Capacity
• Water Systems
The volume capacity of a centrifugal pump can be expressed like
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26/07/13 Pump Affinity Laws
in3 Engineering
ft3 Standards
us gal
If the wheel diameter is constant - change in pump wheel velocity can simplify the affinity laws to
ft/s Volume Capacity
knots q1 / q2 = (n1 / n2) (1a)
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Pressure Head or Pressure
Pa (N/m 2 )
dp1 / dp2 = (n1 / n2)2 (2a)
b ar
mm H2 O
kg/cm 2
P1 / P2 = (n1 / n2)3 (3a)
inches H2 O
m 3 /s
m 3 /h
US gpm
Free Industry
Gear Solutions
If we want to increase the volume flow capacity of an existing system with 10% we have to increase the power
supply with 33%.
E&P (Hart's E&P) Replace the default values with the actual values. The calculator is generic and can be used with all common units
as long as the use is consistent.
If wheel velocity is constant a change in impeller diameter can simplify the affinity laws to
Volume Capacity
q1 / q2 = d1 / d2 (1b)
Head or Pressure
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Replace the default values with the actual values. The calculator is generic and can be used with all common units
as long as the use is consistent.
Calculate !
The pump speed is changed when the impeller size is constant. The initial flow is 100 gpm, the initial head is 100
ft, the initial power is 5 bhp, the initial speed is 1750 rpm and the final speed 3500 rpm.
= 200 gpm
= 400 ft
P2 = P1 (n2 / n1)3
= 40 bph
The diameter of the pump impeller is reduced when the pump speed is constant. The diameter is changed from 8
to 6 inches.
q2 = q1 (d2 / d1)
= 75 gpm
= 56.3 ft
P2 = P1 (d2 / d1)3
= 2.1 bph
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26/07/13 Pump Affinity Laws
d = wheel diameter
Head or Pressure
Note that the affinity laws for fans are not identical with pumps.
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Related Topics
Fluid Mechanics - The study of fluids - liquids and gases. Involves various properties of the fluid, such as
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velocity, pressure, density and temperature, as functions of space and time.
Pumps - Piping systems and pumps - centrifugal pumps, displacement pumps - cavitation, viscosity, head
and pressure, power consumption and more
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