Research Title:
Submitted By:
Angelica Janah B. Sy
Submitted To:
This chapter is divided into five parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2) Statement
of the Problem and The Hypotheses, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Scope and
Part One, Background of the Study, includes the potential contribution of the
Part Two, Statement of the Problem and the Hypotheses, indicates the purpose of
the investigation generally and specifically using both descriptive and inferential
Part Four, Definition of Terms, alphabetically lists and defines difficult words or
Part Five, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, gives the brief and concise scope
Entrepreneurial activity includes the entry of new markets, the creation of new
activities. Students in their senior year of high school may find entrepreneurship to be
According to the study by Castro et al. 2023, surveyed 180 Grade 12 ABM
satisfactory academic performance, with only one failing or not meeting expectations.
noticed that the senior high school students of Don Casimero Andrada National High
School are using their entrepreneurial abilities through selling foods and products in
sustaining their daily allowances. Hence this leads to another study which will
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer the following questions with regards to the effects of
1.) How can TVL students balance their academic activities and their entrepreneurial
2.) What are the things that TVL students may able to learn in this research?
3.) How can this research can affect the TVL students?
The outcome of this study brought advantage and solutions to address the existing
Students. This study may provide insights for the TVL students regarding to the
provide information about the benefits that they acquire in entrepreneurial activities.
Additionally, it can also give an inspiration to those students who are interest in
entrepreneurial activities.
Teachers. This study will guide the teachers to have an idea as to how
Parents. This study let the parents decide if they allow their children to be involve
affects students. Additionally, it can provide valuable insights for researchers in the
future and can add to the corpus of information already available on entrepreneurial
activities. It can be used as a resource for upcoming research and aid in the creation of
This research study will aim to decipher the grade 12 senior high school TVL
entrepreneurial activities on senior high school students for the school year 2024-
The participants of this study will be the (40) fourthy students from grade 12
senior high school TVL strand of Don Casimero Andrada National High School will
Definition of Terms
enterprises is to be entrepreneurial.
In this study, it refers to the activity of the TVL students wherein they are
provides students with practical skills and knowledge to prepare them for the
necessary for every SHS track as well as specific hands-on courses that fulfill
school or college.
are intended to enhance their abilities for use in household livelihood projects.
buying and selling products (such as goods and services). It is also "any activity or
enterprise by selling goods and providing services that are valuable to the customer
The research examined studies and pertinent literature to support the significance of
the current investigation, which is presented in this chapter. For a better understanding
the research.
"The enterprising human action in pursuit of the generation of value, through the
therefore this innovation, which will ultimately lead to a new value in society;
members are just a few examples of the various forms this entrepreneurial activity
operating a new company in order to provide high-quality goods that meet the needs
aim of introducing innovation into the standard business process. This is the method
by which the fundamental worth of a firm can be realized. Among the main examples
In small business entrepreneurship, the vast majority of companies are tiny ones. The
majority of people who are drawn to small business entrepreneurship do so with the
intention of making enough money to maintain a modest lifestyle and their family.
They are not looking to raise venture financing or make significant profits. Owning
They usually employ family members and local workers. This type of
entrepreneurship. This kind of enterprise is best suited for a seasoned expert with
ongoing innovation sustainment skills. They frequently work in sizable teams with
frequently develop new services and goods based on client preferences. When a small
business expands quickly, entrepreneurship might transition from small to huge. This
may also occur if they are purchased by a big business. Examples of this type of
This type of entrepreneurship is practiced by those who think their business has the
power to alter the course of history. They frequently recruit expert staff members and
get money from venture investors. Scalable companies search for gaps in the market
and fill them with products or services. Silicon Valley is the birthplace of many of
these technology-focused companies. They aim for significant profit margins and
quick growth. Startups that are scalable include Uber, Instagram, and Facebook.
This type of entrepreneur is one that seeks to use their goods and services to address
social issues. To improve the state of the world is their primary objective. They don't
labor to amass significant wealth or profits. Rather, these types of business owners
Entrepreneurs that are creative are those that are always coming up with fresh
concepts and technologies. They take these concepts and implement them as business
endeavors. They frequently seek to improve people's quality of life. Most innovators
are driven, enthusiastic individuals. They search for methods to differentiate their
goods and services from competing offerings. Creative entrepreneurs include people
forth effort. They frequently begin small and use labor rather than money to build a
larger company. Their motivation stems from their aspirations, and they are prepared
to go above and beyond to realize their objectives. They are tenacious and willing to
overcome obstacles in order to achieve their goals. A hustler, for instance, could be
Entrepreneurs who strive to better the business ideas of others but utilize them as
inspiration are known as imitators. Their aim is to enhance and increase the
innovator. They are eager to learn and put in a lot of effort, yet they begin by
imitating others. Imitators are highly self-assured and determined individuals. They
can create their own business and learn from the mistakes of others.
When they first launch their own companies, researchers do things slowly. They wish
to conduct as much study as they can before making a service or product offer. They
think their chances of success are higher if they are prepared and have the appropriate
they are doing and that they comprehend every facet of their organization. Rather than
depending on their gut feeling, they frequently use reasoning, facts, and evidence.
They value having thorough business planning because they reduce the likelihood of
One kind of entrepreneur that fuels their business endeavors with their cash is a buyer.
Using their wealth to purchase companies they believe will succeed is their area of
expertise. They seek to acquire promising enterprises after identifying them. They
Their objective is to increase their earnings and grow the companies they buy.
Because these entrepreneurs are buying existing established businesses, this type of
Entrepreneurial Activities. Entrepreneurs create their own routes when they combine
innovation with resilience and leadership. Through online classes, podcasts, books,
She enables driven women to start and run an online store by teaching them how to
recognize a particular need and identify the target market. Students who are interested
in becoming entrepreneurs should seize the chance to learn through activities that
student, instructor, or institution has met their short- or long-term learning objectives.
such as bachelor's degrees and secondary school diplomas. Exams and ongoing
assessments are frequently used to measure academic progress, but opinions on how
best to assess it and what factors matter most—declarative information, like facts, or
procedural knowledge, like skills—are divided. Additionally, the results are not
exam anxiety, environment, motivation, and emotions need to be taken into account
(Wikipedia, (2024). According to Husaini (2023) in their study, “Factors Affecting
Students' Academic Performance” the findings showed that the most important
variables affecting students' academic achievement are low entry grades, family
evaluation, GPA, and e-learning activity. Other scholars who are interested in
students succeed academically as well as develop confidence and other traits and
abilities that will help them succeed after graduation (Csorba et al., 2014).
(Onyebu et al., 2015) and students with financial difficulties suffer the most as the
business of their own, either inside or outside the school. It's ideal to start a small
their academic pursuits. Sixty percent of full-time seniors who work more than 20
hours a week reported that it affected their academic performance; nevertheless, many
of them also stated that they had to look into working longer hours to make ends meet
36% of seniors stated that their academic performance was hampered by financial
worries. Additionally, 27% of freshmen and 34% of seniors stated that they frequently
decide not to buy necessary academic materials due to the expense. These children
learn entrepreneurial skills as they launch a small firm to help them with their
financial difficulties.
One thing that helps students in their daily lives is these entrepreneurial techniques.
business helps young Filipinos a lot. Through instruction and specialized training
programs, the "Youth Entrepreneurship Act," also known as RA 10679, aids in the
supported by the state, according to RA 10679, in order to foster and refine the
launch a tiny company. A little business that they could start, either on or off school
grounds, to aid them with their financial struggles so they can purchase the things
they need for their personal and academic needs. By gaining knowledge, confidence,
This chapter is divided into five parts: (1) Purpose of the Study, (2) Research Design,
Part One, Purpose of the Study, restates the objective of the study.
Part Two, Research Design, shows the method used in the study.
Part Four, Sampling Technique, shows what sampling Technique will be used in the
Part Five, Data Gathering Procedure, describes the subjects, the data gathering
The purpose of this study aims to use their entrepreneurial abilities through selling
foods and products to sustain the daily allowances of selected Grade 12 TVL students
Research Design
academic performances. The researchers will collected the quantitative data through
through pre-test and post-test instruments. While, qualitative data consist of field
The respondents of this study are the selected Grade 12 TVL learners of Don
Sampling Technique
the study. In order to pick participants for this sample strategy, those who had direct
experience with the insufficient Grade 12 TVL learners who were specifically
The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire. The
survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and
individual questions formed by the researcher. The survey was comprised of twenty
(20) questions. In the questionnaire, Likert scale was used to determine if the
would validated the questionnaire, these were distributed to the 40 selected Grade 12
The researchers assured confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities
are not important. The researchers also understand that people's consciousness may
also affect their honesty and effectiveness in answering the survey, and so, the
Participants were given time to respond and the researchers collected the surveys
right after they finished and gives an appreciation to the respondents for cooperating.
Castro D.,Daing C, & Ramos R.(2023). Academic Performance and attitude towards
Jemal, S. (2020). Effect of entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial competence on