Kisi Asas Ganjil Bing Kelas 5
Kisi Asas Ganjil Bing Kelas 5
Kisi Asas Ganjil Bing Kelas 5
a. b.
4. Galuh :”What does cici want?”
Salma :”Cici do want an …”.
c. d.
9. How much is the price for a hat ….
c. Stomachach d. Toothache
a. Sore eye b. Cough
13. If we got toothache we need go to the .…
a. Nurse b. Dentist c. Chef d. Doctor
15. Your friend gets terrible headaches every day. You say, ''You should ____''
a. To see a doctor b. Seeing a doctor
19. Sewon students will have a flag ceremony on next Monday. I need to prepare my
complete uniform. I also need to wear … because my teacher will check the
students’ uniform one by one.
23. Before sleeping in the night, Santi always uses her . . . for sleeping
a. Pajamas b. Raincoat c. Uniform d. dress
Rp. 15.000,-
C. Uraian
1. a. Tamarin : Sour
b. Ice cream : Sweet
c. Fish : Salty
2. a. Is this a bowl of spicy noodle ?
b. This is not a spoon of sweet ice cream.
c. Kiki likes a plate of salty fish
3. a. A plate of fried rice in Canteen Y is sixteen thousand rupiahs
b. Yes, it do.
c. The most expensive food is nasi uduk in Canteen Y.
4. Translate into English language!
Dani sakit gigi, dia harus pergi ke dokter gigi
5. Kania wears/uses jacket in the evening