Effieciencey of Stock Markets in Pakistan: Introduction To The Topic
Effieciencey of Stock Markets in Pakistan: Introduction To The Topic
Effieciencey of Stock Markets in Pakistan: Introduction To The Topic
phenomenon taking shape with the general rise seen in the stock markets is the revival of the mutual fund industry. The funds are becoming more attractive and their portfolios attracting new investors to capitalize upon the current trends. With the recovery of Pakistani stock market, it is the opportune time for foreign funds to make their entry into Pakistani stock markets. The long-term outlook is promising and the markets are giving enough movement to pick up blue chips at attractive prices with good chances of reaping sizable capital gains on medium to long-term basis. There is ample scope for income funds to be launched. In short, Pakistani stock markets are on the road to better performance and efficiency. Although their volatility - an essential part of all emerging markets, creates higher risks, they also magnify the potential for higher returns for any investor who has the patience and sophistication to participate in the growth of this emerging market.
Literature Review
When money is put into the stock market, it is done with the aim of generating a return on the capital invested. Many investors try not only to make a profitable return but also to outperform, or "beat," the market. Efficiency of a stock exchange can be gauged in a number of ways some of them are described below (Pilbeam, 1998). Allocative Efficiency: Allocative efficiency of a stock exchange refers to how good are the markets in allocating scarce capital resources among competing users. In terms of allocative efficiency capital will be allocated to the firms that can achieve the best marginal returns.
Operational Efficiency:
Operational efficiency refers to the cost of raising capital. An ideal market would be one which provides lower costs of raising capital and viability of long term projects to raise capital as easily as short term projects. Furthermore investor would be faced with minimum transaction costs and competition between brokers should ensure only normal profits in the securities industry.
Informational Efficiency:
Financial literature has concentrated on another type of efficiency besides allocative and operational efficiencies. This type relates to the pricing of security. By definition, informational efficiency provides that the current market price of a security instantly and fully reflects all the relevant available information. However, market efficiency, detailed in the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), formulated by Eugene Fama in 1970, suggests that, at any given time, prices fully reflect all available information on a particular stock and/or market. Thus, according to the EMH, no investor has an advantage in predicting a return on a stock price since no one has access to information not already available to everyone else. Non-Predictability: The nature of information does not have to be limited to financial news and research alone; indeed information about political, economic and social events, combined with how investors perceive such information, whether true or rumored, will be reflected in the stock price. As prices only respond to information available in the market, and, because all market participants are privy to the same information, no one will have the ability to "out-profit" anyone else. In efficient markets, prices become not predictable but random, so no investment pattern can be discerned. A planned approach to investment, therefore, cannot be successful.
When money is put into the stock market, it is done with the aim of generating a return on the capital invested. The problem statement or research question of my research thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of stock market. From efficiency I mean to evaluate the following areas of Karachi stock exchange: Allocative Efficiency:
The objective of my study is to educate the investors about the operations, allocation, and informational efficiency of Karachi stock exchange which they provide to its investors
The research methodology comprises of: a) Review and analysis of related literature from Newspapers, Books, Journals and Internee as well as interviews from different scholars and investors who has expertise in this area. b) Discussion study. c) d) Questionnaires And finally I will compare the efficiency of KSE with some other countrys method for clarify concepts related to the research
stock markets in order for further comments and recommendations for application.
As I discussed in the scope of my research proposal the limitations of my research will be only to the evaluation of efficiency of Karachi stock exchange
Data Collection
o Primary Data The primary data I will adopt only when I will give my recommendations and when I
shall compare the results obtained from my research thesis to another stock markets Data Collection Methods
o Secondary Data Although my research topic is all about the efficiency of Karachi stock exchange but I will consider internet and books as well as journals as my secondary data.
The entire project will be discussed with the supervisors and the scholars and experts of the specific area.
Conclusion of my research thesis will be a brief summary of the entire project as well my personal recommendations
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