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MONDAY https://newsth.

January 13, 2025
CITY EDITION Regd. DL(ND)-11/6110/2006-07-08
20 Pages ₹ 12.00 RNI No. UPENG/2012/49940

Vol. 15 앫 No. 11

Printed at » Chennai » Coimbatore » Bengaluru » Hyderabad » Madurai » Noida » Visakhapatnam » Thiruvananthapuram » Kochi » Vijayawada » Mangaluru » Tiruchirapalli » Kolkata » Hubballi » Mohali » Malappuram » Mumbai » Tirupati » Lucknow » Cuttack » Patna


Youth power Is Trump’s fiat

will make India for the EU to buy
a developed U.S. oil justified?
Companies look to
Saudi Arabia calls for
EU had already turned
Sabalenka and Zverev
to U.S., to stay off Russia
localise data storage lifting Syria curbs ease into round two

Jaishankar to attend Trump’s January 20 Docking trial: ISRO IN BRIEF

swearing-in ceremony in Washington D.C.

Kallol Bhattacherjee dent of the United States of nese President Xi Jinping
succeeds in nudging

External Affairs Minister S.

Jaishankar has been invit-
America,” announced the
Ministry of External Affairs
on Sunday.
Mr. Jaishankar visited
was invited in the event.
Since winning the presi-
dential election, Mr.
Trump has met several glo-
two satellites closer 5 workers remain
trapped in Dima
Hasao coal mine

ed to represent the Go- the U.S. from December bal leaders like President
vernment of India at the 24-29, when he met with Macron of France and Pre- By bringing Chaser and Target within three metres of each other, the
swearing-in ceremony of officials from the Biden ad- sident Volodymyr Zelen- agency has overcome last week’s setback caused by an unexpected drift GUWAHATI
the U.S. President-elect Do- ministration and also met skyy of Ukraine among The water level in the flooded
nald Trump on January 20. with Congressman Michael others and there were rat-hole mine in Dima Hasao
Mr. Trump has invited sev- S. Jaishankar Waltz, who has been cho- speculations about a possi- The Hindu Bureau district of Assam remained
eral heads of government sen by Mr. Trump to be his ble invite for Prime Minis- BENGALURU unchanged, affecting the
and heads of state to be Committee, External Af- next National Security ter Narendra Modi for his operations on Sunday to
present at the event and fairs Minister (EAM) Dr. S. Adviser. swearing-in ceremony. rying to dock two
the subsequent celebra-
tions that are to be held in
Washington D.C.
Jaishankar will represent
the Government of India at
the Swearing-in Ceremony
The swearing-in cere-
mony of the second Trump
administration has been of
However, sources have
clarified to The Hindu that
External Affairs Minister
T satellites in space
for the first time,
the Indian Space Research
rescue the remaining five
miners trapped beneath since
January 6. » Page 10

“On the invitation of the of President-elect Donald J. much global interest since Mr. Jaishankar was invited Organisation announced
Trump-Vance Inaugural Trump as the 47th Presi- it came to light that Chi- by name. early on Sunday that they
were brought within three
Five Naxalites
metres of each other in a gunned down
trial attempt. It then in Chhattisgarh
Kumbh confluence moved them back to a safe
“SpaDeX Docking Up-
A PSLV C60 rocket had carried the satellites to space from the Satish Security forces gunned down
date: A trial attempt to
Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on December 30. PTI five Naxalites in an encounter
reach up to 15m and furth-
in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur
er to 3m is done. Moving
district on Sunday. In a
back spacecraft to safe dis- two satellites were within announced its postpone-
separate incident in Bijapur,
tance. The docking process 15 metres of each other. ment as the drift was more
two security personnel were
will be done after analysing “SpaDeX Docking Up- than expected. It later ar-
hurt in an IED blast. » Page 10
data further,” the space date: At 15m we see each rested the drift. The dock-
agency posted on X. other clearer and clearer, ing was initially scheduled
An important project of we are just 50 feet away for for January 7.
the ISRO, the SPaDeX mis- an exciting handshake,” The demonstration of Kannauj collapse:
sion was designed to deve- the agency posted. It re- this technology is essential all workers pulled
lop and demonstrate the leased photos and videos for futuristic missions such
technology needed for spa- of the two satellites. as sending an Indian astro- out after 16 hours
cecraft rendezvous, dock- With this, the ISRO has naut to the moon, sample
ing and undocking using overcome the setback last return from the moon, and KANNAUJ (U.P.)
two small satellites. A PSLV week due to an unexpect- the building and operation All 28 workers were rescued
C60 rocket carried them — ed drift between the satel- of an Indian space station. from the rubble of a collapsed
SDX01 (Chaser) and SDX02 lites, resulting in the post- If the ISRO successfully building at Kannauj railway
(Target) — to space from ponement of the docking executes the docking expe- station following a 16-hour
the Satish Dhawan Space experiment. riment, India will become operation, officials said on
Centre in Sriharikota on On January 8, hours be- the fourth country after Sunday. » Page 3
Countdown on: Preparations in full swing in the Sangam area of Prayagraj on Sunday, the eve of the start of the 45-day Maha Kumbh being December 30. Earlier on fore the experiment was to the U.S., Russia and China
held after 12 years. The first major bathing ritual, or Shahi Snan, will be held today. SANDEEP SAXENA (REPORT ON PAGE 10) Sunday, the ISRO said the be carried out, the agency to accomplish the feat. EDUCATIONPLUS » PAGE 17

Border issue:
Declining fertility levels push up Cong.’s third guarantee: His seat given
to Kapil Mishra,
summons Kerala’s maternal mortality ratio ₹8,500 every month to BJP MLA Bisht
Indian envoy jobless youth in Delhi named from
C. Maya we have successfully ad- Mustafabad
Kallol Bhattacherjee THIRUVANANTHAPURAM dressed all major medical The Hindu Bureau
NEW DELHI causes of maternal mortal- NEW DELHI The Hindu Bureau
Kerala’s maternal mortali- ity, the issues that are im- NEW DELHI
The interim government of ty ratio, the lowest in the pacting the State’s MMR The Congress on Sunday
Bangladesh on Sunday ex- country at 19 per one lakh now are not something es- promised to provide High poll drama unfolded
pressed “deep concern” live births, is now climbing sentially within our con- ₹8,500 per month for one in Delhi on Sunday when
about the prevailing situa- steadily, much to the con- trol. We are seeing the im- year to educated unem- the BJP issued its third list
tion along the India-Ban- sternation of the State pact of demographic ployed youth in Delhi un- for the Assembly election
gladesh borders. Health Department. The changes like low fertility der the ‘Yuva Udaan Yoja- with just one name — that
Dhaka’s message was reasons for the increase rates, immigration and na’ (Youth Apprenticeship of its MLA who had public-
conveyed by Foreign Se- may be beyond the control changing societal attitudes Scheme) if voted to power. ly threatened to go against
cretary Mohammad Jashim of officials. towards marriage and This is the third promise it hours earlier.
Uddin to the Indian High The latest Sample Regis- childbirth in Kerala much by the Congress ahead of In its second list of 29
Commissioner Pranay Ver- tration System special bul- earlier than we thought we the Assembly election candidates released on Sa-
ma during a meeting held letin on maternal mortality would,” Dr. Paily says. scheduled for February 5. Poll promise: Congress leader turday, the BJP decided to
soon after the Adviser on in India (2018-20), brought The State has now From an average of 5.5 “It has been three de- On January 6, the party an- Sachin Pilot in the Capital on drop two of its sitting
Home Affairs, Jehangir out by the Registrar-Gener- hit a low of 3,93,231 lakh annual births since cades since the birth rate nounced the ‘Pyaari Didi Sunday. SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA MLAs, one of them being
Alam Chowdhury, in- al of India, put Kerala’s births from an the 1980s, the graph went began falling in Kerala and Yojana’, promising ₹2,500 Karawal Nagar legislator
formed presspersons that MMR at 19. However, while below the five-lakh mark the steep fall in the num- per month for women and people have trust and faith Mohan Singh Bisht, whom
average of 5-5.5 lakh
India has been erecting it depended on a sample for the first time in 2016, ber of children born now is on January 8, it promised in Congress president Mal- the party replaced with
fences in five locations on survey to arrive at the fi- annually earlier when 4,96,262 live births part of a larger trend. But free health insurance of up likarjun Kharge and senior Kapil Mishra, accused of
the Indo-Bangladesh bor- gure, the State Health De- were recorded. Since 2018, the problem is that once to ₹25 lakh under the ‘Jee- leader Rahul Gandhi to im- making hate speeches in
ders, and alleged that Ban- partment’s actual esti- the figure has been plum- the fertility rate comes van Raksha Yojana’. plement the promises. the run-up to the north-
gladesh authorities were mates of maternal deaths — of the State. It is this dip in meting steadily, never go- down, the graph rarely Making the promise at a east Delhi riots in Febru-
not consulted before start- Kerala has near 100% insti- the denominator that is ing above the five-lakh goes up because demo- press conference on Sun- ‘Not a dole’ ary 2020, which left 53 pe-
ing the construction work. tutional deliveries — put pushing the MMR up and mark again. The last pu- graphic transition is hard day, AICC general secre- He added that the ₹8,500 ople dead.
He announced that the In- the figure at 29. not necessarily an actual blished VSR (2021) record- to reverse,” says S. Irudaya tary Sachin Pilot said the monthly allowance would On Sunday afternoon,
dian envoy was being Except during 2020-21, spike in maternal deaths. ed the total number of live Rajan, Chairman of the In- Bharatiya Janata Party and not be a “dole” for idling the MLA said that he
“summoned” to discuss when Kerala lost many wo- The Health Department births as 4,19,767. ternational Institute of Mi- the Aam Aadmi Party have youth but a job-oriented would file his nomination
the situation. men to COVID-19 during puts live births in the State “As part of the Sustaina- gration and Development “totally ignored” the youth stipend to develop and en- from the same seat within
Mr. Verma also met the pregnancy and childbirth, between 3.4 lakh and 3.9 ble Development Goals, (IIMAD). in the past 11 years when hance their skills. The Con- five days.
media after the meeting as the State had consistently lakh currently. The full Vi- Kerala was targeting an Kerala led the demo- they were busy building gress leader said while the “If the BJP thinks it will
heated exchanges conti- held a firm grip over mater- tal Statistics Report (VSR) MMR of 20 by 2030. Ho- graphic transition in the “Raj Mahal” and “Sheesh government will provide field anyone and win the
nued between the two nal mortality. Ironically, for 2023 is expected by Ja- wever, that looks quite un- South, attaining the re- Mahal”. the funds, private compa- seat, it is making a big mis-
sides. “We have an under- the current spike is not be- nuary-end. likely now, given that birth placement level fertility “Raj Mahal” and nies will engage the regis- take,” Mr. Bisht said, ad-
standing with regard to cause more women are dy- The decline in fertility rates are falling steeply. We rate of 2.1 in 1987-88. Re- “Sheesh Mahal” are terms tered youth to develop ding, “Time will tell the
fencing the border for se- ing but because there are levels and changing demo- reckon the State’s MMR in placement level fertility is used by parties to refer to their skills and absorb importance of ground-le-
curity. BSF and BGB have fewer childbirths than ever graphics, many fear, are 2024-25 has already the average number of chil- the “lavish” residences of them. vel workers”.
been in communication in in the State. having an irrevocable im- climbed to 32,” says V.P. dren a woman needs to the Prime Minister and the Delhi Pradesh Congress Later in the day, the BJP
this regard,” High Commis- The State has now hit a pact on the State’s social fa- Paily, a senior consultant have to replace herself and Delhi Chief Minister, Committee president De- named the legislator from
sioner Verma told the low of 3,93,231 births from bric, and have been at the in Obstetrics and Gynae- her generation, so that the respectively. vender Yadav said, “The the neighbouring seat of
media. an average of 5-5.5 lakh an- heart of many policy-level cology. population is stable. Mr. Pilot said that the stipend will channelise the Mustafabad. The MLA did
nually earlier, show the lat- discussions in Kerala, espe- “It would now be a her- Congress is committed to skills of the youth towards not issue a reaction to the
CONTINUED ON est data of the Economics cially in the past three culean task to hold the CONTINUED ON fulfilling its guarantees constructive work and give development till the time
» PAGE 10 and Statistics Department years. MMR at 20. Because, while » PAGE 10 upon coming to power, as direction to their lives.” of going to press.
2 Monday, January 13, 2025

City Delhi

INBRIEF Puri attacks AAP over

쑽 BJP will raze slums if it wins:
unfulfilled promises,
Kejriwal; he did nothing for Sanjay Singh hits back
slum dwellers, says Sachdeva The Hindu Bureau

Won’t contest Assembly poll if Amit Shah withdraws cases against slum dwellers and resettles all With political campaigning
those evicted, says AAP chief; ex-CM responsible for the miserable condition of slum dwellers: L-G for the February 5 Assemb-
ly election gathering steam
AAP’s claim about me being The Hindu Bureau changed the land use of the
in the Capital, the Bharati-
ya Janata Party (BJP) and
BJP’s CM choice false: Bidhuri NEW DELHI slum cluster or issued any the Aam Aadmi Party
eviction or demolition not- (AAP) on Sunday accused

Former Delhi MP and party’s nominee from am Aadmi Party ice. “He is deliberately tell- each other of not fulfilling
Kalkaji Ramesh Bidhuri on Sunday said AAP’s (AAP) national con- ing a blatant lie and mis- pre-poll promises.
claim that the BJP will project him as its chief vener Arvind Kejri- leading the people,” said Senior BJP leader and
ministerial candidate was untrue. “The BJP has wal on Sunday took on se- the L-G. Union Minister Hardeep
given me a lot. I have no claim to make on any nior Bharatiya Janata Party Mr. Kejriwal also claimed Singh Puri lashed out at
post,” Mr. Bidhuri wrote in an open letter. Citing (BJP) leader and Union that over the past decade, AAP saying, “I am a citizen
“sources”, Mr. Kejriwal had on Saturday alleged Home Minister Amit Shah the BJP-led Centre had, of Delhi. I was born here. If Union Minister Hardeep Singh
that the BJP had decided to nominate Mr. Bidhuri over the issue of Delhi’s through numerous anti-en- there is any city in the Puri. FILE PHOTO
as its CM candidate for the Delhi election. Mr. slum dwellers. The AAP croachment drives, ren- world that I love, it is Del-
Bidhuri accused the AAP chief of indulging in a chief said he would not dered three lakh people in hi,” and accused the ruling “They claimed to have
sustained “misinformation campaign”. Earlier contest the February 5 Del- Delhi homeless by demol- AAP of having “ruined the built 20,000 classrooms,
this month, Mr. Bidhuri received flak over his hi election if Mr. Shah with- ishing their tenements. city”. but a 2020 report by the
derogatory remarks against CM Atishi and draws within 24 hours cas- Open challenge: Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal A day earlier, Mr. Shah, In response, AAP’s Ra- Central Vigilance Commis-
Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. es against the slum meeting voters in New Delhi on Sunday. SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA addressing an election rally jya Sabha member Sanjay sion stated that the Delhi
dwellers registered in the in the city, said that every Singh said the BJP does not government was counting

past 10 years and resettled outreach campaign and ac- there are living,” he added. slum dweller in Delhi would have the right to question toilets as classrooms,” said
all those evicted over the cused the former Chief Mi- “Who is responsible for be provided with a house AAP as it has not fulfilled the senior BJP leader.
Residents living in muck: L-G; decade.
Mr. Kejriwal also
nister of not having taken
any initiative to improve
their miserable condition?
Sanitation, water supply,
under the Pradhan Mantri
Awas Yojana if the BJP wins
any of its own poll assu-
rances. ‘What of ₹15 lakh?’
focus on own remit, says AAP claimed that if the BJP wins the living standard of its re- health services, MCD, eve- the poll. Addressing a press con- Hitting back, the AAP MP
the poll, it will demolish all sidents during AAP’s 10 rything comes under Kejri- ference on Sunday, Mr. Pu- said, “Mr. Puri must clarify
Residents of Delhi have been living with sewage slum clusters in the Capi- years in power. walji,” said the L-G. ‘Model slum’ ri, the Union Minister for whether the Prime Minis-
water surrounding them under the Aam Aadmi tal. “As soon as the election Attacking The AAP chief Addressing mediapersons Petroleum and Natural ter Narendra Modi-led go-
Party (AAP) government, Lieutenant-Governor is over on February 8 [the the AAP chief claimed that on in a slum cluster in Patpar- Gas, drew a purported list vernment has delivered on
V.K. Saxena has said. The L-G made the remarks counting day], this slum over his September 30, ganj, the Delhi BJP chief of promises AAP made to its promises to provide ₹15
in a podcast with former member of Rajya Sabha will be demolished. They claims, Lieute- 2024, “Tenders said, “If the BJP comes to the voters before the 2020 lakh to every citizen, pucca
Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, who is also a BJP leader. In won’t wait for even two nant-Governor for this land were power, we will make Nehru Delhi election and the 2022 houses to all, doubling
response, AAP suggested that the L-G focus on days,” he said at a slum in V.K. Saxena issued by the Camp a model slum by Ja- Punjab poll. farmers’ income, and
his remit — law and order — which has “utterly north Delhi’s Shakur Basti. said, “Mr. Kej- Railways. The BJP nuary 2026.” “They [AAP] had pro- creating two crore jobs ev-
collapsed under his watch”. During the podcast, The Delhi BJP did not riwal’s state- leaders were “It is regrettable that des- mised 500 new schools [in ery year.”
the L-G said the Delhi Jal Board has spent respond to Mr. Kejriwal’s ment regarding the Shakur sleeping in slum dwellings, pite various claims made by Delhi], but till 2022, built “In Punjab, we gave 300
₹28,000 crore in capital expenditure over seven statements. However, ear- Basti slum is a complete but on December 27, 2024, Mr. Kejriwal, the earnings only 65,” he said. The Mi- units of free power, res-
years, a sum enough to replace every pipeline in lier in the day, Delhi BJP lie”. “Had he gone inside the L-G changed the land of Delhi’s poor, slum-dwell- nister went on to allege tored 30 canals, built ex-
the city. Yet, the people of Delhi are being president Virendra Sach- the slum and walked 2-3 use of this jhuggi camp”. In ing families have been that the Delhi government cellent schools and hospi-
“forced” to live amidst sewage, he said, adding, deva visited Nehru Camp km there, he would have response, Mr. Saxena said spent entirely on electricity had inflated the number of tals, set up Mohalla Clinics,
that it is the responsibility of every State to in Patparganj constituency seen the miserable condi- that the Delhi Develop- bills and on buying potable classrooms it claimed to and gave 50,000 govern-
provide a healthy environment to its people. PTI as part of a slum cluster tions in which the people ment Authority had not water,” he added. have created in the Capital. ment jobs,” said Mr. Singh

Atishi seeks crowdfunding to AAP MLA again receives police summons AAP writes to
EC over ‘fake
meet her campaign expense in ‘illegal Bangladeshi immigrant’ case video’ posted
The Hindu Bureau
Responding to the deve-
lopment, BJP Delhi presi- The Hindu Bureau Police said papers garding Mr. Goyal’s “invol- lence” of the ruling party
by BJP on
Highlighting the “honest
dent Virendra Sachdeva
said that they would soon
NEW DELHI seized from illegal vement” had been found
after the arrest of the al-
chief, Arvind Kejriwal, over
the alleged links of his par-
social media
immigrats bear AAP
politics” of the Aam Aadmi request the Election Com- The Delhi police on Sun- leged intermediaries and ty’s MLA to “illegal Bangla-
MLA Mohinder Press Trust of India
Party, Delhi Chief Minister mission of India to legally day issued the second sum- questioning of the illegal deshi immigrants”.
and senior leader Atishi on verify the sources of funds mons to Aam Aadmi Party Goyal’s signature immigrants. “Is Arvind Kejriwal com- NEW DELHI
Sunday launched a crowd- for any candidate claiming (AAP) MLA Mohinder The ruling AAP issued a promising national securi-
funding drive to meet her to raise money through Goyal, asking him to join documents seized in De- statement, which read, ty to support procurement The Aam Aadmi Party
campaign expenses for the crowdfunding, ensuring the investigation regarding cember when the police “Whenever elections ap- of fake voter IDs only so (AAP) has lodged a com-
Delhi Assembly election. that this information was his “connection with a syn- busted an illegal immigra- proach, it has become that he can claim political plaint with the Election
Ms. Atishi is the third disclosed to the public be- dicate of illegal Bangla- tion racket, arresting 11 in- BJP’s standard operating victory of some sort,” al- Commission of India (EC)
top leader to launch such a fore the elections. deshi immigrants”, a pol- dividuals, including Ban- procedure to weaponise leged BJP leader Smriti Ira- against the BJP, accusing it
campaign after senior lead- To uphold honest politics AAP “The public is wonder- ice officer said. gladeshi nationals,” the agencies and put pressure ni. of “spreading misinforma-
ers Manish Sisodia and has always relied on public ing if this crowdfunding is The first notice was is- officer said. on the Opposition leaders, Replying to Ms.Irani’s al- tion” and “violating” the
Durgesh Pathak. support, said CM Atishi. ANI a way to disguise the mo- sued to him on Saturday. According to the police, undermining democratic legations, AAP “blamed model code of conduct
“Today, I’m launching a ney saved from the liquor Mr. Goyal, the sitting the suspects were involved norms.” Union Home Minister Amit (MCC).
crowdfunding campaign for it,” Ms. Atishi said. scam and the Goa Assemb- Rithala legislator, was sum- in “forging documents” “The BJP engages in on- Shah” for the influx of ille- The complaint alleges
for my election campaign She said that if her party ly election scandal, or if it’s moned for questioning as and “creating fake web- ly negative politics by filing gal immigrants. that the BJP shared a “fake
from Kalkaji Assembly con- leaders had taken money a ploy to convert money “documents seized from sites” to produce fraudu- false cases and misusing AAP spokesperson Pri- video on social media”
stituency. The ₹40 lakh I from big private schools or extorted through pressure the illegal immigrants bore lent Aadhaar cards, voter the State machinery to yanka Kakkar alleged that it depicting pothole-ridden
need to fight the election, I companies, they would not on industrialists and offi- his signature and stamp”, IDs, and other identifica- suppress Opposition lead- was Mr. Shah’s failure that roads as being in Delhi
request the people of Delhi have been able to fix the cials in Punjab into politi- the officer added. tion documents. ers,” it added. allowed Rohingya to settle where as they are actually
and all across the country Delhi government’s cal donations,” the BJP “We summoned him af- A police officer said that Hitting out at AAP, the in several States, including located in Haryana’s
to come and support me schools and hospitals. leader alleged ter finding his signature on additional information re- BJP questioned the “si- Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. Faridabad.
“The party [BJP] has
been spreading misinfor-
mation through a false vi-
deo on their social media
channels, showcasing
roads in Delhi in a deplora-
ble condition. However, it
has been exposed that the
road featured in the video
is actually located in Fari-
dabad, Haryana,” said
AAP’s complaint letter.
The letter attaches
screenshots of tweets post-
ed from the BJP’s Delhi
handle, where the pur-
ported videos were shared.
It also includes links to vi-
deos debunking the claim,
showing the actual loca-
tion of the road.
P. Parthasarathy (79), Retired Assis- The AAP contended that
tant Engineer (Comp), The Hindu, such acts amount to a “bla-
Chennai passed away on 12.01.2025.
DEATH Address: No: 130, Annai Sathya Na- tant violation” of the MCC,
gar, 5th Cross Street, Ramapuram, which prohibits false pro-
Chennai - 600089. Ph: 9445615395
No immediate response
was available from the BJP.

Monday, January 13, 2025 3

Ban on construction activities lifted Conduct land survey Case against

Telugu actors
as air quality improves in Delhi in Munambam, Waqf over hotel
The Hindu Bureau
turday was 327 and falls un-
der the “very poor”
Board tells committee The Hindu Bureau
The Centre on Sunday lifted The ban, imposed on Ja-
the ban on construction nuary 9, was part of a list of It also asks the judicial panel to take steps to ‘protect the interests of the A case was booked against
and demolition activities actions under Stage III of persons occupying the Waqf property’ without causing loss to the board actor Venkatesh Dagguba-
and plying of BS III petrol the Graded Response Ac- ti, his nephew and actor
and BS IV diesel four- tion Plan, a set of emergen- Rana Daggubati, and their
wheeler as the air quality in cy measures taken to re- K.S. Sudhi family members, including
the national capital im- duce pollution. It also KOCHI producer D. Suresh, over
proved due to weather included mandatory class demolition of a hotel run
conditions. Smog seen over the Yamuna in New Delhi on Sunday. The AQI shifting for students up to he Kerala Waqf by a businessman on the
“The air quality index
(AQI) of Delhi has been re-
corded as 278 [poor] at 4
remained in the ‘poor’ category in the Capital. SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA

Management in Delhi and western disturbance in the

Class V from ‘physical’ to
‘hybrid mode’ in Delhi, Gu-
rugram, Faridabad, Ghazia-
T Board has urged
the C.N. Rama-
chandran Nair Judicial
land taken on lease from
the Daggubati family, the
police said on Sunday.
p.m. on Sunday, the Com- NCR stated. “The forecast region around January 14- bad and Gautam Buddh Na- Commission on the Mu- As per the FIR, the com-
mission for Air Quality by IMD predicts another 15,” it added. The AQI on Sa- gar. nambam land dispute to plainant Nanda Kumar
recommend to the govern- claimed significant finan-
ment steps to “protect the cial losses following al-
interests of the persons oc- leged illegal activities by
DELHI Kannauj collapse: 28 Leopard seen cupying the Waqf property
without causing loss to the
the accused parties. The
properties in question,
in Tirupati; Waqf”. plot numbers 2 and 3 at
SET 17:45
SET 06:50 workers pulled out as man falls off
The Board, asserting
that the holding was a
Filmnagar, Jubilee Hills,
were leased to the complai-
TUESDAY, JAN. 14 Waqf, suggested that the nant for operating a hotel
RISE 07:15 SET 17:46
rescue operation ends bike in panic Strong opposition: A march to the Waqf Board office taken out by

commission issue direc- business.
RISE 18:10 SET 07:41 the BJP Minority Morcha at Munambam in Kerala. H. VIBHU
tions to survey the land co- The complaint alleged
vered by the Waqf deed that in November 2022, the
RISE 07:15 SET 17:47
Press Trust of India The Hindu Bureau and identify the extent of headed by the Church, en- perty was not Waqf, but a Greater Hyderabad Munici-
RISE 19:13 SET 08:24
KANNAUJ (U.P.) TIRUPATI properties in the posses- tered its 92nd day on gift deed, was not main- pal Corporation attempted
sion of third persons and Sunday, with various tainable before the com- to demolish parts of the
All 28 workers were pulled Yet another leopard sight- Farook College, and that Church-affiliated organisa- mission as the question re- restaurant despite an exist-
out safely by rescuers from ing near Alipiri, at the Tiru- was lost to sea. The manag- tions pledging their sup- garding the nature of the ing interim injunction
the rubble of a collapsed mala foothills, has sent a ing committee of the Koz- port for the residents’ cam- holding was not to be de- granted by the Additional
under-construction build- fresh wave of panic among hikode college is the Muta- paign to restore the cided by the commission Chief Judge, City Civil
ing at Kannauj railway sta- residents of Tirupati. walli (manager) of the revenue rights of their on its Terms of Reference. Court, Hyderabad. “This
tion following a 16-hour D. Muni Kumar, working property. property. The Board has also ta- demolition was halted af-
overnight operation, offi- as a contract employee at A mere reading of the The Kerala Waqf Sam- ken the stand that persons ter the intervention, but on
cials said on Sunday. Aswini Hospital at Tirumala deed by which the proper- rakshana Vedi urged the allegedly claiming posses- the evening of November
An FIR has been regis- Rescue operation under way on hills, saw a leopard jump- ty reached the college State government to with- sion and title over the Waqf 13, 2022, the accused pur-
tered against the contrac- Sunday after a building ing off the road median to would reveal that it was a draw the order appointing property cannot be treated portedly employed 50 to
tor and an engineer for va- collapsed at the Kannauj reach the forest nearby on Waqf property and much the commission as the as bona fide purchasers. 60 individuals to vandalise
rious offences including railway station. PTI Saturday. As he panicked of it was alienated, accord- judge reportedly made a Some persons have unlaw- the property and steal va-
negligence and endanger- and tried to swerve away ing to the statement filed public statement that the fully and without permis- luables,” Mr. Kumar said.
ing lives, they said. reported, the officials said. from the divider, his motor- by the Chief Executive Of- holding was not a Waqf, sion of the Board made tie- “In January 2024, the
The rescue teams, in- Twenty-six workers have bike skidded and collapsed ficer of the Board before which according to the or- ups to grab the Waqf pro- Daggubati family allegedly
cluding personnel from been admitted to various on the road. He sustained the commission last week. ganisation was arbitrary, perties and claimed to be demolished the structure,”
0 the national and State Dis- hospitals in Kannauj, while serious injuries on the head unfair, wrong and amount- bona fide purchasers. he added. Mr. Kumar ap-
DISCLAIMER: Readers are requested to verify
and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy
themselves about the veracity of an advertise-
aster Response Forces and two with serious injuries and shoulder. Church forums’ support ed to contempt of court Several hotels and herit- proached Nampally Court
ment before responding to any published in
this newspaper. THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., the
the Railways, worked were shifted to the Lala Leopards have been The commission is in the and beyond the Terms of age resorts have come up for violation of orders and
Publisher & Owner of this newspaper, does not
vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement
through the cold winter Lajpat Rai (LLR) Hospital in making frequent appea- process of hearing various Reference of the on the property. Some oth- the court ordered investi-
or advertiser or for any of the advertiser’s
products and/or services. In no event can the
night to clear the debris Kanpur, they said. The rances on this road during stakeholders in the conten- commission. ers put up houses there gation into the matter. On
Owner, Publisher, Printer, Editor, Director/s,
Employees of this newspaper/company be held and pull out the trapped workers at the LLR Hospi- the last several months. tious issue. The Board informed the were also operating hom- Saturday, the court issued
responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever
for any claims and/or damages for advertise- workers. tal are out of danger, hospi- The last sighting was re- The protest of the Mu- commission that the claim estays, the Board pointed directions to the police to
ments in this newspaper.
No fatalities have been tal sources said. ported just a month ago. nambam residents, spear- of the college that the pro- out. file a case.

4 Monday, January 13, 2025

States Delhi

쑽 In Shirdi, Shah takes a dig Arrogance shown
by T.N. CM is not
at Pawar over ‘politics of good: Raj Bhavan
betrayal and treachery’ The Hindu Bureau
Union Home Minister credits BJP’s Assembly poll victory in Maharashtra to continued stability
A day after Tamil Nadu
in the State, says people ‘showed NCP(SP) chief and Uddhav their place in the 2024 elections’
Steve Jobs’s wife visits temple Chief Minister M.K. Stalin
made some remarks on the
in Varanasi ahead of Kumbh Abhinay Deshpande ment delivered on Ram floor of the Assembly
MUMBAI Mandir, abrogation of Arti- against Governor R.N. Ra-
Laurene Powell Jobs, the wife of late Apple cle 370, and will eradicate vi, the Raj Bhavan on Sun-
co-founder Steve Jobs, visited the Kashi nion Home Minister Naxalism by March 31, day reacted strongly, say- T. N. Governor R.N. Ravi
Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi on Saturday
before her scheduled visit to Prayagraj for the
Maha Kumbh. Swami Kailashanand Giri Ji
U Amit Shah on Sun-
day launched a
scathing attack on National-
2026. Let the Opposition
watch as we fulfil every
ing that Mr. Stalin’s
“arrogance” was not good.
In a social media post,
eral secretary and Minister
for Water Resources Durai-
Maharaj of Niranjani Akhara accompanied Ms. ist Congress Party (Sharad- Mr. Shah also took a dig the Raj Bhavan contended murugan said in Vellore on
Jobs to the temple. Wearing a pink suit and a chandra Pawar) chief Sha- at the Indian National Deve- that the Chief Minister had Sunday that only Mr. Ravi
white dupatta covering her head, the American rad Pawar, accusing him of lopmental, Inclusive Al- asserted that insisting on was “arrogant” and not the
billionaire businesswoman and philanthro- perpetuating a politics of liance (INDIA) bloc, point- due respect to the national Chief Minister. The Gover-
pist offered prayers from outside the sanctum “betrayal and treachery” in ing out internal discord anthem and observing fun- nor, Mr. Duraimurugan
sanctorum at the Kashi Vishwanath Maharashtra since 1978. among its members. “Shiv damental duties enshrined said, deliberately asked to
Temple. “The visitor followed the traditions of Mr. Shah, addressing the Sena (UBT) is contesting lo- in the Constitution were change the convention that
the temple. She prayed for the successful Maharashtra Bharatiya Ja- cal body elections alone, “absurd” and “childish.” had been followed in the
completion of the Maha Kumbh,” said Mr. Giri. nata Party (BJP) convention and the Congress and AAP “Thanks for betraying Assembly for all these
in the temple town of Shir- Union Home Minister Amit Shah offering prayers at the Sai Baba are fighting separately in the true intentions of the years. Interacting with

di, claimed that the party’s temple in Shirdi on Sunday. ANI Delhi. The decline of the coalition of interests and journalists, he said: “All
massive win in the 2024 As- Opposition bloc has be- ideologies to which he is a these years, the custom fol-
Parents’ body files complaint sembly election signalled
the end of the era of insta-
Opposition Maha Vikas
Aghadi (MVA) alliance was
plaguing farmers, particu-
larly suicides. “Only BJP, un-
gun,” he said, expressing
confidence in BJP’s victory
leader that does not accept
and respect Bharat as a na-
lowed in the Assembly was
that Tamil Thai Vaazhthu
against Jharkhand principal bility and dynasty politics. reduced to 46 seats, with der Prime Minister Naren- in upcoming elections, in- tion and Her Constitution. would be sung at the begin-
“The people of Maha- the NCP(SP) and the Shiv dra Modi, has introduced cluding the Delhi Assembly Such arrogance is not ning of the proceedings
A Jharkhand parents’ body on Sunday wrote to rashtra rejected Mr. Pawar’s Sena(UBT) winning only 10 concrete schemes to alle- poll next month. good,” the post said. and the national anthem at
the National Commission for Protection of Child and Uddhav Thackeray’s and 20 seats, respectively. viate farmers’ distress,” he The convention marks “Please do not forget the end.”
Rights (NCPCR) seeking action against a Dhanbad politics of betrayal and said, urging party workers the BJP’s first major event that Bharat is the supreme Meanwhile, Bharatiya
school principal who allegedly ordered 80 showed them their place in ‘Will fulfil promises’ to focus on strengthening since its November 2024 Mother and the Constitu- Janata Party (BJP) State
schoolgirls to remove their shirts for writing the 2024 elections,” Mr. The BJP leader accused Mr. the organisation at the electoral victory and the tion, the supreme faith for president K. Annamalai
messages on them. The Jharkhand Abhibhawak Shah said. He noted that the Pawar of exploiting his posi- grassroots by involving wo- formation of a government her children. They will not said there is nothing wrong
Mahasangh filed a complaint with the NCPCR, BJP-led Mahayuti alliance tions of power, including as men and farmers. under Chief Minister De- like or tolerate such brazen in Mr. Ravi’s criticism of
accusing the principal of committing a “shameful secured 230 of the 288 seats Chief Minister and Union He dismissed concerns vendra Fadnavis. Nearly insult,” it added. Chief Minister M.K. Stalin,
act” and demanding action under the POCSO in the Assembly, with the Agriculture Minister, with- over fulfilling the BJP’s pro- 15,000 delegates are ex- Reacting to the Raj Bha- and that he was forced to
Act. The principal was accused of ordering 80 BJP alone winning 132. The out addressing the issues mises, stating, “Our govern- pected to attend. van’s statement, DMK gen- do so.
girls of Class X to remove their shirts for writing
messages on them, prompting the administration
to initiate an inquiry, an official said. The girls
were allegedly forced to return home in their
blazers without shirts, the parents alleged. PTI Caste census report will be tabled New State emblem for Tripura
before Cabinet, says Siddaramaiah sparks row; replace it, says Oppn.
J&K govt. unveils austerity
steps to reduce expenditure The Hindu Bureau he would not allow “injus- munity leaders, including Syed Sajjad Ali newly designed State em- centre of an outline of the
BENGALURU tice” to any community. Mr. Shivakumar, former AGARTALA blem. He had termed the State map, which is placed
Announcing a series of austerity measures to A planned meeting on Prime Minister H.D. Deve development a “significant in a saffron circle with ‘Go-
reduce expenditure for the current financial year, Amid opposition to the So- Sunday of the Vokkaliga Gowda, and the Adichun- Leader of the Opposition in milestone”. Mr. Chaudhury vernment of Tripura’ writ-
the Jammu and Kashmir government has imposed cio-Economic and Educa- community leaders to chanagiri Math seer, were the Tripura Assembly Jiten- claimed that there were ten below. “State emblem
a complete ban on holding of meetings in private tional Survey (caste census) chalk out the community’s not available on Sunday. dra Chaudhury on Sunday murmurs of dissent regard- should have reflected the
hotels and discouraged conducting exhibitions by Vokkaliga and Veerash- response to the govern- “Though we hear that the said the State emblem, ing the design of the em- uniqueness of Tripura’s
outside the Union Territory. The government also aiva-Lingayat communi- ment’s decision to bring issue would be discussed in which was approved by the blem within the ruling BJP landscape,” said the CPI
banned creation of new posts and called for ties, Karnataka Chief Minis- the survey report before the Cabinet meeting on Ja- Centre three days ago, does as well. (M) State secretary. Howev-
surrender of all posts which have remained vacant ter Siddaramaiah on the Cabinet was postponed nuary 16, it will not deter us not reflect the State’s “na- er, he added, the govern-
for more than two years. It also decided to Sunday reiterated that the owing to logistical issues, from fighting,” he said. ture, culture, and ‘Respect sentiments’ ment has selected a logo
regulate travel expenditure to ensure that each report will be placed be- sources in the Vokkaligara On Sunday, the Chief Mi- landscape”. He demanded that the that has “triggered contro-
department’s spending remains within the fore the Cabinet for a deci- Sangha said. According to nister told reporters that it Chief Minister Manik Sa- State government “respect versy”. “I am not against
allocated budget. In a three-page order, Principal sion to implement the sur- sangha president B. Ken- was natural that there ha had on January 9 had the public sentiment” and any colour, even saffron,
Secretary (Finance Department) Santosh D. Vaidya vey recommendations chappa Gowda, the meet- would be both positive and announced that the Union replace it with “an appro- but it seems the logo was
said sanction is accorded to the rationalisation of even as Deputy Chief Mi- ing was postponed to next negative opinions about Ministry of Home Affairs priate design”. It has the created intentionally,” Mr.
expenditure with immediate effect. PTI nister D.K. Shivakumar said week since senior com- the caste census. granted approval to the national emblem at the Chaudhury said.

Remains of Bhopal’s 40-year-old tragic past are pumping up paranoia in Pithampur

on a pahadi (hill) on Pith- maining waste at their town. The current “We used to drink water
SPOTLIGHT ampur’s outskirts, the Pithampur. task of disposal has been from it until six to eight
number of security person- The people in Pitham- handed to the Ramky years ago. Now look at its
Mehul Malpani nel grows larger close to pur are not convinced. Group’s plant for ₹126 condition,” she says. The
the plant. “What will happen if even crore. well has a layer of foam on
It’s close to sundown and a The people’s anger is di- 10% of what happened in Behind the anger and its surface. A drain from
family is gathering in the rected towards the Madhya Bhopal happens here? Our fear of Bhopal’s waste is al- the plant flows less than 5
courtyard of their home Pradesh government’s plan children will die in 10-15 so the scepticism of the metres away. Some 100
near the ancient Boknesh- to dispose of 358 tonnes of years,” says Lakshmi Sahu, “Ramky factory” as it is metres further into the val-
war Mahadev temple in toxic chemical waste at the 28, who runs a tea shop op- known locally. Apart from ley, a larger drain flows.
Tarpura village, Pithampur Pithampur Industrial posite the Pithampur bus Tarpura, various villages or
town of Madhya Pradesh’s Waste Management Private stand, the epicentre of the localities — such as Dhan- In an activist’s words
Dhar district. The Puri fa- Limited, owned by the January 3 protests. “It’s not nad, Chirakhan, Akoliya, While various government
mily members have been Ramky Group. The waste easy for us to keep our Bardari, and Silotiya — lo- departments are working
priests at the temple for was generated from a disas- shops shut for two days but cated around the plant, to win the public’s trust, ac-
generations. There’s a dis- ter 40 years ago. we did that during the prot- claim they have been ad- tivists are trying to ensure
cussion about the town’s In the early winter of ests to save our children’s versely impacted by it. Re- that the intensity of the pu-
tense atmosphere, and the 1984, on the intervening future,” she says, as her sidents allege that the resi- blic outrage does not dip
matriarch asks if she and night of December 2 and 3, five-year-old daughter due of the industrial waste until the next hearing in
her family of at least 15 will M.P.’s capital Bhopal woke plays. at landfill sites and two the Madhya Pradesh High
die. Their home is opposite up to a nightmare. The tox- On alert: Trucks loaded with toxic waste from the Union Carbide factory, a byproduct of the 1984 Bhopal Vijay shows an old well drains from the factory Court on February 18.
an industrial waste treat- ic gas, methyl isocyanate gas tragedy, inside the premises of the Pithampur Industrial Waste Management plant. A.M. FARUQUI near the Bokneshwar Ma- have contaminated local Rajesh Choudhary, a la-
ment plant. (MIC), leaked from the Un- hadev temple, now co- water bodies and the wyer and activist, whose in-
On January 3, the usual- ion Carbide India Limited the Welfare Commissioner, his grandmother’s con- incinerated at 1,200 de- vered with a grill. Several groundwater. tervention petition was ac-
ly peaceful town of Pitham- (UCIL) factory, killing thou- Bhopal Gas Victims, say cern: “Why has the govern- grees Celsius. “A batch of people in the village say Rajesh Bhariya, 36, a cepted by the High Court
pur, about 35 km from sands. The health impact is that 5,479 people have died ment brought Bhopal’s 90 kg will be incinerated, that the well was a major farmer in Tarpura, says during the January 6 hear-
Madhya Pradesh’s financial still felt among those who due to the disaster as of waste here?” He and his fa- after which the toxicity source of water for them that even borewells are not ing, is now gathering docu-
capital Indore, erupted in live here. The waste had 2022, several non-govern- mily draw attention to a feedback rate will be exa- before the authorities co- used to water the crops in ments related to the case.
protest. People across gen- been lying at the now-aban- mental organisations statement by Madhya Pra- mined. If it is within limits, vered it after the 2015 trial the village and that farmers “The consequences of this
ders and ages were out on doned factory in Bhopal for (NGOs) and activists have desh Chief Minister Mohan the waste will be incinerat- disposal of the 10-tonne rely only on dew for mois- disposal may not be visible
the streets of what is one of four decades. claimed that the numbers Yadav after the waste ed in batches of 270 kg and UCIL waste. “During the ture in the winter crops. immediately, but over the
the largest industrial areas While small protests in surpass 15,000. Govern- reached the town on Janu- will take about three monsoon, when the water “The groundwater is red, years there may be leakages
in the State. As the day pro- the industrial town, as well ment estimates also show ary 2. “He claimed that the months. Otherwise, the pours onto the landfill almost like petrol. If you from the buried residue
gressed, two persons at- as in Indore, had been go- that while thousands suf- toxicity of the waste lasts process will be slowed, and sites, a foul smell also use it in crops, your cur- during the rains. If that hap-
tempted self-immolation. ing on since the shifting of fered physical disabilities 25 years, so now it is not may take up to nine spreads in the locality,” Vi- rent crop will go bad and it pens, it is going to pollute
The next day, an angry waste gained steam around in the aftermath of the acci- harmful. If it is not harm- months,” he says. jay says. will also affect the yield of the groundwater,” he says,
group of protesters pelted the end of December 2024, dent, it has also had health ful, why can’t they just The government has al- the next crop,” he says. claiming that some of the
stones and tried to march the anxiety grew, bursting implications on more than burn it in Bhopal?” says so highlighted a Supreme Decades-long mistrust He points to the chick- drains from the treatment
to the waste treatment into protests against the 5 lakh people over the Vijay. Court-directed trial in 2015 In 2008, 40 kg of Union pea field where his mother, plant and industries fall into
plant. disposal there. On the decades. People in Tarpura and in which 10 tonnes of the Carbide’s toxic waste was Sarju Bai, 70, is working: two water bodies — the
It is now a few days past morning of January 2, 12 nearby villages have many same waste from the UCIL transported to Pithampur “You can see the size of the Kishanpura Lake and Yash-
the protests and life in the trucks carried spill-and- Questions and answers questions, including factory was incinerated at in the dead of night, during plants. They are much want Sagar reservoir — both
densely populated town leak-free containers loaded From their terrace, Vijay whether the waste disposal the treatment plant. It was a curfew in Indore. This smaller than usual, be- of which are in Indore dis-
has resumed its regular with the waste to the facili- Puri, 24, the matriarch’s will be done safely. Swatan- after this trial and submis- had caused protests at the cause of the lack of water,” trict and are major sources
pace, with markets open, ty in Pithampur. grandson, and other family tra Kumar Singh, Director sion of a success report that time. Since the early 2010s, he says. of water in the area.
roads full of traffic and While the Central go- members point at the plant of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy the Supreme Court had the people of Pithampur His mother intervenes
trucks honking. However, vernment estimates, based and to the police barri- Relief and Rehabilitation first issued directions for have been opposing the to talk about a well in the LINK TO FULL STORY
in Tarpura village, located on a report by the Office of cades outside. He reiterates Department, says it will be the incineration of the re- plans to burn the waste in valley behind her fields. »
Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by S. Ramanujam at HT Media Ltd. Plot No. 8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai-600002. Editor: Suresh Nambath (Responsible for selection of news under the PRP Act).
ISSN 0971 - 751X

6 Monday, January 13, 2025

Editorial Delhi

India’s data protection rules need some fine-tuning

Join FREE Whatsapp Channel
n January 3, 2025, the Ministry of rules avoid dictating how entities should enable enforcement agencies in accessing cross-border

Centralising control
The Centre must not attempt to run
universities by proxy appointments
O Electronics and Information
Technology (MeitY) released the
much-anticipated Draft Digital
Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Rules — a key
moment in India’s journey to regulate digital
users to exercise their rights to correction,
erasure, nomination, withdrawal of consent and
to seek information from entities. They require
only the publication of relevant information on
apps and websites. In contrast, the GDPR is
data for investigations. While these agencies
undeniably need access to such data, a narrower
sectoral approach to localisation could prove
more effective than a centralised one. The
Reserve Bank of India’s 2018 mandate for
Vivan Sharan
n a federal setup, attempts at undermining personal data. This step follows the passage of the prescriptive about how similar information localising payment data is a prime example of

I any stakeholder in the subject matter of edu-

cation, which is in the Concurrent List, will
prove disruptive. The Draft UGC (Minimum Qual-
DPDP Act, 2023, bringing India closer to
operationalising its framework for safeguarding
personal data.
a technology policy
expert at Koan
Advisory Group
should be presented, including instances where
entities may need to provide this information
orally to users. Why should the state dictate every
proportionate regulation. Tailored specifically to
the financial sector, it effectively addressed
legitimate industry concerns without causing too
ifications for Appointment and Promotion of The draft rules represent a departure from the aspect of an app or website’s design or user many business disruptions. Applying this
Teachers and Academic Staff in Universities and earlier and controversial Personal Data Protection interface? India’s approach, thankfully, respects approach to personal data could balance security
Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Bill, which many deemed was overly restrictive business autonomy and innovation. and compliance with economic competitiveness.
Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, and even hostile to industry interests. The Bill The processing of children’s personal data Some areas still require greater clarity.
2025, seeks to do precisely this. Demonstrating underwent extensive framing, reframing and requires stricter protection compared to other Businesses need safeguards to verify whether
the Centre’s penchant for facilitating control over consultations over nearly a decade, only to be types of data processing — which the rules users requesting information about data
institutions through gubernatorial proxies, it pro- rescinded when committees and government provide for. However, as more children engage processing are legitimate. This necessity is
Srishti Joshi
poses to divest State governments of their role in stakeholders wisely decided it was untenable. with digital technologies online, they increasingly acknowledged even in the GDPR. However,
the selection process for Vice Chancellor (VC) of In contrast, the positive response to the DPDP a technology policy benefit from certain activities, such as monitoring India’s draft rules do not address scenarios where
universities. All powers are sought to be vested in Act and its accompanying rules, reflected in expert at Koan and tracking, which are of value in specific businesses face incessant information requests or
the Chancellor — i.e., the Governor in most State conversations with businesses and in media Advisory Group contexts. Take the case of provide scope for businesses to
universities — by taking away the function of con- coverage, stems from the less prescriptive, educational institutions, including charge a reasonable fee for requests
stituting the search-cum-selection committee principles-based approach of the draft rules. supplementary education and which are excessive or even
from the higher education departments. Such a Unlike the earlier rush to regulate under the vocational training services. They unfounded. A related ambiguity is
committee would comprise a nominee each of so-called “Brussels Effect”, where global digital rely on activities such as behavioural whether the government can demand
the Chancellor; UGC Chairman; and of the res- rulemaking mirrored the European Union (EU)’s monitoring and tracking to deliver access to sensitive business data. If so,
pective university syndicate/senate. The Chancel- interventionist regulatory ethos, India has taken a targeted interventions tailored to how will it ensure the protection of
lor would appoint the VC out of three to five more pragmatic stance. The EU’s General Data students’ academic performance. such information from falling into the
names recommended by the committee. Any vio- Protection Regulation (GDPR), once hailed as a These practices leverage the benefits hands of competitors? What if this

lations, the draft warns, could attract debarment gold standard by privacy experts, now faces of learning management systems, information is a trade secret? These
from participating in UGC schemes and denial of criticism for unintended consequences — which personalise instruction and improve gaps highlight the need for thinking about
funding under the UGC Act. This comes against favouring well-resourced corporations, stifling educational outcomes. Recognising this, the rules procedural integrity.
the backdrop of conflicts between State govern- smaller enterprises, and failing to significantly thoughtfully allow exemptions for specific
ments and Raj Bhavans on appointing VCs, which enhance public trust in the Internet. India’s industries. Educational institutions, clinical and What lies ahead
have deprived several universities, particularly in measured approach thus far offers a refreshing mental health establishments, allied health-care According to IBM, data breaches cost Indian
Tamil Nadu, of leadership. Naturally, opposition alternative to Europe’s interventionist policies. providers, and child-care centres are not required businesses an average of ₹19.5 crore ($2.35
has come from several States, including Tamil Na- to verify parental consent for tracking and million) in 2024. Compliance with data protection
du, which passed a House resolution urging the The hits as pragmatism and flexibility behavioural monitoring, as long as they adhere to laws should not be seen as a regulatory
Centre to immediately withdraw the draft. Tamil One of the draft rules’ standout features is their guardrails. The exemption for such industries obligation, but as critical to protecting business
Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has argued that principles-based framework for notice and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of reputation and ensuring continuity.
the draft is not only against the basic federal prin- consent. While the GDPR has cumbersome industry-specific needs, reflecting the principles India must also move beyond reliance on
ciples enshrined in the Constitution but also pos- requirements, such as notifying users of indirect of thoughtful policymaking. notice-and-consent mechanisms to safeguard
es a threat to the higher education system. Kerala data acquisition, cross-border data transfers, and citizens’ privacy in future laws. Notice and
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, the AIADMK and automated decision-making processes, India’s The misses as data localisation, overreach consent originate from the medical profession,
the CPI-M have endorsed this stance. rules emphasise simplicity and clarity. This helps However, the draft rules are not without flaws. where they can still be deemed to work
A proposal to make non-academics eligible for reduce “consent fatigue”, a significant issue in Their provisions for restricting cross-border data effectively in controlled settings. However, in
the VC’s job has also drawn criticism. The draft Europe, where users are inundated with flows introduce unnecessary complexity and environments such as malls, airports, or even
says such non-academics must have served for at unnecessary details, such as the location of data ambiguity. Significant Data Fiduciaries (SDFs) — beaches, individuals have little opportunity to
least 10 years at a senior level in industry, public processing — information of little practical use. The largely large enterprises handling substantial data provide consent. With the convergence of the
administration, public policy and/or public sec- In 2023, the European Commission introduced volumes — face potential localisation mandates Internet of Things, 5G, and artificial intelligence
tor undertakings, with a proven track record of the Cookie Pledge Initiative to address growing
positive that extend beyond the legislation’s original enabling unprecedented data collection, India
significant academic or scholarly contributions. frustration over incessant consent pop-ups. response to the scope. While the DPDP Act allows the must envision privacy frameworks that do not
Mr. Vijayan fears this could be used to appoint However, such course correction would have Draft Digital government to restrict personal data transfers, it exclusively rely on the fallible principle of
Sangh Parivar loyalists. However, universities been unnecessary had the EU taken a less Personal Data limits such action to specific notified countries. consent. As public consultations refine the draft
have benefited from the scholarship of non-aca- invasive approach to regulating user interfaces Protection Differentiating between SDFs and smaller entities, rules, prioritising preservation of the framework’s
demics such as former President K.R. Narayanan and consent mechanisms. The very existence of (DPDP) Rules where the second enjoy relaxed transfer rules for flexibility and industry-specific accommodations
and scientist Y. Nayudamma; appointing academ- this pledge highlights the burdens created by the same data, creates the risk of regulatory is key. This approach will help maintain a balance
flows from its
ics does not guarantee visionary leadership. The prescriptive regulation. arbitrage. Smaller entities could exploit the between innovation, economic growth, and
proposal to extend the VC’s tenure from the typ- India’s DPDP Rules sidestep these pitfalls by less lighter regime to gain an unfair advantage. These individual rights — something not many
ical three to five years is welcome. The UGC focusing on outcomes rather than processes, prescriptive, inconsistencies may deter investment and drive jurisdictions have managed to get right.
would do well to remove anti-federal clauses empowering users without drowning businesses principles-based businesses out of India. The localisation provision
from the draft regulations and allay apprehen- and consumers in unnecessary complexities. The approach likely stems from the challenges faced by law The views expressed are personal
sions on other provisions. In the long run, it Join FREE Telegram Channel
should aim for reforms to obliterate any govern-
mental role in university administration, except
maybe, for funding, and elevate them into truly
autonomous institutions that nurture excellence.
Draft digital data protection rules and authoritarianism
Law by reflex n August 2024, as India marked six years Transparency is undermined by the committee address the critiques of political
Good implementation, not stringency
of law, will deter sexual crimes
I since the K.S. Puttaswamy judgment
reaffirmed privacy as a fundamental right,
the Internet Freedom Foundation hosted its
government’s decision to treat submissions as
fiduciary, precluding public disclosure and
counter-comments. This controlled feedback
control that plague similar appointment
processes? What value does the search
committee offer when it has advance knowledge
he tendency to make existing laws more annual “Privacy Supreme” event — not as a process resembles a “corporate consultation” that its recommendations are not binding on the

T stringent is an administrative reflex ac-

tion often occasioned by political pro-
blems set off by particular crimes. The amend-
celebration, but as a sombre reflection on its
unfulfilled promise. Social activist Nikhil Dey
shared chilling accounts, from Ajmer in
Apar Gupta
an advocate and the
rather than a public one.
Substantively, the Data Protection Rules build
on a framework of intentional vagueness and
Union Government?
Even after its formation, the DPB is hamstrung.
Its authority is largely limited to determining data
ments enacted by the Tamil Nadu Assembly to Rajasthan, on how Aadhaar, heralded for founder-director of executive dominance. Many compliance breaches, and its independence is compromised
criminal laws on sexual crimes against women efficiency, has excluded vulnerable residents the Internet Freedom obligations are either self-determined by by service conditions of its members to central
fall under this category. In response to the Oppo- from pensions and rations. This grim reality must Foundation companies handling personal data or left to government employees. This contravenes
sition moves to corner the DMK regime after a be central to tech policy discussions, including government discretion. Consider Rule 3, which long-standing recommendations, such as the
rape within the premises of Anna University in the Draft Digital Data Protection Rules, 2025. governs consent notices. It mandates “clear and 2006 Planning Commission consultation paper
Chennai, the government has moved to enhance plain language” but fails to define these terms, on regulation, which emphasised that “the
punishments under the penal and procedural Executive overreach, scant transparency leaving interpretation subject to India’s vast selection, appointment, and removal of
laws. That the perpetrator is a DMK sympathiser Rulemaking typically fleshes out legislation, linguistic and comprehension diversity. Without chairpersons and members should be insulated
and that some details of the student survivor ensuring laws passed by Parliament are specific standards, notices risk being overly against any perceived interference or
were leaked added political sharpness to the gen- enforceable while maintaining administrative generic or oversimplified, omitting manipulation that may influence the
eral criticism over such an offence happening in- flexibility. Yet, the draft Data Protection Rules critical details. Similarly, while the outcome”. How will a subservient
side the campus. At pains to deny any leniency provoke concern on questions of executive Rules require an “itemized DPB apply data protection effectively?
and overcome the setback to its image after the overreach and vague governance. Some earlier description” of data, they do not Rule 5 exempts data processing for
Madras High Court formed a special investigation analysis here bears repetition for these rules are a clarify whether the disclosure is for subsidies from consent requirements.
team, the DMK government has chosen to amend conscientious pupil in obedience of its master. categories such as financial or health In such cases, can there be any
the law based on the theory that more stringent Here, its parent is the Digital Personal Data data; or to specific data points such meaningful accountability? It is not
laws deter sexual assault and harassment. This Protection Act, 2023, that was rammed through as account numbers, or even unreasonable to foresee scenarios
belief is not founded on any statistical or empiri- Parliament as “a product of the subversion of the metadata and inferred data. Nor do where the DPB may fail to act
cal evidence, but is often invoked by those in go- democratic process”. There is more than a mere they define timelines for data breach promptly or effectively, particularly
vernment. This invariably means the use of legis- lack of trust in how the law was created, for its notifications to users, raising risks for individuals when complaints involve powerful government
lative power to send out a political message that substantive provisions advance a broader policy in urgent situations. Such ambiguities, if purely entities such as the UIDAI that handles Aadhaar.
the administration is committed to women’s safe- of “total state control — a digital leash to yank us administrative, should have been resolved by the It raises fundamental doubts about what it means
ty. After all, necessary amendments need not and make us stand in line than to serve the standard setting powers of an independent for community organisations that may approach
have to wait for a brazen crime or a public outcry. preambular objectives of the Constitution of regulatory authority that does not exist. it for redress on user rights for things as simple as
This is not to say the amendments are unrea- India”. Its provisions are deliberately vague, getting a data record corrected to receive rations.
sonable: they enhance punishments for a range granting broad discretion under the nebulous No independence for Data Protection Board Finally, regarding Rule 22, which contains the
of sexual offences and extend bail-denying fea- phrase “as may be prescribed”. The vagueness reflects deeper structural flaws. power of the government to requisition
tures to such offences as well as those under the Despite the Act’s swift passage on August 9, The Act eschews the creation of an independent information, there is an absence of limitations
POCSO Act. Also welcome is the new provision 2023, its implementation remains in limbo. regulatory body, instead, consolidating power and safeguards. As many may read this column,
for passing binding protection orders that will en- Sixteen months later, the draft Rules have been within the Union Government. Through informal they may still wonder why the data protection
sure perpetrators do not contact survivors by any unveiled for consultation. But are they truly interactions and gazette notifications, the rules are too late, too little, too vague? The
means. The death penalty has been introduced “public”? Published as a 51-page pdf (in There is a government wields unchecked authority over answer may be provided by Mr. Dey who framed
for acid attack that results in the victim being re- Hindi/English as a gazette notification), with a common thread citizens and the digital marketplace. Even the his characterisation of the digital policies of the
duced to a vegetative state. On the other hand, three-page explanatory note that reads as AI glop, Data Protection Board (DPB), which has a limited Indian state with a reference to Through the
with the parent
the newly introduced definition of harassment of a simplistic and vague summary offers little ambit of jurisdiction to adjudicate on breaches, Looking-Glass. When Alice probes Humpty
insight into the policy choices during drafting. Digital Personal lacks independence. The Board’s chairperson is Dumpty on how the same word can have
women to cover the use of digital and electronic
means and even non-verbal means may be too Comments can only be submitted through the Data Protection selected based on recommendations of a search different meanings, his reply captures the core of
broadly worded and prone to misuse. Few would MyGov platform that might encourage expert Act, 2023, with and selection committee chaired by the Cabinet India’s data protection regime: “The question is…
disagree with the enhancement of jail terms for input but restricts broader participation. its digital leash Secretary, raising critical concerns. How will the which is to be master — that’s all.”
rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking
and voyeurism, but a question does arise wheth-
er the mere increase in the quantum of punish- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
ment increases the possibility of conviction or re-
duces the incidence of these crimes. The onus of Rat-hole mining government must prioritise P. Jayachandran is a duet with S. Janaki in model for many an aspiring Jayachandran will always
arresting offenders, gathering credible evidence The tragic loss of lives in the safety of miners by The passing of playback the film, Kadal Meengal. singer. find a place in the heart
and proving it in court remains the same. Impar- Assam’s Dima Hasao mine investing in safer extraction singer P. Jayachandran has The Ilaiyaraaja composition, A.V. Narayanan, across generations. His
tial investigation and resisting pressure for a cov- disaster highlights the need methods, improving the left a void in the world of “Thaalattudhe Vaanam”, is Chennai voice has the power to
er-up while effectively implementing existing for strict safety regulations. welfare of miners, and south Indian light music. His outstanding, harmonious evoke nostalgia. His songs
laws are more crucial for demonstrating commit- The continued reliance on holding mine owners dulcet voice was very and touching. The Malayalam film songs have are the perfect example of
ment to women’s safety. Making workplaces, pu- dangerous rat-hole mining accountable. comforting; he could scale interludes were in perfect been transformed to “old is gold”.
blic space and homes safer for women will work practices is unacceptable Raksha Hosur Pradeep, the middle octaves with synchrony. The unassuming another level these days, Chithra Joseph,
better than merely adding to the severity of laws. (Page 1, January 12). The Bengaluru ease. One of his best songs singer will remain a role but the songs sung by Hyderabad
Monday, January 13, 2025 7

The reforms needed in the MEA Building the dream capital

Naidu has set the ball rolling, but he has to develop Amaravati in just three years
ndia is on the rise, thanks to requires reorganisation to reduce balance between generalist and

I its consistent economic

growth, political stability,
and a bold, autonomous
foreign policy. Whether it is the
success of its G20 presidency, its
fragmentation and improve
coordination. It has many small
divisions, especially territorial
ones, which often result in
inefficiencies. For instance, India’s
specialist roles within the IFS.
Language skills, a key aspect of
diplomatic expertise, often fall
victim to the rotational posting
system. Officers undergo rigorous

V. Raghavendra
for which lands were al-
lotted in 2014-19 is an im-
portant component in the ov-
erall capital development
strategic autonomy during the Col Rajeev immediate neighbourhood, a training in one foreign language plan.
Russia-Ukraine conflict, its Agarwal (retired) declared priority in its foreign during their initial years and are While infrastructure works,
leadership in vaccine diplomacy policy, is managed by four typically posted in countries ive years after the YSR such as connecting the trunk

Former Director at
during COVID-19, or its initiative in Ministry of External separate divisions: the PAI Division where that language is spoken. Congress Party roads in Amaravati to the
voicing the concerns of the Global affairs, New Delhi (Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran), However, subsequent postings (YSRCP) government NH-16, are in various stages of
South, India has established itself the BM Division (Bangladesh and often do not align with their abandoned the Amaravati construction, the Centre re-
as a major player in global affairs. Myanmar), the Northern Division linguistic expertise, reducing the project, Chief Minister N. cently approved a new 57 km-
However, with this increased (Nepal and Bhutan) and the IOR long-term benefits of this training. Chandrababu Naidu has set long railway line from Errupa-
global stature comes the need for Division (Sri Lanka, Maldives, and To address this, at least one the ball rolling to construct last year, as per the Andhra lem in Khammam district of
an organisational framework that other nations in the Indian Ocean language-trained officer should be the “people’s capital”. Pradesh Reorganisation Act, Telangana to Nambur in Gun-
supports and sustains such Region). While inputs from these posted in each embassy to reduce The Telugu Desam Party 2014. tur district via Amaravati. This
ambitions. The Ministry of are collated at higher levels, such dependence on interpreters. (TDP)-led National Democrat- A silver lining in the cloud is is bound to give fillip to the de-
External Affairs (MEA) needs to fragmentation increases the risk of Often, in tricky negotiations, ic Alliance (NDA) government the Central government’s pro- velopment of Amaravati.
keep pace with the demands of oversight and hinders cohesive language skills have proved to be a has approved capital works to mise of providing ₹15,000 For now, the government is
this new era and evolve to meet regional engagement. game changer, and the Ministry the tune of about ₹50,000 crore as aid. It plans to ar- busy with the tender floating
them. A critical examination of its Similarly, the Gulf Division could leverage this aspect. crore. This includes construc- range this amount from the process. The construction of
staffing, structure, and operational oversees eight Gulf countries, and Moreover, as officers progress in tion of the Legislative Assemb- World Bank and other multi- these buildings is expected to
approach reveals significant gaps the WANA Division handles the their careers, they should be ly and the High Court build- lateral lending institutions. gain momentum this month.
that must be addressed urgently. rest of West Asia and North Africa. encouraged to become specialists ings. It has also taken steps to Delegations of the World Having committed to complet-
Surprisingly, Iran and Türkiye, or subject matter experts. invite tenders for works and Bank, the Asian Development ing the works in just three
Areas of improvement two pivotal nations in the region, As technology increasingly accorded administrative sanc- Bank, and so on have conduct- years, the government is ex-
The MEA is staffed with about 850 do not fall under either division. influences foreign policy, the MEA tion to 20 engineering works ed a social impact assessment pected to work ceaselessly. If
Indian Foreign Service (IFS) Instead, Türkiye is managed by must build capacity in fields such valued at ₹11,468 crore. study to lend funds to the Am- it does not meet its ambitious
officers tasked with formulating the Central Europe Division, while as cybersecurity, space policy, and In its submission to the Su- aravati project. In fact, the deadline, the project will drag

and executing foreign policy Iran falls under the PAI Division. artificial intelligence. Expecting all preme Court, where cases re- World Bank has given in-prin- on further to the overall detri-
across 193 embassies and Many similar misalignments IFS officers to master these highly lating to the capital are pend- ciple clearance for the loan. ment of the State. Raising and
consulates worldwide. While the highlight the need for technical areas alongside their ing disposal, the government The Housing and Urban Deve- efficiently using funds for the
annual intake of IFS officers has restructuring and consolidating core responsibilities is unrealistic. said that it would complete lopment Corporation Limited capital is also a tough task as
increased from 12-14 to 32-35 in divisions to create a more efficient Instead, the Ministry should hire the project in three years in- is also providing a loan of the government has already
recent years, it remains grossly and integrated approach. and retain domain specialists who stead of six months as ordered ₹11,000 crore. been grappling with a shoe-
inadequate. Comparatively, the While officers posted abroad can focus exclusively on these by the High Court on March 3, The master plan was pre- string budget. However, Mr.
U.S. has around 14,500 foreign enjoy substantial financial and issues throughout their careers. 2022. It pointed out that the ti- pared by the London-based Naidu has an advantage as pol-
service officers; the U.K., 4,600; administrative support, their melines set in 2014 when the Foster + Partners and no ma- itically, his government is on
and Russia around 4,500 officers. counterparts in Delhi face Steps in the right direction TDP came to power were jor changes have been made sound footing. The TDP-Jana
Given the current intake rate, significant challenges. Housing Despite these challenges, the MEA “overtaken by past events”. to it by the State government. Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party al-
India would require decades to facilities have improved, but are has made significant efforts to The government is confi- The Assembly building, liance occupies 164 out of 175
reach an optimal workforce of still inadequate to accommodate evolve. The establishment of dent of accomplishing the task spanning 103 acres, will fea- seats in the Assembly.
1,500 officers. To address this the growing cadre. Furthermore, divisions such as Policy, Planning within the promised time pe- ture a 250-meter-tall struc- In fact, the YSRCP was also
challenge, the Ministry should financial incentives and and Research, and the Centre for riod. However, this is easier ture, offering a panoramic firmly in the saddle with 151
consider lateral hiring and allowances for officers posted in Contemporary China Studies, said than done because of the view of the city. There will be seats. But it jeopardised the
absorbing officers from other India are limited, making domestic reflects its intent to adapt to sheer size and number of offic- five administrative towers of capital project by choosing to
government services, including postings less appealing than emerging global trends. The es and residential spaces that which three will have at least follow the South African mo-
defence personnel with
India has foreign assignments. Providing dynamic leadership of Dr. S. need to be built, as per its 39 floors. Besides these, the del of three capital cities and
experience as defence attachés established itself better housing, medical coverage, Jaishankar has been instrumental target. government is planning to failing to implement it. The
and academics specialising in as a major and educational facilities for their in the display of innovation and In addition, there is the is- build a host of buildings. The YSRCP paid the price for its
international relations. Such player in global families could work wonders for greater assertiveness in foreign sue of mobilisation of funds. cost of construction of these folly by losing the election;
recruitment should be subject to affairs. The the morale of these officers. Also, policy and also, as he emphasises, Loan repayment obligations have gone up by 42% over the and so did the people, who
stringent selection criteria and Ministry of offering financial incentives for in aligning foreign policy with will impose a huge burden on last five years, according to the have not seen any
probation periods to ensure External Affairs Delhi postings could help. After India’s aspirations to become a the public exchequer. But this Municipal Administration development.
quality. Additionally, consultants all, this is where critical ‘Viksit Bharat’ (Developed India). is inevitable since the State Minister. Over the last few years,
could be engaged for specialised
needs to keep assessments are made, and key As India moves towards its 100 desperately needs a capital af- The establishment of offic- Andhra Pradesh was constant-
roles. The current perception is pace with the policies are formulated before years of independence in 2047, its ter Hyderabad ceased to be es of various Central govern- ly running into trouble regard-
that they are stop-gap appointees. demands of this being executed abroad. foreign policy must evolve in the common capital of And- ment departments, and reput- ing its capital. Finally, it is set
The MEA’s internal structure new era The MEA has long debated the tandem with its global ambitions. hra Pradesh and Telangana ed educational institutions, to have one.
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Is Trump justified in asking EU to buy more oil and gas from the U.S.?
The European Union’s oil and gas imports from the U.S. are already increasing at a rapid pace, as the bloc does not want to purchase these products from Russia FIFTY YEARS AGO JANUARY 13, 1975

come into force, consumers will Idol made plaintiff in

DATA POINT need to look for alternatives. This
means that they will spend more
Sivapuram Nataraja case
Sambavi Parthasarathy on these products.
Vignesh Radhakrishnan This means manufacturers will Los Angeles, Jan. 12: A religious idol allegedly
benefit, but not consumers. stolen from India has become a plaintiff in a $5.5
.S. President-elect Donald Mr. Trump’s solution to bridge million suit to wrest it from a millionaire

U Trump threatened to im-

pose tariffs on many coun-
tries if they do not fulfil certain
the EU’s trade deficit with the U.S.
is also questionable: he has asked
the bloc to buy more oil and gas
industrialist and art collector, Mr. Norton Simon.
The complaint in the case was amended on
Friday to include the idol — the Sivapuram
Nataraja — after the Government of India said
conditions. In November last year, from the U.S. By the end of 2023,
he said he would impose sweeping the EU had sourced close to 43% of that under Indian law the idol is a “juristic
tariffs on imports from Canada, its Liquefied Natural Gas needs person... thereby entitled to own property and
China, and Mexico if these coun- from the U.S. Just three years be- may sue or be sued to vindicate its rights.”
tries failed to stem illegal border fore that, in 2020, the EU had The complaint, filed by the American Civil
crossings into the U.S. and the traf- sourced below 20% from the U.S. Liberties Union against Mr. Simon, seeks return
ficking of drugs — in particular (Chart 2). This means that the of the idol or $5.5 million if it is not returned.
Fentanyl, which is a deadly opioid. EU’s dependency on the U.S. had The suit originally asked for $2.5 million in lieu
He has also threatened the Eu- more than doubled in just three of the idol.
ropean Union (EU) with tariffs, as years. This was because sanctions The suit contends that Mr. Simon knew the
the U.S. runs a trade deficit with were imposed on Russia after it in- idol had been stolen when he bought it for a
the bloc. This means that its im- vaded Ukraine. Thus, import of million dollars in 1973 from a New York art
ports from the EU are higher than gas from Russia had to be cut, dealer.
its exports. Data show that the U.S. which benefited the U.S. “The whole thing on the part of the Indian
had a trade deficit of more than In July 2024, the EU sourced government is rather preposterous,” Mr. Simon
$208.7 billion with the EU at the close to 15% of its crude oil from said. “The piece was in a private collection in
end of 2023, second only to China the U.S. compared to just 8% in Ju- Bombay for years... it was shown to Government
with which it had a trade deficit of ly 2020. In the same period, crude officials, there is printed literature describing
$279.4 billion. The third on the list oil imports from Russia were re- it... and all these years they did nothing.”
is Mexico (trade deficit of $152.4 duced from 23% to 2% (Chart 3). However, the collector said, “I think there is a
billion). With Canada, the U.S. had So, the question is, why is Mr. grave question as to whether it was ever stolen,
a trade deficit of $67.9 billion. Trump threatening the EU when and if it was, why (the Indian government) were
Chart 1 shows the U.S.’s trade def- the bloc’s dependency on the U.S. inactive all the years it was in a private
icit with select countries at the end for oil and gas is already increasing collection. There was certainly no reason to
of 2023. The other countries at a rapid pace? consider it anything but perfectly appropriate
which have been threatened with The U.S. exported 31.8% of its from our standpoint to purchase the piece.”
tariffs are also part of the list of crude oil production in 2023 com- The idol is at present in the care of a woman
countries with which the U.S. runs pared to just 18.7% five years prior. in London, who was given the art object to
the highest trade deficits. It exported 16% of its natural gas restore it. A British court has ordered her not to
It is debatable whether imposi- production in 2023 compared to dispose of the idol until its actual owner is
tion of tariffs is the most efficient 9.6% five years prior (Chart 4). determined.
way of dealing with this. In 2023, Are producers in the U.S. The amended complaint said the suit was also
the U.S. imported €40.7 billion equipped to sustainably increase launched on behalf of “the worshippers of
worth of motor cars and vehicles production if the export share in- Nataraja who have been deprived of their right
from the EU. This was the second creases further, given that the U.S. of worship, and therefore, deprived of their
biggest commodity in terms of va- is also the biggest consumer of oil right of freedom of religion.”
lue, from the bloc. If there are and natural gas domestically?
higher tariffs on the import of Eu- Finally, of all the top 10 oil refin- A HUNDRED YEARS AGO FROM THE JANUARY
ropean cars, these cars would be- eries (in terms of processing ca- 12, 1925 EDITION AS THERE WAS NO EDITION
come more expensive. This would pacity) that operate in Europe, ON JANUARY 13, 1925
benefit U.S. car manufacturers. most are owned by private players
At the same time, consumers in (Chart 5). While Mr. Trump’s ti- New invention in telegraphy
the U.S. have been importing rade is directed against the govern-
cheaper goods from countries ments in Europe, will the bloc be Paris, Jan. 11: A Havas Agency message says the
such as China. They imported over able to convince the private refin- Matin announces that a young French engineer
$35 billion worth of smartphones eries, whose best interest is to has invented an apparatus by means of which
in 2023 from China. If the higher choose the cheapest and most via- radio-telegrams could be printed instead of read
tariffs proposed by Mr. Trump ble oil, to get supply from the U.S.? at sound.
Delhi Monday, January 13, 2025
● ●

Text&Context 0
Workers rescued from Adani’s investment for Number of workers Number of pilgrims Number of civilians
building collapse at various projects in who died in Pakistan’s expected to attend the killed in Myanmar
Kannauj station Chhattisgarh coal mine collapse Maha Kumbh Mela Junta air strike

28 65,000 11 35 15
The shuttering of the In Twelve workers were trapped In crore. Uttar Pradesh Chief A Myanmar junta air strike killed
under-construction building crore. when the coal mine collapsed in Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh at least 15 civilians and
on the railway station Adani the Sanjdi area, about 40 has said that 35 crore pilgrims wounded 10 others at a market
premises had collapsed on Saturday announced a planned investment of kilometres from Quetta in the Balochistan are expected to attend the Maha Kumbh in the northern Kachin state, a spokesman
afternoon, trapping the workers. Rescue ₹60,000 crore to expand the group’s power province, on Wednesday. In three days of Mela taking place in the vicinity of Sangam for an ethnic rebel group said. The junta
teams worked through the cold night to plants in Raipur, Korba and Raigarh. He rescue work, 11 bodies were recovered, — the confluence of rivers Ganga, Yamuna has been accused of carrying out multiple
clear the debris and safely pull out the also committed ₹5,000 crore for the with rescue workers still searching for the and Saraswati. 24 crore pilgrims visited the attacks on civilian targets. AFP
trapped workers. PTI group’s cement plants in the State. PTI last worker inside the structure. PTI Mela in 2019. PTI COMPILED BY THE HINDU DATA TEAM

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Should voter IDs be linked with Aadhaar?


Why was the National Electoral Rolls Purification and Authentication Program launched by the Election Commission? How do already existing voters link EPIC
with their respective Aadhaar numbers? What did the Supreme Court mandate in the Puttaswamy case in 2018?

EXPLAINER number would definitely help in weeding THE GIST

out duplicate entries; that is essential. At
present, more than 650 million Aadhaar
Rangarajan. R numbers have already been uploaded in 쑽
the process of finalising the electoral rolls. The right to vote is a
The story so far: However, there are some concerns about constitutional right and
he Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and this exercise that need to be considered.

declared so by the Supreme
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Firstly, the errors in the Aadhaar Court in various cases. It is part
have accused each other of database, however miniscule, may result of the basic structure of free
manipulating electoral rolls in wrongful rejection or deletion of and fair elections and cannot
before the Delhi Assembly elections. This entries from the electoral roll. Secondly, be constricted through
has reignited the debate about linking Aadhaar is only a proof of residence and legislative action.
voter IDs/Election Photo Identity Card not a proof of citizenship. Thus, it may
(EPIC) with respective Aadhaar numbers. not help in removing voters who are not

citizens from the electoral roll. It would The Election Commission of
What is the history of the proposal? require a separate effort from the EC. India (EC) had in February 2015
The Election Commission (EC) had in Finally, while the linkage is to happen launched the National
February 2015 launched the National at the back end and a mere mention of Electoral Rolls Purification and
Electoral Rolls Purification and the Aadhaar number on the Authentication Program
Authentication Program (NERPAP). This EPIC/electoral roll may not by itself be a (NERPAP). This was to address
was to address the issue of duplicate violation of right to privacy, it may still the issue of duplicate entries in
the electoral roll and to remove
entries in the electoral roll and to remove result in misuse as the electoral rolls are
such entries.
such entries. In order to achieve this, the widely circulated amongst political
EC began authenticating EPIC data by parties. 쑽
linking it with the Aadhaar database. It
EPIC linkage with the
had linked more than 300 million voters What can be the way forward? respective Aadhaar number
in a span of three months. However, the The right to vote is a constitutional right would definitely help in
Supreme Court in an interim order, in and declared so by the Supreme Court in weeding out duplicate entries;
August 2015, held that the mandatory use various cases. It is part of the basic that is essential.
of Aadhaar should only be for welfare structure of free and fair elections and
schemes and PAN linking. Following this cannot be constricted through legislative
order, the NERPAP exercise was action. Citizens are the most important
discontinued. stakeholders in a democracy and any
After the Supreme Court’s final order electoral process should gain their
in Puttaswamy in September 2018, that Need to verify: A special camp for linking Aadhaar with voter ID card held in Madurai in 2022. FILE PHOTO confidence. There must be wide publicity
upheld the constitutional validity of the Join FREE Telegram Channel about the benefits of linking EPIC and
Aadhaar Act, the EC sought amendments Aadhaar number because they do not in September 2023 informed the court Aadhaar to clean up the electoral roll of
to the Representation of the People Act, have one. However, in order to keep these that submission of the Aadhaar number is duplicate entries, which in turn
1950 (RP Act, 1950). The Parliament amendments voluntary in nature, the not mandatory. It added that it is looking strengthens the electoral process. Any
amended the RP Act, 1950 and The word ‘may’ have been used in the into issuing appropriate clarificatory misplaced concern amongst voters about
Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 in amendments. Further, the amendment changes in the forms introduced for this the secrecy of their vote being
December 2021 to enable the linking of also specifies that no application for purpose. However, it may be noted that compromised because of this linking
EPIC with Aadhaar. It provided the format inclusion of name in the electoral roll Form 6 and 6B have not been amended should be assuaged.
in which Aadhaar information may be shall be denied and no entries shall be till date and they continue to seek the Meanwhile, the forms should be
submitted to the electoral registration deleted due to the inability of an same details as before from the suitably modified without any delay, to
officer by a new voter at the time of fresh individual to furnish or intimate the applicants. reflect that providing Aadhaar is not
registration (Form 6: to establish identity) Aadhaar number due to ‘sufficient cause.’ The forms require the voters to declare mandatory, as per the submission of the
or an existing voter already included in Such individuals may furnish alternate that they do not have an Aadhar number EC in the Supreme Court in September
the electoral roll (Form 6B: for the documents like PAN card, Driving to avoid providing the same. 2023.
purpose of authentication). Any other Licence, Passport, Bank passbook etc. Rangarajan R is a former IAS officer and
listed document may be submitted only if While the above amendments were What are the pros and cons? author of ‘Polity Simplified’. Views
the voter is unable to furnish their challenged in the Supreme Court, the EC EPIC linkage with the respective Aadhaar expressed are personal.
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What is different about

trying to learn a new language because its THE GIST
reasonably good at translation and other
basic tasks like this.”
“But they wouldn’t do well at most 쑽

small language models?

benchmarks that large language models Small Language Models (SLMs)
are measured against like coding or are cheaper and ideal for
logical problems. There still isn’t a small specific use cases. For a
language model that’s as good at solving company that needs AI for a
more complex problems,” he said. set of specialised tasks, a large
What led to the shift to small language models from large language models? What are the use cases for such We still aren’t fully aware why this AI model is not required.
models? Are they better than LLMs? bottleneck exists. “But the best way we
can understand this is just as human 쑽
beings have brains with a massive number “Small language models are
Poulomi Chatterjee parameters. But, in 2024, researchers required. Training small models require of neurons, a smaller animal has a limited perfect for edge cases,” said
started to look at language models less time, less compute and smaller number of neurons. This is why human Rahul Dandwate, ML engineer
The story so far: differently as scaling training data, training data. French start up Mistral AI, brains have the capacity for far more at Adobe.
e’ve achieved peak scoured from the Internet, was giving an SLM provider, pitched its AI model to complex levels of intelligence. This is


data,” former marginal gains. The idea of building be as efficient as LLMs for specialised, similar to how small language models and
OpenAI chief smaller language models emerged then. focused applications. Microsoft released a large language models work,” he said. In a country like India, where
scientist Ilya This is evident in announcements family of small language models called the scope of AI adoption is
Sutskever said onstage at the NeurIPS made by Big Tech firms. Most of them Phi (the latest Phi-3-mini comprised 3.8 How does it work for India? immense but resources are
conference last year. “We have to deal released a nifty language model alongside billion parameters). In a country like India, where the scope of constrained, the
with the data that we have, and there’s their flagship AI models. Google Apple Intelligence, the AI system AI adoption is immense but resources are diminutiveness of SLMs is
only one Internet.” Mr. Sutskever’s DeepMind released Gemini Ultra, Nano deployed in the latest iPhones and iPads, constrained, the diminutiveness of SLMs
comment comes amidst speculation that and Flash models, while OpenAI and runs on-device AI models that can sort of is perfect. Another AI initiative from IIIT
the speed of progress in large language Meta launched their GPT-4o mini and match the performance of top LLMs. If Hyderabad, Visvam, is building datasets
models (LLM) was hitting a wall as scaling Llama 3 models. Amazon-backed LLMs are built to achieve Artificial from the ground up to build SLMs that
was reaching its digital end. Anthropic AI launched Claude 3 and General Intelligence (AGI), small language can be used in healthcare, agriculture,
Haiku alongside its Opus. models are made for specific use cases. education and to “promote and preserve
Why are smaller models in demand? language and cultural diversity through
The race towards building large AI models What are the pros and cons of small How do use cases differ? AI,” their website stated. As the world of
has been building up ever since OpenAI language models? “Small language models are perfect for language model develops, it’s not just
released their 175 billion parameter LLM, Small Language Models (SLMs) are edge cases,” said Rahul Dandwate, ML enough to build frontier models from
GPT-3, in 2020. In the next three years, cheaper and ideal for specific use cases. engineer at Adobe. “When I am using scratch. Sarvam AI’s co-founder Vivek
the company’s LLMs further increased in For a company that needs AI for a set of WhatsApp or any Meta application which Raghavan said, “We want to build GenAI
size with GPT-4 trained on 1.7 trillion specialised tasks, a large AI model is not is powered by the Llama 8B model, I am that a billion Indians can use.”
Monday, January 13, 2025 9


My friend is
now under the
I watched his latest performance
and was not impressed. It just left
me cold

S. Upendran

“What’s wrong? Why do you look so

“I’m still thinking about the series
against Australia! Aren’t you sad about
how we…”
“Asking the wrong person, I’m afraid.
You know that cricket just leaves me
“Cricket leaves you cold? Does it mean

How the draft rules for implementing

it doesn’t interest you?”
“Very good! When you say that
something leaves you cold, what you’re
suggesting is that it is something that

data protection falls short doesn’t excite or interest you.”

“In other words, it’s not something that
sets your heart racing.”
“I guess you could say that. Here’s an
example. People were raving about your
Although the draft rules provide some guidance for implementing the DPDP Act, they lack detailed guidelines to help improve the lives of India’s favourite hero’s movie. It left me cold.”
digital nagriks. The government needs to seek appropriate expert advice, conduct wide consultations, and clarify timelines for implementation “Nothing unusual in that. You’re
strange! How about this example? I love
Join FREE Telegram Channel reading fiction, especially thrillers. For
Jhalak M. Kakkar consent on behalf of children, data Since the right to erasure may also by providing details of any kind of formal some strange reason, poetry leaves me
Shashank Mohan localisation measures, and the procedure impact a third-parties’ online speech, the identity, for example a government issued cold.”
for setting up the Data Protection Board. draft rules could have articulated certain ID. Again, critical questions remain. “Better not tell your father that! He’ll
fter a long wait of 16 months, Although the draft rules provide some modes or conditions for objection that How will data processors identify disown you. I love to listen to different

A the Ministry of Electronics and

Information Technology
(MeitY) has released the draft
rules for implementing the Digital
Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP
guidance for implementing the DPDP Act,
they lack detailed guidelines to help
improve the lives of India’s digital nagriks.
Let’s illustrate some shortcomings from
the perspective of two critical avenues
data processors could make against such
an erasure request. However, the draft
rules do not bring out any such clarity.

Protecting children
parental relations, that is, that the adult
proving their identity and providing
consent is actually the guardian of the
child? What if children lie about their
actual age when accessing a website?
kinds of music. But I like doing that at
home. Live concerts leave me cold.”
“Really? I quite enjoy them. But it takes
some getting used to. Now, coming back
to the cricket match. You know, when I…”
Act). These rules are open for public that the DPDP Act seeks to introduce — Today children are increasingly using What mechanisms do platforms need to “As I said earlier, the game leaves me
feedback until the middle of February. rights of users and the protection of various websites on the internet including put in place to gauge the veracity of an cold. Let’s talk about something else.”
Various stakeholders, including civil children’s data. social media platforms. age claim? Indian families, including “I’m not going to be talking about the
society, academia, and industry, have To safeguard children, the DPDP Act children, often share a single device to game. The Australians used a strange
been eagerly awaiting the publication of User rights obligates data processors to seek access digital services, how will expression while they were giving the
these proposed rules as they contain the The DPDP Act enhances the autonomy of verifiable parental consent before businesses identify children in these commentary.”
baseline implementation framework of users over their personal data by accessing the personal data of children cases? The draft rules do not provide any “That’s to be expected. What was this
the DPDP Act. providing them with the right to access, under the age of 18. The manner of guidance to these practical expression?”
The DPDP Act is India’s first correct, complete, update, and erase their obtaining parental consent was to be laid implementation questions. “It was one that I’d never heard before
comprehensive data privacy law that data. The law leaves it to the down in the subsequent rules. However, Despite a 16-month window for — ‘under the pump’. The commentators
applies to all spheres of commerce and corresponding rules for clarifying the here again the draft rules fall short. There drafting and consulting experts for the used it often during the fifth test. For
industry. It lays down operational manner in which users can exercise these is no detailing of an exact mechanism for framing of these rules, the MeitY has example, one of them said that batsmen
obligations for data processors, special rights. Unfortunately, the draft rules do identifying children and collecting released a document that is vague, from both sides have been under the
protections for children, and rights for all not make it clear how users may make parental consent. The rules provide that incomplete, and rushed. Typically pump. What does the expression mean?”
users, and a body for grievance redressal these requests. They simply state that data processors will need to adopt guidelines are very detailed, account for “It means to be under pressure. It also
called the Data Protection Board of India. users can make requests to data appropriate technical and organisational consumer privacy, and provide carries the suggestion that you have a lot
At the time of release, the DPDP Act was processors for exercising their rights by measures to ensure parental consent is operational clarity for businesses and to do in a short period of time.”
criticised by civil society for not following the steps published by obtained prior to accessing data of a data processors. Unfortunately, the “So, when you’re under the pump, you
instituting a specialised regulator, not businesses. This is simply restating what child. The rules focus on how data proposed rules leave much to be desired. have to work very quickly in order to
incorporating standard protections the Act lays down in another language. processors must exercise due diligence The government needs to seek finish what you’re doing.”
against government access to data, and For example, as per the right to for checking that parents are identifiable appropriate expert advice, conduct wide “And this adds to the pressure. Here’s
excessive delegation of regulatory erasure, can users ask search engines to adults. This is a simple rephrasing of what consultations, and clarify timelines for an example. My boss is someone who
functions to the Central government. remove links to certain websites? Courts the law lays down in the DPDP Act. implementation, before finalising the performs well when he’s under the pump.
in India have frequently asked Google to The rules were required to lay down rules that will form the back-bone of Comes up with some really great ideas.”
Lack of detail ‘de-list’ certain links from showing up on detailed procedures for how businesses India’s first data privacy law. “The sponsors have him under the
The draft rules propose operative its public search engine. The rules could are expected to verify the identity of Jhalak M. Kakkar is the Executive pump. They said that unless he loses five
guidance for critical mechanisms such as have prescribed standards to clarify the parents. They simply lay down Director and Shashank Mohan is the pounds, they’ll not renew his contract.”
notice and consent to a user for data mechanism in these situations such as illustrations where parents could either Associate Director at the Centre for “That’s a good example! This must
collection and processing, intimation of requiring that users share specific point to their existing user details on a Communication Governance at the your cousin who’s a model.”
data breaches, collection of parental hyperlinks for erasure. common platform, or prove their identity National Law University Delhi. “That’s right! With its stocks taking a
Join FREE Whatsapp Channel big hit, my uncle’s company has been put
under the pump to downsize.”
“I hope that doesn’t happen. A lot of
people probably depend on that
Please send in your answers to company.”

A quiz on the various festivals celebrated around India on January 13 and 14

V.V. Ramanan Ganga, decided to Questions and Answers to the January 10
leave his mortal body edition of the daily quiz: 1. This idiom means
X on Uttarayan. How to endure with determination and originated
QUESTION 1 does one better know from soldiers in the 19th century given this to bite
Name the hill on the Devavrata? down on to help them cope with the pain of an
western ghats where X amputation. Ans: Biting the bullet
the Makara Jyothi in QUESTION 4 2. This idiom is named after this Greek king of the
honour of Lord In which State is the Hellenistic period. Ans: Pyrrhic victory;
Ayappa is lit during world-famous Pyrrhus
these period. International Kite 3. This phrase means to solve a complex problem
X Festival held every in a decisive/ brute-force manner. Ans: Cutting
QUESTION 2 year on January 14? the Gordian knot
Traditionally a sprig of X 4. This phrase connotes someone confronting the
fresh Curcuma longa QUESTION 5 unpleasant consequences of her/his actions. Ans:
is tied around the Simple one. What is Face the music
vessel while making the English equivalent 5. This idiom suggests the release of something
this dish. What is the of the Makara in the leading to great problems or suffering. Ans:
common name of the Zodiac? Pandora’s box
plant and what is the X Visual: Identify the English word/ idiom. Ans:
dish? QUESTION 6 Juggernaut after the rath yatra of lord
X Alanganallur, Jagannath of Puri. It means a force that For feedback and suggestions for
QUESTION 3 Avaniapuram, and X cannot be resisted or controlled Text & Context, please write to
Devavrata, the Palamedu are places Visual question: Early Birds: ViswanadhaRao Batchu| Rajmohan
legendary warrior son famous for which What is the name given to this temporary makeshift hut used during the Magh Bihu festival in Velayudhan| A. Anand| Ankurjyoti Hatimuria| with the subject ‘Text & Context’
of Shantanu and activity? Assam? ANI Prashansa Lohumi
10 Monday, January 13, 2025

News Delhi

From Page One Maha Kumbh begins Sri Lankan Navy

arrests 8 fishers from
Declining fertility levels
push up Kerala’s MMR
today with Shahi Snan T.N., trawlers seized
Lakhs of devotees have gathered in Prayagraj to take a dip at Sangam, marking the start of 45-day The Hindu Bureau
The State’s total fertility rate (TFR) went below the event; security measures, AI-enabled surveillance, traffic arrangements in place to manage crowd RAMESWARAM
replacement level in 1991 and remained stagnant
at 1.8-1.7 for years, before touching 1.5 in 2020. In a fresh incident, eight
The current TFR of Kerala (2021 VSR) is 1.46. This The Hindu Bureau fishermen from Rameswa-
means that a couple of reproductive age in Kerala LUCKNOW ram and Thangachimadam
mostly have only one child and sometimes none. in Ramanathapuram dis-
It is possible that the TFR will drop to 1.35 once he 45-day Maha trict of Tamil Nadu were ar-
the latest data on live births are accounted for.
“Already, the impact of migration, especially
the fact that a chunk of those in the reproductive
T Kumbh, consi-
dered the biggest
religious gathering in the
rested by the Sri Lankan
Navy on charges of poach-
ing near Neduntheevu islet
age group are going abroad for higher education world, is set to begin at on Sunday.
or jobs and choosing to settle down there, and the Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh According to an official Fishers’ associations says that
economic impact of the loss of a young workforce on Monday with the Shahi from the fisheries depart- their pleas to put an end to
and changing attitudes regarding marriage and Snan on the occasion of ment, tokens were issued to such arrests have not been
fertility are hurting us. In the next 10 years, the Paush Purnima at the San- 169 mechanised boats on heard. FILE PHOTO
proportion of elderly population in Kerala is ex- gam, the confluence of the Saturday to put out to sea
pected to go above that of children and the magni- Ganga, Yamuna, and myth- from Rameswaram jetty. had let them down, they
tude of the issues related to the care and welfare ical Saraswati rivers. The fishermen were sche- said a meeting would be
of this population is likely to overwhelm us, even All arrangements have duled to return to the shore held shortly to decide the
though we have been anticipating it,” Dr. Rajan been put in place at the on Sunday evening. A sur- next course of action.
says. But the birth rate is expected to plummet Sangam and other banks. veillance team of the Sri
further and the consequences will be starkly evi- Security measures have Lankan Navy detained the CM writes to Jaishankar
dent in the next two decades itself. been strengthened at tem- eight fishermen and seized Chief Minister M.K. Stalin
Not just declining birth rates, the State is also ples, key sites in the Maha Holy dip: People taking bath at the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of the Ganga, the Yamuna, and the their trawlers, stating that on Sunday wrote to Minis-

beginning to see the consequences of a higher age Kumbh Nagar area, and on mythical Saraswati, on the eve of Paush Purnima in Prayagraj on Sunday. SANDEEP SAXENA they had crossed the Inter- ter for External Affairs S.
at marriage and delayed childbearing. The pro- routes leading to Prayagraj. national Maritime Boun- Jaishankar demanding
portion of older mothers and the increase in preg- Intensive checking of vehi- 45,000 police personnel bled cameras for enhanced Also, PAC, NDRF and dary Line. strong and coordinated ef-
nancy-related morbidities in this group and their cles were carried out on deployed for the event. surveillance. SDRF teams will be de- According to officials, forts through diplomatic
reproductive health issues are emerging con- Sunday on the seven major Seers from 13 akharas be- In a first, an underwater ployed on 700 flagged the fishermen had been ta- channels to secure the re-
cerns, though the State is yet to adduce hard evi- roadways connecting longing to different sects drone has been deployed boats to ensure the safety ken to a naval port in Sri lease of all the arrested fish-
dence to substantiate this. Prayagraj and other are participating in the Ma- for the safety of the devo- of the devotees, along with Lanka, and the seized traw- ermen and their impound-
“It has been over 35 years since we attained the districts. ha Kumbh. tees, which is capable of the placing of remote life- lers were towed to the port. ed boats.
replacement level fertility rate and the cohort of Lakhs of devotees are Prayagraj city has been monitoring every activity saving buoys on a large The fisheries department Stating that such arrests
those women in the reproductive age of 15-49 we expected to take bath at adorned with drawings under the water 24 hours a scale, he said. identified the boat owners by the Sri Lankan Navy
had then has now been replaced by a new cohort. the Sangam on Monday depicting different aspects day, officials said. In view of the Paush as Mukesh Kumar of Ra- were “continuing unabat-
The fertility is low in this new cohort of women, The Maha Kumbh, being of Hinduism. Barricades Inspector-General of Purnima and Makar Sank- meswaram and Maria Retri- ed”, he said: “The frequent
either by will or by nature, so naturally, the num- held after 12 years, will have been put up at va- Police (Eastern Zone), Ra- ranti festivals, the Praya- san of Thangachimadam. apprehensions of our fish-
ber of childbirths will go down. Many in this group conclude on February 26, rious crossroads and tri- jiv Narayan Mishra, said graj traffic police have de- Fishers’ associations have ermen by the Sri Lankan
choose not to get married or not to have children. with over 400 million peo- sections for better crowd the drone, which functions vised a comprehensive said that their repeated Navy have created a sense
And even the number of women in this cohort has ple expected to visit the management. An Integrat- at a very high speed, can plan to ensure smooth pleas to put an end to such of fear and uncertainty
begun to dwindle,” Sajini B. Nair, social scientist, event. ed Command and Control keep an eye on the target movement and safety of arrests had not been ad- among the fishing com-
Population Research Centre, says. Fifty-five police stations Centre monitors every ac- even in the dark and do re- devotees visiting the dressed. munities as their traditional
By the Census 2011, the female population in have been set up in Maha tivity across Maha kumbh, connaissance up to a depth Kumbh Mela area. Stressing that the Union source of income for their
the reproductive age group of 15-49 in Kerala was Kumbh district, with complemented by AI-ena- of 100 metres. (With PTI inputs) and the State governments livelihood is affected...”
93,32,494 and the Registrar-General’s projected fi-
gure for 2021 was 92,23,500.
Meanwhile, the State had not published the
VSR after 2021, claiming that there were reporting
errors. There is also an ongoing debate about
whether Kerala is registering its births properly
Water inflow affects Assam Assam Rifles vacates post
and on time and the actual data on childbirths in
the State collected by various official agencies are
not available in the public domain now.
mine rescue operations; five in Manipur, denies villagers’
workers remain trapped allegation of harassment
“The demographic transition in the State has
been so fast that no long-term projections are pos-
sible. We do not know how much abortions con-
tribute to the declining number of live births be-
cause we have absolutely no data on this. It would The Hindu Bureau The Hindu Bureau ‘Crowd turned sonnel often harassed the
also be interesting to study if our youngsters set- GUWAHATI GUWAHATI violent but Assam villagers. “On January 11,
tling down abroad are choosing to have their chil- Rifles personnel used Assam Rifles personnel
dren there for reasons of obtaining citizenship The water level in the The Assam Rifles vacated a manning the post at Hong-
flooded rat-hole mine in makeshift post in the Naga-
an appropriate and bei inspected a vehicle and
and how much this has contributed to the declin-
ing birth rate,” Dr. Sajini says. Dima Hasao district of As- dominated Kamjong dis- calibrated response’ discerned that the vehicle
sam remained unchanged, trict of Manipur on Sun- loaded with timber did not
affecting the operations on day, a day after a mob des- have mandated docu-
Sunday to rescue the re- troyed it to protest against district officer said, declin- ments. Assam Rifles per-
Bangladesh summons maining five miners
trapped beneath since Ja-
alleged frequent “harass-
ment” by the personnel of
ing to be quoted.
The Assam Rifles per-
sonnel stopped the vehicle
following procedures,” the
Indian envoy nuary 6.
Between January 8 and
the paramilitary force dur-
ing the transportation of
sonnel intercepted a tim-
ber-laden vehicle on Satur-
Assam Rifles said.
It said “nefarious ele-
January 11, divers of the Na- timber for house day, triggering protests ments” instigated the local
“Foreign Secretary Ambassador Md. Jashim Uddin vy, the Army, and the Na- construction. from the villagers. A mob people to force the person-
today expressed deep concern of Government of tional Disaster Response A senior district official gathered in no time and nel to release the vehicle. It
Bangladesh to High Commissioner of India Pranay Force retrieved four bodies said the decision to vacate destroyed the post after ac- added that the crowd
Verma... over the recent activities of the Border of miners, one of them Race against time: Rescue operation under way for the labourers the post at Hongbei village cusing the paramilitary turned violent but the As-
Security Force (BSF) of India along the Bangla- from Nepal. The other trapped in the Umrangso coal mine in Dima Hasao on Sunday. ANI was reached during a force of overstepping its sam Rifles personnel used
desh-India Border,” said the Ministry of Foreign three were from different meeting attended by a Bri- authority by interfering in an appropriate and “cali-
Affairs (MoFA) of Bangladesh in a press statement, parts of Assam. told The Hindu. entrusted with draining gadier of the Assam Rifles, matters of the State Forest brated response”.
which referred to the attempts to construct “The rescue workers Officials said the opera- the mines said. the Kamjong Deputy Com- Department. Leishiyo On Sunday, the South-
barbed-wire fencing as “unauthorised”. did not recover any bodies tions to locate the trapped Meanwhile, the Opposi- missioner and Superinten- Keishing, MLA , told Assam ern Tangkhul Naga Union
“He emphasised that the construction of today (Sunday) and the wa- miners would resume on tion parties have mounted dent of Police, and civil so- Rifles personnel that “it is “advised” Naga village
barbed wire fences without proper authorisation ter level did not drop. We Monday. pressure on the BJP-led As- ciety organisations of the not your duty” when the authorities, a women’s un-
undermines the spirit of cooperation and friendly think this was because of “Water is being pumped sam government to come Tangkhul Naga post commander told him ion, and youth organisa-
relations between the two countries. He hoped the inflow of water from out from the ill-fated mine clean on rat-hole mining in community. the timber should not be tions not to allow the As-
the upcoming BGB [Border Guard Bangladesh]- fissures in the mine,” Dima and three abandoned the State despite an April “Some 20 personnel va- used commercially. sam Rifles personnel to
BSF DG-level talks would be able to discuss the Hasao’s District Commis- mines in the vicinity with 2014 blanket ban by the Na- cated the Hongbei post af- The Assam Rifles refut- pass through areas within
matter at length,” the press note further stated. sioner, Simanta K. Das, nine pumps,” an official tional Green Tribunal. ter the meeting,” a senior ed the charges that its per- their jurisdictions.

HAL’s latest Combat Three women

critical after
Centre’s wildlife panel clears Security forces gun
Air Teaming System being given oil and gas exploratory down five Naxalites
completes crucial test ‘expired’ saline
drilling in Assam sanctuary in Chhattisgarh
Hemanth C.S. It can be recalled that The Hindu Bureau Shubhomoy Sikdar and the Naxalites in the for-
BENGALURU the defence PSU has been KOLKATA Press Trust of India According to the mi- RAIPUR est of Bandepara-Ko-
developing CATS which in- NEW DELHI nutes of the NBWL meet- ranjed, which lasted till 3-4
Ahead of Aero India 2025, volves the Light Combat The health condition of ing, a team comprising offi- Security forces gunned p.m. Later, during the
which is scheduled to be Aircraft (LCA) Tejas as the three women who fell ill at The Centre’s wildlife panel cials from the Union down five Naxalites, in- search from the spot, the
held next month, Hindus- mother-ship platform the Midnapore Medical has approved a proposal to Environment Ministry, the cluding two women, in an bodies of two women and
tan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) along with components College and Hospital alleg- carry out oil and gas explo- Wildlife Institute of India, encounter in Bijapur dis- three men, i.e. five Maoists
achieved a significant mil- such as the Hunter, Alpha edly due to the administra- ration in the ecosensitive and the Assam Forest De- trict of Chhattisgarh on in uniform were reco-
estone by conducting the and Warrior. tion of expired intravenous zone of the Hoollongapar partment inspected the Sunday, the police said. vered,” said Mr. Sundarraj.
engine ground run of a full- fluids remained critical. Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary project site, located about The encounter took One SLR, a 12 bore gun,
scale demonstrator, Com- ‘Inflict strikes’ The officials of West in Assam’s Jorhat district. 13 km from the sanctuary. place in the Indravati Na- two single-shot rifles, one
bat Air Teaming System A senior HAL official in- Bengal Health Department The Standing Commit- Vedanta Group has given an The inspection commit- tional Park area. BGL launcher, a country-
(CATS) — Warrior, on volved in HAL’s R&D has have decided to shift the tee of the National Board assurance that no commercial tee found that exploratory According to Inspector- made gun, explosives, and
Saturday. said the CATS is a com- patients to a Kolkata facili- for Wildlife (NBWL), drilling will be conducted. drilling would cause mini- General of Police (Bastar Maoist literature were also
HAL said that this de- bined air teaming system ty on Sunday. A 13-member chaired by Union Environ- mal damage, but said com- Range) P. Sundarraj, a joint recovered from the en-
monstrates the synergy with the mothership flying team of experts had visited ment Minister Bhupender dlife Warden had recom- mercial drilling would not team of personnel belong- counter site, the police ad-
between various R&D on top along with Hunter the hospital on Saturday to Yadav, approved the pro- mended clearance for the be allowed. Vedanta Group ing to the District Reserve ded.
centres of HAL with Air- which can inflict strikes look into allegations of ex- posal by Vedanta Group’s project last August, citing has given a written assu- Guard, Special Task Force, In the first 12 days of
craft design and integra- deep inside the enemy ter- pired saline being adminis- Cairn Oil and Gas during its “national interest”. rance that no commercial and District Force was out 2025, the forces have killed
tion by the Aircraft Re- ritory. The Alpha will be tered to pregnant women meeting on December 21, The Forest Advisory drilling will be conducted on an anti-Naxal operation 14 Maoists in Chhattisgarh.
search & Design Centre equipped with swarm and other patients. according to the minutes of Committee of the Union at the site. It also assured when the gunfight began. In a separate incident,
(ARDC), indigenous Mis- drones and the Warrior The Congress on Sun- the meeting. Environment Ministry had that no hazardous sub- “On Sunday, from early two security personnel
sion Computer from can strike after entering day held the West Bengal Assam’s Principal Chief also granted in-principle stances would be used dur- morning, there was inter- were injured in an IED
SLRDC and indigenous nearly 700 km inside the government responsible Conservator of Forests approval during its meet- ing the exploration pro- mittent encounter bet- blast, allegedly triggered
power plant from AERDC. enemy territory. for the incident. (Wildlife) and Chief Wil- ing on August 27 last year. cess, the officials said. ween the security forces by Maoists, in Bijapur.
Monday, January 13, 2025 11

Youth power will make India MVA is united, decision on

a developed nation, says Modi local body polls made to
PM advises younger generation to step out of comfort zone, reiterates commitment to bring 1 lakh youth into politics;
strengthen party, says Raut
addressing Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue, Modi says goal of developed India by 2047 requires consistent efforts
The Hindu Bureau He accused the ruling
MUMBAI Mahayuti alliance of trying
The Hindu Bureau crises, transformed into a to destabilise the MVA but
NEW DELHI global financial and trade With the Shiv Sena (Udd- expressed confidence that
hub through discipline and hav Balasaheb Thackeray) these attempts would not
rime Minister Na- collective effort. India also announcing its decision to succeed.

P rendra Modi on
Sunday said the
youth would drive pro-
had similar examples, such
as the freedom struggle
and overcoming the food
contest the upcoming local
body elections indepen-
dently, discussions are on
On sarpanch’s murder
Both Mr. Raut and Mr.
gress and make India a de- crisis post-Independence. about the cohesion of the Danve criticised the BJP-
veloped nation. Setting big About India’s commit- Opposition Maha Vikas led Mahayuti alliance, par-
goals and achieving them ment to green energy, Mr. Aghadi (MVA) and Indian ticularly its handling of law
within a time frame was Modi said India was the National Developmental, Sanjay Raut and order in Maharashtra.
not impossible, and the first country to meet the Inclusive Alliance. Mr. Danve alleged that Na-
country was working with Paris Agreement commit- However, party leaders for party workers within al- tionalist Congress Party
that mindset, he said. ments nine years ahead of have said the move does liances and the need for or- leader and State Minister
Addressing the Viksit schedule. He said the not signify the dissolution ganisational growth. He al- Dhananjay Munde was in-
Bharat Young Leaders Dia- country was set to achieve of the alliances. so encouraged MVA allies volved in shielding crimi-
logue, 2025, held on the the target of 20% ethanol Shiv Sena (UBT) leader to prioritise booth-level nals linked to the murder
occasion of National Youth blending in petrol well be- Sanjay Raut underlined on strategies to enhance their of Santosh Deshmukh, the
Day, Mr. Modi said the goal fore the deadline of 2030. Sunday that while the MVA respective organisations. sarpanch of Massajog vil-
of a developed India by While highlighting the had been established for “We have ample time, as lage in Beed district.
2047 required daily targets ambitious goal of hosting the Maharashtra Assembly the next Lok Sabha and Mr. Deshmukh was al-

and consistent efforts. the Olympics in the next election and the INDIA Maharashtra Assembly legedly abducted, tor-
He advised the youth to Engaging the next generation: Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacting with a participant during his decade, he said India was bloc for the Lok Sabha elections are still four-and- tured, and murdered on
step out of their comfort visit to an exhibition at the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue in New Delhi on Sunday. ANI making rapid strides as a polls, local body elections a-half years away,” he said. December 9 for opposing
zones and take risks, as de- space power, with plans to required a distinct ap- Ambadas Danve, Leader an extortion attempt tar-
monstrated by the partici- to significantly boost In- while every third day an had risen to 46 from nine establish a space station by proach aimed at empower- of the Opposition in the geting an energy firm. Wal-
pants of the Young Leaders dia’s GDP,” he said, noting Atal Tinkering Lab was in 2014, he said. 2035. He said achieving ing party workers. “Local Maharashtra Legislative mik Karad, an associate of
Dialogue. He reiterated his that the Indian youth were opened and two new col- He acknowledged that such goals would pave the body elections are about Council, emphasised the Mr. Munde, has been ar-
commitment to bringing leading major global com- leges were established dai- while the goal of a deve- way for a developed India strengthening our organi- unity within the MVA des- rested in connection with
one lakh young people into panies. He said the next 25 ly. India now had 23 IITs, loped India was signifi- by 2047. sation at the grassroots le- pite the Shiv Sena (UBT)’s the case.
politics. years — the “Amrit Kaal” — and in the past decade, the cant, it was not impossible. He also interacted with vel,” he said. “Neither I nor independent strategy for Mr. Danve asked why
were crucial, and ex- number of IIITs had in- youth at an exhibition and my party have ever called the local elections. “The Mr. Karad had not been
PM’s vision pressed confidence that creased to 25 from nine, Overcoming crisis witnessed their innovative for the disbanding of the MVA is intact, but the dy- charged with murder des-
Sharing his vision, Mr. Mo- the youth would realise the while the number of IIMs Citing the example of the ideas. He saw 10 presenta- MVA or INDIA bloc.” namics of local body elec- pite evidence of his
di said that in a developed dream of a developed In- had risen to 21 from 13. economic crisis in the Unit- tions on topics ranging Mr. Raut further defend- tions are different,” Mr. involvement.
India, both economy and dia. There was a three-fold in- ed States in the 1930s, Mr. from sustainable develop- ed the decision, and point- Danve told presspersons in “The government is pro-
ecology would flourish, On the steps taken by crease in the number of AI- Modi said the Americans ment and manufacturing ed to limited opportunities Pune. tecting criminals,” he said.
and the country would the government to empow- IMS and near doubling of chose the “New Deal” and to integrating technology
have the world’s largest er them, Mr. Modi said ev- medical colleges in the not only overcame the cri- with agriculture. Around
skilled youth workforce. ery week a new university past decade. The number sis but also accelerated 3,000 young leaders from
“Global agencies recog-
nise the youth’s potential
and every day a new ITI
was being established,
of higher education insti-
tutes in the QS rankings
their development. Singa-
pore, which faced basic life
across the country partici-
pated in the event. Silver Notice ‘more effective’
than MLAT, says CBI Director
CID probe in Karnataka MLC case could lead to Press Trust of India has now been realised. gathered through MLATs

a clash between legislature, executive: Horatti NEW DELHI

Terming the recently intro-

The notice, aimed at lo-
cating illicit assets laun-
dered across borders, is
which are treaties between
two countries whereby
they cooperate to provide
duced Interpol ‘Silver Not- the newest addition to In- and obtain formal assis-
The Hindu Bureau haviour and abusive what happens inside the ice’ a “more effective” tool terpol’s suite of eight co- tance in the prevention,
BENGALURU language.” House is the jurisdiction of than the Mutual Legal As- lour-coded Notices and Dif- suppression, investigation,
Mr. Ravi has been ac- the Chairman. Both legisla- sistance Treaties for gath- fusions, which enable and prosecution of crime.
Taking exception to the go- cused of using derogatory ture and executive have to ering information on illicit countries to share alerts Common complaints
vernment’s decision to in- words against Ms. Hebbal- function within the consti- assets parked offshore, CBI and requests for informa- under MLAT include re-
stitute a CID inquiry into kar on December 19, the tutional provisions and Director Praveen Sood said tion worldwide. quests being transferred
the alleged derogatory re- last day of the Winter Ses- with mutual respect. You it was Prime Minister Na- Conventionally, the in- and lack of response due to
marks made by BJP MLC sion. The incident trig- have also held various rendra Modi’s idea, which formation on illicit assets is a large number of requests.
C.T. Ravi against Women gered widespread condem- roles in constitutional insti-
and Child Development nation, and he was tutions and I hope that you
Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar arrested by the Belagavi also function under the
in the Legislative Council police from the Suvarna Constitution,” Mr. Horatti
during the Winter Session Vidhana Soudha premises said.
of the State legislature in Chairman Basavaraj Horatti in the Legislative Council during the resulting in a political slug- Meanwhile, the Home
Belagavi, House Chairman Winter Session in Belagavi recently. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT fest between the ruling Minister said he had not re-
Basavaraj Horatti has said Congress and the BJP. ceived the letter though he
that it could lead to an un- the issue based on the Con- letter to Home Minister G. Mr. Horatti felt that the had read about the letter in
necessary clash between stitution, Rules of Business Parameshwara. move of the government to the media. “We will not al-
the legislature and the of Karnataka Legislative institute a CID probe that low any tiff between the
executive. Council, Rules of Business Chairman’s powers would come in the way of government and the Chair-
“I am not sure about the of Lok Sabha and Rajya Drawing the Home Minis- special powers given to the man,” he said.
scope of the inquiry. The Sabha, Practice and Proce- ter’s attention to the rights Chairman in the parlia- When his reaction was
Council has the sovereign dure of Parliament by M.N. of the Council Chairman in mentary practices would sought, Deputy Chief Mi-
rights to decide on the is- Kaul and S.L. Shakdhar, parliamentary practices, lead to an unnecessary tiff nister D.K. Shivakumar
sues to be discussed in the and Parliamentary Proce- he said: “The Council has between the legislature said the Home Minister
House. The Chair has al- dures by Subhash Kash- the powers to punish and executive. would respond to the let-
ready given the ruling on yap,” Mr. Horatti said in a members for their bad be- “You are also aware that ter.

Protect State
interests like
Dallewal writes to religious leaders,
the Tamils do: urges them to put pressure on Centre
Telangana CM
Press Trust of India recently recommended a nuary 15 to 13 the proposed
The Hindu Bureau CHANDIGARH legal guarantee to MSP and meeting for deciding on a
HYDERABAD said that it would “greatly joint fight.
Fasting Punjab farmer benefit the farmers, rural The move came a day af-
“Tamil Nadu has a strong leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal economy and the country.” ter the SKM (Non-Political)
political divide among par- on Sunday wrote to several The MSP guarantee law and Kisan Mazdoor Mor-
ties, but when it comes to religious leaders and will increase the purchas- cha (KMM) wrote to the
safeguarding Tamil cul- saints, urging them to im- ing power of the farmers, SKM to hold the meeting
ture, language or their press upon the Central go- which will greatly benefit on January 12 or 13 in the
State interests, they all vernment to accept farm- SKM leaders meeting Jagjit the country’s economy, wake of “deteriorating”
come together”, Telangana ers’ demands, which Singh Dallewal. FILE PHOTO the farmers said. health of Mr. Dallewal.
Chief Minister A. Revanth include a legal guarantee A six-member commit-
Reddy on Sunday. Mr. Red- to minimum support price medical aid. ‘No one paid attention’ tee of SKM, which visited
dy said this at the launch of (MSP) for crops. In the letter written to The farmers said that in the Khanauri protest site
the autobiography of BJP Meanwhile, farmer lead- the religious leader by the the last 48 days, letters on Friday, had invited the
leader Ch. Vidyasagar Rao. ers said the condition of SKM (Non-Political) and Ki- were written to the Prime SKM (Non-Political) and
“I firmly believe govern- Mr. Dallewal, whose fast- san Mazdoor Morcha, it Minister, the Vice Presi- KMM for a meeting on Ja-
ment means not just the unto-death entered the was pointed out that farm- dent and Supreme Court nuary 15 in Patiala for unity
ruling party MLAs but all 48th day on Sunday, is “de- ers have been protesting at judges, “but no one paid among farmer bodies for a
the 119 elected MLAs in- teriorating”. Mr. Dallewal, the Khanauri and Shamb- any attention to our letter joint fight against the
cluding those from the Op- convener of the Samyukta hu border points in sup- nor responded to it.” Centre to press for accep-
position,” Mr. Reddy ad- Kisan Morcha (Non-Politi- port of their various de- “History is a witness to tance of farmers’ demands
ded. The Chief Minister cal), has been on a hunger mands for the past 11 the fact that whenever a including a legal guarantee
has appealed to senior BJP strike at the Khanauri bor- months. government goes astray to minimum support price
leaders from Telangana, in- der point between Punjab It said one farmer, Subh- from the right path, saints for crops. The SKM, which
cluding Union Ministers G. and Haryana since Novem- karan Singh, died and sev- and religious leaders have had led the 2020 agitation
Kishan Reddy and Bandi ber 26 last year. eral others were injured in worked to bring the go- against the now-repealed
Sanjay Kumar, to use their Mr. Dallewal, who also the police actions against vernment to the right path. three farm laws, is not part
offices to get necessary heads the Bharti Kisan Un- their protest. Acceding to the request of the ongoing agitation of
permissions from the ion (Ekta Sidhupur), has so The letter also said that of the protesting farmers, the SKM (Non-Political)
Centre for projects. far refused to take any a parliamentary panel has SKM has advanced from Ja- and the KMM.
12 Monday, January 13, 2025

News Delhi

쑽 Companies look to localise Ahead of Budget,
CII suggests moves
data storage, telecom tech for ease of business
Moving away from China, firms are pushing for producing networking equipment in India; data
storage within the country is slowly picking up pace as local servers and data centres come up Press Trust of India cords, provide information
NEW DELHI on disputed land and guide
necessary reforms.
Aroon Deep and its “servers and data Ahead of the Budget, in- While India has over the
5,000 youth have shunned NEW DELHI centres are based in India,
so customers can be as-
dustry body Confederation
of Indian Industry (CII) on
last decade remained fo-
cused on improving ease of
Naxalism, says Gadkari rom data centres to sured their digital assets Sunday suggested a 10- doing business (EoDB),

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said

“Naxalism” has declined significantly in
F telecom equipment,
Indian firms are
capitalising on key policy
and IP are stored safely in
the country”, said Arnab
Mitra, CEO. Security isn’t
point agenda to drive ease
of doing business reforms,
aimed at reducing com-
there is a need to maintain
the momentum, especially
in certain specific areas,
Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli, as nearly 5,000 youth developments to indige- always a function of the lo- pliance burden, simplify- the CII stated.
have quit the outlawed movement, joined the nise the Indian tech stack, cation of data, but over the ing regulatory frame- CII Director-General
mainstream and got employment. In the next five from both hardware and years, localisation man- works, and improving Chandrajit Banerjee said,
years, Gadchiroli will become the highest software point of view. The dates like the RBI’s have transparency. “Simplifying regulatory
revenue-generating district in Maharashtra, he main movers are emerging pushed firms in other in- Among the “urgent poli- frameworks, reducing
said at BJP’s State-level convention at Shirdi in from markets that sell to dustries to seek local stor- cy interventions”, it has re- compliance burdens, and
Ahilyanagar district. Mr. Gadkari appealed to the large businesses. age options, even if they commended that all regu- enhancing transparency
BJP workers to channel the party’s electoral One firm, CloudPhoto- Booming market: The optical transceiver market worldwide could are more expensive due to latory approvals — Central, should continue to remain
success into meaningful societal transformation. nix, recently established grow to $47.64 billion by 2035, according to an estimate. FILE PHOTO a lack of scale. State and local levels — our focus agenda for next
“The victory in the last year’s State Assembly by veterans of the tran- The reason local storage must mandatorily be pro- several years. Compliances
polls should lead to the establishment of surajya sceiver industry, has start- Late last year, Cloud- works, which started after is “becoming an even hot- vided only through the Na- for industry related to
(good governance),” he said. PTI ed selling the product to te- Photonix co-founder Ta- the border clashes in 2020, ter topic is obviously the tional Single Window Sys- areas such as land, labour,
lecom firms, as networks run Sibal hosted a small but the growing impulse to rise of privacy”, Mr. Mitra tem. dispute resolution, paying
look to move away from fo- event in Delhi gathering make and market the tech said in an interview. He ad- It has also pitched for taxes and environment off-

reign, specifically Chinese- academics and industry locally. mitted that local storage expediting the process of er a vast scope for reduc-
21-year-old student found made components.
Another firm, DigiBoxx,
players, outlining the im-
portance of transceivers, a
As per an estimate by
the Mohali-based Roots
was more expensive but
added that firms looked
dispute resolution by im-
proving the capacity of
tion, vital for boosting
competitiveness, driving
dead in IIT-Kharagpur hostel is offering cloud storage key component in net- Analysis, the optical tran- out for their reputation courts and placing greater economic growth and em-
and enterprise backup lo- working and telecom sceiver market worldwide when making storage deci- reliance on alternative dis- ployment generation.”
The body of a third-year undergraduate student cally in India, anticipating equipment to transmit and could grow to $47.64 bil- sions for regulatory pur- pute resolution (ADR) me- Arguing that labour
was found in a hostel room at the Indian Institute demand from firms seek- receive data. lion by 2035, over four poses. “So, it’s in many chanism. compliances continue to
of Technology, Kharagpur, in the early hours of ing to pre-emptively comp- Mr. Sibal pointed out times its current value. ways priceless,” he said. For streamlining envi- be extensive and arduous
Sunday. The deceased has been identified as ly with localisation require- that making transceivers The firm’s CTO, Sunil Union Secretary for ronmental compliances, and await the implementa-
21-year-old Shaon Malik, a student of the ments in the wake of laws and dealing with the Khatana, said in a presen- Electronics and Informa- the CII said a unified fra- tion of the four labour
Electrical Engineering Department. The body such as the Digital Personal science of photonics, tation that a significant tion Technology S. Krish- mework could be intro- codes, it called for the
was discovered in the Azad Hall of Residence. Data Protection Act, 2023. which most telcos and data share of data centre and nan welcomed the growing duced, which consolidates scope of the Shram Suvid-
The IIT-Kharagpur issued a statement and While the Act does not cur- centre firms import into In- network infrastructure ex- introduction of local op- all requirements into a sin- ha Portal, which facilitates
expressed condolences. “The police are rently require data localisa- dia, was a “dark art”, a penditure was on import- tions in telecom equip- gle document. It also said integrated compliances in
conducting a thorough investigation into the tion within Indian borders, term that his colleagues re- ed transceivers. ment and data storage in that States may be incentiv- just a few select central
circumstances surrounding Mr. Malik’s death. it leaves that possibility peated in subsequent pre- DigiBoxx, meanwhile, an interview with The Hin- ised to develop an online Acts, to be expanded to
The institute is fully cooperating with the open in some sectors; the sentations. They seek to bills itself as the “first swa- du, saying, “These are integrated land authority function as a centralised
authorities,” it said. According to sources, the Reserve Bank of India re- leverage not just the shift deshi SaaS [Software as a commercially driven deci- with an objective to portal for all central and
body was discovered by the parents of the victim, quires payment data of In- away from Chinese tech- Service]-based digital stor- sions, and that’s the way it streamline land banks, dig- state labour laws
who had come to visit him. dians to be stored locally. nology in telecom net- age and sharing platform” ought to be.” itise and integrate land re- compliances.

India-U.S. joint Sonobuoy production Bengal govt. announces new initiatives

line expected to be ready by 2027 to attract pilgrims to Gangasagar Mela
Dinakar Peri The systems will be Vishakhapatnam. ment issued last week had Shiv Sahay Singh status of a “national mela”.
NEW DELHI co-produced in India The U.S.-based compa- stated that the sonobuoys SAGAR (WEST BENGAL) Mr. Biswas said elabo-
in partnership with ny, a world-leader in the co-produced in India are rate arrangements had
The final assembly of sono- design and production of interchangeable and inte- Competing with the Maha been made to transport pil-
buoys from the U.S., meant
defence public sector undersea warfare capabili- roperable between the U.S. Kumbh at Prayagraj, the grims from different parts
for detecting submarines undertaking Bharat ties, has already stated that Navy, Indian Navy and al- organisers of the Gangasa- of the State to Sagar Island,
underwater, will be done Dynamics Ltd. in line with the U.S.-India lied P-8, MH-60R and the gar Mela, held at the con- including about 2,500 go-
in India and an operational Initiative on Critical and MQ-9B Sea Guardian fluence of the Ganga with vernment and private bus-
production line is expect- Emerging Technologies aircraft. the Bay of Bengal in West es, 21 jetties, nine barges,
ed to be ready in 2027, ac- tional Security Advisor (ICET) launched in May The development is of Bengal, on Sunday an- 32 vessels, and 120 launch-
cording to the U.S. compa- Jake Sullivan’s visit to India 2022, they will also pursue particular significance as nounced a slew of initia- es.
ny Ultra Maritime. The last week. new sonobuoy technolo- India has over the years ac- tives, including a certifi- “About 13,000 police-
systems will be co-pro- “Workshare will be in gies with BDL teams to op- quired a series of military cate for pilgrims men have been posted to
duced in India in partner- line with the principles of timise their acoustic per- platforms from the U.S. participating in the annual Official visit: Aroop Biswas at the Gangasagar Mela. He and his ensure safety and security
ship with defence public Make in India. Final as- formance in the unique that are also operated by pilgrimage. Cabinet colleagues are present at the venue. DEBASISH BHADURI at the Gangasagar Mela,”
sector undertaking Bharat sembly will be done in In- environment of the Indian other countries in the re- A number of Ministers the Minister said.
Dynamics Ltd. (BDL). dia. Our goal is to have an Ocean, enabling wide area gion, especially Australia of the West Bengal govern- crowd. “So far, about 42 pushing for a “national me- The State government
In a significant develop- operational production search through bespoke and Japan, which too are ment, led by Power Minis- lakh pilgrims have visited la” status for the Gangasa- also organises ‘Ganga Aar-
ment, India and the U.S. line in 2027,” Ultra Mari- multi-static active solu- part of the Quad grouping ter Aroop Biswas, held a the island,” Mr. Biswas gar Mela for several years. ti’ every year during the
last week announced the time said in response to tions. To a question, the and also hold the Malabar press conference announc- said, expressing hope that Earlier this month, Ms. mela, much like the event
“first-of-its-kind partner- questions from The Hindu company clarified that this naval exercise. These sono- ing the Bandhan initiative the number of pilgrims Banerjee had said that the held at the ghats of Varana-
ship on co-production” of sent on email. “These will was in addition to the in- buoys are dropped from for pilgrims visiting the site would cross the record of Union government sup- si.
U.S. sonobuoys for Under- be U.S.-specification sono- itial production already aircraft and helicopters. In- in availing a certificate in one crore set in 2023. ported the Kumbh Mela This year, the ‘Ganga
sea Domain Awareness for buoys equivalent to those envisaged. dia is also pursuing anoth- three languages. While claims of the but did not extend any sup- Aarti’ is being organised
the Indian Navy, a high- used on the P-8 aircraft.” On the future outlook, er technology – sensors Other initiatives include number of pilgrims visiting port to the Gangasagar from January 11 to January
end technology that allows The chairman of BDL, Ultra Maritime said it was embedded on the ocean the e-Anushandhan (pil- the ecologically fragile is- Mela. 13.
tracking of submarines in Commodore A. Madhava- working with BDL to iden- bed - and recently some grims can access facilities land during the Makar Trinamool Congress Mi- In separate incidents,
the deep seas and oceans. rao (retd), had stated that tify opportunities for In- progress has been made as at the mela ground) and e- Sankranti festival is con- nisters echoed similar sen- one person died and two
The announcement was they are looking to set up dian suppliers to enter its a few Indian start-ups Parichay (QR code-enabled tested by Opposition politi- timents. They questioned others were airlifted after
made in the fact sheet is- joint production with Ultra global supply chain. showcased the technology identity band) to prevent cal parties, Chief Minister why the Gangasagar Mela they fell ill at the Gangasa-
sued at the end of U.S. Na- Maritime in An Ultra Maritime state- now undergoing trials. missing people in the mela Mamata Banerjee has been was not being granted the gar Mela.

To solve this puzzle online,

14381 get across to our crossword site. 쑽 쑽
(set by Incognito)
Message of Lohri festival
15 Require the French pointer (6)
17 Pretended to feed, imbibing gin cocktail (7)
Lohri is a precursor to the festivals of Maghi, Pongal and
Bihu throughout India. It marks the movement of the Sun
19 Customers' right in courts? (7)
away from Makar (Capricorn) to the north signifying the
22 / 28 Where pilots and mountaineers may have friends? (2,4,6)
last day of the month of Paush. Offering thanksgiving to
24 Amir lies about points a frequent flier may accumulate (3,5) the Sun God, Lohri heralds the beginning of the end of the
26 He can be found in the church waving royal bat (5,3) dark bleak dreary winters and the beginning of warm
28 See 22 days, said Prof. Kumool Abbi. Spiritually, the inner dark-
30 Circulate rupee endlessly in country (4) ness is dispelled.
31 Little support by New York (5) Anthropologically it is related to the agricultural calen-
32 E-parrot? (4) dar. It heralds the harvesting of the Rabi crops. A bonfire is
Down lit and oblations are offered to the sacred fire. ‘Aadr aaye
1 In absence of king, obstruct group of countries (4) dalidhar jaye (may honour come and poverty vanish)’ in
2 Putting up with irritated nude call on phone (8) the form of sesame, peanuts, popcorn, puffed rice and
3 Fly drunken statesmen leaving 'Nam (6) jaggery.
4 Meet was organised for actress (3,4) Throughout history, fire has been venerated as power
5 Designing an oil pot? It is not mandatory... (8) and associated with purity, luminescence and glow. Cosm-
6 Collapse fastener (6) ologically the fire has an intimate cultural connection with
7 Keen to bend joint (4) the institutions of family and kinship, the rituals, customs,
14 Canoe may be Indian, for example (5) Solution to previous puzzle Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku ceremonies of birth, marriage and death which invoke Ag-
16 Machine found in rural Athens (5) ni. Linked to the solar calendar, Lohri, like Pongal, is a ve-
18 Shows old British at sea without right (8) ry significant religious and cultural festival. It signifies
Across 20 Items are manufactured in countries like Dubai or Abu Dhabi, abundance, bounty, prosperity, fertility symbolising joy,
8 Billionaire captivated by Meloni? (4) for example (8) brightness, warmth, continuity, copiousness and the com-
9 Type of note produced by harps (5) 21 Minerals stop development of stye (7) munity spirit. The fire is considered to be animate, alive
10 Bone in possession of Moghul nawab (4) 23 Legendary flier having one vehicle at university school (6) and pure.
11 Free of charge? (6) 25 Gives back money as pyre is destroyed (6) A solemnisation of marriage or the birth of a male child
12 Wizened woman on skating arena went ahead (8) 27 Tells untruth, "Isle is lost" (4) is celebrated. However, with modern values and educa-
13 One may get fir cones from these (8) 29 Real tech development (4) tion of daughters, Lohri has also become a new custom.
The Sikh religion commemorates the sacrifice of the 40
muktas at the Maghi Mela at Muktsar.
Monday, January 13, 2025 13

BSE expects Is PPF still

IPO run to attractive?

unabated in You can renew a PPF account

till retirement, and each

2025: CEO renewal will be for a block of

five years after the initial
period of 15 years. This
MARKETMUSINGS makes it an optimal
investment for retirement
Venkatesh Bangaruswamy
India’s record-breaking capital-raising
spree will continue in 2025 given the The new tax regime is the default
strong pipeline of firms looking to go choice. While tax rates are lower with
public, the head of the country’s higher slabs for income under ₹15
oldest exchange told Reuters. lakh, you can no longer claim
“There are 90-plus companies that deduction under Section 80C of the
have already filed their draft Income-Tax Act. This has led many to
prospectus with the regulator, looking Less taxing: Hybrid funds with allocation of more than 65% of portfolio to equity, are equity funds for tax purposes.GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK wonder about their investments in
to raise an estimated ₹1 trillion ($11.65 Public Provident Fund (PPF). Here, we
billion) at some point this year,” discuss why PPF is still an important

All about the utility of

Sundararaman Ramamurthy, the CEO part of goal-based portfolios.

of BSE said.
Last year, 91 large firms went public Exempt Income
on the BSE, earlier known as the Investments must be evaluated on a
Bombay Stock Exchange, and the
NSE, or National Stock Exchange,
raising a record 1.6 trillion rupees via
initial public offerings (IPOs),
hybrid mutual funds post-tax basis. Suppose you consider
investing in equity for capital
appreciation and in bonds for income
returns. Your goal-based investments
according to analytics firm Prime will attract long-term capital gains tax
Database. If you want to maintain equity exposure at a certain level, you may pick a hybrid fund; SEBI has on equity and your marginal tax rate
Overall public equity fundraising set ranges and within these, there is tracking and rebalancing by the fund manager on income returns.
more than doubled to ₹3.73 trillion. As the marginal tax rate is higher,
Mr. Ramamurthy said the IPO you must shield your interest income
boom has more Offers for Sale (OFS), debt-oriented funds. from taxes. Otherwise, your post-tax
where large shareholders sell existing MIX AND MATCH Arbitrage Funds earn re- expected returns on the portfolio will
shares, with the proceeds going to turns from the price diffe- be significant lower. It is in this
them, instead of fresh issues that Joydeep Sen SEBI defines Dynamic Arbitrage Funds earn rential between equity context that your investments in PPF
provide firms with capital to invest. stocks in cash market and becomes important.
Asset Allocation or returns from the price
“I would like to see the OFS stock futures market, for
percentage coming down and fresh hen we Balanced Advantage differential between 65% of the portfolio. Proceeds, Interest exempt
capital raising go up.”
BSE earned ₹1.57 billion in listing
fees in the first-half of 2024-25,
according to East India Securities.
This compares to ₹1.3 billion in fees
W think
(MFs), we think of equity
funds. There are also hy-
of Funds as those with
investment in equity/
debt managed
equity stocks in cash
market and stock futures
market, for 65% of the
The price at which a
stock is sold in the stock fu-
tures market is higher than
the price at which it is pur-
chased in the cash or spot
Accrued interest on PPF investment is
exempt from I-T as are the proceeds
you receive at maturity. This is true
even if you are assessed under the
new income tax regime.
reported a year earlier. brid funds with their own market. These funds have Therefore, PPF continues to be an
Mr. Ramamurthy declined to utility. These funds can equity funds. Equity allo- sure is ₹75 and debt expo- 65% or more of the portfo- attractive investment, even if you
comment on BSE’s financials ahead of add to tax efficiency. To re- cation being more than sure is ₹25. There is a short lio in cash-futures arbi- cannot avail the deduction of ₹1.5 lakh
its upcoming quarterly earnings. cap, taxation of equity 65%of portfolio, taxation is position in equity of say trage and 35% or less in annually. Note, interest rate on PPF is
The gains from the IPO pipeline, funds, for a holding period that of equity. ₹35. Thus, the net equity debt or money market in- reset every quarter. So, rates can
however, are being tempered by of more than one year, is Then there are Balanced exposure is ₹40. The ex- struments. Returns come decline in line with the government
tighter rules for trading derivatives. 12.5% plus surcharge and Hybrid funds with equity tent of the hedge is decid- from price differential bet- bond yields. Yet, tax exemption on
The notional value of derivatives cess. For a holding period allocation 40-60%. As per ed by the fund manager as ween the two segments. interest income is a dominant factor
traded in India has declined 40% of less than one year, it is rules, an Asset Manage- per market valuations. The Multi Asset Funds in favour of PPF.
since September, in anticipation of the 20% plus surcharge and ment Company (AMC) can reason to make the net (MAFs) are those with ex- The maximum amount you can
new rules, while premiums have cess. For debt funds, it is have either Aggressive or equity exposure lower posure to a minimum of invest annually in PPF is ₹1.5 lakh.
fallen 15%-20%, Mr. Ramamurthy said. your marginal slab rate, ir- Balanced Hybrid fund not than the apparent expo- three asset categories and Most confuse this with the headroom
A further decline could be respective of the holding both. Given a fund with ov- sure is to make it defensive. minimum 10% in each ca- deduction available under Section
expected since three of the six new period. For most investors, er 65% allocation to equity If the equity market were tegory. Here as well, most 80C. Suppose you are in the old tax
rules introduced by the markets it is 30% plus surcharge is taxed as equity and in- to correct, the adverse im- AMCs run portfolios with regime and your provident fund (PF)
regulator will be implemented by and cess. Hybrid funds vestors prefer equity taxa- pact would be to the extent equity exposure of over contribution is ₹50,000.
April. with allocation of more tion, AMCs have not initiat- of ₹40 and not ₹75. 65% to be eligible for equi- The misconception is you can
“We have to wait till April to judge than 65% of portfolio to ed Balanced Hybrid funds. In Equity Savings ty taxation. The balance is invest only ₹1 lakh in PPF, given the
the final impact,” Mr. Ramamurthy equity, are equity funds for SEBI defines Dynamic Funds, SEBI norm sets mi- invested in debt and gold, ₹1.5 lakh deduction limit under
said. tax purposes. In the pro- Asset Allocation or Ba- nimum investment in equi- or some other asset class. Section 80C. That is not true. You can
BSE’s shares have doubled since cess, the debt component lanced Advantage Funds ty and equity-related in- As we can see in the invest ₹1.5 lakh in PPF. But you can
Nov. 20 when the rules were of the fund also gets taxed (BAFs) as ‘investment in struments at 65% of total above fund categories, ex- only claim a maximum of ₹1.5 lakh for
implemented as analysts expect a at a lower rate i.e. 12.5%. . equity/ debt that is man- assets and minimum in- posure to equity being less all your eligible investments under
lower impact on the exchange aged dynamically’. vestment in debt at 10% of than that of pure-play equi- Section 80C including PF and PPF.
compared to the NSE, which has Fund details However, the MF indus- total assets. ty funds, you have diversi-
larger derivative trading volumes. There are six hybrid fund try has positioned BAF is in There has to be an usual fication built in the fund. Conclusion
BSE, which earns a major chunk of categories defined by Se- a particular manner. or unhedged exposure to At the end of the holding You can renew your PPF account till
revenue from transaction charges and curities Exchange Board of Equity component is equity, and a hedged expo- period, you may end up retirement and each renewal will be a
services to firms including listings, is India (SEBI). We start with maintained at over 65%, to sure to equity adding up to with returns less than equi- block of five years after the initial
looking to diversify its income the category called Aggres- be eligible for equity taxa- minimum 65% of portfolio. ty-only funds, but volatility period of 15 years. This makes PPF an
streams, Mr. Ramamurthy said. sive Hybrid funds. These tion. A part of the equity The balance portfolio is in during holding period will optimal investment for retirement
It aims to grow its index business, funds are mandated to exposure is ‘hedged’. debt. The industry practice be relatively lower. portfolio and for goals with time
which licences indexes used by funds have allocation to equity in Hedging is done by taking a is the usual equity compo- horizon of 15 years and more.
to benchmark investments. the range of 65 to 80% of contra position i.e. sell/ nent is maintained in the Conclusion To benefit from compounding
“We have launched 15 indices since the portfolio. It is compul- short position in stock fu- range of 20-40%, and so is If you want to maintain effect, it is optimal to exhaust PPF
the middle of last year and there is sory to have this allocation tures. The effect is the net the hedged portion. equity exposure at a cer- investments early in a financial year.
room to continue working on that to equity, hence, this cate- equity exposure, subject to Though Equity Savings tain level, in a disciplined Individuals with salary income could
front,” he said. gory is just one notch be- market volatility, is much Funds are equity funds manner, you may resort to consider contribution to voluntary PF,
It is also considering expanding its low equity funds. The allo- lower. from a tax perspective, the the relevant hybrid fund. as it carries a higher interest rate.
co-location services, which are in cation to debt, 20-35 % of As an illustration, let us equity (unhedged) portion (The writer is a corporate (The author offers training
demand as high-frequency and portfolio, leads to lower say the in a BAF with a cor- in the range of 20- 40%, re- trainer (financial markets) programmes for individuals to manage
algorithmic trading increase. volatility than pure-play pus of ₹100, equity expo- sembles fixed income or and author.) their personal investments)
“There is good possibility of
generating revenue (in co-location),
but we have not made a decision yet. Personal Loans Car Loans
We will look at it after April once Rates and Charges Loan amount 5 lakh Loan amount 1 lakh (% of loan amount) Rates and Charges Loan amount 5 lakh (% of loan amount)
market volumes settle down.” Tenure 5 years Tenure 5 years Tenure 5 years

Name of Lender Interest Rate (%) EMI (Rs) EMI (Rs) Processing fee Name of Lender Interest Rate (%) EMI (Rs) Processing fee
HDFC Bank 10.85-24.00 10,834-14,384 2,167-2,877 Up to Rs 6,500 Union Bank of India 8.70 - 10.45 10,307 - 10,735 NIL
Tata Capital 11.99 onwards 11,120 onwards 2,224 onwards Up to 5.5%
Punjab National Bank 8.75 - 10.60 10,319 - 10,772 Up to 0.25% (Rs. 1,000 - Rs. 1,500)
State Bank of India 11.45-14.85 10,984-11,856 2,197-2,371 NIL
Send queries on personal finance and ICICI Bank 10.85-16.25 10,834-12,226 2,167-2,445 Up to 2% Bank of Baroda 9.00 - 12.70 10,379 - 11,300 Up to Rs 750
investing to the Bank of Baroda 11.05-18.75 10,884-12,902 2,177-2,580 Up to 2% (Maximum Rs 10,000)
UCO Bank 8.45 onwards 10,246 onwards Nil
ID. Our experts in personal finance will Axis Bank 11.00 onwards 10,871 onwards 2,174 onwards Up to 2%
respond to select queries, but will not give Kotak Mahindra Bank 10.99-16.99 10,869-12,424 2,174-2,485 Up to 5% State Bank of India 9.10-10.15 10,403-10,660 NIL
specific recommendations for investment Bank of India 10.85-16.20 10,834-12,212 2,167-2,442 Up to 1% IDBI Bank 8.90-9.70 10,355 - 10,550 Rs 2,500
in a particular mutual fund, share or fixed (Minimum Rs 250
deposit. and Maximum Bank of Maharashtra* 8.70 - 13.00 10,307 - 11,377 NIL
Rs 10,000) Indian Overseas Bank** 8.65-9.85 10,294 - 10,587 0.50% (Rs 500 - Rs 5,000)
Canara Bank 10.95-16.40 10,859-12,266 2,172-2,453 Up to 0.50% (Maximum Rs 2,500)
ICICI Bank 9.10 onwards 10,403 onwards Up to 2%
Punjab National Bank 11.40-17.95 10,971-12,683 2,194-2,537 Up to 1%
Correction HSBC Bank 10.15-16.00 10,660-12,159 2,132-2,432 Up to 2% HDFC Bank 9.20 onwards 10,428 onwards Up to 1% (Rs 3,500 - Rs 9,000)
Federal Bank 11.49-14.49 10,994-11,762 2,199-2,352 Up to 3%
Karnataka Bank 9.13-11.61 10,411 - 11,024 Up to 0.50% (Rs 500 - Rs 5,000)
The article “Uninsured two-wheelers Union Bank of India 11.35-15.45 10,959-12,013 2,192-2,403 Up to 1% (Maximum Rs 7,500)
Federal Bank 8.85 onwards 10,343 onwards Rs 2,000 - Rs 4,500
are a major safety concern”, published Bajaj Finserv 10.00-31.00 10,624-16,485 2,125-3,297 Up to 3.93%
on this page on January 6, had errone- Punjab & Sind Bank 11.25-14.00 10,934-11,634 2,187-2,327 0.50%-1% Punjab and Sind Bank*** 8.85 - 10.25 10,343 - 10,685 0.25% (Rs 1,000-Rs 15,000)
ously stated that ‘The maximum com- South Indian Bank 12.85-20.60 11,338-13,414 2,268-2,683 Up to 2%
South Indian Bank 8.75 onwards 10,319 onwards Rs. 1999
pensation is ₹7.5 lakh for third-party UCO Bank 12.45-12.85 11,236-11,338 2,247-2,268 Up to 1% (Minimum Rs 750)
death or property damage.’ It should IDFC First Bank 10.99 onwards 10,869 onwards 2,174 onwards 2% IDFC First Bank 9.99 onwards 10,621 onwards Up to Rs 10,000

have stated: ‘The maximum compen- Bank of Maharashtra 10.00-12.80 10,624-11,325 2,125-2,265 1% (Rs 1,000-Rs 10,000)
City Union Bank 14.45-14.95 11,751-11,882 1.25% (Min: Rs 1,000)
sation for a third party death is decid- Karnataka Bank 13.68 11,551 2,310 Up to 2%
*0.25% interest rate concession for existing housing loan borrowers and corporate salary account holders.
(Min. Rs 2,500
ed by the court, and the maximum **0.50% interest rate concession to borrowers with credit scores of 800 and above. Interest rate concession of 0.25% to borrowers having
Max. Rs 8,500) credit scores of 750-799
compensation for third party property ***Concession of up to 50% on processing fee for PSB Apna Vahan Sugam.
IndusInd Bank 10.49 onwards 10,744 onwards 2,149 onwards Up to 3.5%
damage in the case of bike insurance is Rates and charges as on January 8 Source:
₹1 lakh.’ The error is regretted.
14 Monday, January 13, 2025

World Delhi


Philippines deploys coast guard Malala slams Taliban for instituting South Korea’s Yoon will not attend Croatia’s President Milanovic is the
ship to counter China patrols ‘gender apartheid’ against women first impeachment hearing favourite to win run-off elections


The Philippines said on Sunday it had deployed a coast guard ship Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai slammed the Taliban for instituting South Korea’s suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol will not attend Croatia’s incumbent President Zoran Milanović, left, was the
to challenge Chinese patrol boats attempting to “alter the existing a system of “gender apartheid” against women by disguising their the first hearing of his impeachment trial next week because of favourite to win reelection as he faced Dragan Primorac from the
status quo” of the disputed South China Sea. Manila said Chinese crimes in the cloak of culture and religion. “The Taliban do not see safety concerns, his lawyer said. The Constitutional Court has ruling conservative party in a run-off on Sunday. The left-leaning
patrol ships had this year come as close as 111 km west of the main women as human beings. These policies are a violation of human scheduled five trial dates spanning January 14 to February 4, which Milanovic comfortably won the first round on December 29. He fell
Philippine island of Luzon. AFP rights,” she said while speaking on girls’ education in Islamabad. PTI will proceed in his absence if he does not attend. AFP short of securing 50% of the vote by just 5,000 votes. AFP

Saudi Arabia calls for lifting Firefighters scramble to Trump calls

Syria curbs at talks with EU contain Los Angeles fires leaders

Agence France-Presse
The meeting also included officials from West Asia and the UN; German Foreign Minister LOS ANGELES
Annalena Baerbock wants a ‘smart approach’ that would enable aid to reach Syrians Agence France-Presse
Firefighters battled on Sun- LOS ANGELES
day to get on top of mas-
Agence France-Presse well as a broader gathering sive wildfires around Los U.S. President-elect Do-
RIYADH that also included Turkiye, Angeles as winds ramped nald Trump accused Cali-
France, the European Un- up, pushing the blazes to- fornia officials on Sunday

audi Arabia on Sun- ion and the UN. ward previously un- of incompetence over their
day called for the lift- The European Union’s touched neighbourhoods. handling of deadly wild-
ing of sanctions on top diplomat, Kaja Kallas, At least 16 persons were fires raging around Los
Syria after meetings with said on Friday that the 27- confirmed dead from fires Angeles.
top diplomats from West nation bloc could begin lift- that have ripped through “The fires are still raging
Asia and Europe that fo- ing sanctions if Syria’s new the city, leaving communi- in L.A. The incompetent
cused on the war-ravaged rulers took steps to form ties in ruins and testing the No respite: A fire-fighting helicopter at work near the Mandeville pols (politicians) have no
country’s future. an inclusive government mettle of thousands of fire- Canyon neighbourhood in California on Saturday. AFP idea how to put them out,”
The Gulf kingdom is that protected minorities. fighters — and millions of Mr. Trump said on his
seeking to increase its in- European Foreign Mi- California residents. gusts that forecasters “This may lead to the Truth Social platform.
fluence in Syria after Isla- nisters are due to meet on Despite heroic efforts, warned would feed the spread of ongoing fires as With just over a week
mist-led militants toppled Way out: Saudi Arabia hosts top diplomats from West Asia and January 27 to discuss the is- including precision sorties blazes for days to come. well as the development of before he returns to the
longtime ruler Bashar al- Europe to discuss Syria in Riyadh on Sunday. AFP sue, she said. from aerial crews, the Pali- “Critical fire-weather new ones.” White House, Mr. Trump
Assad last month, analysts German Foreign Minis- sades Fire continued to conditions will unfortu- The Palisades Fire was has launched a series of
say. their continuation hinders Minister Prince Faisal bin ter Annalena Baerbock grow, pushing east and nately ramp up again today 11% contained on Saturday evidence-free broadsides
“We stressed the impor- the aspirations of the Syr- Farhan said after Sunday’s said in Riyadh that her go- north to the densely popu- for southern California and but had grown to 23,600 accusing California’s De-
tance of lifting unilateral ian people to achieve deve- talks concluded in Riyadh. vernment wanted a “smart lated San Fernando Valley. last through at least early acres, while the Eaton Fire mocratic Governor Gavin
and international sanc- lopment and reconstruc- The agenda included a approach” that would ena- A brief lull in the wind next week,” the National was at 14,000 acres and Newsom of failings in res-
tions imposed on Syria, as tion,” Saudi Foreign meeting of Arab officials as ble aid to reach Syrians. was rapidly giving way to Weather Service said. 15% contained. ponse to the blazes.

Yunus asks U.K. to Italy’s Justice Minister asks court to Myanmar junta air
probe ‘graft scandal’ release Iranian man held on U.S. warrant strike kills 15 civilians,
of Hasina’s niece Associated Press giving rise to speculation
says rebel group
ROME about his fate.
Press Trust of India Chief Advisor says Agence France-Presse the Kachin Independence
DHAKA Tulip Siddiq may Italy’s Justice Minister has Finer details BANGKOK Army (KIA), said.
have acquired asked an appeals court to The Justice Ministry on “All those killed were ci-
“Chief Advisor Muham- revoke the arrest of an Ira- Sunday said that under Ita- A Myanmar junta air strike vilians including gold min-
mad Yunus has called for
properties unlawfully nian citizen wanted by the ly-U.S. extradition treaties, killed at least 15 civilians ers and local shopkeep-
an investigation into the during Hasina regime U.S. over a drone attack in “only crimes that are pun- and wounded 10 others at ers,” he said.
properties of British Minis- Jordan that killed three ishable according to the a market in a gold-mining The KIA, which can call
ter Tulip Siddiq and her fa- Americans a year ago. laws of both sides can lead area in northern Kachin on around 7,000 fighters,
mily, indicating that they posed regime”. He de- Mohammad Abedini to extradition, a condition state, a spokesman for an has been battling the mili-
may have acquired them manded the return of the was scheduled to appear at which, based on the state ethnic rebel group that tary for decades for auto-
through unlawful means assets to Bangladesh if she a Milan court on Wednes- of documents, can’t be controls the area said on nomy and control of local
during her aunt Sheikh Ha- is found to have benefited day in connection with his considered as existing.” Sunday. resources in Kachin State.
sina’s tenure as Bangladesh from “plain robbery.” bid for house arrest pend- Quid pro quo: Italian journalist Cecilia Sala, believed to have been The potential charge The junta has been ac- The State is home to
premier,” reports said on Ms. Siddiq, a member of ing the extradition process held as a bargaining chip, had returned home last week. REUTERS against Mr. Abedini — cri- cused of carrying out mul- huge jade mines and rare
Sunday. Britain’s Labour Cabinet, to the U.S. minal association for vio- tiple attacks on civilian tar- heavy earth elements,
In an interview with the serves as the Economic Se- Iransaid Mr. Abedini will the case with Italy. tained while on a reporting lating the International gets as it struggles to quell most of which are export-
Times newspaper, Mr. Yu- cretary to the Treasury and return to Iran “within Mr. Abedini was arrest- trip to Iran. Ms. Sala, who Emergency Economic resistance to its 2021 coup. ed to China. Naw Bu said
nus condemned the use of City Minister, responsible hours.” The report said the ed based on a U.S. warrant was believed to have been Powers Act, a U.S. federal The latest attack hap- the attack took place in a
properties gifted to Ms. for addressing corruption release and return of Mr. on December 16, three held as a bargaining chip law — “did not correspond pened around 11:00 a.m. mining area in Tanaing
Siddiq and her family by within the U.K.’s financial Abedini came after Iran’s days before Italian journal- for Mr. Abedini’s release, to any conduct recognised on Saturday, Colonel Naw Township, in the western
“allies of her aunt’s de- markets. Foreign Ministry pursued ist Cecilia Sala was de- returned home last week, by Italian law as a crime.” Bu, a spokesperson from part of the State.

Jemimah’s century sets up series win for India Home Run claims the feature event
HYDERABAD: Trainer M. Srinivas Blaze. Owner: Mr. V. Narendar (Akshay K) 3 and King Best (Gaurav)
Reddy’s ward Home Run, ridden by Reddy. Trainer: G. Shashikanth. 4. 3-1/4, 2 and 2-1/2. 1m, 24.45s. ₹23
156 off 19 overs between Akshay Kumar, won the Deccan 4. RED SATIN PLATE (DIV. II) (w), 13, 15 and 12 (p). SHP: 48, THP:
IRELAND IN INDIA Smriti and Pratika and 183 Bookmakers Welfare Association (1,200M): FIRST LADY (Santosh Raj 49, SHW: 13 and 15, FP: 64, Q: 43,
Darley Arabian Million, the feature N.R) 1, Normui (Mukesh) 2, Glimmer Tanala: 198. Favourite: Uchchaih-
off 28 overs between Jemi- event of Sunday’s ( Jan. 12) races. Of Hope (Gaurav) 3 and Sargent shravas. Owner: Mr. Vara Prasad
Press Trust of India mah and Harleen. The winner is owned by M/s. Arun (H.M. Akshay) 4. 4-1/2, Neck and 1/2. Reddy. Trainer: N. Rawal.
RAJKOT Alagappan Racing LLP & Mr. S. 1m, 12.59s. ₹22 (w), 11, 13 and 52 (p). 8. DECCAN BOOKMAKERS WEL-
Pathy. Akshay Kumar rode two SHP: 28, THP: 137, SHW: 18 and 33, FARE ASSOCIATION DARLEY ARA-
Carnage more winners on the day. FP: 58, Q: 30, Tanala: 1,565. Favour- BIAN MILLION (GR. 3) (1,200M):
A collective batting perfor- In all, the Indian batters 1. RED SATIN PLATE (DIV. I) ite: First Lady. Owners: Mr. G. Krish- HOME RUN (Akshay Kumar) 1,
(1,200M): THE PIOUS (Akshay Ku- namohan Rao, Mr. Prabhakar Cherie Chevalier (P. Sai K) 2, Pacific
mance headlined by Jemi- smashed an astounding 44 mar) 1, Inderdhanush (Deepak) 2, Chowdary Tripuraneni & Mrs. T. Ro- Heights (Saqlain) 3 and Smart Oper-
mah Rodrigues’ maiden boundaries and three sixes Fashion Icon (Gaurav) 3 and hini. Trainer: D. Netto. ator (Mukesh) 4. 2, 10-1/2 and 2-1/4.
hundred ensured India’s Wandring Warrior (Abhay) 4. 4-3/4, 5. B. VIJAY REDDY MEMORIAL CUP 1m, 11.51s. ₹32 (w), 17 and 10 (p).
in 50 overs. 2-1/2 and 1-1/2. 1m, 12.40s. ₹13 (w), (1,600M): PEPPI (A. Ashad Asbar) 1, SHP: 18, THP: 41, SHW: 19 and 10,
commanding 116-run win As far as Jemimah was 10, 14 and 17 (p). SHP: 28, THP: 78, See My Attitude (Afroz K) 2, Belling- FP: 81, Q: 39, Tanala: 80. Favourite:
against Ireland in the se- concerned, her record has
SHW: 10 and 24, FP: 38, Q: 38, ham (B.R. Kumar) 3 and Oskars Of- Cherie Chevalier. Owners: M/s.
Tanala: 260. Favourite: The Pious. ficer (H.M. Akshay) 4. 2-1/4, 2-3/4 Arun Alagappan Racing LLP & Mr.
cond women’s ODI here on been one that flattered to Owner: Mr. Subodh Kumar and 1/2. 1m, 41.02s. ₹46 (w), 16, 14 S. Pathy. Trainer: M. Srinivas Reddy.
Sunday as the hosts took deceive with just six half- Ananthula. Trainer: G. Sandeep. and 17 (p). SHP: 34, THP: 87, SHW: 9. RED SATIN PLATE (DIV. III)
an unassailable 2-0 lead in 2. COMMON LAND PLATE (DIV. II) 16 and 11, FP: 157, Q: 75, Tanala: 643. (1,200M): PETRA ACT (Mukesh Ku-
centuries across 40 games. (1,200M): RIVAL (P. Sai Kumar) 1, Favourite: Always Special. Owners: mar) 1, Dali’s Champion (P. Ajeeth
the three-match series. Golden Gazelle (H.M. Akshay) 2, Mr. Prabhaker Reddy Solipuram & K) 2, Golden Inzio (P. Sai K) 3 and
But once she got the Happy Soul (Kuldeep Jr.) 3 and Mr. Mrs. Lingala Aarti Reddy. Trainer:
India scored a massive boundary off medium pac- Perfect (Mohit) 4. 2, 2 and 3-3/4. 1m, L.V.R. Deshmukh.
Exponent (Md. Ekram) 4. Not run:
That’s My Mission. 5-1/2, 3/4 and 7-
370 for five riding on three er Arlene Kelly, the relief 11.57s. ₹28 (w), 10, 14 and 29 (p). 6. COMMON LAND PLATE (DIV. I) 3/4. 1m, 11.69s. ₹83 (w), 22, 10 and 17
half-centuries and a ton be- SHP: 41, THP: 46, SHW: 13 and 20, (1,200M): DARLING’S BOY (Akshay (p). SHP: 32, THP: 39, SHW: 87 and
was palpable as she did a FP: 113, Q: 45, Tanala: 633. Favour- Kumar) 1, Mix The Magic (Mukesh) 15, FP: 428, Q: 233, Tanala: 952. Fa-
fore restricting Ireland to mock guitar-playing act ite: Rival. Owner: The United Ra- 2, Amyra (Shivansh) 3 and Calista vourite: Dali’s Champion. Owners:
254 for seven in the stipu- with her willow.
cing & Bloodstock Breeders Ltd. & Girl (Gaurav) 4. 3, Short Head and M/s. Boppidi Sham Sunder Reddy,
Mr. Sanjay R. Goyani. Trainer: K.S.V. Neck. 1m, 11.73s. ₹23 (w), 11, 20 and
lated 50 overs. Star turn: Jemimah finally got the monkey off her back with a maiden ODI ton. FILE PHOTO: VIJAY SONEJI Prasad Raju. 36 (p). SHP: 100, THP: 81, SHW: 13
Chandrasekhar Reddy Challuri,
Srinivas Rao Thota & Venkata
Skipper Smriti Mandha- The scores: India 370/5 in 50 3. CHALLURI SUSHEELA & and 56, FP: 126, Q: 104, Tanala: Krishna Reddy Challuri. Trainer:
overs (Smriti 73, Pratika 67, NARASIMHA REDDY MEMORIAL 5,018. Favourite: Darling’s Boy.
na was the first off the wal (67 off 61 balls) and the but never had the firepow- batters as off-spinner CUP (1,400M): MISS SMILEY ANGEL Owners: M/s. S. Daljeet Singh, Mo-
Magan Singh Parmar.
blocks with an attacking 73 seasoned Harleen Deol (89 er to surpass a gigantic to- Deepti Sharma emerged Harleen 89, Jemimah 102) beat (H.M. Akshay) 1, N R I Blaze Jackpot: (i) 70%: ₹83,266 (1 tkt.) &
hammed Rashed Ali Khan & Aziz
Ireland 254/7 in 50 overs (Sarah (Kuldeep Sr.) 2, Infinia (Ashad As- Ahmed Khan. Trainer: M.F. Ali 30%: 3,244 (11 tkts.); (ii) 70%: 35,751
off just 54 balls, while Jemi- off 84 balls) also made mer- tal. the pick of the Indian bow- (14 tkts.) & 30%: 674 (318 tkts.).
Forbes 38, Christina Coulter Reilly bar) 3 and Konaseema (Abhay) 4. Khan.
mah (102 off 91) ensured a ry against a sub-par bow- Save Christina Coulter lers with three for 37. 80, Deepti Sharma 3/37). Toss: Head, 2 and 2. 1m, 26.75s. ₹353 (w), 7. 1EME CENTRE ROLLING TROPHY Mini Jackpot: (i) 1,90,717 (1 tkt.), (ii)
smooth finish for the hosts. ling attack. 74, 12 and 13 (p). SHP: 38, THP: 44, (1,400M): UCHCHAIHSHRAVAS 5,117 (17 tkts.).
Reilly’s 80, there wasn’t Earlier, India’s total was India: PoM: Jemimah. India won SHW: 126 and 18, FP: 3,496, Q: 929, (Neeraj Rawal) 1, Espionage Treble: (i) 1,186 (11 tkts.), (ii) 461 (154
Newcomer Pratika Ra- Ireland batted steadily much fight from the other based on two big stands — by 116 runs and leads series 2-0. Tanala: 17,638. Favourite: N R I (Kuldeep Sr.) 2, Emperors Charm tkts.), (iii) 1,469 (30 tkts.).
Monday, January 13, 2025 15
Djokovic reveals ‘energetic disc’ Ruud says proposing to girlfriend Shreyas is Punjab Kings skipper, Jamshedpur FC outclasses
as his new secret weapon topped any Grand Slam final aims to deliver team’s maiden title Mumbai City, climbs to third spot


Novak Djokovic has revealed a new secret weapon that he credits Casper Ruud is a three-time Grand Slam finalist, but the World No. 6 IPL franchise Punjab Kings announced Shreyas Iyer as its captain for Jamshedpur FC defeated Mumbai City FC 3-0 in an ISL match in
with helping keep him healthy — a green “energetic disc.” Known for admitted his pulse was racing when he went down on one knee to the 2025 season. “I am honoured that the team has reposed its faith Mumbai on Sunday to move to third spot, courtesy its ninth win.
his new-age spiritual interests, he has a device made by an engineer propose to his girlfriend Maria Galligani. Asked if he was more nervous in me. I am looking forward to working again with coach Ricky The visiting team converted all of the three shots it took on target
in Serbia which he claims has helped him deal with several ailments. playing Rafael Nadal in the French Open final or asking his fiancee to Ponting. I hope to repay the faith shown by the management by into goals. The result: Mumbai City FC 0 lost to Jamshedpur FC 3
The 37-year-old showed off the dinner-plate size disc on Instagram. marry him, he visibly tensed up, stuttering in his on-court interview. winning our maiden title,” said Shreyas. (Mohd Sanan 64, Jordan Murray 86 (in pic), Hernandez 90+6).

Toofans blow away the Jansen on the double as Warriors

Lancers’ challenge ease past Pipers in opening game

Santadeep Dey
Peillat nets two goals as the Hyderabad franchise comes from behind to register a 5-1 win; RANCHI

Casella, Brand and Arshdeep add to the team’s tally as it climbs to the second spot Yibbi Jansen, the most ex-
pensive foreign player of
the first-ever women’s
HIL Hockey India League, set
the tone for the competi-
Y.B. Sarangi tion with a brace in the
ROURKELA lung-opener as Odisha
Warriors made a strong

yderabad Toofans statement with a 4-0 win
rode on German over Delhi SG Pipers at the
drag-flicker Gon- Marang Gomke Jaipal
zalo Peillat’s brace to re- Singh Munda Astro Turf
cord another come-from- Stadium here on Sunday.
behind win — its second in Warriors produced a
two days — in the Hockey sterling defensive show in
India League at the Birsa the first 15 minutes after
Munda Hockey Stadium opting to push-back. When
here on Sunday. The 5-1 Delhi midfielder Lily Ow-
victory over Vedanta Kalin- sley went on a run down
ga Lancers, its second out- the right flank, an alert
right win, took it to the No. Sakshi Rana marred the
2 spot. Rio 2016 gold medallist’s Yibbi! Jansen, gung-ho after scoring a goal, led Warriors’ charge against Pipers. K.R. DEEPAK
Lancers suffered be- attempt to cross the ball in-
cause of their below-par to the danger zone. from teammates.
short corner conversion — Happy bunch: Toofans’ two-goal hero Peillat, centre, and fellow goal-scorer Arshdeep celebrate a strike Meanwhile, Delhi custo- And to add salt to the
only one of 11 — while Too- along with teammates. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT dian Elodie Picard’s wrong- wounds, Jansen added to
fans benefited from the footed slide kept at bay the her tally through another
great work of ’keepers Vi- the first period witnessed a over custodian Krishan from a short corner hit the opposition skipper Neha penalty corner conversion.
kas Dahiya and Dominic heated exchange between Pathak’s head and left him post for a second time. Goyal, who had sneaked Shoulders had begun to
Dixon as well as the players of both sides after stunned. Lancers created Toofans grew in confi- into the circle in the third droop as Pipers meekly re-
defenders. Lancers were awarded some good moves in the se- dence, attacked with com- minute. signed to the status quo.
An eventful first quarter their fifth penalty corner. cond quarter but could not posure and extended the Odisha sniffed an oppor- Warriors, smelling blood,
saw turnovers and eight find the equaliser. lead early in the final quar- tunity again in the second pumped in two more goals
penalty corners, of which Going ahead Toofans, after seeing ter with Tim Brand tapping quarter when it won the from open play as Baljeet
Lancers earned five. Both Maico Casella scored a Shilanand Lakra hitting it in. first penalty corner of the Kaur and Moes joined the
sides scored a goal apiece, freakish goal in the 21st mi- straight into Pathak’s body game. party.
As Lancers removed
too. nute to give Toofans the off a counter-attack, made Dutch forward Freeke
their goalkeeper, the hard- The Delhi side earned a
Alex Hendrickx execut- lead and the momentum. it 2-1 as Peillat unleashed a Moes’ injection found com- Colourful start: Folk artists perform during the opening ceremony
working Arshdeep Singh penalty corner in the dying
ed a low drag-flick to put The Argentinian, posted diagonal drag-flick at the patriot Jansen, and the of the Women’s Hockey India League. K.R. DEEPAK
scored another one for moments of the game but
Lancers ahead in the fifth on the right, brought down stroke of half-time. most successful goal-scor-
Toofans to seal the game. the scoresheet remained
minute and Peillat re- Zachary Wallace’s long ae- Free-flowing end-to-end er at Paris 2024 didn’t ers looked to equalise while trapping the inser-
turned the favour in a simi- rial pass from the left and action continued in the se- The result: Hyderabad Toofans 5 break a sweat as she found through a penalty corner tion. Sunelita Toppo and
lar manner in the next hammered in a cross-bat- cond half. (Peillat 6 & 30, Casella 21, Brand the target with a piercing after a stray stick tackle Mumtaz Khan’s sizzling The result: Odisha Warriors 4
minute. ted cricket shot from a nar- But the hosts did not 47, Arshdeep 54) bt Vedanta drag-flick. from Lilly Stoffelsma. But runs after the half-hour (Jansen 16 & 37, Baljeet 42, Moes
The closing seconds of row angle as the ball sailed have the luck as an attempt Kalinga Lancers 1 (Hendrickx 5). Five minutes later, Pip- Jyoti Singh made a mess mark found little support 43) bt Delhi SG Pipers 0.

Sabalenka and Zverev storm into round two Saikia, Bhatia take Atletico
over as secretary and LaLiga lead
Men: Fils (Fra) bt Virtanen (Fin)
treasurer of BCCI Agencies
Agence France-Presse 3-6, 7-6(4), 6-4, 6-4; Nishikori (Jpn) VENICE
MELBOURNE bt Monteiro (Bra) 4-6, 6-7(4), 7-5,
6-2, 6-3; 6-Ruud (Nor) bt Munar Amol Karhadkar Julian Alvarez’s strike
(Esp) 6-3, 1-6, 7-5, 2-6, 6-1; Gaston
Aryna Sabalenka powered MUMBAI helped Atletico Madrid
(Fra) bt Jasika (Aus) 6-2, 3-6, 6-2,
past Sloane Stephens to be- 6-2; Habib (Leb) bt Bu (Chn) move top of LaLiga with
gin her quest for a third 7-6(4), 6-4, 7-6(6); Martinez (Esp) Devajit Saikia’s and Prab- 1-0 win over Osasuna on
consecutive Australian bt Darderi (Ita) 6-3, 4-1, retd.; htej Singh Bhatia’s uncon- Sunday.
Open crown on Sunday 24-Lehecka (Cze) bt Li (Aus) 6-1, tested election as the se- Diego Simeone’s side
with Alexander Zverev and 3-6, 6-3, 7-6(1); 26-Machac (Cze) cretary and treasurer, climbed one point clear of
Zheng Qinwen also win- bt Nagal (Ind) 6-3, 6-1, 7-5; respectively, of the Board Real Madrid and six ahead
ning as storms caused ha- 14-Humbert (Fra) bt Gigante (Ita) of Control for Cricket in In- of third-placed Barcelona
voc on day one of the 7-6(5), 7-5, 6-4; 2-Zverev (Ger) bt dia (BCCI) was formalised at the halfway mark in the
Grand Slam. Pouille (Fra) 6-4, 6-4, 6-4; Opelka during the BCCI’s Special
(USA) bt Onclin (Bel) 3-6, 7-6(4),
Spanish league season.
Belarusian top seed Sa- General Meeting (SGM) on Inter Milan secured a 1-0
6-3, 6-2; Halys (Fra) bt Walton
balenka had a first-set wob- (Aus) 4-6, 4-6, 6-4, 7-6(4), 7-5. Sunday. win at lowly Venezia on
ble but was otherwise in Women: 14-Andreeva (Rus) bt With Saikia, the incum- Devajit Saikia. PTI Sunday that lifted it to se-
control against 2017 US Bouzkova (Cze) 6-3, 6-3; 5-Zheng bent joint secretary, and cond place in Serie A.
Open champion Stephens, The quest begins: Sabalenka, who swept past Stephens in her opener, is looking to become the (Chn) bt Todoni (Rou) 7-6(3), 6-1; Bhatia, who has earlier binet last month.
romping home 6-3, 6-2 in first woman since Hingis to win three consecutive titles at Melbourne Park. AFP 18-Vekic (Cro) bt Parry (Fra) 6-4, served as a councillor, be- The BCCI will now have The results: LaLiga: Las Palmas
71 minutes on Rod Laver 6-4; Maria (Ger) bt Pera (USA) ing lone candidates in their to conduct an election for 1 (Januzaj 88) lost to Getafe 2
7-6(3), 6-4; 11-Badosa (Esp) bt (Coba 70, Mayoral 86); Atletico
Arena. up. “I didn’t play my best, last year’s losing finalist, the match, the tiebreak respective categories, joint secretary’s post in the
Wang (Chn) 6-3, 7-6(5); Lamens Madrid 1 (Alvarez 55) bt Osasuna
Sabalenka is aiming to probably, but I’m glad I had the honour of playing and find my rhythm.” there was no need for a next 45 days, with Mumbai 0.
(Ned) bt Erjavec (Slo) 7-5, 7-6(2);
become the first woman was able to close the match the first point on centre The 22-year-old enjoyed ballot vote. Election officer Cricket Association vice- Serie A: Genoa 1 (Frendrup 65) bt
30-Fernandez (Can) bt
since Martina Hingis (1997- in two sets.” court against Romania’s a breakthrough 2024 with Starodubtseva (Ukr) 7-5, 6-4;
A.K. Joti formally appoint- president Sanjay Naik be- Parma 0; Venezia 0 lost to Inter
99) to win three consecu- Men’s second seed Zve- 110th-ranked Anca Todoni. her Australian Open ex- Maneiro (Esp) bt Kartal (GBr) 6-1, ed the duo as office-bear- ing a frontrunner to fill in Milan 1 (Darmian 16).
tive titles at Melbourne rev was clinical in his She came through 7-6 ploits helping spur her to 7-6(5); 1-Sabalenka (Blr) bt ers in the SGM that lasted till the AGM later this year. Bundesliga: RB Leipzig 4
Park. match against French wild- (3), 6-1 but was rusty after Olympic gold — beating Iga Stephens (USA) 6-3, 6-2; Tauson 10 minutes. Saikia played four Ranji (Simons 23, 35, Sesko 47,
If she lifts the winner’s card Lucas Pouille, who opting not to play a warm- Swiatek on the way — and (Den) bt 29-Noskova (Cze) 5-7, The need for election Trophy games for Assam in Baumgartner 90) bt Werder
Daphne Akhurst Memorial made the last four in 2019 up event. three WTA titles. 6-3, 6-4; Bucsa (Esp) bt Paquet had arisen since Jay Shah 1990-91. However, he has Bremen 2 (Weiser 26, Burke
Cup again, she will join a before losing to eventual Zheng had three set While Zheng was able to (Fra) 6-2, 6-3; Blinkova (Rus) bt and Ashish Shelar had to had a glittering career ever 90+3).
select group of Margaret champion Novak Djokovic. points on her own serve at play, the action on outside Saville (Aus) 1-6, 6-4, 7-5. vacate their posts for va- since stepping into the As- On Saturday: Serie A: AC Milan
Court, Evonne Goolagong, The German, who is on 5-3 in the first set, but al- courts at Melbourne Park ried reasons. While Shah sam Cricket Association in 1 (Morata 51) drew with Cagliari 1

Steffi Graf, Monica Seles the same side of the draw lowed Todoni to come was halted barely an hour resigned as secretary on 2016. He has been instru- (Zortea 55); Torino 1 (Vlasic 45+1)
Fallen seed
drew with Juventus 1 (Yildiz 8).
and Hingis as the only wo- as Novak Djokovic and Car- roaring back before closing after it started when Women: 29-Noskova November 30 before tak- mental in developing the
Bundesliga: Borussia
men to complete a los Alcaraz, cruised home her down in the tiebreak storms rolled in that ing over as the Internation- Barsapara Cricket Stadium
M’Gladbach 0 lost to Bayern
three-peat. 6-4, 6-4, 6-4 as he bids to then racing through the se- turned the sky black. al Cricket Council chair on in Guwahati. Munich 1 (Kane 68-pen).
“Always tough matches better the semifinal he cond set. India’s Sumit Nagal lost ings in singles, lost to his December 1, Shelar had to Bhatia, a young entre- LaLiga: Espanyol 1 (Cabrera 2)
against her,” said Sabalen- made in 2024. “The first match is al- to Czechia’s Tomas Ma- World No. 25 opponent step down immediately af- preneur, was a councillor drew with Leganes 1 (Cisse 14);
ka, who won the Brisbane Olympic champion ways not easy,” she said. chac. The 27-year-old Na- 6-3, 6-1, 7-5 in two hours ter being sworn in as a Mi- for three years from 2019 Sevilla 1 (Pedrosa 90+3) drew
International in the lead- Zheng, the fifth seed and “Just happy to get through gal, 91st in the ATP rank- and five minutes. nister in Maharashtra’s Ca- to ’22. with Valencia 1 (Rioja 61).
16 Monday, January 13, 2025

Sport Delhi

쑽 Haryana scrapes past Gujarat
in a low-scoring thriller
Chasing a target of 197, the defending champion loses five wickets for 19 runs before crawling past the finish line
in the 45th over; Karnataka awaits in the semifinals; leg-spinner Bishnoi’s superb spell goes in vain for Axar’s team Karun. SHIV KUMAR PUSHPAKAR

14-year-old Ira Jadhav hits HAZARE TROPHY

The semifinal line-up:
wickets each.
Karun Nair
The Gujarat batters
346 in U-19 one-dayer Jan 15: Haryana vs Karnataka showed poor application slams his
Jan 16: Vidarbha vs Maharashtra against some disciplined
S. Dipak Ragav
Fourteen-year-old Mumbai opener Ira Jadhav
became the first Indian to score a triple hundred
ere, Haryana pressed the
bowling. fourth straight
After racing to 45 for no
List A century
in u-19 cricket, when she made 346 (157b, 42x4, aryana made hea- self-destruct button when loss, Urvil Patel got run
16x6) against Meghalaya in the U-19 Women’s One vy weather of a victory was in sight. out, providing an opening
Day Trophy in Bengaluru on Sunday. This is also modest chase be- Leg-spinner Ravi Bish- for Haryana.
the highest score in Youth List A matches by an fore holding its nerve in noi, introduced into the at- Thakral then took three Press Trust of India
Indian but the world record stands in the name the end to beat Gujarat by tack only in the 24th over, wickets in four overs to VADODARA
of Lizelle Lee of South Africa, who made 427 in two wickets in the quarter- got Gujarat back into the break the back of the top-
2010. finals of the Vijay Hazare contest by removing Rana, order, and the home state Karun Nair scored his fifth
Trophy at the Kotambi Sta- who was caught at covers. was soon in trouble at 84 century in the Vijay Hazare
dium here on Sunday. The 24-year-old trou- for five in the 20th over. Trophy as Vidarbha out-
In pursuit of 197, the de- bled the batters with his at- classed Rajasthan by nine
During the middle ov-
fending champion was tacking lines and later wickets to move into the
ers, spinners Amit Rana
cruising to victory at 173 struck thrice in three ov- semifinals here on Sunday.
and Sindhu further choked
for three in the 35th over ers. Bishnoi dismissed the Karun’s unbeaten 82-
the flow of runs as the bat-
but found itself in trouble well-set Vats caught be- ball 122 (13x4, 5x6) was the
ters went into a shell.
when it lost five wickets for hind, then had Rahul Te- fifth hundred in his last six
19 runs in the next eight. From 137 for eight, He-
watia stumped and later

innings. His run reads 112
mang Patel (54, 62b, 2x4,
Opener Himanshu Rana castled Sumit Kumar to set not out vs. J&K, 44 n.o. vs.
5x6) played a valiant coun-
(66, 89b, 10x4) led the way the cat amongst the pige- Chhattisgarh, 163 n.o. vs.
ter-attacking knock, rain-
for Haryana at the top, ons in Haryana’s camp. Chandigarh, 111 n.o. vs. Ta-
ing sixes by slogging the
stroking a fine half-centu- Ultimately, Dinesh Bana mil Nadu, 112 vs. Uttar Pra-
bowlers through the leg-
ry. Rana and his fellow and Anshul Kamboj en- desh, did not bat vs. Mizo-
side to lend some respecta-
Stage set for the opener Arsh Ranga got
their side off to a brisk start
sured their side huffed and
puffed across the finish
bility to the total, which al-
ram, 122 n.o. vs. Rajasthan.
He now has 664 runs from
Kho Kho World Cup - the latter smashing left- line to send Axar Patel’s
most proved enough.
eight matches.
arm pacer Arzan Nagwas- men packing. The scores: Gujarat 196 in 45.2 He is now on par with
The Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi on walla for five boundaries in overs (Hemang Patel 54, Anuj Devdutt Padikkal, Kumar
Sunday was abuzz with activity as the 24 the pacer’s first two overs. Bowlers on the job Thakral 3/39, Nishant Sindhu Sangakkara and Alviro Pe-
participating nations came together to create a Rana batted sensibly Earlier, the Haryana bow- 3/40) lost to Haryana 201/8 in tersen with four successive
carnival atmosphere in the build-up to the without taking risks and lers vindicated their skip- 44.2 overs (Himanshu Rana 66, List A hundreds. The re-
inaugural Kho Kho World Cup. The Kho Kho Ravi Bishnoi 4/46).
stitched two crucial part- per Ankit Kumar’s decision cord for most consecutive
Federation of India (KKFI) will hope that this Rajasthan 291/8 in 50 overs
nerships, a 54-run stand to field first by bowling out List A hundreds stands in
tournament, which begins on Monday, acts as (Deepak Hooda 45, Shubham
with Ankit Kumar for the Gujarat for just 196. Debu- Garhwal 59, Kartik Sharma 62,
the name of N. Jagadeesan
the catalyst for the traditional tag game to gain in second wicket and then ad- tant pacer Anuj Thakral (TN), who smashed five
Yash Thakur 4/39) lost to
popularity beyond the subcontinent. After the ded 55 alongside Parth and left-arm spinner Nish- Vidarbha 292/1 in 43.3 overs centuries on the trot in the
opening ceremony on Monday evening, the first Vats (38) for the third. ant Sindhu were the wreck- (Dhruv Shorey 118 n.o., Karun Top knock: Himanshu Rana played a key role in Haryana’s victory. 2021-22 Vijay Hazare Tro-
game will see host India take on Nepal in the Seemingly out of nowh- ers-in-chief, scalping three Nair 122 n.o.). SHIV KUMAR PUSHPAKAR phy.
men’s section. India is in Group A alongside
Nepal, Peru, Brazil and Bhutan. In women’s
competition, 19 teams are taking part. Here too,
India is in Group A with Iran, Malaysia and South
Korea. Champions Trophy team selection Karman Kaur
gets wild card
deferred after BCCI’s missive to ICC for New Delhi
Shi and Se-young take the
honours in Malaysia Open
Amol Karhadkar
his ankle and knee injuries
that have kept him away
ITF event
since the 2023 World Cup. Sports Bureau
China’s Shi Yuqi and South Korea’s An Se-young India’s squad for the He is expected to feature in NEW DELHI
captured the Malaysia Open men’s and women’s Champions Trophy will be at least three of the five
singles badminton crowns in Kuala Lumpur on picked on January 19, a day T20Is against England, Karman Kaur Thandi, re-
Sunday. Shi beat Denmark’s Anders Antonsen after the Vijay Hazare Tro- starting January 22. turning to the professional Rohit and Virat FILE PHOTO: K. MURALI KUMAR
21-8, 21-15 and Se-young got the better of China’s phy final. This develop- circuit after more than a
China’s Wang Zhiyi 21-17, 21-7 in the final. ment came about after the
BCCI asked the ICC for the
squad submission deadline
IPL from March 21
Meanwhile, the 18th edi-
tion of the Indian Premier
year, has been awarded a
wild card entry for the
$40,000 ITF women’s ten-
Rohit, Kohli and others
New Zealand recalls proven
to be deferred by a week
for the Indian team.
League will be played from
March 21 till May 25, with
nis tournament to be
played at the DLTA Com-
advised to play
trio for Champions Trophy “We are waiting for
some domestic matches
that are going on, so,
Devajit Saikia. AFP

hammed Shami.
Kolkata expected to host
the opener and the final.
BCCI vice-president Rajeev
plex from Tuesday.
The 26-year-old Kar-
man, who was ranked a ca-
upcoming Ranji game
Seasoned players Kane Williamson, Devon
maybe, some good perfor- Bumrah, the Player of Shukla confirmed the win- reer best 196 in the world
Conway and Lockie Ferguson were recalled on
mance in the ongoing the Series in Australia des- dow after the IPL Govern- in 2018, had last played the Amol Karhadkar fragile. While Kohli last fea-
Sunday to an experienced New Zealand squad for
domestic matches will pite sitting out of the last ing Council met here on WTA tournament in Hong MUMBAI tured in a Ranji game for
the Champions Trophy one-day tournament.
also be considered,” Deva- day’s play in the series, is Sunday afternoon. Kong in October 2023. Delhi in 2012, Rohit’s last
The squad: Mitchell Santner (Capt.), Will Young, Devon jit Saikia, the newly elected likely to take six more Shukla also indicated Vaishnavi Adkar, Riya A majority of India’s men’s Ranji appearance was in
Conway, Rachin Ravindra, Kane Williamson, Mark Chapman, BCCI secretary, told repor- weeks to be match-fit after that the Women’s Premier Bhatia and Akanksha Nit- cricketers who returned November 2015. Mumbai
Daryl Mitchell, Tom Latham, Glenn Phillips, Michael Bracewell, ters here on Sunday. Des- a recurrence of his back in- League has been deferred ture were the others to be from Australia earlier in will take on Jammu and
Nathan Smith, Matt Henry, Lockie Ferguson, Ben Sears and jury. It may result in him the week after losing the Kashmir at home from Jan.
pite Saikia’s emphasis on by a week and is now likely given the wild cards for the
Will O’Rourke.
the Vijay Hazare Trophy, being match-fit only in to start on February 14. He main event. Test series have been rest- 23 while Delhi will travel to
The Hindu understands March, with the league also confirmed that the Only Ankita Raina, ed for the T20I series Rajkot to face Saurashtra.
that the primary reason for stage being all but done third edition will be played Shrivalli Bhamidipaty and against England, starting With the duo expected to
the BCCI seeking extension with. in four venues – Mumbai Vaidehi Chaudhari could January 22. However, the join the ODI squad and as a
Shahidi to lead Afghanistan is the fitness status of pac- Shami, meanwhile, is (Brabourne), Vadodara, get direct entry into the whole group, including the result miss the last round
ers Jasprit Bumrah and Mo- being monitored daily for Lucknow and Bengaluru. veteran duo of Rohit Shar- of the Ranji Trophy league
in Champions Trophy main draw, in which Darja
Semenistaja of Latvia has ma and Virat Kohli, who stage starting on Jan. 30, it
Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB) on Sunday been seeded No.1. are under fire, has been ad- will be the only opportuni-
announced that Hashmatullah Shahidi will lead Pranjala Yadlapalli, re- vised to participate in the ty for both the veterans to

Tamil Nadu men, Railways

the national side in its maiden ICC Men’s turning to the circuit after Ranji Trophy round start- play a competitive red-ball
Champions Trophy campaign. missing the whole of last ing January 23 for their res- match.
year, got beaten in the first pective States. Last season, Ishan Kish-
The squad: Hashmatullah Shahidi (Capt.), Ibrahim Zadran, Lack of First-Class an and Shreyas Iyer were
women retain National
round of the qualifying
Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Sediqullah Atal, Rahmat Shah, Ikram event by Misaki Matsuda of game-time has been consi- not considered for the cen-
Alikhil, Gulbadin Naib, Azmatullah Omarzai, Mohammad Nabi,
Japan. dered to be a major reason tral contracts for having ig-
Rashid Khan, A.M. Ghazanfar, Noor Ahmad, Fazalhaq Farooqi,
Five other Indian behind India’s downfall, nored the BCCI diktat to
Farid Malik and Naveed Zadran. Reserves: Darwish Rasooli,
Nangyal Kharoti and Bilal Sami. basketball titles players, Diva Bhatia, Shefa-
li Arora, Lakshmi Gowda,
first at home against New
Zealand followed by the
play domestic cricket.
The last week has seen
Yashika Shokeen and Border-Gavaskar Trophy. frantic action in the Indian
Sports Bureau Lakshmi Prabha also found As a result, the Board of cricket corridors following
it hard against high quality Control for Cricket in India India’s inability to qualify
Alastair Gray beats Maxim Tamil Nadu and Railways players and failed to win a (BCCI) hierarchy and the for the World Test Cham-
Zhukov, wins another title comfortably defended
their men’s and women’s
set between them in the national selection panel
has sent out feelers to all
pionship final. A review
meeting on Saturday night
first round of the qualify-
Alastair Gray of Britain won his second titles respectively in the ing event. The second and the cricketers to make the dissected the Australia
successive title on Indian soil as he beat Maxim 74th National basketball final qualifying round will best effort to play in the re- tour and also discussed the
Zhukov 6-3, 6-4 in the final of the $30,000 ITF championship at the Sidsar be played on Monday. maining domestic First way forward.
men’s tennis tournament in Bhopal on Sunday. Sports Complex in Bhavna- Class season. “It’s not been “We have the England
Gray who won last week in Indore, has not gar on Sunday. On top: The victorious Railways women’s team. made mandatory but it has series, following the Cham-
Tamil Nadu men won LIVE TELECAST been communicated to all pions Trophy, so we have
dropped a set in 10 matches over the fortnight.
80-56 over Punjab after Railways men and Tamil Pratap Singh Sekhon 16, 쑽 the cricketers, even the to think about one (assign-
leading 48-26 at half-time. Nadu women won the Santhosh Mani 14, Principal fringe players, to play Ranji ment) at a time. We have
Railways posted an 86-53 third place and took home Singh 13, Tushal Singh 11, Australian Open: Evening ses- Trophy. If they don’t, it will had a lot of discussions
Papreet Singh 10) bt Karnataka
Delhi holds Rajasthan United; victory over Kerala in the
women’s final after leading
₹2 lakh each.
R. Sreekala of Kerala
50 (Abhishek Gowda 19,
sion, Sony Sports Ten 2, 5 (SD &
HD) & LIV, 1.30 p.m.
be up to the selectors to
take suitable action,” a
during the last two days
and we are trying to
Pratyanshu Tomar 11).
Churchill demolishes Aizawl 46-36 at the interval. and Kanwar Gurbaz Singh ISL: Sports 18-3 & JioCinema, BCCI insider revealed here streamline our drawbacks
The Most Valuable Sandhu were presented Women: Final: Railways 86 7.30 p.m. on Sunday. and we have to overcome
A resilient Delhi FC, which was reduced to 10 Player awards, with a Ma- ₹50,000 each for their pro- (Dharshini Thirunavukkarasu 16, Hockey: HIL, DD Sports, Sony It will be interesting to them,” said Devajit Saikia,
men, staged a brilliant comeback to secure a 1-1 ruti WagonR car as prize, wess in shooting three- Pushpa Senthil Kumar 14, Sports Ten 1, 2, 3 (SD & HD) & LIV, see if Rohit, the Test and the newly-elected BCCI se-
draw against Rajasthan United FC while Churchill were bagged by Pranav pointers. Poonam Chaturvedi 13) bt Kerala 8.15 p.m. ODI captain, and former cretary. “We are taking all
Brothers FC (Goa) outplayed Aizawl FC 6-0 in the 53 (R. Sreekala 18, Susan
Prince of Tamil Nadu and Kho-Kho World Cup: India vs captain Kohli make a rare the experts’ opinions also.
The results: Men: Final: Tamil Florentina 17, V.J. Jayalakshmi
I-League on Sunday. Dharshini Thirunavukka- Nepal, SS Select 1 & Hotstar, 8.30 Ranji appearance. Both We look forward to a very
Nadu 80 (Anantharaj 17, Aravind 12). Third place: Tamil Nadu 86
The results: Rajasthan United 1 (Oyarzun 70) drew with Delhi rasu of Railways. Kumar 17, Muin Bek Hafeez 15) bt (Nitika Amuthan 26, Krithika p.m. have struggled with the positive outcome of this
1 (Okwa 83). The champion teams re- Punjab 56 (Amritpal Singh 20, Sureshbabu 16, Harima Sundari Australian Open: Sony Sports willow right through the discussion and exercise
At Panaji: Churchill Brothers 6 (Lekay 3, 53-pen, Dias 27, 79, ceived ₹5 lakh each, and Amjyot Singh 15). 11, R. Sruthy 10) bt Delhi 64 Ten 2, 5 (SD & HD) & LIV, 5.30 a.m. season, thus making In- which we had over the last
Gassama 73, Haokip 90+6) bt Aizawl 0. the runner-up ₹3 lakh. Third place: Railways 71 (Sahaj (Garima Gosain 16, Namrata 12). (Tuesday) dia’s batting line-up appear two days.”
Monday, January 13, 2025
Delhi 17



Monday, January 13, 2025 I

Could the Champions Trophy

be the blessing in disguise
Gambhir desperately needs?
The head coach and his support staff are under pressure to arrest a recent downward spiral and the second biggest 50-over ICC tournament after the World Cup
offers them a shot at redemption and set the house in order for the man in the hot seat


R. Kaushik to succeed. From all accounts, Gambhir one knock and being dismissed caught it is imperative that they return to the THE GIST
met those criteria. behind the stumps eight times out of drawing board, they re-familiarise

ne of the many advantages of His appointment as head coach in July eight. On his only Test tour of Australia, themselves with Indian conditions –
being a player is the belief and was met with great optimism but six Gambhir himself managed just a solitary however silly that line might seem – and 쑽
the confidence that one can months on, it can be said that that score of more than 35 in eight innings. re-engage with playing quality spin, His appointment as head
influence the outcome of a optimism has been slightly unfounded. A But empathising is one thing, getting hopefully from time to time on surfaces coach in July was met with
sporting contest. That might not always first One-Day International series defeat in them, and the rest of the batting group, to that help the spinners, because that is an great optimism but six months
eventuate, because if belief and Sri Lanka in more than two and a half pull up their socks is quite another. At the art that seems to be rapidly fading. on, it can be said that that
confidence alone were the decisive decades, a first home Test series loss in a end of the two-and-a-half-day drubbing in Mitchell Santner and Ajaz Patel exposed optimism has been slightly
factors, everyone would succeed all the dozen years and a first Test series defeat Sydney, Gambhir acknowledged that India’s technical failings against the unfounded
time. But at least the player has the to Australia since 2015 aren’t the sort of India’s batting woes weren’t exclusive to turning ball. While packed calendars can
opportunity and the means to make a results one would like on their CV, but this series overseas, that they had also sometimes preclude a return to state 쑽
difference, whether they can actually do that’s where Gambhir stands early in his struggled on turning tracks against the duties and the threat of burnout will Gambhir has to tread a delicate
so or not notwithstanding. That’s a luxury coaching career. Is he under external Kiwis at home. Unless those woes are mean reasonably careful monitoring, one tightrope, planning for the
a coach doesn’t possess, because their job pressure to start delivering? Maybe not addressed quickly, the road ahead will be suspects the days of cotton wool and future and working out a
ends the moment the players step on the yet. But for a fierce competitor who hates long, foreboding, arduous… blanket exemption from domestic cricket roadmap that involves
field. It’s a reality that has now started to losing and who doesn’t know what it is to Transitions in sport are demanding have already slipped into the past. restructuring without
stare Gautam Gambhir in the face. take a backward step, is he feeling periods that require patience and careful India’s next assignment is the 50-over disregarding immediate results
Gambhir has been retired from pressure from within to arrest a handling. India are extremely close to that Champions Trophy, where they will play because that isn’t a trade-off
representative cricket for six years now, disturbing trend and embark on an phase and therefore Gambhir will all their matches in Dubai. The second acceptable to the lay Indian fan
having last played for Delhi in the Ranji upward spiral? Without a shadow of perhaps get a longer rope when a break is most prestigious ODI tournament after 쑽
Trophy against Andhra in December 2018. doubt. made from the Rohit-Kohli Test era, the World Cup, it will offer Rohit,
He went out on a high, making 112 and It’s said, and not entirely without whenever that is. But how long that rope Gambhir and the core group a grand Gambhir needs to be more
inclusive and accommodating,
helping his team secure the lead in a reason, that a coach is only as good as will be is anyone’s guess. It won’t be fair opportunity to at least temporarily banish
the players need to reciprocate
drawn encounter after Andhra had piled their team. But Gambhir’s team isn’t that to expect Gambhir to wave the magic the dark clouds hovering over the Indian
and be willing to take the hard
up 390. His last competitive game was bad, is it? After all, wasn’t it just 14 wand and right the wrongs in an instant, team. While the final 15 has yet to be knocks
much later, in the Legends League in months back that pretty much the same but signs of progress must be visible and named, India have the resources, the
December 2023. Between those two set of players entranced the cricket world obvious if the national side is to retain the personnel, the nous, the experience and,
games five years apart, he was the mentor by waltzing into the final of the home confidence and interest of the biggest dare one say, the fire and the hunger to
of Lucknow Supergiants in their first two 50-over World Cup? More or less the same stakeholder of the sport in the country, leave an indelible mark on the
tilts at the IPL, in 2022 and 2023, before bunch that, 10 months back, rallied from the unabashed fan. competition. The proximity of the
reprising a similar role with Kolkata losing the first Test to England in Gambhir wasn’t the first coach to bring Champions Trophy to the debacle in
Knight Riders in IPL 2024. Hyderabad to complete the most his own support staff personnel to a team Australia is certain to rule out
commanding 4-1 triumph? And largely the set-up. The 43-year-old didn’t get far-reaching, knee-jerk decision-making,
Celebrated homecoming same group that rewrote history six Abhishek Nayar, Morne Morkel and Ryan and a settled leadership methodology will
Call it coincidence, or whatever, KKR months back by winning the T20 World ten Doeschate on board because they are only be in the team’s best interests.
broke a decade-long trophy drought last Cup in Bridgetown for the first time since his good friends, but because this bunch Whatever squad India put out will be
season, going all the way under the 2007? India couldn’t have gone from a has worked together in the past, knows more Rohit’s team than Gambhir’s for
leadership group of skipper Shreyas Iyer crack outfit at the start of October, soon each other inside out, trust is total and obvious reasons, and the captain who has
and head coach Chandrakant Pandit. And after their 2-0 annihilation of Bangladesh implicit and has forged a style of spearheaded the influx of an exciting
Gambhir, of course. It was when the at home, to a rickety, hapless one at the functioning that has been both effective brand of batting, primarily, will be
spunky left-hander was the captain that start of January, right? and efficient. But, as is inevitable when determined to reiterate that he is far from
the Kolkata franchise won its first two the desired results prove elusive, the a spent force.
titles, in 2012 and 2014. As homecomings Difficult phase focus will be as much on the support staff Gambhir is reputed to be an
go, this was right up there with the most And yet, the results would indicate a team as the playing group and that’s where uncompromising task master who doesn’t
celebrated. in decline. From the middle of October, it these former internationals find think twice about cracking the whip, no
Perhaps in May, Gambhir might not has all been spectacularly downhill. India themselves now. matter who the person at the receiving
have been everyone’s obvious choice to have lost six and won just one of eight end is. But there have been whispers of a
replace Rahul Dravid as India’s head Tests; three of those defeats came at Balancing act lack of communication within the group,
coach at the end of the T20 World Cup in home, three more in Australia where the Gambhir has to tread a delicate tightrope, of a house divided, of the need for greater
the US and the Caribbean in June. last time India lost more than two Tests in planning for the future and working out a cohesion between the head coach and his
Admittedly, despite his mentoring role, he a series was in 2011-12. Gambhir was a roadmap that involves restructuring talented wards. Again, these are all
didn’t have any coaching credentials as part of that showdown under Mahendra without disregarding immediate results fallouts of negative results. If there is any
such. But then again, what is the role of a Singh Dhoni which Australia bossed 4-0. because that isn’t a trade-off acceptable to truth at all to these whispers, they need to
coach in international cricket? It’s not so In some ways, he would have empathised the lay Indian fan. He has thrown his lot be addressed post-haste. Gambhir needs
much about the high left elbow or the with his two senior batters in Australia behind domestic cricket, thundering that to be more inclusive and accommodating,
forward press. A coach is more of a this time around. Rohit Sharma and Virat whenever players are available, they must the players need to reciprocate and be
man-manager, a facilitator whose primary Kohli had outings to forget, the captain return to playing for their state, especially willing to take the hard knocks. At the end
objective is to foster a good dressing-room making just 31 runs in five innings and in the Ranji Trophy. Sometimes, that’s of the day, everyone is in it for the same
environment and confer on his wards the opting out of the final Test, his easier said than done, especially when it reason, the same purpose, the same goal.
tools that will give them the best chance predecessor scoring 100 of his 190 runs in comes to the fast bowlers. But for batters, Why not do it with a smile?
II Monday, January 13, 2025


An unlikely mystery: studies shed

new light on how genes are made
In 1970, Japanese-American biologist Susumu Ohno proposed that the main source of new genes is gene duplication. When the body’s genome has two copies of the
same gene, one copy can continue to provide the original function while the other is free to mutate and acquire new functions

D.P. Kasbekar

he likeness of identical twins


T can be startling. They are alike

because all their genes are
alike. Genes are those
segments of the genome where, if
changes occur, the characteristics of an

A group of 24 molecules of
DNA gives identity to our 24
chromosomes. Our cells
contain two sets of the
organism change. Non-identical twins genome: one from the mother
vary in 50% of their genes and are much and the other from the father.
less alike. Thus, genes define our Eggs and sperm receive only
individuality in many ways. one chromosome. When they
form the zygote, the latter
In December 2024, two research
has two sets again
groups addressed how new genes are
created. The University of Nevada, Reno, 쑽
group reported its findings in Molecular In the genome, there are
Biology and Evolution, and the other, from 20,000 protein-coding genes

the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary and 20,000 genes that are
Biology Plön, Germany, reported in used to create RNA that
Genome Biology and Evolution. influences the expression of
other genes. There are also
The 24 molecules some genes, called promoters
A group of 24 molecules of DNA gives and enhancers, which tell the
identity to our 24 chromosomes. These cell when and where other
are the chromosomes numbered 1 to 22 genes are copied into mRNA
and the sex chromosomes X and Y. Our 쑽
cells contain two sets of the genome: one Researchers found the
derived from the mother’s egg and the Each DNA molecule has two strands held together by bonds between compounds on the strands, called base pairs. Our genome contains 3.2 billion base-pairs. promoters of duplicated
other from the father’s sperm. Eggs and Representative illustration. GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO genes had more methylated
sperm receive only one chromosome of Join FREE Whatsapp Channel DNA. Methylation prevented
each pair. When they fuse and form the molecule is likelier than an unmethylated Cells possess two copies of growth and thus became relevant for the cells from manufacturing
zygote, the latter has two sets again. The one to mutate and become a thymine chromosomes 1-22. Females have evolution to act upon. twice as many proteins,
zygote then multiplies to form a baby. molecule. two X chromosomes, whereas In yet other words: the random DNA minimising the ill effects of
The cells in human bodies possess two inserts behaved like incipient genes. duplication and allowing the
males have an X chromosome duplicate gene to survive
copies of chromosomes 1-22. Biological Duplications create new genes
females have two X chromosomes, In 1970, Japanese-American and a Y chromosome Keeping vs. chucking a gene 쑽
whereas biological males have an X biologist Susumu Ohno proposed that the For a genome to retain a gene, it must
Primates and humans took
chromosome and a Y chromosome. main source of new genes is gene have some use, or the genome allows it to different branches on the tree
Identical twins arise from a single duplication. When the body’s genome has new functions. mutate. But establishing a gene’s of evolution millions of years
zygote, while non-identical twins arise two copies of the same gene, one copy The researchers reported that the usefulness is challenging. ago but share blood types —
from two zygotes produced can continue to provide the original higher rate of methylation also elevated Consider blood groups. Individuals can which is to say evolution both
simultaneously. function while the other is free to mutate the rate of mutation. have one of four groups — A, B, AB or O — found a way and saw fit to
Each DNA molecule has two strands and acquire new functions. depending on which variants of the ABO retain all three gene variants in
held together by bonds between Ohno’s proposal was simple but had Random sequences to incipient genes gene they’ve inherited. If a person so many species for a very long
compounds on the strands, called base one flaw: it didn’t explain how the The Max Planck Institute group inserted receives A and A or A and O, they have the amount of time
pairs. Our genome contains 3.2 billion organism’s cells would deal with exogenous DNA into a population of cells A blood type. If they have B and B or B
base pairs. A gene is typically a producing twice the quantity of the same derived from a human. (Exogenous and O, they have the B blood type. If they
few-thousand base-pair-long segment of proteins as a result. Protein means the DNA came from sources have A and B or O and O, then they have
DNA. over-expression can lead to debilitating separate from the cells.) The researchers the AB or the O blood types, respectively.
When a gene is ‘expressed,’ it means a conditions. The University of Nevada, were careful to insert the DNA at a In sum, every individual lacks either
cell will transcribe the underlying base Reno, researchers addressed this specific site in the genome and allowed one or two of the variants, which means
pair sequence to a molecule called problem. the cells to make proteins with them. no variant is really essential. The O
messenger RNA (mRNA), and read the Humans and mice last shared a The exogenous DNA had a chunk that variant also encodes a protein with no
mRNA like a recipe to make a protein. common ancestor 75 million years ago. consisted of a random sequence of known function and whose amino acid
In the human genome, there are The researchers compared genes base-pairs — which means the proteins sequence is markedly different from those
20,000 protein-coding genes and 20,000 duplicated in human or mouse genomes, the cells made with it would be random as encoded by A and B.
genes that cells use to create RNA that those duplicated in both, and those not well. Primates and humans took different
influences the expression of other genes. duplicated in either. The researchers put together a branches on the tree of evolution millions
There are also some genes, called They found the promoters of collection of cells of 3,708 types and of years ago but share blood types —
promoters and enhancers, which tell the duplicated genes had more methylated nurtured them for 20 days. At regular which is to say evolution both found a
cell when and where other genes are DNA than the promoters of genes that intervals they checked the relative way and saw fit to retain all three variants
copied into mRNA. hadn’t been duplicated. Increased abundance of different cell types. in so many species for a very long amount
Two compounds involved in forming methylation would have prevented the After 20 days, the team found that 53% of time.Scientists don’t yet have a simple
the base pairs are cytosine and thymine. cells from manufacturing twice as many of cell types had become less abundant, answer to why evolution has done this,
Sometimes the cytosine molecules bind to proteins, minimising the ill effects of 8% more abundant, and 40% didn’t swing but they aren’t complaining.
a methyl ion and are said to be duplication and allowing the duplicate either way. That is, more often than not, (D.P. Kasbekar is a retired scientist.
methylated. A methylated cytosine gene to survive long enough to acquire random DNA sequences affected cell
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IMD: India’s weather tracker

Vasudevan Mukunth

On January 15, 2025, the India

Meteorological Department
(IMD) will turn 150 years old.
The organisation was set up
by the provincial British
government in the country in
1875, and its first (Imperial)
Meteorological Reporter was
Henry Francis Blanford. The
IMD’s genesis can be traced to
the importance of the
monsoons over South Asia and Students taking part in an event to mark the 150th
the formation and effects of anniversary of the India Meteorological Department (IMD)
cyclones from the Indian in Chennai. ANI
Its formation was
particularly accelerated by the The IMD currently operates six Regional
1864 Calcutta cyclone, which Meteorological Centres, a Meteorological Centre
devastated the city and left in every State capital, plus a panoply of centres
more than 60,000 people dead, for various meteorological services. Aside from
and the Orissa famine that tracking and studying phenomena like rainfall
followed just two years later and cyclones, the IMD helps record earthquakes
because the monsoons had and atmospheric pollution and generates alerts
failed. So the government at and warnings about impending anomalous
the time decided to funnel weather. It also maintains a complicated
weather data collected around communications system that collects data from
the country into a single set of a variety of sources, including ground
records, managed by a observatories, naval vessels, atmospheric
bespoke organisation. This balloons, and satellites.
organisation was the IMD.
It was originally
headquartered in Calcutta but
by 1944 had moved to New For feedback and suggestions
Delhi. In independent India, for ‘Science’, please write to
X the IMD became a member of
African tiger fish (Hydrocynus vittatus) in the Okavango river in Botswana. Freshwater environments cover about 1% of the earth’s surface but account for more than 10% of the World Meteorological with the subject ‘Daily page’
known species. In a new study in Nature, researchers assessed the status of 23,496 species of freshwater animals and found 24% of them to be at high risk of extinction. REUTERS Organisation in 1949.

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