20 JV 94
This is the best, wethink ,the
mostpowerful of all MrSouthey'
poems . It aboundswith laff bywa
timents,thequifernt imagery;tertiens
more rich comprehensive descriptions_
more beautiful pictures of pure affection
Tot impressive &presentations of
mentagon texaltation theme
Contentiel with in the ་ ་་་་
Th e compres
a single
William Fry, Printer.
1815 .
wigs To ro
Witiza • Kingofthe Wisi-Goths, dethroned
and blinded by Roderick.
Theodofred . ... son ofKing Chindasuintho; blinded
by King Witiza.
Favila, his brother; put to death by Witiza.
The Wife of Favila , Wifiza's adulterous mistress.
(These four persons are dead before the action of
the poem commences.)
Roderick, the last King of the Wisi-Goths:
son ofTheodofred.
Pelayo, .... the founder of the Spanish Monar-
chy: son ofFavila.
Gaudiosa, love his wife.
Guisla, . his sister.
Farvila,. his son.
Hermesind,. • his daughter.
Rusilla, • widow of Theodofred, and mother
of Roderick.
Count Pedro powerful Lords in Cantabria.
Count Eudon ·
Alphonso, Count Pedro's son, afterwards king.
Urban, • • Archbishop of Toledo.
Romano, .... • a Monk ofthe Caulian Schools,
near Merida.
Abdalaziz, the Moorish Governor of Spain.
Egilona ..... formerly the wife of Roderick,
now of Abdalaziz.
Ayub. Moorish Chiefs.
multmit ba dirbo S
LONG had the crimes of Spain cried out to Heaven;
At length the measure of offence was full.
Count Julian call'd the invaders: not because
Inhuman Priests with unoffending blood
Had stain'd their country; not because a yoke
Ofiron servitude oppress'd and gall'd
The children of the soil; a private wrong
Rous'd the remorseless Baron. Mad to wreak
His vengeance for his violated child
On Roderick's head, in evil hour for Spain,
For that unhappy daughter and himself,
Desperate apostate, .. on the Moors he call'd;
And like a cloud of locusts, whom the South
Wafts from the plains ofwasted Africa,
The Musslemen upon Iberia's shore
Descend. A countless multitude they came;
Syrian, Moor, Saracen, Greek renegade,
Persian and Copt and Tatar, in one bond
Of erring faith conjoin'd, .. strong in the youth
And heat of zeal,... a dreadful brotherhood,
In whom all turbulent vices were let loose;
While Conscience, with their impious creed accurst,
Drunk, as with wine, had sanctified to them
All bloody, all abominable things.
Thou, Calpe, saw'st their coming: ancient Rock
Renown'd, no longer now shalt thou be call'd
From Gods and Heroes ofthe years of yore,
Kronos, or hundred-handed Briareus,
Bacchus or Hercules; but doom'd to bear
The name ofthy new conqueror, and thenceforth
To stand his everlasting monument.
Thou saw'st the dark-blue waters flash before
Their ominous way, and whiten round their keels;
Their swarthy myriads darkening o'er thy sands.
There on the beach the misbelievers spread
Theirbanners, flaunting to the sun and breeze:
Fair shone the sun upon their proud anay,
White turbans, glittering armour, shields engrail'd
With gold, and seymitars of Syrian steel;
And gently did the breezes, as in sport,
Curl their long flags outrolling, and display
'The blazon'd scrolls ofblasphemy. Too soon
The gales of Spain from that unhappy land
Wafted, as from an open charnel-house,
The taint ofdeath; and that bright Sun, from fields
Of slaughter, with the morning dew drew up
Corruption through the infected atmosphere.
Then fell the kingdom ofthe Goths; their hour
Was come, and Vengeance, long withheld , went loose.
Famine and Pestilence had wasted them,
And Treason, like an old and eating sore,
Consumed the bones and sinews of their strength;
And, worst of enemies, their Sins were arm'd
Against them. Yet the sceptre from their hands
Past not away inglorious; nor was shame
Left for their children's lasting heritage.
Eight summer days, from morn till latest eve,
The fatal fight endured, till perfidy
Prevailing to their overthrow, they sunk
Defeated, not dishonour'd. On the banks la mode på
Of Chrysus, Roderick's royal car was found; in
His battle-horse Orelio, and that helm
Whose horns, amid the thickest ofthe fray
Eminent, had mark'd his presence. Did the stream
Receive him with the undistinguish'd dead,
Christian and Moor, who clogg'd its course that day?
So thought the Conqueror, and from that day forth,
Memorial of his perfect victory,
He bade the river bear the name of joy.
So thought the Goths; they said no prayer for him,
For him no service sung, nor mourning made,
But charged their crimes upon his head, and curst
His memory.
Bravely in that eight-days fight
The King had striven, .. for victory first, while hope
Remain'd, then desperately in search ofdeath.
The arrows past him by to right and left,
The spear-point pierced him not, the scymitar
Glanced from his helmet. Is the shield of Heaven,
Wretch that I am, extended over me?
Cried Roderick; and he dropt Orelio's reins,
And threw his hands aloft in frantic prayer, ..
Death is the only mercy that I crave,
Death soon and short, death and forgetfulness!
Aloud he cried; but in his inmost heart
There answered him a secret voice, that spake
Ofrighteousness and judgment after death,
And God's redeeming love, which fain would save
The guilty soul alive. 'Twas agony,
And yet 'twas hope; .... a momentary light,
That flash'd through utter darkness on the Cross
To point salvation, then left all within
Dark as before. Fear, never felt till then,
Sudden and irresistible as stroke
Oflightning, smote him. From his horse he dropt,
Whether with human impulse, or by Heaven
Struck down, he knew not; loosen'd from his wrist
The sword-chain, and let fall the sword, whose bilt
Clung to his palm a moment ere it fell,
Glued there with Moorish gore. His royal robe,
His horned helmet and enamell'd mail,
He cast aside, and taking from the dead
A peasant's garment, in those weeds involved,
Stole, like a thiefin darkness, from the field.
Evening closed round to favour him. All night
He fled, the sound ofbattle in his ear
Ringing, and sights ofdeath before his eyes,
With dreams more horrible ofeager fiends
That seem'd to hover round, and gulphs of fire
Opening beneath his feet. At times the groan
Of some poor fugitive, who, bearing with him
His mortal hurt, had fallen beside the way,
Rous'd him from these dread visions, and he call'd
In answering groans on his Redeemer's name,
That word the only prayer that past his lips
Or rose within his heart. Then would he see
The Cross whereon a bleeding Saviour hung,
Who call'd on him to come and cleanse his soul
In those all-healing streams, which from his wounds,
As from perpetual springs, for ever flow'd.
No hart e'er panted for the water-brooks
As Roderick thirsted there to drink and live:
But Hell was interposed; and worse than Hell, ..
Yea to his eyes more dreadful than the fiends
Who flock'd like hungry ravens round his head,.
Florinda stood between, and warn'd him off
With her abhorrent hands, .. that agony
Stillin her face, which, when the deed was done,
Inflicted on her ravisher the curse
That it invoked from Heaven.... Oh what a night
Of waking horrors! Nor when morning came
Didthe realities oflight and day
Bring aught of comfort: wheresoe'er he went
The tidings ofdefeat had gone before;
And leaving their defenceless homes to seek
What shelter walls and battlements might yield,
Old men with feeble feet, and tottering babes,
And widows with their infants in their arms,
Hurried along. Nor royal festival,
Nor sacred pageant, with like multitudes
E'er fill'd the public way. All whom the sword
done and to be et
Roderick in times past-
royin uthus inh
Rod & Rusilla
Rod &Count Tetran
irrigaret de superioribus suis montes, abundaret quo-
que multiplicata fruge convaless locorumque damna
supplicet,quum habitationem sterilem habitatore ditaret.
"Ifthe ways of religion," says South, " are ways
of pleasantness, such as are not ways of pleasantness,
are not truly and properly ways of religion. Upon
which ground it is easy to see what judgment is to
be passed upon all those affected, uncommanded, ab
surd austerities, so much prized and exercised by
some ofthe Romish profession. Pilgrimages, going
barefoot, hair-shirts and whips , with other such gos-
pel-artillery, are their only helps to devotion: things
never enjoined, either by the prophets under the
Jewish, or by the apostles under the Christian econo-
my, who yet surely understood the proper and the
most efficacious instruments of piety, as well as any
confessor or friar ofall the order ofSt. Francis, orany
casuist whatsoever.
"It seems that with them a man sometimes cannot
be a penitent unless he also turns vagabond, and foots
it to Jerusalem, or wanders over this or that part of
the world, to visit the shrines of such or such a pre-
tended saint, though perhaps in his life ten times
more ridiculous than themselves. Thus, that which
was Cain's error, is become their religion. He that
thinks to expiate a sin by going barefoot, only makes
one folly the atonement for another. Paul, indeed,
was scourged and beaten by the Jews, but we never
read that he beat or scourged himself; and if they
think that his keeping under of his body imports so
much, they must first prove that the body cannot be
kept under by a virtuous mind, and that the mind
cannot be made virtuous but by a scourge, and conse
quently that thongs and whip-cord are means ofgrace,
and things necessary to salvation. The truth is, if
men's religion lies no deeper than their skin, it is pos
sible that they may scourge themselves into very great
" But they will find that bodily exercise touches not
the soul, and that neither pride, nor lust, nor covet-
ousness, was ever mortified by corporal discipline; 'tis
not the back, but the heart that must bleed for sin;
and, consequently, that in their whole course they
are like men out of their way; let them lash on never
so fast, they are not at all nearer to their journey's
end; and howsoever they deceive themselves and
others, they may as well expect to bring a cart as a
soul to heaven by such means." -Sermons, vol. i.
¿P. 34.
In those weeds,
Which neverfrom the hour when to thegrave
Shefollowed her dear Lord Theodofred,
Russilla laid aside.-II. p. 14.
Vide nuper ipse in Hispaniis constitutus, et admira-
tus sum antiquum hunc morem, ab Hispanis adhuc
omnibus observari; mortufi quippe uxore maritus, mor-
tuo maritoconjux, mortuis filiis patres, mortuis patri-
bus filii, defunctis quibuslibet cognatis cognati, extinc
tis quolibet casu amicis amici, statim arma deponunt,
servicas vestes, peregrinarum pellium tegmina abji-
ciunt, totumque penitus multi colorem, ac pretiosum ha-
bitum, abdicantes, nigris tantum vilibusque indumentis
se contegunt. Sic crinibus propriis sic jumentorum
suorum caudis decurtatis, seque et ipsa atro prorsus
colore denigrant. Talibus luctui dolorisve insignibus,
subtractos charissimos deflent, et integri adminus spa
tium anni, in tali mærore publica lege consumant.—
Petri Venerabilis Epist. quoted in Yepes, T. vii.
ff. 21.
13 Her eyeless husband.-II. p. 15.
Witiza put out the eyes of Theodofred, inhabilitan
dolepara la monarchia, says Ferreras. This was the
common mode of incapacitating a rival for the
Un Conde de Gallicia que fuera valiado,
Pelayo avie nombre, omefa desforzado,
Lady Malcol
telesa sad stor redhe talk with
on of athen that g
Perdio la vision, andaba embargado,
Ca ome que non vede, debie seer nado.
Gonzalo de Berceo. S. Dom. 338.
The history of Europe during the dark ages
abounds with examples of exoculation, as it was called
by those writers who endeavoured, towards the mid-
dle of the 17th century, to introduce the style-ornate
into our prose after it had been banished from poetry.
In the East, the practice is still continued. When Al-
boquerque took possession of Ormuz, he sent to Por-
tugal fifteen of its former kings, whom he found
there, each of whom, in his turn, had been deposed
and blinded!
In the semi-barbarous stage of society, any kind of
personal blemish seems to have been considered as
disqualifying a prince from the succession, like the
law of the Nazarenes. Yorwerth, the son of Owen
Gwynedb, was set aside in Wales because of his bro-
ken nose; Count Oliba, in Barcelona, because he
could never speak till he had stamped with his foot
three times like a goat. Aquest Oliba frare del Conte
en Grifa no era a dret de sos membres. Car lo dit Oliba
james no podia parlar, siprimer no donas colps ab lo
peu en terra quart o sinc vegades, axi comsifos cabra;
eper aquesta raho lifou imposat lo nom, dient li Olibra
Cabreta, eper aquest accident lo dit Oliba perde la suc-
cessio delfrare en lo Comtat de Barcelona, e fou donat
lo dit Comtat a en Borrell, Comte de Urgell, qui era son
tosingerma.- Pere Tomich, c. cxviii. ff. 20.
In the treaty between our Henry V. and Charles
VI. of France, by which Henry was appointed King
of France after Charles's decease, it was decreed
that the French should " swear to become liege men
and vassals to our said son King Henry, and obey
him as the true king of France, and without any op-
position or dispute shall receive him as such, and
never pay obedience to any other as king or regent
of France, but to our said son King Henry, unless
our said son should lose life or limb, or be attacked by
a mortal disease, or suffer diminution in person, state,
honour,* or goods."
Lope de Vega alludes to the blindness of Theodo-
fred in his Jerusalem Conquistada:-
Criavase con ostras bellas damas
Florinda bella,
Esta miro Rodrigo desdichado,
Ay si como supadre fuera ciego!
Saco sus ojos Witisa ayrado,
Fuera mejor los de Rodrigo luego;
Gozara Espana el timbre coronado
Desus castillos en mayor sossiego
Que le dio Leovigildo, y no se viera
Estampa de Africano en su ribera.
L. vi. ff. 131.
A remarkable instance of the inconvenient man-
ner in which the band the v are indiscriminately C
used bythe Spaniards, occurs here in the original edi
tion. The w not being used in that language, it would
naturally be represented byvv; and here, the printer,
using most unluckily his typographical license, has
made the word Vbitisa.
"The Spaniards, says that late worthy Jo. San
ford, some time fellow of Magdalane College, in Ox-
ford, (in his Spanish Grammar, 1633) do with a kind
of wantonness so confound the sound of b with v,
that itis hard to determine when and in what words
it should retain its own power of a labial letter,
which gave just cause of laughter at that Spaniard
who, being in conversation with a French lady, and
minding to commend her children for fair, said unto
her, using the Spanish liberty in pronouncing the
French, Madame, vous avez des veaux enfans, tell-
ing her that she had calves to her children, instead
ofsaying, beaux enfans, fair children. Neither can I
well justify him who wrote veneficio for beneficio.”
* Johnes's Monstrellet, vol. v.p. 190.
Sarch 20€ influäule mk onSpanish
I gether Romanse languages.-
Conimbrica, whose ruin'dtowers
14 Bear record ofthe fierce Alani's wrath.-III. 19.
The Roman Conimbrica stood about two leagues
from the present Coimbra, on the site Condeyxa
Velha. Ataces, king of the Alanes, won it from the
Sueves, and, in revenge for its obstinate resistance,
dispeopled it, making all its inhabitants, without dis-
tinction ofpersons, work at the foundation of Coim-
bra, where it now stands. Hermenerico, the king of
the Sueves, attacked him while thus employed, but was
defeated and pursued to the Douro; peace was then
made, and Cindasunda, daughter of the conquered,
given in marriage to the conqueror. In memory of
the pacification thus effected, Ataces bore upon his
banners a damsel in a tower, with a dragon vert on
one side, and a lion rouge on the other, the bearings
of himself and his marriage-father; and this device
being sculptured upon the towers of Coimbra, still re-
mains as the city arms. Two letters of Arisbert,
bishop of Porto, to Samerius, archdeacon of Braga,
which are preserved at Alcobaça, relate these events
as the news of the day, that is, if the authority of
Alcobaçan records, and of Bernardo de Brito can be
admited.-Mon. Lus. 26. 3.
Ataces was an Arian, and therefore made the
Catholic bishops and priests workat his new city, but
his queen converted him.
Mumadona.-III. p. 20.
Gasper Estaço has shown that this is the name of
the foundress of Guimaraens, and that it is not. as
some writers had supposed, erroneously thus written,
because the words Muma and Dona followed each
other in the deeds ofgift wherein it is preserved; the
name being frequently found with its title affixed
thus, Dma Mumadna.
-the banks
OfLima, through whose groves in after years
Mournful, yet sweet, Diogo's amorous lute
Prolonged its tuneful echoes.- III. p. 22.
Diogo Bernardes, one of the best of the Portugueze
poets, was born on the banks of the Lima, and pas-
sionately fond of its scenery. Some of his sonnets will
bear comparison with the best poems of their kind.
There is a charge of plagiarism against him for hav-
ing printed several of Camoens's sonnets as his own;
to obtain any proofs upon this subject would be very
difficult; this, however, is certain, that his own undis-
puted productions resemble them so closely in unaf
fected tenderness, and in sweetness of diction , that
the whole appear like the works ofone author.
Auria itselfis now but one wide tomb
For all its habitants. - III. p. 23.
The present Orense. The Moors entirely destroyed
it; depopulavit usque ad solum, are the words of one
of the old brief chronicles. In 832, Alonso el Casto
found it too completely ruined to be restored.-
Espana Sagrada, xvii. p. 48.
That consecratedpile amid the wild
Which sainted Fructuoso in his zeal
Reared to St. Felix, on Visonia's banks.-IV. 31.
Ofthis saint, and the curious institutions which he
formed, and the beautiful track of country in which
they were placed, I have given an account in the
third edition of Letters from Spain and Portugal,
vol. i. p. 103.
Sacaru ...... indignantly
Did he toward the ocean bend his way,
And shakingfrom his feet the dust ofSpain,
Took ship and hoisted sail, throughseas unknown,
To seekforfreedom.-IV. p. 35.
This tale, which is repeated by Bleda, rests on no
better authority than that of* Abulcacim, which may,
* C. 13.
however, be admitted, so far as to show that it was a
prevalent opinion in bis time.
Antonio Galvam, in his Tratado dos Descobrementos
Antigos e Modernos, relates a current, and manifestly
fabulous story, which has been supposed to refer to
Sacaru and the companions of his emigration. They
say, he says, that at this time, A.D. 1447, a Portugueze
ship sailing out ofthe Straits of Gibraltar, was carri
ed by a storm much farther to the west than she had
intended, and came to an island where there were
seven cities, and where our language was spoken; and
the people asked whether the Moors still occupied
Spain, from whence they had fled afterthe loss of King
Don Rodrigo. The contramaster ofthe ship said, that
he brought away a little sand from the island, and
sold it to a goldsmith in Lisbon, who extracted from
it a good quantity ofgold. It is said that the Infante
D. Pedro, who governed at that time, ordered these
things to be written in the Casa do Tombo. And
some will have it that these lands and islands at which
the Portugueze touched, where those which are now
called the Antilhas and New Spain. (p. 24.)
This Antilia, or Island of the Seven Cities, is laid
down in Martin Behaim's map; the story was soon
improved by giving seven bishops to the seven cities;
and Galvam has been accused by Hornius of having
invented it to give his countrymen the honour of
having discovered the West Indies! Nowit is evident
that Antonio Galvam relates the story as if he did
not believe it,-contam-they relate, and, diz, it is
said, never affirming the fact, nor making any infer
ence from it, but merely stating it as a report; and it
is certain, which perhaps Hornius did not know, that
there never lived a man of purer integrity than
Antonio Galvam; a man whose history is disgraceful,
not to his country, but to the government under
which he lived, and whose uniform and unsullied
virtue entitles him to rank among the best men that
have ever done honour to human nature.
The writers who repeat this story of the Seven
Islands and their bishops, have also been pleased to
find traces of Sacaru in the new world, for which the
imaginary resemblances to Christianity which were
found in Yucatan and other places, serve them as
proofs.-Gregorio Garcia. Origen de los Indios, 1. iv.c.20.
The work of Abulcacim, in which the story first
appears, has been roundly asserted to be the forgery
ofthe translator, Miguel de Luna.
The Portugueze academician, Contador de Argote,
speaking of this romantic history, acquits him ofthe
fraud which has with little reflection been laid to his
charge. Pedraça, he says, in his Grandezas de Grana-
da, and Rodrigo Caro, in the Grandezas de Sevilla,
both affirm that the original Arabic exists in the
Escurial, and Escolano asserts the same, although
Nicolas Antonio says that the catalogues ofthat library
do not make mention of any such book. If Luna had
forged it, it would not have had many of those blun-
ders which are observed in it; nor is there any reason
for imputing such a fraud to Luna, a man will skill-
ed in Arabic, and ofgood reputation. What I suspect
is, that the book was composed bya Granadan Moor,
and the reason which induces me to formthis opinion
is, the minuteness with which he describes the con-
quest which Tarif made of those parts of the king-
dom of Granada, of the Alpuxarras and the Serra Ne-
vada, pointing out the etymologies of the names of
places, and other circumstances, which any one who
reads with attention will observe. As to the time in
which the composer of this amusing romance flou
• rished, it was certainly after the reign of Bedeci
Aben Habuz, who governed, and was Lord of Grana-
da, about the year 1013, as Marmol relates, after the
Arabian writers; and the reason which I have for this
assertion is, that in the romance of Abulcacim the
story is told which gave occasion to the said Bedeci
Aben Habuz to set up in Granada that famous vane,
which represents a knight upon horseback in bronze,'
with a spear in the right hand, and a club in the left,
and these wordsin Arabic,-Bedeci Aben Habuz says
that in this manner Andalusia must be kept! the fi
gure moves with every wind, and veers about from one
end to another.- Memorias de Braga, T. iii. p. 120.
In the fabulous Chronicle of D. Rodrigo, Sacarus,
as he is there called, is a conspicuous personage; but
the tale of his emigration was not then current, and
the author kills him before the Moors appear upon
the stage. He seems to have designed him as a repre-
sentation ofperfect generosity.
being as wide on one part as on the other, and in it
there was a bed richly furnished, and there was laid
in that bed the statue of a man, exceeding great,
and armed at all points, and he had the one arm
stretched out, and a writing in his hand. And when
the king and those who were with him saw this bed,
and the man who was laid in it, they marvelled what
it might be, and they said, Certes that bed was one of
the wonders of Hercules and of his enchantments.
And when they saw the writing which he held in his
hand, they showed it to the king, and the king went
to him, and took it from his hand, and opened it and
read it, and it said thus, Audacious one, thou who shalt
read this writing, mark well what thou art, and
how great evil through thee sh I come to pass, for
even as Spain was peopled and conquered by me, so
by thee shall it be depopulated and lost. And I say
unto thee, that I was Hercules the Strong, he who
conquered the greater part of the world, and all
Spain; and I slew Geryon the Great, who was Lord
thereof; and I alone subdued all these lands of Spain,
and conquered many nations, and brave knights, and
never any one could conquer me, save only Death.
Look well to what thou doest, for from this world
thou wilt carry with thee nothing but the good which
thou hast done.
" And when the king had read the writing he was
troubled, and he wished then that he had not begun
this thing. Howbeit he made semblance asifit touched
him not, and said that no man was powerful enough
@ to know that which is to come, except the true God.
And all the knights who were present were much
70w did
otHeracler my - 70w
bath him The the 7 d
was redder than fresh blood; and the whole apartment
was bright and more lucid than crystal, and it was so
beautiful, and the colour thereofso fine,that it seemed
as ifeach of the sides were made of a single stone,
and all who was there present said that there was not
more than a single stone in each, and that there was
no joining of one stone with another, for every side
of the whole four appeared to be one solid slab; and
they all said, that never in the world had such a work
as this elsewhere been made, and that it must be held
for a remarkable thing, and for one of the wonders
ofthe world. And in all the apartments there was no
beam, nor any work of wood, neither within nor
without; and as the floor thereof was flat, so also was
the ceiling. Above these were windows, and so many,
that they gave a great light, so that all which was
within might be seen as clearly as that which was
without. And when they had seentheapartment how
it was made, they found in it nothing but one pillar,
and that not very large, and round; and ofthe height
ofa man ofmean stature: and there was a door in it
right cunningly made, and upon it was a little writing
in Greek letters, which said, Hercules made this house
in the year ofAdam three hundred and six. And when
the king had read these letters, and understood that
which they said, he opened the door, and when it was
opened they found Hebrew letters which said, This
house is one of the wonders of Hercules; and when
they had read these letters they saw a nich made in
that pillar, in which was a coffer of silver, right subtly
wrought, and after a strange manner, and it was
gilded and covered with many precious stones, and
of great price, and it was fastened with a lock of
mother-of-pearl. And this was made in such a manner
that it was a strange thing, and there were eut upon .
it Greek letters which said, It cannot be, but that the
king in whose time this coffer shall be opened, shall
see wonders before his death; thus said Hercules the
lord of Greece and of Spain who knew some ofthose
things which are to come. And when the king under-
stood this, he said, Within this coffer lies that which
I seek to know, and which Hercules has so strongly
forbidden to be known. And he took the lock and
broke it with his hands, for there was no other who
durst break it; and when the lock was broken, and
the coffer open, they found nothing within, except
a white cloth folded between two pieces of copper;
and he took it and opened it, and found Moors pour
trayed therein with turbans, and banners in their
hands, and with their swords round their necks, and
their bows behind them at the saddle-bow, and over
these figures were letters which said, When this cloth
shall be opened, and these figures seen, men apparel-
led like them shall conquer Spain and shall be Lords
"When the King Don Rodrigo saw this he was
troubled at heart, and all the knights who were with
him. And they said unto him, Now, sir, you may see
what has befallen you, because you would not listen
to those who counselled you not to pry into so great
athing, and because you despised the kings who were
before you, who all observed the commands of Her
cules, and ordered them to be observed, but you
would not do this. And he had greater trouble in his
heart than he had ever before felt; howbeit he began
to comfort them all, and said to them, God forbid that
all this which we have seen should come to pass.
Nevertheless, I say, that if things must be according
as they are here declared, I could not set aside that
which hath been ordained, and therefore it appears
that I am he by whom this house was to be opened,
and that for me it was reserved. And seeing it is done,
there is no reason that we should grieve for that
which cannot be prevented, i it must needs come.
And let come what may, with all my power I will
strive against that which Hercules has foretold, even
till I take my death in resisting it; and if you will all
do in like manner, I doubt whether the whole world
can take from us our power. But ifby God it hathbeen
appointed, no strength and no art can avail against
his Almighty power, but that all things must be ful
filled even as to him seemeth good. In this guise they
went out of the bouse, and he charged them all that
they should tell no man of what they had seen there,
and ordered the doors to be fastened in the same
manner as before. And they had hardly finished fast-
ening them, when they beheld an eagle fall right
down from the sky, as if it had descended from
Heaven, carrying a burning fire-brand, which it laid
upon the top of the house, and began to fan it with
its wings; and the fire-brand with the motion of the
air began to blaze, and the house was kindled and
burat as if it had been made of rosin, so strong and
mighty were the flames, and so high did they blaze
up, that it was a great marvel, and it burnt so long
that there did not remain the sign of a single stone,
and all was burnt into ashes. And after a while there
came a great flight of birds small and black, who ho-
vered over the ashes, and they were so many, that
with the fanning of their wings, all the ashes were
stirred up, and rose into the air, and were scattered
over the whole of Spain; and many of those persons
upon whom the ashes fell, appeared as if they had
been besmeared with blood. All this happened in a
day, and many said afterwards, that all those persons
upon whom those ashes fell, died in battle when
Spain was conquered and lost; and this was the first
sign of the destruction of Spain."-Cronica del Rey
D. Rodrigo, Part I. c. 28, 30,
"Y siendo verdad lo que escriven nuestros Chronistas,
y el Alcayde Tarif, las letras que en este Palacio fuer-
on halladas, no se ha de entender quefueronpuestaspor
Hercules en su fundacion, ni por algun nigromantico,
como algunospiensan, pues solo Dios sabe las cosaspor
venir, y aquellos aquien el es servido revelarlas: bien
puede ser quefuessenpuestaspor alguna santapersona
aquien nuestro Senor lo oviesse revelado y mandado;
como revelo el castigo que avia de suceder del deluvio
generalentiempo de Noe, quefuepregonero de lajusti
cia de Dios; y el de las ciudades de Sodoma y Gomorra
a Abraham -Fran. de Pisa, Descr. de Toledo. L. 2.
c. 31.
The Spanish ballad upon the subject, fine as the
subject is, is flat as a flounder;-
De los nobilissimos Godos
que en Castilla avian reynado
Rodrigo regno elpostrero
de los reyes que hanpassado;
en cuyo tiempo los Moros
toda Espana avianganado,
sinofuera las Asturias
que defendio Don Pelayo.
En Toledo esta Rodrigo
al comienzo del 1 cynado,
vinolegran voluntad
de ver lo que esta cerrado
en la torre que esta alli,
antigua de muchos anos.
En esta torre los reyes
cada uno hecho un canado
porque lo ordenara ansi
Hercules el afamado
que gano primero a Espana
de Gerion gran tirano.
Creyo el rey que avia en la torre
gran thesoro alliguardado;
la torrefue luego abierta
y quitados los canados;
no ay en ella cosa alguna,
sola una caxa han hallado.
El rey la mandara abrir;
unpano dentro se ha hallado,"
con unas letras latinas
que dizen en Castellano,
Quando aquestas cerraduras
que cierran estos canados,
fueren abiertas y visto
lo en elpano debuxado,
Espana sera perdida,
y toda ella asolada;
ganaranla gente estrana
como aqui estan figurados,
los rostros muy denegridos,
los braços arremangados,
muchas colores vestidas,
en las cabeças tocados,
alçadas traeran sus senas
en cavallos cavalgando,
largas lanças en sus manos,
con espadas en su lado.
Alarabes se diran
y de aquesta tierra estranos;
perderase toda Espana,
que nada no aurafincado.
El rey con sus ricos hombres
todos se avian espantado
quando vieron lasfiguras
y letras que hemos contado,
buelven a cerrar la torre,
quedo el rey muy angustiado.
Juan Yague de Salas relates a singular part of this
miracle, which I have not seen recorded any where
but in his curious poem:-
Cantocomo rompidos los candados
De la lobrega cueva, y despedidas
De sus senos obscuros vozes tristes
No bien articuladas, si a remiendos,
Repetidas adentro por el ayre,
Yuna mas bronca se escucho que dize,
Desdichado Rey Ro y acaba digo,
Quedando la R submersa entre piçarras)
La Coroperderas, y el Man, y el Ce,
No dixo el na, ni el do, ni el tro, no dixo;
Almenos no se oyo, si bien oyose
Por lascivo tirano y por sobervio,
Que yapermite el cielo que el de Meca
Castiguepor tu causa el Reyno Godo.
Por solo que lo riges con mal modo.
Los Amantes de Teruel, p. 29.
The Chronica General del Rey Don Alfonso gives
a singular account of the first inhabitant of this fatal
" There was a king who had to name Rocas; he
was of the eastt country from m Edom, wherein was
Paradise, and for the love of wisdom he forsook his
kingdom, and went about the world seeking know-
ledge. And in a country between the east and the
north he found seventy pillars; thirty were of brass,
thirty of marble, and they lay upon the ground, and
upon them was written all knowledge and the nature
of things. These Rocas translated, and carried with
him the book in which he had translated them, by
which he did marvels. He came to Troy when the
people under Laomedon were building the city, and
seeing them he laughed. They asked him why, and he
replied, that if they knew what was to happen, they
would cease from their work. Then they took him
and led him before Laomedon, and Laomedon asked
him for why he had spoken those words, and Rocas
answered, that he had spoken truth, for the people
should be put to the sword, and the city be destroyed
byfire. Wherefore the Trojans would have slain him,
but Laomedon judging that he spake from folly, put
him in prison to see if he would repent. He, fearful
ofdeath, by his art sent a sleep upon the guards, and
filed off his irons, and went his way. And he came to
the seven hills by the Tyber, and there upon a stone
he wrote the letters ROMA, and Romulus found
them, and gave them as a name to his city, because
they bore a resemblance to his own.
"Then went King Rocas westward, and he enter-
ed Spain, and went round it and through it, till com
ing to the spot where Toledo stands, he discovered
that it was the central place of the country, and that
one day a city should there be built, and there he
found a cave into which he entered. There lay in it a
huge dragon, and Rocas in fear besought the dragon
not to hurt him, for they were both creatures of God.
And the dragon took such love towards him, that he
always brought him part of his food from the chase,
and they dwelt together in the cave. One day an
honourable man of that land, by name Tartus, was
hunting in that mountain, and he found a bear, and
the bear fled into the cave, and Rocas in fear ad-
dressed him as he had done the dragon, and the bear
quietly lay down, and Rocas fondled his head, and
Tartus following, saw Rocas how his beard was long,
and his body covered with hair, and he thought it
was a wild man, and fitted an arrow to his bow, and
drew the string. Then Rocas besought him in the
1 name of God not to slay him, and obtained security
for himself and the bear under his protection. And
when Tartus heard how he was a king, he invited
him to leave that den and return with him, and he
would give him his only daughter in marriage, and
leave him all that he had. By this the dragon return-
ed. Tartus was alarmed, and would have fled, but
Rocas interfered, and the dragon threw down half
an ox, for he had devoured the rest, and asked the
stranger to stop and eat. Tartus declined the invita-
tion, for he must be gone. Then said Rocas to the
dragon, My friend, I must now leave you, for we
have sojourned together long enough. So he depart-
ed, and married, and had two sons, and for love ofthe
dragon he built a tower over the cave, and dwelt
there. After his death, one of his sons built another,
and King Pirros added more buildings, and this was
the beginning of Toledo."
29 Redeemed Magdalen.-X. p. 78.
Lardner published a letter to Jonas Hanway, show-
ing why houses for the reception of penitent harlots
ought not to be called Magdalen Houses: Mary Mag
dalen not being the sinner recorded in the 7th chap-
ter ofLuke, but a woman ofdistinction and excellent
character, who laboured under some bodily infirmity,
which our Lord miraculously healed.
In the Shebboleth of Jean Despagne, is an article
thus entitled: De Marie Magdelaine, laquelle fausse
he Ame not which ofold boy
has fallen forestof
42 Sindered.-XVIII. p. 130.
"Per idem tempus divinæ memoria Sinderedus ur-
lis Regio Metropolitanus Episcopus sanctimonia stu
dio claret; atque longævos et merito honorabiles viros,
ques in suprafata sibi commissa Ecclesia repetit, non
secundum scientiam zelo sanctitatis stimulat, atque in-
stinctujam dicti Witiza Principis eos sub ejus tempore
convexare non cessat; qui et post modicum incursus
Arabum expavescens, non ut pastor, sed ut mercenari.
us, Christi oves contra decreta majorum deserens, Ro-
manæ patriæ sese adventat.” —Isid. Pacensis, Espana
Sagrada, T. 8. p. 298.
"E assi como el Arzobispo fue cierto de la mala an-
dançapartio de Cordova; y nunca cesso de andar dia
ni nochefasta que llego a Toledo; y no embargante que
el erahombre de buema vida, no se quisso mostrarpor
tal como deviera ser, y sufrir antes martyrio por
amor deJesu Christo y esforçar los suyos, porque se
defendiessen, y que las gentes no desamparassen la
tierra; ca su intencion fue de ser confessor antes que
martyr."-Cor. del K. D. Rodrigo, p. 2. C. 48.
While the Church 43
Keeps in her annals the deserter's name;
Butfrom the service which with daily zeal
Devout her ancient prelacy recalls,
Blots it, unworthy topartake herprayers.—
XVIII. p. 130.
"Je ne serois pas en grande peine, says Pierre de
Marca, de rechercher les noms des Evesques de Bearn,
si la saincte et louable pratique des anciens Peres d'in-
serer dans les Diptyches, et cayers sacrés de chascune
Eglise, les nome des Evesques orthodoxes, et qui estoi-
ent decedés dans la communion de l'Eglise Catholique,
eust este continuée jusqu' aux derniers siecles. Et je
pourrois me servir en cette recontre du moyen que
l'Empereur Justinian et le cinquiesme Concile General
employerent, pour sçavoir si Theodore Evesque de
Mopsuestie estoit reconnu apres sa mort pour Evesque
de l'Eglise qu'il avoit possedée durant sa vie. Car ils
ordonnerent a l'Evesque et au Clergé de cette ville, de
revoir les Diptyches de leur Eglise, et de rapporter
fidellement ce qu'ils y trouveroient. Ce qu' ayant exe-
cuté diligemment, ils firent rapport qu' apres avoir
fueilletéquatredivers cayers enparchemin, qui estoient
leurs Diptyches, ils y avoient trové le nom de tous les
Evesques de ce siege; horsmis qu' en la place de Theo-
dore, avoit este substitué le nom de Cyrille, qui estoit le
Petriarche d'Alexandrie; lequel presidant au Concile
d'Ephese avoit condamné l'heresie de Nestorius et de
Theodore de Mopsuestie. D'ou il apert que les noms de
tous les Evesques depuis l'origine et l'establissement de
chascune des Eglises estoient enregistrés dans les cay-
ers que l'on appelloit Diptyches, et que l'on les recitoit
nom par nom en leur lieu, pendant la celebration.dela
Liturgie, tant pour tesmoigner la continuation de la
communion avec les Evesques decedés, que l'on avoit
eue avec euxmesmes vivans, qu' afin de procurer par
les prieres publiques, et par l'efficace du sacrifice non
sanglant, en la celebration du quel ils estoient recom-
mandés a Dieu, suivant l'ordonnance des apostres, un
grand profit, soulagement, et refraichissement pour
leurs ames, comme enseignent Cyrille de Hierusalem,
Chrysostome, et Epiphane."-Histoire de Bearn, 1. 4.
c. 9.§ 1.
" Some time before they made oblation for the
dead, it was usual in some ages to recite the names of
such eminent bishops, or saints, or martyrs, as were
particularly to be mentioned in this part of the ser-
vice. To this purpose they had certain books, which
they called their Holy Books, and commonly their
Diptychs, from their being folded together, wherein
the names of such persons were written, that the dea-
con might rehearse themas occasion required, in the
time of divine service. Cardinal Bona and Schels-
trade make three sorts ofthese Diptychs; one where-
in the names ofbishops only were written, and more
particularly such bishops as had been governors of
that particular church: a second, wherein the names
of the living were written, who were eminent and
conspicuous either for any office and dignity, or some
benefaction and good work, whereby they had de-
served well of the church: in this rank were the pa-
triarchs and bishops of great sees, and the bishop
and clergy of that particular church: together with
the emperors and magistrates, and others most con-
spicuous among the people: the third was, the book
containing the names of such as were deceased in ca-
tholic communion.-These therefore were of use,
partly to preserve the memory of such eminent men
as were dead in the communion of the church, and
partly to make honourable mention of such general
councils as had established the chief articles of the
faith; and to erase the names either of men or coun-
cils out of these Diptychs, was the same thing as to
declare that they were heterodox, and such as they
thought unworthy to hold communion with as cri
minals, or some ways deviating from the faith. Upon
this account St. Cyprian ordered the name of Gemi-
nius Victor to be left out among those that were
commemorated at the holy table, because he had bro-
ken the rules of the church. And Evagrius observes
of Theodorus bishop of Mopsuestia, that his name
was struck out of the Holy Books, that is, the Diptychs,
upon the account ofhis heretical opinions after death.
And St. Austin, speaking of Cæcilian, Bishop of
Carthage, whom the Donatists falsely accused of be-
ing ordained by Traditores, or men who had deliver-
ed up the Bible to be burned in the times of persecu
tion, tells them that if they could make good any
real charge against him, they would no longer name
him among the rest of the bishops, whom they be
lieved to be faithful and innocent at the altar."-
Bingham, b. 15. ch. 3. sect. 17.
Orary-XVIII. p. 131. 44
" The council of Laodicea has two canons concern-
ing the little habit called the Orarium, which was a
scarf or tippet to be worn upon the shoulders; and
might be used by bishops, presbyters, and deacons,
but not by subdeacons, singers, or readers, who are
expressly debarred the use of it in that council.-The
first council of Braga speaks of the tunica and the
orarium as both belonging to deacons. And the third
council of Braga orders priests to wear the orarium
on both shoulders when they ministered at the altar.
By which we learn that the tunica or surplice was
common to all the clergy, the orarium on the left
shoulder proper to deacons, and on both shoulders
the distinguishing badge of priests. The fourth coun-
cil of Toledo is most particular in these distinctions.
For in one canon it says, that if a bishop, presbyter,
or deacon, be unjustly degraded, and be found in-
nocent by a synod, yet they shall not be what they
were before, unless they receive the degrees they had
lost from the hands of the bishops before the altar.
If he be a bishop, he must receive his orarium, his
ring, and his staff: if a presbyter, his orarium and
planeta: if a deacon, his orarium and alba. And in
another canon, that the deacon shall wear but one
orarium, and that upon his left shoulder, wherewith
he is to give the signal of prayers to the people.
Where we may observe also the reason of the name
erarium in the ecclesiastical sense ab orando, from
praying; though in common acceptation it signifies
no more than an handkerchief to wipe the face, and
so comes ab ore, in which signification it is sometimes
used by St. Ambrose and St. Austin, as well as by
the old Roman authors. But here we take it in the
ecclesiastical sense for a sacred habit appropriated to
bishops, priests, and deacons, in the solemnities of
divine service, in which sense it appears to have been
a habit distinct from that of civil and common use,
by all the authorities that have been mentioned.” —
Bingham, Book 13. c. 8. sect. 2.
45 Nor wore he mitre here,
Precious, or auriphrygiate.- XVIII. p. 132.
Mitra usus antiquissimus est, et ejus triplex est
species: una quæpretiosa dicitur, quia gemmis et lapi-
dibus pretiosis, vel laminis aureis, vel argenteis contex
ta esse solet; altera auriphrygiata sine gemmis, et siné
laminis aureis vel argenteis; sed vel aliquibus parvis
margaritis composita, vel ex serico albo auro intermis-
tó, vel extela aurea simplici sine laminis et margaritis;
tertia, quae simplex vocatur, sine auro, ex simplici
sirico Damascens, vel alio, aut etiam linea, extela alba
confecta, rubeis lacinii, seu frangiis et vittis pendenti-
bus. Pretiosa utitur Episcopus in solemnioribusfestis,
et generaliter quandocumque in officio dicitur hymnus
Te Deum laudamus, &c. et in missa Gloria in excelsis
Deo. Nihilominus in eisdemfestis etiam auriphrygiata
utipoterit, sed potius ad commoditatem quam ex neces-
sitate; ne scilicet Episcopus nimis gravetur, si in toto
officiopretiosa utatur; propterea usu receptum est,tam
in Vesperis, quam in Missis, ut pretiosa utatur Episco-
pus in principio et infine Vesperarum et Missarum
solemnium, ac eundo ad Ecclesiam et redeundo ab ea;
et quando lavat manus et dat benedictionem solemnem.
Intermedio autem spatio loco pretiosae acipit auriphry-
giatam -Auriphrygiata mitra utitur Episcopus ab Ad-
ventu Domini usque ad festum Nativitatis, excepta
Dominica tertia Adventus, in qua dicitur Introitus
Gaudete, &e. ideoque in signum laetitiae utitur tunc
pretiosa. Item a Septuagesima usque ad feriam quar-
tam majoris hebdomadae inclusivé, excepta Dominica
quarta Quadragesimae, in qua dicitur Introitus Læta-
re, &c. Item in omnibus vigiliis, quaejejunantur, et in
omnibus quatuor temporibus; in Rogationibus, Litaniis
et processionibus, quae ex causa penitentiae fiunt; in
festo Innocentium, nisi veniat in Dominica; et in bene-
dictionibus, et consecrationibus, quae private aguntur.
Quibus quidem temporibus abstinet Episcopus a mitra
pretiosa. Poterit tamen Episcopus dum utitur auri-
phrygiata, uti etiam simplici eodem modo et forma,
prout de pretiosa et auriphrygiata dictum est. Simplici
vero mitra utitur Episcopus feria sexta in Paraseve,
et in officiis et Missis defunctorum."- Cæremonialè
Episcoporum, 1. 1. c. 17.
46 The pall
Of wool undyed, which on the Apostle's tomb
Gregory had laid.-XVIII. p. 132.
" Bythe way, the pall is a pontificall vestment, con-
siderable for the matter, making, and mysteries
thereof. For the matter it is made oflamb's wooll, and
superstition. I say of lamb's wooll, as it comes from
the sheep's back, without any other artificial colour,
spun, say some, by a peculiar order of nunnes, first
cast into the tombe of St. Peter, taken from his body
say others, surely most sacred if from both; and su-
perstitiously adorned with little black crosses. For the
form thereof; the breadth exceeded not three fingers,
one ofour bachelours lamb-skin hoods in Cambridge
would make three of them, having two labells hang.
ing down before and behind, which the arch-bishops
onely, when going to the altar, put about their necks,
above their other pontificall ornaments. Three mys-
teries were couched therein. First, Humility, which
beautifies the clergy above all their costly copes. Se-
condly, Innocency, to imitate lamb-like simplicitie.
And, Thirdly, Industry, to follow him who fetched
his wandring sheep home on his shoulders. But to
speak plainly, the mystery of mysteries in the pall
was, that the arch-bishops receiving it shewed there-
in their dependence on Rome; and a mote in this man-
ner ceremoniously taken was a sufficient acknow-
ledgement of their subjection. And as it owned
Rome's power, so in after ages it increased their pro-
fit. For, though now such palls were freely given to
archbishops, whose places in Britain for the present
were rather cumbersome than commodious, having
little more than their paines for their labour; yet in
after ages the arch-bishop of Canterburie's pall was
sold for five thousand florenes, so that the pope might
well have the golden fleece if he could sell all his
lamb's-wooll at that rate. Onely let me add, that the
authour of Canterbury-book stiles this pall Tanquam
grande Christi Sacramentum. It is well tanquam came
in to help it, or else we should have had eight sa-
craments."-Fuller's Church History, page 71.
The relics and the written works ofSaints
Toledo's choicest treasure, prized beyond
All wealth, their living and their dead remains;
These tothe mountainfastnesses he bore
Ofunsubdued Cantabria, there deposed
One day to bethe boast ofyet unbuilt
Oviedo, andthe dear idolatry
Ofmultitudes unborn.- XVIII. p 131.
"Amongthose, says Morales, who then passed from
Toledo to Asturias, was the archbishop of Toledo,
named Urban.- He with a holy foresight collected
the sacred relics which he could, and the most pre-
cious books of his own church and of others, deter-
mining to carry them all to the Asturias, in order
that the holy relics might not be profaned or treated
with little reverence by the infidels; and that the
books ofthe Holy Scriptures, and ofthe ecclesiastical
offices, and the works of our holy doctors, might not
be lost. And although many relics are mentioned
which the archbishop then carried from Toledo,
especial mention is made of a holy ark full of many
and most remarkable relics, which through divers
chances and dangers had been brought from Jerusa-
lem to Toledo, and of which all that is fitting shall be
related in its place, if it please God that this history
should proceed. It is also expressly said, that the
cope which our Lady gave to St. Ildefonso, was then
carried to the Asturias with the other relics; and
being so capital a relic, it was a worthy thing to write
of it thus particularly. Of the sacred books which
which were saved at that time, there are specified
the Holy Scriptures, the Councils, the works of St.
Isidore, of St. Ildefonso, and of St. Julian the arch-
bishop of Toledo. And as there is at this day in the
church of Oviedo that holy ark, together with many
others of the relics which were then removed, so do
I verily believe that there are in the library of that
church three or four books of those which were then
brought from Toledo. I am led to this belief by see-
ing that they are written in a form of Gothic letters,
which being compared with writings six hundred
years old, are without doubt much older, and of
characters so different, that they may well be attri
buted to the times of the Goths. One is the volume
of the Councils, another is a Santoral, another con-
tains the books of St. Isidore de Naturis Rerum, with
other works of other authors. And there are also some
leaves of a Bible.-To put these sacred relics in
greater security, and avoid the danger of the Moors,
they hid them in a cave, and in a sort of deep pit
therein, two leagues from the city of Oviedo, (which
,was not at that time built) in a mountain, which was
for this reason called Montesacro. It is now by a slight
corruption called Monsagro; and the people of that
country hold the cave in great veneration, and a great
romery, or pilgrimage, is made to it on St. Magdalen's
day."-Morales, 1. 12. c. 71.
The place where the relics were deposited is curi-
ously described in the Romantic Chronicle. " He
found that in this land of Asturias there was a sierra,
full great, and high, the which had only two entrances
after this manner. On the one entrance there was
a great river, which was to be passed seven times,
and in none of those seven places was it fordable at
any time except in the month ofJuly. And after the
river had been crost seven times, there was an ascent
of a long league up a high mountain, which is full of
many great trees, and great thickets, wherein are
many wild beasts, such as bears and boars and wolves,
and there is a pass there between two rocks, which
ten men might defend against the whole world, and
this is the one entrance. The other is, that you must
ascend this great mountain, by a path of two full
leagues in length, on the one side having always the
river, and the way so narrow, that one man must go
before another, and one man can defend the path in
such manner that no arbalist, nor engine of other
kind, nor any other thing, can hurt him, not if the
whole world were to come against him. And if any
ene were to stumble upon this path, he would fall
more than two thousand braças, down overrocks into
the river, which lies at such a depth that the water
appears blacker than pitch. And upon that mountain
there is a good spring, and a plain where there are
good meadows, and room enough to raise grain for
eightor ten persons for ayear: and the snow is always
there for company, enduring from one year to an-
other. And upon that mountain the archbishop made
two churches, one to the honour of St. Mary Magda-
lene, and the other to the honour of St. Michael, and
there he placed all these reliques, where he had no
fear that any should take them; and for the honour
of these relics the archbishop consecrated the whole
mountain, and appointed good guard over the sacred
relics, and left there three men ofgood life, who were
willing to remain there serving God and doing pen-
ance for their sins."-P. 2. c. 48.
Of the Camara Santa, Morales has given a curious
accountin his Journal, the substance, with some other
remarkable circumstances, he afterwards thus insert-
ed in his great history:-
"The other church (or chapel) which King Alonso
el Casto ordered to be built on the south side of the
Iglesia Mayor, (or cathedral) was with the advocation
ofthe Glorious Archangel St. Michael. And in order
that he might elevate it, he placed under it another
church ofthe Virgin and Martyr St. Leocadia, some-
what low, and vaulted with a strong arch, to support
the great weight which was to be laid upon it. The
king's motive for thus elevating this church of St.
Michael, I believe certainly to have been because of
the great humidity of that land. He had determined
to place in this church the famous relics ofwhich we
shall presently speak, and the humidity ofthe region
is so great, that even in summer the furniture ofthe
houses on high ground is covered with mold. This
religious prince therefore elevated the church with
becoming foresight for reverence and better preser
vation of the precious treasure which was therein to
be deposited. For this reason they call it Camara, (the
Chapter 238.- How the King Don Rodrigo left the bat-
tle and arrived at a hermitage, and of that which be-
fell him.
"Now when the King Don Rodrigo had escaped
from the battle, he began to go as fast as he could
upon his horse along the banks ofthe Guadalete, and
night came on, and the horse began to fail by reason
of the many wounds which he had received; and as
he went thus by the river side deploring the great
ruin which had come upon him, he knew not where
he was, and the horse got into a quagmire, and when
he was in he could not get out. And when the king
saw this he alighted, and stript off all his rich arms
and the furniture thereof, and took off his crown
from his head, and threw them all into the quag-
nire, saying, of earth was I made, and even so are
all my deeds like unto mud and mire. Therefore my
pomp and vanity shall be buried in this mud, till it
has all returned again to earth, as I myself must do.
And the vile end which I have deserved will beseem
me well, seeing that I have been the principal cause
of this great cruelty. And as he thus stript off all bis
rich apparel, he cast the shoes from his feet, and
went his way, and wandered on towards Portugal;
and he travelled so far that night and the day follow-
ing, that he came to a hermitage near the sea, where
there was a good man who had dwelt there serving
Godforfull forty years; and now he was ofgreat age,
for he was well nigh a hundred years old. And he
entered into the hermitage, and found a crucifix
therein, being the image of our Lord Jesus Christ,
even as he was crucified, and for the remembrance
of Him, he bent both his knees to the ground, and
claspt his hands, weeping and confessing his sins be-
fore God, for he weened not that any man in the
world saw or heard him. And he said thus, O true
Lord, who by thy word hast made all the world from
nothing which it was, and hast created all things,
those which are visible to men, and those which are
invisible, the heavenly as well as the earthly, and
who didst incarnate thyself that thou mightest un-
dergo thy passion and death, to save those who
firmly put their trust in thee, giving up thy holy
ghost from thy glorified body upon the tree of the
true cross, and who didst descend into Hell, and
deliveredst thy friends from thence, and didst regale
them with the glory of Heaven: And afterward thy
holy spirit came again into that most holy body,
which thou wast pleased to take upon thee in this
world; and, manifesting thyself for the true God
which thou wert, thou didst deign to abide in this
dark world forty days with their nights, and then
thou didst ascend into the heavenly glory, and didst
enlighten with the grace of the Holy Ghost thy be
loved disciples. I beseech thee, O Lord, that thou
wouldst enlighten me a king in tribulation, wretched,
and full of many sins, and deserving all evils; let not
the soul which is thine, and which cost thee so dear,
receive the evil and the desert of this abominable
flesh; and may it please thee, O Lord, after the down-
fall, destruction, perdition, and desolation, which I, a
miserable king, have suffered in this world, that my
disconsolate soul may not be forgotten by thee, and
that all this misery may be in satisfaction for my er-
rors. And I earnestly beseech thee, O Lord, that thy
grace may breathe upon me, that in this world I may
make satisfaction for my sins, so that at the Great
Day of Judgment I may not be condemned to the
torments of hell.
' Having said these words, weeping as though he
would burst, he remained there a long hour. And
when the Hermit heard him say all this, he was
greatly astonished, and he went unto him. And when
the king saw him he was little pleased; howbeit after
he had talked with him, he would rather have found
him there than have been restored again to the
great honour which he had lost; for the Hermit com-
forted him in such wise in this his tribulation, that he
was right well contented; and he confessed unto him,
and told him all that concerned him. And the Her-
mit said to him, King, thou shalt remain in this her
mitage, which is a remote place, and where thou
mayest lead thy life, as long as it shall please God.
And for me, on the third day from hence I shall pass
away out of this world; and thou shalt bury me, and
thou shalt take my garments, and fulfil the time of
a year in this hermitage. Take no thought as to
provision for thy support, for every Friday thou
shalt have it after the same manner as I, and thou
shalt so husband it, that it may suffice thee for the
whole week: That flesh which hath been fostered in
great delight shall suffer abstinence, lest it should
grow proud, and thou shalt endure hunger and cold
and thirst in the love of our Lord, that he may have
compassion upon thee. Thy station till the hour of
sleep must always be upon that rock, where there is
an oratory facing the east; and thou shalt continue
the service of God in such manner as God will direct
thee to do. And take heed that thy soul fall not into
temptation. And since thou hast spoken this day of
penitence, to-morrow thou shalt communicate and
receive the true body of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
will be thy protection and support against the ene-
my and the persecutor. And put thou thy firm trust
in the sign of the Cross; and thou shalt please thy
"Many other things the holy Hermit said, which
made the King right joyful to hear them; and there
they continued till it was the hour for sleep. And
the holy Hermit showed him his bed, and said, When
I shall have left thy company, thou wilt follow the
ways which I have followed, for which our Lord will
have mercy upon thee, and will extend his hand
over thee, that thou mayest persevere in good, and
in his holy service. And then they laid down and
slept till it was the hour ofmatins, when they should
both arise. And the Hermit awoke him, for as the
King had not slept for a long time, and was more
over full weary, he would not have awaked so soon,
ifthe Hermit had not roused him; and they said their
hours. And when it was time the Hermit said mass,
and the King heard it with great devotion, and com-
municated with great contrition, and remained in
prayer forthe space of two hours. And the hour for
taking food came, and the Hermit took a loaf which
was made of pannick and of rye, and gave half
thereof to the King, and took for himself the other
half: And they ate little of it, as men who could not
eat more, the one by reason of age, and the other
because he was not used to such fare. And thus they
continued till the third day, when the holy Hermit
departed this life."
wly oneda
Ch. 244.- Of- what the Devil said to King Don Red
rigo to dispart himfrom hispenance,
"The false Hermit said to him, For what reason
art thou certainin that the rule which this deceiver
whom thou hast buried appointed for thee, will be
salvation for thy soul, and that what I say to thee is.
not of a truth? Thou understandest me not well: I
never forbade thee that thou shouldst hear mass, as
he has done; for this is one of the good things that
man may every day see his Saviour and adore him.
And seeing that he forbade thee to do this, thou
mayest be certain that as he deceived his own soul,
he would deceive thine also. For at the hour when
man passeth away out of the world, he would fain
that that same hour should be the end of all the
world; and thus that enemy did, for where he went,
thither he would draw thee also. Now since God
hath given thee sense and reason, thou mayst clearly
understand that his counsel and doctrine are deceit.
ful, and what thou oughtest to do..
20 JY 94