2 Genetics
1. (i) Dihybrid cross 10. (i) Genetics is the study of transmission of body
(ii) Law of segregation features, including both similarities and
dissimilarities from parents to offsprings.
(iii) Colour blindness
(ii) Gene locus is a particular position of a gene on a
2. (i) Gene is a unit of inheritance.
(ii) Camptodactyly is an in ability to straighten the
(iii) Sex-linked inheritance is the appearance of a trait
little finger.
due to the presence of an allele located exclusively
3. Haemophilia is a sex-linked disorder wherein the on X or Y-chromosome.
sufferer is at a risk of bleeding to death as blood fails to
11. (i) Variations are small differences among the
clot. Males are affected more often than females
individuals of same species.
because the gene is located on the X-chromosome.
Females, on the other hand, have an additional copy of (ii) Recessive allele
X-chromosome due to which she becomes a carrier of (iii) Dominant trait – Axial position
the disease. Recessive trait – Terminal position
4. A–2, B–1, C– 4, D–3 12. On crossing a pea plant having pure yellow (YY) round
5. (i) (a), (ii) (c), (iii) (d), (iv) (c) (RR) seeds with pure green (yy) wrinkled (rr) seeds, the
6. (i) gene (ii) homozygous F1 progeny obtained is all yellow and round with a
heterozygous genotype.
(iii) 9:3:3:1 (iv) XX–XY (Round yellow) × (Green wrinkled)
(v) haemophilia RRYY rryy Parents
7. (i) Genes are units of inheritance which pass on
Ry ry Gametes
information required for the expression of
phenotypic characters in an individual. RrYy
F1 -generation
(ii) Dominant allele brings out a certain character Round yellow
(phenotype) by expressing itself. (Heterozygous)
8. (i) Difference between autosomes and allosomes is as 13. Linkage is a phenomenon in which two or more linked
follows genes are always inherited together in the same
Autosomes Allosomes combination for more than two generations.Linkage
They constitute a total They constitute a total helps an organism to maintain its parental characters.
number of 44 number of 2 chromosomes 14. Based on inferences from monohybrid and dihybrid
chromosomes (1 pair). crosses, Mendel proposed three laws to consolidate his
(22 pairs). understanding of inheritance in such crosses. The laws
(ii) Difference between polydactyly and albinism is as are as follows
follows (i) Law of Dominance It states that when two
alternative forms of characters are present in an
Polydactyly Albinism organism, only one allele (factor) expresses itself in
It is a dominant trait. It is a recessive trait. F1 progeny and other remains suppressed.
9. (i) Trait (ii) Law of Segregation It is also called the law of
purity of gametes. According to this law, the two
(ii) Albinism factors or alleles controlling one character segregate
2 ICSE Biology Class X