Checklist for Equipment Inspection EOT CRANE

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Project Name: Checklist for Equipment Inspection

Project Code:
Checklist No. …………
Hired Contractor

Equipment Name & Number: 37-EOT CRANE &

Note: Please write Yes or No in the given box and if some comments write in remarks column.
SN. Description Yes/No Remarks
1. Machine should be physically good & should have valid #
TPI certificate.
2. SWL should be visible on either side. #
3. Wire sling should be free from damage. #
4. Hook latch must be installed in hook. #
5. Power cable should be free from defect. #
6. Remote should be in good condition. #
7. Audible horn should be in working condition. #
8. Operator have suitable license/experience certificate. #
9. Deflection test should be carried out. #
10. Safe access and egress should be provided. #

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