Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 5.36.31 PM
Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 5.36.31 PM
Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 5.36.31 PM
Rationale: .
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P -
*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments /Seminars /Presentations /Quizzes /Surprise Tests
(Summative/MCQ) etc. Reference Books:
Reference Books:
Managerial Economics (TextBook), D.M. Mithani; Himalaya Publications; Seventh Edition
Course Outcome:
Students can develop An understanding of the applications of managerial economics. An
Interpret regression analysis and discuss why it's Employed in decision-making.
Optimization and utility including consumer behavior. Assess the relationships between
short-run and long-run costs.
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