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A Compilation of

Impromptu Lecture
That Took Place in
Compiled By:Adebayo

Email: Pstgesh@gmail.com
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/2347062908106
Enquirer: Sir please, for how long should a courtship
last before marriage?

Response: Ideally not less than 6 months and not more

than 2 years. Some do last more than 2years and they
still end up getting married. But courting for 6 to 7
years without still having marriage in view is child's
play to me. A lot of times such courtship or dating is a
breeding space for various immoral acts, and at the
end the relationship break without meaning reason. If
marriage is not your intention then courtship shouldn’t
be the next thing you are into. The longer your
courtship the more the chances that you won’t end up
marrying each other.

Enquirer: Thank you sir because I have been in a

courtship of over one year that is why I asked.

Response: If so, certain progress must have been made

during the course of the one year. You should have
been introduced to his parents by now. One year is
enough time for your parents and pastor to be aware
of your relationship. If you are serious with this
relationship, then, important people in your lives must
be aware of your intention or engagement. Secret
relationship is a nest for secret sins and chronic

Enquirer: Sir Yes I have examined her in all ways. We

are Christian so we are planning our wedding this year.

Response: In all ways? In some ways would be most

appropriate to say. You can't examine her in all ways.
Examining her would take a life time if you even end up
marrying her. Humans are dynamic. You can’t use the
last 6 months of knowing her to conclude that you
have known everything about her. Women are
complex. So examining her is a lifelong assignment.
You still have more things to learn about her. Don't
conclude that you have known everything that is to be
known about her. Same applies to men too. You can’t
just see a side of him and be confident enough that
you have enough facts about him.
Enquirer: I hope I will keep learning through her as you
have said that they are complex being.
What else should I do sir?

Response: Prepare to be a husband and father

Prepare spiritually
Prepare attitudinally
Prepare Morally
Prepare Intellectually
Prepare your Character for Marital demands
Prepare Emotionally
Prepare your Lifestyle
Prepare Financially
Prepare Vocationally
Prepare Physically
Prepare Socially
Prepare Domestically
Prepare Medically
Prepare Mentally

If you are planning to marry and you haven't

developed these virtues, you got a long way to go:
Teachable Spirit

You cannot really claim to be a gentle man until you

get married. Marriage has a way of revealing who you
really are. It is in marriage we see the elasticity of your
gentleness. Your true ability to tolerate and endure is
made obvious in marriage.

You cannot really claim to be a quiet lady until you get

married. It is in marriage we see the elasticity of your

You will see what you need to shout on your husband

for. But will you have the grace to speak calmly to him?
You will see what you need to slap your wife for. But
will the Holy Spirit be able to restrain you?

Learn to be a DADDY
Y....Yoke with your family

Learn to be a Mummy
Y....Yoke with your family

Enquirer: Hmmmmm this really inspire me as I see it

now. Can I have all these attributes sir?

Enquirer 2: Sir can my fiancé have all these attributes?

Response: You can if you will. Each one of us is work in

progress. As long as progress is been made you have
nothing to fear. Don't force your fiancée to become her
2030 version today. She most go through the process
of getting better each time. But let me caution you at
this point "Don't marry who is not ready to change for
the better". Has long as we are ok with our old self we
will fail to do all that is required to become our new
self. The more you give yourself excuse for having anti
marriage characters, the more those characters would
increase in your life. Stop feeding what you are trying
to kill. Stop feeding your anti marriage characters with
excuses and explanations.

Do you want to become a better person? If yes, then

stop encouraging your old nature.

Response 2: Do you have all of these? That's where to

start from. Be who you want to marry. Be who you are
telling your fiancée to become. Be a model of virtue.
These days, we give people high demands to access us,
but we give ourselves low demands to access people.
We pray to get the RIGHT person to marry, while we do
nothing to be the RIGHT person for the RIGHT person
we are praying for.

Guys, raise high standards for the lady they would

marry but they largely live a low life of low standards.
You will end up with the least because you have been
living the life of less.

Demand more from yourself first then you will get your

Enquirer 2: No sir.

Response 2: Smiles, so you want him to have all these

while you have a few?

Enquirer 2: I'll work on myself and pray about it.

Response 2: Prayer? Do you need to pray to know how

to change diapers?

Do you need to pray to know how to do house chores?

Do you need to pray to know how to manage N1000 to
cook a good meal?

Do you need to pray to learn how to use domestic

Do you need to pray to know how to rent a house?

Do you need to pray before you know home service


Do you even need to pray to know about pregnancy,

delivery and childcare?

Sometimes when we say that we will pray about

something, it’s just a way to run away from doing what
is required. The truth is that we end up not praying at
all. Prayer seems to be our escape route.

I do not say that prayer is of no use, rather I'm saying,

pray for what needs prayers and work for what needs
your efforts.
Actually, these are not attributes or qualities but
responsibilities that must be shouldered. Failures in
these areas will make you realize that love is not
enough in marriage.


When you are dating, it’s all about love, love and love
but when you get married you realize that marriage is
work, work, and work. Many problems in marriage
today result from poor understanding of what
marriage entails. A successful marriage depends largely
on adequate knowledge about God's principles and
expectations for marriage, from married people, and
how He designed marriage to succeed.
If you don't learn about the work to a significant level
during your single days, you will lament a lot in
marriage, when you realize that you married into the
work side of love.

Singleness is the best time to prepare for marriage and

its demands. Singleness is about wholeness, and
personal wholeness is a necessary requirement for a
successful marriage. If two people that are "wounded"
and remained "wounded" get into marriage, it will end
up in serious crisis.

As a lady you are used to waking anytime you like and

cooking anytime you like. So you can wake at 9am and
decide to cook Noodles for breakfast. When you get
married, that will have to stop.

Your husband can wake you up at 6am to tell you to

start preparing his favourite meal (as if he dreamt
about it).
If you aren't matured emotionally you will mismanage
that situation. But if you are matured emotionally you
will gladly get into the kitchen to fix him his meal or
turn down his request without him feeling insulted.

You may think that getting a house help is the solution.

But I'm afraid to tell you that it is not.

There is an issue men have with food.

There are three things you must not starve your

husband of;
1. Food
2. Sex
3. Respect

When husbands are angry all the time or get angry

easily then, it is traceable to lack of any of these.
If you hand over your kitchen to your house help, it's
like handling over your bedroom duty to your house

I'm yet to read the scientific explanation, but it is real.

Men have the tendency to develop feelings for the
person that cooks good food for them.

It’s strange when you see a banker having an affair

with a buka girl. This is a highly principled man who
isn't disturbing spicy ladies in his office. But for this
buka girl, there is something he can't resist in her.

You may be quick to say he has been charmed, but

sometimes it is mere affection developed my good
food he is been served.

What about men having affairs with their house help

right under their wife's nose?
If you think I'm supporting infidelity through what I've
just explained, then you don't understand what I'm
trying to say.

Ladies! Never underestimate the effects of good food

on your husband! Don't expose him into eating outside
because of your laziness or busyness. When a lady that
appeal to his senses constantly give him good food, he
may slowly develop likeness for such ladies. And you
know what that means? Your marriage is in trouble.

Two significant men were tempted with food. Do you

remember them? Esau and Jesus. Imagine Satan telling
Jesus to turn stone to bread? Satan knew He was
hungry. Jesus was so powerful that Satan did not use
women to tempt Him but with food.

A much anointed man of God may not fall to strange

women but to food.
Those who are wise among them, you can hardly see
them eat in the public. If you take food home to give
them, they hardly eat such. Food has been a tool
strange ladies use to get unguarded men seduced.

That the brother is a youth president, fellowship
pastor, youth coordinator or prayer coordinator
doesn't mean he's suitable for you in marriage.
Marriage is for personality not title. Yes, he can be a
GOOD man and not be the RIGHT man. You are safe
marrying the RIGHT man and not the GOOD man. The
GOOD man is RIGHT for someone else but not you.

That the sister can pray, firebrand, tongue speaking or

can sing equally means nothing to make her eligible for
you in marriage. Who is she when she isn't under the
anointing? She can be a ministry material but not life
partner. There is more to your life than ministry. If she
fits into your ministry and not your life, then there
would be serious crisis. You need a woman who can
stand with you not just on the altar but at home too.
I do not doubt the fact that this brother is anointed.
But the fact remains that he operates with the gifts of
the spirit and not the fruits of the spirit. Yes, the wave
of his hands makes people fall under the anointing but
that same hands he uses to pull down pants of
numerous fellowship sisters (no thanks to the fact that
these sisters want to sex their ways into marrying him).
Oh! This brother is too anointed. But he is a flirt!

All of these packed public personally impression will

change if God doesn't arrest his or her heart fast. A
brother publicly seen as Youth Pastor may be a serial
fornicator. A sister publicly seen as Worship Leader
may be a chronic lesbian.

Let God guide you in your choice of a marriage partner

because marriage is not for now but a futuristic
journey. He can be good for you now but will he be
good for you in the future? She might be supporting
your ministry now but won't she be the reason people
would stop coming to your ministry later in marriage?

A lot of brothers in the church are available for

marriage but some are not matured enough to handle
the demands of marriage. He has to be equipped to be
a husband first and then a father. These two are not
the same. There are WORKS to be done in marriage.

Same, a lot of sisters in the church are available for

marriage but are not matured enough to handle the
demands of marriage. Oh! How I wish we have enough
emotionally matured sisters. Sister that can't be moved
my, "If you don't allow me to sleep with you now, then
this relationship is over". How I wish our sisters can let
that DOG go away to where he is coming from.

Don't be part of those "Christians" who lead

themselves into marriage when God is waiting to lead
them in the right path maritally. God wouldn't force His
leading on you, you are free to follow His leading or
yours. It's better and sweeter when He is your leader.
You need a Shepherd to lead you to the still waters of
marriage. Your pastor or parents can't be your
Shepherd, only Christ can do that.
Time will not permit me to go further. But I hope you
learn a few things. I got to go now.

©Pst Gesh
Email: Pstgesh@gmail.com
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/2347062908106

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