case 2.1 Logs qte

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Here are some writing style sample in the conclusion part:

The first sample:

In this sense, surveys on personal care products, which are innovative products in a highly competitive
market, might affect consumers' recognition of these products and their purchase decision processes.
Since the present study involves analyses on cosmetics and personal care products, the study results
would help managers gain managerial information, including innovativeness, novelty seeking, consumer
confidence in the brand, purchase intention, and consumers' willingness to pay for these products. For
this reason, manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products should have a reliable image and
prepare innovative practices for consumers seeking novelty. Manufacturers producing such products
should focus on being distinct from their competitors in terms of products and applications. Investments in
organic personal care products, which are still a niche category in this field, and products with natural and
innovative content may be a good opportunity to win health-conscious consumers. In addition, as in
different product categories, consumer groups can be categorized as «baby care products, special care
products developed for those with a special health problem, anti-aging products, and elderly care
products». Considering the categorization of consumer groups, specialization and innovation studies in
these product groups also play an important role in reaching the consumer groups as mentioned above.
Moreover, businesses operating in this field could display an innovative brand image, making it easier to
reach consumers looking for innovative products. In conclusion, the findings obtained in this study
emphasize the importance of trustworthiness, novelty seeking, and innovativeness for creating purchase
intention in consumers and for making them willing to pay higher prices for cosmetics and personal care
products. Based on inferences to be made at this point, consumer commitment to businesses may be
enhanced through innovative practices. Furthermore, it may be easier for businesses to adopt consumer
innovativeness to reach consumers who have purchase intention and are willing to pay high prices.

The 2nd one:

From real-world perspectives, the findings of this

research have significant managerial implications
with strategic
importance. Firstly, this empirical research will help
managers to formulate or develop a strategic
framework to
eventually create awareness and persuade young
generations in the long run. Due to the
environmental and
technological advancements in the economy,
younger consumers are more likely to be informed
about eco-
friendly options than their most senior
predecessors. Again, young consumers,
representing a potentially powerful
force for conserving the environment with high
knowledge of environmental issues, can act as
accelerators for
creativity and innovation within their economies.
Secondly, marketing managers may explore
opportunities in the present market and profitably
differentiate their products/ services without
damaging the
environment. Since fabric and textile wastages
have become a worldwide concern, many of these
items end up in
amorphous garbage, which finds its way to landfills
or is incinerated. This empirical study will help
pave the way
for a circular economy in which waste can
increasingly be viewed as a resource and,
therefore, applied throughout
the entire production cycle, use and redistribution
of resources. Thirdly, by creating awareness among
regarding eco-bag usage benefits, marketing
managers will be in a favourable position to drive
the industry
towards sustainability by creating, communicating,
and channelling innovative value in the ever-
markets. Finally, marketing managers would
benefit from the ultimate outputs of this research,
as it generates
some meaningful insights regarding the attitude,
intention and behaviour of green consumers,
market dynamics
of green products and existing market trends for
eco-bag in particular and green products in
general. Marketers
need such kind of realistic information to gain an
in-depth understanding of adopting innovative
strategies to bring
the green revolution to the competitive market
From real-world perspectives, the findings of this
research have significant managerial implications
with strategic
importance. Firstly, this empirical research will help
managers to formulate or develop a strategic
framework to
eventually create awareness and persuade young
generations in the long run. Due to the
environmental and
technological advancements in the economy,
younger consumers are more likely to be informed
about eco-
friendly options than their most senior
predecessors. Again, young consumers,
representing a potentially powerful
force for conserving the environment with high
knowledge of environmental issues, can act as
accelerators for
creativity and innovation within their economies.
Secondly, marketing managers may explore
opportunities in the present market and profitably
differentiate their products/ services without
damaging the
environment. Since fabric and textile wastages
have become a worldwide concern, many of these
items end up in
amorphous garbage, which finds its way to landfills
or is incinerated. This empirical study will help
pave the way
for a circular economy in which waste can
increasingly be viewed as a resource and,
therefore, applied throughout
the entire production cycle, use and redistribution
of resources. Thirdly, by creating awareness among
regarding eco-bag usage benefits, marketing
managers will be in a favourable position to drive
the industry
towards sustainability by creating, communicating,
and channelling innovative value in the ever-
markets. Finally, marketing managers would
benefit from the ultimate outputs of this research,
as it generates
some meaningful insights regarding the attitude,
intention and behaviour of green consumers,
market dynamics
of green products and existing market trends for
eco-bag in particular and green products in
general. Marketers
need such kind of realistic information to gain an
in-depth understanding of adopting innovative
strategies to bring
the green revolution to the competitive market
From real-world perspectives, the findings of this
research have significant managerial implications
with strategic
importance. Firstly, this empirical research will help
managers to formulate or develop a strategic
framework to
eventually create awareness and persuade young
generations in the long run. Due to the
environmental and
technological advancements in the economy,
younger consumers are more likely to be informed
about eco-
friendly options than their most senior
predecessors. Again, young consumers,
representing a potentially powerful
force for conserving the environment with high
knowledge of environmental issues, can act as
accelerators for
creativity and innovation within their economies.
Secondly, marketing managers may explore
opportunities in the present market and profitably
differentiate their products/ services without
damaging the
environment. Since fabric and textile wastages
have become a worldwide concern, many of these
items end up in
amorphous garbage, which finds its way to landfills
or is incinerated. This empirical study will help
pave the way
for a circular economy in which waste can
increasingly be viewed as a resource and,
therefore, applied throughout
the entire production cycle, use and redistribution
of resources. Thirdly, by creating awareness among
regarding eco-bag usage benefits, marketing
managers will be in a favourable position to drive
the industry
towards sustainability by creating, communicating,
and channelling innovative value in the ever-
markets. Finally, marketing managers would
benefit from the ultimate outputs of this research,
as it generates
some meaningful insights regarding the attitude,
intention and behaviour of green consumers,
market dynamics
of green products and existing market trends for
eco-bag in particular and green products in
general. Marketers
need such kind of realistic information to gain an
in-depth understanding of adopting innovative
strategies to bring
the green revolution to the competitive market
From real-world perspectives, the findings of this research have significant managerial implications with strategic

importance. Firstly, this empirical research will help managers to formulate or develop a strategic framework to

eventually create awareness and persuade young generations in the long run. Due to the environmental and

technological advancements in the economy, younger consumers are more likely to be informed about eco-

friendly options than their most senior predecessors. Again, young consumers, representing a potentially powerful

force for conserving the environment with high knowledge of environmental issues, can act as accelerators for

creativity and innovation within their economies. Secondly, marketing managers may explore innovative

opportunities in the present market and profitably differentiate their products/ services without damaging the

environment. Since fabric and textile wastages have become a worldwide concern, many of these items end up in

amorphous garbage, which finds its way to landfills or is incinerated. This empirical study will help pave the way

for a circular economy in which waste can increasingly be viewed as a resource and, therefore, applied throughout

the entire production cycle, use and redistribution of resources. Thirdly, by creating awareness among customers

regarding eco-bag usage benefits, marketing managers will be in a favourable position to drive the industry

towards sustainability by creating, communicating, and channelling innovative value in the ever-changing

markets. Finally, marketing managers would benefit from the ultimate outputs of this research, as it generates

some meaningful insights regarding the attitude, intention and behaviour of green consumers, market dynamics
of green products and existing market trends for eco-bag in particular and green products in general. Marketers

need such kind of realistic information to gain an in-depth understanding of adopting innovative strategies to bring

the green revolution to the competitive market structure.

The 3rd one:

Proposal to increase connectivity and interactivity between consumers and AR technology.

The analysis results of structural equation modeling ̣ (SEM) show that perceived interactivity has a positive impact on willingness to pay with
standardized beta coefficients by 0.169, the significance level by 0.007 lower than 0.05. Therefore, the proposed measures should focus on improving
When it comes to buying cosmetics and cosmetic products, the unpredictability of online shopping is a common pain point for shoppers.
Customers want to know whether a product would go well with their skin tone or style. This frequently discourages prospective buyers from making
purchases and increases the number of returns from those who do. However, with augmented reality, consumers can make more informed decisions
and shop with confidence. Our findings suggest that the AR experience increases consumer engagement and interactivity. Therefore, businesses need
to consider developing a strategic plan for using AR technology as a marketing channel that increases consumer engagement and interactivity.
However, virtual try-on cosmetic applications are just applying color to users' cheekbones or lips, adversely impacting their purchase intention.
Brands should provide consumers the ability to customize the makeup intensity, swap between products, and save preferred looks for future use,
which helps users visualize and refine their results to achieve the perfect look. When consumers can view products from different angles, helping
them make informed purchasing decisions.
Proposal to integrate the “health concerns” factor into their marketing and promotion activities.
Our findings show that health concern moderates the relationship between perceived interactivity and willingness to pay with the standardized
beta coefficient by 0.134.
Given the significant impact of perceived susceptibility and perceived severity, consumers may be concerned with their health due to infectious
diseases when using cosmetic samples. On the other hand, AR technology can let users keep their social distance while yet having an offline
purchasing experience and easily visualizing whether the products look good on them. Therefore, businesses that are using or plan to use AR
technology can encourage consumers to use it by increasing the perceived benefits and reducing the perceived barriers. To be more specific,
businesses can integrate the “health concerns” factor into their marketing and promotion activities to increase consumers’ awareness and then
encourage them to purchase.

If you understand all of what I mentioned, please apply it in generating ***. Remember to produce accurate information based on the model and the answer for research objectives:
findings reveal that GSCM factors, including Green Packaging, Green Marketing and Green Product Quality significantly influence Green Perceived
Value and Attitude towards Green Consumption, which in turn affects Purchase Intention and Willingness to Pay. Remember to cite citations with
links so that I can double check and make sure you don’t create facts yourself. If not, feel free to ask me any questions.


International logs
Sample: Chat GPT:
 Tăng mức độ phục vụ khách hàng, đặc biệt tại bờ Tây.
 Tiềm năng kết hợp các lô hàng nhập khẩu để giảm chi phí.  Tăng khả năng cạnh tranh trên thị trường:
 Giảm hàng tồn kho nhờ vào các lô hàng đáng tin cậy hơn. Với TMS, công ty có thể cải thiện thời gian giao hàng, từ đó nâng cao sự hài
 Dòng tiền cải thiện từ thanh toán cước phí nhanh hơn. lòng của khách hàng và giúp cạnh tranh tốt hơn, đặc biệt là ở các thị trường xa
 Tăng hiệu quả kho trên các lô hàng nhập khẩu. như bờ Tây.

+ đua vào:  Tối ưu hóa mạng lưới vận chuyển:

Lợi ích: TMS có thể hỗ trợ công ty tối ưu hóa lộ trình và kết hợp các lô hàng một cách
- Hỗ trợ các baó cáo bền vững, vì tối ưu hóa mạng lưới vận chuyển dẫn hiệu quả hơn, giảm chi phí vận chuyển và lượng khí thải carbon.
đến giảm CO2
- Giảm rủi ro thất lạc hàng/ trễ hạn, hoặc dễ truy xuất sai sót ở công  Cải thiện khả năng đàm phán với các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ vận tải:
đoạn nào Với dữ liệu rõ ràng và minh bạch từ TMS, công ty có thể có lợi thế trong việc
- Đàm phán giá cước và các điều khoản hợp đồng với các nhà cung cấp đàm phán giá cước và các điều khoản hợp đồng với nhà vận tải.
tốt hơn nhờ dữ liệu rõ ràng và minh bạch từ TMS
- Lợi nhuận ròng, NPV, ROI, thời gian hoàn vốn, chỉ số lợi nhuận cao hơn WMS  Giảm rủi ro vận chuyển:
Chi phí: Việc theo dõi và quản lý hàng hóa theo thời gian thực giúp giảm thiểu rủi ro
- Chi phí bảo trì định kỳ và nâng cấp hệ thống mất hàng hoặc trễ hạn, đặc biệt trong môi trường vận chuyển biến động.
- Chi phí khắc phục cao nếu TMS không đồng bộ (sync) với một trong
các hệ thống hiện tại của công ty  Hỗ trợ quyết định kinh doanh tốt hơn:
- Các rủi ro về an ninh mạng dẫn đến việc dữ liệu bị đánh cắp TMS cung cấp dữ liệu và báo cáo chi tiết, hỗ trợ nhóm quản lý đưa ra quyết
- Chi phí ban đầu (bao gồm hướng dẫn nhân viên, mua phần mềm,…) định chiến lược dựa trên thông tin chính xác.
cao hơn WMS, đi kèm với năng suất nhân viên không cao vào lúc bắt
đầu triển khai phần mềm (vì họ chưa quen).
- Chi phí phát sinh khi TSM không thể ứng phó với các rủi ro phối hợp
trong chuỗi cung ứng (bao gồm rủi ro chậm trễ hoặc thiếu hàng hóa do
các vấn đề chính trị, sự khác biệt về luật vận tải giữa các quốc gia),
cũng như các rủi ro gián đoạn (như thiên tai, dịch bệnh COVID-19).
- Chi phí phát sinh nếu TSM không hỗ trợ trích xuất quyền truy cập
những dữ liệu cần thiết cho các đối tác thương mại bên ngoài.
- Thiếu customization để phù hợp với đặc thù doanh nghiệp
- Sự nâng cấp, cải tiến phiên bản diễn ra quá nhiều và thường xuyên +++


 Support sustainability reports, as it optimizes the transportation

network, leading to reduced CO2 emissions.
 Reduce the risk of lost/late goods or errors, as it provides easy
traceability to pinpoint any issues in which stage of the process.
 Better negotiation of freight rates and contract terms with suppliers:
Thanks to clear and transparent data from the TMS.
 Higher net benefits, NPV, ROI, payback period, and profitability
metrics compared to WMS.


 Regular maintenance and system upgrade costs.

 High remediation costs if the TMS is not synchronized with the
company's existing systems.
 Cybersecurity risks leading to data breaches.
 Higher initial costs (including employee training, software purchase,
etc.) compared to WMS, along with potentially lower employee
productivity at the beginning of implementation (due to a learning
 Remediation costs if the TMS cannot adapt to coordination risks
(supply chain coordination risk) (delays or lack of goods due to
political issues, differences in transportation laws among countries)
and disruption risks (disasters, COVID-19).
 Additional costs if the TMS does not support the extraction of access
rights to necessary data for external business partners.
 Lack of customization and numerous and too frequent updates and

Sample: Chi phí tiềm năng:

- Expand into new markets + get on terms with new and more suppliers
- Cost, triển khai phần mềm
- Staff’s responses to changes 1. Chi phí đào tạo:
- Time it takes to triển khai Nhân viên cần được đào tạo để sử dụng hệ thống TMS hiệu quả, đặc
- Gián đoạn trong lịch trình sx biệt là những người trong bộ phận logistics và vận chuyển.
- 1 vài thành phần k có 2. Chi phí bảo trì và nâng cấp hệ thống:
- Từ model: cphi ban đầu + rủi ro cao hơn
Sau khi triển khai, TMS sẽ cần được bảo trì và nâng cấp định kỳ để
đảm bảo hoạt động liên tục, điều này có thể phát sinh chi phí bổ sung.
3. Rủi ro triển khai không thành công:
Nếu quá trình triển khai gặp vấn đề (ví dụ: không đồng bộ được với
các hệ thống hiện tại), điều này có thể dẫn đến chi phí khắc phục cao
hơn dự kiến.
4. Tăng phụ thuộc vào công nghệ:
Việc triển khai TMS có thể làm tăng sự phụ thuộc của công ty vào
công nghệ, gây ra rủi ro nếu hệ thống gặp trục trặc hoặc bị tấn công an
ninh mạng.
5. Chi phí thời gian và nguồn lực:
Trong thời gian triển khai, công ty có thể mất một phần năng suất do
phải chuyển đổi quy trình hoặc đối mặt với sự phản đối của nhân viên
trong giai đoạn đầu.

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