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National University of Singapore

Department of Chemistry

PhD Scholarship in August 2024

Early Offer Admissions

Why Singapore? The National University of Singapore

Singapore is a vibrant, cosmopolitan, modern city located in the NUS is a comprehensive university offering a wide range of
heart of Southeast Asia. undergraduate and graduate degrees. NUS student community
comprises a cosmopolitan mix of over 43,900 students from
With a multi-ethnic population of 5.68 million, Singapore has a 100 countries, contributing to a vibrant and thriving campus life.
strong tradition of welcoming professionals and students from NUS has developed into an institution considered by many to
all over the world to work, live and study in the city. The society be among the best in the world, with its transformative
as a whole is multilingual, but the primary medium of education and high impact research making a distinctive and
communication is English and the only medium used within the positive impact on society.
National University of Singapore.

For more information on Singapore, please visit For more information on NUS, please visit

Graduate Program in the Department of

NUS PhD Research Scholarship
The PhD Scholarship includes tuition fee waiver + up to S$2700
The Department of Chemistry has made significant stipend (tax free) per month. For outstanding students, the
contributions to chemistry research and education regionally and department can admit you into the Ph.D. program with GRE
globally. NUS Chemistry remains in the top 10 chemistry waived, i.e. if you have a strong academic record, you may be
programmes globally for 9 years in a row according to the QS admitted into our Ph.D. program even though you do NOT take
World University Rankings by Subject 2023. The department TOEFL/IELTS and GRE tests. For top students, our department
recruits distinguished students with strong academic will recommend you to be considered for the prestigious
backgrounds for its Ph.D programs with full scholarship in all President’s Graduate Fellowship (PGF) with higher stipend.
areas of chemistry and applied Chemistry. It has a very The details about the PGF can be found in the following link:
stimulating research environment and many very active faculty
members in research. For more details about research areas, http://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/scholarships-list/?pgf
the faculty members and our PhD programs, please refer to:


The standard deadline for application is November 15, 2023.

However we exercise an early admission offer commitment in
this round. After necessary review process, we will commit
admission and scholarship offer to you in August 2023 for
the August-intake 2024.

Early Offer Admissions

If you are interested in applying to our PhD programme (Aug 2024 intake) and want to be considered for early offer admission, please
email your CV, transcripts as well as your ranking in your class/department to Ms Suriawati Sa’ad (chmss@nus.edu.sg) before 1
August 2023.

Please also submit your application online via https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/GDA2/Home.aspx after you email to Ms Suriawati Sa’ad.

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