Business Proposal 2022
Business Proposal 2022
Business Proposal 2022
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Proposed Solution
This section is the heart of your proposal. Present your solution in as much detail as
possible, preferably in a step-by-step format that addresses all the client’s
To really drive home the point that your offering meets all the client’s needs,
consider providing a “features and benefits” table like the one below. It outlines key
parts of your product or service and their specific value to the potential client. You
can add more rows here by right-clicking on one of the rows and selecting “Insert
row below.”
Proposed Schedule
Whether or not your client specified an expected completion date, you will want to
propose one. You should offer a detailed schedule of the phases needed to meet
the requirements of the proposal. Also, describe the deliverables associated with
each phase.
Consider presenting the schedule graphically in a timeline or as a table with
activities and dates, as shown below. You can add more rows here by right-clicking
on one of the rows and selecting “Insert row below.”
Project Date of
Activity Completion
It’s always a good idea to simplify things for the customer. Begin the conclusion by
briefly stating why you are the best choice to meet the requirements. Describe the
next steps and confirm your availability for future discussions. Then, rather than
make them search for it, provide detailed contact information right at the end of
your proposal, so the client can get in touch with you easily.
[Insert Conclusion]
Appendices are a good place to include any information that you think is important,
but that the client did not specifically request. Also, it is a good place to insert
documents that are too large to include within the document. You can reference the
proposal and attach them here so that they do not interrupt the flow of the
[Insert Appendices]
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Pricing Information
Proposed Schedule
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Signature: Date:
____________________________ ________________________________