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Zhasyl-secondary School

Short term plan

The theme: Animals
Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside
Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 05.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Animals.

Learning objectives 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics.
6.S2 ask more complex questions to get information about a growing range of
general topics and some curricular topics.
6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a
wide range of familiar topics.
6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
 • Learn vocabulary for animals.
 • Learn key phrases for speculating about what you see and hear.
 • Practise identifying animals.
 • Ask and answer questions about animals.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Pre-listening: to each other. to award active Pictures
Warm-up Ss.«The praise»
• With books closed, ask students The aim:To develop Ss method is used
to work in pairs and write down as speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
many animals as they can in create friendly with phrases
English. atmosphere like:
• Elicit the names of a few animals Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
from individual students and write wishes they show their Well done!”
them on the board appreciations .
Lead - In

Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

words from the picture
Good job!
How many animals do you see?
Where do they live?
What do they eat?
Main Students match the
part Ex: 1 P: 32 animals in the box with Assessment
• In a weaker class, allow students photos criteria
to match the animals with the ANSWERS: - Learn
photos in pairs. Photo 14 is not an eye. vocabulary for
• Elicit the answer to the question, It’s a butterfly wing. animals.
but do not check answers to the Descriptor:
matching task at this stage. -match the
animals in the
Differentiation: Students compare their box with photos Student’s
«Verbal support» method is used answers in exercise 1
to help Students use new words in ANSWERS: Peer assessment:
the text. 1 whale 2 spider 3 owl 4 answer key
Ex: 3 P: 32 shark 5 human 6 snake
Demonstrate how to use the key 7 fly 8 seal 9 falcon 10
phrases in context. Ask students to parrot 11 frog 12 Assessment
look at the first picture in the quiz. elephant 13 chameleon
Say an incorrect sentence, e.g. It criteria:
14 butterfly 15 crocodile
looks like an elephant. Elicit that the - Practise Workshets
16 bear
animal is a whale, and see if identifying
students can form an answer with animals.
Students listen and
the key phrases, e.g. I’m sure it’s a identify the animals. Descriptor:
ANSWERS: listen and
Ex: 4 P: 32 1 an owl
• Explain to students that they are identify the
5 a seal
going to hear some animal sounds animals
2 a fly
and they must discuss what
6 a whale
animals they think they are hearing,
3 a frog
using the key phrases. -Make CCQ
7 a bear
• Play the CD, pausing after each
4 a falcon questions
animal sound
8 a snake
Differentiation:Support; learners
are arranged to interact in mixed
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 24 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Reading: The red list
Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside
Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 06.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Reading: The red list
Learning objectives 6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
6.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular
topics( Ex.3 - 4 p.34)
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
 Read about animals in danger.
 Read for general meaning and specific information.
 Talk about animals

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask: What’s your favourite Ss.«The praise»
animal? Elicit answers from The aim:To develop Ss method is used
individual students. speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
• Ask: Which animals do you create friendly with phrases
dislike? Elicit answers from atmosphere like:
individual students, and ask why Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
they dislike these animals wishes they show their Well done!”
Lead - In appreciations .

Describe and imagine

The Red Book of Kazakhstan - an the pictures
annotated list of rare and endangered
animals in
Kazakhstan, plants and fungi. It has 3 Students say different
editions, the last of which came in words from the picture
1999. Good job!
The current edition includes:
128 species and subspecies of
18 fish and cyclostomes
3 amphibians
10 reptiles
57 birds
40 mammals
Main Students read and listen
part Ex: 1 P: 34 to the text Assessment
• Refer students to the title of the ANSWERS: criteria
article and the question. A person is more Read about
• Students discuss their answers in dangerous than a shark animals in
pairs. or a chair. danger Cards
• In a stronger class, ask students Descriptor:
to make a note of as many statistics - read and listen
as they can to support their answer to the text
complete the sentences with the Students read the text Student’s
correct form of the verbs in
again and choose the book
Differentiation: correct answers Peer assessment:
«Verbal support» method is used ANSWERS: answer key
to help Students use new words in 2 c
the text. 3c
Ex: 2 P: 34 Assessment
4c criteria:
• Explain that students should now 5 a
read the text again more carefully - Read for Workshets
to find the specific information. In a general
Students use the words meaning and
weaker class, check key
to complete the specific
vocabulary, e.g. extinct, before
students read. sentences. information.
• Ask students to complete the ANSWERS: Descriptor:
answers individually, then compare 1 attack read the text
their ideas with a partner 4 accidents again and
2 approximately choose the
5 actions
Ex: 3 P: 34 correct answers
3 save
• Students check the meaning of
6 pollution
the blue words and identify which -Make CCQ
are verbs (attack and save). questions. Yes /
• Check understanding of the words No
and phrases, for example by asking 1 Are crocodiles
students to use them in sentences dangerous? Yes
2 Do people kill
Differentiation:Support; learners animals for fur?
are arranged to interact in mixed No
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 3 Do wolves
while responding to the given live In
questions Kazakhstan?

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 24 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Language Focus. Present Continuous

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 07.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus. Present Continuous
Learning objectives 6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others. 6.W2 write with minimal
support about real and imaginary present events, activities and experiences
happening now on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics.
6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range
of general and curricular topics
6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
 Learn the affirmative and negative forms of the present continuous.
 Use the present continuous to describe things that are happening

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Write four present continuous Ss.«The praise»
sentences on the board, two true The aim:To develop Ss method is used
and two false, e.g. I am teaching. speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
The sun is shining. Elicit which create friendly with phrases
ones are true and how students can atmosphere like:
tell. Elicit that the present Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
continuous describes events wishes they show their Well done!”
happening now
appreciations .
Lead - In

Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

He is swimming. words from the picture
Good job!
She is reading
We are dancing
They are running
Main Students complete the
part Ex: 1 P: 35 sentences Assessment
When students have found the ANSWERS: criteria
sentences, draw attention to the 1 are - Learn the
form 2 aren’t affirmative and
3 is negative forms Cards
Differentiation: of the present
«Verbal support» method is used continuous.
to help Students use new words in Students match the
the text. things in A with the Descriptor: Student’s
. actions in B - match the book
Ex: 3 P: 35 ANSWERS: things in A with
• Tell students they are going to 1 Two dogs are running the actions in B
listen to seven recordings, and that in the park.
they should identify what is 2 A parrot is speaking Peer assessment:
happening. English. answer key
• Tell students to read the options in3 A man is attacking a
columns A and B before they listen, mosquito.
to give them an idea of the context 4 A whale is singing to Workshets
and what they might hear its partner.
5 Children are making a criteria:
cake. -Use the present
Ex: 4 P: 35
continuous to
• Allow students time to study the 6 A girl is practising the
describe things
picture carefully and read the piano.
7 A lion is having a that are
happening now
• Explain that they should write the meal.
negative sentence first, then an
affirmative sentence using the word Students work in pairs. Descriptor:
in brackets Make affirmative and Make
negative sentences using affirmative and
Differentiation:Support; learners the present continuous negative
are arranged to interact in mixed ANSWERS: sentences using
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 1 A child isn’t feeding the present
while responding to the given some bears. She is continuous
questions feeding some ducks. -Make CCQ
2 A falcon isn’t sleeping. questions Yes /
It is hunting. No
3 Two people aren’t
watching a chameleon.
They are watching the
4 Three people aren’t
swimming. They are
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 1 P: 24 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Animal behaviour

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 12.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Animal behavior
Learning objectives 6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topic
6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn verbs for animal behaviour.
• Listen to an interview about animals.
• Listen for general meaning and specific details.
• Write about an animal and describe its behaviour

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Write the word Behaviour on the Ss.«The praise»
board. The aim:To develop Ss method is used
• Elicit the meaning, then ask: speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
What do animals do to survive? create friendly with phrases
• Elicit ideas from the class, for atmosphere like:
example animals hunt for food, hide Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
from other animals, find a safe wishes they show their Well done!”
place to sleep, keep warm in the
appreciations .
Lead - In Formative

Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

There are prides within 100 km of words from the picture
each other that display extremes Good job!
in behavior, and in particular when
it comes to feeding and drinking.
The Lions of the drier central
Kalahari regions can go without
drinking water for months at a
time - they get their moisture from
the food they eat - and their home
ranges are far greater than other
parts as the prey is widely spread.
The prides are generally smaller in
the drier areas and the prey
species are smaller.
Main Students check the
part Ex: 1 P: 36 meaning of the verbs in Assessment
• Refer students to the bold verbs. bold and choose the criteria
Tell them to use the Wordlist or correct verbs -identify verbs
their dictionaries to check the ANSWERS: for animal
meaning of any verbs they do not 1 feeding behaviour. Cards
know. 3 catching Descriptor:
• Refer students to the photos and 5 hunting - check the
ask them to choose the correct 2 building meaning of the
verbs. 4 protecting verbs in bold Student’s
Differentiation: 6 chasing and choose the book
«Verbal support» method is used
correct verbs
to help Students use new words in Students complete the
the text. sentences with names of Peer assessment:
. the animals answer key
Ex: 2 P: 36 ANSWERS:
• Look at the example answer and 1 Snakes
remind students that we do not use 4 Sharks
the definite article, the, when we Assessment Workshets
2 Bears
are talking about things in general. 5 Humans criteria:
• Students complete the sentences 3 Chameleons - Listen to an CD 1.31
with the animals 6 Whales. interview about
Ex: 3 P: 36 animals.
Explain that students are going to Students listen to an
listen to an interview. While they interview with Mike. Descriptor:
listen for the first time they should Which of the photos listen to an
look at the photos and identify the interview with
does Mike speak about?
ones the speaker is talking about. Mike.
He speaks about photos
Differentiation:Support; learners 1, 3, 4 and 6 -Make CCQ
are arranged to interact in mixed questions Yes /
groups. Topic vocabulary is used No
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 2 P: 26 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Phoning a friend

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 13.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Phoning a friend
Learning objectives 6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
6.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics.
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn key phrases for talking on the phone.
• Listen to a conversation on the phone.
• Practise a telephone conversation about what is happening now.
• Learn how to improve pronunciation.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students if they often speak to Ss.«The praise»
their friends on the phone. The aim:To develop Ss method is used
• Ask when they use their mobile speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
phones during the day. create friendly with phrases
atmosphere like:
• Elicit a few answers, for example
Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
when they want to meet someone.
wishes they show their Well done!”
• Ask them what they would say to
answer the phone in English appreciations .
Lead - In

Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

Phone calls are the number one way
words from the picture
I improve my mood. When I’m Good job!
feeling down or confused or alone, I
pick up the phone and call a friend.
Main Ex: 1 P: 38 Students look at the
part • Remind students that they shouldphoto. Where is Tina? Assessment
use any photos they are given to ANSWERS: criteria
help them think about the context Learn key
before they read or listen. phrases for
• Ask students to identify Tina and talking on the Cards
say where she is, but do not checkStudents listen to the phone.
their answers at this stage. dialogue and check the Descriptor:
answers - listen to the
Differentiation: ANSWERS: dialogue and Student’s
«Verbal support» method is used Tina is at the Brighton check the book
to help Students use new words in aquarium. She is looking answers
the text. at sharks.

Ex: 2 P: 38 Students match the key Peer assessment:

• Students can follow the dialogues phrases. answer key CD 1.32
in their books as they listen. ANSWERS:
• Remind them that the information 1 Yeah, it’s really Workshets
they should listen for on this first interesting. Assessment
hearing is where Tina is, and what 2 Sure. criteria:
she is doing 3 Hi, there. -• Practise a
Ex: 3 P: 38 4 OK, great! telephone CD 1.33
• Explain that the blue words in the 5 I’m at the Brighton conversation
dialogue are responses to the key aquarium. about what is
phrases. In a weaker class, match 6 Fine, thanks happening now.
the first one together.
• Students match the phrases in
pairs. To check answers, ask one Descriptor:
student to read out a numbered match the key
phrase, and another student to give phrases.
the appropriate answer from the
blue phrases -Make CCQ
Differentiation:Support; learners questions Yes /
are arranged to interact in mixed No
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 27 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: A description of a wildlife photo.

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 14.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title A description of a wildlife photo.
Learning objectives 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.W6 link independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of
basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a
range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Study a model article about an animal.
• Learn about because.
• Write an article about an animal

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students if they ever read about Ss.«The praise» about
animals. Ask them where you can read The aim:To develop Ss method is used wildlife
about animals. speaking skills and to evaluate Ss animals
• Elicit some answers, for example in create friendly with phrases
an encyclopedia, on the internet or in a atmosphere like:
magazine. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Well done!” PPT
Lead – In wishes they show their
appreciations .

The Red List consists of various Describe and imagine

categories. There are categories for the pictures
extinct, threatened, and for lower
risk. The species are further
classified based on their population, Students say different
geographical distribution, rate of words from the picture
Good job!
decline, and distribution
The snow leopard is a large cat
native to the mountain ranges of
Central and South Asia. It is listed
as endangered on the IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species
Main Ex: 1 P: 3ұ Students read the model
part • Refer to the model text and make sure text and answer the Assessment
that students understand that it is questions. criteria
divided into three paragraphs. ANSWERS: Study a model Cards
• In a weaker class, ask them to find 1 Paragraph article about an
the answers in pairs 2 describes the life and animal.
habitat of the orca. Descriptor:
Differentiation: Paragraph - read the model Student’s
«Verbal support» method is used 3 describes a problem. text and answer book
to help Students use new words in 2 Yes, they do. the questions.
the text. 3 Fish, squid, seals and
Ex: 2 P: 39 4 Every two or three years.
Elicit the first pair of sentences and 5 They are becoming Peer
how they can be joined using because. extinct because there is assessment:
In a weaker class, discuss the function pollution in the sea, and
answer key
of because. What does the second they also die in fishing Workshets
sentence tell us? (The reason for the nets.
first statement.) Students match
sentences with using Assessment
Ex: 3 P: 39 because criteria:
• Check understanding of the key ANSWERS: Learn about
1 c Orcas are in danger
phrases, then ask students to match because.
because there is pollution
them to the paragraphs in the model
text. in the sea. Descriptor:
2 e They’re hunting match sentences
Differentiation:Support; learners because they’re hungry. 3 a with using
I don’t swim because I because
are arranged to interact in mixed
don’t like the water.,
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 4 f She’s having a good
while responding to the given time because she’s at the -Make CCQ
questions aquarium.
questions Yes /
5 b He’s running because No
he’s late.
6 d They’re hiding because
they’re scared.

Students match the key

phrases with paragraphs.
a paragraph 2 b paragraph
2 c paragraph 1 d
paragraph 3 e paragraph 1
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 3 P: 27 WB Success

Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: My country: National parks.

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 19.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title My country: National parks.
Learning objectives 6.C3 respect differing points of view
6.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to
describe things and about to denote topic; use prepositions of direction to, into, out
of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
familiar general and curricular topics
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited
range of general topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn about the flora and fauna in one of Kazakhstan’s national parks
• Identify numbers in a text
• Learn and revise prepositions of place

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Ask students if they have visited any of Ss.«The praise»
Kazakhstan’s national parks. Ask them The aim:To develop Ss method is used
the name of the park and what they saw speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
there. Ask students why countries have create friendly with phrases
national parks (to preserve landscapes atmosphere like:
and the habitats they contain for plants Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
(flora) and animals (fauna)), and if they wishes they show their Well done!”
can think of any benefits (helping
appreciations .
maintain species, preserving beautiful
areas and important habitats for future Formative
generations). Assessment
Lead - In

Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

words from the picture
Good job!
What do you know about Karkaraly
National Park?
Main Ex: 1/2 P: 40 Students look at the
part Focus students’ attention on the text. If photo and describe what Assessment
you have access to the internet, you can can they see? criteria
bring up a map of the Park’s location. ANSWERS: Learn about the
Ask students what sort of landscape 1 The name of the park is flora and fauna in
they think the park has (mountains, Altyn-Emel. one of Cards
desert, steppe, etc.). Tell them to read2 It is in the south-east of Kazakhstan’s
the questions first, then read the text.
Kazakhstan, between the national parks
Students answer the questions
Aktau Mountains and the Descriptor:
individually, before checking in pairs River Ili. - look at the Student’s
3 The landscape is dry, photo and book
Differentiation: there are mountains and describe what
«Verbal support» method is used sand dunes. can they see?
to help Students use new words in 4 You can find fish, 260
the text. species of vertebrates,
birds, including four types
Ex: 4 P: 40 of eagle, Przewalski’s CD 1.32
Go through the answers with the class. horses and eagle owls.
Make sure they say the answers 5 You can see singing sand Workshets
correctly, especially 260 (two hundred dunes and rocks with very
answer key
and sixty). Point out that we only use old paintings on them.
and after hundreds not thousands, so 6 There are imperial
2650 is two thousand, six hundred and eagles, eagle owls, Assessment CD 1.33
fifty NOT two thousand and six Przewalski’s horse and 11 criteria:
hundred and fifty. species on Kazakhstan’s
- Identify
red list and Turanga trees
numbers in a text
Ex: 3 P: 40
Students complete the exercise Students read the text -Learn and revise
individually before checking their again and find the prepositions of
answer in pairs. numbers place
Differentiation:Support; learners 1) 4,600km Descriptor:
are arranged to interact in mixed 2) 4 500m -read the text
6) 26 again and find
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
2) 1,800 the numbers
while responding to the given 5) 3,000
questions -complete the
7) 13
3) 11
sentences with
Students complete the the correct
sentences with the prepositions
correct prepositions -Make CCQ
ANSWERS: questions Yes /
1 in 5 above 2 between 6 No
under 3 on 7 behind 4
along, next to 8 in front
of /opposite
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 3 P: 27 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: CLIL. Natural science: Animals

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 20.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title CLIL. Natural science: Animals
Learning objectives 6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics
( describe vertebrates)
6.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general
and curricular topics, including some extended texts
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn vocabulary for talking about animals.
 Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some support
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions
 Retell extended stories and episodes on a given topic

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• With books closed, write the names Ss.«The praise»
of several different types of animals on The aim:To develop Ss method is used
the board, for example: dog, pigeon, speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
crocodile. create friendly with phrases
• Ask students: What types of animals atmosphere like:
are these? What’s the difference Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
between them? What do they have in wishes they show their Well done!”
appreciations .
Lead - In

Describe and imagine

the pictures
Bats produce incredibly high
frequency sound pulses, or squeaks.
Research shows that some bats can Students say different
produce a frequency of over words from the picture
Good job!
100,000 Hz. To give you some idea
of how squeaky this really is,
human vocal cords can only
produce sounds ranging from about
50 Hz to 7000 Hz.
Main Ex: 1 P: 41 Students check the
part • Students check the meaning of the meaning of thewords. Assessment
words in their dictionaries. Point out ANSWERS: criteria
that some of the words, for example 1 fins Learn vocabulary
scales, have more than one meaning, 4 legs for talking about
and students should find the meaning 2 lungs animals. Cards
to do with animals 5 hair Descriptor:
3 feathers - check the
Differentiation: meaning of
«Verbal support» method is used thewords. Student’s
to help Students use new words in Students read and listen book
the text. to the text then answer
Ex: 2 P: 41 the questions Peer
• Read through the questions with the ANSWERS: assessment:
class and check understanding. Ask 1 Fish. answer key
students to work individually and read 2 Fish and reptiles.
the text again in more detail
Assessment CD 1.32
3 Mammals.
4 They haven’t got four
 Identify the Workshets
main ideas in
5 Amphibians.
extended talk with
6 Mammals
some support
Studentslisten to the story listen to the story CD 1.33
and choose the correct and choose the
option. correct option.
1 farm friends questions
2 a bad animal Yes / No
3 friendly
1 cat
2 dog
3 man / farmer
Students work in pairs.
Students own answers.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 27 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Extra exercises. SAU3

School: Zhasyl-secondary School

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside
Date: 21.11.24 Teacher name: S.Serikov
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Extra exercises. SAU3
Learning objectives organise and present information clearly to others ( ex1 - 5 p.37) write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events,
activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some
curricular topics ( Ex.6,7 p.37)
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn the question forms of the present continuous.
• Write questions and answers using the present continuous.
• Identify the difference between the present continuous and the present

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Refer students back to the photos Ss.«The praise»
on page 42. Ask students what The aim:To develop Ss method is used
questions they can ask about the speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
animals create friendly with phrases
atmosphere like:
Lead - In
Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
wishes they show their Well done!”
appreciations .

Describe and imagine

the pictures
Is he swimming?
Is she reading?
Are we dancing? Students say different
Are they running? words from the picture
Good job!
Main Students complete the
part Ex: 1 P: 37 question form Assessment
• In a weaker class, you could play ANSWERS: criteria
the CD (2.06) again 1 is - Learn the Cards
Differentiation: 2 Is question forms
«Verbal support» method is used 3 Is of the present
to help Students use new words in continuous.
the text. Students match the Student’s
questions in exercise 1 Descriptor: book
Ex: 2 P: 37 ANSWERS: - match the
Check understanding by asking and 1 c questions in
answering some present continuous 2 a exercise 1
questions as a class. 3b
Rules: 1 is 2 aren’t Peer assessment:
Ex: 3 P: 37 answer key
In a weaker class do another Students write questions Workshets
example with the whole class, and for the answers using the Assessment
then ask and answer. words in brackets. criteria:
ANSWERS: -identify the
Differentiation:Support; learners 1 Where are those seals difference
are arranged to interact in mixed swimming to? between the
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 2 Why are they doing present
while responding to the given that? continuous and
questions 3 What is that seal the present
doing? simple
Summative Control work for the 4 Who is watching the
unit “Our countryside” seals in that small boat? Descriptor:
Listening 5 Why are they watching write questions
Task 1. the seals?
Listen to the story and choose the for the answers
6 Where is that scientist using the words
correct option.
Task 2. -Make CCQ
Listen to the second time and complete questions Yes /
the sentences

Task 3.
Learners work in pairs.
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 2 P: 27 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Review

Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 26.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Review
Learning objectives 6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range
of general and curricular topics
6.UE10 use present continuous forms with present meaning on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn verbs for animal behaviour.
Write about an animal and describe its behaviour.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Elicit ideas from the class, for example Ss.«The praise»
animals hunt for food, hide from other The aim:To develop Ss method is used
animals, find a safe place to sleep, keep speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
warm in the winter. create friendly with phrases
Lead - In atmosphere like:
The Great Barrier Reef. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Scientists sometimes call Earth ‘the wishes they show their Well done!”
blue planet’ because about 75% of it is appreciations .
the sea! Many plants, fish and animals
live in the sea, and it’s got a lot of Formative
important ecosystems. The Great Assessment
Barrier Reef, near Australia, is a big
ecosystem. The reef is long – 26,000
kilometres! The water is very clean, so Describe and imagine
seaweed, sea grass and coral have got a the pictures
lot of solar energy. Fish and crabs eat
these producers. Different species of
turtles also eat the sea grass, and they Students say different
leave their eggs on the local beaches. words from the picture
Other consumers eat the smaller Good job!
animals. Sea birds catch fish and crabs
Main Ex: 1 P: 42 Students choose the
part • Refer students to the bold verbs. Tell correct verbs in bold Assessment
them to use the Wordlist or their ANSWERS: criteria
dictionaries to check the meaning of
Kill Writes correct
any verbs they do not know. Eat verbs
• Refer students to the photos and ask
Hide Descriptor: Cards
them to choose the correct verbs Dig - choose the
Protect correct verbs in
Differentiation: Catch bold
«Verbal support» method is used Fly
to help Students use new words in climb Peer book
the text. assessment:
students complete the text
with words in the box. answer key
Ex: 2 P: 42
Students complete the exercise ANSWERS:
individually before checking their Extinct
answer in pairs. Pollution Assessment CD 1.32
Climate criteria:
Live - Identify Workshets
Habitat numbers in a text
Ex: 3 P: 42 Hunt
• Remind students that they should swim
look for the present continuous forms,
not the verbs as they appear here. -read the text CD 1.33
• Read the verbs and check again and find
understanding, then allow students time the numbers
Students complete the -Make CCQ
to read the spelling rules carefully
sentences with the questions Yes /
Differentiation:Support; learners
present continuous No
are arranged to interact in mixed
groups. Topic vocabulary is used Students own answers
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 28 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Skills Round - up.
Unit of a long term plan: Our countryside
Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 27.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Skills Round - up.
Learning objectives 6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers
6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a
wide range of familiar topics
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited
range of general topics
6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a
range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Listen to an interview about animals.
• Listen for general meaning and specific details.
• Write about an animal and describe its behaviour.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students if they ever read about Ss.«The praise»
animals. Ask them where you can read The aim:To develop Ss method is used
about animals. speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
• Elicit some answers, for example in create friendly with phrases
an encyclopedia, on the internet or in a atmosphere like:
magazine. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Lead - In wishes they show their Well done!”
appreciations .

Describe and imagine

the pictures
Play a game to consolidate students’
understanding of the present
continuous. Write on the board: What Students say different
am I doing? Then mime an action, for words from the picture
example reading a book. Tell students Good job!
they should ask you questions, and you
will answer. For example: Are you
reading a newspaper? No, I’m not
reading a newspaper. Are you reading a
book? Yes, I a
Main Ex: 1 P: 43 Students look at the
part • Remind students of the importance of animals in the photos. Assessment
looking at photos before they listen to a Where can you see these criteria
text. Students identify the animals and animals?
say where they can be found. ANSWERS: Descriptor:
From left to right, shark, - look at the Cards
Differentiation: dolphin, whale, crocodile, photo and
«Verbal support» method is used and they can all be found describe what
to help Students use new words in in water. can they see?
the text. Student’s
Students listen to a book
Ex: 2 P: 43 dialogue. Which are
• Explain that students are going to Jone’s two photo?
listen to somebody talking about the ANSWERS:
photos. The first time they hear the CD,
The second and fourth
they should identify which ones are answer key
Jon’s., CD 1.38
Students listen again and
Ex: 3 P: 43 Assessment Workshets
complete the sentences
• Play the CD again for students to find criteria:
ANSWERS: - Identify
the specific information to answer the
1 photos
questions. numbers in a text
2 swimming
-Learn and revise CD 1.38
3 dolphins and whales
Differentiation:Support; learners 4 more dangerous prepositions of
are arranged to interact in mixed 5 India, Bangladesh place
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 6 extinct
while responding to the given 7 French Descriptor:
questions 8 mobile phone -read the text
again and find
Ex: 3 P: 43 Students work in pairs and the numbers
• Read the task with the class and prepare a dialogue -complete the
check everyone understands what to ANSWERS: sentences with
do. • Point out that at this stage they Students own answers the correct
should use the questions to help them prepositions
structure their ideas. They should work -Make CCQ
in pairs and make notes. questions Yes /

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 30 WB Success

Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Films and theatre
Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy
Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 28.11.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Films and theatre
Learning objectives 6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn irregular verbs about acting in the present and past simple.
• Learn how to compare answers.
• Learn and use collocations about acting.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• With books closed, ask students: Ss.«The praise»
What games do you like playing? The aim:To develop Ss method is used
• Elicit some answers and write them speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
on the board. Try to elicit some create friendly with phrases
traditional games and some computer atmosphere like:
games. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
• Ask: What’s your favourite game? wishes they show their Well done!”
Elicit some answers.
appreciations .
Lead - In
Describe and imagine Formative
the pictures Assessment

Students say different

words from the picture

Kazakhstan, 1729: A ferocious love with the beautiful

Mongol tribe sweeps across the Zere, daughter of a
steppes, and Kazakh sultans local khan who chose Good job!
leave their people to fend for to protect his village
themselves. Young Sartai and by working with the
other survivors flee to the hated Mongols
mountains but revenge drives
Sartai and his friends back to the
steppe, where he falls in
Main Ex: 1 P: 44 Students check the
part • Read through the list of verbs with meaning of the verbs and Assessment
the class and make sure students match these verbs with criteria
understand them all. their past form -Learn irregular
• Students find the past forms in the ANSWERS: verbs about acting
game. In a weaker class or if you are
1 broke in the present and Cards
short of time, allow them to work in
2 scored past simple.
pairs and find four each 3 ran Descriptor:
Differentiation: 4 took part - check the
«Verbal support» method is used 5 won meaning of the Student’s
to help Students use new words in 6 played verbs and match book
the text. 7 beat these verbs with
8 lost their past form
Ex: 2 P: 44 Students complete the Peer
• Explain that these key phrases can all key phrases with the assessment:
be used to compare ideas. Allow words in the box.
answer key CD 1.32
students time to read through the ANSWERS:
phrases, and encourage them to guess 1 answer
the answers. 2 sure Workshets
3 agree
Ex: 4 P: 44 4 don’t criteria:
• Read the rules with the class. 5 right - Learn how to
• Put students into teams of three or 6 think compare answers.
CD 1.33
• Allow students time to read the first Students match the verbs Descriptor:
question and discuss their answers. ANSWERS: - complete the
Play the CD, pausing after the first 1b2c3a4c5a6a7b8 key phrases with
answer. Check whether any teams have b9b the words in the
lost a life. box.
-Make CCQ
Differentiation:Support; learners questions
are arranged to interact in mixed Yes / No
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 32 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Reading: Video Games!
Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy
Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 03.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Reading: Video Games
Learning objectives 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on
an increasing range of general and curricular topics
6.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Read about video games.
• Read for specific information.
• Ask and answer questions about games.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students to look at the pictures on Ss.«The praise»
page 70 and the title of the text. Ask The aim:To develop Ss method is used
what they think the text is about. speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
• Elicit or teach the word video game create friendly with phrases
and write it on the board atmosphere like:
Lead - In Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
wishes they show their Well done!”
appreciations .

Describe and imagine Formative

the pictures Assessment

Students say different

Android games are diversified into words from the picture
many categories; informational,
educational, shooting games, puzzles,
sports, racing, augmented reality
games, location-based games and
more. All these types are available for
Good job!
both high end and low-end Android
Main Ex: 1 P: 46 Students discuss the
part Students look at the pictures. If they video games in the photo Assessment
recognize the games, ask them to ANSWERS: criteria
describe some details about the games. Students own answers - Read about
Picture 1 is a SIMS game, picture 2 is a video games.
Mario game. Students read the text Descriptor: Cards
and complete the - discuss the
Differentiation: sentences video games in
«Verbal support» method is used ANSWERS: the photo
to help Students use new words in 1 d Peer Student’s
the text. 2b assessment: book
3e answer key
Ex: 2 P: 46 4a
When students have matched the C is the extra sentence.
correct sentences, ask them to identify
the extra sentence. Students find the nouns criteria: CD 1.41
for these verbs in the - Read for
Ex: 3 P: 46 article. specific
• Ask students to read the verbs and ANSWERS: Workshets
find the nouns in the text, and work out 1 designers
the meanings. 2 creator
• Ask questions like What does a Descriptor:
3 entertainment
designer do? to elicit sentences using - find the nouns
4 choice
the verbs (He / She designs things). 5 player
for these verbs
• In a stronger class, elicit some 6 imagination in the article.
sentences using the new words. 7 memory
-Make CCQ
Differentiation:Support; learners questions
are arranged to interact in mixed Yes / No
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 32 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Language Focus. Past Simple

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 04.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus. Past Simple
Learning objectives 6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
6.UE9 use simple past regular and irregular forms to describe past events on a
limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and
curricular topics
6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole
class exchanges
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn the difference between regular and irregular verbs in the past simple.
• Practise using the Irregular verbs list.
• Use regular and irregular verbs to play a true and false game about
activities in the past.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• With books closed, ask students if Ss.«The praise»
they can remember any of the The aim:To develop Ss method is used
irregular verbs they learnt at the speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
beginning of the unit. create friendly with phrases
atmosphere like:
• Ask students if they can remember
Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
any verbs that are regular
wishes they show their Well done!”
• Elicit some examples and write
these on the board. appreciations .
• Ask: How do you know if a verb
Describe and imagine Formative
is regular or irregular?
the pictures Assessment
Lead - In

Students say different

words from the picture

Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P: 47 Students look at the
part Refer students to the sentences and forms of play and make Assessment
ask the question to the whole class in the sentences. criteria
ANSWERS: - Learn the
Differentiation: 1 Play is regular because difference
«Verbal support» method is used the past simple between regular Cards
to help Students use new words in affirmative form is made and irregular
the text. by adding -ed. verbs in the past
Ex: 2 P: 47 Students find the past Descriptor: Student’s
• Remind students to look at the simple forms of these - check the book
sentences in exercise 2 as well as verbs. meaning of the
the main text.\ ANSWERS: verbs and match
• Refer students to the Irregular Regular verbs: designed, these verbs with
verbs list in their Workbooks to preferred, created their past form
check their answers Irregular verbs: sold, Peer
bought, became, thought, assessment: Workshets
Ex: 4 P: 47 built, took answer key
Read the example with the class.
Point out that students must write
two sentences for each answer, one Students make Assessment
negative and one affirmative. affirmative and negative criteria:
• Students write their sentences sentences. - Practise using
individually, then compare with a ANSWERS: the Irregular
partner 1 I didn’t have a verbs list.
sandwich for lunch.
Differentiation:Support; learners 2 I didn’t meet my friend Descriptor:
are arranged to interact in mixed in town. -make
groups. Topic vocabulary is used 3 We didn’t go to a café. affirmative and
while responding to the given 4 I didn’t read a book in negative
questions bed. sentences.
5 We didn’t eat at home -Make CCQ
on Friday. questions
6 I didn’t write a letter to Yes / No
a friend. Affirmative
sentences are students’
own answers.
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 1 P: 33 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Describing People. Past Simple, Questions

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 05.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Describing People. Past Simple, Questions
Learning objectives 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics
6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn adjectives to describe people.
• Practise describing people.
• Learn question forms of the past simple.
• Practise asking questions in the past simple

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• With books closed, remind students Ss.«The praise»
about Detective Lambert’s visit to the The aim:To develop Ss method is used
Corner Café, on page 72. speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
• Ask: What did he do when he went to create friendly with phrases
the café? Elicit that he interviewed the atmosphere like:
waitress and asked her questions. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
• Ask students if they can remember wishes they show their Well done!”
any of the questions he asked. Elicit
appreciations .
some questions, but do not write them
on the board, as students probably will Formative
not get the form correct at this stage Describe and imagine
the pictures Assessment
Lead - In

Students say different

words from the picture

Good job!
Main Students complete in the
part Ex: 1 P: 48 character guide with the Assessment
• Refer students to the illustrations and words in the box. criteria
ask: What is an avatar? Elicit some ANSWERS: - Learn adjectives
ideas. In a weaker class, accept 1 slim to describe
answers in their own language. Ask 2 dark people.
students if any of them use an avatar. 3 curly Descriptor:
• Refer students to the missing words. 4 blue - complete in the Cards
Ask students to work in pairs and 5 moustache character guide
complete the guide.
• Check answers with the class.
with the words Student’s
Students complete the in the box. book
descriptions with words Peer
Differentiation: in exercise 1 in pairs
«Verbal support» method is used ANSWERS: assessment:
to help Students use new words in 1 blue, short answer key Worksheet
the text. 2 tall, long
3 short, glasses
Ex: 2 P: 48 4 fat, moustache
• Refer students to the pictures and the criteria:
descriptions. Students read the text - Listen to an
• Students complete the descriptions interview about a
about TV programme crime and some
individually. ANSWERS: suspects.
The waitress saw three
Ex: 3 P: 48 different people in the café.
Allow students Descriptor:
time to read the introduction. Play the Students listen the text - read the text
CD and ask: Who did the waitress see again and answer the about TV
in the cafe? question. programme
Differentiation: 1 No, she didn’t. -Make CCQ
Support; learners are arranged to 2 She sat by the window. questions
interact in mixed groups. Topic 3 No, she left at ten past Yes / No
vocabulary is used while eight.
responding to the given questions 4 He talked to Koji.
5 Yes, she was with the
man with a beard.
6 She bought a coffee for
Ex: 4 P: 48 Koji.
• Allow students time to read the
7 No, there wasn’t a man
questions, then play the CD again.
with long black hair. 8 No,
• After checking, elicit ideas from the
he didn’t.
class about who the murderer was.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 34 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Speaking:Talking about past events
Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy
Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 10.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Speaking:Talking about past events
Learning objectives 6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
6.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Listen to a conversation about past events.
• Listen and identify intonation to show interest or boredom

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students to name some activities Ss.«The praise»
they enjoy doing. Write ideas on the The aim:To develop Ss method is used
board. Then ask them to name some speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
activities they do not like, and write create friendly with phrases
these on the board. You will probably atmosphere like:
find that students have different Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
opinions on the activities. wishes they show their Well done!”
Lead - In appreciations .

Describe and imagine Formative

the pictures Assessment

Students say different

words from the picture
Tom: Hi! Sara. Where did you go
Sara: I went to the shopping.
Good job!
part Ex: 2 P: 50 Students complete the Assessment
• Tell students to read the dialogue dialogue with sentences. criteria
carefully and look at the sentences on ANSWERS: - Listen to a
both sides of the gap before choosing 1d conversation
the answer 2b about past events
3a Descriptor:
Differentiation: 4c - complete the Cards
«Verbal support» method is used dialogue with
to help Students use new words in sentences
the text. Students listen to the Peer
Ex: 3 P: 50 intonation.Is the speaker assessment: Student’s
• Make sure that students understand interested or bored. answer key book
what intonation is. If necessary, write a ANSWERS:
sentence on the board (for example: I 1 bored
watched TV last night.) and say it with 2 interested
different kinds of intonation, sounding
3 bored
interested or bored. criteria:
4 interested
• Play the CD. Students decide whether 5 bored
- Listen and
the speakers are interested or bored. identify Workshets
6 interested
Summative assessment for the unit intonation to
“Drama and comedy” show interest or
Students read about a boredom
Reading famous movie’ Life of Pi’
Task 1. Read about a famous movie’ and do the task below
Life of Pi’ and do the task below Circle True or False for
Circle True or False for these these sentences. - listen to the
sentences. intonation. Is the
1. Pi moves to Canada in 16. True speaker
1 true
2 true interested or
2. Pi is scared when he sees the animals bored
in the lifeboat. True False 3 false
4 false -Make CCQ
3. Pi fights with a big shark. True
4. At the end they land in the USA. Yes / No
Task 2. Look at the facts about a Students writes strong
famous cartoon ‘Rio 2’. Write 2 lead sentence using given
paragraphs using the information structure;
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 3 P: 35 WB Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: A Profile

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 11.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title A Profile
Learning objectives 6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
6.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics.
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn key phrases for talking on the phone.
• Listen to a conversation on the phone.
• Practise a telephone conversation about what is happening now.
• Learn how to improve pronunciation.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students if they often speak to Ss.«The praise»
their friends on the phone. The aim:To develop Ss method is used
• Ask when they use their mobile speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
phones during the day. create friendly with phrases
atmosphere like:
• Elicit a few answers, for example
Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
when they want to meet someone.
wishes they show their Well done!”
• Ask them what they would say to
answer the phone in English appreciations .
Lead - In

Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

Phone calls are the number one way
words from the picture
I improve my mood. When I’m Good job!
feeling down or confused or alone, I
pick up the phone and call a friend.
Main Ex: 1 Students look at the
part • Remind students that they shouldphoto. Where is Tina? Assessment
use any photos they are given to ANSWERS: criteria
help them think about the context Learn key
before they read or listen. phrases for
• Ask students to identify Tina and talking on the Cards
say where she is, but do not checkStudents listen to the phone.
their answers at this stage. dialogue and check the Descriptor:
answers - listen to the
Differentiation: ANSWERS: dialogue and Student’s
«Verbal support» method is used Tina is at the Brighton check the book
to help Students use new words in aquarium. She is looking answers
the text. at sharks.

Ex: 2 Students match the key Peer assessment:

• Students can follow the dialogues phrases. answer key CD 1.32
in their books as they listen. ANSWERS:
• Remind them that the information 1 Yeah, it’s really Workshets
they should listen for on this first interesting. Assessment
hearing is where Tina is, and what 2 Sure. criteria:
she is doing 3 Hi, there. -• Practise a
Ex: 3 4 OK, great! telephone CD 1.33
• Explain that the blue words in the 5 I’m at the Brighton conversation
dialogue are responses to the key aquarium. about what is
phrases. In a weaker class, match 6 Fine, thanks happening now.
the first one together.
• Students match the phrases in
pairs. To check answers, ask one Descriptor:
student to read out a numbered match the key
phrase, and another student to give phrases.
the appropriate answer from the
blue phrases -Make CCQ
Differentiation:Support; learners questions Yes /
are arranged to interact in mixed No
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: My country: Kazakh films

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 12.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title My country: Kazakh films
Learning objectives 6.C3 respect differing points of view
6.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to
describe things and about to denote topic; use prepositions of direction to, into, out
of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
familiar general and curricular topics
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited
range of general topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn about the film industry in one of Kazakhstan’s history
• Identify numbers in a text
• Learn and revise prepositions of place

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Ask students if they have visited any of Ss.«The praise»
Kazakhstan’s national parks. Ask them The aim:To develop Ss method is used
the name of the park and what they saw speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
there. Ask students why countries have create friendly with phrases
national parks (to preserve landscapes atmosphere like:
and the habitats they contain for plants Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
(flora) and animals (fauna)), and if they wishes they show their Well done!”
can think of any benefits (helping
appreciations .
maintain species, preserving beautiful
areas and important habitats for future Formative
generations). Assessment
Lead - In

What do you know about Karkaraly Describe and imagine

the pictures

Students say different

words from the picture
Good job!
Main Ex: 1/2 Students look at the
part Focus students’ attention on the text. If photo and describe what Assessment
you have access to the internet, you can can they see? criteria
bring up a map of the location. ANSWERS: Learn about the
Ask students what sort of landscape 1 The name of the park is flora and fauna in
they think the park has (mountains, Altyn-Emel. one of Cards
desert, steppe, etc.). Tell them to read2 It is in the south-east of Kazakhstan’s
the questions first, then read the text.
Kazakhstan, between the national parks
Students answer the questions
Aktau Mountains and the Descriptor:
individually, before checking in pairs River Ili. - look at the Student’s
3 The landscape is dry, photo and book
Differentiation: there are mountains and describe what
«Verbal support» method is used sand dunes. can they see?
to help Students use new words in 4 You can find fish, 260
the text. species of vertebrates,
birds, including four types
Ex: 4 of eagle, Przewalski’s CD 1.32
Go through the answers with the class. horses and eagle owls.
Make sure they say the answers 5 You can see singing sand Workshets
correctly, especially 260 (two hundred dunes and rocks with very
answer key
and sixty). Point out that we only use old paintings on them.
and after hundreds not thousands, so 6 There are imperial
2650 is two thousand, six hundred and eagles, eagle owls, Assessment CD 1.33
fifty NOT two thousand and six Przewalski’s horse and 11 criteria:
hundred and fifty. species on Kazakhstan’s
- Identify
red list and Turanga trees
numbers in a text
Ex: 3
Students complete the exercise Students read the text -Learn and revise
individually before checking their again and find the prepositions of
answer in pairs. numbers place
Differentiation:Support; learners 1) 4,600km Descriptor:
are arranged to interact in mixed 2) 4 500m -read the text
6) 26 again and find
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
2) 1,800 the numbers
while responding to the given 5) 3,000
questions -complete the
7) 13
3) 11
sentences with
Students complete the the correct
sentences with the prepositions
correct prepositions -Make CCQ
ANSWERS: questions Yes /
1 in 5 above 2 between 6 No
under 3 on 7 behind 4
along, next to 8 in front
of /opposite
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 3 Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Review. SAU 4

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 17.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Review. SAU 4
Learning objectives Learning objectives (6.R2) Understand independently specific information and
detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular
topics (6.W2) Write with some support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar
general topics and some curricular topics (6.W5) Develop with support coherent arguments supported
when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written
genres in familiar general and curricular topics (6.UE15) Use common verbs followed by infinitive verb /
verb + ing patterns; use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn verbs for animal behaviour.
Write about an animal and describe its behaviour.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Elicit ideas from the class, for example Ss.«The praise»
animals hunt for food, hide from other The aim:To develop Ss method is used
animals, find a safe place to sleep, keep speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
warm in the winter. create friendly with phrases
Lead - In atmosphere like:
The Great Barrier Reef. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Scientists sometimes call Earth ‘the wishes they show their Well done!”
blue planet’ because about 75% of it is appreciations .
the sea! Many plants, fish and animals
live in the sea, and it’s got a lot of Formative
important ecosystems. The Great Assessment
Barrier Reef, near Australia, is a big
ecosystem. The reef is long – 26,000
kilometres! The water is very clean, so Describe and imagine
seaweed, sea grass and coral have got a the pictures
lot of solar energy. Fish and crabs eat
these producers. Different species of
turtles also eat the sea grass, and they Students say different
leave their eggs on the local beaches. words from the picture
Other consumers eat the smaller Good job!
animals. Sea birds catch fish and crabs

Main Ex: 1 Students choose the

part • Refer students to the bold verbs. Tell correct verbs in bold Assessment
them to use the Wordlist or their ANSWERS: criteria
dictionaries to check the meaning of
Kill Writes correct
any verbs they do not know. Eat verbs
• Refer students to the photos and ask
Hide Descriptor: Cards
them to choose the correct verbs Dig - choose the
Protect correct verbs in
Differentiation: Catch bold
«Verbal support» method is used Fly
to help Students use new words in climb Peer book
the text. assessment:
students complete the text
with words in the box. answer key
Ex: 2
Students complete the exercise ANSWERS:
individually before checking their Extinct
answer in pairs. Pollution Assessment CD 1.32
Climate criteria:
Live - Identify Workshets
Habitat numbers in a text
Ex: 3 Hunt
• Remind students that they should swim
look for the present continuous forms,
not the verbs as they appear here. -read the text CD 1.33
• Read the verbs and check again and find
understanding, then allow students time the numbers
Students complete the -Make CCQ
to read the spelling rules carefully
sentences with the questions Yes /
Differentiation:Support; learners
present continuous No
are arranged to interact in mixed
groups. Topic vocabulary is used Students own answers
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 P: Success

Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: CLIL. Technology: The Internet.

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 18.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title CLIL. Technology: The Internet.
Learning objectives 6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics
( describe vertebrates)
6.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general
and curricular topics, including some extended texts
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn vocabulary for talking about animals.
 Identify the main ideas in extended talk with some support
 Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions
 Retell extended stories and episodes on a given topic

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• With books closed, write the names Ss.«The praise»
of several different types of animals on The aim:To develop Ss method is used
the board, for example: dog, pigeon, speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
crocodile. create friendly with phrases
• Ask students: What types of animals atmosphere like:
are these? What’s the difference Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
between them? What do they have in wishes they show their Well done!”
appreciations .
Lead - In
Bats produce incredibly high Assessment
frequency sound pulses, or squeaks.
Research shows that some bats can
produce a frequency of over Describe and imagine
100,000 Hz. To give you some idea the pictures
of how squeaky this really is,
human vocal cords can only Students say different
produce sounds ranging from about words from the picture
50 Hz to 7000 Hz. Good job!
Main Ex: 1 P: 41 Students check the
part • Students check the meaning of the meaning of thewords. Assessment
words in their dictionaries. Point out ANSWERS: criteria
that some of the words, for example 1 fins Learn vocabulary
scales, have more than one meaning, 4 legs for talking about
and students should find the meaning 2 lungs animals. Cards
to do with animals 5 hair Descriptor:
3 feathers - check the
Differentiation: meaning of
«Verbal support» method is used thewords. Student’s
to help Students use new words in Students read and listen book
the text. to the text then answer
Ex: 2 P: 41 the questions Peer
• Read through the questions with the ANSWERS: assessment:
class and check understanding. Ask 1 Fish. answer key
students to work individually and read 2 Fish and reptiles.
the text again in more detail
Assessment CD 1.32
3 Mammals.
4 They haven’t got four
 Identify the Workshets
main ideas in
5 Amphibians.
extended talk with
6 Mammals
some support
Studentslisten to the story listen to the story CD 1.33
and choose the correct and choose the
option. correct option.
1 farm friends questions
2 a bad animal Yes / No
3 friendly
1 cat
2 dog
3 man / farmer
Students work in pairs.
Students own answers.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Review

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 19.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Review
Learning objectives 6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range
of general and curricular topics
6.UE10 use present continuous forms with present meaning on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn verbs for animal behaviour.
Write about an animal and describe its behaviour.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Elicit ideas from the class, for example Ss.«The praise»
animals hunt for food, hide from other The aim:To develop Ss method is used
animals, find a safe place to sleep, keep speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
warm in the winter. create friendly with phrases
Lead - In atmosphere like:
The Great Barrier Reef. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Scientists sometimes call Earth ‘the wishes they show their Well done!”
blue planet’ because about 75% of it is appreciations .
the sea! Many plants, fish and animals
live in the sea, and it’s got a lot of Formative
important ecosystems. The Great Assessment
Barrier Reef, near Australia, is a big
ecosystem. The reef is long – 26,000
kilometres! The water is very clean, so Describe and imagine
seaweed, sea grass and coral have got a the pictures
lot of solar energy. Fish and crabs eat
these producers. Different species of
turtles also eat the sea grass, and they Students say different
leave their eggs on the local beaches. words from the picture
Other consumers eat the smaller Good job!
animals. Sea birds catch fish and crabs
Main Ex: 1 P: 42 Students choose the
part • Refer students to the bold verbs. Tell correct verbs in bold Assessment
them to use the Wordlist or their ANSWERS: criteria
dictionaries to check the meaning of
Kill Writes correct
any verbs they do not know. Eat verbs
• Refer students to the photos and ask
Hide Descriptor: Cards
them to choose the correct verbs Dig - choose the
Protect correct verbs in
Differentiation: Catch bold
«Verbal support» method is used Fly
to help Students use new words in climb Peer book
the text. assessment:
students complete the text
with words in the box. answer key
Ex: 2 P: 42
Students complete the exercise ANSWERS:
individually before checking their Extinct
answer in pairs. Pollution Assessment CD 1.32
Climate criteria:
Live - Identify Workshets
Habitat numbers in a text
Ex: 3 P: 42 Hunt
• Remind students that they should swim
look for the present continuous forms,
not the verbs as they appear here. -read the text CD 1.33
• Read the verbs and check again and find
understanding, then allow students time the numbers
Students complete the -Make CCQ
to read the spelling rules carefully
sentences with the questions Yes /
Differentiation:Support; learners
present continuous No
are arranged to interact in mixed
groups. Topic vocabulary is used Students own answers
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 Success
Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Summative control work for the Term 2.

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 24.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Summative control work for the Term 2.
Learning objectives (6.L6) Deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics (6.R3) Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general
and curricular topics, including some extended texts (6.W2) Write with some support about real and imaginary past events, activities and
experiences on a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics (6.W8) Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of
familiar general topics and some curricular topics (6.UE14) Use an increased variety of prepositions of time, location and direction;
use by and with to denote agent and instrument; use prepositions before nouns and
adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a growing range of familiar general and
curricular topics (6.S7) Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited
range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:

• Learn verbs for animal behaviour.
Write about an animal and describe its behaviour.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Elicit ideas from the class, for example Ss.«The praise»
animals hunt for food, hide from other The aim:To develop Ss method is used
animals, find a safe place to sleep, keep speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
warm in the winter. create friendly with phrases
Lead - In atmosphere like:
The Great Barrier Reef. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Scientists sometimes call Earth ‘the wishes they show their Well done!”
blue planet’ because about 75% of it is appreciations .
the sea! Many plants, fish and animals
live in the sea, and it’s got a lot of Formative
important ecosystems. The Great Assessment
Barrier Reef, near Australia, is a big
ecosystem. The reef is long – 26,000
kilometres! The water is very clean, so Describe and imagine
seaweed, sea grass and coral have got a the pictures
lot of solar energy. Fish and crabs eat
these producers. Different species of
turtles also eat the sea grass, and they Students say different
leave their eggs on the local beaches. words from the picture
Other consumers eat the smaller Good job!
animals. Sea birds catch fish and crabs

Main Learner works individually. Students choose the

part Learners listen to the recording twice on correct verbs in bold Assessment
topic ‘Drama and Comedy’, having a ANSWERS: criteria
chance to look through the questions before Kill Writes correct
the recording starts. The task consists of 5 Eat verbs
questions. Learners choose the right option Hide Descriptor: Cards
for questions 1-3 and complete the Dig - choose the
sentences with one word for questions 4-5. Protect correct verbs in
Catch bold
Learners read the text on topic ‘Our Fly
Countryside’ and answer the questions. climb Student’s
This task consists of 5 questions. In
Peer book
questions1-3 learners choose three things students complete the text assessment:
mentioned in a text from a wide range of with words in the box. answer key
options. In questions 4-5 learners complete ANSWERS:
the sentences following the structure. Extinct
Pollution Assessment CD 1.32
Each learner works individually. Climate criteria:
Writing tasks can be differentiated by using Live - Identify Workshets
pictures as a support for learners. Teachers Habitat numbers in a text
can use own pictures for writing tasks Hunt
which are familiar to learners. swim Descriptor:
-read the text CD 1.33
Learners prepare an individual talk on again and find
the numbers
‘Our countryside’, ‘Drama and Comedy’. Students complete the
They have 1 minute to prepare and 1-2 -Make CCQ
sentences with the questions Yes /
minutes to talk on the topic. Learners are
provided with some questions to organize a
present continuous No
monologue. They should provide own ANSWERS:
experience on topics, using appropriate Students own answers
subject-specific vocabulary.

End Success

Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Correction work.

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and comedy

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources
Time criteria

Organization moment The wish flower” At the

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
• Ask students if they often speak to Ss.«The praise»
their friends on the phone. The aim:To develop Ss method is used
• Ask when they use their mobile speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
phones during the day. create friendly with phrases
atmosphere like:
• Elicit a few answers, for example
Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
when they want to meet someone.
wishes they show their Well done!”
• Ask them what they would say to
answer the phone in English appreciations .
Lead - In
Phone calls are the number one way
I improve my mood. When I’m Describe and imagine
feeling down or confused or alone, I the pictures
pick up the phone and call a friend.
Students say different
words from the picture
Good job!

Main Ex: 1 Students look at the

part • Remind students that they shouldphoto. Where is Tina? Assessment
use any photos they are given to ANSWERS: criteria
help them think about the context Learn key
before they read or listen. phrases for
• Ask students to identify Tina and talking on the Cards
say where she is, but do not checkStudents listen to the phone.
their answers at this stage. dialogue and check the Descriptor:
answers - listen to the
Differentiation: ANSWERS: dialogue and Student’s
«Verbal support» method is used Tina is at the Brighton check the book
to help Students use new words in aquarium. She is looking answers
the text. at sharks.

Ex: 2 Students match the key Peer assessment:

• Students can follow the dialogues phrases. answer key CD 1.32
in their books as they listen. ANSWERS:
• Remind them that the information 1 Yeah, it’s really Workshets
they should listen for on this first interesting. Assessment
hearing is where Tina is, and what 2 Sure. criteria:
she is doing 3 Hi, there. -• Practise a
Ex: 3 4 OK, great! telephone CD 1.33
• Explain that the blue words in the 5 I’m at the Brighton conversation
dialogue are responses to the key aquarium. about what is
phrases. In a weaker class, match 6 Fine, thanks happening now.
the first one together.
• Students match the phrases in
pairs. To check answers, ask one Descriptor:
student to read out a numbered match the key
phrase, and another student to give phrases.
the appropriate answer from the
blue phrases -Make CCQ
Differentiation:Support; learners questions Yes /
are arranged to interact in mixed No
groups. Topic vocabulary is used
while responding to the given

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 Success

Zhasyl-secondary School
Short term plan
The theme: Project. Tramp card game: films and theatre

Unit of a long term plan: Drama and Comedy

Teacher name: S.Serikov
Date: 26.12.24
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Project. Tramp card game: films and theatre
Learning objectives 6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range
of general and curricular topics
6.UE10 use present continuous forms with present meaning on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn verbs for animal behaviour.
Write about an animal and describe its behaviour.

Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria
Organization moment The wish flower” At the
Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start the organization CD 1
Ask about the weather. lesson with good wishes moment T tries
Warm-up to each other. to award active Pictures
Elicit ideas from the class, for example Ss.«The praise»
animals hunt for food, hide from other The aim:To develop Ss method is used
animals, find a safe place to sleep, keep speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
warm in the winter. create friendly with phrases
Lead - In atmosphere like:
The Great Barrier Reef. Efficiency:By telling the “Good job!
Scientists sometimes call Earth ‘the wishes they show their Well done!”
blue planet’ because about 75% of it is appreciations .
the sea! Many plants, fish and animals
live in the sea, and it’s got a lot of Formative
important ecosystems. The Great Assessment
Barrier Reef, near Australia, is a big
ecosystem. The reef is long – 26,000
kilometres! The water is very clean, so Describe and imagine
seaweed, sea grass and coral have got a the pictures
lot of solar energy. Fish and crabs eat
these producers. Different species of
turtles also eat the sea grass, and they Students say different
leave their eggs on the local beaches. words from the picture
Other consumers eat the smaller Good job!
animals. Sea birds catch fish and crabs
Main Ex: 1 P: 42 Students choose the
part • Refer students to the bold verbs. Tell correct verbs in bold Assessment
them to use the Wordlist or their ANSWERS: criteria
dictionaries to check the meaning of
Kill Writes correct
any verbs they do not know. Eat verbs
• Refer students to the photos and ask
Hide Descriptor: Cards
them to choose the correct verbs Dig - choose the
Protect correct verbs in
Differentiation: Catch bold
«Verbal support» method is used Fly
to help Students use new words in climb Peer book
the text. assessment:
students complete the text
with words in the box. answer key
Ex: 2 P: 42
Students complete the exercise ANSWERS:
individually before checking their Extinct
answer in pairs. Pollution Assessment CD 1.32
Climate criteria:
Live - Identify Workshets
Habitat numbers in a text
Ex: 3 P: 42 Hunt
• Remind students that they should swim
look for the present continuous forms,
not the verbs as they appear here. -read the text CD 1.33
• Read the verbs and check again and find
understanding, then allow students time the numbers
Students complete the -Make CCQ
to read the spelling rules carefully
sentences with the questions Yes /
Differentiation:Support; learners
present continuous No
are arranged to interact in mixed
groups. Topic vocabulary is used Students own answers
while responding to the given

End Success

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