Dewatering Types
Dewatering Types
Dewatering Types
1. Sump Pumping
➢ In this methods of dewatering water is disposed by adjusting the pump
of the trench,This method is used for shallow bases in waterlogged
areas. In this way ditches are dug on both sides of the trench. The
ditches size is usually 20 cm in diameter of a semicircle.
4. Freezing Process
➢ This process is suitable for excavations in water-logged soils like sand,
gravel, and silts. It is advantageously used for deep excavations such as
for bridges, etc. Especially, when the excavation is to be made adjacent
to an existing structure or near some waterways.
➢ This types of dewatering method consist of forming a wall of
ice by freezing the soil around the area to be excavated.
Freezing pipes encasing smaller diameter inner pipes are Sunk
about the one-meter center to center along the periphery of
the area to be excavated. The layout of the pipes should
preferably be such that the area enclosed is circular in plan
Freezing Dewatering Techniques
5. Electro-Osmosis Method
Electros Osmosis Method of drainage is used for line-grained cohesive
soils (such as clays) which can be drained or stabilized using electric
6. Vibro Floatation
➢ Vibro flotation is a technique in which granular soil is vibrated,
extra granular soil is added and the density of soil is increased.
7. Chemical Process
In this dewatering method chemicals in the liquid form can be pumped into and
through very small openings, which other grout cannot penetrate. The chemicals
form a barrier to the flow of water through a formation by changing from a liquid
to a gel at a predetermined time after it enters the formation.
8. French Drain
A French drain is a simple yet effective drainage system designed to collect
and redirect excess groundwater