Exploring the Indirect Performance
Exploring the Indirect Performance
Exploring the Indirect Performance
Na Fu
Doctor of Philosophy
November 2010
I hereby certify that this material, which I now submit for assessment on the
entirely my own work, that I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the work
is original, and does not to the best of my knowledge breach any law of copyright,
and has not been taken from the work of others save and to the extent that such work
Date: _____________________
Dedicated to:
I wish to acknowledge everyone who helped me, encouraged me, and mentored me
Patrick C. Flood and Dr. Janine Bosak, for their invaluable advice and constant
going off on a tangent and had to find my way back to the right path. However when
this happened Patrick and Janine functioned like a virtual GPS device and reliably
recalculated my route for me. They helped me to build wide and deep knowledge
their supervision methods which enabled me to see more beautiful scenes along the
During the journey, I received a lot of help from other experienced travellers. They
helped me with theories, statistical methods, and how to use them which were
give them my special thanks. They are Professor Denise M. Rousseau at Carnegie
Feeney, Dr Aurora Trif, Dr Barbara Flood, Dr Ruth Mattimoe, Dr Brian Harney, Ms
I would like to say thank you to the following very kind people at DCU who gave
Elaine Healy, Amanda Kavanagh, Nichola O'Sullivan, Ursula Baxter, Clare Balfe,
Muriel Keegan, Alva Mackenzie, and Debbie Trimble. Especially, I would like to
who have been so kind to my family. I also want to thank Dr Hyowon Lee for his
I would also like to say thank you to my PhD friends as well as my Chinese friends
in Ireland who are on their own journeys. The mutual encouragement and support
make PhD life less monotonous and more colourful. They are Deirdre O’Shea, Tara
Farrell, Cliona McParland, Aamir Chughtai, Jason Flynn, Ali J Ahmad, Diana
Nadine Boehm, John Brogan, Sarah-Jane Cullinane, Ann Marie Dunne, Louise
Gorman, Danielle Greene, Annegret Jennewein, Anna John, Rachel Kidney, Mary
Kinahan, Mary Levis, Jing Liu, Kerrie O'Sullivan, Anna Penar-Turner, Sahar Validi,
Qingmei Wang, Shuo Wang, Yanjun Ma, Yanli, Sun, Jinhua Du, Guo Hua, Tina,
Wenen Wang, Xuxin Wang, Ke Zhang, Yi Yu, Amy, Father Xiao, Huang Jin,
Zhenxin Zhang, Yu Zhang, Zhenhui Yuan, Hui Liu, Quan Zhou, Yan Yang, Fei
Many thanks are also given to my previous supervisor and friends in China who
have always trusted me, encouraged me, and emotionally supported me, all of which
makes me feel not so far from my mother land. They are Professor Zhiping Fan,
Professor Kai Li, Professor Qinhai Ma, Ms Guixiang Yang, Ms Yang Chen, Ms Xin
Zhao, Mr Jingtao Ma, Dr Victor Liu, Guohui Chen, Zhiduan Shao, Zhenyu Pei,
Chenliang Zhang, Xuchang Zhang, Bo Feng, Chen Xi, Weilan Suo, Kang Feng, and
Yuhua Li.
This thesis is based on data sourced from managing partners and human resource
Breathnach at Chartered Accountants Ireland and the other participants’ efforts are
much appreciated. Special thanks are given to Senior Partner: Mr Ronan Murphy,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ireland for their great support and helpful advice on this
Finally, a big thank you to my beloved husband, Zhengwei Qiu, and my little
daughter Anna who have shared my sadness and happiness at all times. A big thank
you also to my grandma, parents in law, and sister in law for their constant
emotional and physical support. All of the aforementioned are the strongest ties and
I am so grateful that I have so many kind people with me during my PhD journey.
Declaration ................................................................................................................... i
Dedication ................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgments...................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables............................................................................................................... x
List of Figures ........................................................................................................... xii
List of Abbreviations................................................................................................ xiii
Abstract .................................................................................................................... xiv
3.3 The Resource-Based View of the Firm............................................................... 44
3.3.1 Definition ................................................................................................... 44
3.3.2 RBV and KBT............................................................................................ 45
3.3.3 RBV, KBT and SHRM .............................................................................. 46
3.3.4 RBV and KBT in PSFs .............................................................................. 47
3.3.5 RBV, KBT and SHRM in PSFs ................................................................. 47 The Mediating Role of Human Capital............................................. 48 The Mediating Role of Social Capital............................................... 50 The Mediating Role of Organisational Capital ................................. 55
3.3.6 Summary .................................................................................................... 57
3.4 The Dynamic Capabilities Theory ...................................................................... 57
3.4.1 Definition of Dynamic Capabilities ........................................................... 58
3.4.2 Dynamic Capabilities and RBV ................................................................. 59
3.4.3 Dynamic Capabilities and KBT ................................................................. 60
3.4.4 Dynamic Capabilities in PSFs.................................................................... 61
3.4.5 The Mediating Role of “Uses”................................................................... 63
3.4.6 Summary .................................................................................................... 67
3.6 Summary ............................................................................................................. 67
5.3 Profile of the Respondents .................................................................................. 94
5.4 Individual Items Descriptive Analysis ................................................................ 95
5.4.1 HPWS......................................................................................................... 96
5.4.2 Resources ................................................................................................... 97
5.4.3 Uses ............................................................................................................ 99
5.4.4 Firm Performance..................................................................................... 100
5.5 Aggregation Issues ............................................................................................ 102
5.6 Common Method Bias ...................................................................................... 103
5.7 Descriptive Statistics......................................................................................... 105
5.8 Multiple Regression Analysis ........................................................................... 108
5.8.1 Results of Model 1: Practices-Resources-Performance ........................... 110 Human Capital as a Mediator.......................................................... 116 Social Capital as a Mediator ........................................................... 120 Organisational Capital as a Mediator.............................................. 120 Resources “Together” as Mediators................................................ 121 Summary ......................................................................................... 121
5.8.2 Results of Model 2: Resources-Uses-Performance.................................. 122 Mediation of Uses in Human Capital and Firm Performance......... 123 Mediation of Uses in Social Capital and Firm Performance........... 131 Mediation of Uses in Organisational Capital and Firm
Performance .................................................................................... 138
5.9 Summary ........................................................................................................... 147
Appendix F: Cover Letter
Appendix G: Survey of Accounting Firms 2010
Appendix H: Post Card
Appendix I: Customised Report (Sample)
Appendix J: Industry Report
Appendix K: Letter for Missing Data (Sample)
Appendix L: Exploratory Factory Analysis Results for Resources (N=189)a, b
Appendix M: Exploratory Factory Analysis Results for Uses (N=189)a, b
Appendix N: Exploratory Factory Analysis Results for Innovation (N=189)a, b
Appendix O: A Summary of Studies for Measuring PSFs’ Performance
List of Tables
Table 5.11 A Summary of Results for Each Step and Sobel Test for
Model 1 ............................................................................................... 115
Table 5.13 Impact of Human Capital and Uses on Firm Performance ................. 125
Table 5.14 A Summary of Results for Each Step and Sobel Test for
Mediation Model of Uses as Mediators between Human
Capital and Firm Performance ............................................................ 127
Table 5.16 Impact of Social Capital and Uses on Firm Performance................... 133
Table 5.17 A Summary of Results for Each Step and Sobel Test for
Mediation Model of Uses as Mediators between Social
Capital and Firm Performance ............................................................ 135
Table 5.19 Impact of Organisational Capital and Uses on Firm Performance ..... 141
Table 5.20 A Summary of Results of Each Step and Sobel Test for
Mediation Model of Uses as Mediators between
Organisational Capital and Firm Performance.................................... 143
List of Figures
Figure 2.3 From Trainee to Full Partner in Burges Salmon Law Firm...................... 20
Figure 3.4 How PSFs Deliver Service to Their Clients by Partners .......................... 39
Figure C.1 How PSFs Deliver Service to Their Clients by Partners ........................... 5
List of Abbreviations
HR = Human Resource
This study uses a practices-resources-uses-performance approach to examine the
indirect impact of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on firm performance
in Irish Professional Service Firms (PSFs).
The study proposes that HPWS does not influence firm performance directly but
indirectly. HPWS affects a firm’s performance through two stages. Firstly, the
HPWS helps to build the firm’s resources which include human capital, social
capital and organisational capital. Secondly, these resources, in turn, create value for
the firm when they are effectively utilised. The hypotheses in this study propose that
resources mediate the relationship between HPWS and firm performance and the
uses of resources mediate the relationship between resources and firm performance.
To test this systematic approach, data was collected from 120 Irish accounting firms
who participated in the survey. This data was collected in 2010. Hierarchical
multiple regression was used to analyse the data and test the proposed mediational
The results provide support for the stated hypotheses. The findings suggest that the
firm’s resources such as human capital, social capital and organisational capital
mediate the relationship between HPWS and firm performance and that the uses of
the firm’s resources mediate the relationship between the firm’s resources and the
firm’s performance. Therefore, this study provides a comprehensive picture of how
HPWS works in professional service firms by providing the conceptual and
empirical support for the practices-resources-uses-performance value creation chain.
These findings could help firms find mechanisms to improve their performance.
The study of the indirect impact of HPWS on firm performance contributes to the
understanding of how and why HPWS affect firm performance by identifying
valuable resources and the way to effectively use them in PSFs. It also provides
theoretical support for the resource-based view of the firm (Barney, 1991),
knowledge-based theory (Grant, 1996a, 1996b) and dynamic capabilities theory
(Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997). It also contributes to the theory of knowledge
exploitation and exploration (Lavie, Stettner, & Tushman, 2010; March, 1991).
The research reported in this dissertation examines how high performance work
systems (HPWS) affect firm performance in professional service firms (PSFs). The
the so called “black box” (Becker & Gerhart, 1996: 793) between human resource
The research model developed is based on a broad range of literature which includes
strategic human resource management (SHRM) (Becker & Huselid, 2006; Boxall,
1992; Boxall & Purcell, 2000; Collins & Clarks, 2003; Delery & Doty, 1996; Delery
& Shaw, 2001; Wright & McMahan, 1992), the resource-based view of the firm
(RBV) (Barney, 1991), the knowledge-based theory (Grant, 1996a, 1996b) and the
dynamic capabilities theory (Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997). The unique aspect of
the research model is that it provides a comprehensive picture which links high
performance work systems to firm performance, by combining the key concepts and
1 2
ideas in relation to resources and the uses of resources.
Resources in this study are defined as the knowledge embedded in individuals, i.e. human capital,
relationships, i.e. social capital and organisation’s routines, systems, database, i.e. organisational
capital. This applies to rest of thesis.
Uses in this study are defined as the ways to use resources. Uses include communication,
coordination, monitoring and team utilisation. This applies to the rest of thesis.
The data was collected from 190 managing partners, HR directors/managers and
other senior staff representing 120 Irish accounting firms. The findings provide
strong support for identifying how HPWS affects firm performance in PSFs. In
accounting firms.
This study employs and provides empirical support for the resource-based view of
the firm (Barney, 1991), the knowledge-based theory (Grant, 1996a, 1996b) and the
of how and why HPWS affects the firm’s performance by identifying its valuable
resources and the effective uses of them in PSFs. The findings provide the support
for the mediational effect of resources in the relationship between HPWS and firm
performance and the mediational effect of uses in the relationship between resources
performance (Arthur, 1994; Becker & Gerhart, 1996; Datta, Guthrie, & Wright,
2005; Delery & Doty, 1996; Guthrie, 2001; Guthrie, Flood, Liu, & MacCurtain,
2009; Huselid, 1995; MacDuffie, 1995; Richard & Johnson, 2001; Terpstra &
Rozell, 1993; Youndt, Snell, Dean Jr, & Lepak, 1996), this study addresses two
practices compared to the impact of direct relationships. The other is the research
context – professional service firms (PSFs). The significance of the two issues is
1.2.1 Significance of Understanding How SHRM Influences
found that the application of a system or a bundle of human resource (HR) practices
(Guthrie, 2001; Huselid, 1995), employee turnover (Richard & Johnson, 2001),
productivity (Guthrie, 2001), efficiency, flexibility (Evans & Davis, 2005), and
organisational commitment (Youndt et al., 1996). To clarify, this study labels the
From the evidence found in the above studies, the relationship between HPWS and
firm performance may be indirect and many scholars call for deeper and more
theoretical approaches to understand how and why high performance work systems
(HPWS) affect firm performance (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004; Combs, Liu, Hall, &
Ketchen, 2006; Delery & Shaw, 2001), especially in service organisations (Combs
et al., 2006).
For example, Combs et al. (2006) suggested that employees’ knowledge, skills and
abilities (KSAs) acted as mediators between high performance work practices and
performance by improving employees’ skills and abilities. The findings of these two
studies suggest the mediational effect of the human capital in the relationship
Collins and Clark (2003) provided support for the mediating role of social structure.
They examined the mediating effect of social networks of top management teams
(TMT) on the relationship between HRM and firm performance. They found that the
mediating effects of TMT networks accounted for nearly all of the effect of
network-building practices on sales growth and less than half of the effect of
(2003) study provides support for the mediational effect of social capital in the
In addition, Wright, Dunford, and Snell (2001) argued that HPWS might play a role
enabled the firm to form and maintain its core competencies. They indicated that
competencies. Wright et al. (2001) indeed suggest the possibility of the mediational
performance, this study considers the resources of human capital, social capital and
organisational capital systematically. In addition, this study takes into account how
to use these resources which is labelled as uses. The uses include communication,
coordination, monitoring and team utilisation. By doing so, this study provides a
1.2.2 Significance of Research Context: PSFs
auto manufacturing plants and steel companies (Datta et al., 2005; Ichniowski &
Shaw, 1999; Ichniowski, Shaw, & Prennushi, 1997; MacDuffie, 1995), some
general service firms like banks (Delery & Doty, 1996; Richard & Johnson, 2001),
call centres (Batt, 2002) or with the mixture of the former two contexts (Guthrie et
al., 2009; Huselid, 1995). However, there has been a lack of research into one
studied, which have stable business conditions, professional firms face a more
PSFs are a significant context for conducting research because of their unique
characteristics, but also because of their important position in the current global
PSFs. According to Delong and Nanda (2003: ix), they are “becoming ever more
pronounced in economies the world over”. In the past 25 years, the professional
services sector has grown by more than 10% per annum and currently generates
more than US$ 1,000 billion in revenues globally (Empson, 2007). From the years
the rest of the US economy (Aharoni, 1993). For example, as one of the world’s
largest professional services firms and the largest of the Big Four auditing firms,
for the fiscal year 2009, and employed over 163,000 people in 151 countries
(PricewaterhourceCoopers, 2010).
PSFs are very different from traditional manufacturing firms (Løwendahl, 2000).
They are knowledge-intensive (Morris, 2001; von Nordenflycht, 2007, 2010). Their
inputs are mainly the expert knowledge of the professional workforce (Starbuck,
1992), while their outputs are expert knowledge in the form of customised solutions
for their clients (Empson, 2007; Greenwood et al., 2005; Hitt, Shimizu, Uhlenbruck,
& Bierman, 2006; Løwendahl, 2000; Morris & Empson, 1998; von Nordenflycht,
2007, 2010). PSFs gain competitive advantage mainly by relying on their intangible
assets such as, expert knowledge known as human capital, internal and external
relationships also known as social capital, their efficient routines, databases and
PSFs is not comprehensive. Although various researchers addressed the issues like
Greenwood, Hinings, & Brown, 1990; Pinnington & Morris, 2003), and the
tournament promotion system (Morris & Pinnington, 1998), only von Nordenflycht
(2010) systematically answered the question of what the PSF is and described the
and establishing “what the determinants of PSFs’ performance are” are in great need
For these reasons, this study chooses the professional service context to examine the
This study aims to explore how HPWS affects firm performance in the professional
services context by identifying and testing the intervening variables between HPWS
Using the strategic human resource management theory (Becker & Huselid, 2006;
Boxall, 1992; Boxall & Purcell, 2000; Delery & Shaw, 2001; Wright & McMahan,
1992) and the resource-based theory (Barney, 1991; Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt,
1984), this study will explore the processes/mechanisms through which HPWS
influences firm performance. Specifically, the study will look at the mediational
performance. These resources are identified as human capital, social capital and
organisational capital.
exploitation and exploration of resources (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Helfat et al.,
2007; Teece & Pisano, 1994; Teece et al., 1997), this study will explore the uses
through which organisational resources influence firm performance. The uses are
Figure 1.1 provides a conceptual model with hypotheses on the link between the
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Research Model
In this model, it is argued that HPWS results in the creation of human capital
(Becker, 1964; O’Sullivan & Sheffrin, 1998), social capital (Burt, 1992; Nahapiet &
Snell, 2004; Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005). It is only when these resources are
effectively managed and utilised that firms can generate superior profit above
sustainable competitive advantage, and create value (Barney & Arikan, 2001;
Table 1.1 provides a summary of the research hypotheses that are tested in this study.
These hypotheses are formed based on the literature review presented in Chapter 3.
PSF’s human capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and firm
PSF’s social capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and firm
PSF’s uses mediate the relationship between its human capital and firm
PSF’s uses mediate the relationship between its social capital and firm
PSF’s uses mediate the relationship between its organisational capital and
firm performance.
1.6 Thesis Structure and Outline
Chapter One introduces the overview of this dissertation which includes the
objectives and general process of this study. It outlines the significance of this
research, especially with regards to the SHRM theoretical perspective and the PSF
Chapter Two provides a general introduction to PSFs. It presents the definition and
characteristics of PSFs and proposes that their most important resources are human
Chapter Three reviews and discusses the main theoretical perspectives examined in
this study. These are strategic human resource management theory, the resource-
based view of the firm, knowledge based theory and dynamic capabilities theory. In
particular, the chapter presents three approaches in the SHRM literature that have
dominated studies on the link between HRM and organisational outcomes; the
Chapter Four firstly explores the philosophical basis of the research methodology
provides the support for survey-based research. It then presents a detailed outline of
the research process via an illustrated chart and then describes in detail the sample
set up from different database resources, how the survey is designed and how it is
conducted by employing Dillman’s (2007) Tailored Design Method. Finally, all the
variable measurements in the survey and their validity and reliability are presented.
Chapter Five presents the results of the data analysis. This chapter includes a
Chapter Six reviews the findings based on the results in Chapter Five and describes
the contributions of this study to literature on the subject. It also presents the
implications for researchers and for practitioners and a description of its limitations.
Chapter Seven provides a short and general conclusion. It reiterates the research aim,
2.1 Introduction
PSFs are an increasingly important component of the global economy, and have
scale and significance across the whole world (Aharoni, 1993; Delong & Nanda,
and professional.
professional code of ethics and a culture of values, norms, and symbols. Khurana,
Nohria and Penrice (2005) provided the criteria for calling an occupation a bona fide
widely accepted theoretical base; a system for certifying that individuals possess
commitment to use specialised knowledge for the public good, and a renunciation of
the goal of profit maximisation, in return for professional autonomy and monopoly
power; a code of ethics, with provisions for monitoring individual compliance with
the code and a system of sanctions for enforcing it. Based on the above definitions,
and autonomy.
Sharma (1997) described professionals as people who “apply in their work a body of
knowledge and techniques acquired through training and experience, have a service
orientation and distinctive ethics, and have a great deal of autonomy and prestige in
knowledge, have autonomy and are qualified from a professional association when
they pass their professional exams. In the case of accountancy, for example,
accounting, high autonomy in their work, and qualifications from some accounting
In most of the research on PSFs, “the term [PSF] is either undefined or is defined
only indirectly, by providing a brief list of examples: ‘PSFs, such as law firms,
accounting firms, etc.’” (von Nordenflycht, 2010: 155). According to Hinings et al.
(1991), “a professional service firm has a primary resource and work force of a
group of trained professionals who have agreed to work under the same
service firms as “those whose primary assets are a highly educated (professional)
workforce and whose outputs are intangible services encoded with complex
professional service firm?” was addressed. However, von Nordenflycht did not
theory of knowledge-intensive firms. The PSFs that are discussed in this study are
the classic PSFs referred to in von Nordenflycht’s (2010) study, e.g. law, accounting
and architecture.
Morris (2001) stated that the professional service firm was a classic example of
are knowledge-intensive but are different from knowledge intensive firms as their
knowledge output is customised. In other words, both the services provided by PSFs
and the processes involved are customised or tailored to individual customers’ needs
companies are categorised as knowledge intensive firms but are not professional
service firms, as they sell the same products/services to all customers and do not
tailor them for individual clients as PSFs do. The above definitions of PSFs suggest
customised output.
and the difference between PSFs and knowledge intensive firms demonstrate the
the human resource is one of the most important assets within PSFs.
Based on the definitions provided in section 2.2 above, PSFs clearly differ from the
PSFs are knowledge-intensive (Morris, 2001; von Nordenflycht, 2007, 2010). Their
inputs are mainly the knowledge embedded in the professional workforce (Starbuck,
1992) and their outputs are expert knowledge in the form of customised solutions
for their clients (Empson, 2007; Greenwood et al., 2005; Hitt et al., 2006;
Løwendahl, 2000; Morris & Empson, 1998; von Nordenflycht, 2007, 2010).
In addition to being knowledge intensive, there are other differences between PSFs
and traditional firms. These include the type of work they perform, their
practices, such as “up-or-out tournament promotion system”. All of these have been
examined from many different perspectives. For example, in terms of the type of
work performed by PSFs, Maister (1993) distinguished PSFs from other firms as
• Procedural – work for which the solution/approach is well known. This can
answers can even be prescribed. The key to selling this work is its efficiency.
This area has greatest leveraging potential and so has been the focus of most
business growth (particilarly in larger firms) over the last two/three decades.
• Brain – work that requires a lot of creativity. This calls for professional
expertise and little of it can be specified in advance. While this favours sole-
traders and boutique practices, larger firms can also address it.
• Grey hair – equally unique and difficult to proceduralise but where the
Stumpf, Doh and Clark (2002) described the work in PSFs as “project or program-
oriented, serving the needs of the external client organisation (or customer) rather
to work together, and frequently involves client contact, often through co-location at
a client’s place of business (Stumpf et al., 2002). Due to the type of work performed
by PSFs, two dependencies that affect the appropriateness of organisational and
strategic decisions were identified by Greenwood et al. (2005). The first of these is
an asymmetry of information between the firm and its clients which makes the latter
dependent on the former; and the second is the high mobility of the firm’s human
organisational practices.
since PSF’s work requires professional knowledge and technical expertise, coupled
Williams and Nersessian (2007) listed three key characteristics of PSFs which
emerge from the professionalised workforce. The first one was the barriers to entry.
The last one was the professionals’ ability to use specialised knowledge or training
in a customised way to solve problems that their clients cannot solve for themselves.
Empson (1999) listed three key aspects of PSFs that are generally agreed to be
• Resource base - PSFs have relatively limited physical resources; their value
to PSFs.
which have adopted the corporate structure may still attempt to imitate
hierarchy (Greenwood et al., 1990; Stumpf et al., 2002). This can be seen from the
PwC career path (Figure 2.1), the partial structure of a typical large accounting firm
(Figure 2.2), and the career paths in Burges Salmon (Figure 2.3). Figure 2.3, which
describes the career path from a trainee to full partner in Burges Salmon law firm,
indicates there are only five levels in the organisation; solicitor, qualified solicitor,
associate, junior partner and full partner. The low hierarchy organisational structure
in PSFs is related to the limited categories of workers. By tradition, there are three
main categories of employee in PSFs, and they are the so called “finders, minders
and grinders” (Master, 2004). The finders are responsible for bringing in the
business, scoping and designing the projects, and engaging in the high-level client
relations necessary during work. Minders are usually those who manage the projects
and the team of people working on them to ensure that the firm runs as a cohesive
: This pattern is repeated in each principal country in which a large accounting firm operates.
“OMP” represents a local office managing partner.
Source: Greenwood et al. (1990: 732)
Figure 2.3 From Trainee to Full Partner in Burges Salmon Law Firm
The organisational structure of PSFs is changing. Hinings et al. (1991) commented
that “an important characteristic of such firms is that these professionals agree to
share ownership as a group of partners” (p.376). They also developed the P2 model
suggested that this model no longer adequately captured the dynamic changes in
professional service firms. Based on their analysis of change in two Canadian law
firms, they suggested that the dominant archetype of the professional organisation
was shifting from P2 to the Managed Professional Business (MPB) model. Similarly,
Pinnington and Morris (2003) found that the PSF was changing from traditional
partnership into a more ‘business-like’ entity, i.e. the managed professional business.
With regard to financial structure, many PSFs bill by the hour (or partial hour), day,
leadership roles are often rotated and officers are frequently expected to continue
the producer role while taking on the leadership role (Stumpf et al., 2002).
been identified as unique to PSFs (Morris & Pinnington, 1998). This practice
demands that a candidate who does not get promoted has to resign. However, Morris
and Pinnington (1998) showed that the up-or-out promotion system had become less
used in PSFs.
Løwendahl (2000) comprehensively defined the characteristics of PSFs as having
more than 50% professional employees; a high priority for professional goals,
including altruistic problem solving for the client; a high degree of respect for
Based on the above review, the characteristics of PSFs are summarised as follows:
both education and job training and this is used during their work to help build
organisational knowledge. They also have more tacit knowledge embedded in their
relationships within and beyond the organisation (Hitt et al., 2006; Pennings, Lee &
Literature on the subject suggests that these resources are conceptualised as human
1988; Bourdieu; 1985; Burt, 1992; Putnam, 1993; Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998; Lin,
processes, routines, databases, and systems (Youndt et al., 2004; Subramaniam &
education and tacit knowledge from their daily work and on-the-job training (Hitt,
Bierman, Shimizu, & Kochhar, 2001). They embody this expertise knowledge and
facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing within teams since most of work in PSFs
is programme or project based. They also develop and maintain external clients’
relationships which attract new business continuously and result in direct profits for
the firm.
To summarise, the human resource constitutes the critical asset of PSFs. Because of
its importance to the organisation this study will investigate if high performance
work systems (HPWS) create the human capital, social capital, and organisational
capital resources and if these resources in turn influence the firm’s performance.
This study will also investigate if the uses of these resources have intervening
resource management because human resources constitute one of the most critical
2.5 Summary
This chapter presents the concepts and characteristics of PSFs and analyses the
workforce indicate that human resources are the most important asset of PSFs. In
the next chapter, the review of relevant theories and their applications in PSFs are
3.1 Introduction
The main objective of this chapter is to identify relevant theories that explain why
firms utilise high performance work systems (HPWS) extensively and how these
affect firm performance. The chapter, therefore, reviews and discusses the main
theoretical perspectives that are examined in this study. They include strategic
human resource management (SHRM), the resource-based view of the firm (RBV),
knowledge based theory (KBT) and dynamic capabilities theory. In particular, this
chapter presents three approaches from SHRM literature that have dominated
studies on the link between HRM and organisational outcomes. In addition, the
professional service firms (PSFs) are reviewed. The hypotheses are also proposed.
The aim of this section is to provide the definition of SHRM and to present the three
approaches to research on the link between SHRM and firm performance. They are
study. The main reason for this is that the research in SHRM focuses on a bundle or
a system of human resource (HR) practices rather than individual practices. Then
the role of HPWS in PSFs is reviewed. Next, two research themes on the direct and
conclusion is provided.
with organisational strategy (Becker & Huselid, 2006; Boxall, 1992; Boxall &
Purcell, 2000; Collins & Clarks, 2003; Delery & Doty, 1996; Delery & Shaw, 2001;
and Shaw (2001) argued, there are at least two major features which distinguish
SHRM research from the more traditional HRM practice research. The first is that
organisational effectiveness. The second is that SHRM focus on the analysis at unit
or firm level rather than at individual level. Similarly, Becker and Huselid (2006)
provide two differences between SHRM and traditional HRM. The first is that
SHRM is systematic and emphasised the role of HR systems rather than individual
There are a range of similar definitions of SHRM. For example, Wright and
(p.298). Bratton and Gold (2003) define strategic human resource management as
“the process of linking the human resource function with the strategic objectives of
the organisation in order to improve performance” (p. 37) and “a managerial process
requiring human resource policies and practices to be linked with the strategic
• A human resource system that “is tailored to the demands of the business
analysis of the business and its context” (Schuler, Jackson, & Storey, 2001:
There are a lot of different labels of SHRM, such as high performance work
practices (Collins & Smith, 2006), High HRM systems (Guest & Hoque, 1994),
(Bae & Lawler, 2000; Wood & de Menezes, 2008), high involvement management
practices (Batt 2002; Bryson, Forth, & Kirby, 2005), system of high involvement
work practices (Guthrie, 2001), and high performance work systems (Combs et al.,
2006; Datta et al., 2005; Evans & Davis, 2005; Guthrie et al., 2009; Way, 2002).
From a systematic perspective, a lot of studies have been conducted to examine the
(Arthur, 1992, 1994; Becker & Gerhart, 1996; Datta et al., 2005; Delery & Doty,
1996; Guthrie et al., 2009; Huselid, 1995; MacDuffie, 1995; Richard & Johnson,
Many authors have attempted to provide more analytical frameworks for SHRM.
Delery and Doty’s (1996) analysis is one of the most prominent studies which
The three different theoretical frameworks of SHRM have received a lot of attention
and many empirical studies have been conducted to test their validity.
The universalistic approach to SHRM argues that some HR practices are always
better than others and suggests that all organisations should adopt these best
practices. As Delery and Doty (1996) wrote, “universalistic arguments are the
simplest form of theoretical statement in the SHRM literature because they imply
that the relationship between a given independent variable and a dependent variable
include Pfeffer (1994), Osterman (1994), Delery and Doty (1996), Guthrie (2001),
which helped organisations to achieve high productivity and profits and gain
competitive advantage. These sixteen best management practices were later reduced
achieve high productivity. They include teams, job rotation, quality circles, and total
quality management.
Empirically, Huselid (1995) examined the link between the use of bundles of high
considerable support for the hypothesis that investments in such high performance
work practices were associated with lower employee turnover and greater
retention and firm productivity while studying the relationship between High-
Guthrie et al. (2009) examined the effectiveness of high performance work systems
for organisational performance using a multi-industry sample of firms operating in
the Republic of Ireland. Their results suggested that greater use of HPWS was
The above research provides strong evidence for the universalistic framework of
SHRM which argues the direct relationship between SHRM and organisational
in improving organisational performance only when they are consistent with other
(Delery & Doty, 1996). In other words, the contingency theory approach of SHRM
strategy. The example studies include Youndt et al. (1996) and Datta et al. (2005).
The study by Youndt et al. (1996) tested and found the support for the moderating
performance. Datta et al. (2005) examined how industry characteristics affect the
relative importance interacting with HPWS. They analysed and found the evidence
for the moderating effects of industry capital intensity, industry growth, industry
differentiation and industry dynamism in the relationship between HPWS and firm
Therefore, the two above studies provide support for the contingency theory
approach of SHRM which proposes the “best fit” approach between HRM and
organisational strategy rather than the “best practices” as advocated in the
practices not only depends on the fit between HRM and the aspects of organisations,
i.e. vertical fit, but also depends on the internal consistency of HR policies or
Wright and Snell (1998) presented a model for exploring fit and flexibility in
strategic human resource management (see Figure 3.1). They considered fit and
both the fit and flexibility. Multifaceted HRM emphasised the idea of “best bundles”.
To achieve the goal of “fit”, as Wright and Snell (1998) suggested, “firms that seek
to increase levels of customer service can develop selection tests, such as role plays
individuals” (p.767).
and Snell (2009). They linked HR practices with organisational learning. They
Figure 3.1 A Fit/Flexibility Model of SHRM
created different types of human capital as generalist and specialist, social capital as
mechanistic as shown in Tables 3.1 to 3.3. Table 3.1 shows that skill-based HR
development system helps to build generalist human capital while job or function-
based HR development systems helps to build specialist human capital. Table 3.2
relations system helps build cooperative social capital. From Table 3.3, it can be
seen that error embracing performance control system helps build organic
organisational capital while error avoiding performance control system helps build
Kang and Snell (2009) identified that the different combination of these forms of
ambidextrous learning which includes both exploration and exploitation. Figure 3.2
and complemented by organic organisational capital facilitates exploration in
exploitation in organisational learning. The dashed lines and complete circles and
lines present two new architectures of intellectual capital found by Kang and Snell
(2009). These are described in Figure 3.3 as refined interpolation and disciplined
ambidextrous learning.
Human capital
Generalist Specialist
Social capital Cooperative
Kang and Snell’s (2009) framework provides strong support for a configurational
achieve different goals, e.g. different types of human capital, social capital and
horizontal fit. The different intellectual capital architectures are actually the
organisational strategic choices, i.e. the vertical fit. This study also recalls Wright
Table 3.1 HR Practices for Human Capital
Human capital Generalist: diverse knowledge of multiple domains Specialist: deep knowledge in a specific domain
Table 3.3 HR Practices for Organisational Capital
Organisational Organic: more loosely connected to precedent, rules, and traditional Mechanistic: standardized processes and structures, detailed routines, and rule
capital expectations about work following cultures
Performance /
Error embracing Error avoiding
control system
Appraisal Develop mental performance appraisal Specific behavioural appraisal systems (e.g. behavioural observation scales)
Evaluation Providing chances to use personal initiatives Behaviour (versus result)-based evaluation and rewards
Source: Kang and Snell (2009).
Figure 3.3 Two Intellectual Capital Architectures
Specialist Generalist
Cooperative Entrepreneurial
Organic Mechanistic
Source: Kang and Snell (2009)
and Snell (1998)’s conclusions that SHRM can achieve both vertical fit and
horizontal fit.
Viewed together, the above research provides support for the configurational
Many researchers in the field of SHRM adopt a systems perspective which focuses
outcomes (Authur, 1994; Huselid, 1995; Guthrie, 2001; Guthrie et al., 2009; Gittell,
Seidner, & Wimbush, 2010; Takeuchi, Lepak, Wang, & Takeuchi, 2007).
As reviewed previously, HPWS is also often used as a label for SHRM. Although
there is no universal agreement on the definition of HPWS due to its wide and
varied usage (Boxall & Macky 2009; Boxall & Purcell 2003), HPWS can be
1998; cited in Data et al., 2005: 136). HPWS involves selective staffing, extensive
than on firms with diverse environments, because within- rather than cross-industry
studies will better allow researchers to identify the firm capabilities necessary for
success” (Collins & Smith 2006: 554). Therefore, the professional service firms
have been chosen as the context within which this research is conducted. The
As outlined in Chapter Two, the inputs and outputs of PSFs are knowledge. The
human resource is the most valuable asset of PSFs as the professional staff members
embed, deliver and apply knowledge. Therefore, human resource management plays
PSFs usually adopt apprenticeships (Morris & Pinnington, 1998). Most professional
staff members have senior supervisors who supervise and monitor their progress.
Every year, many trainees are recruited and become professionally accredited while
they are trained on-the-job. They acquire formal knowledge through training and
them will choose to leave though some will remain. These are usually self-
Efficient monitoring practices for trainees could help PSFs reduce costs and
In PSFs, most employees are revenue producers (Stumpf et al., 2002). However,
partners are found to play a very important role in seeking business and retaining
existing clients (Hitt et al., 2001). During the process of delivering services to
clients, partners serve as managers, as well as key production workers who actively
practice area. Partners are also responsible for a firm’s overall management.
“Partners’ desire for autonomy in the conduct of their professional tasks and
their control of client relationships produce a dispersed distribution of power
within professional firms” (Empson, 2007: 64).
Partners are the most aware of opportunities in their client markets (Hinings et al.,
1991). Usually, each partner looks after some fixed clients. When the partner
establishes the client’s needs, he or she will choose one or several directors at the
senior level who will choose some qualified professionals at the junior level to form
a service or project team. Usually after delivering services to clients, the partner will
go to his or her clients to check if they are happy with the service. This process can
In Figure 3.4, line 1 illustrates a partner discovers clients’ needs. Line 2 shows the
partner forming a project team and line 5 shows delivery of service to clients.
Figure 3.4 How PSFs Deliver Service to Their Clients by Partners
Based on the above analysis of the work process in PSFs, partners are those who
have very good knowledge of their organisation to ensure the success in delivering
monitoring and team utilisation (Gittell et al., 2010; Kraut & Streeter 1995).
Therefore, this study explores how HR practices operates in PSFs through collecting
In the studies on the relationship between HRM and firm performance, two main
research themes concerned with direct and indirect effects have emerged. Some
performance work systems (HPWS) have been found to positively relate to firms’
outcomes in generalized firms especially in manufacturing firms, such as financial
Johnson, 2001), firm productivity (Guthrie, 2001), efficiency, flexibility (Evans &
Davis, 2005), and organisational commitment (Youndt et al., 1996). This research
On the other hand, other researchers contend that that is an indirect relationship
which HPWS affect firm performance. As Becker and Gerhart’s (1996: 793)
The representative studies on the indirect relationship between HRM and firm
performance include Batt (2002), Collins and Clark (2003), Datta et al. (2005),
Gittell et al. (2010), Tackechui et al. (2007), Wright et al. (2001), and Youndt et al.
(1996). This research theme mainly employs the contingency theory and
Table 3.4 summarises findings of studies relating to the direct and indirect
Table 3.4 A Summary of Empirical Studies of HRM on Organisational Performance
Direct Indirect
Study(s) Model test Sample/Method Findings
To explore the effect of USA: 30 of 54 mini-mills in the steel industry,
High commitment HRM systems were associated
Authur human resource systems on survey to HR managers
to higher reported productivity and show lower
(1994) manufacturing performance
reported labour turnover.
and turnover Response rate: 56%
To examine the relationship
High involvement HR practices positively related
between human resource
USA: survey to general managers in call centers. to sales growth and negatively related to
Batt practices, employee quit
employee quit rates. Effect of high involvement
(2002) rates, and organisational
Response rate: 54% HR practices on sales growth was moderated by
performance in the service
market context.
USA: two questionnaires to CEO in 73 high-
To examine the mediating
technology firms to measure and TMT (excluding
Collins & effect of social networks of HR practices were positively associated to firm’s
CEO) to measure social networks and the secondary
Clark top management teams on financial performance. This relationship was
source records to measure financial performance.
(2003) the relationship between mediated by top management team’s networks.
Response rate: participation rate of 35%; internal
HRM and firm performance
response rate of 54%
Meta-analysis of the effect of 92 studies of HRM and organisational performance HPWPs considerably and positively affect
Combs et
HPWS on organisational that examined a total of 19,319 organisations from organisational performance. This relationship is
al. (2006)
performance 1985 to 2005 moderated by firm context.
Table 3.4 A Summary of Empirical Studies of HRM on Organisational Performance (continued)
Direct Indirect
Study(s) Model test Sample/Method Findings
To test which mode of USA: two questionnaires to senior HR manager and
HR practice performance appraisal, profit sharing
Delery & SHRM, universalistic, president in 1050 banks.
and employment security were found directly and
Doty contingency and
positively associated to organisational
(1996) configurational, is theoretical Response rate: 21% from HR manager and 53%
foundation of SHRM. from president, 11% in total
Table 3.4 A Summary of Empirical Studies of HRM on Organisational Performance (continued)
Direct Indirect
Study(s) Model test Sample/Method Findings
USA: questionnaire to HR manager in 406 Banks in
The link between SHRM
Richard & California and Kentucky and the secondary data
effectiveness and Firms with higher levels of SHRM effectiveness
Johnson information sources
organisational level experience performance gains.
Response rate: 23%
To eexamine the mediating
roles of collective human Japan: two surveys to employees and managers in
Tackechui Collective human capital and the degree of social
capital, and social exchange 76 Japanese establishments.
et al. exchange mediated the relationship between
in the link between HPWS
(2007) HPWS and relative establishment performance.
and organisational Participation rate: 47%
To distinguish between high
involvement management as
UK: adopt the result of WERS98 and a structured HR practices were critical for productivity.
Wood & a set of complementary best
interview with the senior manager responsible in Different HR practices had different effect on
de practices, as a set of
2191 workplaces with 10 or more employees across different organisational performance. For
Menezes synergistic practices, and as
the whole British economy. example, job security was found as the only
(2008) an underlying orientation or
practice associated with reduced labour turnover.
philosophy to affect
organisational performance
To examine two alternative Two round questionnaires: 1st to general manager to
views-universal and ask HR and performance, and 2nd to all managers to
Dean & HR systems as a set were significantly related to
contingency-of HR and ask the strategy.
Lepak customer alignment and employee productivity
performance relationship in
manufacturing context Response rate: 31%
3.2.6 Summary
This section has presented the definition and three approaches to SHRM, and the
relationship is not necessarily a direct one and many scholars call for deeper and
more theoretical approaches to understand how and why high performance work
systems (HPWS) affect firm performance (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004; Combs et al.,
2006; Delery & Shaw, 2001), especially in service organisations (Combs et al.,
2006). The next section will review the resource based view of the firm and the
This section reviews the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) and its application
in SHRM. In particularly, three resources in PSFs are identified, i.e. human capital,
social capital and organisational capital. Combining SHRM and the RBV, the
mediating roles of the three capital resources are found. This is followed by a
3.3.1 Definition
The resource-based view of firm argues that a firm’s competitive advantage lies
that a firm already has (Barney, 1991; Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt, 1984). These
include tangible and intangible resources. The key resources of firms must meet the
(Barney, 1991). Only the firms that have superior resources and protect them from
The knowledge based theory (KBT) is built upon the resource-based view of the
firm (Alavi & Leidner 2001; Grant, 1996a, 1996b). Although the resource-based
competitive advantage, it “does not go far enough”. Specifically, the RBV treats
knowledge, as the most strategically significant resource of the firm (Grant, 1996a,
1996b; Nonaka & Takeuchi 1995; Spender, 1996). This knowledge is embedded and
There are two types of knowledge: explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge (Berry,
1997; Nonaka, 1994; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Polanyi, 1958, 1966). Tacit
The knowledge-based theory argues that knowledge-based resources can build long-
complex, heterogeneous knowledge bases and capabilities among firms are the
performance” (p.108).
RBV has been widely used and has become a presumed paradigm in SHRM
research (Paauwe, 2004). It shifts the emphasis of SHRM from external factors, i.e.
Hitt, Wan, & Yiu, 1999). Therefore, it has been used as a theory base in many
empirical studies to examine how HRM practices can impact firm performance
(Boxall & Purcell, 2000; Guthrie et al., 2009; Wood & de Menezes, 2008; Wright et
al., 2001). “A knowledge-based perspective of the firm has emerged in the strategic
management literature” (Cole, 1998; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Spender, 1996a,
research. One of the most distinctive theoretical studies was conducted by Wright et
al. (2001). They explain that SHRM forms organisational core competencies
Greenwood et al. 2005; Maister, 1993). Based on the RBV and KBT, three
resources within PSFs were identified to embed the required knowledge in Chapter
2. They are human capital, social capital, and organisational capital. Human
resource constitutes the critical asset of PSFs. Therefore, this study investigates how
to build the resources through human resource management practices systems. This
study also aims to discover how to use these resources at the firm level to help PSFs
The SHRM literature argues that the use of HPWS will have a positive impact of
firm performance (Arthur, 1992, 1994; Collins and Clark 2003; Huselid 1995;
Youndt et al. 1996). This impact may often be indirect (Batt, 2002; Collins & Clark,
2003; Datta et al., 2005; Gittell et al., 2010; Tackechui et al., 2007; Wright et al.,
2001; Youndt et al., 1996). The resource-based view of the firm (RBV) argues that a
imitable, and non-substitutable resources that a firm already has (Barney, 1991;
Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt, 1984). The intangible resources are more likely to
produce a competitive advantage because they are often rare and socially complex,
thereby making them difficult to imitate (Barney 2001; Black & Boal 1994; Itami,
significant resource of the firm (Grant, 1996a, 1996b). This knowledge is embedded
Based on the resource-based view of the firm, knowledge-based theory and strategic
human resource management, the literature suggests three pathways through which
HPWS influence firm performance. They are the human capital, social capital and
organisational capital pathways (Kang & Snell, 2007). This literature is now
Human capital refers to the stock of skills and knowledge embodied in individuals
(Becker, 1964; O’Sullivan & Sheffrin, 1998), which can be built through education
There are some scholars who have found that a HPWS affects firm performance by
improving employees’ human capital. For example, Guest (1997) indicated that
SHRM improved firm performance by improving the quality of employees, i.e. their
skills and abilities. Snell and Dean (1992) argued that human resource management
skills, experience and knowledge. Wright et al. (2001) asserted that HPWS
human capital pool which is not easily imitated by its competitor in a given time.
Becker and Gerhart (1996) explained that human resource activities contributed to
highly skilled workforce would help firms to achieve higher financial performance.
can be used to produce high quality professional services for clients (Hitt et al.,
2001; Hitt et al., 2006; Pennings, Lee & Van Witteloostuijn, 1998).
Human capital is a very important asset of PSFs (Hitt et al., 2001; Morris & Snell,
2008). Higher human capital means more expertise knowledge embedded in highly
signalling that the professional service firm has the potential to provide more
efficient solutions for its clients. The clients may prefer to choose the PSF with
higher human capital since they believe that smarter people will provide better
solutions when other conditions are the same. PSFs achieve high human capital by
recruiting graduates from top institutions who have potentially better learning
capability (Hitt et al., 2001). In addition, extensive training programmes can help to
build human capital as most people want to learn more and are interested in
opportunities that develop personal skills. So higher human capital also helps PSFs
To build high human capital, PSFs need to identify, attract and retain superior
Thus this study proposes that HPWS improves firm performance by improving
H1: PSF’s human capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and
firm performance.
individuals (Coleman, 1988; Bourdieu; 1985; Burt, 1992; Putnam, 1993; Nahapiet
There is some research which has found that many human resource management
practices have a significant role to play in creating social capital. For example,
Wright et al. (2001) argued that HPWS affected firm performance in many different
ways and give an example that “… these [human resource management] systems
knowledge sharing, and teamwork” (p.710). Bowen and Ostroff (2004) identified
in Bowen and Ostroff (2004) came from psychology and was defined as “is a shared
and Ostroff’s (2004) research provides support for the mediating role of social
Leana and van Buren (1999) stated that employment practices fostered
organisational internal social capital and then organisational internal social capital
created value for firms. In other words, organisational social capital mediated the
Organisational outcomes
They also indicated that employment practices could also reduce organisational
internal social capital. However the issue of what employment practices reduce
Evans and Davis (2005) studied the mediating role of the internal social structure
between high performance work systems and organisational performance and built a
framework to show that the human resource practices that enhance organisational
internal social structure will create organisational internal social capital and then
Empirically, Collins and Clark (2003) tested and found support for the mediating
role of social capital between HR practices and firm performance in high technology
firms. In addition, Gittell et al. (2010) provided one of the best empirical tests to
Figure 3.6 Expanded Framework of HPWS and Organisational Performance
communication and relationships carried out for the purpose of task integration”
(Gittell 2002a, p. 301). Gittell et al. (2010) tested their hypotheses among a sample
from nine hospitals where the administrators were interviewed on the high-
performance work systems, the care providers completed the survey on relational
coordination, the patients answered the questions on the quality of care, and the
hospital records were reviewed to measure the efficiency of care. Their results
provided the support for the argument that the impact of high-performance work
systems on organisational outcomes was mediated by the relational coordination
among employees.
Although the above research provides support that social capital mediates the
relationship between HR practices and organisational outcomes, there are still some
gaps. First of all, their contexts include high technology firms and hospitals which
are knowledge-intensive but not professional service firms which are knowledge-
intensive but differ from the above firms. Secondly, Collins and Clark (2003) only
focused on the top management team members without considering the relationships
between employees and managers. Gittell et al. (2010) only analysed the employee-
considering the external social capital, i.e. the relationships between employees and
their clients. Both the studies overlook the mediating role of general social capital
especially the external social capital through which HR practices influence firm
performance. Therefore, this study investigates both the internal and external social
capital at firm level to illustrate the three pathways through which HPWS work.
In this study, PSFs’ social capital is defined as the knowledge embedded in the
social capital, PSFs could provide training programs for improving professionals’
pay and bonus sharing plans, and open vertical and horizontal communication
channels for professionals sharing and exchanging knowledge within the firm
through employee suggestion forums. To build external social capital, PSFs could
provide professionals with external training opportunities, and reimburse them for
In PSFs, social capital plays an important role in two ways. On one hand, the
relationships between PSFs and clients, i.e., external social capital, help PSFs to
attract and retain clients. The service delivered by PSFs suffers from an “opaque
quality” (von Nordenflycht, 2010) mainly because the PSFs inputs and outputs are
intangible and the clients can not evaluate the quality of service before they receive
it. When choosing a service provider, the clients usually choose the service provider
who has a relationship with them all other things being equal (Alvesson, 2001;
Pennings et al., 1998). Pennings et al. (1998) defined a firm’s social capital as the
ties between professionals and their potential clients and found that a firm’s human
and social capital has great influence on firm dissolution in PSFs. Their study shows
competitive advantage. On the other hand, the capital embedded in the internal
relationships among professionals within the firm, i.e., internal social capital, can
help PSFs deploy teams, coordinate tasks and communicate within the firm
Based on the above analysis, this study proposes that the PSFs’ social capital
H2: PSF’s social capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and
firm performance.
54 The Mediating Role of Organisational Capital
Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005) and is the result of integrating and combining
preserved over time (Daft & Weick, 1984). Organisational capital is a source of
organisational competitive advantage (Kang & Snell, 2007; Teece, 2000; Teece et
al., 1997).
Some scholars propose that HR practices affect firm performance through building
and Frink (1998) point out that HR practices affected organisational effectiveness by
employees can use to accomplish their work. In addition, Wright et al. (2001)
suggested that HPWS might play a role in creating organisational cultures and
shared organisational knowledge which enables a firm to form and maintain its core
competencies. Their work indicated that HR practices might affect firm performance
Scarbrough, & Swan, 2003). The organisational routines in PSFs are informal work
practices which are formed by professionals during their team work (Morris, 2001).
Some large PSFs build their own databases and systems which store individual
experience and knowledge (Suddaby & Greenwood, 2005), which are often called
knowledge centres (Moore & Birkinshaw, 1998). The professionals in the firm can
access them and draw on previous experience. The databases and systems provide
support for professionals to reuse and exploit existing knowledge. Most PSFs have
flat organisational structures (Greenwood et al., 1990; Stumpf et al., 2002) which
knowledge creation, sharing, combination and exchange (Morris & Snell, 2008).
professionals’ image and identity (Empson, 2001) which play an important role in
through staffing, training, and performance control (Kang & Snell, 2009; Youndt et
al., 2004). In detail, when recruiting new people, the fit between candidates’
process, it is not only the professional knowledge but also the organisational
databases and systems and the shared values among the firm that need to be
explore new knowledge. This will form organic organisational capital which
involves “the simple and enacted routines, structures, and cultures … [that] provides
opportunities and autonomy for individuals and groups to experiment with both the
way they work and the way they organize that work” (Kang & Snell, 2009: 70-71).
The organisations also can choose to avoid errors to encourage employees only
exploit existing knowledge. This will form mechanistic organisational capital which
involves “the standardized processes and structures, detailed routines, and rule …
3.3.6 Summary
This section reviewed the resource-based view of the firm and its application in
strategic human resource management research. Based on the literature and the
resources in PSFs were identified as human capital, social capital and organisational
capital. Then the research on the mediating roles of the three capital resources in the
relationship between high performance work systems and firm performance was
performance. The following section will review the dynamic capabilities theory
(Teece et al., 1997) and its application in PSFs to provide the arguments on the link
of resources-uses-performance.
The dynamic capabilities theory (Eisenhardt & Martin 2000; Helfat et al. 2007;
Teece & Pisano, 1994; Teece et al., 1997) argues that firms not only compete on
their existing resources but also compete on their capabilities to exploit and explore
the resources.
This section presents the concept of dynamic capabilities and its application in
professional service firms. Based on the dynamic capabilities theory (Eisenhardt &
Martin 2000; Helfat et al. 2007; Teece & Pisano, 1994; Teece et al., 1997), this
resources and firm performance. The uses of resources describe how resources are
developed, how they are integrated within the firm, and how they are released. The
effective use of resources, for example, will help a professional service firm to
balance their investments in exploring new ideas, products and services and later
The concept of dynamic capabilities was introduced by Teece and Pisano (1994)
and Teece et al. (1997). They asserted that in a dynamic environment a firm’s
competitive advantage would rest on the firm’s internal processes and routines that
enable the firm to renew and develop their resources to enable the firm to deliver
“the firm’s ability to integrate, build and reconfigure internal and external
competences to address rapidly changing environments.”
“The firm’s processes that use resources-specifically the processes to
integrate, reconfigure, gain and release resources-to match and even create
market change.” (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000: 1107).
competitiveness in firms that have similar resource bases. These drivers include:
integrating, combining and developing the resource bases according to the firm’s
strategic options.
The resource-based view of the firm argues that a firm’s competitive advantage lies
that a firm already has (Barney, 1991; Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt, 1984). However,
the creation of value (Barney & Arikan, 2001; Priem & Butler, 2001; Sirmon et al.,
2007). For example, Porter (1991) commented that “resources are not valuable in
and of themselves, but they are valuable because they allow firms to perform
The “resources can only be a source of competitive advantage if they are used to ‘do
something;’ i.e., if those resources are exploited through business processes (Ray,
The dynamic capabilities theory considers how resources are developed, how they
are integrated within the firm, and how they are released. This process is omitted in
the resource-based view of the firm. Therefore, the dynamic capabilities theory
attempts to bridge these gaps between resources and firm performance by adopting a
process approach.
While the resource-based view of the firm emphasises the importance of resources,
including the creation and selection of resources, the dynamic capabilities theory
links the resources to firm performance. Empirically, Ray et al. (2004) provided
support for the dynamic capabilities approach linking resources and performance.
They conducted their research to explore the relationships between resources and
firm performance in a call centre. The resources were social climate, managerial IT
retention ratio and complaints ratio. Their results show that social climate and
unit level. They claimed that the “uses” of resources enabled resources to become a
However, they did not answer the question of how to use these resources empirically.
The next section will identify the effective uses of the resources in PSFs, i.e. the
competitive advantage. Knowledge management has been considered as an
(re)combination, and knowledge use. The dynamic capabilities and the associated
knowledge management activities create flows to and from the firm’s stock of
knowledge and they support the creation and use of organisational capabilities.
Some studies have investigated the relationship between resources and dynamic
capabilities. For example, Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) suggested that social capital
integrating, recombining and releasing internal and external resources. Coff and
capabilities and rent appropriations. They claimed that social capital played a central
recombining and releasing of internal and external resources. They also mentioned
capital) are elements required to build firms’ dynamic capabilities. In the second
half of their paper, they argued that the person who had higher social capital would
While social capital facilitates building dynamic capabilities, human capital does so
as well. Human capital builds reputations for firms and then attracts new clients. It
also integrates, recombines and releases resources through being leveraged in PSFs.
solution to clients. During this process, partners usually release their tacit
knowledge to juniors.
Uses of these resources are similar to uses of the knowledge which is embedded in
systems. They are human capital, social capital and organisational capital as
mentioned in previous sections. There are two approaches using this knowledge or
resources (Kang & Snell, 2009; Lavie et al., 2010; March 1991). One focuses on
how to reuse or replicate existing knowledge, i.e., exploitation. The other one
focuses on how to generate new knowledge, i.e., exploration. The effective use of
resources may help a PSF balance the effective exploitation of existing resources
with the exploration of knowledge to create new capabilities. The following matrix
shows how PSFs create value by exploiting and exploring existing resources.
The matrix in Figure 3.8 shows that the exploration of resources in PSFs is designed
to deliver new products or services to new clients and to deliver new products or
services to old clients. It also shows that the exploitation of resources in PSFs is to
deliver existing services or products to the existing clients or new clients as there is
human capital to invent new products or services and the social capital to attract
new clients and new business and the organic organisational capital (Kang & Snell,
Figure 3.7 Exploitation and Exploration in PSFs
New Product / Service
Exploration Exploration
Exploitation Exploitation
2009) that facilitate this delivery. The exploitation process needs to reuse or refine
the existing products or services and existing clients, which requires the use
mechanistic organisational capital (Kang & Snell, 2009) to facilitate this delivery.
To illustrate exploration and exploitation in more detail, this study proposes the
concept of uses which indicate the management mechanisms of PSFs. The uses
The addition of uses into the mediational model of resources and firm performance
processes of 317 firms across a wide range of consumer, industrial, service and
networking, as well as internal and external acquisition. They measured uses as the
evaluation rather than a real “use” of resources. Therefore, their study is limited in
the single resource (social capital) and the measurements of uses. In addition, they
tested their model in different context which overlooked the influence of industry
There is some research which investigates how human capital, social capital and
Snell 2009) and innovation (Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005) directly. These studies
have found support for the significant and positive association between the
With regard to the mediators between resources and firm performance, some
mediates the relationship between resources and firm performance. For example,
Smith, Collins and Clark (2005) investigated the mediation of knowledge creation
including number of contacts, range of contacts and strength of ties (similar to social
capital in this study), and organisational climate for risk taking and teamwork
(similar to organisational capital in this study) and innovation. They found empirical
support for these mediational models in the context of high technology firms. Yli-
Renko, Autio and Sapienza (2001) provided empirical evidence for the mediating
role of knowledge acquisition in their investigation of the relationship between
Collins and Smith’s (2006) study which examined the causal chain from HR
identified in this study. They are communication, coordination, monitoring and team
utilisation (Gittell et al., 2010; Greenwood et al., 2005; Greenwood et al., 2007;
With a high degree of human capital, social capital, and organisational capital, a
professional service firm can “redeploy its employees easily and quickly” (Jin,
Hopkins, & Wittmer, 2010: 943) since employees will be capable of adapting to
new jobs quickly and work well with new and existing co-workers and clients.
Efficient organisational capital can also allow and facilitate redeployment through
The uses of resources means exploiting and exploring the knowledge embedded in
databases. It is through the uses of resources that professional service firms are able
create value from the resources. As described earlier, PSFs’ work is project or
professionals to form a team to solve client’s problems. The team forms the basic
unit of work in the professional service firm, and team management is vital for the
First, PSFs need to deploy the team and coordinate tasks efficiently. The dynamic
global economic environment accelerates PSFs’ working speed (Morris et al., 2007;
Teece, 2003). Usually the customers’ assignments are much more compressed in
terms of time (Morris et al., 2007). The PSFs have to compress their work into a
much shorter time frame. As in Morris et al. (2007)’s study, a partner from a
consulting firm said “… [we need to] compress six months work into a three week
assignment” (p.20).
communication among them is very important to accomplish the work. They need to
exchange their opinions, and to create solutions through teamwork to meet the
Since professionals need to work together, the communication among them is very
important to accomplish the work. They need to exchange their opinions, create
Memory Theory which proposes that individual members can serve as external
human capital and social capital during the creation of new knowledge.
As discussed in the previous sections, most professional staff have senior
supervisors who supervise and others monitor their progress. Monitoring (Teece,
Based on the above review and analysis, this study proposes that the uses of
resource mediate the positive relationship between resource and firm performance
as follows:
H4. PSF’s uses mediate the relationship between its human capital and
firm performance.
H5. PSF’s uses mediate the relationship between its social capital and firm
H6. PSF’s uses mediate the relationship between its organisational capital
3.4.6 Summary
This section presented the theory of dynamic capabilities to better understand the
value chain which links HR practices, resources and uses to firm performance. Four
monitoring and team utilisation. The hypotheses were proposed for the mediational
effects of the uses of the resources in understanding the relationship between PSFs’
3.6 Summary
This chapter presented the theoretical base for the research model proposed in this
resource-based view of the firm, dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based theory,
are not completely separate. They can be applied together to explain how and why
HPWS affects firm performance. This chapter reviewed literature and the practices
in PSFs and then proposed the hypotheses which answered the above question
theoretically. Based on the literature, three potential mediators between HPWS and
firm performance were identified as resources which include human capital, social
coordination, monitoring and team utilisation. This chapter also provided the origins
4.1 Introduction
This chapter first explores the philosophical basis of the research methodology that
provides the support for survey-based research. It then provides a description of the
whole research process. It also presents the details on sampling and survey design.
(2007) Tailored Design Method. Finally, all the variable measurements in the survey
“All research is based on assumptions about how the world is perceived and how we
can best come to understand it” (Uddin & Hamiduzzaman, 2009: 658). It is
therefore very important to understand the philosophy of research for two main
reasons (Hughes & Sharrock, 1997). First, the exploration of philosophy encourages
“in-depth thinking, and generates further questions in relation to the topic under
A main philosophy in social research is positivism. The term positivism was first
other subjects of scientific enquiry and social laws and theories could be on the
basis of psychology and biology” (Walliman, 2005: 203). In other words, real
1853). The facts of reality can be verified through observation and examination
clear quantitative approach to investigate the real world and it has a number of
advantages. First, the quantitative approach allows the comparison between groups,
locations and times which can be measured for difference. Second, the positivist
approach attempts to identify causal mechanisms in the real world which helps to
predict other phenomena. It means that researching a small group can give a reliable
indication of the views of a larger population. The third advantage of the positivist
collection of large amounts of data, and clear theoretical focus (Saunders, Lewis, &
Thornhill, 2007). It can be argued that this focus on measurement can lead to major
flaws. It is argued by critics that the positivist approach does not “provide the means
to examine human beings and their behaviours in an in-depth way” (Crossan, 2003:
critiques against positivism (Popper, 1959) and assumes that “reality is multiple,
the post-positivism approach does not reject positivism but refines it to meet these
Although there is criticism against positivism, it has a lot of advantages listed above
and is widely used in social science. In most of the research in social research,
especially studies that are concerned with investigating the HRM-firm performance
link, surveys are frequently used, e.g. Arthur (1994), Becker and Gerhart (1996),
Datta et al. (2005), Delery and Doty (1996); Gittell et al. (2010), Guthrie (2001),
Guthrie et al. (2009), Huselid (1995), MacDuffie (1995), Richard and Johnson
(2001), Takeuchi et al. (2007) and Youndt et al. (1996). Aligned with the
mainly uses a positivist approach. Following three exploratory interviews, pilot tests
refine the instrument. The survey-based method was employed to collect data which
was then analysed allowing propositions to be tested. The findings based on the
survey data are discussed. By doing so, it allows for comparisons between the
findings in the present study and the previous findings. Moreover, this approach
allows the investigator to test the role of intervening variables in the HRM-firm
performance link and to statistically control for variables such as firm size.
accounting firms were chosen in this study. To better understand the Irish
the managing partners and HR senior director in a large accounting firm. The topics
Appendix C). Following these interviews, a survey was conducted. During the
survey design, the researcher piloted it with many experts in different areas to
improve the face validity and content validity of the survey. Then Dillman’s (2007)
Tailored Design Method was employed to conduct the survey. Letters or emails
were sent to the respondents who omitted some questions for missing information.
Figure 4.1 presents a flow chart of the data collection process in detail.
4.4 Sampling
Most of the Irish accounting firms are small and medium sized. To avoid the firms
are too small in size to have a HPWS, the accounting firms with 3 or more partners
or 5 or more employees were chosen as the sample. These criteria were based on the
pilot study. Since there was no single database which could provide comprehensive
There are mainly six databases which include information regarding Irish
accounting firms. They are: Business World Top 1000 Professional Firms,
Business World Top 1000 Professional Firms: This is a database which contains
Figure 4.1 The Data Collection Process
recruitment agencies, solicitors, etc). The number of employees is the
financial information.
openly and in the public interest. It has firm information for 1130
firms with 3 or more partners. It provides all of the partners’ names and
accountancy body in Ireland and has over 18,000 members and 6,500
ownership and management for the largest 2.6 million UK and Irish
information on some firms’ financial performance and on the number of
provides the websites of the firms and also a short introduction to some
Kompass Directory: This includes contact details and some basic company
it does not provide financial information and provides only the number of
In addition, the local magazines such as Accountancy Ireland and Finance Dublin
Table 4.1 shows the basic information distribution of the above databases.
Based on the above analysis of the databases, the final sample was set up as follows.
• Step 1: Select the accounting firms with 5 or more employees from the
• Step 2: Select the accounting firms with 3 or more partners from the
Table 4.1 Different Databases for Collecting Respondents’ Contact Information
No. of firms Contact person
Mailing Financial Number.
Databases Tel/Fax Website Partners HR
Total Specify address information employees
/principals Director
243 with >= 5 Some
Top 1000 Professional Firms
1130 with >= 3 Some
100 100
89 n/a
1322 with >= 11 Some Some Some
• Step 4: Select the accounting firms from Chartered Accountants Ireland (n
= 100).
• Step 6: Check internet and collect more information from firm websites if
To avoid single-rater bias (Gerhart, Wright, McMahan & Snell 2000), two
respondents from each unit were chosen to post the surveys to. Among the 274 firms,
all the firms had address information. 202 firms had two contacts including 161
firms with emails. 70 firms just had only one contact including 19 firms with emails
(see Table 4.2). Because accounting firms are different from other traditional firms,
firm with 3 partners and 18 employees, the managing partner answered “I have HR
information. For these small and medium sized firms, two copies of the
161 59 (40)
41 15 14
19 7
53 19
4.5 Questionnaire
The main source of the data used in this dissertation was the Survey of Accounting
questions, and some objective continuous data such as revenue. It was clearly
structured and professionally designed. More importantly, it had been pilot studied
and the survey itself will be described in more detail in the following sections.
For creating a suitable and valid questionnaire to measure the HPWS in accounting
firms with different sizes, the investigator firstly formed a list all of the HR practices
shown in the representative literature in HPWS and firm performance link (Collins
and Smith, 2005; Data et al., 2005; Guthrie, 2001; Huselid, 1995; Takeuchi et al.,
2007). Then two experienced accounting lecturers based at DCU were invited to tick
the practices which were used by Irish accounting firms with small, medium and
large firm sizes. Both lecturers worked in accounting firms before joining the
university and are perfectly active researchers in accounting firms in Ireland. One
worked in a large accounting firm and the other worked in a medium size
accounting firm.
The reason for this preliminary work is that most of research on HRM is based in
general manufacturing firms and some HR practices may not be suitable for
accounting firms, especially for the accounting firms of a small or medium size. The
results are shown in Appendix D. The results show that most of firms are using HR
practices such as employment tests, especially skill tests, internal promotions, task
At the same time, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with the
accounting firms to understand and explore the context. This accounting firm has
more than 100 partners and over 2,100 employees. Each interview lasted about one
hour. The topics addressed include human resource management, the vital resources
the workforce and 2) the relationships between professional staff and clients and
those relationships among the professional staff. They also regarded communication,
The above exploratory study is critically important, not only for a better
understanding of the Irish accounting context, but also for creating a valid and
The Survey of Accounting Firms 2010 (Appendix G) covered nine key areas that
covered all the interests of the broader research project. These included
• Section 1: Background
• Section 3: Human Capital and Social Capital in Your Organisation
To improve the validity of the survey (Robson, 2002), the questionnaire was pilot
tested by many experts from different areas. For example, the academic experts in
The statistical advice was obtained from the experts in survey design area. In
addition, the academics and practitioners in accounting helped to re-word the survey
items to reflect the unit level and using the language in accounting profession such
After setting up the sample and finishing the pilot study, Dillman’s (2007) Tailored
Design Method was employed to conduct the survey. This method consists of five
steps which include invitation letter, cover letter with questionnaire, thank you and
reminder postcard, letter with the first replacement of questionnaire, and final letter
Invitation letter
Four weeks later, a postcard (Appendix H) was sent out to thank the
filled in the online survey. The postcard was also sent to remind the
was sent out to the respondents who had not completed it.
Eight weeks later, the final letter with the second replacement of the
questionnaire was sent out to the respondents who had not completed
the data provided by them. They were also promised a customised report (Appendix
I) which would help to position their practice and a summary industry report
(Appendix J).
The managing partners and the HR managers returned their surveys independently.
During the process, if some respondent missed some questions, a letter or email was
sent to him or her to request the missing information (Appendix K). Considering
This section describes how the variables were measured in this study. They include
performance and innovation, and control variables as firm size and firm age.
To help ensure the survey’s validity, most of the items except monitoring and team
utilisation were adopted from measures that had been used in previous studies.
4.7.1 HPWS
Considering the characteristics of PSFs, sixteen items were adopted from Huselid
(1995) and Datta et al. (2005). These items covered HR practices including: staffing,
and training and development. An example item is, “Please estimate what
test (e.g. skills tests) prior to hiring with respect to all of the professional staff in
Since HPWS is mostly used as an index (Batt, 2002; Guthrie, 2001; Guthrie et al.,
2009), the Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for this sixteen-item HPWS scale and it
was .73 which was above the cut-off point of .70 (Nunnaly, 1978). This shows the
4.7.2 Resources
The resources as human capital, social capital and organisational capital were
mainly adopted from Youndt et al. (2004) and Subraman and Youndt (2005). All of
the measures use a seven-point Likert scale varying from 1 = strongly disagree to 7
= strongly agree. The respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement
Human Capital. Five items from Youndt et al. (2004) and Subraman and Youndt
(2005)’s were adopted. They included: “Our professional staff are highly skilled”,
“Our professional staff are widely considered to be the best in the accounting
industry”, “Our professional staff are creative and bright”, “Our professional staff
are experts in their particular jobs and functions”, and “Our professional staff
develop new ideas and knowledge”. One item which emerges from the exploratory
interviews was added: “Our professional staff are up to date on relevant new
Social Capital. Five items from Youndt et al. (2004) and Subraman and Youndt
(2005) were adopted. They included: “Our professional staff are skilled at
collaborating with each other to diagnose and solve problems”, “Our professional
staff share information and learn from one another”, “Our professional staff interact
and exchange ideas with people from different functional areas of the organisation.”,
“Our professional staff partner with clients to develop solutions”, and “Our
professional staff apply knowledge from one area of the organisation to problems
and opportunities that arise in another”. One item was added for measuring the
external social capital. It is that “Our professional staff develop and maintain good
Organisational Capital. Three items in Youndt et al. (2004) and Subraman and
Youndt (2005) were adopted . They included: “The databases are used as a way to
store knowledge”, “The culture (stories, rituals and symbols) contains valuable ideas
contained in manuals, databases, structures and processes”, Another four items were
organisational processes, routines and structure. They included: “The processes are
each other”, “The routines encourage employees to know about the whole
Because of the additional items for the resource variables, an exploratory factor
analysis was conducted first to examine their factor structure. To test the convergent
A principal axis factor analysis using oblique rotation was performed. The results
are shown in Appendix L. The nineteen items loaded on to three factors with factor
3 One item in Youndt et al. (2004) and Subraman and Youndt (2005)’s was not adopted as “Our
organisation uses patents and licenses as a way to store knowledge”. This is because the
accounting context does not use patents.
loadings of .54 or above . The factor of human capital explained 42.41% of the
variance, with an eigenvalue of 8.06. The factor of social capital explained 7.18% of
The human capital, social capital and organisational capital also had high internal
consistency with Cronbach’s alphas of .86, .88, and .89 respectively which were
comparable to the ones obtained by Youndt et al. (2004) (0.81, 0.88, and 0.62
Using Amos 7.0, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to the
model showed a good model fit since it had chi-square less than five times their
degrees of freedom (χ2/df = 306.05/132 = 2.32), the Comparative Fit Index (CFI,
Bentler, 1990) was .90 (p = .00) which is acceptable according to Bentler and
Bonnett (1980) and RMSEA was .08 which is smaller than the cut-off point .10
(Browne & Cudeck, 1993). All of the three factors had very high reliability with
Cronbach’s alpha above .86 which was above the suggested value of .70. Thus, it is
concluded that the measures for resources were valid and internally consistent.
4.7.3 Uses
Communication. Three items were adopted from Gittell et al. (2010) and reworded
to reflect the unit/firm level analysis by changing the focus of the items to the unit
4 One item of “Professional staff develop new ideas and knowledge” had cross-loadings on human
capital (.44) and social capital (.48) and thus dropped.
level. For example, the respondents were asked “how often do employees on
management in a timely way about the status of the project?” Respondents answered
Coordination. Seven items were adopted from Kraut and Streeter (1995). The
respondents were asked “to what extent does your organisational engage in the
following items, e.g. formal policies and procedures for coordinating the team’s
Monitoring. Three items were created based on Teece (2003). The respondents
were asked to what extent they agree with the items. These three items are, “There
ideas and developments”; and “There are mechanisms in place to assist employees
adjust their approach if they find their efforts are taking them down the wrong path”.
Team utilisation. Four items were created based on Teece (2003). The respondents
were asked to what extent they agree with the items. These four items were: “Newly
formed teams quickly establish a good understanding of each others’ talents and
skills”; “Teams are formed on the basis of an understanding of people's skills and
abilities”; “Teams can be formed quickly as required”; and “Teams are continuously
Respondents answered on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = strongly
Since these measures of uses included adopted items and newly created ones, a
principal axis factor analysis using oblique rotation was performed to check the
structure, which accounted for 76.28% of variance with the preliminary factor
8.66% of the variance, with an eigenvalue of 1.39. The factor of team utilisation
coordination, monitoring and team utilisation also had high internal consistency
Firm performance was assessed using both objective and subjective measures. The
objective one was productivity and the subjective ones were the self-reported
reported performance measures (e.g., Chuang & Liao 2010; Delaney & Huselid
1996; Liao, Toya, Lepak, & Hong, 2009; Sun, Aryee, & Law, 2007; Takeuchi et al.,
2007; Youndt et al., 1996), there have been concerns regarding their use. This is
measurement errors and common method bias (this issue will be addressed in detail
in Chapter 5).
There are mainly three reasons for using the self-reported comparative firm
participate than the method of directly asking respondents to provide exact figures
objective measures. Empirically, Wall et al. (2004) found that subjective and
performance and their revenue were both significant, t=.197, p=.034 and t=.248,
p=.007 respectively, which indicates that the subjective performance measures were
The above analysis reveals the appropriateness of the objective and subjective firm
staff. The revenue data was aggregated from the respondents’ data and the public
data since there was strong agreement between the data from these sources. The
respondents were asked to estimate the fee income for their firm/unit for the most
recent year (€ million). Information on firm size was collected from public
databases such as Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board, Businessworld Top
items were adopted from Delaney and Huselid (1996). Respondents were asked to
point Likert-type scale, varying from 1 = much worse to 7 = much better. Since all
of the items were adopted and found to be valid, the reliabilities for relative
were both .84. These were comparable to the ones obtained by Delaney and Huselid
(1996) (alpha = .86 for relative organisational performance and .85 for the relative
market performance).
Innovation. Nine items were adopted from Janseen (2001, 2005). The respondents
were asked “How often do employees on average engage in the behaviors listed
below, e.g. creating new ideas for difficult issues”. The respondents answered from
innovation. However, in the pilot study, the experts from HR and accountancy
understood them as measuring the same thing. Therefore, a principal axis factor
analysis using oblique rotation of the items was conducted to check the factor
structure. All of the nine items had factor loadings of .72 or above on a single factor,
and this factor explained 75.99% of variance, with an enginvalue of 6.84. These
factor loadings are shown in Appendix N. The nine-item scale had a reliability
of .96.
4.7.5 Control Variables
Firm size. Firm size was included because it might be associated with the use of
HPWS as well as revenue, productivity (Datta et al. 2005), and innovation. The HR
practices and the resources of the large firms are different from the small and
medium firms. For example, the large accounting firms will have a system of HR
practices while small firms may only have some informal HR practices. Therefore,
firm size was considered as control variable. The objective number of professional
staff was mostly derived from public databases such as IndexIreland, Chartered
Firm age. Similar to Guthrie et al. (2009), firm age was included to control for “any
advantages associated with increased time for the evolution or adoption of HPWS or
differences in our outcome measures” (Guthrie et al. 2009: 118). The logarithm of
the firm age was used to normalise the firm age. The firm age was calculated as
“2010 – the established year” and respondents were asked to indicate the established
4.8 Summary
This chapter first explored the importance of understanding research philology for
conducting research and reviewed the advantage and flaws for positivism which
claimed for the quantitative approach in social science. Similar to the previous
research, this study adopted mainly survey-based method to collection data to test
the proposed model in this study. This chapter then described the processes in detail
for selecting sample firms. The pilot study and how to conduct the survey were
reviewed. The methods used to measure the variables selected in the model were
also described. In addition, the validity and reliability of these measures were
provided. In the next chapter, the data will be analysed and the results will be
5.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a detailed overview of the research findings. The structure of
examine the sample representativeness in this study. Secondly, the results of the
analysis of interrater agreement (IRA) and interrater reliability (IRR) are presented
to provide support for aggregating the matched pair responses in each firm. Then,
the common method bias is addressed and tested to demonstrate that it is not a
serious problem in this study. Next, the descriptive statistics are presented in order
to show the association between variables. Finally, the results are presented of the
This included 10 firms that did not exist and 3 firms that did not qualify for this
study because of small firm size or because they are not accounting firms. This
reduced the sample to 522 respondents in 261 firms in the final population. After
survey mails, reminder postcards, replacement surveys (see Chapter 4), 195 surveys
in total were returned in the form of hard copy (156) and online (39). Four surveys
were not completed and were therefore excluded. The response rate was 36.40%
(190/522) representing 120 firms (45.98%). There are 71 matched pair responses
Therefore, the final sample for this study consisted of 120 accounting firms located
and contextual variables from the respondents with the known values from the
population to see if they differ in terms of the available data (Armstrong & Overton,
This study conducted the comparison analysis on the characteristics between the
early responses and late responses, web responses and hard copy responses, as well
as matched pair responses and non-paired responses. The early responses are those
who returned the survey after the first mailing. The late responses are those who
returned the survey after later mailings. The web responses are those who filled in
the survey online. The hard copy responses are those returned the hard copy survey.
The matched pair responses are those where there are two respondents in one
unit/firm. The non-paired responses are those where there is only one respondent in
one unit/firm.
There are two reasons for conducting comparison analysis. One is the relatively high
response rate (36.40% for individual level and 45.98% for firm level). The other is
the difficulty in obtaining public data on the firms’ background and contextual
The results in Table 5.1 showed no significant difference between the early
responses and the late responses, between the web response and the hard copy
response, as well as between the matched pair responses and non-paired responses
response bias in this study. Therefore, the full sample was utilised for the purpose of
later analysis and the profile of participating firms was deemed to be representative
of respondents were other experienced professional staff who had a good knowledge
of their organisations (including titles such as Director, Financial Director,
In terms of gender, 80% of respondents were males and 20% were females. In terms
40, 37% of respondents were between 41 and 50, 29% of respondents were between
51 and 60, and 11% of respondents were above 60. For education level, 48% of
Accountants (IIPA), 10% of respondents qualified from the Irish Taxation Institute
This section presents a summary of the 190 respondents’ perception of various items
as assessed in the measure of HPWS and the measures of resources including human
5.4.1 HPWS
Table 5.2 illustrates the breakdown of respondents’ replies on the proportionate use
of various HPWS practices. The respondents were asked for the proportion (0%-
100%) of the professional staff who were involved in each HR practice over the last
12 months.
Measurements Score S.D.
Are administered an employment test (e.g. skills tests) prior to hiring? 18.10 36.15
Hold jobs which have been subjected to a formal job analysis to identify
48.91 45.06
position requirements (such as required knowledge, skills or abilities)?
Hold non-entry level jobs which have been filled as a result of internal
25.99 32.29
promotions (as opposed to hired from outside of the organisation)?
Receive formal individual performance appraisals? 82.52 34.15
Receive formal performance appraisals from more than one source (i.e.,
37.94 45.85
from several individuals such as supervisors, peers etc.)?
Have access to company incentive plans, profit-sharing plans, and/or gain-
15.43 30.82
sharing plans?
Receive their performance appraisals which are used to determine their
45.69 46.67
Receive their performance appraisals which are used to set goals and plan
63.05 43.39
skill development?
Receive above market wage levels to attract and retain them? 25.96 32.61
Are included in a formal information sharing programme (e.g., a
44.37 47.31
Are asked to complete attitude surveys on a regular basis? 9.06 28.15
Participate in Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs, Quality Circles
7.94 24.23
(QC), and/or labour-management participation teams?
Have access to a formal grievance procedure and/or complaint resolution
82.96 37.37
Receive continuous training, e.g. continuous professional development? 89.30 21.26
Table 5.2 shows that the average level for Irish accounting firms to use HPWSwas
about 45%. In other words, a score above 44.92 implied a more extensive utilisation
of HPWS and any lower score implied a less extensive utilisation of HPWS in
comparison to the average utilisation of HPWS. This result is consistent with the
result (46.96%) in Guthrie et al.’s study (2009) in which data on HPWS was
collected from 165 firms among the Top 1000 companies in Ireland. In this study,
the highest score showed the extent to which a specific firm policy or HR practice
was in use in the sample of Irish accounting firms. In this regard, 89% of the sample
had access to continuous training. Similarly, about 83% of the sample utilised
5.4.2 Resources
Table 5.3 illustrates the breakdown of respondents’ replies on each item for
On average, the scores for human capital, social capital and organisational capital of
Irish accounting firms were 5.49, 5.71 and 5.50 respectively. A higher score for
each item indicated stronger agreement of the respondents on it. In all, higher scores
capital while a lower score indicated lower human, social or organisational capital.
Table 5.3 Resources in Irish Accounting Firms
Resources Measurement S.D.
Human Capital (Average)
In your organisation, the professional staff… 5.49 .75
are widely considered to be the best in the accounting industry. 5.01 1.11
The routines enable employees to know about the whole organisation. 5.59 .99
Much of the organisation’s knowledge is contained in manuals, databases,
structures and processes. 5.15 1.35
A low level of vertical hierarchies and cross-function barriers are
maintained in the organisation structure. 5.46 1.27
Missing data and listwise deletion reduced the sample from n = 190 to n = 188.
The valid sample was n = 190 (listwise).
Missing data and listwise deletion reduced the sample from n = 190 to n = 185.
Table 5.4 Uses in Irish Accounting Firms
Uses Measurement Score S.D.
Communication (Average) a
In your organisation, how often do employees on average engage in the 5.01 1.18
behaviours listed below?
Communicating with management in a timely way about the status of the
project. 4.98 1.26
Communicating with management accurately about the status of the
project. 5.10 1.22
Formal policies and procedures for coordinating the team's work. 5.00 1.40
5.4.3 Uses
strongly agree.
team utilisation effectiveness were perceived as quite high (5.01, 4.98, 4.65, and
score indicated more effective use mechanisms while a lower score indicated less
effective uses.
much worse to 7 = much better. For innovation, scales ranged from 1 = never to 7 =
For the subjective firm performance measure, on average, the productivity of Irish
accounting firms was €0.08 million per professional staff. A higher score indicates
that the firm is more productive and a lower score indicates that the firm is less
For the subjective firm performance measurements, the average scores were 5.72 for
relative organisational performance, 4.78 for relative market performance, and 4.40
for innovation. A higher score indicated better performance, while a lower score
Firm Performance Measurements S.D.
5.5 Aggregation Issues
In the final sample, there were 71 matched pair responses representing 71 firms. The
investigator chose to average across their responses so that the final score for each
pairs data, the interrater agreement5 and interrater reliability6 were examined.
Interrater agreement was assessed using Rwg (James, demaree, & Wolf, 1984, 1993)
for each variable (see Table 5.6). The rule of thumb value for Rwg is .60 (James,
1982) and the more commonly acceptable value of .70. In this study, the mean Rwg
for the 16-item HPWS scale was 1.17 which was higher than the .97 obtained by
Lepak and Snell (2002) and the .96 obtained by Takeuchi et al. (2007). For human
capital, the mean of Rwg was .90, which was comparable to the .92 obtained by
Takeuchi et al. (2007); for social capital, the mean Rwg was .89; for organisational
capital, the mean of Rwg was .82; for communication, the mean of Rwg was .89; for
coordination, the mean of Rwg was .86; for monitoring, the mean of Rwg was .79; for
team utilisation, the mean of Rwg was .84; for the relative organisational
performance, the mean of Rwg was .96, which is higher than the .94 obtained by
Takeuchi et al. (2007); for the relative market performance, the mean of Rwg was .97;
and for innovation, the mean of Rwg was .99. The average of the Rwgs for all of the
variables were well above the thumb value for Rwg is .60 (James, 1982) and the
5 The interrater agreement refers to the degree to which ratings from individuals are interchangeable;
namely, it reflects the extent to which raters provide essentially the same rating, i.e. the consensus
(Kozlowski & Hattrup, 1992; LeBreton & Senter, 2008; Tinsley & Weiss, 1975).
6 The interrater reliability refers to the degree to which ratings of different judges are proportional
when expressed as deviations from their means, i.e. the consistency (Bliese, 2000; Kozlowski &
Hattrup, 1992; LeBreton, Burgess, Kaiser, Atchley, & James, 2003).
more commonly acceptable value of .70, which indicates that the two respondents
Both interrater agreement and interrater reliability were assessed using the intraclass
correlations. ICC(1)s and ICC(2)s were calculated using McGraw and Wong’s
(1996) formula with a one-way random-effects analysis of variance (see Table 5.6).
values may only be obtained when there is both absolute consensus and relative
consistency in judges’ ratings (LeBreton & Senter, 2008). Gittell et al. (2010) state
assessment of the unit mean” and “ICC(2) provides an overall estimate of the
reliability of unit means” (p. 498). In this study, the ICC(1) values for all of the
variables ranged from .23 to .99 which were higher than the median value as .12
reported by James (1982). This indicates that the two respondents in each unit/firm
had high agreement and also the answers from any one of the respondents in a
particular firm was reliable. The ICC(2) values for all of the variables ranged
from .63 to 1.00 which were higher than the .60 cut-off point recommended by
Glick (1985). This indicates the firms can be reliably differentiated in terms of all of
Based on the above results, the matched pair response data were aggregated into
The collection of all measures from the same source may raise concerns about
common method bias. To avoid common method bias, this study obtained some data
from public database sources. For example, the control variable firm size which was
also used for calculating the dependent variable, productivity, was obtained from the
Firms, Kompass and FAME. In addition, for the firm’s revenue, public data were
obtained from the Top 20 Accounting Firms (Accounting Survey, 2009) for the 12
firms (10.17%). While it is somewhat limited due to the sample size, it does provide
a reliability cross-check. Computed ICCs for this sub-sample strongly supported the
reliability of these data, ICC(1) = .965, ICC(2) = .979 for aggregation purpose. The
ICC(1) results suggest that a single source is a reliable indicator of scores provided
from the other sources. In other words, the revenue data from respondents and the
public sources are highly correlated. In addition, the ICC(2) results indicate the high
Based on these results, all revenue data was utilised in this study to calculate
In addition to using public source data, the Harman one-factor test was conducted to
examine the common method bias for the rest of the measures. Significant common
method bias would result if one general factor accounts for the majority of
covariance in the variables (Podsakoff & Organ, 1986). A principal axis factoring
analysis with oblique rotation method was performed for the rest of the items except
for HPWS since the HPWS’ scales (proportion from 0% to 100%) were measured
differently from other measures (which used a seven-point Likert Scale). The results
showed eleven factors with eigenvalues greater than one which accounted for
72.65% of the total variance, with the first factor accounting for 36.12% of the
variance. Since a single factor did not emerge and one general factor did not account
for most of the variance, common method bias is unlikely to be a serious problem in
The use of public data and the examination of the multiple-factor structure of
measures show that common method bias is not a serious problem in this study.
Therefore, all of the matched pair response data was aggregated to the firm level to
create the measures of HPWS, human capital, social capital, organisational capital
This section presents findings based on the correlation analysis using the aggregated
data. Table 5.6 provides operationalisations and descriptive statistics for study
variables, including the means, standard deviations, Rwgs, ICC(1)s, ICC(2)s, inter-
item reliabilities. Table 5.7 provides correlation coefficients among the variables in
relationships. For example, HPWS was found somewhat more likely to yeild higher
human capital (r = .312, p< .01), social capital (r = .247, p< .01) and organisational
capital (r = .250, p< .01). It also was found to be significantly correlated with
(r = .311, p <.001) and innovation (r = .319, p <.001). Table 5.7 shows that all
Table 5.6 Descriptive Statistics
Variables Operationalization N Mean S.D. Rwg ICC(1) ICC(2) Alpha
1. Firm age ln (years since founding) 120 1.29 .35 .89 .94 .94
3. HPWS Average score for 16 HPWS items 120 44.88 15.70 1.17 .64* .78 .80
4. Human Capital Average score for 7 human Capital items 120 5.48 .64 .92 .46 .63 .90
5. Social Capital Average score for 6 social Capital items 120 5.73 .67 .89 .38 .88 .90
6. Organisational Capital Average score for 7 organisational Capital items 120 5.51 .69 .82 .28 .85 .86
7. Communication Average score for 3 communication items 120 5.05 .99 .89 .41 .71 .81
8. Coordination Average score for 6 coordination items 120 5.00 .96 .86 .38 .88 .90
9. Monitoring Average score for 3 monitoring items 120 4.68 1.05 .79 .45 .83 .85
10. Team Utilisation Average score for 3 team utilisation items 120 5.35 .91 .84 .41 .85 .86
11. Productivity ln ( revenue per professional staff member) 111 -1.10 .16 n.a. .99 1.00 1.00
Relative organisational Average score for 7 organisational performance
12. 120 5.72 .56 .96 .23 .82 .84
performance items
13. Relative market performance Average score for 4 market performance items 120 4.77 .84 .97 .41 .85 .86
14. Innovation Average score for 9 innovation items 120 4.52 1.03 .99 .55 .96 .96
* When calculating ICC(1), ICC(2) and reliability for HPWS, HPWS was treated as one index.
Table 5.7 Correlation Matrix of the Study Variables
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. Firm age
10. Team Utilisation -.096 .206* .426*** .460*** .468*** .486*** .583*** .558*** .644***
11. Productivity -.047 .211* .089 .102 -.001 -.048 .083 -.020 .058 .043
Relative organisational
12. .076 .220* .283** .477*** .343*** .358*** .209* .364*** .346*** .300** .056
13. Relative market performance .015 .341*** .311*** .295** .162† .260** .264** .408*** .365*** .389*** .168† .559***
14. Innovation .016 .225* .319*** .493*** .524*** .447*** .807*** .578*** .517*** .613*** .119 .228* .317***
*** p< 0.001, ** p< 0.01, * p< 0.05, † p< 0.10 (two-tailed tests). Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with missing data which reduced sample size from
120 to 111.
5.8 Multiple Regression Analysis
Usually, the most desirable analytical method for testing the hypotheses proposed in
this study would be structural equation modelling. However, given the small sample
size (n = 120), structural equation modelling could not be used, especially with the
large number of items (16) that were used to measure HPWS. The hierarchical
multiple regression analysis techniques (Hofmann, Griffin, & Gavin, 2000) were
The first mediational model was to test the mediational effects of resources on the
HPWS - firm performance link, labelled as Model 1. Model 1 tested the practices-
and organisational capital on the relationship between HPWS and firm performance.
The second mediational model was to test the mediational effects of uses on
resources (human capital, social capital, and organisational capital); four dependent
performance, relative market performance and innovation); and four mediators to
Model 1 Model 2
HC-> Communication
HC-> Coordination
HC-> Monitoring
HC-> Team Utilisation
SC-> Communication
Step 2 HPWS-> HC
SC -> Coordination
Test for significant relationship: HPWS-> SC
SC -> Monitoring
SC -> Team Utilisation
OC-> Communication
OC -> Coordination
OC -> Monitoring
OC -> Team Utilisation
The tests for the two mediational models followed the four conditions discussed in
Baron and Kenny (1986). The four conditions used to assess mediation in Baron and
variable (X->Y);
In addition, the Sobel test for testing the significance of mediation (Preacher &
Hayes, 2004; Sobel, 1982) was conducted for each model. Table 5.8 shows the
HPWS and firm performance. The independent variable was HPWS. The mediators
were human capital, social capital and organisational capital. The dependent
Based on Baron and Kenny’s (1986) procedure, controlling for firm age and firm
size, firm performance was first regressed on HPWS. The mediation variables, i.e.,
human capital, social capital and organisational capital, were then regressed on
HPWS separately. Finally, firm performance was regressed on HPWS with each
mediator separately. The Sobel tests were conducted for each meditational model.
Tables 5.9 and 5.10 show the regression results for Model 1, which proposed the
capital) on the relationship between HPWS and firm performance. The dependent
there were four models labelled as Model 1.1 to 1.4 in Table 5.10 representing
different dependent variables for firm performance measures. Model 1.1 to 1.4 all
include four separate simple meditational models which could be tested using
regression analysis. For example, Model 1.1 includes four simple mediation models
between HPWS and productivity; and 4) human capital, social capital and
To streamline the presentation of the results and to avoid repetition in the reporting
of the results, one detailed example of the findings for the meditational model which
proposed the mediational effect of human capital and firm performance was
presented and then the results for the additional mediational models were reported in
a short section. Table 5.11 presents a summary of results for each step and Sobel
Table 5.9 Impact of HPWS on Resources
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111]
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with
missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis which reduced sample size from 120 to 115.
*** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.10 Impact of HPWS and Resources on Firm Performance
Firm age -.083 -.084 -.084 -.085 -.088 -.088 .070 .082 .075 .086 .094 .084
Firm size .225* .233* .226* .233* .240* .227* .184* .084 -.051 .104 .063 -.089
HPWS -.018 -.023 -.014 .002 -.005 .207* .125 .121 .139 .100
R2 .051 .052 .052 .052 .052 .061 .043 .076 .255 .166 .170 .312
Adjusted R2 .034 .025 .016 .016 .024 .007 .026 .051 .228 .135 .140 .273
∆R2 .000 .001 .000 .008 .009 .033 .180 .090 .094 .236
∆F 2.930* .028 .056 .023 .860 .348 2.493† 3.961* 26.522*** 11.857*** 12.468*** 12.344***
[df1, df2] [2, 108] [1, 107] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [3, 104] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [3, 108]
N 111 111 111 111 111 111 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel 2.923** 2.051* 2.114*
Table 5.10 Impact of HPWS and Resources on Firm Performance (Continued)
R2 .082 .091 .127 .106 .129 .160 .043 .088 .284 .312 .238 .413
Adjusted R .066 .067 .095 .073 .098 .113 .026 .063 .258 .287 .210 .380
∆R2 .082 .009 .036 .014 .038 .068 .045 .196 .224 .150 .325
∆F 5.027** 1.113 4.487* 1.735 4.766** 2.932** 2.530† 5.443* 30.075*** 35.767*** 21.660*** 19.901***
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [3, 108] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [3, 108]
N 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel 2.128* 1.060 1.695† 2.937** 2.381* 2.306*
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis
which reduced sample size from 120 to sizes ranging from 111 to 115. *** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.11 A Summary of Results for Each Step and Sobel Test for Model 1
1st condition 2nd condition 3rd condition 4th condition Sobel Test
Hypothesis X M Y
(X->Y) (X->M) (M->Y) (XM->Y) (Z)
Productivity × √ × -- --
1. Human capital mediates
the relationship between
Rorga √ √ √ √ 2.923**
HPWS Human Capital
HPWS and firm
Rmark × √ √ √a 2.218*
Innovation √ √ √ √a 2.937**
Productivity × √ × -- --
2. Social capital mediates
the relationship between
Rorga √ √ √ √ 2.051*
HPWS Social Capital
HPWS and firm
Rmark × √ × -- --
Innovation √ √ √ √ 3.106**
Productivity × √ × -- --
3. Organisational capital
mediates the relationship Organisational
Rorga √ √ √ √ 2.114*
between HPWS and firm capital
Rmark × √ √ √a 1.695†
Innovation √ √ √ √ 3.106**
Note: a indicates that the direct path between X and Y remained significant. Rorga = relative organisational performance; Rmark = relative market performance.
*** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
115 Human Capital as a Mediator
between HPWS and firm performance. Following the procedure by Baron and
Kenny (1986), the multiple hierarchical regression was used. Controlling for firm
size and firm age, firm performance was firstly regressed on HPWS. Then human
capital was regressed on HPWS. Lastly, firm performance was regressed on both
Since firm performance was measured via four performance indicators, four simple
mediational models were tested as: 1) the mediational effect of human capital
of human capital between HPWS and relative market performance; and 4) the
The first condition requires the significant relationship between the predictor and the
dependent variable (X->Y), i.e. HPWS and productivity. The beta coefficients for
HPWS on productivity was not significant (β = -.018, p>.10) (see Step 2 in Model
1.1, Table 5.10). The first condition was not satisfied. However, the first condition is
not required unless the expectation is for complete mediation (Kenny, Kashy, &
Bloger, 1998).
The second condition requires the significant relationship between predictor and
mediator (X->M), i.e. HPWS and human capital. The beta coefficients for HPWS on
human capital was significant and positive (β = .176, p<.10) (see Step 2 in Table
The third condition requires the significant relationship between mediator and
dependent variable (M->Y), i.e. human capital and productivity. The beta
coefficients for human capital on productivity was not significant (β = .025, p>.10)
(see Step 3-1 in Model 1.1, Table 5.10). The third condition which is required was
not satisfied.
not supported.
The first condition (X->Y): The beta coefficients for HPWS on relative
organisational performance was significant and positive (β = .207, p<.05) (see Step
The second condition (Y->M): The beta coefficients for HPWS on human capital
was significant and positive (β = .176, p<.10) (see Step 2 in Table 5.9 for human
The third condition (M->Y): The beta coefficients for human capital on relative
Step 3-1 in Model 1.2, Table 5.10), satisfying the third condition.
The fourth condition requires the direct relationship between the independent
variable and dependent variable should become non significant (full mediation) or
weaker (partial mediation) when accounting for the effect of mediator (XM->Y).
smaller and non significant when human capital was included (from β = .207,
p<.05, to β = .120, p>.10) (see Step 2 and Step 3-1 in Model 1.2, Table 5.10),
Finally, the Sobel test was conducted using Preacher and Hayes’ (2004) procedure
for simple mediation for the mediator- human capital. The results provided support
for human capital acting as the mediator between HPWS and relative organisational
Therefore, human capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and relative
organisational performance.
The first condition (X->Y): The beta coefficients for HPWS on relative market
performance was positive but not significant (β = .109, p>.05) (see Step 2 in Model
1.3, Table 5.10). The first condition was not satisfied. However, the first condition is
not required unless the expectation is for complete mediation (Kenny, Kashy, &
Bloger, 1998).
The second condition (Y->M): The beta coefficients for HPWS on human capital
was significant and positive (β = .176, p<.10) (see Step 2 in Table 5.9 for human
The third condition (M->Y): The beta coefficients for human capital on relative
market performance was significant and positive (β = .207, p<.05) (see Step 3-1 in
The fourth condition (XM->Y): The beta coefficients for HPWS on relative market
performance became smaller when human capital was included (from β = .109,
p>.10, to β = .072, p>.10) (see Step 2 and Step 3-1 in Model 1.3, Table 5.10),
Finally, the Sobel test was conducted and support was found for human capital
acting as the mediator between HPWS and relative market performance (ZSobel =
2.128, p<.05).
Therefore, human capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and firm
The first condition (X->Y): The beta coefficients for HPWS on innovation was
significant and positive (β = .241, p<.05) (see Step 2 in Model 1.4, Table 5.10). The
The second condition (Y->M): The beta coefficients for HPWS on human capital
was significant and positive (β = .176, p<.10) (see Step 2 in Table 5.9 for human
The third condition (M->Y): The beta coefficients for human capital on innovation
was significant and positive (β = .485, p<.001) (see Step 3-1 in Model 1.4, Table
The fourth (XM->Y): The beta coefficients for HPWS on innovation became
smaller and non significant when human capital was included (from (β = .241,
p<.05, to β = .156, p<.10) (see Step 2 and Step 3-1 in Model 1.4, Table 5.10),
The results of Sobel test provided support for human capital acting as the mediator
Therefore, human capital mediates the relationship between HPWS and innovation.
To streamline the presentation of the results and to avoid repetition in the reporting
of the results, this section and afterwards provides a short summary report on the
mediation tests.
mediational effect of social capital in the relationship between HPWS and firm
The results shown in Tables 5.9 (for social capital), 5.10 and 5.11 suggested that
social capital mediated the relationship between HPWS and two dependent variables
by satisfying four conditions in Baron and Kenny (1986). According to Sobel test of
innovation (ZSobel = 2.381, p<.05). For models assessing productivity and relative
paths were non significant and thus failed to meet the criteria for mediation.
The results shown in Tables 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 suggested that organisational capital
fully mediated the relationship between HPWS and two firm performance measures,
in Baron and Kenny (1986). The results also suggested that organisational capital
partially mediated the relationship between HPWS and relative market performance
although this relationship was non significant (β = .109, p>.10) (see Step 2 in
Model 1.3, Table 5.10) (Kenny, Kashy, & Bloger, 1998). The results of the Sobel
test provided support for the mediational effect of organisational capital in the
p<.05), relative market performance (ZSobel = 1.695, p<.10) and innovation (ZSobel =
2.306, p<.05). For the model assessing productivity, the relevant paths were non
Due to the high correlations between human capital, social capital and
were also carried out in which all three resources were entered into the equation Summary
The purpose of this section was to test hypotheses 1 to 3 which proposed the
mediational effects of human capital, social capital and organisational capital on the
mediational effects of human capital on the relationship between HPWS and firm
performance indicators, i.e. relative organisational performance, relative market
meditation effects of social capital between HPWS and firm performance indicators,
Model 2 set out to examine the mediational effects of uses in the relationship
between resources and firm performance. In this model, there were three
independent variables, i.e. human capital, social capital and organisational capital;
Due to the complexity of Model 2, this section presents the results in the order of the
independent variables examined. First, the results on the mediating effect of uses in
human capital and firm performance are reported. Then the results on the mediating
effect of uses in social capital and firm performance are reported. Finally, the results
for the model on the mediating role of uses in the relationship between
122 Mediation of Uses in Human Capital and Firm Performance
Hypothesis 4 proposed that uses mediate the relationship between human capital and
firm performance. The independent variable was human capital. The mediators
Based on Baron and Kenny’s (1986) procedure, controlling for firm age and firm
size, firm performance was first regressed on human capital. Each mediator was
then regressed on human capital separately. Finally, firm performance was regressed
on human capital with each mediator separately. The Sobel tests were conducted for
Tables 5.12 to 5.13 show the regression results for the meditational model which
proposed that the relationship between human capital and firm performance was
mediated by uses. The dependent variables for measuring firm performance were
innovation. Therefore, there were four models labelled as Model 2.1 to 2.4 in Table
Model 2.1 to Model 2.4 all included five separate simple meditational models which
could be tested using regression analysis. For example, Model 2.1 addressed five
between human capital and productivity. The test of the 16 simple mediational
models was carried out using hierarchical regression analyses and following the
four-step procedure by Baron and Kenny (1986) as described in the previous section.
To streamline the presentation of the results this section presents the findings of the
Table 5.14 presents a summary of results for each step and Sobel Test for the
meditational model in which uses act as mediators between human capital and firm
performance. This table illustrates why the models failed to be a mediational ones
Firm age -.028 -.030 -.158† -.156† -.073 -.074 -.139 -.142†
Firm size .134 -.018 .314*** .186* .226* .101 .219* .046
.404*** .341*** .331*** .459***
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111]
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with
missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis which reduced sample size from 120 to 115.
*** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.13 Impact of Human Capital and Uses on Firm Performance
R2 .051 .052 .054 .065 .052 .052 .074 .043 .243 .244 .272 .281 .248 .299
Adjusted R .034 .025 .018 .030 .017 .017 .011 .026 .223 .217 .245 .255 .221 .253
∆R2 .000 .002 .013 .001 .001 .022 .210 .000 .028 .037 .005 .056
∆F 2.930 †
.041 .230 1.507 .063 .063 .609 †
2.493 29.458*** .104 4.275* 5.712* .712 2.213†
[df1, df2] [2, 108] [1, 107] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [4, 103] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107]
N 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel .403 1.884† 2.079* 1.013
Table 5.13 Impact of Human Capital and Uses on Firm Performance (Continued)
Model 2.3 (relative market performance) Model 2.4 (innovation)
Step1 Step2 Step3-1 Step3-2 Step3-3 Step3-4 Step3-5 Step1 Step2 Step3-1 Step3-2 Step3-3 Step3-4 Step3-5
Firm age -.010 -.011 -.005 .037 .010 .035 .049 -.009 -.012 .010 .060 .017 .055 .050
Firm size .288** .206* .210* .149 .177 .191** .154 .209* .018 .031 -.068 -.022 -.004 -.015
Resource .
Human Capital .218** .137 .114 .122 .069 .035 .509*** .219*** .353*** .380*** .293*** .156*
Communication .201* .018 .718*** .617***
Coordination .305** .174 .457*** .213*
Monitoring .290** .125 .391*** .016
Team Utilisation .324** .163 .470*** .084
R2 .082 .123 .157 .197 .195 .203 .239 .043 .266 .700 .431 .396 .434 .742
Adjusted R .066 .099 .126 .168 .166 .174 .189 .026 .246 .689 .411 .374 .413 .725
∆R2 .082 .041 .034 .074 .072 .080 .116 .222 .453 .166 .130 .168 .476
∆F 5.027** 5.163* 4.422* 10.092** 9.823** 11.021** 4.080** 2.530 †
33.609***159.434*** 32.031*** 23.733*** 32.606*** 49.253***
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107]
N 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel 1.839† 2.825** 2.599** 2.928** 4.176*** 3.578*** 3.199** 4.035***
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis which
reduced sample size from 120 to sizes ranging from 111 to 115. *** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.14 A Summary of Results for Each Step and Sobel Test for Mediation Model of Uses as Mediators between Human Capital and Firm Performance
1st condition 2nd condition 3rd condition 4th condition Sobel Test
Hypothesis X M Y
(X->Y) (X->M) (M->Y) (XM->Y) (Z)
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ × -- --
Rmark √ √ √ √ 1.839†
Innovation √ √ √ √a 4.176***
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ √ √a 1.884†
Rmark √ √ √ √ 2.825**
4. Uses mediate the relationship
Human Innovation √ √ √ √a 3.578***
between human capital and firm
performance. Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ √ √a 2.079*
Rmark √ √ √ √ 2.599**
Innovation √ √ √ √a 3.199**
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ × -- --
Team Utilisation
Rmark √ √ √ √ 2.928**
Innovation √ √ √ √a 4.035***
Note: indicates that the direct path between X and Y remained significant. Rorga = relative organisational performance; Rmark = relative market performance.
*** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
127 Communication as a Mediator
The results shown in Tables 5.12 (for communication), 5.13 and 5.14 suggested that
communication fully mediated the relationship between human capital and relative
market performance by satisfying Baron and Kenny (1986)’s four conditions. The
results also suggested that communication mediated the relationship between human
capital and innovation, although the direct path between human capital and
innovation remained significant. The strength of the direct path is not surprising
given the findings by Subramaniam and Yount (2005) on the direct relationship
between human capital and innovation. According to the Sobel test of significance,
market performance (ZSobel = 1.839, p<.10) and innovation (ZSobel = 4.176, p<.001).
For models assessing the other two firm performance measures as productivity and
relative organisational performance, one or more of the relevant paths were non
The results shown in Tables 5.12 (for coordination), 5.13 and 5.14 suggested that
coordination fully mediated the relationship between human capital and relative
market performance by satisfying the four conditions set out by Baron and Kenny
(1986). The results also suggested that coordination mediated the relationship
between human capital and two firm performance measures – relative organisational
performance and innovation, although the direct paths between human capital and
the two firm performance measures remained significant. According to the Sobel
test, coordination mediated the relationship between human capital and relative
(ZSobel = 2.825, p<.10) and innovation (ZSobel = 3.578, p<.001). For model assessing
productivity, the first and third paths were non significant and thus failed to meet the
The results shown in Tables 5.12 (for monitoring), 5.13 and 5.14 suggested that
monitoring fully mediated the relationship between human capital and relative
market performance by satisfying the four conditions identified by Baron and Kenny
(1986). The results also suggested that monitoring mediated the relationship
between human capital and the two firm performance variables - relative
organisational performance and innovation, although the direct path between human
capital and these two firm performance measures remained significant. The
literature provides support for the strong direct relationship between human capital
and firm performance (Hitt et al., 2001; Subramaniam & Yount, 2005). According
to the Sobel test, monitoring mediated the relationship between human capital and
performance (ZSobel = 2.599, p<.01) and innovation (ZSobel = 3.199, p<.01). For
model assessing productivity, the first and third paths were non significant and thus
The results shown in Tables 5.12 (for team utilisation), 5.13 and 5.14 suggested that
team utilisation fully mediated the relationship between human capital and relative
market performance by satisfying the four conditions required in Baron and Kenny
(1986). The results also suggested that team utilisation mediated the relationship
between human capital and innovation, although the direct path between human
capital and innovation remained significant. This result is acceptable considering the
literature which provides support for the strong direct relationship between human
capital and innovation (Subramaniam & Yount, 2005). According to the Sobel test
and relative market performance (ZSobel = 2.928, p<.01), and innovation (ZSobel =
4.035, p<.001). The models assessing the other two firm performance measures -
productivity and relative organisational performance were not supported due to the
non significance of one or more relevant paths which thus failed to meet the criteria
for mediation.
Due to the fact that communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation
are related to each other as found in the correlation statistics in Table 5.7, the human
utilisation were entered together in the third step. The results were shown in the Step
.222, p<.10). Summary
This section provided the results of testing hypothesis 4 which proposed the
meditation effects of uses on the relationship between human capital and firm
The results of the analyses support Hypotheses 4 by showing the mediating effect of
performance and innovation; 2) coordination on the relationship between human
Hypothesis 5 proposed that uses would mediate the relationship between social
capital and firm performance. The independent variable was social capital. The
Based on Baron and Kenny’s (1986) procedure, controlling for firm age and firm
size, firm performance was first regressed on social capital. Each mediator was then
social capital with each mediator separately. The Sobel tests were conducted for
Tables 5.15 to 5.16 show the regression results for the meditational model which
proposed that the relationship between social capital and firm performance was
mediated by uses. Model 2.5 to 2.8 in Table 5.16 represented different dependent
performance, relative market performance and innovation. Model 2.5 to Model 2.8
all included five separate simple meditational models which could be tested using
regression analysis directly. For example, Model 2.4 included five simple mediation
capital and productivity. The test of these simple mediational models was carried
out using hierarchical regression analyses and following the four-step procedure by
Baron and Kenny (1986) as described in the previous section. To streamline the
presentation of the results this section presents the findings of the mediational
analyses in a short format. Table 5.16 presents a summary of results for each step
and Sobel Test for the meditational model in which uses act mediators between
Table 5.16 Impact of Social Capital and Uses on Firm Performance
R2 .051 .052 .056 .062 .052 .052 .073 .043 .155 .159 .196 .196 .170 .215
Adjusted R .034 .025 .020 .027 .016 .016 .010 .026 .132 .129 .166 .167 .140 .164
∆R2 .000 .004 .010 .000 .000 .021 .112 .004 .041 .041 .015 .060
∆F 2.930 †
.036 .422 11.180 .019 .002 .585 2.493 †
14.742*** .577 5.588* 5.624* 2.002 2.055†
[df1, df2] [2, 108] [1, 107] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [4, 103] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107]
N 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel .977 2.279* 2.378* 1.754
Table 5.16 Impact of Social Capital and Uses on Firm Performance (Continued)
Model 2.7 (relative market performance) Model 2.8 (innovation)
Step1 Step2 Step3-1 Step3-2 Step3-3 Step3-4 Step3-5 Step1 Step2 Step3-1 Step3-2 Step3-3 Step3-4 Step3-5
Firm age -.010 -.006 -.002 .043 .014 .040 .054 -.009 .005 .017 .069 .026 .062 .054
Firm size .288** .279** .254** .182* .215* .210* .158* .209 .174** .099* .047 .106 .089 .038
Social Capital .139 .048 .026 .006 -.018 -.076 .512*** .234*** .364*** .370*** .318*** .177***
Communication .230* .036 .701*** .613***
Coordination .333*** .186† .436*** .211***
Monitoring .324** .138 .345*** -.014
Team Utilisation .361*** .188 .447*** .063
R2 .082 .102 .145 .188 .184 .200 .243 .043 .301 .711 .451 .397 .455 .748
Adjusted R .066 .077 .114 .158 .154 .171 .193 .026 .285 .701 .431 .375 .435 .732
∆R2 .019 .044 .086 .082 .098 .141 .260 .407 .148 .093 .151 .445
41.500* 155.132 29.621* 17.007* 30.115* 47.306*
∆F 5.027** 2.366 5.619* 11.646*** 11.053** 13.532*** 4.984** 2.530*
** *** ** ** ** **
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107]
N 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel 2.242* 2.898** 3.057** 3.304*** 4.217*** 3.319*** 3.426*** 3.949***
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis which
reduced sample size from 120 to sizes ranging from 111 to 115. *** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.17 A Summary of Results for Each Step and Sobel Test for Mediation Model of Uses as Mediators between Social Capital and Firm Performance
1st condition 2nd condition 3rd condition 4th condition Sobel Test
Hypothesis X M Y
(X->Y) (X->M) (M->Y) (XM->Y) (Z)
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ × -- --
Rmark × √ √ √b
Innovation √ √ √ √a 4.217***
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ √ √a 2.279*
Rmark × √ √ √b 2.898**
5. Uses mediate the relationship
Social Innovation √ √ √ √a 3.319***
between social capital and firm
performance. Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ √ √a 2.378*
Rmark × √ √ √b 3.057**
Innovation √ √ √ √a 3.426***
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ × -- 1.754
Team Utilisation
Rmark × √ √ √b 3.304***
Innovation √ √ √ √a 3.949***
a b
Note: indicates that the direct path between X and Y remained significant. indicates that the direct path between X and Y was not significant. Rorga = relative
organisational performance; Rmark = relative market performance. *** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
135 Communication as a Mediator
The results shown in Tables 5.15 (for communication), 5.16 and 5.17 suggested that
although the direct path between social capital and innovation remained significant.
The results also suggested that communication mediated the relationship between
social capital and relative market performance though the direct relationship was not
between social capital and relative market performance (ZSobel = 2.242, p<.05) and
innovation (ZSobel = 4.217, p<.001). For models assessing the firm performance
the relevant paths were non significant and thus failed to meet the criteria for
The results shown in Tables 5.15 (for coordination), 5.16 and 5.17 suggested that
paths. The results also suggested that coordination mediated the relationship
between social capital and relative market performance with non significant direct
path between social capital and relative market performance. According to the Sobel
test, coordination mediated the relationship between social capital and relative
(ZSobel = 2.898, p<.01) and innovation (ZSobel = 3.319, p<.001). For models
assessing productivity, the first and third conditions were not satisfied and thus
136 Monitoring as a Mediator
The results shown in Tables 5.15 (for monitoring), 5.16 and 5.17 suggested that
paths between social capital and these two firm performance measures. The results
also suggested that monitoring mediated the relationship between social capital and
relative market performance with a non significant direct path between social capital
and relative market performance. According to the Sobel test of significance of this
mediation, monitoring mediated the relationship between social capital and relative
(ZSobel = 3.057, p<.01) and innovation (ZSobel = 3.426, p<.001). The model assessing
productivity failed to meet the criteria for mediation because the first and the third
The results shown in Tables 5.15 (for team utilisation), 5.16 and 5.17 suggested that
team utilisation mediated the relationship between social capital and innovation with
the remaining significant path from social capital to innovation. The results also
suggested that team utilisation mediated the relationship between social capital and
relative market performance, although the direct path between social capital and
relative market performance was not significant. According to the Sobel test of
significance, team utilisation mediated the relationship between social capital and
relative market performance (ZSobel = 3.304, p<.001), and innovation (ZSobel = 3.949,
relative organisational performance were not supported due to the non significance
of one or more relevant paths which thus failed to meet the criteria for mediation.
Due to the fact that communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation
are related to each other as indicated by their inter-correlations (see Table 5.7), the
social capital and uses including communication, coordination, monitoring and team
utilisation were entered together in the third step. The results were shown in Step 3- Summary
This section presents the results for hypothesis 5 which proposed the meditation
effects of uses on the relationship between social capital and firm performance.
team utilisation on the relationship between social capital and relative organisational
organisational capital. The mediators were uses which were measured via
Based on Baron and Kenny’s (1986) procedure, controlling for firm age and firm
size, firm performance was first regressed on organisational capital. Each mediator
regressed on organisational capital with each mediator separately. The Sobel tests
Tables 5.18 to 5.19 show the regression results for the meditational model which
proposed that the relationship between organisational capital and firm performance
was mediated by uses. Model 2.9 to 2.12 in Table 5.16 represented four different
to Model 2.12 all included five separate simple meditational models which could be
tested using regression analysis directly. For example, Model 2.9 included five
the 16 simple mediational models was carried out using hierarchical regression
analyses and following the four-step procedure by Baron and Kenny (1986) as
described in the previous section. To streamline the presentation of the results this
Table 5.20 presents a summary of results for each step and the Sobel Test for the
meditational model in which uses act as mediators between social capital and firm
Firm age -.028 -.007 -.156† -.137 -.073 -.043 -.139 -.117
Firm size .134 .063 .314*** .250** .226* .127 .219* .143†
.420*** .377*** .582*** .446***
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111] [2, 112] [1, 111]
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with
missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis which reduced sample size from 120 to 115.
*** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.19 Impact of Organisational Capital and Uses on Firm Performance
R2 .051 .059 .068 .065 .064 .060 .085 .043 .155 .159 .192 .180 .170 .202
Adjusted R .034 .033 .033 .029 .029 .025 .023 .026 .133 .128 .163 .150 .140 .150
∆R2 .008 .009 .005 .005 .001 .025 .113 .004 .037 .025 .041 .047
∆F 2.930† .897 1.026 .598 .541 .123 .714 2.493† 14.813*** .461 5.016* 3.299† 1.911 1.576
[df1, df2] [2, 108] [1, 107] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [1, 106] [4, 103] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107]
N 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel 2.247* 2.052*
Table 5.19 Impact of Organisational Capital and Uses on Firm Performance (Continued)
Model 2.11 (relative market performance) Model 2.12 (innovation)
Step1 Step2 Step3-1 Step3-2 Step3-3 Step3-4 Step3-5 Step1 Step2 Step3-1 Step3-2 Step3-3 Step3-4 Step3-5
Firm age -.010 .001 .002 .042 .014 .038 .052 -.009 .012 .018 .077 .029 .070 .060
† †
Firm size .288** .252** .240** .177 .213* .206** .164 .209* .136 .090 .019 .088 .065 .025
.212* .130 .098 .033 .069 -.023 .427*** .112† .249** .204* .204* .027
Communication .195* .027 .749*** .638***
Coordination .302** .180 .471*** .228***
Monitoring .307** .135 .383*** .004
Team Utilisation .321** .174 .499*** .097
R2 .082 .126 .157 .195 .184 .203 .239 .043 .220 .675 .387 .311 .406 .726
Adjusted R .066 .102 .126 .166 .155 .174 .189 .026 .199 .663 .365 .286 .385 .708
∆R2 .044 .031 .069 .058 .077 .113 .177 .455 .167 .091 .186 .506
154.086** 30.013** 14.480** 34.460** 49.369**
∆F 5.027** 5.540* 4.023* 9.407** 7.854** 10.676** 3.960** 2.530† 25.169***
* * * * *
[df1, df2] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107] [2, 112] [1, 111] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [1, 110] [4, 107]
N 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
ZSobel 1.960* 2.976** 3.038** 3.092** 4.718*** 3.727*** 3.826*** 4.152***
Note: Standardized coefficients were reported. Listwise deletion method was employed to deal with missing data in hierarchical multiple regression analysis which
reduced sample size from 120 to sizes ranging from 111 to 115. *** p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
Table 5.20 A Summary of Results of Each Step and Sobel Test for Mediation Model of Uses as Mediators between Organisational Capital and Firm
1st condition 2nd condition 3rd condition 4th condition Sobel Test
Hypothesis X M Y
(X->Y) (X->M) (M->Y) (XM->Y) (Z)
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ × -- --
Rmark √ √ √ √ 1.960*
Innovation √ √ √ √a 4.718***
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ √ √ 2.247*
Rmark √ √ √ √ 2.976**
6. Uses mediate the a
relationship between Organisational Innovation √ √ √ √ 3.727***
organisational capital and Capital Productivity × √ × -- --
firm performance.
Rorga √ √ √ √a 2.052*
Rmark √ √ √ √ 3.038**
Innovation √ √ √ √a 3.826***
Productivity × √ × -- --
Rorga √ √ × -- --
Team Utilisation
Rmark √ √ √ √ 3.092**
Innovation √ √ √ √a 4.152***
Note: indicates that the direct path between X and Y remained significant. Rorga = relative organisational performance; Rmark = relative market performance. ***
p< .001, ** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10. All tests were two-tailed.
143 Communication as a Mediator
The results shown in Tables 5.18 (for communication), 5.19 and 5.20 suggested that
the direct path between organisational capital and innovation remained significant.
performance (ZSobel = 1.960, p=.05) and innovation (ZSobel = 4.718, p<.001). For
models assessing the other two firm performance measures as productivity and
relative organisational performance, one or more of the relevant paths were non
The results shown in Tables 5.18 (for coordination), 5.19 and 5.20 suggested that
relative market performance. The results also suggested that coordination mediated
the relationship between organisational capital and the two firm performance
paths remained significant. According to the Sobel test, coordination mediated the
(ZSobel = 2.247, p<.05), relative market performance (ZSobel = 2.976, p<.01) and
innovation (ZSobel = 3.727, p<.001). For models assessing productivity, the first and
the third conditions were not satisfied and thus failed to meet the criteria for
144 Monitoring as a Mediator
The results shown in Tables 5.18 (for monitoring), 5.19 and 5.20 suggested that
relative market performance. The results also suggested that monitoring mediated
the relationship between organisational capital and two firm performance measures
(ZSobel = 2.052, p<.05), relative market performance (ZSobel = 3.038, p<.01) and
innovation (ZSobel = 3.826, p<.001). For models assessing productivity, the first and
the third conditions were not satisfied and thus failed to meet the criteria for
The results shown in Tables 5.18 (for team utilisation), 5.19 and 5.20 suggested that
team utilisation fully mediated the relationship between organisational capital and
relative market performance. The results also suggested that monitoring mediated
the relationship between organisational capital and innovation, although the direct
3.092, p<.01), and innovation (ZSobel = 4.152, p<.001). The model assessing the
performance - were not supported due to the non significance of one or more
relevant paths which thus failed to meet the criteria for mediation.
145 Uses “Together” as Mediators
Due to the fact that communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation
are related to each other as found in correlation statistics in Table 5.7, the
and team utilisation were entered together in the third step. The results were shown
(β = .228, p<.001). Summary
This section provides the results of mediation test for hypothesis 6 which proposed
the meditation effects of uses on the relationship between organisational capital and
firm performance.
5.9 Summary
The main objective of this chapter was to present how the hypotheses were tested by
processing and analysing the raw data step by step. First, the results from ANOVA
show that the sample for this study was representative. The Rwgs, ICC(1)s and
ICC(2)s calculated from the pairs data provided evidence for data aggregation. In
addition, the public firm size information and firm revenue information was adopted
and the results of Harman one-factor test helped to rule out the common method
between variables. Due to the complexity of the model and the sample size (120),
the proposed research model in this study was tested in two separate mediational
models. The first model tested the mediational effects of resources on the
relationship between HPWS and firm performance. The second model tested the
performance. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis was employed and the
results provided sufficient support for the hypotheses proposed in Chapter 3. The
6.1 Introduction
The main objective of this study was to examine how HPWS affects firm
influences firm performance were identified as resources. These are human capital,
social capital and organisational capital. In addition, this study also identified the
performance. Based on this work, the thesis presents a novel and systematic
The complete model proposed in this study was tested in two separate mediational
models. This was due to its complexity and the limited sample size. The first model
resources in the relationship between HPWS and firm performance. The second
Table 6.1 provides a summary of the hypotheses and the empirical results found in
this study.
Productivity Rorga Rmark Innovation
Communication × × √ √
Coordination × √ √ √
Uses mediate the relationship between
human capital and firm performance. Monitoring × √ √ √
Team × × √ √
Communication × × √ √
Coordination × √ √ √
Uses mediate the relationship between
social capital and firm performance. Monitoring × √ √ √
Utilisation × × √ √
Communication × × √ √
Utilisation × × √ √
Note: Rorga = relative organisational performance; Rmark = relative market performance.
For Model 1, mediational effects of human capital, social capital and organisational
capital were found in the relationship between HPWS and three firm performance
innovation). For Model 2, mediational effects of four “uses” were found in the
capital) and two firm performance measures (relative market performance and
were found in the relationship between resources (human capital, social capital and
The findings in this study which demonstrate that the firms with more extensive HR
practices saw increases in firm performance are consistent with findings from
previous studies on the positive relationship between HPWS and firm performance
(Arthur, 1994; Becker & Gerhart, 1996; Datta et al., 2005; Delery & Doty, 1996;
Guthrie et al., 2009; Huselid, 1995; MacDuffie, 1995; Richard & Johnson, 2001;
Terpstra & Rozell, 1993; Youndt et al., 1996), However, this study’s failure to find
consistent with findings from previous studies. There are two possible reasons for
this. The first is the global economic recession which resulted in rapidly falling
revenues for many accounting firms (Finance Dublin, 2009). As revenue decreases,
HPWS practices are less likely to be dropped immediately due to time and monetary
study may be different from that found in periods of greater economic stability. The
other possible reason is the research context. Professional service firms differ from
traditional manufacturing firms in that their employees are not paid piecework wage
but are paid through chargeable hours, resulting in revenue stream uncertainty.
Revenue per employee, which is usually used in other contexts, might not be an
appropriate measure for PSFs. Given these contexts, the non significant relationship
between HPWS and firm performance provide support for the claim that firms with
more extensive HPWS have higher human capital, social capital and organisational
capital, which in turn leads to higher firm performance. The findings regarding the
mediational effect of human capital and social capital in the relationship between
HPWS and firm performance corresponds to the study by Takeuchi et al. (2007)
who found the mediational effects of human capital and social capital in the
capital in the HPWS and firm performance corresponds to the study by Gittell et al.
(2010) who found that HPWS influenced organisational performance through its
With regard to the second model, the findings also found evidence for the
mediational effect of uses between resources and firm performance. In other words,
the firms with higher human capital, social capital and organisational capital seem to
experience higher firm performance through improving their uses of their resources.
The uses in this study reflect the knowledge management capacities from a practical
leveraged and created. Therefore, the findings correspond to the existing studies on
between resources and firm performance. For example, Smith, Collins and Clark
(2005) found that knowledge creation ability mediated the effects of an employee’s
stock of knowledge (similar to human capital in this study), ego networks (similar to
Renko, Autio and Sapienza (2001) explored the mediational effects of knowledge
acquisition in the relationship between social capital and new product development
in young technology-based firms. Another example from Collins and Smith (2006)
investigated the causal chain from HR practice, social climate, knowledge exchange
context of high technology firms. All in all, the findings generally supported
provided support for the extended model of another mediator -organisational capital
-between HPWS and firm performance. It also supported the idea that uses act as a
6.3 Research Contributions
The present research makes four key contributions to the existing literature on the
relationship between HPWS and firm performance. These will now be described in
Firstly, this study found a systematic pathway through which HPWS effects firm
performance by identifying the three mediators of human capital, social capital and
confined to either investigating only one or two possible mediators out of three. For
example, Collins and Smith (2006) examined the mediating effect of social
networks in top management teams (TMT) and on the relationship between HRM
and firm performance in high technology firms. Gittell et al. (2010) examined the
mediating role of relational coordination, which includes the shared goals and
hospitals. Takeuchi et al. (2007) examined the mediating roles of human capital and
only examined human capital and social capital but also examined organisational
performance and found empirical to support for all mediators. This is especially
important in the professional services firm context which is under-explored from the
A second contribution of this study is the articulation of a novel way through which
human capital, social capital and organisational capital affect firm performance. In
doing so it additionally highlights the mediational role of uses in the relationship
between resources and firm performance. Of the existing research on human capital,
social capital and organisational capital, many researchers only examined their
direct effect on organisational performance and some focused solely on one or two
forms of capital. For example, Youndt et al. (2004) examined the effect of human
such as financial returns and Tobin’s Q. Subramaniam and Youndt (2005) examined
the effect of human capital, social capital and organisational capital on two types of
the effect of human capital and social capital on firm dissolution in PSFs. Hitt et al.
(2001) examined the non-linear effect of human capital on firm performance. Later,
Hitt et al. (2006) examined the effect of human capital and social capital on
internationalisation of PSFs in law firms. The findings of this study provide support
for significant direct effects of human capital, social capital and organisational
different organisational contexts. Moreover, the findings provide support for the
indirect effects of resources on firm performance through the uses. In so doing the
present study provides empirical support for the argument that resources must be
et al., 2009; Huselid, 1995; Wood & de Menezes, 2008), turnover (Guthrie, 2001;
Guthrie et al., 2009; Huselid, 1995; Wood & de Menezes, 2008), absenteeism
(Guthrie et al., 2009; Wood & de Menezes, 2008), financial performance such as
ROA and ROE (Delery & Doty, 1996) and organisational efficiency (Gittell et al.,
such as perceived firm performance (Chung & Liao, 2010; Delaney & Huselid,
1996; Takeuchi et al., 2007; Youndt et al., 1996), innovation (Subramaniam &
Yount, 2005), client satisfaction (Gittell et al., 2010) and service quality (Liao et al.,
complete picture of the firms’ achieved goals. In addition, the findings of mediation
tests provide insights into the different predictors for different firm performance
The fourth contribution of this study is the specific context being tested –
HRM practices and firm performance has examined this in contexts such as
manufacturing firms e.g. auto manufacturing plants, steel companies (Datta et al.,
2005; Ichniowski & Shaw, 1999; Ichniowski et al., 1997; MacDuffie, 1995; Gant,
Ichniowski, & Shaw, 2002), some general service firms like banks (Delery & Doty,
1996; Richard &Johnson, 2001) and call centres (Batt, 2002), a mixture of
manufacturing firms, general service firms (Huselid, 1995; Guthrie et al., 2009) or
high technology firms (Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005). The important context of
professional service firms was omitted. Authors such as Collins and Smith (2006)
called for the exploration of HRM practices in firms which are “facing more
dynamic environments”, rather than stable business conditions typically faced by the
above sample firms (p.545). The research reported here responds to this call., Some
organisational structure (Greenwood et al., 1990; Cooper et al., 1996; Pinnington &
Morris, 2003), tournament promotion systems (Morris & Pinnington, 1998) and
Løwendahl, Revang & Fosstenløkken, 2001; Morris, 2001; Suddaby & Greenwood,
research on HRM in professional service firms is scarce. This study filled this gap
The findings of this study have important implications for both researchers and
Theoretically, the findings provide support for the general arguments of the
1991). More specifically there are four potential implications for researchers in
First, the findings provide insights into how HPWS work. Many HRM researchers
have discussed the indirect effect of HPWS on firm performance. The arguments
and empirical results of this study indicate that HPWS positively influences firm
performance through improving the firm’s resources (human capital, social capital
and organisational capital) and the efficient uses of these resources. Therefore, this
study provides researchers with comprehensive insights into the value creation chain
Second, this study provides insights into how organisational resources such as
human capital, social capital and organisational capital are used to improve firm
sharing, transfer, leverage, combination and creation. This study identifies four
combined and created. This provides researchers with insights on an alternative way
Third, this study identifies the mechanisms between HPWS and performance and
They also found that organisational strategy and context could potentially moderate
the HRM and firm performance relationship and that employees’ knowledge, skills
and abilities (KSAs) and social structure mediate the relationship between high
performance work practices and organisational performance. This study found that
HPWS were significantly and positively related to firm performance. This provides
support for the universalistic perspective in SHRM research and is consistent with
other studies such as Combs et al. (2006). This study also found that human capital,
social capital and organisational capital mediate the relationship between HPWS
and firm performance. This supports the contingency perspective in SHRM research
drawn from the discussion and analysis of the link from HR practices, through
resources built from HR practices and the uses of these resources to firm
Fourth, this study found empirical evidence for the importance of a firm’s
provides managers in PSFs with the mechanisms through which HPWS works by
improving firm performance. The HR practices help the firm to create human capital,
social capital and organisational capital, which in turn allows the firm to improve
Resources and the uses of these resources are critically important for PSF
management since they enable internal employee deployment and build the external
clients relationships which are required for improved service quality and efficiency.
In addition to the above, this study provides some decision making support for
example, when managers in PSFs know that their external social capital is high, in
other words, they have very good relationship with their clients, they may utilise
their existing knowledge to their clients. This study also highlights how managers
improve the pool of human capital, social capital and organisational capital and how
to explore and exploit these to create new products and service and to attract new
6.5 Limitations and Future Research Directions
Despite its contributions and strong implications, this study is limited in several
First, it examined three mediators between HPWS and firm performance, these are
human capital, social capital and organisational capital. There may also be other
was not addressed in this study. Therefore, the next steps in the development of
HPWS models that include more causal mechanisms. Some researchers have begun
to take steps in this direction. For example Liao et al. (2009) examined the
The second limitation concerns the small sample size, single industry data and
collection of data at a single time point. This study is limited by its small sample
size (120) albeit with a high response rate (45.80%). The small sample size did not
allow the investigator to conduct structural equation modelling which was the
desired method to test the complete model. As a result a complete picture of the
relationships could not be deducted. This study may also be limited by the single
industry data which was collected from accounting firms only. Other professional
service firms, e.g. law firms, architecture firms, were omitted from the investigation.
In order to test the more universal validity of the findings it is important for future
research to investigate multiple-sector PSFs, such as law firms, architecture firms,
etc. which will increase the sample size and sample diversity. In addition, this study
data on the HPWS in PSFs to track the sample firms and to detect causal
This study is also limited in the examination of HPWS as an index. This makes it
difficult to isolate the effects of single HR practices on specific firm resources and
performance. For example, it was argued that HPWS had an influence on firm
will influence a key dimension of firm performance. Therefore, another direction for
future research is to examine the consistency between HPWS usage and firm goals.
professional service context. The findings of this study provide empirical evidence
underlying the mechanisms through which HPWS and important firm performance
is linked.
The main objective of this study was to examine the indirect performance effect of
HPWS in professional service firms. By doing so, this study adds to those studies
which attempt to open up the so called “black box” in strategic HRM research
(Wright & Garner, 2003) in the particular context of professional service firms.
Based on the resource-based view of the firm, knowledge-based theory and dynamic
capability theory, the present study conceptualised and tested a new model of
HPWS and firm performance in PSFs. Three pathways through which HPWS
influences firm performance were found in the existing studies on the indirect
relationship between HPWS and firm performance. These pathways were human
capital, social capital and organisational capital. These are the most important
must be effectively managed and utilised to achieve superior profit (Schultz, 1961)
and competitive advantage (Sirmon et al., 2007). The mediation of uses of resources
between firms’ resources and performance was then proposed. Therefore, the
present study theoretically and empirically establishes a new framework for HPWS
To test the proposed model, data was collected from managing partners and HR
managers in 120 accounting firms based in Ireland. The findings provide support for
the mediational effects of resources in the relationship between HPWS and firm
performance. They also provide support for the mediational effects of uses in the
relationship between resources and firm performance. In this regard, this study
provides evidence from professional service firms that HPWS influences firm
Despite its limitations in terms of sample size and single industry focus, the present
study contributes to SHRM theory and its application in PSFs. It does this by
and by identifying three mediators: human capital, social capital and organisational
firm performance represents a novel way through which resources influence firm
performance. The new model proposed here and the empirical findings provide a
rounded and more complete perspective of how HPWS affects firm performance.
This in turn provides new insights for researchers in the SHRM field. This study
also enriches the understanding of context in SHRM research by extending the focus
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Research Ethics Committee: Notification Form for Low-Risk Projects and
Undergraduate Dissertations
DCU Research Ethics Committee has introduced a procedure for notification to the
committee of
1. low-risk social research projects, in which personal information that is deemed not
sensitive is being collected by interview, questionnaire, or other means
2. dissertations on undergraduate programmes in all disciplines.
The committee requires researchers to concisely answer the following questions within this
form (before the project starts):
Project Title:
Exploring the Indirect Performance Impact of High Performance Work Systems in
Professional Service Firms: A Practices-Resources-Uses Approach
1. Provide a lay description of the proposed research (approx. 300wds):
This study examines how high performance work systems (HPWS) affect firm performance
in professional service firms (PSFs). The research applies a practices-resources-uses
systematic approach to explore the “black box”.
It is argued that HPWS do not affect firm performance directly but indirectly. HPWS affect
firm performance through two steps. First, the HPWS creates firm’s human capital, social
capital and organisational capital resources. These resources in turn create value for firms
when they are effectively utilized. This is the practices-resources-uses approach.
The research model is developed based on a diverse range of literature which includes
strategic human resource management (SHRM), resource-based view of the firm (RBV),
knowledge-based theory as well as dynamic capabilities. The uniqueness of the research
model is that it provides a comprehensive chain from HPWS to firm performance, i.e.
innovation, productivity and financial performance, through combining the key concepts and
ideas in relation to intellectual capital resources which includes human capital, social capital
and organisational capital, uses of resources which includes monitoring, team utilization,
administrative coordination, generating new ideas and communication, and knowledge
management capacities.
The study of the indirect impact of HPWS on firm performance will contribute to the
understanding of how and why HPWS affect firm performance by identifying valuable
resources and the way to effectively use them in PSFs. It also will provide theoretical
support for the arguments of the resource-based view of firm (Barney, 1991), the
knowledge-based theory of firm (Grant, 1996a, 1996b) and the dynamic capabilities (Teece,
Pisano & Shuen, 1997) perspectives.
This research project gets the support from Charted Accountants Ireland. To conduct this
research project, Patrick Flood, Janine Boask and I collaborated with Professor Tim Morris
at University of Oxford and Dr Philip O’Regan at University of Limerick.
2. Detail your proposed methodology (1 page max.):
This research project will be survey-based. The data will be collected from two responses in
one unit/firm in the sample of 272 accounting firms in Ireland. The contact information for
the respondents in 272 accounting firms were collected from Business World Top 1000
Professional Firms, Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board, Chartered Accountants
Ireland, FAME, Kompass Directory and IndexIreland.
Dillman (2002)’s Tailored Design Method (TDM) is applied to conduct the survey.
The data collected from hard copy and online survey will be inputted to statistical software
packages and analysed accordingly, using correlation and regression analysis.
Dillman (2002)’s Tailored Design Method (TDM) is applied to conduct the survey.
Together with the letter and questionnaire, a pre-paid and self-addressed envelop will be
enclosed for returning surveys. Alternatively to hard copy of questionnaire, an online version
will be provided.
All of the surveys will be posted to potential participants. The link for an online version will
be written in the letters which will be posted to potential participants.
The questionnaires will contain generic questions which will in no way identify the
participants. If the questionnaires are filled out in hard copy they will returned in non
identifiable envelopes. If the questionnaires are filled out electronically the responses will
file in automatically with non identifiable responses. There will be a reference number for
each response which will only be used for checking response rate.
There are no risks foreseen for filling the questionnaire which may take around 15 minutes.
6. Have approval/s have been sought or secured from other sources? Yes/No No
If Yes, give details:
7. Please confirm that the following forms are attached to this document:
Informed Consent Form Yes/No No
Plain Language Statement Yes/No No
NB – The application should consist of one file only, which incorporates all
supplementary documentation. The completed application must be proofread and
spellchecked before submission to the REC. All sections of the form should be
completed. Applications which do not adhere to these requirements will not be
accepted for review and will be returned directly to the applicant.
The administrator to the Research Ethics Committee will assess, on receiving such
notification, whether the information provided is adequate and whether any further action is
necessary. Please complete this form and e-mail to fiona.brennan@dcu.ie
In general, please refer to the Common Questions on Research Ethics Submissions for
further guidance on what research procedures or circumstances might make ethical
approval necessary (http://www.dcu.ie/internal/research/questions_ethics_submissions.pdf)
Interview 1 with Managing Partner
3a. What can be done to improve your employees’ skills when you are cutting costs?
3b. What can be done to strengthen the relationships between team members within
departments and between different departments?
3c. What do you do with the organisational structure and routines to improve project
3d. What is key employee?
3d. How do you retain your key employees?
4a. The people who are motivated well will contribute more to the company. How
do you make sure the employees in different levels are highly motivated?
4b. How can juniors become partners?
4c. Do you hire directors or managers outside PWC, e.g. some people with fruitful
experience in other industries? If so, are you employing the same promotion
method/criteria to them?
4d. Since you have annual performance appraisal, do you use a performance-based
compensation strategy?
2a. Because of the recession, lots of firms are cutting costs. What are you going to
or have you been doing?
2b. Are there any changes in the organisational structure, for example, job
redesigning, clients retention, promotion models and performance management? If
so, what are they?
3a. Do you think the recession is the best time for upgrading talent? If yes, what are
you going to do for upgrading your talent? Will you make contingency plans for
recruiting and/or retaining top talent?
3b. Are there any changes in the relationships between employees, between
employee and clients and between different networks?
3c. Generally, most of the work is conducted by teams. During the recession, are
there events for team building, such as improving trust, leadership or motivation?
4a. What has happened to your business results in the last 3 years?
4b. Could you forecast the business results for the next 3 years?
4d. How can you retain or improve your revenue during this recession? Are you
going to provide your clients with new practice portfolio?
4f. How should today's economy change our view of innovation?
4g. What do you think innovation means for PSFs? New practice portfolio, new
solutions, or else?
5. How do you look after your clients? And the changes at the moment?
10. Are larger or smaller companies better positioned to make such changes?
HR practice here includes recruitment (path 1), training (path 1 and 2),
compensation (path 3 and 4), and performance measurement (path 3 and 4).
1a. Externally, where do the candidates come from and what are the percentages,
e.g., graduates or experienced employees, and the percentage?
1b. Can you tell me about your promotion systems?
- promotion criteria, e.g., formal assessment V automatically based on tenure
1c. What will the people do if they are not promoted? (“up or out” tournament
promotion model)
2a. What kind of training activities are there for employees in different levels?
2b. How often does training take place?
2c. Are there training activities to improve trust and teamwork to keep the project
team efficient and effective?
2d. Is there management skills training for those who get promoted, e.g., for senior
3a. What is the compensation package for associates, seniors, managers, directors,
and partners?
3b. How is the profit shared? Is it based on tenure, performance or equal sharing?
3c. Is there any performance based pay, “eat what you kill” or team based pay in
5. What changes are there for HRM in PWC because of the recession?
Firm Size
Small firm Large firm
HR Practices firm
employment test (e.g., skills tests, aptitude tests,
skills tests
mental/cognitive ability tests)
internal promotions
promotions based upon merit or performance
(versus seniority)
promotions based upon seniority only if merit is
based upon seniority
promotions based upon seniority among employees
who meet a minimum merit requirements;
a lot of
intensive recruiting efforts recruitment when required
comprehensive selection (using structured,
standardized interviews, e.g., behavioural or
situational interviews, tests etc.)
selection based on overall fit to the company
cross training (for a variety of skills) More technical skills, firm-specific training
cross-utilisation (routinely perform more than one
job, i.e. job rotation)
task or firm-specific training
training in generic skills
training focused on future skill requirements just for what they need
multiple career path opportunities
team-building and teamwork skills training team skills are trained on the job
mentoring system
continuous training
comprehensive training
Firm Size
Small firm Large firm
HR Practices firm
on-the-job training
Training length (hours) total training hours for trainees every year
group / team performance based pay only for management not trainees
knowledge-based / skill-based / individual
individual performance based pay
performance based pay
employee stock ownership
organisational performance-based pay only for partners
Performance Control
participation programs
Cover letter to the firms who have contact information for two persons:
Cover letter to the firms who have contact information for two persons:
We would like to thank you in advance for your time and effort.
1. What is your title or position?
Managing Partner HR Manager/Director Other (please specify) __________
9. How many years have you worked in the accounting profession? _____ years
10. How many years of full time work experience do you have? _____ years
11. Please indicate the year in which your organisation was established in its current form: __________
13. Please indicate if your organisation is part of an international network of accounting firms: Yes No
14. Please indicate if your organisation is part of a national network of accounting firms: Yes No
15. How is the firm organised: by (please tick as many as are relevant)
Client group
Specialist group
Local office
Other (please specify) __________
16. Please rank in order of importance the following criteria for promoting a professional to partner in your
organisation: (Please rank the categories below from 1 through to 6. 1=Most important)
______ Getting new business
______ Technical skill
______ Fee earning ability
______ Management ability
______ Getting on with peers
______ Getting on with clients
17. Please rank in order of importance the following criteria used to assess partner’s performance:
(Please rank the following categories from 1 through to 4. 1=Most important)
% %
% %
Repeat work
Please answer the following questions with respect to all the professional staff in your organisation
over the previous 12 months. Please estimate, on average...
Staffing: What proportion of your professional staff…
1. Are administered an employment test (e.g. skills tests) prior to hiring? ................................ %
2. Hold jobs which have been subjected to a formal job analysis to identify position
requirements (such as required knowledge, skills or abilities)? ........................................... %
3. Hold non-entry level jobs which have been filled as a result of internal promotions (as
opposed to hired from outside of the organisation)? ........................................................... %
Performance management & Remuneration: What proportion of your professional staff …
4. Receive formal individual performance appraisals?............................................................... %
5. Receive formal performance appraisals from more than one source (i.e., from several
individuals such as supervisors, peers etc.)? ....................................................................... %
6. Have access to company incentive plans, profit-sharing plans, and/or gain-sharing
plans? ................................................................................................................................... %
7. Receive their performance appraisals which are used to determine their compensation?.... %
8. Receive their performance appraisals which are used to set goals and plan skill
development?........................................................................................................................ %
9. Receive above market wage levels to attract and retain them? ............................................ %
Information sharing & participation: What proportion of your professional staff …
10. Are included in a formal information sharing program (e.g., a newsletter)? ....................... %
11. Are asked to complete attitude surveys on a regular basis? ............................................... %
12. Participate in Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs, Quality Circles (QC), and/or
labour-management participation teams? ............................................................................ %
13. Have access to a formal grievance procedure and/or complaint resolution system? ......... %
Training & development: What proportion of your professional staff …
14. Receive continuous training, e.g. continuous professional development? .......................... %
15. Receive structured mentoring, e.g. via articles? .................................................................. %
16. Are organised in self-directed work teams in performing a major part of their work
roles? .................................................................................................................................... %
Other issues…
17. What is the average number of hours of training received by a typical professional staff
member per year?................................................................................................................. #
18. Which one of the following promotion bases do you use most often? (Please tick only one option)
merit or performance rating alone
seniority only if merit is equal
seniority among employees who meet a minimum merit requirement
19. For the five graduate trainee positions that your firm hires most frequently, how many
qualified applicants do you have per position (on average)? ............................................... #
Over the previous three years, please estimate (on average)
20. your annual voluntary employee turnover rate (percent who voluntarily departed your
organisation) ......................................................................................................................... %
21. your annual involuntary employee turnover rate (percent who involuntarily departed
your organisation – i.e., were discharged) ........................................................................... %
22. the number of days per year employees were absent ......................................................... #
Disagree Agree
In your organisation, the professional staff…
1. are highly skilled. ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
12. partner with other firms in the network to develop solutions ..................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13. apply knowledge from one area of the organisation to problems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
and opportunities that arise in another .......................................................
4. ORGANISATIONAL ROUTINES Strongly Unsure Strongly
Disagree Agree
In your organisation…
1. The databases are used as a way to store knowledge .............................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. Knowledge is shared between senior level staff and junior level staff ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Small Great
Extent Extent
To what extent does your organisation engage in the following items?
1. Formal policies and procedures for coordinating the team's work ..............................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Design inspections................................................................................................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
In your organisation, how often do employees on average engage in the
behaviours listed below?
1. Creating new ideas for difficult issues ................................................................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
That was the final set of questions for the survey. If you wish to share any additional comments please use the
following space. We appreciate your time and effort in answering these questions.
Name: _______________________________
Address: _______________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Report to XXXX
December 2010
Executive Summary
1. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of human resource management (HRM)
and knowledge management (KM) upon the performance of professional service firms.
2. This report provides the results of research undertaken within accounting firms in Ireland
between May 2010 and August 2010. It includes information on high performance work
systems, intellectual capital, knowledge management capacities, management mechanisms and
organisational performance.
3. This report provides comparisons between your practice and all 190 members of the Irish
Accounting profession who participated in this survey on each of above areas.
4. The results show that your practice uses more high performance work systems, has higher
intellectual capital, higher knowledge management capacities, higher management mechanisms
effectiveness, higher relative organisational performance, higher relative market performance,
higher productivity and lower absenteeism.
5. The main recommendation is to continue using human resource management practices to build
intellectual capital, to improve knowledge management capacities and management
mechanisms effectiveness to encourage your employees to be more innovative and productive.
Basic Concepts
High performance work systems (HPWS): “a system of HR practices designed to enhance
employees’ skills, commitment, and productivity in such a way that employees become a
source of sustainable competitive advantage” (Lawler, 1992, 1996; Levine, 1995; Pfeffer,
1998; cited in Data, Guthrie and Wright 2005).
Intellectual capital: “sum of all knowledge with which an organisation is able to leverage in the
process of conducting business to gain competitive advantage” (Subramaniam and
Youndt, 2005: 451).
Human capital: the stock of skills and knowledge embedded in individuals (Becker, 1964;
O’Sullivan & Sheffrin, 1998), which can be built through education and training (Becker,
Social capital: the stock of knowledge embedded in the relationships among individuals
(Coleman, 1988; Bourdieu; 1985; Burt, 1992; Putnam, 1993; Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998;
Lin, 2001).
Management mechanisms: the management practices or activities that explore, develop and
utilize the resources of organisations. Communication, coordination, monitoring and team
utilisation are measured.
Absenteeism: the number of absent days per employee per year due of illness.
Report to XXXX
Figure 1 Comparison on Uses of High Performance Work Systems (0% - 100%)
HPWS Index Recruitment Performance Remuneration Information Training
Management Sharing
Figure 2 Comparison on Intellectual Capital (7 point scale)
Accounting Profession
7.00 Your Practice
6.63 6.75 6.64
5.57 5.49 5.50
Intellectual Capital Human Capital Social Capital Organisational
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Sharing Knowledge
Management Acquisition Application
4.99 5.01 4.98
Management Communication Coordination Monitoring Team Utilisation
Figure 5 Comparison on Subjective Performance Measures (7 point scale)
Relative Relative Market Innovation
Organisational Performance
Figure 6 Comparison on Objective Performance Measures
0.08 3.00
0.00 0.00
Productivity Absenteeism
An Industry Report
December 2010
Human resource management is of critical importance for accounting firms and has an
important role in value creation and exploitation. This report addresses several important
areas in organisational management:
• It outlines the uses of human resource management practices.
• Within firms it provides and evaluation of human capital, i.e. knowledge embedded in
individuals, social capital, i.e. knowledge embedded in relationships, and
organisational capital, i.e. knowledge embedded in organisational routines, systems
and databases.
• It illustrates the knowledge management practices which encourage the flow of
knowledge between senior employees, junior employees and clients.
• It identifies the management mechanisms which are effective in daily management,
such as communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation.
• It also presents different performance measures such as perceived organisational and
market performance; innovation, productivity and absenteeism.
• The report’s findings provide a useful insight into the management of professional
service firms, taking into account comprehensive human resource and knowledge
management practices and policies.
Thank you very much for your participation in this major study. I hope your practice will benefit
from the insight provided by this study. Both a long report for the industry and a short
customised report for your practice are provided.
Diarmuid Breathnach
Student Service Manager of Chartered Accountants Ireland
This extensive survey of human resource management (HRM) and knowledge management
(KM) in professional service firms (PSFs) would not have been possible without the
cooperation of a large number of people and institutions.
First and foremost, we acknowledge the managing partners, human resource managers and
other partners, senior staff in almost 120 accounting firms in Ireland and thank them all for
their time and insights on human resource management and knowledge management in their
respective practices.
We are very grateful to the Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI) for their assistance. We
particularly acknowledge the input of Diarmuid Breathnach in promoting the access to
accounting firms in Ireland.
To improve the validity and reliability, we piloted the survey with accounting and organisational
experts in different areas. We express our appreciation to their efforts and help. They are Dr
Edel Conway, Dr Aurora Trif, Dr Jan Bosak, Prof. Tim Morris, Dr Philip O’Regan, Dr Barbara
Flood, Prof. Marann Byrne, Ms Orla Feeney, Dr Ruth Mattimoe, Dr Mary Canning, two
partners and three managers in Big 4 firms.
We also thank David Meehan based at DCU library who provided support for the firm
database to select the sample in this study.
The professional design of the survey comes from Dr Hyowon Lee at DCU. We give him our
Many thanks are also given to Professor Denise Rousseau who provided great insights for the
research model at the initial stage and Professor Jim Guthrie who helped a lot in data
Last, but certainly not least, we wish to thank our international and national partners. They are
Professor Tim Morris at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, and Dr Philip O’Regan at
Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick.
Table of Contents
Foreword .....................................................................................................................................i
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... ii
About the Authors ..................................................................................................................... iii
1. Overview ................................................................................................................................1
2. Background of this study........................................................................................................1
2.1 Research Aim ...................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Research Process ............................................................................................................... 1
2.2.1 Sampling........................................................................................................................... 1
2.2.2 Survey Procedures ........................................................................................................... 2
3. Theoretical Basis....................................................................................................................2
3.1 HPWS .................................................................................................................................. 2
3.2 Intellectual Capital ............................................................................................................... 2
3.2.1 Human Capital .................................................................................................................. 2
3.2.2 Social Capital.................................................................................................................... 3
3.2.3 Organisational Capital ...................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Knowledge Management Capacity: Finders, Minders and Grinders................................... 3
3.4 Management Mechanisms .................................................................................................. 4
4. Descriptive Results ................................................................................................................4
4.1 Characteristics of the Sample.............................................................................................. 4
4.2 Results of Uses of HPWS.................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Results of Intellectual Capital .............................................................................................. 6
4.4 Results of Knowledge Management Capacity..................................................................... 9
4.5 Results of Management Mechanisms Effectiveness......................................................... 10
4.6 Results of Organisational Performance............................................................................. 11
5. Regression Results of the Survey........................................................................................13
6. Findings................................................................................................................................17
7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................17
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 1 Distribution of Respondents on Title ........................................................................... 5
Figure 2 Distribution of Respondents on Gender ...................................................................... 5
Figure 3 Distribution of Respondents on Age............................................................................ 5
Figure 4 Distribution of Respondents on Education .................................................................. 5
Figure 5 Distribution of Respondents on Professional Qualification ......................................... 5
Figure 6 Comparison on Uses of HPWS (index results) ........................................................... 7
Figure 7 Intellectual Capital (7-point scale) ............................................................................... 8
Figure 8 Knowledge Management Capacity (7-point scale) ..................................................... 9
Figure 9 Management Mechanisms Effectiveness (7-point scale).......................................... 11
Figure 10 Subjective Performance Measures (7-point scale) ................................................. 12
Figure 11 Objective Performance Measures........................................................................... 13
Figure 12 HPWS on Relative Organisational and Market Performance and Innovation......... 13
Figure 13 HPWS on Productivity ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 14 HPWS on Absenteeism........................................................................................... 13
Figure 15 Human Capital on Relative Organisational and Market Performance and
Innovation............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 16 Human Capital on Productivity................................................................................ 14
Figure 17 Human Capital on Absenteeism.............................................................................. 14
Figure 18 Social Capital on Relative Organisational and Market Performance and
Innovation............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 19 Social Capital on Productivity.................................................................................. 15
Figure 20 Social Capital on Absenteeism ............................................................................... 15
Figure 21 Organisational Capital on Productivity .................................................................... 15
Figure 22 Organisational Capital on Absenteeism .................................................................. 15
Figure 23 Organisational Capital on Relative Organisational and Market Performance
and Innovation........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 24 HPWS on Intellectual Capital .................................................................................. 16
Figure 25 HPWS on Knowledge Management Capacity ........................................................ 16
Figure 26 HPWS on Management Mechanisms Effectiveness............................................... 16
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of human resource management (HRM)
and knowledge management (KM) upon the performance of professional service firms.
Professional service firms (PSFs) consist of a highly educated and professionalized workforce who
provide clients with customised knowledge (Empson, 2007; Greenwood, Li, Prakash, &
Deephouse, 2005; Maister, 1993). Examples of professional services include accounting,
engineering consulting, management consulting and legal services. PSFs are very different from
traditional manufacturing firms (Løwendahl, 2000).
Professional service firms are knowledge-intensive (Morris, 2001; von Nordenflycht, 2007, 2010).
Their inputs are mainly the knowledge acquired, possessed and utilised by their professional
workforce (Starbuck, 1992). Their outputs are the expert knowledge in the form of customized
solutions for their clients (Empson, 2007; Greenwood et al., 2005; Hitt, Shimizu, Uhlenbruck, &
Bierman, 2006; Løwendahl, 2000; Morris & Empson, 1998; von Nordenflycht, 2007, 2010).
Human resources constitute one of the most critical assets of PSFs. Because of this, we
investigated how to build the resources of human capital, social capital and organisational capital
through human resource management practices systems. We also wanted to investigate how to
utilise these resources at the firm level to help PSFs to achieve higher performance.
This is an area which had not been fully researched in the Irish context and is of practical
relevance to the management of accounting firms.
The goals of our project were to:
2.2.1 Sampling
Accountancy is a traditional professionalised and regulated sector. Most Irish accounting firms are
small to medium size. Selection of appropriate firms, which included some formal and informal HR
practices and knowledge management activities, was based on defined criteria. One of these was
that the accounting firm should have 3 or more partners. The other criterion was that the employee
number was not less than 5. Since no single database could provide comprehensive information
on accounting firms, this information was researched using Business World Top 1000 Professional
Firms, Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board, Chartered Accountants Ireland, FAME, Kompass
Directory and IndexIreland. The information obtained from these sources was combined to create
the sample frame for this study. 274 accounting firms were chosen as a sample of this study. To
avoid single-rater bias, two respondents (primarirly the Managing Partner and the Partner
responsible for Human Resource were chosen for each firm.
In this section, the concept of HPWS, intellectual capital, knowledge management capacity and
management mechanisms are reviewed and defined. This provides a theoretical base for better
understand of these relevant management theories.
3.1 HPWS
Intellectual capital is the “sum of all knowledge with which an organisation is able to leverage in the
process of conducting business to gain competitive advantage” (Subramaniam and Youndt, 2005:
451). There are three dimensions of intellectual capital; human capital, social capital and
organisational capital.
3.2.1 Human Capital
Human capital refers to the stock of skills and knowledge embodied in individuals (Becker, 1964;
O’Sullivan & Sheffrin, 1998), which can be built through education and training (Becker, 1964). In
PSFs, human capital is defined as the knowledge embedded in professionals that can be used to
produce high quality professional services for clients (Hitt et al., 2001; Hitt et al., 2006; Pennings,
Lee & Van Witteloostuijn, 1998).
Human capital is a very important asset of PSFs (Hitt et al., 2001; Morris & Snell, 2008). Higher
human capital means more expert knowledge embedded in a highly professionalized PSF
workforce. It could help PSFs build a good reputation by signalling that the professional service
firm has the potential to provide more efficient solutions for its clients. The clients may also prefer
to choose the PSF with higher human capital if they believe that smarter people would provide
better solutions if other conditions are the same.
3.2.2 Social Capital
Social capital is a resource which is embedded in the relationships among individuals (Coleman,
1988; Bourdieu; 1985; Burt, 1992; Putnam, 1993; Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998; Lin, 2001). We
define the PSFs’ social capital as the knowledge embedded in the relationships among
professionals and between professionals and clients.
In PSFs, social capital plays an important role in two ways. Firstly, the relationships between PSFs
and clients, i.e., external social capital, help PSFs to attract and retain clients. The service
delivered by PSFs suffers from an “opaque quality” (von Nordenflycht, 2010) mainly because the
PSFs inputs and outputs are intangible knowledge and the clients cannot evaluate the quality of
service that they will get or they will have gotten. When choosing a service provider, the clients
usually choose the ones who have relationships with them when other things are equal (Alvesson,
2001; Pennings et al., 1998). Pennings et al. (1998) defined the firms’ social capital as the ties
between professionals and their potential clients and found that a firm's human and social capital
has a great influence on firm dissolution in PSFs. Their study shows that firm-level human and
social capital could be important sources of competitive advantage.
Secondly, the capital embedded in the internal relationships among professionals within the firm,
i.e., internal social capital, could help PSFs deploy teams, coordinate tasks and communicate
within the firm efficiently.
3.2.3 Organisational Capital
Organisational capital is defined as the institutionalized knowledge residing within organisational
processes, routines, systems and structures (Youndt et al., 2004; Subramaniam & Youndt 2005). It
is the result of integrating and combining individual knowledge into organisational knowledge
(Grant, 1996a, 1996b) which is preserved over time (Daft & Weick, 1984). Organisational capital is
a source of organisational competitive advantage (Teece, 2000).
In PSFs, organisational processes are highly institutionalized due to the nature of knowledge-
based work (Freidson, 1986; Greenwood, Hinings, & Brown, 1990; Robertson, Scarbrough, &
Swan, 2003). The organisational routines in PSFs are informal work practices that are formed by
professionals during team work (Morris, 2001). Some large PSFs build their own databases and
systems that store individual experience and expertise knowledge (Suddaby & Greenwood, 2001).
The professionals in the firm can access them and gain the benefit of previous experience. They
are also known as knowledge centres (Moore & Birkinshaw, 1998). These databases and systems
provide support for professionals to reuse and to exploit existing knowledge. Most PSFs have flat
organisational structures (Greenwood et al., 1990; Stumpf, Doh & Clark, 2002) that facilitate
knowledge flow between seniors and juniors.
Organisational capital constitutes an important resource of PSFs by facilitating knowledge creation,
sharing, combination and exchange (Morris & Snell, 2008). Besides facilitating knowledge
integration, organisational capital also shapes a professionals’ image and identity (Empson, 2001)
and these play an important role in attracting new clients.
The knowledge-based theory (KBT) of the firm considers knowledge as an intangible resource and
as the most strategically significant resource of the firm (Grant, 1996a, 1996b; Nonaka and
Takeuchi 1995; Spender 1996). Knowledge represents a highly valuable organisational resource.
Organisations should pay careful attention to how they manage knowledge (Empson 2001) and
effectively managing it could help them to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
Nielsen (2006) identifies eight knowledge management activities; knowledge creation, acquisition,
capture, assembly, sharing, integration, leverage, and exploitation. He assembled these activities
into the three dynamic capabilities of knowledge development, knowledge (re)combination, and
knowledge use.
Knowledge represents a highly valuable organisational resource, especially in PSFs where
partners, who are also referred to as “finders” (Maister, 2004) need knowledge to find potential
clients and to maintain good relationships with their existing clients. They also require knowledge
to choose appropriate members to form an efficient project team to deliver a good quality service to
their clients. The managers or directors, also referred to as “minders” (Maister, 2004), perform
administrative tasks and coordinate tasks and teams to ensure that the firm runs as a cohesive
group. The other professionals and trainees, also referred as “grinders” (Maister, 2004), serve the
clients’ needs and integrate their knowledge to tailor solutions for their clients.
From the view of knowledge stock and knowledge flow, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing
and knowledge application are of critical important in helping organisations to gain knowledge
management capacity. These aspects of knowledge are explored in this study.
The RBV argues that a firm’s competitive advantages lie primarily in the valuable, rare, imperfectly
imitable, and non-substitutable resources that a firm already has (Barney, 1991; Penrose, 1959;
Wernerfelt, 1984). However, the resources by themselves cannot guarantee the development of
competitive advantages or the creation of value (Barney & Arikan, 2001; Priem & Butler, 2001;
Sirmon, Hitt and Ireland, 2007). For example, Porter (1991: 108) argued that ‘resources are not
valuable in and of themselves, but they are valuable because they allow firms to perform activities
… business processes are the source of competitive advantage’. The “resources can only be a
source of competitive advantage if they are used to ‘do something;’ i.e., if those resources are
exploited through business processes (Ray, Barney and Muhanna, 2004: 26).
Here, the management mechanisms are considered as the management practices or activities that
explore, develop and utilize the resources of organisations. Communication, coordination,
monitoring and team utilisation are measured. These are sufficient for successful and efficient
completion of PSFs’ daily work.
In PSFs, most of the work is project or program-oriented. To meet client’s needs, a partner needs
to choose several professionals to form a team to solve a client’s problems. The team forms the
basic unit of work in the professional service firm and team management is vital for the successful
completion of a project.
First, PSFs need to deploy the team and coordinate tasks efficiently. The dynamic global economic
environment accelerates PSFs’ work speed. Usually the customers’ assignments are much more
compressed in term of time (Morris, Gardner, & Anand, 2007). The PSFs have to compress their
work into much shorter time. Morris et al. (2007)’s, report a partner from a consulting firm as saying
“… [we need to ] compress six months work into a three week assignment”. Another issue in
managing teams is conflict management. All of the professionals in PSFs are knowledge workers.
They have high autonomy and prefer self-management. There may be a conflict between them
when they do not have consistency with some work design. PSFs have to transform these conflicts
into cooperation by means of team management. Otherwise, it may “lead to mass defections and
the destruction of enterprise value, even more assuredly than in an industrial company setting”
(Teece, 2003: 900). Since professionals need to work together, the communication among them is
very important to accomplish the work. They need to exchange their opinions and create solutions
through teamwork to meet the clients’ needs. Efficient team management will contribute to
improving the efficiency of the firm’s human capital and social capital as they create new
knowledge. For this reason, communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation are
explored in this study.
This section presents the results of the survey, including the characteristics of the sample, the
profile of respondents and the comparison between your practice and whole accounting profession
in terms of HPWS, human capital, social capital, organisational capital, knowledge management
capacities, management effectiveness on monitoring, team utilisation, coordination, generating
new ideas and communication, and firm performance.
Surveys were mailed to 548 respondents in 274 firms. This included 10 firms that did not exist and
3 firms that did not qualify for this study because of small firm size or because they are not
accounting firms. This reduced the final sample population to 522 respondents in 261 firms. Survey
mails, reminder postcards, replacement surveys (see Chapter 4) representing 195 surveys in total,
were returned in the form of hard copy (156) and online (39). Four surveys were not completed
Figure 7 Distribution of Respondents on Title Figure 8 Distribution of Respondents on Gender
HR Manager
Managing Partner 10%
31~40 None
21% 37%
Master's Degree
<30 11%
11% Other
2% 4%
4% ITI
and were therefore excluded. The response rate was 36.40% (190/522) representing 120 firms
(45.98%). There are 71 matched pair responses explain representing 71 firms (27.20%).
Therefore, the final sample for this study consisted of 120 accounting firms located in Ireland,
covering a range of geographical regions.
Among the respondents, 50% were managing partners, 10% were HR manager/directors, 34%
were partners and 6% were other experienced professional staff who had a good knowledge of
their organisations (including holders of positions such as Director, Financial Director, Managers,
Office Manager, Auditor and Associate.).
In terms of gender, 80% of respondents were male and 20% were female. In terms of age, 2% of
respondents were 30 or less, 21% were between 31 and 40, 37% were between 41 and 50, 29%
were between 51 and 60, and 11% were above 60. With regard to education level, 48% of
respondents had a Bachelor’s Degree, 11% had a Master’s Degree and 37% did not have any
In terms of the professional qualification, 60% of respondents qualified from the Chartered
Accountants Ireland (CAI), 13% qualified from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
(ACCA), 11% qualified from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland (CPA), 1%
qualified from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), 1% of from the Institute
of Incorporated Public Accountants (IIPA), 10% qualified from the Irish Taxation Institute (ITI) and
4% were members of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
In consideration of the characteristics of PSFs, sixteen items were adopted from Huselid (1995)
and Datta et al. (2005). These items covered HR practices in recruitment, performance
management & remuneration, information sharing & participation, training & development. A
sample question is, “Please estimate what proportion (0% to 100%) of your professional staff are
administered an employment test (e.g. skills tests) prior hiring with respect to all of the professional
staff in your organisation over the previous 12 months”.
Since HPWS is mostly used as an index (Batt, 2002; Guthrie, 2001; Guthrie et al., 2009), the
Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for this sixteen-item HPWS scale and this was found to be .73.
This was above the cut-off point of .70 and demonstrates the internal consistency of our HPWS
Table 2 illustrates the breakdown of respondent’s replies on the proportionate use of various
HPWS practices. On average, the application of HPWS in Irish accounting firms was about 45%. In
other words, a score above 45 implied a more extensive utilisation of HPWS and any lower score
implied a less extensive utilisation of HPWS in comparison to the average utilisation of HPWS. In
this study, the highest score showed the extent to which a specific firm policy or HR practice was in
use in the sample of Irish accounting firms. In this regard, 89% of the sample had access to
continuous training. Similarly, about 83% of the sample utilised formal individual performance
appraisals. Figure 6 presents the results of uses of HPWS in Irish accounting context.
The measurements derived by Subramaniam and Youndt (2005) to measure intellectual capital
were adopted. The respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement with each of the
statements (from 1 = strongly disagree, and 7 = strongly agree).
Table 3 illustrates the breakdown of respondent’s replies on each item for measuring intellectual
capital. On average, the scores for human capital, social capital and organisational capital for Irish
accounting firms were 5.49, 5.71 and 5.50 respectively. A higher score for each item indicates
stronger agreement of the respondents. In all, higher scores of resources variables indicate higher
human capital, social or organisational capital while a lower score indicates lower human, social or
organisational capital. Figure 7 presents the results of intellectual capital for each dimension in the
Irish accounting context.
Table 1 The Uses of HPWS in Irish Accounting Firms
Mean Score
HPWS Index (average)
Are administered an employment test (e.g. skills tests) prior to hiring? 18.10
Hold jobs which have been subjected to a formal job analysis to identify position requirements
(such as required knowledge, skills or abilities)?
Hold non-entry level jobs which have been filled as a result of internal promotions (as opposed
to hired from outside of the organisation)?
Receive formal individual performance appraisals? 82.52
Receive formal performance appraisals from more than one source (i.e., from several
individuals such as supervisors, peers etc.)?
Have access to company incentive plans, profit-sharing plans, and/or gain-sharing plans? 15.43
Receive their performance appraisals which are used to determine their compensation? 45.69
Receive their performance appraisals which are used to set goals and plan skill development? 63.05
Receive above market wage levels to attract and retain them? 25.96
Are organised in self-directed work teams in performing a major part of their work roles? 61.93
Missing data and listwise deletion reduced the sample from n = 190 to n = 187.
40.00 44.88
20.00 32.57
HPWS Index recruitment performance remuneration information training
management sharing
Table 2 Intellectual Capital in Irish Accounting Firms
Mean Score
Resources Measurement
are skilled at collaborating with each other to diagnose and solve problems. 5.68
develop and maintain good relationships with clients. 6.16
share information and learn from one another. 5.91
interact and exchange ideas with people from different functional areas of the organisation. 5.56
partner with clients to develop solutions. 5.53
apply knowledge from one area of the organisation to problems and opportunities that arise in
Organisational Capital (Average) c: In your organisation … 5.50
5.57 5.71 5.50
Intellectual Capital human capital social capital organisational capital
4.4 Results of Knowledge Management Capacity
The measures for knowledge management capacity are mainly adopted from Chen and Huang
(2009). Five additional items are also used to measure knowledge management capacity because
of the context of PSFs. All of the 13 items are measured on a seven-point Likert-type scale (1 =
strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree). All of the three aspects had very high reliability with
Cronbach’s alpha above .83. This is above the suggested value of .70. Thus, we concluded the
measures for knowledge management were valid and internally consistent.
Table 4 illustrates the breakdown of respondent’s replies on knowledge management capacity. On
average, Irish accounting firms’ knowledge management capacity is 5.56 on a seven point scale..
A higher score indicates more knowledge management capacity while a lower score indicates less
knowledge management capacity. This applies to the three aspects of knowledge management
capacity, i.e. knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and knowledge application. Figure 8
presents the results of knowledge management capacity for each knowledge management
capacity in the Irish accounting context.
Table 3 Knowledge Management Capacity in Irish Accounting Firms
Mean Score
Knowledge Management Capacity Measurement
Knowledge is shared between senior level staff and junior level staff 5.77
Knowledge is shared between colleagues 5.89
Knowledge is shared between units 5.47
Knowledge Application (Average) : In your organisation, … 5.12
5.51 5.71
5.00 5.69 5.12
Knowledge knowledge acquisition knowledge sharing knowledge application
Management Capacity
4.5 Results of Management Mechanisms Effectiveness
The measures of management mechanisms are newly created scales based on measures of Kraut
and Streeter (1995) on administrative coordination, Janseen (2000) on generating new ideas,
Gittell, Seidner, and Wimbush (2009) on communication. All of the measures use a seven-point
Likert scale, 1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly disagree for monitoring and team utilisation, 1 =
to small extent and 7 = to great extent for coordination, 1 = never and 7 = always for generating
new ideas and communication.
Exploratory factor analysis (principal axis analysis with oblique rotation) was conducted and five
factors were found. The factor loadings are above .55 for monitoring, above .65 for team utilisation,
above .50 for coordination, above .65 for generating new ideas, above .49 for communication. The
reliability for each of the five factors was very high (all Cronbach’s alphas above .83).
Table 5 illustrates the breakdown of respondents’ replies on the management mechanisms. On
average, Irish accounting firms’ management mechanisms effectiveness is 4.93. A higher score
indicates more effective management mechanisms while a lower score indicates less effective
management mechanisms. This applies to the five aspects of management mechanisms, i.e.
monitoring, team utilisation, coordination, generating new ideas and communication. Figure 9
presents the results of management mechanisms effectiveness for each aspect in the Irish
accounting context.
Table 4 Management Mechanisms in Irish Accounting Firms
Mean Score
Uses Measurement
Communication (Average) a
In your organisation, how often do employees on average engage in the behaviours listed below?
Communicating with management in a timely way about the status of the project. 4.98
Communicating with management accurately about the status of the project. 5.10
Newly formed teams quickly establish a good understanding of each others’ talents and skills. 5.34
Teams are continuously reconfigured to address the set of opportunities facing the organisation. 5.04
Teams are formed on the basis of an understanding of people’ s skills and abilities 5.33
The valid sample was n = 190 (listwise).
Missing data and listwise deletion reduced the sample from n = 190 to n = 188.
Figure 15 Management Mechanisms Effectiveness (7-point scale)
4.99 5.33
4.98 4.65
4.00 5.01
Management communication coordination monitoring team utilisation
Firm performance was assessed using both subjective and objective measures. The subjective
ones were the self-reported relative organisational performance, relative market performance and
innovation. The objective measures were productivity and absenteeism.
Relative organisational performance and relative market performance. Eleven items were adopted
from Delaney and Huselid (1996). Respondents were asked to rate their organisation’s
performance relative to their competitors using a seven-point Likert-type scale, varying from 1 =
much worse to 7 = much better. Since all of the items adopted have been proved to be valid, the
reliabilities for relative organisational performance and relative market performance were
calculated and were both .84. These were comparable to the ones obtained by Delaney and
Huselid (1996) (alpha = .86 for relative organisational performance and .85 for the relative market
Innovation. Nine items were adopted from Janseen (2001, 2005). The respondents were asked
“How often do employees on average engage in the behaviors listed below, e.g. creating new
ideas for difficult issues”. The respondents answered from 1 = never to 7 = always. Janseen (2001)
found two factors in innovation. However, in the pilot study, the experts from HR and accountancy
understood them as measuring the same thing. Therefore, a principal axis factor analysis using
oblique rotation of the items was conducted to check the factor structure. All of the nine items had
factor loadings of .72 or above on a single factor, and this factor explained 75.99% of variance,
with an enginvalue of 6.84. These factor loadings are shown in Appendix L. The nine-item scale
had a reliability of .96.
Productivity. Productivity was calculated as revenue/number of professional staff. The revenue
data was aggregated from the respondents’ data and the public data since there was strong
agreement between the data in these resources. The respondents were asked to estimate the
income from fees for their firm/unit for the most recent year (€ million). The firm size information
was collected from public databases such as Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board,
Businessworld Top 1000 Professional Firms, Kompass and Fame.
Absenteeism. Absenteeism was calculated as the number of absent days per employee per year
due to illness.
Table 6 illustrates the breakdown of respondent’s replies on relative organisational performance
and relative marketing performance. For subjective firm performance measurements, the average
scores were 5.72 for the relative organisational performance, 4.78 for the relative market
performance and 4.40 for innovation. A higher score indicated better performance than the
average performance while a lower score indicated worse performance. For the subjective firm
performance measure, on average, the productivity of Irish accounting firms was €0.08 million per
professional staff. The higher score indicates that the firm is more productive than the average firm
and a lower score indicates that the firm is less productive. The average absenteeism was 4.10
days. The larger number indicates that the longer absent time of employees. Figures 10 to 11
presents the results of these performance measures in Irish accounting context.
Table 5 Organisational Performance in Irish Accounting Firms
Firm Performance Measurements Mean Score
Relative Organisational Performance
Please rate your organisation’s performance relative to your competitors:
Quality of services 6.06
Development of new services 5.19
Ability to attract essential employees 5.25
Ability to retain essential employees 5.75
Satisfaction of clients 5.96
Relations between partners/directors and other employees 5.90
Relations among employees in general 5.93
Perceived Marketing Performancea
Please rate your organisation’s performance relative to your competitors:
Marketing 4.62
Growth in revenue 4.83
Profitability 4.94
Market share 4.72
In your organisation, how often do employees on average engage in the behaviours listed below?
Creating new ideas for difficult issues 4.53
Searching for new work methods, techniques or instruments 4.65
Generating original solutions for problems 4.76
Mobilising support for innovative ideas 4.51
Acquiring approval for innovative ideas 4.61
Transforming innovative ideas into useful applications 4.45
Evaluating the utility of innovative ideas 4.31
Introducing innovative ideas into the work environment in a systematic way 4.31
Making team members enthusiastic for innovative ideas 4.40
Productivity (€ million per professional staff) .08
Absenteeism (the number of absent days per employee per year because of illness) c 4.10
The valid sample was n = 190 (listwise)
. Missing data and listwise deletion reduced the sample from n = 190 to n =137
Missing data and listwise deletion reduced the sample from n = 190 to n =188
relative organisational relative market performance innovation
Figure 17 Objective Performance Measures
0.08 3.00 4.10
0.00 absenteeism
(the number o f absent days per
(€million per professio nal staff) emplo yee per year because o f
Subjective Performance Measures
Relative organisational
5.5 performance
Relative market
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
A bs enteis m
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3
HPWS 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figures 15 to 17 illustrate that the human capital was positively related to productivity, relative
organisational and market performance and innovation, and negatively related to absenteeism.
Figure 21 Human Capital on Relative Organisational and Market Performance and Innovation
Subjective Performance Measures
Relative organisational
4 Relative market
3 Innovation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Human Capital
0.09 7
P roduc tiv ity
A bs enteeis m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3
Human Capital 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Human Capital
Figures 18 to 20 illustrate that the social capital was positively related to productivity, relative
organisational and market performance and innovation, and negatively related to absenteeism.
Figure 24 Social Capital on Relative Organisational and Market Performance and Innovation
Subjective Performance Measures
Relative organisational
4 Relative market
3 Innovation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Social Capital
Figure 25 Social Capital on Productivity Figure 26 Social Capital on Absenteeism
P ro d u c t iv it y
A b s e n te e is m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Social Capital
Social Capital
Figures 21 to 23 illustrate that the organisational capital was positively related to productivity,
relative organisational and market performance and innovation, and negatively related to
P ro d u c t iv it y
A b s e n te e is m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Organisational Capital
Organisational Capital
Figure 29 Organisational Capital on Relative Organisational and Market Performance and Innovation
Subjective Performance Measures
Relative organisational
4 Relative market
3 Innovation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Organis ational Capital
In addition, the impact of HPWS on intellectual capital, knowledge management capacities and
management mechanisms were tested. Figures 24 to 26 show that HPWS was positively related to
the three aspects of intellectual capital (human capital, social capital organisational capital),
knowledge management capacities (knowledge acquisition, sharing and application), and four
management mechanisms (communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation).
Figure 30 HPWS on Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital
Social Capital
Organisational Capital
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Knowledge Acquisition
5.5 Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Application
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Management Mechanisms
5.5 Communication
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Based on the above analysis, the findings can be summarized as follows:
This result is consistent with the result (46.96%) in Guthrie et al.’s study (2009) in which
data on HPWS was collected from 165 firms among the Top 1000 companies in Ireland.
The firms with more uses of HPWS saw increases in productivity, relative organisational
and market performance and innovation, and decreases in absenteeism.
The firms which make more use of HPWS saw higher intellectual capital, i.e. human
capital, social capital and organisational capital.
The firms with more uses of HPWS saw higher knowledge management capacities, i.e.
knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and knowledge application.
The firms with more uses of HPWS saw more efficient management mechanisms, i.e.
communication, coordination, monitoring and team utilisation.
The firms with higher human capital saw increase in productivity, relative organisational
and market performance and innovation, and decreases in absenteeism.
The firms with higher social capital saw increase in productivity, relative organisational and
market performance and innovation, and decreases in absenteeism.
The firms with higher organisational capital saw increases in relative organisational and
market performance and innovation, and decreases in productivity and absenteeism.
The main objective of this research was to investigate the uses of HPWS, intellectual capital,
knowledge management capacities and to examine their impact on firm performance in Irish
accounting context.
This study explores the theory bases for the above concepts and their application in professional
service firms. Data was collected from 190 managing partners, HR directors/managers in 120 Irish
accounting firms. This report presents both descriptive results and hierarchical multiple regression
analysis results of the survey. The findings provide sufficient support for the uses of HPWS which
have positive impact on organisational performance and help firms build intellectual capital and
knowledge management capacities.
There are some limitations in this report. For example, it did not list each item for each category in
HPWS. Recruitment includes employment test, formal job analysis and internal promotion. If you
require any further information relating to the study or its findings, you could contact Ms Na Fu who
will be very happy to provide additional information. Her contact information is as follows:
Ms Na Fu
Dublin City University Business School
Dublin 9
Email: Na.Fu3@mail.dcu.ie
Tel: 01-700-5742
Mobile: 0870510338
Rotated Factor Loadings
1 2 3
Human Capital
Professional staffs are widely considered to be the best in the
accounting industry. .82 .05 -.18
Professional staffs are experts in their particular jobs and
functions. .75 .00 .10
Professional staffs are up to date on relevant new taxation,
auditing, accounting and legal developments. .72 .10 .02
Professional staffs are creative and bright. .70 -.06 .05
Professional staffs are highly skilled. .69 -.10 .09
Professional staffs develop new ideas and knowledge. .44 -.09 .48
Social Capital
Professional staffs share information and learn from one
another. -.08 -.02 .87
Professional staffs interact and exchange ideas with people
from different functional areas of the organisation. -.11 -.04 .84
Professional staffs partner with clients to develop solutions. .09 -.01 .69
Professional staffs develop and maintain good relationships
with clients .20 -.04 .63
Professional staffs apply knowledge from one area of the
organisation to problems and opportunities that arise in .10 .22 .58
Professional staffs are skilled at collaborating with each other
to diagnose and solve problems. .26 .03 .56
Organisational Capital
The culture (stories, rituals and symbols) contains valuable
ideas and ways of doing business. .23 .75 -.18
Much of the organisation's knowledge is contained in manuals,
databases, structures and processes. -.06 .75 -.16
The processes are efficient to solve clients’ problems. .14 .74 -.08
The routines encourage employees to know each other. -.07 .72 .19
The routines encourage employees to know about the whole
organisation. -.13 .67 .25
The databases are used as a way to store knowledge. .02 .63 -.07
A low level of vertical hierarchies and cross-function barriers
are maintained in the organisation structure. -.19 .54 .22
Eigenvalues 8.06 2.54 1.36
Communicating with management in a timely way about the
status of the project. .01 -.04 1.02 -.04
Communicating with management accurately about the status of
the project. -.03 .01 .95 -.02
Sharing organisational goals about the quality of services. .06 .07 .65 .10
Project milestones and delivery schedules. .87 .00 .05 -.12
Project documents and memos. .87 .01 -.03 -.07
Requirements/design review meetings. .79 -.10 .08 .07
Regularly scheduled team meetings. .73 .10 -.07 .08
Design inspections. .71 .02 .04 -.01
Formal policies and procedures for coordinating the team's work. .59 .04 -.08 .18
There are mechanisms in place to encourage employees to
reflect on the outcomes of their efforts. -.02 .02 -.02 .92
There are mechanisms in place to monitor employee
contributions to new ideas and developments. .05 -.12 .00 .91
There are mechanisms in place to assist employees adjust their
approach if they find their efforts are taking them down the -.04 .30 .10 .55
wrong path.
Team utilisation
Newly formed teams quickly establish a good understanding of
each others’ talents and skills. -.09 .91 .05 .01
Teams are formed on the basis of an understanding of people's
skills and abilities. .00 .86 -.01 .02
Study Purpose Sample Performance measurement Data source
To examine performance evaluation
2,150 professionals in a performance evaluation and coaching experiences
and counselling experiences within a
Burke (1996) single large professional (mainly five-point Likert scale: 1 = not at all; 5 = Survey
single large professional services
services firm to a great extent
To explore and compare the effects of News and
Greenwood et al. top 50 consulting firms
ownership upon professional service Productivity = total revenues per professional Management
(2007) worldwide
firms Consulting
To find the determinants of PSFs’
Greenwood et al. performance by analysing 160 accounting firms in Firm Performance = revenues per professional
(2005) organisational reputation and US (R/P)
To examine the direct and moderating
93 from 100 largest law American
Hitt et al. (2001) effects of human capital on PSFs’ the ratio of net income to total firm revenue
firms in the United States Lawyer
Firm performance = the ratio of worldwide net
To examine the impact of human
72 from the 100 largest income to total firm revenue. American
Hitt et al. (2006) capital and relational capital on the
U.S. law firms Internationalization = the number of foreign Lawyer
internationalization of PSFs
offices and the number of lawyers in each office
To investigates linkage among
indicators of options-based career 117 of the nation’s
mobility strategies in PSFs and highest
Financial performance measures (revenues per
mentoring, developmental work grossing law firms and
Malos (1996) lawver. profits per partner, and the relative Am Law 100
experience, intentions to stay, starting other large firms in major
profitabilitv indexl
salaries, and firm financial urban
performance centers.
Study Purpose Sample Performance measurement Data source
To examine if public ownership create
growth = an agency’s percent annual change in
negative consequences for 122 from the largest 200
von Nordenflycht. revenue Advertising
professional service firms by reducing agencies from the 1962
(2007) creativity = the number of Clio and ADCNY Age report
employee incentives in advertising Advertising Age report.
awards an agency won in a given year
firm size = the logarithm of global revenue
To address the difficulties associated Output of the service producer (operational
with the measurement of productivity 60 largest management measure) : Turnover
Nucham (1999) of professional service firms and to consulting firms active in
propose a more adequate measure of Sweden Output of the client: Improved competitive
productivity in these industries. position
Directories of
To examine the effect of human and Entire population of associations
Pennings et al. organisational dissolutions = the changes in
social capital upon firm dissolution in Dutch accounting firms that appeared
(1998) accountants' organisational affiliations
PSFs for the period 1880-1990 at one- to
To examine the proposition that the
traditional archetype of the
756 partnership firms of Comparative firm performance using a five-point
Pinnington and professional partnership is said to
solicitors in England and Likert varying from 1=much better to 5 = much Survey
Morris (2003) have changed into a more 'business-
Wales worse
like' entity, the managed professional