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Symbol for
packaging recycling
Voluntary information system to
help the end user correctly sort
packaging for recycling

01 02 03
Why a Symbol for Introducing the Using the Symbol in
recycling? Symbol for recycling each market

04 05
Using the Symbol on Design
each type of
material - examples

1. Why a Symbol for recycling?

1. Why a Symbol for recycling?

The proper sorting of packaging waste in the home is critical to the recycling process. End
users often have doubts as to which container to deposit each packaging item in, or its
component parts, and would appreciate having information on the packaging itself to guide
them in this effort.

Moreover, the environmental commitment of companies, which includes their interest in

supporting the public to recycle more and better, is reinforced by the obligation laid out in
Royal Decree 1055/2022. This regulation states that by 2025, household packaging will If you have questions about which
indicate the fraction or container into which said packaging waste must be deposited. container the packaging goes into,
Until then, including this information is voluntary. check with our Intelligent Recycling
Assistant, AIRE
Against this backdrop, Ecoembes is making available to companies an information system
to help end users to correctly sort packaging so that, through its continued use, the public
will grow accustomed to it and quickly be able to identify which packaging goes into which
container for recycling.

It is free to use and voluntary, and it can only be used on household packaging that is
deposited in the Yellow, Blue, Green and Brown containers, in keeping with the principles
of application contained in this guide.

For more information, you can call us on 900 84 83 82 or write to
1. Why a Symbol for recycling?

Advantages of incorporating the packaging recycling Symbol

The addition of this Symbol to packaging helps all the agents involved in the recycling
process: the end user, companies and public administrations.

It helps companies to comply with their obligations as per Royal Decree

1055/2022 by 2025.
It brings credibility to the environmental commitment of the companies that incorporate
it, and creates added value in terms of the reputation and image of their products.
It helps inform the public, making it easy for it to participate in the recycling
of packaging, doing away with the existing confusion and fostering a positive perception
of the environment.
It improves the quality of the material deposited in the selective collection containers
(Yellow, Blue, Green and Brown) and makes the process of sorting the packaging more
efficient by reducing the costs of the system.
Ecoembes-member companies that incorporate this Symbol will be working to improve
the recycling of packaging, and therefore undertaking a communicable prevention
measure within the Ecoembes Prevention Business Plan.

2. Introducing the Symbol for recycling packaging

2. Introducing the Symbol for recycling packaging

The packaging recycling Symbol is an information system designed to help the

end user to correctly sort the packaging for subsequent recycling.
It can be displayed free of charge and voluntarily on the household packaging
deposited in the Yellow, Blue, Green and Brown containers, always in keeping
with the instructions provided in this Manual.
It comes in different versions for each of the four container
types available for the separate collection of packaging:

In the Yellow container In the Blue container In the Brown container In the green Container
Plastic, metal and carton packaging Paper and cardboard Compostable packaging Glass packaging

3. Using the Symbol in each market

3.1 In the domestic market
3.2 In the international market
3. Using the Symbol in each market

3.1 In the domestic market

Depending on the space available on
Version A:
the label or packaging, these two
less space available
versions of the Symbol may be used:

Version B:
more space available
3. Using the Symbol in each market

3.1 In the domestic market

Also available in other official


3. Using the Symbol in each market

3.2 In the international market

In this case, if the packaging is also International
distributed in the domestic market, Market
whenever possible, it should be shown
in the corresponding colour.
No sales in the domestic market Sales in the domestic market

Below are bilingual versions of the

packaging recycling Symbol in several Spanish / English
languages. Whenever possible, it
should be shown in the corresponding
colour. You must ensure the color of
the container in different countries. Spanish / French

Spanish / Italian

Spanish / Portuguese

4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.1 Packaging to be deposited in the Yellow container
4.2 Packaging to be deposited in the Blue container
4.3 Packaging to be deposited in the Brown container
4.4 Packaging to be deposited in the Green container
4.5 Products with packaging of different materials
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.1 Symbol for packaging to be

deposited in the Yellow
Version A Version B
Symbol for recycling packaging YELLOW Symbol for recycling packaging YELLOW
This is the symbol to be used on
household plastic, metal and carton
packaging that has to be deposited in
the Yellow separate collection
container. For example: plastic
packaging (beverages, shampoo,
detergent, bath gel, shopping bags...),
metal packaging (soda cans, cans of
preserves, deodorants...) and carton-
type packaging (juice, milk, smoothies,
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.2 Symbol for packaging to be

deposited in the Blue container
Version A Version B
This is the symbol to be used on Symbol for recycling packaging BLUE Symbol for recycling packaging BLUE
household paper and/or cardboard
packaging that has to be deposited in
the Blue separate collection container.
For example: boxes of biscuits, cereals,
shoes, frozen products, paper bags…
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.3 Symbol for packaging to be

deposited in the Brown
Version A Version B
Symbol for recycling packaging BROWN Symbol for recycling packaging BROWN
This is the Symbol to be used on
compostable packaging that has to be
deposited in the Brown separate
collection container.

Packaging is compostable if it complies

with the UNE EN 13432:2001 standard
on compostability, meaning if it is able
to biodegrade almost completely,
together with organic matter, in an
industrial installation under certain
operating conditions (time,
temperature, oxygen, light and
humidity), giving rise to a compound
that is suitable for use as a fertilizer in
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.4 Packaging to be deposited in

the Green container
Version A Version B
This is the symbol to be used on glass Symbol for recycling packaging GREEN Symbol for recycling packaging GREEN
packaging that has to be deposited in
the Green separate collection
container. For example: any glass
bottle (wine, spirits...) or jars
(cosmetics, cologne, jam, preserves...).
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5 Symbol for products with

packaging of different materials
In cases where the packaging is
composed of different materials
corresponding to different containers, a
determination has to be made as to
whether the materials can be easily
separated by the end user or not.
Depending on this determination:

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Royal Decree 1055/022 states that if

the materials can be easily separated,
the different containers will be
indicated. To do this, Ecoembes
recommends using the corresponding Example: yogurt packs Example: pack of biscuits Example: face cream
Symbol on each element of the • Cardboard structure: in the Blue container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container
packaging whenever possible. • Plastic packaging: in the Yellow container • Plastic wrappers: in the Yellow container • Plastic jar: in the Yellow container
• Plastic lid: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: cologne Example: 4-pack of milk cartons

• Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container
• Plastic jar: in the Yellow container • Carton: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: pack 6 bottles Example: cream jar

• Cardboard structure: in the Blue container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container
• Glass bottle: in the Green container • Glass jar: in the Green container
• Metal cap: in the Yellow container • Plastic lid: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: marker pack Example: lip balm pack Example: pack of tomato cans
• Blister pack: the plastic part in the Yellow • Stick: in the Yellow container • Plastic lid: in the Yellow container
container and the cardboard part in the Blue • Blister pack: the plastic part in the Yellow • Glass jar: in the Green container
container and the cardboard part in the Blue • Plastic wrapper: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

If the Symbol cannot be displayed on

each element, the Symbols will be
shown on the main element (box,
bottle, jar, glass, etc.) or the label that Version 1.
Without the word RECICLA:
identifies the product, using the less space available
following nomenclature to define the
different materials: Cardboard, Plastic,
Metal, Carton, Glass and
Version 2.
Depending on the space available on With the word RECICLA: more
space available
the label or packaging, two versions of
the Symbol may be used:

Example: cereal box

• Cardboard box: in the Blue container
• Plastic bag: in the Yellow container
This figure depicts the Blue and Yellow versions
and extends to the remaining versions.
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: 1L bottle Example: pack of biscuits Example: pack of sausages

• Glass bottle: in the Green container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Cardboard label: in the Blue container
• Cap: in the Yellow container • Plastic wrapper: in the Yellow container • Plastic sausage wrappers: in the Yellow
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: box of prawns Example: box of nappies Example: box of ham

• Plastic tray: in the Yellow container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Cardboard box: in the Blue container
• Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Plastic packaging: in the Yellow container • Plastic packaging: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: box ice cream cones Example: bag of crisps

• Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Paper bag: in the Blue container
• Plastic wrapper: in the Yellow container • Plastic bag: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: package of saline Example: package of pasta Example: assortment of pastries

• Cardboard box: in the Blue container • Cardboard label: in the Blue container • Plastic box: in the Yellow container
• Individual plastic packaging containing the • Plastic bag: in the Yellow container • Cardboard label: in the Blue container
product: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

On certain occasions, two or more of

the elements that make up packaging
must be deposited in the same
container, in which case the following Version 1.
Without the word RECICLA:
adaptation will be used: less space available

Version 2.
With the word RECICLA: more
space available

Example: pack of four tubs

• Cardboard box: in the Blue container
• Plastic tub: in the Yellow container
This content depicts the Blue and Yellow • Metal foil lid: in the Yellow container
versions and extends to the remaining versions.
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: pack of food cans Example: pre-cooked lasagna Bolognese

• Cardboard structure: in the Blue container • Cardboard band: in the Blue container
• Aluminium can: in the Yellow container • Plastic tray: in the Yellow container
• Aluminium cap: in the Yellow container • Plastic film wrapping the packaging: in the
Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.1 If the materials can be easily

separated by the end user

Example: jar of purée Example: carton of eggs

• Cardboard band: in the Blue container • Cardboard structure: in the Blue container
• Plastic packaging containing the product: in the • Cardboard egg holder: in the Blue container
Yellow container • Plastic coating: in the Yellow container
• Plastic lid: in the Yellow container
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.2 If the materials cannot be easily

separated by the end user:
multimaterial packaging

Royal Decree 1055/022 states that if

the materials cannot be easily
separated, or in the case of composite
packaging, the container for the
predominant material by weight in the
packaging will be indicated. Version 1.
Less printing space

Example: aerosol

Version 2.
more printing space

This content depicts the Yellow version and Example: milk or juice
extends to the remaining versions. carton

Example: multi-layers
4. Using the Symbol on each type of material

4.5.2 If the materials cannot be easily

separated by the end user: multimaterial

Version 1.
Less printing space

Version 2
more printing space

This content depicts the Blue version and extends Example: packaging for
to the remaining versions. bread, salmon, soap,

5. Design
5.1 Rules of use
5.2 Use of colour. Official colours
5.3 Colour on coloured backgrounds
5.4 Using the Symbol on photographic backgrounds
5.5 Size of the Symbol
Buffer around the Symbol
5.7 Restrictions and incorrect uses
5. Design

5.1 Rules of use. Reproducing the symbol in its official colour. When this is not possible, the
version of the symbol containing the written mention of the colour of the
The packaging recycling symbol is container must be used.
designed so it can be quickly spotted Use an appropriate size to maintain the effectiveness of the message.
and identified by end users.
As a result, we recommend: Respect the buffer free of graphic elements around the symbol and do not
use other elements inside other than those specified.
Do not alter the shape or proportion of its graphic elements, messages or
Always use the original vector art provided by Ecoembes, available at

However, the flexible use of colour, size and position of the symbol on the packaging or packaging label is a possibility.

In individual formats, the symbol should be placed on the main element of the packaging (bottle, jar, glass, etc.) or on the label identifying the product. For multimaterial packaging, see pages 29 and
30. In grouped formats, the corresponding symbol should be placed on the secondary packaging and on each of the individual packaging units it contains.

Graphically, it consists of the following elements: shape, icon, message, colour and typography.

Shape. Frames and makes Icon. The same for Message. Encourages Colours. Same as the Typography.
the information on the all packaging. the action and describes containers Contemporary and
recycling of the packaging Always included the colour of the (optional but versatile, flexible, easy
recognizable. in the shape. container. recommended). to read and reproduce.
5. Design

5.1 Use of colour.

Official colours

Although it is not mandatory to use

Pantone colours or their four-colour
equivalent, it is recommended that the
Symbol for recycling appear in its
official colour.

Always use the packaging recycling Symbol's

original vector art. You can download them
from this website: YELLOW BLUE BROWN GREEN
C: 0 M: 10 Y: 100 K: 0 C: 100 M: 50 Y: 0 K: 0 C: 32 M: 65 Y: 84 K: 21 C: 100 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 0
Pantone: 109 C Pantone: 300 C Pantone: 4635 C Pantone: 348 C
DOWNLOAD IT C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100
HERE Pantone: Process Black C
5. Design

5.3 Colour on coloured

backgrounds Version A
To maximize flexibility and proper Official colour In any colour Any white or Black on white Official colour Black on Black on White on
legibility, other colours can be used for transparent or transparent on contrasting monochrome monochrome monochrome
background colour background background background background background
the Symbol, on a white, coloured or
transparent background.

It is important to remember that when

it is not possible to print with the
official colours, the version of the
Symbol has to be used that provides a
written mention of the container's
5. Design

5.3 Colour on coloured

backgrounds Version B
In multi-material versions, the colour is Official colour In any colour Any white or Black on white Official colour Black on Black on White on
applied as shown herein. transparent or transparent on contrasting monochrome monochrome monochrome
background colour background background background background background
5. Design

5.4 Using the Symbol on

photographic backgrounds

When shown on a photographic

background, the contrast should be as
high as possible to make the recycling
Symbol easy to read.

The figure shows some correct

examples of application of the Symbol
that are valid for all versions and

This example is applicable to versions

for multimaterial packaging
and for international markets.

This figure depicts the Yellow of the Symbol,

and extends to the Blue, Green and Brown
5. Design

5.5. Size of the Symbol

The recycling Symbol should be quickly

visible and identifiable by users.

Its size should be appropriate to

preserve the effectiveness of the
message. Recommended minimum size: 10mm Minimum size allowed: 8mm

10 mm 10 mm
8 mm 8 mm

10 mm 10 mm 8 mm 8 mm

This figure depicts the Yellow version of the

Symbol, and extends to the Blue, Green and
Brown versions, and to the versions for
multimaterial packaging and for the
international market.
5. Design

5.6 Buffer around the Symbol

To maintain legibility, a buffer zone

x x x x x x
around the Symbol should be kept
clear of any other graphical elements.
This zone is indicated by the letter “x”
in the illustration.

The buffer zone in versions for

multimaterial packaging and for the
international market applies as in this
example. x x x x

This figure depicts the Yellow version of the
Symbol, and extends to the Blue, Green and
Brown versions.
5. Design

5.7 Restrictions and incorrect


The recycling Symbol, in any of its

variants and colour patterns, must not
be altered in terms of its proportions or

Some incorrect uses of the Symbol: Altering the arrangement of Varying the Changing the messages set
the colours of the different proportion of the out in this manual
graphic elements of the graphic elements

This figure depicts the Yellow version of the

Symbol, and extends to the Blue, Green and
Altering the external Using typography other Placing other elements Applying shading or
Brown versions, and to the versions for
shape of the Symbol than that set forth in this within the Symbol effects to the Symbol
multimaterial packaging and for the
international market.
Packaging recycling symbol

Always use the packaging recycling Symbol's original vector art, available on the


Ecoembes is the non-profit organization that owns and promotes this symbol for recycling packaging,
whose use is voluntary and free.

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