Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

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SAP NetWeaver

How-To Guide

Configuring the MDM Administration


Applicable Releases:
SAP NetWeaver MDM 7.1
SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 / EHP2
SAP Solution Manager 7.1

IT Practice / Topic Area:

Information Management

IT Scenario / Capability:
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management

Version 1.2
July 2011
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Document History
Document Version Description

1.2 Guide updated for SAP Solution Manager 7.1

1.1 References to SAP Notes added
1.0 First official release of this guide
Typographic Conventions Icons
Type Style Description Icon Description
Example Text Words or characters quoted Caution
from the screen. These
include field names, screen Note or Important
titles, pushbuttons labels, Example
menu names, menu paths,
and menu options. Recommendation or Tip
Cross-references to other
Example text Emphasized words or
phrases in body text, graphic
titles, and table titles
Example text File and directory names and
their paths, messages,
names of variables and
parameters, source text, and
names of installation,
upgrade and database tools.
Example text User entry texts. These are
words or characters that you
enter in the system exactly as
they appear in the
<Example Variable user entry. Angle
text> brackets indicate that you
replace these words and
characters with appropriate
entries to make entries in the
EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for
example, F2 or ENTER.
Table of Contents
1. Business Scenario ..........................................................................................................1

2. Background Information .................................................................................................1

3. Prerequisites....................................................................................................................3

4. Step-by-Step Procedure ..................................................................................................5

4.1 Service Activation .....................................................................................................5
4.2 Authorization Assignment..........................................................................................5
4.3 Landscape Maintenance ...........................................................................................6
4.3.1 SMSY Configuration for Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 ....................................6
4.3.2 SMSY Configuration for Solution Manager 7.0 EHP2 .................................. 10
4.3.3 Maintain the Technical MDM System in LMDB (for Solution Manager 7.1)... 13
4.4 User Management on MDM Servers ....................................................................... 16
4.5 Trusted Connection Configuration on MDM Server.................................................. 17
4.6 Trusted Connection Configuration on MDM Repositories......................................... 18

5. Appendix........................................................................................................................ 19
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

1. Business Scenario
You are a system administrator who is not familiar with the MDM Console; however MDM (Master
Data Management) maintenance tasks are part of your daily business. You can perform these tasks
with the Solution Manager which enables you to control many different systems from one program.

2. Background Information
The Solution Manager is considered as a central administration tool for a SAP system landscape
because the following central tasks are combined in one central tool:
System Landscape definition (SLD, SMSY)
System Monitoring
Root Cause Analysis
System Administration via Work Centers
Alert Management
Work Centers in SAP Solution Manager make navigation through central role-based access points
easier. They combine different administrative, support and operative tasks in one generic User
Interface. The Work Centers are located in the ABAP Stack of the Solution Manager.
As of SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM) 7.1 and Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1, central
administration of MDM servers and MDM repositories is possible. The MDM Administration Cockpit is
embedded in the Solution Manager System Administration Work Center. The System Administration
Work Center provides a list of all SAP systems which are defined in the Solution Manager System
Landscape. For SAP Systems with MDM components, a link to the MDM Administration Cockpit is
offered in the details view.
The MDM Administration Cockpit offers the most important functions for a central system
administrator. These functions are only a subset of the functions that are available in the MDM
Console. The MDM Console provides the complete set of functions for data modeling and specific
MDM administration tasks (for example, master/slave maintenance).
The MDM Administration Cockpit allows mainly the following basic administration tasks for maintaining
your MDM system landscape:
Server maintenance
Display status of MDM servers
Start MDM server
Stop MDM server
MDM repository maintenance
Display status of MDM repositories
Load / unload MDM repository
Archive repository
Verify repository
Repair repository

July 2011 1
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

Solution Manager (>= 7.0 EHP1)

Solution Manager Administration
Work Center

SMSY MD M Administration
S ystem Cockpit

MDM Server MDM Repository

Administration Administration

Downtime MD M 7.1 ABAP

Management A PI API

SAP Control Webservice


MDM 7.1
MDM Auxiliary MDM
MDM Auxiliary
Servers MDM Master Repository
Servers D ata Server

Figure: MDM Administration Cockpit: Component Overview

The MDM Administration Cockpit is an ABAP Web Dynpro Application that gives an overview of the
selected MDM system. The Cockpit gets the MDM system definition from the system landscape
definition in the Solution Manager (transaction SMSY) and displays the current status of its
The status of the servers and the activities on the servers are controlled with Web services of the SAP
Startup Framework (new MDM 7.1 installation environment).
Retrieval of the status of the repositories and the current activities being performed on them are
carried out with the MDM ABAP API that connects directly to the MDM server via a trusted connection.
All activities in the MDM Administration Cockpit are controlled by an ABAP authorization object. This
authorization object does not substitute the MDM repository security concept but extends it to the
ABAP environment. The MDM repository role assigned to the user should allow at least the same
activities that are allowed by the ABAP authorization object. Otherwise a user cannot perform the
activity with the MDM Administration Cockpit.
For more information about the security of an MDM repository, see the MDM 7.1 –
Console Reference Guide.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

3. Prerequisites
To use the MDM Administration Cockpit, you need the following components:
SAP Notes for Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1:
SAP Note
Number Title Description

1270045 Disable Logical Port Modification Disable modification of logical port parameters
if logical port already exists, thus avoiding
MDM Administration Cockpit role extension to
delete RFC destination

1278029 MDM SolMan Admin Cockpit This note refers to naming conventions
cannot retrieve status of MDM regarding the MDM hostname. If you use
Host special characters for the MDM Host name,
the MDM Administration Cockpit might not be
able to handle it.

1278483 CCMS connection – automatic Describes how to automatically retrieve the

system name retrieval during MDM system name from the CCMS tree on
analysis start of the MDM Administration cockpit – valid
only with MDM 7.1.01 or later.

1278740 Error when starting MDM Checking of MDM System version.

Administration Cockpit with MDM Checking of SMSY convention and send the
5.5 appropriate error message.

1279952 Cockpit exception handling Describes how to display missing details of

improvements error message if exception occurs during
retrieving status of auxiliary servers or during
component retrieval.

1300798 Cannot start the MDM Describes how to add the missing
Administration Cockpit with customization to the delivery.
Solution Manager 7.0 SP18

1302110 MDM_TECH 700_710: SP00 – Describes the issue of upgrading the version
SP01: incorrect MDM Cockpit of MDM_TECH after having updated the MDM
settings server.

1286796 Miscellaneous SP19 corrections Contains extended check and code inspector
error corrections of low priority.

1319391 Inconsistent status after exception Corrects a minor inconsistency in displayed

in rep. selection status in the work list and in the details views
under certain circumstances

July 2011 3
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

1334538 SP20 miscellaneous corrections Corrects minor errors concerning usability of

for MDM Admin Cockpit the MDM Administration Cockpit.

1354745 Capital hostnames are configured Allows you to configure your SMSY server
in small letters in SMSY names in capital or small letters without
respecting the real physical hostname.

1364110 MDM Admin Cockpit EHP2 Describes some limitations in the usage of the
Limitations MDM Administartion Cockpit released with
SolMan ST400 EHP2

MDM 7.1 (installed on the maintained MDM host):

For more information refer to MDM 7.1 – Installation Guide: <Platform> and MDM 7.1 –
Upgrade Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at
The host name on which the MDM System is installed will be part of each MDM instance
name. To be able to administrate the MDM instances with the MDM Administration
Cockpit, the following special characters are not allowed in the hostname: “-“ or “.” or “_”
(refer to SAP Note 1278029 MDM SolMan Admin Cockpit cannot retrieve status of MDM
With Solution Manager EHP1 SP19, this limitation is corrected.
Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 or higher or SAP Solution Manager 7.1
The MDM Administration Cockpit is delivered with the Solution Manager.
For more information about Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 / EHP2 installation, refer to SAP
Service Marketplace at SAP Solution Manager.
SAP Notes 1278483, 1278740, 1279952, 1300798, 1302110, and 1286796.
SAP Notes 1319391 and 334538 are delivered with Solution Manager 7.0 SP20.
SAP Note 1354745 is delivered with Solution Manager 7.0 SP 21.
All limitations referred to in SAP Note 1278029 are corrected with Solution Manager 7.0
MDM ABAP API Add-On: MDM TECHNOLOGY 7.10 700 for MDM 7.1 and SAP NetWeaver
The ABAP API Add-On needs to be deployed on the Solution Manager system. You do not
need to configure the MDM ABAP API (transaction MDMAPIC) or configure the RFC connections
(transaction SM59). This will be automatically performed by the MDM Administration Cockpit and
by the ABAP API itself. For data consistency reasons, no entry of the MDMAPIC elements is
automatically deleted by the MDM Administration Cockpit.
Make sure that your MDM TECHNOLOGY version is correct for your current MDM
system version (refer to SAP Note 1302110).
For more information about MDM 7.1 ABAP API deployment, refer to the MDM 7.1 -
ABAP API Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

4. Step-by-Step Procedure
Before you can work with the MDM Administration Cockpit, you need to perform the following setup
and configuration steps on the Solution Manager system, on hosts of the MDM servers, on the Master
Data server, and on the MDM repositories:

1. mdm_admin_cockpit service activation

2. Authorization management on the Solution Manager
3. SMSY configuration
4. User and authorization management for the MDM Server and the MDM Auxiliary Servers
5. Trusted connection configuration on the MDM Server
6. Trusted connection configuration on MDM repositories
The following sections explain the procedure for each step in more details.

4.1 Service Activation


You have performed the customizing activity Activate Solution Manager Services in the SAP Solution
Manager customizing, under Configuration Basic Settings Solution Manager HTTP
Services Activate Solution Manager Services.

4.2 Authorization Assignment


Several levels of authorization should be considered within the context of the MDM Administration
Cockpit. This is due to the fact that the Solution Manager (SOLMAN) user is not the same as the MDM
user and is also not the same as the operating system user (users on the hosts of each MDM server).
In the Solution Manager system, the activities of the MDM Administration Cockpit are controlled by the
ABAP authorization object MDM_ADMIN.
The following delivered roles with predefined profiles and additional necessary authorizations can be
assigned to the Solution Manager user:
1. SAP_SM_ADMIN_COMPONENT_DIS: Very restricted permissions. The user is not allowed to
perform any operation on MDM components.
2. SAP_SM_ADMIN_COMPONENT_EXE: The user is allowed to perform basic repository
activities: load, archive and verify-check.
3. SAP_SM_ADMIN_COMPONENT_ALL: The user is allowed to perform all offered repository and
server operations.
Additional roles with other combinations of activities may also be defined.
Note that with the authorization object MDM_ADMIN, it is only possible to allow starting
and stopping of the MDM Auxiliary Servers.
The MDM Administration Cockpit offers links to other applications to analyze and manage MDM
components, for example links to Root Cause Analysis, Alert Management, Downtime Management
and the DBA Cockpit. Note that the SOLMAN user should have additional roles or authorizations that
allow access and manipulation through these applications. For example, to get the link to the DBA
Cockpit, the role of the MDM administration user should be extended with the activity STOR of the
authorization object S_ADMI_FCD.
The roles with necessary authorizations have to be assigned to the MDM Administration Cockpit

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

For more details on role definition and assignment refer to the
Security Guide SAP Solution Manager on SAP Service Marketplace at SAP Components SAP Solution Manager.
Also refer to the AGS User Administration Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at

4.3 Landscape Maintenance


The landscape maintenance of an MDM Systems depends on the SAP Solution Manager version you
Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 (for MDM 7.1): SMSY configuration of an MDM system should
take place as described below in option 1.
Solution Manager 7.0 EHP2 (for MDM 7.1): SMSY configuration according to option 1 or
option 2. Option 2 is recommended due to compatibility with SMD and possibility of usage of the
technical system wizard for a part of the configuration.
Solution Manager 7.1 (for MDM 7.1): The system needs to be maintained in the Technical
System Editor. Please refer to section 4.3.3

4.3.1 SMSY Configuration for Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1

You have to perform the SMSY configuration for MDM 7.1 manually in the Solution Manager system.
The following steps are necessary to define an MDM 7.1 system or an SAP system with MDM 7.1
1. Call transaction SMSY in the ABAP stack of the Solution Manager system.
2. Define the physical host where the MDM system (MDM servers) is running.
3. In the landscape components area, click on Server and create a new (MDM) server. Server
name is <MDMhostname>.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

4. Define the MDM system: In the area Landscape Components, open the tree in the Systems
folder. Create a new system of product type SAP MDM with Product version: SAP
NETWEAVER MDM 7.1. We recommend that you choose the system ID <SID> as system

In case of a SRM sys tem cont aining MD M cat alog man age men t syst ems, c rea te a new s yste m of pro duct type SAP SRM and pro duct versi on SAP SRM 7. 0/NW7. 01.

If an SRM system contains MDM Catalog Management Systems, create a new system of
product type SAP SRM and product version SAP SRM 7.0/NW7.01.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

5. In the Selection of Main Instances tab page, select the Master Data Server checkbox in the
Relevant column.

Double click the Master Data Server main instance and define the instance of the master data
server in the List of Instances column. Use the following naming convention:
<instanceNumber> should have two characters even if it is less than 10.

If your MDM system also contains auxiliary servers, perform the same steps as for the Master
Data Server. Choose the main instances: Import Server, Syndication Server and Layout Server.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

For an SRM system, select the main instance: MDM Import Server and MDM Server as
Relevant and insert the list of instances by double clicking on the Main Instance.

If the Catalog Content Management System is installed as a standalone MDM 7.1
system, use the <SID> of the corresponding MDM system to define the instances.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

4.3.2 SMSY Configuration for Solution Manager 7.0 EHP2

You have to perform the SMSY configuration for an MDM system manually in the Solution Manager
system. The following steps are necessary to define an MDM system or an SAP system with MDM 7.1
or higher components.

1. Call transaction SMSY in the ABAP stack of the Solution Manager system.
2. Define the physical host where the MDM system (MDM servers) is running.
3. In the landscape components area, click on Server and create a new (MDM) server. Server
name is <MDMhostname>.

4. Define a System component: In the landscape components area, click on System Components
and create a new MDM Server. It is recommended to take the SID of the MDM system as name
for the system component.
5. Define the list of instances of the MDM system in the tab Instances. Use the following naming
convention: <MDMhostname>_<SID>_<InstanceNumber> if you perform this step
<instanceNumber> should have two characters even if it is less than 10.

July 2011 10
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

6. Define the MDM system: In the area Landscape Components, open the tree in the Systems
folder. Create manually a new system of product type SAP MDM with Product version: SAP
NETWEAVER MDM 7.1. We recommend that you choose the system ID <SID> as system

In case of a SRM sys tem cont aining MD M cat alog man age men t syst ems, c rea te a new s yste m of pro duct type SAP SRM and pro duct versi on SAP SRM 7. 0/NW7. 01.

If an SRM system contains MDM Catalog Management Systems, create a new system of
product type SAP SRM and product version SAP SRM 7.0/NW7.01.

July 2011 11
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

7. In the Selection of Main Instances tab page, select the Master Data Server checkbox in the
Relevant column. Refer to the created system component by checking the box and assigning
the corresponding system component.

For an SRM System with more than one catalog management, use the Extended assignment
property to assign more than one system component.

July 2011 12
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

For more information about the SMSY configuration, refer to the Solution Manager
configuration guide on SAP Service Marketplace at
SAP Components SAP Solution Manager Release 7.0 EHP 2.

4.3.3 Maintain the Technical MDM System in LMDB (for

Solution Manager 7.1)
If you work with SAP Solution Manager 7.1, you must maintain the technical system of type MDM in
LMDB. Refer to the following steps:

1. Open SAP Solution Manager Configuration Work Center.

2. Select Managed System Configuration.
3. Select System Operation Create System.

4. Select Technical System Type Master Data Management Server (MDM).

July 2011 13
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

5. Select Next.

6. Enter the System ID of your MDM Server into field MDM System ID.
7. Enter the MDM server host name and the instance number of the Master Data Server.
8. Select Next.
9. Select Save.

July 2011 14
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

10. Enter a description

11. Enter 7.1 as the version.

12. Select Next.

13. Select Add.
14. Add the product instance SAP NETWEAVER MDM 7.1: Master Data Server.
15. Depending on which MDM server types are installed in your system, add some or all of the
following product instances:
SAP NETWEAVER MDM 7.1: Import Server
SAP NETWEAVER MDM 7.1: Syndication Server
SAP NETWEAVER MDM 7.1: Layout Server

16. For each product instance, select the Installed attribute for the relevant software component

17. Select Next.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

18. Add the database(s) used by the MDM system.

19. Select Next.

20. Add the technical instances of your MDM system. For each instance type you need to enter the
instance type, host name, and instance number.

21. Add the TCP/IP port of the Master Data Server/

22. Select Save.

4.4 User Management on MDM Servers

You have created an operating system (OS) user with a password on each host, where the
MDM servers are running. This OS user has been added to a user group that has sufficient
authorizations to start or stop MDM servers.
For more information, refer to the MDM 7.1 Installation Guide: <Platform> on SAP
Service Marketplace at

July 2011 16
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

4.5 Trusted Connection Configuration on MDM

The MDM Server is configured so that a trusted connection can run between the ABAP API installed
besides the MDM Administration Cockpit and the MDM server. This configuration is done in the MDM
configuration file mds.ini.
With the introduction of asynchronous function execution with Solution Manager 7.0 EHP2, the load
balancing property of the ABAP application server group is used. The extension of the SAP RC
Gateways entries in the mds.ini file may have to be extended to embed all gateways of all
Application Servers within a group.

1. Define SAP Gateways: For the Solution Manager SAP Gateway, enter a value in parameter:
“SAP RFC Gateways=”, separated by a comma “, ”.
Use the following format:
SAP RFC Gateways=<GW Host>:<GW Service>
or alternatively
GWHOST=<GW Host> GWSERV=<GW Service>[, …]
SAP RFC Gateways=, host2:33350 GWSERV=3345
2. Define Trusted Systems: For the Solution Manager system to be trusted by the MDM server,
enter a value in parameter “Trusted SAP Systems=”.
Use the following format:
Trusted SAP Systems=
Trusted SAP Systems= SID:host4, XYZ, X01, Y02, AAA
3. You have to stop and restart the Master Data Server to activate the trusted connection access
of the MDM ABAP API from the Solution Manager system with the trusted connection.
As of MDM 7.1 SP03, a restart of the server is not required.
For more information on trusted connection configuration, refer to the MDM 7.1 - ABAP
API Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at

July 2011 17
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

4.6 Trusted Connection Configuration on MDM

The connection from the MDM Administration Cockpit to the MDM repository is based on the “trusted
connection” principle. This means that the Solution Manager user, managing an MDM repository, has
to be added to the user table of the managed repository and be assigned corresponding repository

Alternatively you can use the options provided by the connected LDAP. In this case the
mds.ini parameters of the MDM server have to be set accordingly.
Example of LDAP configuration entries in mds.ini:
LDAP In Use=True
Admin DN=cn=Administrator,dc=kom,dc=com
Admin Password+=4D333RUNIE9J0Q35S8EE5RG6M5
User Identifier=uid
Base DN=dc=kom,dc=com
MDM Email Attribute=mail
MDM Roles Algorithm=groupMapping
MDM Roles Attribute=employeeType
For more information about LDAP, refer to MDM 7.1 - Console Reference Guide on SAP
Service Marketplace at

July 2011 18
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

5. Appendix
Appendix A - Starting the MDM Administration Cockpit from the
Administration Work Center
Start the MDM Administration Cockpit after you have completed the configuration.

1. Log on to the Solution Manager system.

2. Call transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER.
3. Choose tab page System Administration.
4. Choose the Administration Tools button (on the left).
5. In the system selection, search for an MDM system or a system containing MDM components
(for example SRM with the MDM catalog). Use the Filter function.
6. Select the MDM system for which you want to start the MDM Administration Cockpit.
7. Choose Main Instances tab page.
8. To start the MDM Administration Cockpit for the selected MDM system, choose MDM
Administration Cockpit.


2. Choose Administration Tools 1. Choose workcenter
4. Choose Main instances 3. Select MDM system

The documentation for the MDM Administration Cockpit is available in the application
help (choose Help).
If you cannot start the MDM Administration Cockpit, refer to instructions in SAP Note

July 2011 19
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

Appendix B – CCMS Connectivity in SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1

The MDM Administration Cockpit offers a link to Alert Management. It is also possible to go from the
Alert Inbox to the MDM Administration Cockpit.

The MDM servers are connected to the CCMS (Computer Center Management System) by means of
a CCMS Agent which sends a heartbeat signal to the CEN. Ideally the central CCMS system and the
Solution Manager system are identical.

There are Analysis Methods provided to call the Solution Manager MDM Administration Cockpit from a
CCMS monitoring element. These methods are allocated to performance attributes of the MDM hosts.
Perform the following steps to manually add parameters to the analysis methods:

1. Call transaction RZ21 on the ABAP stack of the Solution Manager system. Select Method
definitions and Display overview.

2. The following analysis methods are provided to call the Solution Manager MDM Administration
Cockpit from a CCMS monitoring element: MDM_ANALYSE_MDS, MDM_ANALYSE_MDIS,
MDM_ANALYSE_MDSS, and MDM_ANALYSE_MDLS. For each server, type a separate method.

July 2011 20
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

3. With Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1, parameters for the analysis methods have to be set manually
to be able to start the MDM Administration Cockpit with the correct system.
Copy the analysis method to specify parameters for different hosts of the same type.
Double click the analysis method and enter the following parameters in the following order:


If you skip the parameter setting, the MDM Administration Cockpit will be started without
specification of the application parameter SYSTEM_NAME. You will get an error message
from the Cockpit. No system components are displayed. Check the long text of the error message
for instructions on how to proceed.
With MDM there is no need to enter the parameters of the analysis method
manually. The system name is read directly by the analysis method from the CCMS tree.
To avoid manual configuration of the analysis method in Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1,
follow the instructions in SAP Note 1278483. With Solution Manager 7.0 SP19 and
higher, together with MDM 7.1 SP01 and higher, manual configuration is no longer

July 2011 21
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

Starting the MDM Administration Cockpit from the Alert Inbox

This procedure is carried out after configuration.

1. Call transaction RZ20 on the Solution Manager System. Under CCMS monitor sets, expand SAP
NetWeaver MDM Monitor Templates and then MDM Server Monitoring.

July 2011 22
Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

2. Expand MDM Server Heartbeat SMB\MDM_HOST_<MDM Host ID>\ Performance <MDM

Host ID> Master Data Server Attributes. In this example, SMB refers to the <SOLMAN_SYS>
and <MDM Host ID> refers to the Master Data Server host. The analysis method allocation is
displayed on the screen.

3. Change the current View to display the Current Status.

4. Double-click an attribute whose allocated method is the analysis method you defined in the
previous steps. The MDM Administration Cockpit starts in a new browser displaying the list of
components of the corresponding MDM system.

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Configuring the MDM Administration Cockpit

Appendix C - The MDM Administration Cockpit at a Glance

July 2011 24

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