Key Thinkers
Real-world examples
that lean towards
this system
1.1.6 Economic Systems (Q2- Q4)
Economic Free Market Economy Mixed Market Economy Command (planned) Economy
Definition Where all resources are privately owned and Where some resources are Where there is public (state)
allocated via the price mechanism. There owned and allocated by the ownership of resources and
minimal government intervention. private sector and some by the these are allocated by the
public (state) sector. government.
Key Thinkers Adam Smith John Maynard Keynes Karl Marx - believed that
• invisible hand, self regulating market Government intervention to labour was exploited by
place, individuals seeking to maximise their avoid the disadvantages of a capitalism
self-interest results in an efficient market economy and help
allocation of resources and benefits markets work more effectively Communism
society as a whole Community of people
Fredrick Von Hayek (government) own the means of
Fredrick Von Hayek Acknowledge that the state production.
• Decentralisation and decision making best played a role as maintaining law No need to exploit labour as
left in the hands of individuals and groups and order and as a safety net. workers share output
of individuals e.g. businesses e.g. National Health Service to distributed centrally
• Too much government intervention made support workers in times of
distorted the smooth running of the free need e.g. unemployment
market mechanism
• Against collectivism because it can lead to
Characteristics - Private sector ownership Enterprise is actively Rationing and planning take
- Free enterprise i.e. demand and supply is encouraged but there is place
determined by the market mechanism government intervention
- Limited government intervention
- Ccompetition
Task – 2 mins
1.1.6 Free market, mixed market and command economies (2)