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Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition (IJPHN)

Volume 2 Issue 1 Article 1


Factors Determining Successful Exclusive Breastfeeding among

Working Mothers in Indonesia: An Exploration by Using Positive
Deviance Concept: Analysis of Secondary Data of Demographic
Health Survey Indonesia 2017
Melinda Mastan
Public Health Nutrition Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, F Building 2nd Floor Kampus Baru
UI Depok 16424, Indonesia,

Endang Laksminingsih Achadi

Public Health Nutrition Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, F Building 2nd Floor Kampus Baru
UI Depok 16424, Indonesia,

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Recommended Citation
Mastan, Melinda and Achadi, Endang Laksminingsih (2021) "Factors Determining Successful Exclusive
Breastfeeding among Working Mothers in Indonesia: An Exploration by Using Positive Deviance Concept:
Analysis of Secondary Data of Demographic Health Survey Indonesia 2017," Indonesian Journal of Public
Health Nutrition (IJPHN): Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/ijphn.v2i1.5068
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Factors Determining Successful Exclusive Breastfeeding among Working Mothers

in Indonesia: An Exploration by Using Positive Deviance Concept: Analysis of
Secondary Data of Demographic Health Survey Indonesia 2017

Melinda Mastan*, Endang Laksminingsih Achadi

Public Health Nutrition Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, F Building 2nd Floor Kampus
Baru UI Depok 16424, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author:
Melinda Mastan

Despite the fact that exclusive breastfeeding brings a lot of benefits for infants and mothers, breastfeeding
rates in Indonesia remain low, at 42% of all infants aged 0-5 months in 2012. This study aims to apply the
positive deviance concept to explore the factors determining the success of exclusive breastfeeding among
mothers in a high-risk group in Indonesia. The study used the cross-sectional, DHS 2017 data of 1.178
mothers with 0-5 months old infants in Indonesia. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression tests with
95% confidence intervals are used in identifying the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding.
Maternal working status is shown to be the most significant risk factor in preventing mothers to breastfeed
exclusively. Furthermore, the data suggest that, out of 376 working mothers, 45,5% can be identified as
positive deviants – those succeeding in implementing exclusive breastfeeding. The study finds ante-natal
care (ANC) visits, post-natal care (PNC) visits, and economic status displayed significant association with
exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers. In the sample, ANC visit is the dominant factor associated
with exclusive breastfeeding (OR: 1,831; 95% CI: 1,075-3,118). Completion of ANC and PNC visits should
be taken to consideration in improving exclusive breastfeeding rate among working mothers in Indonesia.

Key words: Positive deviance, exclusive breastfeeding, working mother, ANC, PNC
Meskipun manfaat dari ASI eksklusif sudah tidak diragukan lagi, cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif di
Indonesia masih rendah, yaitu hanya 42% pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini berusaha menggunakan konsep
positive deviance untuk menelusuri faktor determinan keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada kelompok
ibu yang memiliki risiko tinggi untuk tidak ASI eksklusif. Penelitian dengan metode cross-sectional ini
menganalisis data sekunder dari 1.178 ibu dengan bayi usia 0-5 bulan di Indonesia pada SDKI tahun 2017.
Analisis dengan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik ganda dengan confidence interval 95% dilakukan untuk
menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan signifikan dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Status ibu bekerja
ditemukan sebagai faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan terhambatnya pemberian ASI eksklusif. Di
antara 376 ibu yang bekerja, 45,5% nya diidentifikasi sebagai pelaku positive deviance, yaitu mereka yang
berhasil memberikan ASI eksklusif. Pada analisis multivariat, ditemukan kunjungan ANC, kunjungan PNC,
dan status ekonomi sebagai faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di
antara ibu bekerja. Kunjungan ANC merupakan faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan ASI eksklusif
dengan OR 1,831 (95% CI: 1,075-3,118). Perilaku melakukan kunjungan ANC dan PNC, termasuk
mendapatkan edukasi dan konseling terkait menyusui dari petugas kesehatan saat kunjungan tersebut
dapat mendukung pemberian ASI eksklusif di antara ibu bekerja di Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Positive deviance, ASI eksklusif, ibu bekerja, ANC, PNC

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

Introduction practice suggests slow improvement in

its adoption: during the period of 2008-
Breastmilk is the natural and primary
2012, whereby only 38% of infants
energy source for infants. Breastmilk
received exclusive breastfeeding. In
also provides nutritional and
2016, the figure rose to 40% –
immunological protection for the health
suggesting a very limited progress (3). In
of infants during the first six months of
the East Asia and Pacific region, only
their lives (1). As breastmilk is very
30% of infants aged 0-5 years were
important for infants, this practice has
exclusively breastfeed in 2015 (4). The
been regulated via the enactment of
2012 Indonesian Demographic and
Health Act 36/2019 (Art. 128, p.1),
Health Survey data showed that less
which formally states that every infant
than half (42%) of infants under 6
has the right to receive exclusive
months were exclusively breastfed. This
breastfeeding from birth until the first 6
has caused concerns that, with such slow
(six) months of their lives.
improvement in the adoption of
However, data suggests that
exclusive breastfeeding practices, the
exclusive breastfeeding practice may not
World Health Assembly’s (WHA)
have been widely adopted throughout the
Global Nutrition Target, which aims to
world. Analysis from the Cost of Not
increase the rate of exclusive
Breastfeeding tool suggests that the lack
breastfeeding during the first 6 months to
of exclusive breastfeeding practice – as
50% by 2025, might not be achieved (3).
recommended by WHO and UNICEF –
Various risk factors might contribute
has contributed to the prevalence of
to the lack of exclusive breastfeeding
diarrhea and pneumonia among children
practices: they range from individual
aged 6-59 months, which subsequently
factors, mother and infant, to
gives rise to 595,379 child mortality
environmental factors. Maternal factors
cases occurring every year. The analysis
include sociodemographic factors and
also estimates that there are 974,956
maternal pre-/post-natal experiences.
cases of obesity among children
The former is comprised of working
occurring every year that can be
status, education, economic status,
attributed to the lack of exclusive
residency, age, and parity (5–9).
breastfeeding practice. Moreover, the
Meanwhile, the latter includes early
absence of exclusive breastfeeding does
breastfeeding initiation, antenatal care
not only affect the child, but also the
(ANC) visits, post-natal care (PNC)
mother. Practicing exclusive
visits, delivery methods, delivery place,
breastfeeding could prevent 98,243
and possession of the Maternal and Child
maternal mortalities from breast cancer
Health (MCH) book (10–13). Infant
and ovarian cancer, as well as type 2
individual factors include birth weight
diabetes each year. Studies have
(9). Environmental factors include
estimated that the economic losses from
support from health professionals (14).
child and maternal mortality may
Many studies have identified the risk
amount to US $53.7 billion (2).
factors associated with the failure of
Such huge losses are attributable to
adopting exclusive breastfeeding.
the fact that a high prevalence of infants
However, only a handful of those have
throughout the world do not receive
attempted to examine the characteristics
exclusive breastfeeding in accordance
of mothers, who, despite initially being
with the WHO/UNICEF
included in a high-risk group for not
recommendations. The global
breastfeeding, have instead succeeded in
prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

practicing exclusive breastfeeding. The (ii) mothers having infant(s) aged 0-5
Positive Deviance (PD) is an approach months; (iii) the infant is a biological
that can be employed to identify these child of the mother; and (iv) the mother
individuals. The PD approach is usually and the infant live together. From this
applied when there are certain sample group, mothers having the
individuals or groups of people who greatest risk factors for not giving
exhibit unique attitudes, unusual exclusive breastfeeding will be selected
behaviours, practices, or strategies, that as the ultimate subject of this study. A
can help them to resolve problems multiple logistic regression test between
despite possessing similar risk factors as mother’s sociodemographic variables
their peers in the same group (15). The and exclusive breastfeeding is conducted
usefulness of PD approach in increasing to determine the greatest risk. Mother's
the knowledge and practice of exclusive sociodemographic variables that are
breastfeeding among pregnant women included in the regression are working
has been demonstrated in India (16). status, education, wealth index,
To date, most PD-using studies have residence, age and parity. The
utilized qualitative methods. The use of calculation of the research sample is
the PD concept to analyze secondary based on the two-proportion hypothesis
data with quantitative methods is a new test and the results suggest that the
strategy, which allows one to further minimum sample size of the study
explore in-depth condition of health amounts to 368 people.
disparities (15). Combining secondary Univariate, bivariate, and
data analysis with the use of PD concept multivariate analyses are carried out in
may be a fruitful effort in reducing health analysing the data. In the bivariate
disparities that may occur in the analysis, a chi-square test is conducted
community (17). Therefore, this study with a confidence level of 95%.
uses the PD concept to analyse the 2017 Multivariate analysis with multiple
Indonesian Demographic and Health logistic regression test is employed to
Survey data to identify the factors study the relationship between the
determining the success of exclusive variables of interest and identify factors
breastfeeding practices among the at-risk exhibiting strongest association with
group of mothers in Indonesia. exclusive breastfeeding practices. The
strength of the relationship would then
Methods be seen from the magnitude of the odds
ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence
This study is performed during May-
July 2020 with cross-sectional data for
its analysis. The study uses the data from
the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and The 2017 IDHS data includes 49,627
Health Survey (IDHS). The IDHS data women aged 15-49 in Indonesia. After
collects samples from all provinces in selecting for observations that fulfilled
Indonesia. The population of interest to the inclusion criteria and undergoing the
this study includes all Indonesian data cleaning process, a sample of 1,178
mothers who had infants aged 0-5 mothers were obtained. The results
months during the time of the data obtained from the analysis suggest that
collection in 2017. The sample that this the prevalence of exclusive
study uses entails a group of mothers breastfeeding in Indonesia was around
who fulfils the inclusion requirements, 52.5% in 2017. The analysis of the
namely: (i) mothers aged 15-49 years; proportion of exclusive breastfeeding,

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

focusing on the mothers’ socio- breastfeeding are: 1) working status; 2)

demographic characteristics can be seen poor economic status as seen from the
in Table 1. The risk factors preventing wealth index; and 3) living in urban area
the mothers from practicing exclusive (p-value <0.05).

Table 1. Differences in the Proportion of Exclusive Breastfeeding According to the Socio-

demographic Characteristics of Mothers in Indonesia in 2017
Exclusive Breastfeeding (n = 1178)
p- OR
Variable No Yes Total
value (95% CI)
N % N %
Working status
Working 205 54,5 171 45,5 376 0,001
Not working 355 44,3 447 55,7 802
Not going 4 66,7 2 33,3 6
Primary 106 47,5 117 52,5 223 0,797
Secondary 329 47,1 370 52,9 699
Higher degree 121 48,4 129 51,6 250
Wealth index
Middle to rich 354 51,7 331 48,3 685 0,001
Poor 206 41,8 287 58,2 493
Urban 316 51,5 298 48,5 614 0,006
Rural 244 43,3 320 56,7 564
15-19 30 46,9 34 53,1 64
20-35 436 46,9 494 53,1 930
36-49 94 51,1 90 48,9 184
1 187 51,4 177 48,6 364 0,078
>1 373 45,8 441 54,2 814

There is no significant association Among the 1,178 mothers included in

between exclusive breastfeeding and the sample, there are 376 mothers who
maternal education, age, or parity. Table reported to be currently working and
2 reports the results derived from must continue to provide exclusive
multiple logistic regression on the breastfeeding for their infants. From
sample. The study finds that mothers these 376 working mothers, only 171
who are currently working tend to (45.5%) succeeded in practicing
possess greater chance of not giving exclusive breastfeeding and thus can be
exclusive breastfeeding than their identified as the positive deviants.
counterparts who do not work: the The characteristics of these positive
relationship has an OR of 1.4 (95% CI: deviants can be seen in Table 3,
1.1-1.8). particularly in the successful exclusive
These results suggest that maternal breastfeeding column. The data suggests
working status serves as the highest risk that some key characteristics of positive
factor preventing mothers from deviants include: 1) primary school-
practicing exclusive breastfeeding. educated individuals; 2) belonging to

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

Table 2. The Final Multiple Logistic Regression Model of Socio-Demographic Factors and
Exclusive Breastfeeding of Mothers in Indonesia in 2017
Variable Coef B p-value
95% CI
Working status
Working 0,346 0,007 1,414 (1,100-1,817)
Not working
Wealth index
Middle to rich 0,339 0,005 1,403 (1,106-1,780)

Table 3. Difference in Proportion of Exclusive Breastfeeding According to Risk Factors of

Working Mothers in Indonesia in 2017
Exclusive Breastfeeding (n = 376)
p- OR
Variable No Yes Total
value (95% CI)
N % N %
Not going 1 100,0 0 0,0 1
Primary 25 51,0 24 49,0 49 0,608
Secondary 95 57,2 71 42,8 166
Higher 84 52,5 76 47,5 160
Wealth index
Middle to rich 155 57,4 115 42,6 270 0,093
Poor 50 47,2 56 52,8 106
Urban 123 57,5 91 42,5 214 0,223
Rural 82 50,6 80 49,4 162
15-19 7 77,8 2 22,2 9
20-35 162 55,1 132 44,9 294
36-49 36 49,3 37 50,7 73
1 70 56,5 54 43,5 124 0,677
>1 135 53,6 117 46,4 252
Early initiation
No 134 56,8 102 43,2 236 0,301
Yes 71 50,7 69 49,3 140
ANC visits
Not complete 51 64,6 28 35,4 79 0,059
Complete 154 51,9 143 48,1 297
PNC visits 1,581
Not complete 81 61,8 50 38,2 131 0,048 (1,026-
Complete 124 50,6 121 49,4 245 2,436)
Delivery method
Caesar 64 58,2 46 41,8 110 0,422
Normal 141 53,0 125 47,0 266
Possession of MCH
No 18 54,5 15 45,5 33 1,000
Yes 187 54,5 156 45,5 343

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

Exclusive Breastfeeding (n = 376)

p- OR
Variable No Yes Total
value (95% CI)
N % N %
Child’s birth
Low 11 64,7 6 35,3 17
Normal 194 54,0 165 46,0 359
Health professional
No 95 55,3 76 44,7 170
Yes 111 53,9 95 46,1 206
ANC, antenatal care
PNC, post-natal care
MCH, maternal and child health

Table 4. The Final Multiple Logistic Regression Model of the Determinant Factors of
Exclusive Breastfeeding in Working Mothers in Indonesia in 2017

Variable Coef B p-value
95% CI
Wealth index
Middle to rich 0,548 0,022 1,730 (1,082-2,766)
ANC visits
Not complete 0,605 0,026 1,831 (1,075-3,118)
PNC visits
Not complete 0,465 0,038 1,592 (1,025-2,471)
ANC, antenatal care
PNC, post-natal care

poor economic status; 3) living in exhibit significant association with

rural areas; 4) aged between 36-49; and exclusive breastfeeding in the
5) having more than one child. In multivariate analysis. The positive
addition, the positive deviants were also deviants among the working mother
found to: 1) perform early initiation; 2) group are able to continue providing
complete both ANC and PNC visits; 3) exclusive breastfeeding by completing
perform normal deliveries; 4) have their ANC (OR 1.8 (95% CI: 1.1-3.1))
infants with normal birth weight; and 5) and PNC visits (OR 1.6 (95% CI: 1.0-2,
receive support from health 5)). The positive deviants in the sample
professionals. Complete PNC visits is also showed a higher prevalence of
found to be significantly associated with having poor economic status. Thus, this
the success of exclusive breastfeeding study finds that being categorized as
among working mothers (p-value having a high economic status
<0.05). There is no significant significantly hampers working mothers
association between the other to continue providing exclusive
independent variables and exclusive breastfeeding (OR 1.7 (95% CI: 1.1-
breastfeeding in the bivariate analysis. 2.8)).
Table 4 shows the variables that

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

Discussion integrated services during the ANC

visits, including nutrition education and
This study uses the concept of counseling. In nutrition education and
positive deviance as a new strategy for counseling, the materials that must be
exploring and/or empirically disseminated to the mothers are
investigating the factors that can aid colostrum, combined care, early
mothers in their efforts to continue initiation, only 6 months of
practicing exclusive breastfeeding even breastfeeding, no formula, the desire to
in adverse circumstances. Extant breastfeed, the importance of breast
literature suggests that maternal working milk, and nipple care (21). Thus, mothers
status can be considered as one of the who attend ANC visits may receive more
greatest challenges for mothers to information about breastfeeding than
provide exclusive breastfeeding (18–20). their counterparts who do not. Studies
Linberg (1996) uses a role- have shown that these ANC
incompatibility model to explain why breastfeeding education classes have
working women find it difficult to proven to be potent in increasing the
breastfeed successfully: the study knowledge, attitudes as well as
suggests that working and breastfeeding heightening the motivation of mothers to
are two incompatible activities. The provide breastfeeding to their children.
reason for such incompatibility is that Subsequently, these factors would then
currently, working mothers still face far become a predictor for mothers giving
greater barriers than those who do not exclusive breastfeeding during childbirth
work, such as: 1) a lack of daycare (5,6,12).
services in the workplace – which causes In addition to completing ANC visits,
the inability of the child to be breastfed carrying out complete PNC visits – for
by the mother at any time; 2) lack of which the government recommends, at
maternity leave, which requires mothers the very least, a minimum attendance of
to return to work before 6 months; 3) three session – also helps the positive
rigid work schedules, which also makes deviants continue their breastfeeding
it more difficult for mothers to find time practices. During the PNC visit, mothers
to express breastmilk; and lastly, 4) the are not only provided with information
lack of exclusive breastfeeding about breastfeeding, but they are also
knowledge among working mothers, assisted in practicing exclusive
which has also been identified as a major breastfeeding with the right techniques.
hindrance (19,20). However, the results Obstacles encountered at the beginning
of this study also suggest that there are of the breastfeeding period are one of the
mothers who have managed to provide main reasons mothers stop
exclusive breastfeeding despite the fact breastfeeding. As such, lactation support
that they are working. during PNC is very important for
One of the factors that enable mothers to continue breastfeeding (22).
working mothers to continue providing Furthermore, economic status plays
exclusive breastfeeding is if they have an important role in ensuring the
completed ANC visits, which are at least continuation of breastfeeding practice
4 times – once during the first trimester, among working mothers. More
once during the second trimester, and specifically, high economic status is
twice during the third trimester. associated with low prevalence of
Regulation of the Minister of Health of exclusive breastfeeding: positive
the Republic of Indonesia Number 97 of deviants are more likely to breastfeed if
2014 mandates that there should be 10

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

they belong to poor economic status. breastfeeding by doing a complete ANC

This finding can be explained by the and PNC visits. Having a high economic
accessibility of physical, financial, and status can prevent mothers from giving
information related to breast milk exclusive breastfeeding due to rigidity in
substitute products, such as infant their work schedules and ability to buy
formula. Further data exploration formula for their children, but mothers
suggests that mothers with high can overcome this by obtaining adequate
economic status tend to give formula to knowledge on the appropriate infant
their babies and there’s a significant formula and formulating strategic plans
association between economic status and to achieve better time-management in
infant formula. In addition, mothers with facilitating their efforts to continue
poor economic status usually have more providing exclusive breastfeeding to
vacant time than their counterparts in the their infants.
upper middle class due to flexibility in
their jobs, such as in agriculture. Day-to- Conclusion
day activities as a worker in the
This study shows that the
agricultural sector enables mothers to
coverage of exclusive breastfeeding for
take their infants to the fields, where the
infants aged 0-5 months in Indonesia in
mother works. On the contrary, middle
2017 was 52.5%. This figure points to an
and upper economic status jobs entail a
improvement compared to the preceding
relatively rigid work schedule. As such,
years, which only amounted to 42% in
babies are usually left at home and taken
2012. Maternal working status is a risk
care of by caregivers (23). Exploration
factor that possesses strong association
analysis also suggests a significant
with the failure of providing exclusive
relationship between the type of
breastfeeding. The study finds that
maternal occupation and prevalence of
exclusive breastfeeding prevalence only
exclusive breastfeeding.
amounts to 45.5% of all working
There is no significant relationship
mothers. Although these working
between exclusive breastfeeding and
mothers may have limitations due to
several factors such as education,
their work schedules, research suggests
residency, age, and parity. Such finding
that mothers can still find ways to
is in parallel to that of other studies:
provide exclusive breastfeeding.
Banu and Khanom (24), Sari (20),
Complete ANC and PNC visits, in
Mogre, et al. (6), Guo, et al (25). There
accordance with the Ministry of Health's
is also no significant association between
program, are major factors behind the
exclusive breastfeeding and early
success of exclusive breastfeeding. On
initiation, method of delivery,
the other hand, belonging to a high
possession of a MCH handbook, child’s
economic status remains as a limitation
birth weight, and support from health
for working mothers to continue
professionals. This is in line with studies
providing exclusive breastfeeding,
from Syamiyah and Helda (26),
which is attributable to the easy access to
Hunegnaw, et al. (14), Hossain, et al.
breastmilk substitutes, such as infant
(12), Setegn, et al. (27), Tahiru, et
formula, as well as to the limited time
al.(28), and Sholikah (29).
due to the relatively rigid work schedules
Thus, several conclusions can be
among the high economic status
derived from the data analysis. The
occupations. Lastly, there is no
results suggest that positive deviants can
significant relationship between
continue to provide exclusive
exclusive breastfeeding and education,

Indonesian Journal of Public Health Nutrition October 2021, Vol. 2 Issue 1 page 1 - 11

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