ssrn-2550901 (1)
ssrn-2550901 (1)
ssrn-2550901 (1)
Brand communities: loyal to the communities
community or the brand?
Gianluca Marzocchi, Gabriele Morandin and Massimo Bergami
Department of Management, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 93
Received 12 January 2010
Abstract Revised 28 August 2010
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate empirically the relative emphasis accorded by Accepted 9 January 2011
members of a brand community to identification with that community and identification with the
brand-owner, and thereby close a gap in the literature to date.
Design/methodology/approach – Based on a review of the literature relating to identification,
loyalty, and potentially mediating brand-related constructs, a cross-sectional questionnaire-based
survey was carried out at a brandfest organised by a major European motorcycle manufacturer. Data
collected from 256 respondents were analysed by structural equation modelling, testing seven
hypothesised causal links.
Findings – Brand loyalty is primarily influenced by identification with the brand community,
through the mediating role of brand affect.
Research limitations/implications – The findings require confirmation in other settings and
industry sectors before they can be generalised with confidence, but point to several fruitful research
Practical implications – Brand strategists have new evidence to guide allocation of effort and
resources to the effective cultivation and maintenance of brand loyalty.
Originality/value – The study makes an original contribution, in a real-world setting, to the
understanding of how members of a brand community relate to the brand, and of how their brand
loyalty is activated.
Keywords Brand communities, Brand loyalty, Social identification, Motorcycles, Europe,
Customer behaviour, Brand management
Paper type Research paper
The concept of consumers’ identification with brands or companies has been well
reported and discussed in the literatures of marketing, consumer behaviour and
psychology. Consumers can also identify with what have been termed “brand
communities” (Cova, 1997). Muniz and O’Guinn (2001, p. 413) have argued that these
“become a common understanding of a shared identity”, while McAlexander et al.
(2002, p. 38) extend the concept in asserting that “communities tend to tend to be
identified on the basis of commonality or identification among their members”. While
some studies have investigated single and specific targets of identification, none has
investigated the possibility that consumer-company identification and
consumer-community identification exert independent and equivalent impacts on
relevant loyalty-related outcomes, and if so to what extent. The research question to be
addressed is therefore: how important are identification with the brand owner and European Journal of Marketing
Vol. 47 No. 1/2, 2013
identification with the community, respectively, in building loyalty in a brand pp. 93-114
community? Accordingly, this paper develops and tests a theoretical model to explain q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
the impact of identification constructs on loyalty-related outcomes. An understanding DOI 10.1108/03090561311285475
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EJM of this process is an important input to strategic decisions concerning the relative
allocation of effort to the fostering of consumers’ identification with the company, with
47,1/2 a brand community or with both. An informed strategy will be capable of exploiting
the full potential of the customer base to spread positive referrals and activate other
tangible actions, to the benefit of the company and its products (Gremler and Brown,
94 Furthermore, defining and measuring an “identification” effect necessarily entails
placing it within a broader conceptual framework. It is not simply a matter of
establishing the existence of a causal connection between brand loyalty and
identification with a brand owner or brand community (or any other theoretically and
managerially relevant construct). It is further necessary to understand which variables
play a mediating role in this relationship. In our own study, attention will be focused on
two of those other constructs: brand trust and brand affect. These variables were
chosen because they perform a central and significant role in studies of loyalty and the
relational commitment that is its primary expression (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001;
Venetis and Ghauri, 2004; Ball et al., 2004; Esch et al., 2006), and because the literature
has already described them as a potential consequence of identification (Gwinner and
Swanson, 2003; Kuenzel and Halliday, 2008; Thompson and Sinha, 2008; Shen and
Chiou, 2009). This in turn led to attention than before being focused on the triangular
network of interrelationships among:
consumer-company and consumer-community identification;
brand trust and brand affect; and
brand loyalty and its associated behavioural intentions.
Hence, the article’s sub-goal is to clarify the mechanisms that community members
enact in the process of constructing loyalty. In particular, it aims to determine whether
this process is driven by affective reactions (that is, brand affect), by trustworthiness
connections with the brand (brand trust) or by both, and to what degree. At the
theoretical level, a significant contribution to the literature of brand communities
would be made by linking the identification constructs with a system of dependent
variables relevant to marketing actions.
The remainder of the paper:
develops the conceptual model and research hypotheses;
discusses the empirical context of the research design, data collection procedures
and measurements adopted;
presents the results, and discusses their theoretical and managerial implications;
and finally
identifies the limitations of the study and fruitful directions for future research.
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(Bagozzi and Dholakia, 2006a, b). This mechanism demands to be explained in greater Brand
detail, which is what this paper aims to do. communities
Social identification in brand communities
In an early, influential statement, Mael and Ashforth (1992) defined social identification
as the individual perception of actual or symbolic belongingness to a group. Ellemers
et al. (1999) proposed that the phenomenon had three components: cognitive 95
(awareness of one’s membership), evaluative (positive or negative connotations
attached to group membership), and emotional (involvement in the group). In addition
to arguing for conceptual distinctions among the components of social identity,
Ellemers et al. (1999) demonstrated that they are empirically distinct in an
experimental study, while Bergami and Bagozzi (2000) confirmed the results in a
real-world context.
The activation of these three components, which this study took into consideration,
permits individuals to define themselves as members of social categories and ascribe to
themselves characteristics that are typical of those categories. As a result, by the
process of social identification, individuals perceive themselves not only in terms of
idiosyncratic characteristics that differentiate them from other individuals, but also in
terms of the characteristics they share with other members of their in-group (Hogg and
Abrams, 1988).
The subject of social identification and its impact on individual behaviour has taken
on increasing importance in customer relationship management. This fact should come
as no surprise, given that the establishing of strong, deep, stable and enduring ties with
the customer base is a constant priority in the theory and practice of contemporary
More recently, the study of social identification has attracted interest in explaining
the psychological bond with the community and the admired company, beyond the
behavioural implications of such membership.
While most studies have focused on identification with the brand community (for
example, Algesheimer et al., 2005), few have examined the role played by the company
in establishing such relationships and, more specifically, the influence exerted by
customer-to-company identification. To our knowledge, none simultaneously
considered identification with the community and the company, investigating the
attitudinal and behavioural implications from the community members’ perspective.
The distinction between customer-to-community identification and
customer-to-company identification is relevant for at least three reasons. First, since
it is widely acknowledged that people can identify with multiple targets (Johnson et al.,
2006), it is relevant to know both which is the main target of identification for
community members and which exerts the most influence on loyalty and other
desirable outcomes. Furthermore, it is important to study multiple social identities
simultaneously because social identifications at any level tend to form and become
salient through comparison with a reference group: the members of the next more
inclusive self-category. The attractiveness of an in-group is not constant, but varies
with the subordinate self-category that furnishes the frame of reference for intergroup
comparison. Hogg and Turner (1985) demonstrated that enhancing the salience of
membership of a social category increased self-stereotyping and self-definition and
produced attitudes and behaviour consistent with the content and meaning of those
Research setting
Our study sets out to answer the research question, “how important in building loyalty
in a brand community are identification with the brand owner and identification with
the community, respectively?” by means of a cross-sectional study of a sample of
participants at a “brandfest”. McAlexander et al. (2002, p. 42) describe this kind of
event as a means to “provide for geotemporal distillations of a brand community that
provide normally dispersed member entities with the opportunity for high-context
Figure 1.
The conceptual model
interaction”. Their distinctive feature is thus that they concentrate, in space and time,
the three fundamental dimensions that characterise a community:
(1) sense of common identity among members and the perception of distinctiveness
from non-members;
(2) shared rituals and traditions, which exist to perpetuate the community’s culture
and history; and
(3) a sense of group solidarity, typically manifested as a sense of duty to help
fellow-members of the community (Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001).
Sample selection
The research questionnaire was administered by face-to-face interviewing to
motorcyclists during the last World Ducati Week, an international “brandfest” in
Italy. It was attended by between 40 and 50 thousand Ducati enthusiasts from around
the world, and included technical demonstrations, sponsored entertainment and social
No sampling frame was available via the company, registered participants being
only a partial subset of the total attendance. Several precautions were adopted to rule
out major discrepancies between the ideal population of interest and the sampled units.
Data were collected on every day of the event. To ensure unbiased selection of
respondents within each day’s quota, individual sample units were selected by
applying a modified version of the shopping-centre data gathering technique
suggested by Sudman (1980). By this means, a total of 256 questionnaires were
collected. Given that the refusal rate was less than 2 per cent, no correction for
non-response bias was necessary.
Sample profile
The sample was 83 per cent male and 17 per cent female, a gender balance consistent
with the known profile of riders of the Ducati range of high-performance motorcycles.
The age range was between 16 and 65 years, with a mean of 31. Each region of Italy
was well represented, and 5 per cent of respondents were attending the event from
other countries, mainly in Europe. Almost 60 per cent of the sample had completed
high school, and 15 per cent were educated to degree level. In terms of employment, 58
per cent were blue-collar workers, 20 per cent entrepreneurs and self-employed, 15 per
cent students and 2 per cent retired, leaving 5 per cent classified as “others”. Almost
three quarters of respondents owned one motorbike, 84 per cent of which were Ducati.
Among the remainder, 14 per cent had three or more and 13 were non-owners.
Members of Ducati riders’ clubs accounted for just under a quarter of the sample, while
20 respondents were Ducati employees and 41 were shareholders. The remaining
majority were simply aficionados of the brand.
The original questionnaire was prepared in English and then translated into Italian,
using standard back translation procedures, for distribution at the brandfest. The
102 Of the 256 questionnaires collected, 245 were fully completed and usable for analysis.
Structural equation modelling was used to test the seven hypothesised causal links. In
the first stage of the study, the confirmatory factor analysis capabilities of Lisrel 8.54
were used to examine the tenability and robustness of the measurement sub-models
more closely, before the fit of the full structural model was assessed.
Measurement models
To ensure that all constructs were measured adequately, a two-step
measurement-model analysis was performed. First, all constructs and their
indicators were subjected to a single confirmatory factor analysis, in order to
establish the internal consistency and discriminant validity of the latent factors
included in the model. Second, the measurement sub-model for the two identification
constructs (company and community) was tested, assuming two second-order factors.
The full measurement model for the latent factors, built with 14 latent constructs
and a total of 31 indicators, yielded very satisfactory goodness-of-fit statistics:
x 2 ð343Þ ¼ 514:91, p < :00; RMSEA ¼ 0:04, SRMR ¼ 0:04, NNFI ¼ 0:99, CFI ¼ 0:99.
Composite reliabilities for the 15 multi-item scales ranged from a minimum of 0.78 to a
maximum of 0.94, all well above the value of 0.60 accepted in the literature as
indicative of internal consistency (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). From a discriminant validity
standpoint, the result was equally satisfactory: none of the 95 per cent confidence
intervals of the w-values included the value of one, providing evidence of the fact that
the factors are in fact distinct from one another.
The measurement sub-model for the two identification constructs (company and
community) was tested, assuming two second-order factors. Goodness-of-fit statistics
in this case were satisfactory x 2 ð47Þ ¼ 186:26, p < 0:00, RMSEA ¼ 0:11,
SRMR ¼ 0:10, NNFI ¼ 0:95, CFI ¼ 0:96. All three components of organisational
identification (as depicted in Figure 2) loaded highly on the related factor, the affective
component most strongly (average g ¼ 0:96), followed by the cognitive component
(average g ¼ 0:85) and the evaluative component (average g ¼ 0:67). Discriminant
validity having been tested by verifying that the 95 per cent confidence interval of the
w-value included the value of one (w21 ¼ 0:58, s:e: ¼ 0:05), a more formal test was
performed by comparing the model under scrutiny with a more restricted model in
which the off-diagonal element of the F matrix was constrained to unity. In a x 2 test, a
significant difference in the values between the more restricted and less restricted
baseline model (370:99 2 186:26 ¼ 184:73; df ¼ 1) pointed to a rejection of the null
hypothesis that the two constructs are not distinct.
Structural model
The structural model, as represented in Figure 3, exhibits satisfactory goodness-of-fit:
x 2 ð257Þ ¼ 648:83, p < 0:00, RMSEA ¼ 0:07, SRMR ¼ 0:06, NNFI ¼ 0:96, CFI ¼ 0:97.
The significant x 2 value is a quite usual occurrence in the case of samples of this size.
Figure 2.
Parameter estimates in the
second-order confirmatory
factor analysis
Figure 3.
Structural equation model
parameter estimates
The central research question of this study was which of the two modes of
identification, consumer-company or consumer-community identification has the more
significant impact on the development of brand loyalty in a member of a brand
community. Though further research is needed before the results can be confidently
generalised, the answers suggested by analysis of the survey data do offer insights,
and permit tentative conclusions to be drawn in the next section.
First of all, we have confirmed the existence of the distinct foci of identification in a
real-world context, and found that both exert a significant and positive influence on
brand loyalty. As Table II shows, identification with the brand community has the
stronger effect, by a considerable margin.
Endogenous variables R2
The primary theoretical objective of our study, relevant to the marketing implications
of organisational identification, was to seek evidence for the direct impact of
identification with a company and identification with a brand community on loyalty to
the company and on a correlated set of marketing-related dependent variables. A
subordinate (but relevant) goal was to assess the relative strength of those predictors.
In parallel, the study aimed to compare this loyalty building mechanism with the
influence exerted by other variables, through causal links of established relevance.
Attention was focused on two constructs, brand trust and brand affect, with the aim
of gaining further insights into the complex network of relationships linking them to
identification with a the brand owner and with a brand community.
Some of the study’s findings offer a promising contribution to current
research-based knowledge. First, the proposed model highlights the scope and
complexity of the conceptual framework in which the relationship among the two
forms of identification, brand affect, brand trust, and the attitudinal and behavioural
forms of loyalty is embedded. The study’s findings suggest that affect and trust appear
to have a greater direct impact on loyalty than identification does. This evidence seems
to call into question the recent emphasis in the literature and in marketing practice on
the role that enhanced customer-company identification may play in establishing a
deeper, more stable commercial relationship. In fact, there is significant empirical
support for the existence of a causal path in which identification acts as an antecedent
of both brand trust and brand affect. The amount of variance in those two constructs
that can be explained by consumer-company and consumer-community identification
is respectively 39 per cent and 51 per cent. Above and beyond the statistical
significance of the relationship, this very large total proportion of explained variance
highlights the relevance of the causal path in question, and the relevant mediating role
played by affect and trust in the relationship between identification and loyalty. The
results are consistent with the investigation by Jeppesen and Frederikson (2006) into
the reasons for users contributing to firm-hosted communities, which found that
members wish to be recognised by the firm and may want to identify more strongly
with the firm than with their peers.
Second, the conceptual framework presented here justifies a more complex
interpretation of the relationships between company, brand community and brand
than has been proposed in the literature to date. The IBC (integration in brand
Managerial implications
It is easy to understand why the marketing management community should be
particularly interested in the effects of consumer-company identification on the one
hand, and brand communities on the other, for their potential to increase brand equity
(McAlexander and Schouten, 1998; Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001) by means that are more
cost-effective than more traditional strategies, such as advertising. The possibility of
evaluating the absolute effectiveness of identification and community-based marketing
actions, and thereby justifying the investments they entail, remains the priority
concern. Later, once that evaluation is positive, management attention can be focused
on assessing the relative effectiveness of initiatives to build and foster brand
communities, by determining the optimal portfolio allocation with respect to the
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Further reading
McAlexander, J.H., Kim, S.K. and Roberts, S.D. (2003), “Loyalty: the influences of satisfaction and
brand community integration”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 11 No. 4,
pp. 1-9.
O’Reilly, C. and Chatman, J. (1986), “Organizational commitment and psychological attachment:
the effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior”, Journal
of Applied Psychology, Vol. 71 No. 3, pp. 492-9.
Ouwersloot, H. and Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2008), “Who’s who in brand communities – and
why?”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42 Nos 5/6, pp. 571-85.
Schouten, J.W. and McAlexander, J.H. (1995), “Subcultures of consumption: an ethnography of
the new bikers”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 43-61.
Corresponding author
Gabriele Morandin can be contacted at:
Figure A1.
Figure A1.