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31 MAY 2022


Manulife Singapore Bond Fund

Investment Objective
The Fund seeks to provide stable medium to long term return with capital preservation, through investing in primarily investment-grade
SGD denominated fixed income and money markets instruments issued by Singapore and non-Singapore entities.

Fund Information Fund Performance

Fund Size SGD 118.72 million 150

Total Return (NAV to NAV)

Base Currency SGD 140
Yield to Maturity (%) 3.73

Indexed to 100
Duration (years) 7.35
Average Credit Quality A 120
Average Coupon (%) 2.82 110
Dealing Frequency Daily
Markit iBoxx ALBI Singapore Index 90
Investment Manager Sep-09 Oct-11 Dec-13 Jan-16 Mar-18 Apr-20 May-22
Manulife Investment Management Class A
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Returns (%)
Year-to- Since Calendar Year
1 month 3 months Date 1 year‡ 3 years‡ 5 years‡ Inception‡ 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Class A
Fund (NAV to NAV) -0.62 -5.20 -7.13 -8.06 -0.10 0.61 1.94 -4.25 7.97 5.30 1.12 4.17
Fund (Offer to Bid)* -5.59 -9.94 -11.77 -12.66 -1.80 -0.42 1.53 -9.04 2.57 0.04 -3.94 -1.04
Benchmark -0.66 -4.79 -5.90 -6.79 0.48 1.00 1.99 -4.06 7.86 4.63 2.45 4.26
Fund Characteristics^
Sector Allocation % Currency Allocation % Credit Rating %
Corporates 49.44 SGD 69.85 Aaa/AAA 29.72
Government-Related 24.01 USD 27.48 Aa/AA 1.63
Treasuries 23.87 Cash & Cash Equivalents 2.68 A/A 22.00
Cash & Cash Equivalents 2.68 Baa/BBB 27.80
Ba/BB 1.35
B/B 0.28
Caa/CCC 0.04
Not Rated 14.52
Cash & Others 2.68

Top Holdings %
SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT BOND 2.25% 08/01/2036 7.65
SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT BOND 2.75% 04/01/2042 6.52
SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT BOND 3.375% 09/01/2033 4.43
SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT BOND 1.625% 07/01/2031 2.79
HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 2.315% 09/18/2034 1.75
STARHUB LTD 3.55% 06/08/2026 1.72
UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LTD 3.5% 02/27/2029 1.72
CCT MTN PTE LTD 3.327% 03/21/2025 1.71

**On 2 September 2019, the benchmark was changed from Markit iBoxx ALBI Singapore Government to Markit iBoxx ALBI Singapore
Index to align the MSBF’s benchmark with the investment universe of the Sub-Fund. Previously, on 1 May 2017, the benchmark was
changed from Singapore Government Bond Index All UOB to Markit iBoxx ALBI Singapore Government, as the Singapore Government
Bond Index All UOB was discontinued on 1 June 2017.
‡ Annualised for periods over one year with net income & dividends reinvested.
The Offer to Bid performance includes the effect of an assumed current maximum front end load, which the investor might or might not
pay. NAV to NAV figures reflect the Fund’s investment performance.
^ Figures may not sum to 100 due to rounding.

Source: Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte.Ltd.

31 MAY 2022

Manulife Singapore Bond Fund

Class Information
Bloomberg Inception
Class Currency NAV Per Unit ISIN Code
Ticker Date
A SGD SGD 1.277 MNSGBON SP SG9999006258 14 Sep 2009

Distribution Subscription Minimum Initial Management Fee

Frequency Method Investment (%,p.a.)
Cash, SRS,
A N.A. CPFIS-OA, SGD 1,000 0.75

Important Information
The information provided herein does not constitute financial advice, an offer or recommendation with respect to the Fund. The
information and views expressed herein are those of Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Company Registration No.
200709952G) and its affiliates (“Manulife”) as of date of this document and are subject to change based on market and other conditions.
Manulife expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of, and the requirement to update, such information.
Investments in the Fund are not deposits in, guaranteed or insured by Manulife and involve risks. The value of units in the Fund and any
income accruing to it may fall or rise. Past performance of the Fund is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Opinions, forecasts
and estimates on the economy, financial markets or economic trends of the markets mentioned herein are not necessarily indicative of the
future or likely performance of the Fund. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management
and/or hedging.
Investors should read the prospectus and the product highlights sheet and seek financial advice before deciding whether to purchase
units in the Fund. A copy of the prospectus and the product highlights sheet can be obtained from Manulife or its distributors. In the event
an investor chooses not to seek advice from a financial adviser, he should consider whether the Fund is suitable for him.
This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte.Ltd.

8 Cross Street, #16-01 Manulife Tower, Singapore 048424
Unit Trust Hotline: (65) 6501 5438 | Fax: (65) 6235 1138

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