To pass the total Turing Test, the computer will need computer
vision to perceive objects, and robotics to manipulate objects and
move about, along with natural language processing, knowledge
representation, automated reasoning and machine learning.
Logical positivism:
Decision Theory:
Universal Quantification:
Existential Quantification:
∃ x P is true in a given model if P is true in at least one extended
interpretation that assigns x to a domain element.
Ex: ∃x Crown(x)∧OnHead(x,John).
1. American(x): x is an American.
2. Weapon(y): y is a weapon.
3. Hostile(z): z is a hostile nation.
4. Criminal(x): x is a criminal.
5. Missile(y): y is a missile.
6. Owns(z, y): z owns y.
7. Sells(x, y, z): x sells y to z.
8. Enemy(z, America): z is an enemy of America.
Clause: American(West)
7. "The country Nono, an enemy of America."
Basic Concepts
1.Terms: Constants, variables, and function applications are the
basic elements. 2.Substitution: Replacing variables with terms.
3.Unifier: A substitution that makes two terms or expressions
Unification: Algorithm
Step 2: Unify the first argument f(x) and f(a): Here, x should
be replaced with a . 2. Substitution θ = {x/a}
Employs(IBM, Richard)
Employs(x, Richard)
Employs(IBM, y)
Employs(x, y)
Employs(IBM, y)
Employs(x, Richard)
Eg: Represent the square in row 1, column 2 as [1, 2]. This approach
eliminates the need for additional facts to describe relationships
between squares, making the representation more straightforward.
Meaning that two squares [x,y]and [a,b] are adjacent if and only if
one of the following conditions is true: they are in the same row
(x=a ) and their columns are consecutive ( y=b−1 or y=b+1 ); they
are in the same column (y=b) and their rows are consecutive
( x=a−1 or x=a+1).
Eg: Squares [1, 2] and [1, 3] : [1, 2]: row 1, column 2. & [1, 3]:
row 1, column 3.
According to the formula:
x= a , Here, 1=1, so this part is true.
y=b−1 or y=b+ 1 (consecutive columns): 2=3−1, so this part
is true.
Since both conditions are satisfied, [1, 2] and [1, 3] are adjacent.
Since both conditions are satisfied, [2, 3] and [3, 3] are adjacent.
The agent’s location changes over time, so that can be written as
At(Agent, s, t) to mean that the agent is at square s at time t.
The wumpus’s location can be fixed with ∀t At(Wumpus , [2, 2], t).
Therefore objects can only be at one location at a time. ∀x,s1,s2, t
At(x,s1,t) ∧ At(x,s2,t) ⇒ s1=s2 .
Given its current location, the agent can infer properties of the
square from properties of its current percept.
Eg: if the agent is at a square and perceives a breeze, then that
square is breezy:
Having discovered which places are breezy (or smelly) and not
breezy (or not smelly), the agent can deduce where the pits are
(and where the wumpus is).
i. ∃x Student(x)∧ReadWell(x)
ii. ∃x ∃y Student(x) ∧ Book(y) ∧ Likes(x,y)
iii. ∃x Student(x) ∧ (∀y Book(y) => Likes(x,y))
iv. ∀x Student(x) => ∃y Book(y) ∧ Likes(x,y)
v. ∀x Student(x) => (∀y Book(y)=> ∼Likes(x,y)
Eliminate implications:
∀x [¬∀y ¬Animal(y) ∨ Loves(x,y)] ∨ [∃y Loves(y,x)].
Move ¬ inwards:
Cavity ⇒ Toothache .
But this rule is not right either; not all cavities cause pain. The only
way to fix the rule is to make it logically exhaustive: to augment the
left-hand side with all the qualifications required for a cavity to
cause a toothache. Trying to use logic to cope with a domain like
medical diagnosis thus fails for three main reasons:
Laziness: It is too much work to list the complete set of
antecedents or consequents needed to ensure an exceptionless rule
and too hard to use such rules.
1.Definition of Events:
2.Counting Elements:
3.Probability Calculation:
4.Summing Probabilities:
We can write the following general marginalization rule for any sets
of variables Y and Z:
Our aim is to calculate the probability that each of the three squares
contains a pit. (For this example we ignore the wumpus and the
The relevant properties of the wumpus world are that (1) a pit
causes breezes in all neighboring squares, and (2) each square
other than [1,1] contains a pit with probability 0.2.
b = ¬b1,1∧b1,2∧b2,1 and
known = ¬p1,1∧¬p1,2∧¬p2,1.