Hemant Sahu
Hemant Sahu
Hemant Sahu
Kubernetes MongoDB SQL PostgreSQL IAM Networking Puppet Spinnaker CI/CD Logging/Monitoring
GCP DevOps Engineer
10/2022 - Present Remote, IN
• Infrastructure and Deployment Automation using Cloud Build and Jenkins reduces build time and effort by 50% and project cycle time by 50%.
• Optimised the Network performance and security by 65% by Cloud VPN, Firewall, Cloud Armor, Load Balancer, Cloud DNS and that will also help to mitigate
99.9% risk of DDOS attack and handle 500% more traffic.
• Deploy high performance and scalable solution on Cloud Run, Cloud Function, Cloud SQL, Kuberflow Pipeline: Increased stability by 80%.
• Deployed data and ML pipelines on Dataflow, Cloud Composer, and Vertex AI. Also, setup Generative AI for chatbots and search engine building.
Platform Engineer
02/2022 - 2022 Remote, IN
• I worked with storage services, including but not limited to GCS, Data Warehouse BigQuery, Cloud Spanner, etc.
• Cloud Tasks were employed for asynchronous task execution, and Cloud Functions and Pub/Sub topics were used for communication and trigger services.
• I worked on the platform features, including the IAM, the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy Service for connecting to private SQL, and the IAP for managing resource
access for SSH and Web applications, which increased security and availability.
Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Architect Google Cloud Platform Cloud Professional Security Engineer
Google Feb 23 - Feb 25 Google Mar 23 - Mar 25
Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Network Engineer Amazon Web Service Cloud Practitioner
Google June 23 - June 25 Amazon Nov 20 - Non 23
Energy Analytics Solution (Upwork)
03/2023 - 08/2023 Remote
EAS puts businesses in control of energy usage with cost-effective, accurate, real-time data for each site at our fingertips, so we can reduce waste.
• Created Architecture and Infrastructure on GCP.
• Setup BigQuery to receive 1000 request per second from IoT gateway.
• Containerised backend, frontend, and deployed on Cloud Run behind load balancer, which handles 500% more requests.
• Cloud Armor attached to the load balancer to prevent DDoS and OWASP Top 10 web attacks.
Bachelor of Technology GPA
Lovely Professional University
7.5 / 10
2018 - 2022 e Punjab, IN
• During my studies, I mastered Programming, Designing languages, Computer Networking, and Cyber & Cloud Security.
Recognized for Hall of Fame listing for Recipient of Top Rated Freelancer Finalist for innovative creation of a
identifying critical security flaw in Badge on Upwork, maintaining a Wireless Switch using advanced
Imperial Cloud and awarded bounty by flawless 100% job success rate. electric components in curricular
Bugcrowd for outstanding project.
contributions to cybersecurity.