DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5560-2
Received: 3 November 2015 / Accepted: 11 March 2016 / Published online: 25 April 2016
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Abstract Tam Quan estuary in the Binh Dinh Province of Keywords Estuary Sediment Sand deposition
Vietnam provides shelter for about 2000 boats. Recently, Navigation channel Sediment trend analysis
erosion and accretion associated with the mouth of the
estuary have badly affected marine transportation and
economic development. An 850-m-long jetty was con- Introduction
structed to mitigate the hazard. However, sand deposition
still continues to be an ongoing problem. This paper aimed There has been extensive research worldwide on sediment
to assess the reasons for sand deposition in the estuary distribution and transport in estuaries. However, much of
based on sediment distributions and transport pathways. this work has focused on coastal plain estuaries. Informa-
Following an investigation of topography, geological and tion on confined estuaries with steep slopes and floored by
hydrodynamic conditions, and sediment characteristics, an sand- and gravel-sized sediments is rather limited (Portela
analysis of sediment transport trends was undertaken. 2008). Moreover, morphologic changes in estuaries are
Results show that medium sand is distributed along the occurring more seriously due to human and climate change
coast from the shoreline to 2.5 m water depth. Fine sands impacts (Duc et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2014; Chalov et al.
are found in deeper areas of 10–13 m where there are also 2015; He et al. 2015) which may lead to deposition and/or
medium sand deposits thought to be of ancient origin. Sand erosion hazards.
deposition has intensively occurred in the estuary due to a An early recognition of grain-size trends and sediment
dominant north-to-south longshore sediment transport transport (McCave 1978) showed how grain size along a
regime. Sediment from this regime is presently trapped by beach can coarsen in the direction of net wave-driven
the jetty and deposited in the navigation channel. As a transport. The cause was ascribed to progressive winnow-
solution, it is suggested that a properly designed jetty ing out of the finer fraction and its dispersal offshore by
stemming from the headland on the north side of the tidal currents. Other situations without strong tidal currents
estuary could effectively control the patterns of sediment may allow the winnowed fines to be reintroduced to the
transport enabling the sand to bypass the entrance, thereby beach further down drift and yield a fining trend. The
avoiding entrapment inside its mouth. concepts to predict the relative changes that will occur in
particle size distributions of sediments through erosion,
transport, and deposition were first presented in McLaren
(1981) followed by a more complete mathematical theory
& Do Minh Duc (McLaren and Bowles 1985). On the basis of their theory, several methods to carry out sediment trend analysis (STA)
1 have been developed. The McLaren and Bowles approach
Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science, Vietnam
National University, Hanoi, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, is one dimensional, whereby the changes in grain-size
Hanoi, Vietnam distributions along individual sample sequences are tested
SedTrend Analysis Limited, 7236 Peden Lane, for validity with the Z score statistic to determine the
Brentwood Bay, BC V8M1C5, Canada preferred transport direction. However, following
numerous testing of individual sample lines, a two clarify the reasons for sand deposition in Tam Quan estuary
dimensional transport pattern is achieved. A practical based on the analysis of surface sediment distributions and
assessment of this approach is discussed in Hughes (2005). transport and then propose suitable countermeasures.
Gao and Collins (1991, 1992) and Gao (1996) proposed a
two-dimensional vector approach to determine trends,
some elements of which were revised by Chang et al. Study area
(2001). A different vector approach altogether was pro-
duced by Le Roux (1994) and Le Roux et al. (2002). A In the central part of Vietnam, high rainfall in the steep
summary of the various techniques is provided in Rios hinterland results in an abundance of rivers and their
et al. (2003) and Poizot et al. (2008). associated estuarine lagoons at the coast. Rivers with large
The STA technique has still several uncertainties asso- basin areas, usually larger than 500 km2, maintain open
ciated with the methodology including transport model inlets during the whole year. Because river discharge in the
assumptions, sample spacing, bias of the mean, variance central coast is strongly seasonal, river mouths and tidal
and skewness of grain sizes in the log-normal distribution, inlets tend to adjust to an equilibrium morphology associ-
random environmental and measurement uncertainties. A ated with low flow conditions during the relatively long dry
number of authors found their results to agree, either in period. The morphology of estuaries formed under normal
whole or in part, with a variety of other evidence including conditions may be altered dramatically by increased river
direct measurements of processes, observations of bed- discharges (Tung 2011). The sediment concentrations in
form orientations and application of numerical modelling the main rivers are usually around 50–150 mg/l, but during
(Livingstone 1989; Lanckneus et al. 1992; Van de Kreeke floods the concentrations are greatly increased (Eriksson
and Robaczewska 1993; Gao and Collins 1994; Gao et al. and Persson 2014). This type of estuary with significant
1994; Aldridge 1997; Bergemann et al. 1998; Van Der Wal influence of river flood flows is dominant. However, due to
2000; Mallet et al. 2000; Duck et al. 2001). However, some construction of dams for agriculture, water discharge of
authors found no agreement between the STA and outside some small rivers is strongly interrupted and marine and
evidence (Flemming 1988; Masselink 1992; Guillen and coastal dynamics are more important than river dynamics
Jimenez 1995). STA was accepted as a tool for investiga- at the river mouths. The coast is predominantly sandy as a
tion of coastal projects of US Army Corp of Engineers result of alluvial accumulation, which nourishes the bea-
(Hughes 2005). ches and sandy barriers that form across estuary mouths
STA was used to indicate the sediment pathways inside and tidal inlets (Tung 2011). The 100-m contour line is just
a lagoon which can be related to the sediments sources, about 10 km from the shoreline.
wind-related water circulation and wind directions (Avra- Tam Quan estuary is located in Hoai Nhon District,
midis et al. 2008). STA in the integration of acoustic data Binh Dinh Province. This is the centre of coastal economic
leads to a better understanding of the sedimentary, mor- development of the Binh Dinh Province where there is a
phological and biological processes in a shallow lagoon in harbour frequently containing more than 2000 fishing
different spatial and temporal scales (Papatheodorou et al. boats. The navigation channel into Tam Quan estuary is
2012). STA was also successfully applied for a study of about 150 m wide and 850 m long. Faced with the adverse
sediment pollution (McLaren and Singer 2008), coastal impacts of sand deposition, the local government, between
change and sedimentation in estuaries (Van de Kreeke and 1998 and 2001, constructed a 400-m-long jetty extending
Robaczewska 1993; Bergemann et al. 1998; McLaren and seaward from the northern tip of a barrier beach on the
Beveridge 2006; McLaren et al. 2007; McLaren and Braid south side of the harbour entrance. However, the naviga-
2009; McLaren and Teear 2014). tion channel continued to infill with sand until 2004 after
The estuaries on the central coast of Vietnam, situated in which, between 2006 and 2008, the jetty was elongated a
the south-west sector of the Gulf of Tonkin and the East further 450 m. A technical explanation for its expansion
Vietnam Sea (Fig. 1), are typical examples of such sys- does not, apparently, exist, and sand deposition has con-
tems. In recent years, navigation channels in the estuaries tinued to be a problem since 2010 (Fig. 3) with the navi-
of the central part of Vietnam have been facing severe sand gation channel requiring periodic dredging between
deposition. Fishing boats are frequently unable to go in or September 2012 and March 2014. The dredged sand
out of their harbours, resulting in a serious reduction in the amounting to 61,600 m3 was used as filling materials for
transport of aquacultural products. Some of the most typ- local construction. Today, the sand deposition continues to
ical estuaries are My A (Quang Ngai Province), Da Rang, be a problem and dredging is frequently required to
Da Dien (Phu Yen Province), and Tam Quan and Lai Giang maintain the navigation channel of Tam Quan estuary.
(Binh Dinh Province) (Fig. 2). As a contribution to The area surrounding the Tam Quan estuary is underlain
understand and solve this problem, this paper aimed to by a variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks that include
the Kim Son Formation and the Phu My, Ben Giang and Waves are subject to seasonal changes with north-east waves
Hai Van complexes (Fig. 4). Quaternary marine sediments dominant from October to April. During June to September,
are found mainly in the north as well as in small areas to south and east waves dominate whereas May is a transitional
the south of the estuary which appear as low relief within season during which time waves are low and their directions
the confines of the valley. Also on the south side, there are irregular. Average wave heights are from 1.2 to 1.7 m with
riverine–marine–swampy sediments. River sediments are maximum heights reaching 12 m during typhoon conditions.
characterized by sand and gravel as well as cobbles con- Annually, south-east, south and east waves occur 47, 24 and
taining a large variety of lithologies. Coastal dunes, 13 %, of the time, respectively (Table 1). For about 60 % of the
10–20 m high, 0.2–1.5 km wide and 2–5 km long, are time, dominant wave heights range from 0.51 to 1.50 m; larger
found along large portions of the coastline. waves (1.51–2.50 m) occur 20 % of the time.
Fig. 2 Tidal inlets characterized by severe sand deposition in the central coast of Vietnam
Tides are irregular and diurnal. Tides more than 155 cm parameters of mean, sorting and skewness were calculated
occur only 1 % of the time. Long-term maximum spring in u units (Folk 1966, 1980).
and neap tide ranges are 107 and -93 cm, respectively. The mineral composition was analysed by thin section
Storm surges have been recorded at a maximum of 1.7 m. using an optical microscope. Representative portions of
Tam Quan estuary receives water from only three small about 15 g from each sample were thoroughly washed
streams, and turbidity measurements show that sediment several times with water followed by a bath of dilute
input from these rivers is negligible. Data of bottom cur- hydrochloric and sulphuric acids to clean the grains of any
rents (about 1 m above the sea floor) was retrieved during a limonite coating or stains. After drying, the material was
week in two periods of October 2012 and June 2013, sieved through a half-millimetre sieve. The portion of
respectively (Fig. 5). The currents were monitored at two grains smaller than 1 mm in size was separated by means
stations (Fig. 6) which were set up at 6 m water depth. The of bromoform having a specific gravity of 2.83. After each
results show a dominant direction of currents from north to process, the sands were weighed. Permanent slides of the
south in October. Maximum velocity was recorded at about light and heavy portions of these sands were made for later
27 cm/s with an average of 13 cm/s. In June, current microscopic determination using Canada balsam as the
directions are mixed between north–south, south–north and imbedding medium. The mineral composition was esti-
east–west. Velocities are 8 cm/s on average. However, mated by using point counting.
east–west current velocities reached 30–37 cm/s for some McLaren and Bowles (1985) demonstrated that when
short times due to strong south-west wind-induced waves. two sediment samples (d1 and d2) are taken sequentially in
a known transport direction (e.g. from a river bed, where d1
is the up current sample and d2 is the down current sample),
Methods the sediment distribution of d2 may become finer (case B)
or coarser (case C) than that of d1; if it becomes finer, the
A total of 130 sediment grab samples were collected along skewness of the distribution must become more negative.
the Tam Quan coastline to a depth of 20 m (Fig. 6). Based Conversely, if d2 is coarser than d1, the skewness must
on rectangular grid, samples were from 150 to 250 m apart become more positive. The sorting becomes better (i.e. the
and were positioned by GPS to an accuracy of ±5 m. value for variance decreases) for both cases. If either of
Grain-size distributions were obtained by sieving the sandy these two trends is observed, sediment transport from d1 to
fraction (sieve sizes: 2, 1, 0.5, 0.35, 0.25, 0.18, 0.15, 0.125, d2 can be inferred. If the trend is different from the two
0.1, 0.074 and 0.063 mm, i.e. -1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.51, 2, 2.47, acceptable trends, the trend is unacceptable, and it cannot
2.74, 3.0, 3.32, 3.76 and 4.0 u) and the grain-size be supposed that transport between the two samples has
Fig. 3 Sand deposition in navigation channel of Tam Quan estuary. south side near the jetty; boats could go in and out during spring tide.
The area of severe sand deposition was about 150 m long and 100 m Sand deposition was then significantly enlarged and the navigation
wide, which started from a point of 120 m from seaside head of the channel shifted to the north side near the rock mountain in February
jetty in May 2010. The navigation channel was 50 m wide at the 2014; boats can also go in and out during spring tide
taken place. In the preceding example, where the transport X(s) provides the statistical relationship between the two
direction is unequivocally known, d2(s) can be related to deposits, and its distribution defines the relative probability
d1(s) by a function X(s), where s is the grain size. The of each particular grain size being eroded, transported and
distribution of X(s) may be determined by: deposited from d1 to d2. The shape of the X(s) distribution
d2 ð s Þ ¼ d1 ð s Þ X ð s Þ relative to the shapes of the d1(s) and d2(s) distributions
Fig. 5 Characteristics of currents at north shore of Tam Quan estuary (a from 30 September to 5 October 2012; b from 4 June to 9 June 2013)
Fig. 8 Distribution of modern sediment grain-size mean value at the nearshore zone
Found in depths ranging from 10–12 to 20 m, these sedi- These sediments have mean grain diameters varying from
ments have mean grain diameters of 1.1–1.9 u, with an 2.1 to 3.1 u, average value of 2.5 u. Sorting coefficients
average value of 1.7 u. Sorting coefficients are slightly are in a large range from 0.6 u (moderately well sorted) to
varied from 0.7 to 0.9 u (moderately sorted). Skewness 1.3 u (poorly sorted), average value of 0.7 u (moderately
changes from coarse skewed (-0.1 u) to fine skewed well sorted). Skewness varies from strongly coarse skewed
(0.3 u). The average value is near symmetrical (0.1 u). (-0.5 u) to near symmetrical (0.1 u), average value of
-0.1 u (coarse skewed). Like the offshore medium sands, • The dominant transport behaviour of sediment in the
the offshore fine sands are also found from 10 to 12 m to m north part of Tam Quan estuary is net accretion at water
of water and both sediment types have a similar colour to depths of 2.5–10 m. It shows relative significant
the nearshore sands, but their grain-size characteristics fall strength of southward sediment transport which
into much narrower ranges. matches well with the dominance of north–south
In terms of mineral composition, sediments are quite bottom currents in the area. Moreover, the net accretion
homogenous (Table 2). Quartz dominates with contents of indicates a likely increase of available sediments for
75–80 % followed by kali feldspar which ranges from 10 to transporting southwards. Around the Truong Xuan
15 %. Other minerals include small amounts (2–6 %) of bio- headland, this mode was also found at the water depths
tite, muscovite, plagioclase and heavy minerals. These findings of 5–10 m but changes to net erosion at shallower water
suggest that the hydrodynamic conditions do not lead to any depths of 2–5 m. Change in shoreline orientation at the
significant differentiation in mineral compositions and that all headlands leads to the formation of a high wave energy
the sediment types are likely derived from a similar source. surf zone in the shallow water. Sediment samples were
unable to be collected in the shallow water surrounding
Sediment transport at the nearshore zone of Tam the rocky headland precluding the determination of the
Quan estuary transport regime at 0–2 m water depths in this area.
• Around the Tam Quan estuary, sediments are trans-
The results of the STA, as shown Fig. 10, are listed as ported past the Truong Xuan headland generally as net
follows: accretion but with occasional sample sequences show-
ing net erosion or equilibrium.
• Sediments are not transported from the coastline to • Sediment trends were undefined in much of the
shallow water (up to about 2.5 m water depth) on either navigation channel, most likely the result of recent
side of the Tam Quan estuary. This supports the dredging in the area. Sediments are transported along
concept that both northern and southern parts of the the south side of the jetty in equilibrium and net
beach are relatively stable and that the predominant accretion. Near jetty’s head, sediments do not show any
wave direction is almost perpendicular to the shoreline. transport.
An exception occurs in a short segment of the Tam • In the south part of the estuary, sediment trends were
Quan north shore (Fig. 8), where the coast is known to not defined at the water depths of 0–5 m near the jetty
have eroded in recent years. (300–1000 m southwards). In the other parts (from 3 to
10 m water depths), sediment trends are net erosion and headland and another is close to the south jetty. The much
then change to equilibrium further South. shallower bottom behind the headland causes a significant
dissipation of wave energy leading to net accretion in this
area. Sand then bypasses the navigation channel to accu-
mulate on its other side. Trends of the bypassing cannot be
observed in the analysis due to frequent dredging of the
channel. However, net erosion in the nearby zone of the
Spatial distribution of sediments
jetty shows evidence of sediment transport southward to
the jetty. The head of the jetty, installed in 8 m of water,
Pale yellow medium sands are found along the coast from
serves as a sediment trap resulting in severe sand deposi-
the shoreline to 2.5 m water depth. Fine sands with a light
tion in the navigation channel of the Tam Quan estuary. In
grey colour occur in the deeper areas which are up to 11 m
the long term, additional sand deposition in the channel can
in the north, 13 m opposite the mouth of the estuary and
be transported from the south towards the head of the jetty.
10 m to its south. This spatial distribution was formed as a
result of current hydrodynamic conditions. Medium sands
exist in the high wave energy characterized by the surf Impacts of south jetty
zone, and fine sands are more associated with the wave
propagating zone. Due to the impact of the jetty, fine sand Prior to the jetty, sediment bypassed the estuary’s entrance
has accumulated on shoreline at the south side covering a via the sand bar in front of the river mouth (Trinh et al.
linear distance of 300 m (Fig. 5). In addition, a small 2011). Even after its construction, the initial length of the
emerged bar of medium sand with better sorting coeffi- jetty was insufficient to result in the deposition that is
cients was formed at the depth of 1.8–2.0 m (Fig. 7). occurring today.
In the deeper area, dark yellow medium sands exposed. At Tam Quan estuary, before the jetty extension, it was
The existence of these coarse sediments suggests that they likely that sand naturally bypassed the estuary entrance.
are not formed by current hydrodynamic conditions. The However, after its extension, all sediment transported from
shoreline of Vietnam in general and its central part in the north became trapped by the jetty and deposited in the
particular has altered significantly during the Holocene channel as shown in Fig. 3. The southern shoreline close
period as a result of sea level change (Korotky et al. 1995; to the base of the jetty also advanced a little due to
Nguyen et al. 2000; Funabiki et al. 2007; Tan et al. 2014) incoming waves that could now become diffracted by its
causing the boundary between modern shoreline sediments presence.
and the ancient deposits found in the deeper water (Fig. 5).
Such a boundary has been observed before in depths of Proposal of engineering measures to prevent sand
about 30 m in the vicinity of the Red River delta (Duc et al. deposition in channel
2007, 2012) and 15–20 m adjacent to the central part of the
coast (Korotky et al. 1995). These studies, based on sedi- To prevent sedimentation in the channel, sediment transport
ment distribution, colour and grain size, suggest that the from north to south past the small headland requires con-
boundary separates modern (late Holocene) sediments and trolling. A properly designed jetty at the north headland can
ancient (early Holocene) sediments. However, further work effectively control this sediment movement. There are two
to include radioactive dating and geochemical analyses will ways to prevent sedimentation in the channel which are
be required to verify the ages of the two sediment types. illustrated in Fig. 11. The first is to trap sediment transported
to the south before entering the channel (Fig. 11a). The
Reasons of sand deposition other is to encourage the transport of sediment to bypass the
estuary’s mouth as it did in the past (Fig. 11b). The precise
As mentioned above, both northern and southern parts of design and locations of the two proposed jetty structures will
the beach are relatively stable and the predominant wave require a more complete investigation of the characteristics
direction is almost perpendicular to the shoreline. The of sediment movement. To maintain the fishery harbour in
orientations of both shorelines are almost the same at about the Tam Quan estuary, it will be necessary to consider the
333; however, the direction of shoreline just north of the location and shape of the north breakwater (ln), the length of
estuary is significantly greater (about 351) (Fig. 10). This the existing jetty (le) as well as the location and shape of the
shoreline configuration results in southward transport and south breakwater (Fig. 11).
sediment, as shown in Fig. 10, reaches the Tam Quan At this time, the length of the existing south jetty could
estuary as it passes around the small headland. Sediments possibly be shortened provided that it can be shown to
are deposited in two different areas. One is after the north prevent northward sediment transport caused by diffracted
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