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____________________________________ ANADOLU LİSESİ 2024-2025 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI


Name Surname :______________________________ DATE : _____________
Class – Number :_____________________________ POINT : ________

1. Below is three paragraphs on good practices about human rights. Write a supporting sentence in each
paragragh. (Paragrafları okuyarak destekleyici cümleyi yazınız.) (3x15=15p.)

In education, one of the focal points has been inclusive education to improve the processes inclusive students go through.
Türkiye has revised the regulations on assessment and evaluation for the sake of eliminating the disadvantages of
inclusive students. It’s challenging.
Supporting Sentence : _____________________________________________________________________________
There are good practices for the disabled as well. In addition to the Paralympic Games, tournaments and similar sports
events, such as wheelchair basketball leagues, goalball tournaments, and amputee football organizations are becoming
more common in most countries. They are very enjoyable. Tactile sidewalks and text to speech applications make life
easier for the blind. More and more televisions are using sign language translations for the deaf.
Supporting Sentence : _____________________________________________________________________________
Good examples related to gender equality are taking place. Women are now allowed to have a driver’s license and be a
part of the traffic as drivers in more countries. They must be very happy.
Supporting Sentence : _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Read the paragrapghs and find out what they are about. (Paragrafları okuyarak ne ile ilgili olduklarını
yazınız.) (3x15=15p.)

a. The disadvantaged are also of great importance. They have been defined clearly for different contexts and countries,
and their rights have to be observed. Efforts have to be made to improve their conditions._______________________
b. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights focuses on human rights in many respects. Men and women should have
equality before the law, in social and political life. _________________________________________________________
b. Another important issue is that children should be able to enjoy the privilege of being a child to the fullest extent.
They shouldn't be deprived of education and basic children's rights. ___________________________________________
3. Read the text and put the instructions in the correct order. (Metni okuyarak yönergeleri sıraya koyunuz.) (2x10
Voca-learn is a memory game. The game has two steps. Before going through these steps, you have to create an account
and download the application. Once you are in the application, you will be asked to choose an avatar to represent you.
Then, you will need to choose one of the language levels given and choose one of the fifteen language domains given.
Next, you will visit the language domains scholar room. The scholar will present you with 10 words or phrases specific to
the domain. If your domain is education, you will be presented with words/phrases specific to education. If you feel the
need to listen again, you can. After finishing with the scholar, you will proceed to the quiz room to answer the vocabulary
questions. You have three goes to answer all of the questions correctly and leave the room. When you have completed the
quizzes for all the domains of your level, you will be awarded a badge. You can leave and move on to the next level.
___ answer the vocabulary questions
___ choose an avatar
___ choose one of the fifteen language domains given
___ download the application
___ proceed to the quiz room
___ leave the room
___ answer all of the questions correctly
___ create an account
___ choose one of the language levels given
___ visit the language domains scholar room

4. Write three mottos/slogans about human rights. (İnsan hakları ile ilgili 3 motto, slogan yazınız) (3x5=15p.)
a. _________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________

5. Write detailed descriptions of an imaginary future. Write at least 5 sentences. (En az 5 cümle ile hayali
geleceğinizi betimleyiniz.) (5x4=20p.)
______________________________________________ LİSESİ 2024-2025 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI
Name Surname :______________________________ DATE : _____________
Class – Number :_____________________________ POINT : ________


A. Listen to the dialogue and complete it . (Diyalogu dinleyerek tamamlayınız.) (6x10=60p.)

Ekbale : Hey, Bruce, what is that?

Bruce : A foldable mini trailer. Our new project.
Ekbale : Interesting! I've never heard such a thing before.
Bruce : You are not the only one. We are not the inventers of it but are trying to come up with a better and more functional
Ekbale : What's the reason behind?
Bruce : Well ... It has a lot to do with the way we imagine the _____________________________.
Ekbale : Tell me more about that.
Bruce : Sure. People are going to live in _________________________ houses and rely on smart technologies. Most
people are going to wear smart glasses, and these smart glasses will guide them in everyday life. Robots are going to do all
the ____________________ chores. We can already see some examples of this. From robot cleaners to smart cars.
Ekbale : That's right.
Bruce : And work. We believe most of the _____________________ jobs will disappear. People will not work for the
same company or institution for years. Changes will occur too fast. We guess that projects will employ people, not
institutions or companies. Therefore, there is no doubt that people will need to have more skills to be employed. Much of
the work will be done from home. Telework, I mean. Today's traditional offices will not exist.
Ekbale : What does that have to do with the foldable trailer?
Bruce : Wait. I'll tell you. First, you need to figure out how we see the future.
Ekbale : Go ahead, then.
Bruce : Social life is going to go through serious changes. People will spend more time at home. Children will have the
chance to choose between face-to-face and distant _________________. Family members will share the same real
environments, the same space, but thanks to the virtual and augmented reality technologies, they will be immersed in
different environments with different people. If they like the company of each other at that moment, they will enjoy being
together. If not, they will move on to an imaginary activity or chat room with the people they choose.
Ekbale : My question is the same. What about the foldable trailer?
Bruce : All these things will give people more time but less space. Human nature loves natural things and a natural form of
communication. They will need fresh fruits and vegetables as they do now. They won't be happy with a lifestyle that
depends totally on smart technologies. They will need _____________________. Since they are part of nature. Life is part
of nature. As there will not be enough space in urban life, people will need to be away often. As transportation and travel
are going to cost much, they will attach this foldable trailer to whatever vehicle they own and run to Mother Nature, to
fresh air, to freshwater, to relaxing sounds.

B. Listen to the dialogue again and take notes for the categories given. (Diyalogu tekrar dinleyerek ilgili kategoriye
birer cümle yazınız) (4x10=40p.)

Life at Home : _____________________________________________________________________________________

Work Life : _______________________________________________________________________________________
Social Life : ______________________________________________________________________________________
Needs : __________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ LİSESİ 2024-2025 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI
Talk about following topics. (100p.)
1. What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
2. Say a statement from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
3. Give an example for disadvantaged people
4. What are the human rights violations in Türkiye?
5. What are your solutions for the human rights violations in Türkiye?
6. What are your predicitons in education in future?
7. What are your predicions in social life in future?
8. What are your predictions in work life in future?
9. What are your plans for future?
10. What kind of cyber games would you like to play in future? Why?

Comprehension 20p. Vocabulary 20p. Pronounciation 20p. Accuracy 20p. Fluency 20p. Total 100p.
Tapescript 4.3
Ekbale : Hey, Bruce, what is that?
Bruce : A foldable mini trailer. Our new project.
Ekbale : Interesting! I've never heard such a thing before.
Bruce : You are not the only one. We are not the inventors of it but are trying to come up with a better and more
functional design.
Ekbale : What's the reason behind?
Bruce : Well ... It has a lot to do with the way we imagine the future.
Ekbale : Tell me more about that.
Bruce : Sure. People are going to live in smart houses and rely on smart technologies. Most people are going to wear
smart glasses, and these smart glasses will guide them in everyday life. Robots are going to do all the household chores.
We can already see some examples of this. From robot cleaners to smart cars.
Ekbale : That's right.
Bruce : And work. We believe most of the traditional jobs will disappear. People will not work for the same company or
institution for years. Changes will occur too fast. We guess that projects will employ people, not institutions or
companies. Therefore, there is no doubt that people will need to have more skills to be employed. Much of the work will
be done from home. Telework, I mean. Today's traditional offices will not exist.
Ekbale : What does that have to do with the foldable trailer?
Bruce : Wait. I'll tell you. First, you need to figure out how we see the future.
Ekbale : Go ahead, then.
Bruce : Social life is going to go through serious changes. People will spend more time at home. Children will have the
chance to choose between face-to-face and distant education. Family members will share the same real environments, the
same space, but thanks to the virtual and augmented reality technologies, they will be immersed in different environments
with different people. If they like the company of each other at that moment, they will enjoy being together. If not, they
will move on to an imaginary activity or chat room with the people they choose.
Ekbale : My question is the same. What about the foldable trailer?
Bruce : All these things will give people more time but less space. Human nature loves natural things and a natural form
of communication. They will need fresh fruits and vegetables as they do now. They won't be happy with a lifestyle that
depends totally on smart technologies. They will need nature. Since they are part of nature. Life is part of nature. As there
will not be enough space in urban life, people will need to be away often. As transportation and travel are going to cost
much, they will attach this foldable trailer to whatever vehicle they own and run to Mother Nature, to fresh air, to
freshwater, to relaxing sounds.

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