a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The exhaust passage of steam turbine needs water spray to reduce the temperature of exhaust steam
Received 30 May 2021 under windage condition. To explore the influence of water spray parameters on the aerodynamic char-
Revised 22 July 2021
acteristics and temperature drop characteristics of exhaust passage, the relationship between the flow
Accepted 9 August 2021
field characteristics and the spray parameters is investigated by regression orthogonal test. The results
show that the influence of spray parameters on the total-temperature drop coefficient (CT t ) and the static
KEY WORDS: pressure recovery coefficient (Cp t ) of exhaust passage is nonlinear. The main influencing parameters on
steam turbine the total-temperature drop coefficient are the droplet diameter and the water mass flow rate, the main
exhaust passage influencing parameter on the static pressure recovery coefficient is the water mass flow rate. The influ-
water spray
ence of each spray parameter on the flow field characteristics is independent. The optimal water spray
regression orthogonal test
scheme can be obtained by the regression equation to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of exhaust
passage. When the weight coefficient of flow field characteristics ε is 0.3, the total-temperature drop co-
efficient and the static pressure recovery coefficient of optimal scheme are 20.9% and 26.5%, respectively.
The average total-temperature drop is 77.4K.When the weight coefficient of flow field characteristics ε is
0.5, the total-temperature drop coefficient and the static pressure recovery coefficient of optimal scheme
are 19.9% and 31.6%, respectively. The average total-temperature drop is 74.1K. Therefore, the aerodynamic
characteristics of exhaust passage and the exhaust temperature can be controlled in a reasonable range.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0017-9310/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
last stage blades under the condition of water spray. Chaker et al.
Nomenclature [15, 16] analyzed the influence of droplet size, spray quantity and
spray angle on droplet evaporation rate. Sun et al. [17] studied the
Cp t Static pressure recovery coefficient formation, fragmentation and atomization of the liquid film during
CT t Total-temperature drop coefficient the spray process of the cone-type pressure swirl atomizer. The nu-
ρ Density of the mixture-vapor (steam and H2 O) merical simulation results of water spray were in good agreement
(kg/m3 ) with the experimental results. Xu et al. [18] analyzed numerically
Velocity of the mixture-vapor (steam and H2 O) the heat and mass transfer process in the exhaust passage after
(m/s) water spray. Lin et al. [19, 20] discussed the relationship between
Sm Mass transfer from the discrete phase to the contin- the transient characteristics of a compressor with the spray param-
uous phase eters before and after spraying. It can be seen from the above anal-
Viscous shear stress tensor ysis that scholars mainly focused on the structural optimization of
F ext Momentum transfer from the water droplets to the exhaust passage and the analysis of flow field characteristics cou-
continuous term (N) pling the last stage blade. And the effect of independent spray pa-
μ Dynamic viscosity (N•s/m2 ) rameters on water spray is especially rich. However, the influence
I Unit tensor of the optimized combination of multiple spray parameters on the
ht Total enthalpy (J/kg) spray effect of exhaust passage is rarely studied. A safe, economi-
λ Thermal conductivity W/(m•K) cal, efficient and energy-saving spray scheme is the key to obtain
Sh Heat transfer between the continuous phase and good aerodynamic characteristics and temperature drop character-
discrete phase istics of exhaust passage.
mp Mass of the droplet (kg) To evaluate systematically the influence of spray parameters on
up Velocity of the droplet (m/s) the aerodynamic characteristics and temperature drop characteris-
FB Buoyancy force caused by the droplet gravity (N) tics of exhaust passage, a numerical study of water spray under
FD Resistance acting on the droplet from the surround- the windage condition is carried out based on a regression orthog-
ing vapor (N) onal test. The influence of water spray parameters of the aerody-
FT Turbulence dispersion force contributed by the tur- namic characteristics and temperature drop characteristics is dis-
bulent motion of flow field to the droplet (N) cussed. The specific process is shown in Fig. 1.
FV M Virtual mass force (N)
Cp , w Specific heat of the droplet (J/(kg•°C) 2. Numerical Study
dp Diameter of the droplet (μm)
Tp Temperature of the droplet (K) 2.1. Physical model
λw Thermal conductivity of mixture-vapor (steam and
H2 O) (W/(m•K)) The low-pressure exhaust passage of a 300MW steam turbine
Nu Nusselt number is taken as the research object. Considering the influence of the
Re Reynolds number last stage on the flow field of exhaust passage, a full-scale phys-
A Reference state constant ical model of the exhaust passage coupled with the last stage
B Enthalpy coefficient passage is established. The exhaust passage is mainly composed
C Temperature shift constant of the exhaust hood and condenser throat. The exhaust hood in-
ρ wv Density of H2 O (kg/m3 ) cludes diffuser, volute, stiffener and stiffener plate. The diffuser
Dwv Diffusivity of H2 O (m2 /s) consists of guide ring and guide cone. Because the exhaust pas-
M Molar mass of mixture-vapor (steam and H2 O) sage is a left-right symmetrical structure and other structures have
(g/mol) little influence on the aerodynamic performance, the right side of
Mmv Molar mass of H2 O (g/mol) the exhaust passage is selected as the calculation domain in order
fp Mole fractions of a droplet to reduce the calculation quantity. The simplified exhaust passage
f Mole fractions of mixture-vapor (steam and H2 O) model is shown in Fig. 2 and the last stage passage model is shown
Sh Sherwood number in Fig. 3.
x1 Droplet diameter (μm)
x2 Flow speed (m/s) 2.2. Grids and boundary conditions
x3 Spray angle (°)
x4 Mass flow rate (kg/s) ICEM is used to divide the tetrahedral unstructured grids for
ε Weight to evaluate the flow field characteristics the exhaust passage. The last stage passage includes stator blade
p Total pressure drop (Pa) passage and rotor blade passage. Turbo-Grid is used to divide the
??? Abbreviations: last stage passage into hexahedral structured grids, and the topol-
THA Turbine heat acceptance ogy type of rotor blade passage and stator blade passage grids is
“HOH”, and the “H” orthogonal grid is used for the inlet and out-
let sections of blades. In order to translate the flow parameters
power generation [12]. Under the condition of low load, the flow more accurately, the grid of the interface between the rotor pas-
of exhaust passage is reduced, resulting in windage condition. The sage and stator passage, the interface between the rotor passage
ultra-high exhaust temperature makes the cylinder block and the and the exhaust hood inlet and the area near the wall are locally
blade over temperature, which seriously affects the safe operation refined. The grids of the exhaust passage and the last stage blade
of the steam turbine unit. The water spray technology is one of are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. To avoid the overtemperature of
the effective methods to solve the over temperature of exhaust exhaust passage under the windage condition, it is necessary to
passage under the windage conditions. Montazeri et al. [13] calcu- spray water at the exhaust hood. The position of the spray nozzle
lated the performance of water spray system by numerical simula- is changed from the original guide ring to the guide cone. The lay-
tion method and verified the accuracy by wind tunnel experiment. out of spray nozzles of the exhaust hood is shown in Fig. 6. There
Xu et al. [14] studied the dynamic characteristics and stress of the are 16 spray nozzles, which are all distributed on the guide cone.
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
Table 1
Boundary parameters of 100% THA
Parameter Values
Fig. 2. Exhaust passage model
Inlet total temperature/(°C) 65.6
Inlet mass flow rate/(kg/s) 82.167
Outlet average static pressure /(Pa) 4900
The outlet pressure and outlet velocity of 100% turbine heat ac-
ceptance (100%THA) condition are verified for grid independence,
as shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that when the grid number over
7.75 million, the effect of grid number on the outlet pressure and pressure. The boundary parameters under the 100% THA condition
velocity of exhaust passage is very small. To improve the calcula- are shown in Table 1. The rotor blades of the last sage are the ro-
tion efficiency and ensure the calculation accuracy, the 7.75 million tation domain and the rotating speed is 30 0 0r/min. The non-slip
grids are adopted. and adiabatic wall treatment is applied. The mixing-plane method
The inlet boundary conditions are set as mass flow rate and to- is adopted for the interface of rotation domain and stationary do-
tal temperature, and the outlet boundary conditions is set as static main. Considering the influence of turbulent shear stress, the SST
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
tum and heat transfer between the continuous phase and discrete
phase. To simulate correctly the droplet/steam two-phase flow and
evaporation- cooling process, the water droplets (liquid) are re-
garded as the discrete phase, continuous phase includes steam of
the exhaust passage (steam) and steam of evaporated water (H2 O).
Considering the effect of mass, momentum and heat transfer, the
effect of droplets on the continuous phase is taken as the source
term of the N-S equation.
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
Table 2
Encoding of four factors and five levels
Factors codes Droplet diameterx1 /(μm) Flow speedx2 /(m/s) Spray anglex3 /(°) Flow ratex4 /(kg/s)
-r 40 60 5 0.1
-1 50 75.66 14 0.1131
0 80 120 40 0.15
1 110 164.34 66 0.1869
r 120 180 75 0.2
i 30 44.34 26 0.0369
Table 4
Analysis of variance and significance test
Sources SS df MS F-test α θ /% β /%
(a)For index of y1 =f1 (x)/100=CT t
x1 68.09 1 68.09 219.01 0.0001 99.99 64.45
x4 37.80 1 37.80 121.57 0.0001 99.99 34.21
x1 x4 1.27 1 1.27 4.07 0.10 90 0.24
x2 x3 1.27 1 1.27 4.07 0.10 90 0.24
x4 ´ 1.56 1 1.55 5 0.05 95 0.49
R 109.97 5 21.99 70.74 0.0001 99.99 99.63
e 3.42 11 0.31 0.37
Total 113.39 16
F0.0001 (1,11)=35.05 F0.0001 (5,11)=16.02 (b)For index of y2 =f2 (x)/100=Cpt
x1 3.40 1 3.40 38.68 0.0001 99.99 3.65
x3 3.84 1 3.84 43.63 0.0001 99.99 4.13
x4 77.58 1 77.58 882.66 0.0001 99.99 83.46
x1 ´ 3.31 1 3.31 37.61 0.0001 99.99 3.56
R 88.12 4 22.03 250.64 0.0001 99.99 94.81
e 1.05 12 0.09 1.13
Total 92.94 16
F0.0001 (1,12)=32.43 F0.0001 (4,12)=15.79
Fig. 8. Comparisons of characteristic index between regression equations and numerical simulation results
The quadratic regression Eq. (12) is determined according to the heat transfer characteristics are better. The Cp t can be used to eval-
least square principle. According to the Eq. (13), a linear transfor- uate the ability of kinetic energy to convert into pressure energy.
mation is carried out on the factors at all levels. To obtain the di- The larger Cp t indicates that the flow field characteristics are bet-
mensionless coding layer, where the actual values of each factor ter. The calculation formulas are as follows:
correspond to the coding values one to one:
CT t = (CT,in −CT,out )/CT,in (14)
4 4
y = b0 + bi xi + bi j xi x j + bii x2i (12)
i=1 j<i i=1 C pt = ( ps,out −ps,in )/( pt,in −ps,in ) (15)
Z i = ( x i − x 0 i ) / i (13) Where CT ,in and CT ,out are respectively the inlet and outlet to-
tal temperature of exhaust passage, °C. ps,in and ps,out are the mass
Where xi and xj are the influencing factors (i,j=1,2,3,4), b0 is the average inlet and outlet static pressure of exhaust passage, respec-
constant term, bi is the primary partial regression coefficient, bij tively, Pa. pt,in is the mass average inlet total pressure of exhaust
is the interactive partial regression coefficient, bii is the secondary passage, Pa.
partial regression coefficient, x0 i is the x value when the coding Because the CT t and Cp t are relatively small, for the convenience
level is zero, and zi is the coding value of factor. of observation, the two values are linearly amplified by 100 times
According to the specific test schemes in Table 3, the numeri- to y1 =f1 (x)/100=CT t and y2 =f2 (x)/100=Cp t . According to the sim-
cal simulation of each scheme is carried out, and two evaluation ulation results of each schemes, the coefficients of the regression
indexes CT t and Cp t are obtained. The CT t can be used to eval- equation can be calculated:
uate the temperature drop effect of exhaust steam passage after 17
water spray. The larger CT t is beneficial to the flow field charac- b0 = 1/17 (yh )k (16)
teristics, which indicates that the total-temperature drop effect the
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
Eq. (21) and Eq. (22) are two different algorithms for the sum of
17 17
the total square. From Eq. (22), it can be seen that the sum of
bi = (Zi )k (yh )k / ( ) Zi 2k (17) the total square of the regression equation includes the sum of re-
k=1 k=1
gression square and residual square. From Eq. (23), it can be seen
17 17 2 that the freedom degrees of the total square sum are also the sum
bi j = Zi Z j
(yh )k / Zi Z j
(18) of the residual freedom degrees and the freedom degrees of the
k=1 k=1 regression equation. dfi , dfij and dfii are the sum of the deviation
17 17 square of primary term SSi =bi 2 Zi 2 , interaction term SSij =bij 2 (Zi Zj )2
bii = (Z i )k (yh )k / (Z i )2k (19) and secondary term SSii =bii 2 (Z´ii )2 .
k=1 k=1 2
2 17 S ST = y2i − 1/17 yi (21)
(Z i )k = Zi k
− 1/17 (Zi )2k (20)
S ST = S SR + S Se = ( S Si + S Si j + SSii ) + SSe (22)
Where Z´is the result of the centralization of the quadratic term.
The accuracy and reliability of the regression equation can be The variance of each factor is defined as MS=SS/df . But for other
verified by the variance analysis of numerical simulation results. variables except for the error factors, the significance test F-test
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L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
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L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
5. Conclusions
L. Cao, H. Du and H. Si International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121829
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