Biodiversity MS
Biodiversity MS
Biodiversity MS
Mark schemes
(a) Correct answer for 2 marks = 2.7;;
1. Accept for 1 mark,
22, 41, 14, 2 (correct readings of bar chart for all species)
0.37 – 0.38 (correct calculation using correct numerator and incorrect figures
from bar chart: 22, 63, 77, 79)
(a) (Number of species and) number of individuals in each species (in each habitat)
2. OR
(Number of species and) population of each species (in each habitat);
Accept organisms for individuals
Ignore frequency.
Accept abundance of each species.
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(b) 1. Random samples;
More centre
Less edge
Less hedge
Fewer species;
Ignore removal of hedge (as given in stem).
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(d) Advantage -
Disadvantage - Page 5 of 9
(b) Yes, natural best, because
2. The (mean) number of bees was higher in the natural habitat until day 200;
2. For ‘day 200’ accept any day between 190 and 210.
2. For ‘until day 200’ accept ‘for 200 days’.
OR Page 6 of 9
(c) 1. Must not harm the bees
Must allow the bee to be released unchanged;
(d) 1. Collect at more times of the year so more points on graph/better line (of best fit) on
Both suggestion and explanation is required for each mark point.
The explanation must relate to the graph.
2. Counted number of individuals in each species so that they could calculate index of
(e) 1. A. chlorogaster and A. piperi are more closely related (to each other than to P.
Must be a comparative statement.
Accept A. chlorogaster and A. piperi share a more recent/closer
common ancestor (than they do with P. pruinosa);
Ignore references to A. chlorogaster and A. piperi not being related
to P. pruinosa or not having a common ancestor with P. pruinosa.
(a) 1. Only cleared and abandoned and introduction of non-native species make
4. (significant) difference;
2. Some (populations of) native species become extinct (in the community);
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(c) 1. Set up grid system with coordinates;
(a) 4:
5. 1
(b) 2.68(6).
If answer incorrect:
Σn(n-1) = 242 = 1 mark
N(N-1) = 650 = 1 mark
(a) Species richness measures only number of (different) species / does not measure number
6. of individuals.
(d) 1. For Zaretis itys, difference in distribution is probably due to chance / probability
of being due to chance is more than 5%;
2. For all species other than Zaretis itys, difference in distribution is (highly)
unlikely to be due to chance;
3. Because P < 0.001 which is highly significant / is much lower than 5%.
[8] Page 8 of 9
(a) 1. Females are (generally) longer / larger / bigger / up to 115(mm) / males are
7. (generally) shorter / smaller / up to 100(mm);
Ignore: tall
Accept: females have a larger / 90 modal / peak / most common
value and males have a smaller / 80 modal / peak / most common
Accept mean length of females greater / mean length of males
Reject: use of mean in relation to 80 mm or 90 mm
Reject: Most of the females are 90 mm long / most of the males are
80 mm long
2. (So) lower diversity of insects / fewer insect species / fewer insect types;
Q Neutral: fewer insects
Accept less variety of insects Page 9 of 9