Environmental Psychology Exam 4 Study Guide (Questions Only)
Environmental Psychology Exam 4 Study Guide (Questions Only)
Environmental Psychology Exam 4 Study Guide (Questions Only)
am. Late Take-Home exams will not be accepted! Unit 4 exam: The Unit 4 section will be worth 100 points (same as the previous Unit Exams) and will cover material from the last unit (lectures Nov 15-Dec. 8, textbook chapters 11-13) Review Final: The cumulative review final will be worth 50 points. The Review Final will be based primarily on the Chapter Summary sections of each of the 14 chapters in the text. Questions on Unit 4 exam and Review Final may be multiple choice, true/false, or short answer. Topics Ch. 11: Planning and Design of Human Behavior Architecture and Behavior: Understand and be able to explain architectural determinism (including the extreme view of this), environmental possibilism, and environmental probabalism. Be able to discuss the designers perspective (Lang 1987): Know the 3 basic purposes that designed environments must fulfill; explain design as a problem-solving process; understand and explain positive theory and normative theory; understand and explain procedural theory and substantive theory (and be able to discuss contributions from psychology in both). Be able to discuss the design process: understand and be able to explain the importance of congruence, flexibility, communication (gaps, applicability gap), and increasing participation (including Kaplan & Kaplan, 1982 characteristics of successful participation). Be able to discuss the evaluation process in design: * POE- definition & purpose, issues with implementation, 4 dimensions of variation, methods * Evaluation process: front-end evaluation, formative evaluation, summative evaluation (critical appraisal, remedial & diagnostic evaluations) * 5 steps in design cycle, names & activities, relationship to types of evaluation Be able to discuss behavioral-based design criteria: What does this mean? Why is it difficult to define these criteria? Be able to discuss examples of conflict from applying these results, specifically the issues and debate regarding color. Know the four recommendations for developing and using behavioral design criteria. Be able to discuss Universal design criteria: Know the general definition & purpose, and the 7 principles of universal design with examples. Be able to discuss developing behavior concepts to use in different settings: Be able to explain the environmental social behaviors and examples: Sommer & application to public housing. Be able to discuss developing criteria for a specific setting: prisons & security example Be able to discuss behavioral annotations: definition and purpose, Zeisel example Be able to explain substantive contributions from environmental psychology: privacy, materials, place, illumination, windows, furnishings, and architectural aesthetics. See text!
Be able to discuss design on North American college campuses: including issues of stability & growth, master plans (definition & goal), modern campus design, cognitive mapping and campus planning. Topics Ch. 12 Design in Residential and Institutional Environments Be able to discuss Giffords distinction between a house and a home. Know the definition of residence & the 5 dimensions of variation (Altman). Know the definition of a home, early meanings, and the set of 6 key dimensions. Be able to discuss home environments: What do they provide? Understand and be able to explain place attachment and related information. Know what influences preferences for types of housing and the most commonly preferred housing type in the US. Know factors that influence type and location of housing. Know the factors that predict housing satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and how satisfaction can change. Be able to discuss social ties and cul de sacs. Be able to discuss use of space in the home and related research: see Text! Be able to discuss the concept of privacy gradient: know the definition, related research, and relationship to social ties. Be able to discuss the topics of proximity and sense of community in neighborhood and community environments. Understand and be able to explain propinquity (definition, types of distance, impact on attraction/friendship, reasons for this relationship, relationship between propinquity and negative relationshipsenvironmental spoiling hypothesis) and sense of community (What are the two factors of neighborhood cohesion, and which is most important for satisfaction? What ways can sense of community be enhanced, & why this is important?). Be able to discuss institutional environments: Understand and be able to explain the factors they share with residential environments and how they differ from residential environments. Be able to discuss Hospital settings: Where does most design research come from? Understand the Low control aspect of this setting and the impact on design. Be able to explain the research regarding design and location of nurses station and research regarding design and social interaction among patients. Know and be able to explain environmental features with direct impact on well-being. Understand and be able to explain the issues related to designing for hospital visitors. Be able to discuss designing for the elderly: Why is this an important design topic? What characteristics should one keep in mind when designing for the elderly? What is meant by Continuum of care? Understand and be able to explain the different types of facilities and associated types of care provided. Be able to discuss design for non-institutional residences: Know the options, research related to preferences, important characteristics to include. Be able to discuss design for institutional residential care facilities for the elderly: What is are the goals? Why is designing for variety important? Whose design perspectives should be included? How does preference differ between residents and administrators? How should these facilities be designed regarding physical conditions, safety and convenience? How can the designs foster choice and why is this important? Understand and be able to explain the relationship between social environment and choice/control. How can changes in health status
impact relocation and how can the negative effects of this be reduced? Be able to discuss Alzheimer unitsknow the purpose and characteristics, and how these designs can lead to reduction in excess disability. Topics Ch. 13 Work, Learning, and Leisure Environments Work environments: Be able to discuss how physical environment can impact on productivity and satisfaction. Be able to discuss design in relation to health and safety in work environments. Understand and be able to explain Human factors/ ergonomics- know definition and purpose. Be able to discuss the study of human and machine interactions- Understand and be able to explain goals, the role & types of feedback, research regarding controls & adjusting controls, link analysis, how to facilitate human-machine interactions with mapping, the natural mapping types, the clockwise-for-increase principle, Warricks principle, and situational awareness. Be able to discuss the electronic office: How has computer technology impacted work environments? What are VDTs and what negative effects are associated with them? What other negative side-effects are there? How many people in the US work on computers all day? What types of injuries are increasing related to this? What is the cause (in the body)? Be able to discuss Carpal tunnel syndrome: How common? Cause & symptoms? Treatment? Methods to prevent? Cost of repetitive-motion injuries? What is OSHA? Be able to discuss the OSHA statistics and proposals presented in class. Be able to discuss the state of Washington and ergonomics standards. Be able to discuss new developments in work environments presented in class. Learning environments: Be able to discuss design in Classrooms: Understand and be able to explain research related to the impact of noise and seating arrangements, windowless classrooms (know the purpose and actual impact), open classrooms, the environmental complexity debate, and impact of high density. Be able to discuss design in Libraries: Understand and be able to explain issues of under- and over-use of space, multiple functions, wayfinding (including associated findings/suggestions), and modern issues. Be able to discuss design in Museums & other informal learning environments: Understand and be able to explain the different functions, the study of visitor behavior, roles as restorative environments, issues of wayfinding/orientation and exploration. Know that exploration is primary mode of activity and be able to explain right-hand bias, attraction gradient, exit gradient, museum fatigue, and ways to change design to reduce fatigue and increase time spent at an exhibit. Leisure environments: When is leisure experienced? Know different types of leisure activities. Be able to discuss popular settings for leisure environments and benefits of wilderness/camping experiences. Be able to discuss problems with recreation in natural settings. Understand and be able to explain the relationship to land and recreation management, types of visitor impacts with specific examples, and the Social, ecological, and managerial significance of visitor impacts. Be able to discuss changing visitor behavior: impact and solution types. Know the 7 principles of Leave No Trace.