User Manual
Please read this manual before operating your device
and keep it for future reference.
Legal Notices
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Disclaimer of Warranties;
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Note: Water-resistant and dustproof based on IP67 WARRANTY CONTAINED ON THE WARRANTY
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All Intellectual Property, as defined below, owned PRODUCT OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR
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Phone, including but not limited to, accessories, OF THE PRODUCT; THE WORKMANSHIP OF THE
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Some software components of this product YOUR EDITING OF REGISTRY SETTINGS, OR
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Legal Notices ii
The Bluetooth® word mark, figure mark (stylized “B Legal Information
Design”), and combination mark (Bluetooth word
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Google, the Google logo, Android, the Android logo, Samsung Limited Warranty - This product is
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Google Music, Google Newsstand, Google Now, Warranty including its dispute resolution
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Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the the warranty and obtaining service are available
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Legal Information > Samsung legal or you may
Swype and the Swype logos are trademarks of access the online version of the Health/Safety and
Swype, Inc. Warranty guide for your device at:
Table of Contents iv
One-Handed Operation......................................... 102
Easy Mode .................................................................... 103
Accessibility.................................................................. 104
Private Mode ................................................................ 106
Finger Scanner ........................................................... 107
Motions and Gestures............................................ 108
Air View ........................................................................... 109
Accounts......................................................................... 110
Backup and Reset .................................................... 111
Language and Input Settings ............................ 112
Date and Time Settings ........................................ 115
Safety Assistance ..................................................... 116
Accessories .................................................................. 118
Battery.............................................................................. 119
Power Saving ............................................................... 120
Storage ............................................................................ 121
Security............................................................................ 123
Help ................................................................................... 125
About Your Device ................................................... 126
Application Manager............................................... 127
Default Applications ................................................ 130
Applications Settings Shortcuts....................... 131
Table of Contents v
Getting Started
Learn about your mobile
device hardware, assembly
procedures, and how to
get started using your
new device.
Front View
Earpiece Proximity sensor
Volume key
Power key
Recent Back
• Proximity sensor: Detects the presence of • Recent: Displays recent apps or touch and hold
objects near the device. for home screen options.
• Front camera: Takes self-portraits and records • Volume key: Adjusts the volume of your device’s
videos of yourself. sounds and audio.
• Power key: Locks or wakes up the screen. • Status light: Displays red when charging or the
Press and hold to turn the device off, restart battery is low, blue when a notification has arrived
it, or for quick access to Airplane mode or or you are voice recording, and green when
Emergency mode. fully charged.
Rear camera
Flash Heart rate sensor
USB charger/Accessory port
• Microphone: Records audio and detects voice • Speaker: Plays music and other sounds.
• Flash: Illuminate subjects in low-light
• Infrared transmitter: Controls external devices environments when taking a photo or recording
using infrared light. video.
• Heart rate sensor: Measures your heart rate • Rear camera: Takes pictures and records videos.
through your fingertip when you use the S Health
app. • Headset jack: Connects an optional headset.
• USB charger/Accessory port: Connects the
Charger/USB cable (included), and other optional
accessories (not included).
The battery comes partially charged. A fully In this condition, your device conserves its
discharged battery requires up to four hours of remaining battery power by dimming the screen.
charge time. You can use the device while charging. When the battery level becomes too low, the device
Note: It is recommended you fully charge the battery automatically turns off.
before using your device for the first time. ► For a quick check of your battery level, view
Caution: Use only Samsung-approved charging the battery charge indicator located in the
devices and batteries. Samsung accessories are upper-right corner of your device’s display. A
designed to maximize battery life. Using other solid color ( ) indicates a full charge.
accessories may invalidate your warranty and may You can also choose to display a percentage
cause damage. value. Viewing a percentage value can provide
a better idea of the remaining charge on the
1. Insert the USB 3.0 cable or USB 2.0 cable into
battery. For more information, see Battery.
the port.
USB 3.0
USB 2.0
1. As each screen is displayed, follow the ► Press the Power key or Home key, and then
instructions on each screen to set up that touch and drag your finger across the screen.
particular feature.
Set Up a Secure Screen Lock
2. Tap START, NEXT, SKIP, or LATER to progress
to the next screen. The default Screen lock is Swipe, which offers no
security. To choose a more secure screen lock,
see Screen Lock.
Status bar
Apps folder
• Status icons: Displays information about the • App shortcuts: Shortcuts to your favorite
device, such as the network signal strength, applications.
battery level, and the time.
• Home screen indicator: Indicates which
• Status bar: Displays device status icons on the Home screen is presently displayed. Swipe across
right and notification icons on the left. the screen to the right to open Flipboard Briefing.
• Apps folder: Groups apps together in one • Widget: Self-contained application that runs on a
convenient place on a Home screen. Home screen (not a shortcut).
• Apps list: Allows quick access to all of your • Notification icons: Displays new messages and
applications. emails, notifications, available software updates,
and more.
• Set a screen as the main Home screen: Add a Widget to a Home Screen
Tap Main Home screen at the top of a 1. Touch and hold an empty space on a
screen. This screen displays when you press Home screen.
the Home key.
2. Tap Widgets.
• Change the order of screens: Touch and
hold on a screen, and then drag to a new 3. Touch and hold a widget, drag it to a
position. Home screen and release it.
Place folders on a Home screen to organize items.
Battery low: Battery is low. The yellow New Gmail: New Gmail has arrived.
area turns red as the charge level
becomes critical.
New voicemail: New voicemail message
Battery charging: Battery is charging.
has been received.
New text or multimedia message: New
Vibrate mode: Vibrate mode is enabled. text or multimedia message has arrived.
File download in progress: Download of
Mute mode: Mute mode is enabled. a file or app is in progress.
File upload in progress: File is being
4G LTE: The device is connected to a 4G uploaded or sent.
LTE wireless network.
GPS active: Location service (GPS) is
Signal strength: Signal strength. active and acquiring a signal.
App update available: App updates are
Wi-Fi active: Wi-Fi is active. available from the Google Play store.
App update successful: App installation
or updates are complete.
Wireless network: No wireless network
is available. Keyboard: Keyboard is in use.
Lightly drag your finger vertically or horizontally
across the screen.
Touch and hold on an item, and then move it to a
new location.
View all Quick
Quick settings
Screen brightness
Notification card
Clear notifications
• Settings: Tap to open the Settings screen. View the Notification Panel
• View all Quick settings: Tap to change which 1. Swipe down on the Status bar to display the
Quick settings buttons are visible.
Notification panel.
• Clear notifications: Tap to clear all notifications. 2. Scroll down the list to see notification details.
• Notification card: Tap to see details about a • Tap an item to open it.
notification. Swipe a notification card to the right
to dismiss it. • To clear a single notification, drag the
notification left or right. Tap CLEAR to clear all
• Screen brightness: Drag the slider to adjust notifications.
screen brightness. Tap Auto to have the phone set
the screen brightness using its light sensor. 3. To close the Notification panel, swipe upward
from the bottom of the screen or tap Back.
• Quick settings: Tap to quickly enable or disable a
feature. Swipe to the left to see more settings.
Window controls
Tray controls
If you use certain apps together in Multi window Other recently used apps that support split
often, you can create a window group to quickly screen view appear below the launched app.
display the two apps in Multi window.
3. Tap the app icon to add it to the Multi window
The window group is stored in the Multi window view.
tray, so you can choose it any time to display the Note: Only applications that support Multi window
two apps. have the Multi window icon.
1. Touch and hold Back to display the
Multi window tray, and then drag apps to the
windows. Multi Window Settings
2. Scroll to the bottom of the Multi window tray, and To customize Multi window:
then tap Tray Controls > Create.
► From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Multi window.
Change the Order of Apps in the
Multi Window Tray
1. Touch and hold Back to display the tray.
2. Tap and hold an app, drag it to a new position in
the tray and then drop it.
Predictive Text
Predictive text suggests words that match your
Options text entries, and automatically completes common
words. Predictive text can learn your personal
writing style from your contacts, messages, email,
and social networking sites — improving the accuracy
of predicting text entries.
More options
Voicemail Delete
• More options: Access Speed dial and Call • Voicemail: Tap to set up and check your
settings. voicemail. For more information, see
Set Up and Access Voicemail.
• Delete: After entering a number using the keypad,
if you make a mistake, tap Delete to erase a • Keypad: Tap the number that you want to call.
single character or touch and hold Delete to
erase the entire string of numbers. • Tabs: Tap Keypad to display the keypad. Tap
Logs to display a list of all dialed, received, and
• Call: Tap to make your call. missed calls. Tap Favorites to display contacts
marked as Favorites. Tap Contacts to display your
contacts and then you can select a contact to call.
Call Settings
There are also a couple of ways to access the
Call settings menu.
2. While viewing your contacts list, swipe your • Tap Reject to reject the call and send it to
finger across a contact to the right to call your voicemail.
the contact.
• Tap Expand to exit the app and view the
main incoming call screen.
Dial a Recent Number
All incoming, outgoing, and missed calls are
recorded in the Call log. If the number or caller is End a Call
listed in your contacts list, the associated name is
also displayed. When you are ready to end your call:
To return to the call screen: • Tap Swap to switch between the two
► Tap the reactivate button to return to the
call screen. • Tap Merge to hear both callers at once
(multi conferencing).
To end a call from any application:
► Swipe the Status bar downward to reveal the Call Waiting
Notification panel, and then tap End call. If your service plan supports this feature, you can
answer an incoming call while you have a call in
progress. You are notified of an incoming call by a
Options During a Call call waiting tone.
Your phone provides a number of functions that you To answer a new call while you have a call in
can use during a call. progress:
1. Slide Answer in any direction to answer the
Adjust the Call Volume new call.
► Press the Volume key to increase or decrease
2. Tap an option:
the volume.
– or – • Put [caller] on hold to place the previous
caller on hold while you answer the new
Quickly add more volume to the incoming audio incoming call.
by tapping More options > Extra volume.
• End call with [caller] to end the previous call
and answer the new call.
Listen with the Speaker or
3. Tap the previousOn hold number entry and
Bluetooth Headset
select Swap to switch between the two
Listen to the call using the speaker or through a calls. This places the new caller on hold and
Bluetooth headset (not included). activates the previous call.
3. To return to the main Home screen, press the 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps.
Home key.
2. Tap More options > Uninstall/disable apps.
Apps that can be uninstalled or disabled show
Uninstall/disable on their shortcut.
Download and Install New Apps
3. Tap Uninstall/disable and follow the prompts
Find new apps to download and install on your to either uninstall or disable the app.
To enable apps after disabling them:
• Google Play store: Download new
apps from the Google Play store. Visit 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps. to learn more.
2. Tap More options > Show disabled apps.
• Galaxy Apps: View and download 3. Tap the app you want to enable, and tap DONE.
Samsung apps that are optimized The app displays again in the Apps list.
for use with Galaxy devices. Visit For more information, see Disabled Apps.
to learn more.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps.
2. Tap More options > View as. 2. Tap More options > Hide apps.
3. Tap an option: 3. Tap apps to hide, and then tap DONE.
To delete a folder:
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
More options > Remove folder.
2. Select the folder to delete and tap DONE.
to learn more.
Google Settings
Quickly and easily change Google app
settings to suit your preferences.
Note: You must be signed in to the
Open, view, rename, and share your
application you want to configure. For
Google Docs and files.
example, sign in to Google+ to configure
Visit to learn more. Google+ settings.
Gmail Google+
Send and receive email with Gmail, Stay connected and share with Google+.
Google’s web-based email service. Chat with friends and family, post photos,
and see what others are sharing.
Visit to learn more.
Visit to learn more.
Search not only the Internet, but also the
apps and contents of your device. Meet friends and family, share photos, and
host video calls.
Visit to
learn more. Play Store
Play Books Find new apps, movies and TV shows,
music, books, magazines, and games in
Find millions of free e-books and Google Play store.
hundreds of thousands more to buy in the
eBookstore. Visit to learn more.
Visit to
learn more.
Mobile TV
Mobile TV is a subscription service that
allows you to watch your favorite TV
shows using your handset.
The myAT&T application allows you to
manage your AT&T account. You can
review and pay your bill, check minutes
and data usage, upgrade to a new device,
or change your plan.
POLARIS Office 5
POLARIS Office 5 is a Microsoft
Office-compatible office suite for
managing your documents online or
offline. It can also open Adobe PDF
(Portable Document Format) files.
Basic Operation
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
2. Enter the first number using the numeric keys.
3. Tap the appropriate arithmetic function key.
4. Enter the next number.
5. To view the result, tap the Equals key.
Additional Functions
To clear the results:
► Tap Clear.
Scientific Calculator
Turn the device landscape to use advanced
arithmetic functions, such as sin, cos, and tan.
Applications 40 Calculator
Manage your events and tasks. Calendar Settings
These settings allow you to modify settings
associated with using the Calendar.
Create an Event or Task 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Calendar.
2. Tap More options > Settings.
2. Tap Add and use one of the following
3. Tap an option and follow the prompts.
Share Events
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
2. Tap to view an event or task.
3. Tap More options > Share via, select a
sharing method, and follow the prompts.
Applications 41 Calendar
Camera and Video
Take pictures and record videos with the Camera app.
Switch location
Record video
Take a picture
• Storage location: Indicates that pictures and • Camera settings: Tap to change camera settings.
videos are being stored on a microSD card
(not included). • Quick settings: Quick access to select camera
settings or options.
• Record video: Tap to record a video.
• Switch cameras: Tap to switch between the rear
• Take a picture: Tap to take a picture. and front cameras.
• Shooting mode: Tap to change the • Current shooting mode: Displays the selected
shooting mode. shooting mode.
Take pictures with your device’s front or back 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
camera or combine shots with Dual camera. Camera.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 2. Tap MODE MODE to display the following options:.
• Auto: Allow the camera to evaluate the
2. Using the display screen as a viewfinder, surroundings and determine the ideal mode
compose your shot by aiming the camera at the for the picture.
subject. While composing your picture, use the
icons or these gestures: • Beauty face: Take a picture with lightened
faces for gentler images.
• Touch the screen with two fingers and pinch
• Shot & more: Take a quick burst of pictures
or spread them on the screen to zoom in and
and apply effects to them.
• Tap the screen to focus on the area you • Panorama: Create a linear image by taking
pictures in either a horizontal or vertical
3. If desired, before taking the photo, you can touch
icons to access various camera options and • Virtual tour: Create interactive virtual tours of
your surroundings.
settings. You can also touch the screen to move
the focus field to the area you touch. • Dual camera: Take pictures and record videos
using the front and rear cameras at the same
4. Tap Take a picture to take the picture.
time. A variety of picture-in-picture styles are
Note: You can also press the Volume key up or available.
down to take a picture. This is the default action of the
Volume key while Camera is active. You can also set • Manage modes: Select which shooting modes
to display when you tap MODE.
the Volume key to act as the video record key or as a
zoom key. • Download: Download additional shooting
modes from the Galaxy Apps store.
Note: The shooting modes that appear vary
Quick Settings depending on which modes are selected in
Manage modes.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
2. Tap Settings to quickly change Camera
settings. The available options vary by mode.
3. Touch and drag a settings icon to the
Quick settings area at the left of the screen.
• Burst shots: Take a series of photos of moving • HDR (Rich tone): Save the picture in HDR
subjects. (rich tone) only.
• Low-light detection: Take brighter and clearer • Location tags: Attach a GPS location tag to
pictures without using the flash at night. the photo.
• Face detection: Detect faces in pictures for • Storage location: Select the memory location
tagging with the person’s name. for storage.
• ISO: Select an ISO value. This controls • Review pics/videos: Set to show photos or
camera light sensitivity. It is measured in videos after taking them.
film-camera equivalents. Low values are for
stationary or brightly-lit objects. Higher values • Remote viewfinder: Take pictures using the
are for fast-moving or poorly-lit objects. viewfinder of a connected device. Wi-Fi Direct
is required.
Create an Alarm
Create an alarm event. You can set one-time or
World Clock
recurring alarms, and choose options for how to be The world clock lets you keep track of the current
notified. time in multiple cities around the globe.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Clock. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Clock.
2. Tap Create alarm to configure: 2. Tap World Clock.
• Time: Set a time for the alarm. 3. Tap Add city to add a city to your
World Clock.
• Days: Choose the days to use this alarm.
4. Tap the Search field and enter the name of
• Repeat weekly: Repeat the alarm every week. a city.
• Alarm type: Choose whether the alarm will 5. Tap the city to add it.
use sound, vibration, or vibration and sound to
alert you. • Repeat to add multiple cities.
Applications 46 Clock
Stopwatch Timer
The stopwatch lets you time events down to a The timer provides a countdown timer for up to
hundredth of a second. 99 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Clock. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Clock.
2. Tap Stopwatch. 2. Tap Timer.
3. Tap START to begin timing. 3. Use the keypad to set the length of the timer.
4. Tap STOP to stop timing. 4. Tap START to begin the timer.
• Additional options include LAP to keep track 5. Tap STOP to stop the timer.
of lap times, RESUME to continue timing after
stopping the clock, and RESET to reset the • Additional options include RESET to reset
stopwatch to zero. the timer to zero and RESUME to continue
countdown after stopping the clock.
Applications 47 Clock
Store and manage your contacts Add a Contact
with the Contacts app, which Use the following procedure to add a new contact.
Access your list of contacts by using the Contacts - Tap Add new to enter additional entries.
app, which is a shortcut to the Contacts tab. To
- Tap Remove to remove an entry.
access your Contacts list:
- Tap Expand for additional fields.
► From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Contacts. - Tap Label to choose a label for the
Applications 48 Contacts
Share a Name Card Unlink Contacts
When you share a name card, the contact’s 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
information is sent as a vCard file (.vcf). You can Contacts.
share a vCard through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi Direct,
attach it to a message, or save it to a storage 2. Tap the contact to display it, and then tap
location. Linked contact.
3. Tap Separate beside contacts to unlink
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
them from the main contact.
2. Tap a contact to display it, and then tap Delete Contacts
More options > Share name card.
You can delete a single contact or choose multiple
3. Choose a sharing method and follow the contacts to delete.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Save a Business Card as a Contact
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 2. Touch and hold a contact to select it. You can
Contacts. also tap other contacts or tap the selected
checkbox at the top of the screen to select all.
2. Tap More options > Business cards >
Business card recognition. 3. Tap Delete and confirm when prompted.
Note: You can view all your business cards by tapping 2. Tap a contact to display it, and then tap
More options > Business cards. Add to Favorites (the star brightens ).
2. Tap the contact to display it, and then tap 3. Tap Remove from Favorites.
Linked contact.
3. Tap LINK ANOTHER CONTACT, and then select
contacts to link to the original contact.
4. Tap DONE.
Applications 49 Contacts
Create a Shortcut to a Favorite Rename a Group
You can create a shortcut to a favorite on the home 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
screen, to access their information directly from the Contacts.
home screen.
2. Tap Groups, and then tap a group.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
3. Tap More options > Edit group and enter a
new name.
2. Tap the Favorites tab, and then touch and hold a
4. Tap SAVE.
contact to select it.
3. Tap More options > Add shortcut to Add Contacts to a Group
Home screen. The new shortcut displays in an
empty area of the home screen. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
2. Tap Groups, and then tap a group.
Groups 3. Tap Add member, and then tap the contacts
You can use groups to organize your contacts. Your you want to add.
device comes with preloaded groups, and you can 4. Tap DONE.
create your own. You might create a group for your
family, for coworkers, or a team. Groups make it
easy to find contacts, and you can send messages Send a Message or an Email to a Group
to the members of a group. You can send a message or an email to members of
a group.
Create a Group 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Contacts.
2. Tap Groups, and then tap a group.
2. Tap Groups, and then tap Create group.
3. Tap More options > Send message or email.
3. Tap fields to enter information about the group:
4. Tap either Message or Email.
• Tap Create group in [location] to choose
5. Tap contacts to select them, or tap the selected
where to save the group. You can save it to a
specific account, to the device memory, or to checkbox at the top of the screen to select
all accounts. all, and then tap DONE. Only group members
that have phone numbers (Message) or email
• Tap Group name to enter a name for the new addresses (Email) in their records are shown.
6. Choose an account and follow the prompts.
• Tap Group ringtone, Group message tone,
and Group vibration pattern to select
identifying notifications for this group.
4. Tap Add member and select contacts to add to
the new group, and then tap DONE.
5. Tap SAVE.
Applications 50 Contacts
Delete a Group
Preset groups, such as Family, cannot be deleted.
Contact Settings
These settings allow you to modify settings
associated with using the Contacts app.
Applications 51 Contacts
Use the Email app to view and Manage Multiple Email Accounts
manage all your email accounts You can view email you receive for all accounts on
in one application. the Combined view screen or you can view email
accounts individually.
Applications 52 Email
Create and Send an Email Remove Email Accounts
This section describes how to create and send an To remove an Email account:
email using the Email app.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Email.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Email
> Compose. 2. Tap More options > Settings >
Manage accounts.
2. Tap the To field to manually add an email
address, or tap Add Recipient to select a 3. Tap the account you want to delete, and then tap
recipient from Contacts or Groups. Remove account.
• Tap More to add Cc and Bcc fields. 3. Under General settings, tap an option, and
follow the prompts.
3. Tap the Subject and Message fields and use the
keypad to enter text. 4. To configure settings for each account, tap
Manage accounts and then tap the account to
• Tap Attach to add Files, Images, Audio, configure.
and more to your email.
Applications 53 Email
Galaxy Apps
Samsung Galaxy Apps is a
free storefront that provides
a quick and easy way to find
and download apps that
are compatible with your
Galaxy device.
To access the Samsung Galaxy Apps website:
► From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Galaxy Apps.
Galaxy Essentials
Galaxy Essentials is a collection of specially chosen
applications available through Samsung Apps.
2. Tap Menu, and then tap Time or Album to ► Tap More options:
choose the way items display.
• Edit: Use basic tools to edit your picture.
3. Tap Menu > Album, and then tap
More options > Create album to create a • More info: View image details.
new album. • Studio: Edit your picture with advanced tools.
4. Tap a folder to open it. • Rotate left: Rotate the image 90 degrees to
the left.
5. Tap an image or video to view it in full screen.
Scroll left or right to view the next or previous • Rotate right: Rotate the image 90 degrees to
image or video. the right.
Use one of the following methods to zoom in or out • Rename: Rename the file.
on an image: • Slideshow: Start a slideshow with the images
and videos in the current folder.
• Double-tap anywhere on the screen to zoom in or
zoom out. • Add tag: Add a tag to your image.
• Spread two fingers apart on any place to zoom in. • Set as: Set the image as wallpaper or as a
Pinch the screen to zoom out. contact’s photo.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Gallery. • Settings: Change the Gallery settings.
Applications 55 Gallery
Share Images To enable Face tags:
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Gallery.
Use one of the following methods:
2. Tap More options > Settings.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Gallery.
3. Tap Face tag to turn the feature on.
2. Tap a folder to open it.
3. In a folder, tap More options > Select, select To use Face tags:
images, and then tap Share via to send them 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Gallery.
to others or share them through social network
services. 2. Tap an image to view it in full screen mode.
2. Tap More options > Settings > Tag buddy. 3. In a folder, tap More options > Delete,
select images, and then tap DONE. Confirm
3. Tap ON/OFF to turn the feature on. when prompted.
– or –
Applications 56 Gallery
Access the Internet with a fully Browser Tabs
featured web browser. Use tabs to view multiple web pages at the
same time.
Applications 57 Internet
Share Pages
To share a web page address with others:
► Tap More options > Share via and follow the
Incognito Tabs
Pages viewed with incognito tabs do not appear
within your browser history or search history, and
leave no traces (such as cookies) on your device.
Internet Settings
These settings allow you to modify settings
associated with using the Internet app.
Applications 58 Internet
Use the Memo app to write and Browse Memos
save notes on your device. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Memo.
2. Browse memo entries by scrolling up or down.
3. To search for a memo, tap Search.
Compose a Memo
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Memo.
2. Tap Create memo and type a memo. Memo Options
3. To change the category, tap Category. While browsing memo thumbnails:
4. To insert an image into the memo, tap Insert. ► Tap More options for the following options:
5. To use your voice to insert text into the memo, • Select: Select notes to share, print, or delete.
tap Voice.
• Delete: Delete memos.
6. When finished creating your memo, tap SAVE.
• Account: Choose an account to use for
storing memos outside of your device.
Manage Memos
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Memo.
2. Tap a memo entry to open it.
3. To edit a memo, tap the content of the memo.
Applications 59 Memo
Learn how to send and receive Create and Send Messages
different messages using the This section describes how to create and send a
Samsung Messages app on your message using the Messaging app.
Applications 60 Messages
View New Messages Messages Settings
When you receive a new message, a new message Configure the settings for text messages, multimedia
icon appears on the Status bar. messages, push messages, and more.
Applications 61 Messages
Music Player
Listen to your favorite songs with the Music player. Navigate through
your music library, play songs, and create customized playlists.
Change player More options
Playback position
Shuffle songs Repeat mode
Playback controls
• Volume: Adjust the volume. • List view: View your list of songs.
• More options: View more options. • Time elapsed: Time elapsed for the current song.
• Sound quality and effects: Tap for options to • Shuffle songs: Shuffle songs in the current
adjust sound effects. playlist.
• Repeat mode: Repeat the current song or playlist. • Playback position: Drag to skip to another part of
the current song.
• Song length: Length of the song.
• Favorite: Tag the song as a favorite.
• Add to playlist: View the songs to add to playlist.
• Change player: Play through a nearby device.
• Playback controls: Fast-forward or rewind, and
play or pause the current song.
Documents: View document files. This option only appears if you have added
shortcuts to the My Files main screen.
Downloaded apps: View downloaded apps.
► Touch and hold a shortcut to rename or
Download history: View all apps and files that delete the shortcut.
have been downloaded to the device.
Applications 64 My Files
View Files in My Files: Group Options
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > After selecting a group:
My Files. 1. Tap Home to return to the main My Files
2. Tap a group. screen.
3. Tap a file or folder to open it. 2. Tap Search, and then enter search criteria.
3. Tap More options for options:
My Files Options
On the main My Files screen:
• Select: Select files or folders.
• Add shortcut: Add a shortcut to a folder on • Sort by: Change the sort order of the files.
the My Files main screen.
• Add shortcut: Add a shortcut to the current
• Add FTP server: Add an FTP server shortcut location on either a Home screen or the
on the My Files main screen. My Files main screen. This option only
appears in Local Storage categories.
• Scan for nearby devices: Search for devices
that have media sharing activated. • Settings: Change the settings for viewing files.
• Settings: Change the settings for viewing files. Note: Options vary by group and category.
Applications 65 My Files
File Options
When selecting files:
Applications 66 My Files
S Health
Use S Health to plan, track, and • A heart murmur or a rapid or pronounced
manage your health goals and
activities, including exercise, • Muscle pain when walking upstairs or up a hill that
goes away when you rest.
sleep, and meals. Finally, the American College of Sports Medicine
recommends that you see your doctor before
Note: This device and related software are not
engaging in vigorous exercise if two or more of the
intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other
following apply:
conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment or
prevention of disease.
• You are a man older than age 45 or a woman
older than age 55;
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
S Health.
• You have a family history of heart disease before
2. Read and accept the terms and conditions. age 55;
3. Set up your health profile and goals. • You smoke or quit smoking in the past six months;
Before You Start Exercising
• You have not exercised for three months or more;
This app can be used to monitor your exercise. • You are overweight or obese;
While moderate physical activity, such as brisk
walking, is safe for most people, health experts
• You have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
suggest that you talk with your doctor before you • You have impaired glucose tolerance, also called
start an exercise program, particularly if you have prediabetes.
any of the following conditions:
Applications 67 S Health
S Voice
Speak commands to perform
operations on your device, and
to speak criteria for searches
and other operations.
Access S Voice
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
S Voice.
2. Speak a command.
3. Tap the microphone icon, if the device does not
hear you, or to give it another command.
Tip: Tap More options for example commands and
to view a tutorial.
S Voice Settings
These settings allow you to modify settings
associated with using S Voice.
Applications 68 S Voice
Video Player
Play and manage videos stored on your device.
Rewind Fast-forward
Pause or Play
• Volume: Adjust the volume. • Rewind: Restart the video or skip to a previous
video. Touch and hold to rewind the video.
• More options: View more options.
• Screen ratio: Change the screen ratio.
• Video length: Total length of the video.
• Time elapsed: Time elapsed for the current video.
• Pop-up player: Open the video in the pop-up
player window. • Playback position: Drag to skip to another part of
the video.
• Fast-forward: Skip to the next video. Touch and
hold to fast-forward the current video. • File name: Name of the video file.
• Pause or Play: Pause or play the current video. • Change players: Play the video on nearby
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Video. • Stretch to fit: Enlarge the video to fit the
screen without distortion.
2. Tap a video to view it.
3. Tap Pop-up player to continue playing the
video in a floating window.
- Voice memo: Voice input is converted to • Edit categories: Modify your categories.
text. The maximum recording time is five • Settings: Configure Voice Recorder.
Settings Options
Customize the Quick Settings
• Some options use an ON/OFF button to turn the Menu
option ON ( ON ) or OFF ( OFF ) .
Quick settings are the settings that you are most
• For some options, you must tap a field, such as likely to frequently use. When you first access the
Email address, to display and set options.
Settings menu, the Quick settings are set to a
• Some options are enabled or disabled by tapping default list of settings.
a checkbox. When enabled, a checkmark
displays. Tap the checkmark to remove it and Change the Quick Settings Menu
disable the option.
You can change the Quick settings menu to include
your most frequently used settings.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > • Select additional settings to appear in your
Settings. Quick settings menu. Settings that are already
in the Quick settings menu are checked.
2. Tap Search.
• Uncheck a setting type to remove it.
• Enter a word or words in the Search field.
3. Tap DONE to save your new Quick settings
As you type, settings that match display on
the screen. menu.
to a Wireless Access Point 2. Tap Wi-Fi, and then tap ON/OFF to turn Wi-Fi on.
• If a Wi-Fi access point is available, but your device • Security: Select a security option and enter
your password.
is not connected to it, displays. It may also
display if there is a communication issue with the • Show advanced options: Tap if you need to
target Wireless Access Point (WAP). add advanced options such as Proxy settings,
IP settings, or Key management.
5. Tap CONNECT to store the new information and
connect to your target WAP.
to a number of Bluetooth
devices, such as headsets Pair Bluetooth Devices
and hands-free car Bluetooth The Bluetooth pairing process allows you to
establish trusted connections between your device
systems, and Bluetooth-enabled and another Bluetooth device.
computers, printers, and wireless Pairing between two Bluetooth devices is a one-time
devices. process. Once a pairing is created, the devices
will continue to recognize their partnership and
Note: The Bluetooth communication range is exchange information without having to re-enter a
approximately 30 feet. passcode.
Settings 76 Bluetooth
Disconnect a Paired Device Review Received Files
(Unpair) When you receive files from another device
through Bluetooth, you can access them from
Disconnecting a paired device breaks the Bluetooth settings.
connection between the device and your device, but
retains the knowledge of the pairing. At a later point 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
when you wish to reconnect the device, there is no Settings.
need to setup the connection information again.
2. Tap Bluetooth > More options >
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Received files.
2. Tap Bluetooth, and then tap ON/OFF to turn on
Bluetooth. Change Your Device’s Name
3. Tap Settings next to the paired device, and Change the name others use when pairing with your
then tap Unpair to disconnect. device through Bluetooth.
Settings 77 Bluetooth
Tethering and Mobile Hotspot
Share your phone’s mobile Connect a Device to Your Mobile Hotspot
data connection with a Mobile Use the other device’s Wi-Fi control to connect to
your device’s Mobile Hotspot.
Hotspot or USB tethering.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Tethering and Mobile Hotspot >
Use Mobile Hotspot to share Mobile Hotspot.
your device’s Internet connection 2. Tap ON/OFF to turn Mobile Hotspot on.
with other devices using your 3. Activate Wi-Fi on the target device.
device as a Mobile Hotspot. 4. Scan for Wi-Fi hotspots and select the target
device from the list.
5. On the target device, enter your device’s Mobile
Mobile Hotspot Hotspot password.
Note: You must have a tethering plan on your service
account in order to use the Wi-Fi hotspot. Allowed Devices List
Warning: Portable Wi-Fi hotspot consumes battery Control whether devices connect to your Mobile
power and uses data service. Hotspot with the Allowed devices list. After you add
devices to the list, they can scan for your device and
connect using your device’s Mobile Hotspot name
Turn Mobile Hotspot On or Off and password.
Activate your device’s Mobile Hotspot application
to allow other devices to use your device’s Internet Note: Using your device as a Mobile Hotspot
connection. consumes battery power and uses data service. While
Mobile Hotspot is active, your device’s applications
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > will use the Wi-Fi hotspot data service. Roaming while
Settings > Tethering and Mobile Hotspot > using your device as a Mobile Hotspot incurs extra
Mobile Hotspot. data charges.
2. Tap ON/OFF to turn Mobile Hotspot on or off. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Tethering and Mobile Hotspot >
Warning: By default, your device’s Mobile Mobile Hotspot.
Hotspot has no security applied, and any
device can connect. For more information, see 2. Tap ON/OFF to turn Mobile Hotspot on.
Configure Mobile Hotspot Settings.
3. Tap More options > Allowed devices.
4. Tap Add to enter the other device’s
Device name and MAC address.
5. Tap OK to add the device.
Note: Your service provider may account for data • Restrict background data: Restrict some
apps and services from working unless you
usage differently.
are connected to a Wi-Fi network.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Data usage for options:
• Show Wi-Fi usage: Display a Wi-Fi tab that
shows Wi-Fi usage.
• Mobile data: Enable or deactivate mobile
• Mobile hotspots: Select Wi-Fi networks that
data. A green checkmark indicates the feature are mobile hotspots. You can restrict apps
is active. from using these networks, and you can
configure apps to warn you before using these
• International Data Roaming: Enable data
networks for large downloads.
roaming on your device.
• Set mobile data limit: Disable your mobile • Mobile networks: Configure your mobile
networks. For more information, see
data connection when the specified limit is
Mobile Networks.
reached. Drag the red limit line to set the data
usage limit.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 2. Tap ON/OFF to turn on Location services.
Settings > Location.
3. Tap Google Location History and sign in to your
2. Tap ON/OFF to turn on Location services. Google Account for more options.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 5. Tap a category (Home, Work, or Car) to add
Settings > Location. a location.
2. Tap ON/OFF to turn on Location services. 6. To delete a custom category, tap More options
> Select, select the category to delete, and then
3. Tap an entry to view the app’s settings. tap Delete.
Note: Home, Work, and Car cannot be deleted.
Settings 82 Location
More Networks
This option displays additional AT&T MicroCell
connectivity information. To search for an AT&T MicroCell:
• Access Point Names: Select the Access Point 2. Tap Basic VPN or Advanced IPsec VPN.
Name for mobile connection to the Internet.
3. Tap the VPN, enter your log in information, and
• Network operators: Choose available and tap CONNECT.
preferred networks.
4. Tap ON/OFF to turn Android Beam on. 3. Tap Tap and pay.
5. Touch the back of your device with another 4. Select the app that you want as your default.
NFC-capable device to transfer content.
Settings 85 NFC
Nearby Devices
Share your media files with
nearby devices through Wi-Fi,
Wi-Fi Direct, or Mobile Hotspot.
Warning: If file sharing is enabled, other devices can
access your data. Use this option with care.
Settings 87 Printing
Screen Mirroring
Share your device’s screen with
another device.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Screen Mirroring.
2. Wait while Screen Mirroring scans for nearby
devices. Available devices are listed.
3. Tap SCAN to find available devices.
4. Tap a device and follow the prompts to connect.
Settings 89 MirrorLink
Sounds and Notifications
Configure the sounds and Sound Mode
vibrations used to indicate You can switch between sound modes, while
notifications, screen touches, preserving the individual sound settings you
have made.
and other activities.
Tip: Sound modes are also available from the
Device options menu. Press and hold the Power key,
and then choose Mute, Vibrate, or Sound from the
Volume Device options.
Set the system volume level, and set default volume 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
for call ringtones, notifications, and other media. Settings > Sounds and notifications.
Tip: You can also set System volume from the Home 2. Tap Sound mode, and then choose a mode:
screen by pressing the Volume key.
• Sound: Uses the sounds, vibrations, and
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > volume levels you have chosen in Sound
Settings. settings for notifications and alerts.
2. Tap Sounds and notifications, and then drag • Vibrate: Vibrates for notifications and alerts.
the sliders to set the default volume for: This uses the Vibration intensity you choose in
Sound settings.
• Ringtone
• Mute: Plays no sounds or vibrations.
• Media Reminders still occur.
• Notifications
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Sounds and notifications. Settings > Sounds and notifications.
2. Tap Vibrate when ringing to turn the feature on. 2. Tap Notification ringtone.
Note: This feature is only available when the Sound 3. Tap a sound to preview it, and then tap OK to set
mode is set to Sound. it as your default notification sound.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Sounds and notifications. Settings > Sounds and notifications.
3. Tap a ringtone to hear a preview, and then tap 3. Tap the checkbox next to the options under
OK to set it as your default ringtone. Feedback and Samsung keyboard to indicate
whether to enable the sound or vibration.
– or –
4. Tap one of the following frequently used apps to
Tap ADD to use an audio file as a ringtone. modify the sound settings associated with it by
accessing the app’s sound settings:
Choose from preset vibration patterns or create your • Messages: Configure messaging notifications
and alerts.
own pattern.
2. Tap Vibrations.
3. Tap a pattern to preview it, and then tap OK to
set it as your default vibration pattern.
– or –
Tap CREATE and follow the prompts to create a
new vibration pattern.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Sounds and notifications. Settings > Sounds and notifications.
2. Tap Do not disturb. 2. Tap Application notifications.
3. Tap the checkbox next to Turn on now to turn 3. Scroll through the alphabetical list of apps and
the feature on. tap the app.
4. Tap Turn on as scheduled, and then tap Days, 4. Tap ON/OFF to block all notifications from
Start time, and End time to set up a do not this app, to show priority notifications for the
disturb schedule. selected app, or to hide sensitive content from
the selected app.
5. Tap Allow exceptions to allow alarms, calls,
messages, or events and reminders.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Display. Settings > Display.
2. Tap Screen mode, and then choose a screen 2. Tap Daydream.
3. Tap ON/OFF to turn Daydream on and configure
• To have your device automatically optimize the following options:
the display to match the type of image being
displayed and other criteria, such as battery • Colors: Tap the selector to display a changing
level, tap Adapt display. screen of colors.
Auto Adjust Screen Tone • Photo Table: Display pictures in a photo table.
Tap Settings for options.
Adjust the screen brightness to suit your
surroundings, or to your personal preference. • Photo frame: Display pictures in a photo
You may also want to adjust screen brightness to frame. Tap Settings for options.
conserve battery power. 4. Tap More options > Preview to see a
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > demonstration of Daydream.
Settings > Display.
2. Tap Auto adjust screen tone to turn the
feature on.
• Hide content
► From a Home screen, tap Apps > 4. Tap EDIT and choose which apps to display
Settings > Notification panel. on the Notification panel when you insert
– or –
From the Notification panel, tap View all >
• Rapid key input: Release your finger to enter • Sound balance: Use the slider to set the Left
selection instead of double tapping. and Right balance when using a stereo device.
• Speak passwords: Read the characters aloud • Mono audio: Switch audio from stereo to
as you enter your passwords. mono for use with one earphone.
• Font size: Set the font size. • Baby crying detector: Vibrate the phone to
alert you when baby crying is detected.
• Magnification gestures: Use exaggerated
gestures such as triple-tapping, double • Auto haptic: The device will vibrate in time to
pinching, and dragging two fingers across the sound when listening to music, watching
the screen. videos, or playing games. It will also vibrate
when buttons are tapped in supported apps.
• Notification reminder: Play a beep when a
This may consume battery power, and not all
notification for a call, message, and more, has
applications will support this feature.
been missed.
alternative to entering passwords ► Touch and hold the fingerprint, and then tap
in certain apps.
To delete a fingerprint:
You can also use your fingerprint ► Touch and hold the fingerprint, and then tap
to verify your identity when
logging in to your Samsung
account. Change Backup Password
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Note: Fingerprint recognition uses the unique Settings.
characteristics of each fingerprint to enhance the
security of your device. The likelihood of the fingerprint 2. Tap Finger Scanner > Change backup
sensor confusing even small areas of two different password.
fingerprints is very low. But, in rare cases the
sensor may recognize a fingerprint that is similar 3. Enter your fingerprint.
to a registered fingerprint. 4. Enter a new backup password.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 2. Tap Finger Scanner for options.
• Screen lock: Change your Screen lock
2. Tap Finger Scanner > Fingerprint manager. and access Screen lock settings. For more
information, see Lock Screen.
3. Swipe your finger over the Home key to register
your first fingerprint or to continue to the next • Verify Samsung account: Verify your identity
screen. using your fingerprint when logging in to your
Samsung account.
To add a fingerprint:
• Pay with PayPal: Link your PayPal account to
If no fingerprints are registered, the manager your device to make faster and more secure
automatically opens the Register fingerprint PayPal payments using any of your registered
screen. Otherwise: fingerprints.
calendar, contacts, and other 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
types of content.
2. Tap Accounts > [Account type].
3. Tap an account to configure that account’s
Add an Account sync settings.
• Settings: Configure basic options. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
• Themes: Change the keyboard layout.
2. Tap Language and input > Voice input for
• My Words: Manage your personal dictionary, options.
new word updates, as well as how Swype can
learn from your writing style in various apps. • Enhanced Google services: Full voice
• Languages: Set the current language.
Additional languages can be downloaded. • Basic Google recognition: Simple voice
• Gestures: Learn about using Swype gestures.
3. Tap Settings next to the selected recognition
• Help: View information on using Swype. service to configure its options.
2. Tap Language and input. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
3. Tap Google voice typing for options:
2. Tap Language and input > Text-to-speech
• Language: Select languages for Google voice options for options:
• Tap Settings next to Samsung or Google
• “Ok Google” detection: Tap to launch a text-to-speech engine for options.
Google search whenever you say “Ok Google”.
• Speech rate: Set the speed at which the text
• Hands-free: Allow requests with the device is spoken.
• Listen to an example: Play a sample of
• Speech output: Select options for spoken speech synthesis (available if voice data
feedback. is installed).
• Offline speech recognition: Download and • Default language status: Display the default
install speech recognition engines, allowing language in use.
you to use voice input while not connected to
the network.
Mouse/Trackpad Settings
Configure settings for using an optional mouse or
trackpad (not included).
You can also enable Emergency 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Safety assistance.
mode: a power-conserving mode
2. Tap Geo News.
that restricts certain apps and
3. Tap ON/OFF to turn the feature on.
functions while allowing access
to Messages, Contacts, and • Geo News notification pop-ups: Receive
pop-up alerts.
emergency calls.
Send Help Messages
Emergency Mode Send a quick alert to your primary contacts when
you are in an emergency situation.
Use Emergency mode to conserve battery
power during emergencies. Power-hungry apps
and functions are disable, but you are still able To enable this feature:
to send messages, use Contacts, and make 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
emergency calls. Settings > Safety assistance.
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > 2. Tap Send help messages.
Settings > Safety assistance.
3. Tap ON/OFF to turn the feature on and configure
2. Tap Emergency mode. the following options:
3. Tap ON/OFF to turn the feature on. • Send pictures: Send photos taken with the
front and back cameras to your emergency
Battery Chart
The battery level displays as a percentage. The
amount of time the battery has been used also
- Used space: The amount of storage space 1. Remove the back cover. For more information,
currently being used. see Remove the Back Cover.
- Cached data: The amount of data currently 2. With the gold contacts facing down, carefully
cached. slide the memory card into the slot.
- Miscellaneous files: The amount of memory 3. Replace the back cover. For more information,
used to store miscellaneous files. see Replace the Back Cover.
• Tap Encrypt external SD card to encrypt data 4. Enter the new password again and touch
on a memory card (not included).
• New features
• Getting started
• Applications
• Settings
Software Updates
Use Software updates to update your device’s
1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Note: This screen only appears if you have disabled
Settings > Application manager. an app on the Apps list.
2. Tap ALL to view a list of all applications. 1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >
Settings > Application manager.
• To switch the order of the ALL list,
tap More options > Sort by size or 2. Tap TURNED OFF to view a list of applications
Sort by name. you have disabled.
• To reset all of your application preferences, • To switch the order of the TURNED OFF
tap More options > Reset app preferences. list, tap More options > Sort by size or
Sort by name.
3. Tap an application to view and update
information about the application, including • To reset all of your application preferences,
memory usage, default settings, and permissions. tap More options > Reset app preferences.
The following options are displayed:
3. Tap an application to view and update
• FORCE STOP: Stop an app that is information about the application, including
misbehaving. Restart your device if stopping memory usage, default settings, and permissions.
an app, process, or service causes your The following options are displayed:
device to stop working correctly.
• FORCE STOP: Stop an app that is
• DISABLE: This will move the application back misbehaving. Restart your device if stopping
to the Apps screen. an app, process, or service causes your
device to stop working correctly.
• Show notifications: Tap the checkbox to
enable or disable notifications from the app. • ENABLE: This will move the application back
Notifications display in the Status bar. to the Apps screen.
• MOVE TO SD CARD: Move the app to an • Show notifications: Tap the checkbox to
optional SD card (if installed) to free up space enable or disable notifications from the app.
on your phone. Notifications display in the Status bar.
• CLEAR DATA: Clear application data from • MOVE TO SD CARD: Move the app to an
memory. optional SD card (if installed) to free up space
on your phone.
• CLEAR CACHE: Clear an application’s
temporary memory storage. • CLEAR DATA: Clear application data from
• CLEAR DEFAULTS: Clear an application’s
customization. • CLEAR CACHE: Clear an application’s
temporary memory storage.
• Permissions: View information about the
application’s access to your device and data. • CLEAR DEFAULTS: Clear an application’s
Note: Options vary by application.
• Permissions: View information about the
application’s access to your device and data.
Note: Options vary by application.
• Calendar
• Call
• Contacts
• Gallery
• Internet
• Messages
• S Voice