Bloods 23
Bloods 23
Bloods 23
sample type: Blood
clinical observations: UTI
eGFR: >90 ml/min/1.73m2 -
eGFR calculated by 4V-MDRD formula.
Multiply result by factor of 1.21 if patient of African ethnicity.
Results must be interpreted in accordance with Irish CKD Guidlines
( diagnosis of CKD is entirely based on eGFR
once value is < 60 ml/min/1.73m2. CKD stages 1 and 2 require other
laboratory or clinical features to appropriately apply CKD label.
Results are not applicable to subjects :
1) if age <18 years.2) With extremes of body surface area and
muscle mass. 3) With acute renal impairment. 4) Pregnancy.
Note: eGFR not yet validated in patients > 80 years
SJH Centre for Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Pathology is an INAB accredited
Medical Testing Laboratory, Reg. No. 327MT.
All reported tests are included in the scope of accreditation unless otherwise indicated.
sample type: Blood
clinical observations: UTI
urea: 4.3 mmol/L 2.8-8.1
sodium: 136 mmol/L 136-145
potassium: 3.7 mmol/L 3.5-5.3
creatinine: 58 umol/L 45-84
SJH Centre for Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Pathology is an INAB accredited
Medical Testing Laboratory, Reg. No. 327MT.
All reported tests are included in the scope of accreditation unless otherwise indicated.
sample type: Blood
clinical observations: UTI
leucocytes [WBC]: 7.1 10 9/L 4.0-11.0
neutrophils: 5.0 10 9/L 2.0-7.5
lymphocytes: 1.2 10 9/L 1.5-3.5
monocytes: 0.8 10 9/L 0.2-0.8
eosinophils: 0.1 10 9/L 0.0-0.4
basophils: 0.1 10 9/L 0.0-0.1
RBC: 3.56 10 12/L 4.00-5.20
haemoglobin: 10.9 g/dL 11.5-16.4
haematocrit: 0.322 Ratio 0.370-0.460
MCV: 90.4 fL 83.0-98.0
MCH: 30.6 pg 26.7-32.5
MCHC: 33.9 g/dL 30.8-34.6
Red Cell Distribution Width [RDW]: 12.7 11.0-15.0
platelets: 285 10 9/L 140-450
NRBC: 0.0 10 9/L -
SJH Centre for Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Pathology is an INAB accredited
Medical Testing Laboratory, Reg. No. 327MT.
Urine Culture
sample type: Urine
Urine Culture: Interim Report
NAME: LEONA O LEARY Specimen : Urine
MRN : 1152180 Mid Stream Urine
DOB : 06.06.73 Lab No. : M,23.3025692.G
SEX : Female Collected : 21.06.23 1210
Ward : GENERAL PRACTITIONER Received : 22.06.23 0845
Clinician: Ext. Lab No:
Dr. Ciara O'Shea
Clinical Details: UTI
Antibiotic therapy: None
*Interim Report*
MICROSCOPY : (Sysmex UF5000)
White cells : >1000 /uL Normal Range: (UF5000 <20) (Manual <10)
Red cells :8 /uL
Epithelial Cells: 4 /uL
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Authorised by: Lab System 22.06.23 11:17 REPT: OUCUN
SJH Centre for Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Pathology.
An INAB Accredited Medical Testing Laboratory, Reg. No. 327MT.
original result: 20230623_TELEPATH_HEALTHLINK_10_AC270340912101804821.XML