WASH FIT Tool in Nursing
WASH FIT Tool in Nursing
WASH FIT Tool in Nursing
Training Title: Implementing WASH FIT: Enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Healthcare
By the end of this training, nursing professionals will have gained valuable knowledge and practical skills
to enhance WASH practices in their healthcare facilities, ultimately improving patient safety and health
I. Training Objectives
Morning Session
3. Group Activity:
- Divide into small groups to discuss current WASH practices in their facilities (1 hour)
Afternoon Session
VI. Follow-Up
- Schedule follow-up meetings or provide access to an online forum for continued support and sharing of
experiences in implementing WASH improvements.
- Provide participants with additional resources and reading materials related to WASH FIT and best
practices in healthcare settings.
Training Design for Hand Hygiene for Health Professionals
Training Title:
Hand Hygiene Training as Part of WASH FIT: Promoting Safe Practices in Healthcare Facilities
I. Training Objectives
Morning Session
3. **Group Discussion**:
- Share experiences related to hand hygiene practices and challenges faced in their workplaces
(30 minutes).
**Afternoon Session**
VI. Follow-Up
- Initiate follow-up meetings via an online platform for continued support and sharing of best
practices in hand hygiene.
- Provide access to additional resources and reading materials on hand hygiene from DOH and
By completing this training, health professionals will enhance their knowledge and skills related
to hand hygiene, enabling them to contribute to safer healthcare environments and better patient
outcomes in compliance with WASH FIT and DOH guidelines.
Certainly! Below is a more focused feedback form specifically addressing hand hygiene
practices, as well as a section on overall training insights within the context of the WASH FIT
training. This feedback can be used to evaluate the specific aspects of hand hygiene learned
during the training.
- Name: _____________________________
- Position: ____________________________
Please rate your understanding and confidence in the following statements regarding hand
hygiene on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree).
| Statement | Rating (1-5) | Comments
| I can correctly identify the situations where hand hygiene is necessary. | ___ |
_____________________________________________ |
| I am aware of the DOH and WHO guidelines for hand hygiene practices. | ___ |
_____________________________________________ |
1. **Since the training, how likely are you to encourage your colleagues to follow hand hygiene
- [ ] Very Unlikely
- [ ] Unlikely
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Likely
- [ ] Very Likely
2. **What specific hand hygiene practices will you implement immediately into your routine?**
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
3. **Have you identified any barriers to practicing effective hand hygiene in your workplace?**
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
1. **What did you find most beneficial about the hand hygiene training session?**
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
2. **Is there any content or skill related to hand hygiene that you feel needs further emphasis in
future trainings?**
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
3. **Do you have any additional comments regarding the training or suggestions for
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- Would you appreciate receiving additional resources or support on hand hygiene practices after
this training?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [ ] Maybe
Email: ___________________________
Thank you for participating in the Hand Hygiene Training and for sharing your valuable
feedback. Your insights will help enhance our training programs and promote safe practices
within healthcare settings.
Please submit your completed feedback form before leaving. Your commitment to improving
hand hygiene and enhancing patient safety is greatly appreciated!
Feel free to customize the questions or add any specific areas of focus to best meet your training
objectives and gather the necessary feedback.