Later in the story, we can see how Gregorio begins to realize that he
has lost his human identity. The first sign can be seen in his rejection
of his favorite drink, milk. Instead, when his sister brought him leftovers
from dinner and various expired foods, Gregorio was happy to eat
them. That is to say, their appetite no longer responds to human
tastes, but to insect tastes. Meanwhile, when his mother saw him, she
fainted from the scare he had given her. Another example that
Gregorio was not recognized by his family. I tried to help my brother by
bringing him food, cleaning and tidying up.
Paradoxically, when she wants to make more space in Gregorio's room
so that he can move around and climb the walls more comfortably, she
is attacking her brother's need to hold on to the last vestiges of his
humanity: the furniture. “They emptied her room and took everything
she liked. From this example, we learn that Gregorio has an emotional
connection to the material because in a way, that is what he is as such
a person. Definition. By taking away his furniture, he also took away his
On the other hand, this part of the story seems to emphasize
loneliness, one of the main themes of The Metamorphosis. Gregorio
feels more isolated despite being confined to his room because his
family continues to reject him. Also, Gregorio feels guilty for not being
able to work harder after hearing his father talk about the family's
difficult financial situation. Gregorio would always leave the room and
collapse in shame on the cool leather sofa whenever the subject of
having to earn money came up.
A system as alienating as the capitalist one can have terrible effects,
which are reflected in the new and terrifying reality of Gregorio. It
dehumanizes people by considering them as insignificant organisms of
production, and regardless of whether they are surrounded by other
people or even close relatives, as was the case with Gregorio, it
encourages the development of an individualistic conscience that
ultimately translates into a strong sense of loneliness.
Gregorio feels compelled to defend the furniture because it is the only
thing that still makes him feel like a normal person. Before stabbing his
father in the leg with an apple, his father approaches him in the room
and threatens to step on him.
Again, Samsa exhibits his authoritarian tendencies in this case,
including using physical violence to discipline his son. Even Mrs. Dot
Don Samsa must intervene to stop her from killing him. Gregorio's
father represents an oppressive authority that abuses his power and
tries to rid the world of everything that does not fit the idealized social
structure of the system..
At the same time, Mr. Samsa is a true reflection of Kafka's father, who
was authoritarian and repressed his son's interests because they were
not compatible with his own. On the other hand, we have the apple: a
fruit that can always refer us to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, in
which they violate God's order not to touch the forbidden fruit
(frequently represented by an apple) and this causes him to expel them
from paradise. In the case of Gregorio, the apple also begins an exile,
in this case, towards the deepest solitude. The paradise from which he
is banished is his family, but also his condition as a human being.
Finally, the summary of the error is even more modern in this part of
the story. Gregorio had the vision of entrusting his mother-in-law to the
conservatory and today he would never have achieved it. At the same
time, the risk that he may or may not be able to carry out his sentence
further complicates the family's economic environment and makes him
Therefore, your feelings of inadequacy stem from the fact that you can
never ignore the way others see you. Somehow, because of what
happened before his metamorphosis, he left behind his desires and
emotions to no longer care about the social decree that was imposed
on him. Gregorio is so angry that before worrying about his monstrous
metamorphosis, he feels deprived because he doesn't stop worrying
about the social decree that defines him as a human being.
1. If the parents of Gregory weren´t sick, they would work
2. If Gregory didn´t converted, his parents wouldn´t care abot
3. If he hadn´t left his room, his father wouldn´t wanted to hit him.
4. If his sister had to work, he would be sad
5. If Gregorio hadn´t changed, he would still like milk
6. If they hadn´t moved all his furniture, he wouldn´t leave his room.
7. If his mother hadn´t defended him, his father would kill him.
8. If they took his couch, he would have nowhere to hide
9. If his parents didn´t look at him with disgust, he wouldn´t listen
through the walls to their conversation.
10. If he hadn´t became a burden to his sister, he would feel
less lonely.