• The paper contains 80 Objective Type Questions divided into three sections: Section - I (Physics),
Section - II(Chemistry) and Section - III (Biology).
• Section I and II contain 20 Multiple Choice Questions each and Section III contains 40 questions. Each
question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLYONE CHOICE is correct.
• For each question in Section-I, II and III, 4 marks will be awarded for correct answer and –1 negative
marking for incorrect answer.
• For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET (OMR SHEET) is provided separately. Please fill your
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1 Year Medical | NAT Sample Paper 2
• Before starting the paper, spend 2-2.5 minutes to check whether all the pages are in order and report
any issue to the invigilator immediately.
• Try to attempt the Sections in their respective order.
• Do not get stuck on a particular question for more than 1-1.5 minutes. Move on to a new question as
there are 80 questions to solve.
1. Suppose the kinetic energy of a body oscillating with amplitude A and at a distance x is given by
K= 2 . The dimensions of B are the same as that of:
x + A2
(A) work/time (B) work distance (C) work/distance (D) work time
2. An experiment measures quantities a, b, c and then x is calculated as x = ab2/c3. If the percentage errors
in a, b, care 1%, 3% and 2% respectively, the percentage error in x can be:
3. A block is initially at rest. The friction force acting on the block at time t = 4 sec will be:
5. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram is represented by vectors 2iˆ + 3 ˆj and iˆ + 4 ˆj. The area of the
parallelogram is:
(A) 5 units (B) 3 units (C) 8 units (D) 11 units
6. A wire has a mass (0.3 0.003) g, radius (0.5 0.005) mm and length (6 0.06) cm. The maximum
percentage error in the measurement of density is:
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
7. A body is released from the top of a tower of height H metre. After 2 seconds it is stopped and then
instantaneously released. What will be its height after next 2 seconds?
(A) (H – 5) metre (B) (H – 10) metre (C) (H – 20) metre (D) (H – 40) metre
8. A metal ball falls from a height of 32 metre on a steel plate. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.5, to what
height will the ball rise after second bounce?
(A) 2m (B) 4m (C) 8m (D) 16m
9. A ball of mass m1 makes a head on elastic collision with a ball of mass m2 which is initially at rest. The
transfer of kinetic energy to the second ball is maximum when:
(A) m1 m2 (B) m1 = m2 (C) m1 m2 (D) m1 m2
11. If a vector P making angles , and respectively with the X, Y and Z axes respectively. Then
sin 2 + sin 2 + sin 2 =
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
12. The displacement-time graph for two bodies P and Q are straight lines inclined at angles of 30° and 60°
with the time-axis. Then the ratio of their velocities is respectively equal to
A 2 + B2 A 2 − B2 A+B ABT
(A) (B) T (C) T (D)
The time (t) is expressed as a function of distance (x) as, t = x + x, where and are constants.
Then the retardation is given by
(A) 2v2 2v3
(B) (C) 2 v3 (D) none of these
16. A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of water is H below the top of the well. If u is velocity
of sound, the time t after which the splash is heard is given by
2H 2H H 2H H
(A) t= (B) t= + (C) t= + (D) None of these
u g u u g
17. The displacement (x) versus time (t) graph of a moving particle is shown below. The instantaneous
velocity of the particle is negative at the point
19. A cylinder of height h is placed on an inclined plane, the angle of inclination of which is slowly
increased. It begins to topple when the angle of inclination is 45°. What is the radius of the cylinder?
3 1 1
(A) h (B) h (C) h (D) h
4 2 4
20. A particle of mass 4 m at rest explodes into three fragments. Two of the fragments each of mass m each
move with speed v at right angles to each other. The kinetic energy released in the process is:
3 2 1
(A) 2 mv2 (B) mv (C) mv 2 (D) 3 mv2
2 2
21. Ce (58) is a member of:
(A) s-block (B) p-block (C) d-block (D) f-block
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
, will be
40. According to the Huckel’s rule, which of the following species will be aromatic?
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
69. Which of the following junctions prevent leakage from one cell to another?
(A) Gap Junction (B) Plasmodesmata (C) Tight Junction (D) Adhering Junction
70. Which of the following muscles are involuntary with cylindrical shape?
(A) Muscles of Jaws (B) Muscles of Heart (C) Muscles of Intestine (D) Muscles of Shoulder
71. Which of the following is not function of a neuron?
(A) Inhibiting another neuron (B) Stimulating another neuron
(C) Forming myelin sheath on another neuron (D) Both (A) and (C)
72. Which of the following structure joins bone to muscle?
(A) Ligament (B) Tendon
(C) Loose connective tissue (D) Both (B) and (C)
73. Which of the following phylum show alternation of generation?
(A) Mollusca (B) Echinodermata (C) Coelenterate (D) Platyhelminthes
74. Which of the following is also known as saw fish?
(A) Octopus (B) Lepisma (C) Trygon (D) Pristis
75. Which cell organelle is responsible for packaging of secretory proteins?
(A) Ribosome (B) Nucleus (C) Golgi body (D) Mitochondria
76. An enzyme is
(A) Biological catalyst (B) Mostly protein in nature
(C) Mostly heat labile (D) All of these
77. The small unit of eukaryotic ribosome is:
(A) 30 s (B) 40 s (C) 60 s (D) 80 s
78. Glucose is not:
(A) A monosaccharide (B) monomer of Glycogen
(C) sweet sugar (D) a pentose
79. According to Singer and Nicholson the structure of plasma membrane is:
(A) Fluid (B) solid
(C) Quasi fluid (D) Liquid of very low viscosity
80. Which of the following is a double walled structure in an animal cell?
(A) Mitochondria (B) Chloroplast (C) Ribosome (D) Both (A) and (B)
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