Neil Pryde 2010 En

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Neil Pryde
First plane... The obsession begins.
Adrenalin. Fear. Triumph.
Together. Alone. Free.
Make time. Find time. Buy time.
Every muscle, every hair,
Bristling. Alive. Ready.
Every spare thought,
wet with the oceans slippery grip.
There is no other sport on earth like this.
Now Let it blow

NeilPryde celebrates the obsession with the

2010 Windsurfing Collection release.
Please stay off the water long just enough to
familiarize yourself with the content.

Sail Overview 10

Wave Freeride
The Fly 16 Tempo 38 Kids
Combat 18 HellCat 40 ONE 56
Zone 20 H2 42
Alpha 22 Helium 44 Sail Design 58

X-Over Racing Sail Specification 66

Firefly 28 RS:SLALOM MKIII 50
Excess 30 RS:RACING EVOII 52
Zen 32 RS:X 54
Masts 72
Booms 74
Extensions 78

Harnesses 82
Accessories 86
Equipment Bags 88
Board Bags 90 Photography by Jérôme Houyvet


Antxon Jason Wilhelm





Philip Fabrice






Elliot Klaas Micah

2010 SAIL
Even more reasons to be obsessed.

If you thought your existing quiver was everything

you ever needed, you might want to turn away.
Weaker constitutions may even need to be seated -
this is temptation at it’s most provocative;
an entirely new sail range that does almost
everything differently, and better.

For 2010, NeilPryde sails are re-engineered from

the ground up. New form, new function, new
freedom. Extraordinary lightness. Every efficiency
has been re-considered. Every element has a place
and purpose - nothing is peripheral, everything is
deliberate. Windsurfing, pure. It’s like swimming
naked, fast.

The difference is almost an outrage; more feel and

fluidity, enhanced transparency and feedback, real
time response, and less rider fatigue. You’ll find it
a moving experience like no other (Kauli, Antoine,
Jason and the team told us so). All the sails are
created for new levels of strength, performance,
endurance and quality - but you knew that already.
Prepare to enjoy the sport even more.

The 2010 sails also keep the ocean shimmering

fresh with full graphic treatment and a seductive
new range of colours. See for yourself - even if
you have a solid relationship, it’s ok to stare.
Their appearance belies the truth - unlimited power
has never looked so beautiful. Hang them in your
lounge when you’re not using them.

And then tell people you’re not obsessed.


Compact waveriding. Strong construction. Neutral feeling. Consistent power.

On/off instant response. Great versatility. Precise handling. Consistent control.

Freestyle performance. Perfect all-rounder. Practical concept.

Crossover wavesailing. Extreme durability. Excellent maneuverability.


Easy rider. No-cam performance. Twin-cam power. Light wind.

Lightweight maneuverability. Pure Freeride. 100% speed. Maximum power.

No compromise Freerace. Pro racing. One design racing. Youth performance.

Top speed. Ultimate performance. Olympic class.

CompaCt waveriding – on/off ins tant response

No boundaries. Every now and then, a development in sport comes along which redefines the parameters,
rocks the establishment and ignites the human spirit. The Fly is such a development. Created for new school wave
riders who also want to be pilots, the Fly says “no” to gravity - translating wave face into launching ramp - giving
you more time for an airshow, or simply to explore the oceans from above. Fast, light, soft feeling, compact and
maneuverable - the Fly gives you liquid control on the water too for the brief moments you’re there, with fully
loaded power for aggressive rail-riding turns and velocity down the line. Especially suited to multi fins boards.
The Fly - it’ll take you to new places. (Just ask Kauli).

May we
recommend the ribs
Four battens across all sail sizes
reduces weight, improves softness
and spills wind more predictably
when the wind cranks.

Unbridle the show pony

Get more maneuverability from our wave
ranges’ lowest aspect sail; short luff,
compact clew, and reduced boom length.
You like to watch
The large monofilm window let’s
you see just about everything.

Moderate flat profile, with the draft
location oriented towards the backhand,
The reinforcements
for constant drive to the board. are in place, Captain
Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight

It’s a slippery slope

Lower clew position gives better
Cut the air with a knife
lower leech twist for more sail Increased sail tension in larger sail
control on the wave. sizes gives faster response and
improved handling.

C2 C3 C4

3.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4


Powerful and forgiving. Soft, amazing
light feel. So compact and maneuverable.

My 5.1 feels like last years 4.2!
strong ConstruCtion – great versatilit y

The wolf in wolf’s clothing. Make no mistake, the Combat does what it says - and more. All muscle and
no fat - the new Combat is the strongest sail in our wavesail quiver, and perhaps the most telling in yours.
Built for more powerful, dynamic and aggressive sailors, Combat is the undercover assassin without the
undercover bit. Shock and awe in equal measure, Combat delivers die-hard upwind ability and low end
power when you need it, for as long as you want it. Light for jumping, stable for predictability, and strong
for endurance - Combat is equipped to deal with whatever, whenever, and whoever.
Sleep now, the battle continues another day.

Prepare for launch

Plane faster with better upwind
performance through increased No Mercy
leech tension.
100% DyneeMa® reinforced
X-ply construction means the
Combat never surrenders.

Feeling better
Moderate profile makes the sail
more neutral with softer rotation.
The reinforcements are
in place, Captain
Load-specific reinforcement puts critical
strength where it’s needed most, without
waste or excess weight.

Faster forward
More backhand throttle control
and balance thanks to a forward
centered draft.

I luff you
More downhaul than Zone and
less surface tension than alpha via
a moderate luff curve.

It’s a slippery slope

Lower clew position gives better
lower leech twist for more sail
control on the wave.

C2 C3 C4

3.5 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.6


More powerful. Built to last!
Gives confidence. Smooth
and easy to maneuver.
You can sail more radically.
I can do more.
” Philip
neutral feeling – preCise handling

The third place. There’s windsurfing. There’s surfing. And there’s something else. When you go there, you’ll
need the Zone. If you’re heading for a “close to surfing” experience, then the Zone is your ride; featherlight
responsiveness, strength and control - it’s our most invisible sail yet. Super accurate point and shoot handling is
the least you’d expect, but the neutrality and transparency is something you probably never imagined.
Zone; the third place. It’s the place where Jason hangs out.

Beautiful eyes
Widescreen visibility thanks to large
monofilm window.
The balancing act
The center of effort is closer to you than
ever - the Zone has the most forward
draft of all neilPryde sails.

Straight up top
and curvy down below
The Zone profile has a moderate
Leaner, not meaner luff curve with straight mid-to-upper
Super flat profile makes the sail more sections - that means reduced downhaul
neutral with softer rotation. and surface tension.

Highly strung
Maximum outhaul tension
More skin, less bones
stabilises the profile and prevents Less battens in smaller sizes to make
backward sail movement. the sail softer and more forgiving.
The result: more control of power.

It’s a slippery slope

Lower clew position gives better
lower leech twist for more sail control
The reinforcements are
on the wave. in place, Captain.
Load-specific reinforcement puts critical
strength where it’s needed
Most, without waste or excess weight

C2 C3 C4

3.6 4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.2 5.5


Easier maneuverability. More control.
Lighter and softer than ever. More
balanced power. Like an extension of
my body.
” Jason
Consistent power – Consistent Control

Fear nothing. When big bad onshore and his lighter brother come a knocking, now you can open the door.
Today, the balance between the forces is tipped in your favour, because you’ve got Alpha on your side. The new
Alpha - our most powerful wave sail ever - is in no mood for confrontation. When you need to get safely across the
white lines, Alpha is there for you, charging with freight train strength upwind and out the back, and with reassuring
power and control. And when there’s nowhere to hide, the larger monofilm window lets you face your adversaries
with eyes wide open. On your day of reckoning, this is the bully you want on your team.
The new Alpha - committed to serve and protect. Even onshore is scared of it.

Who’s the boss

Increased sail stability through a
Beam me up.
central draft location puts more More responsiveness and better
power at your direct control. upwind ability through a mid-sized
sail head and corresponding high
surface tension.

Full throttle
The deepest, least rotating profile Take that
in the quiver puts more power on The wider luff sleeve deflects the effects
the floor. of gusty conditions by acting like a
giant mast length shock absorber.

Beautiful eyes Get a load of that rig

Widescreen visibility thanks to large The most pronounced luff curve
monofilm window. in the wave sail range providing
power release, constant drive and
early planing.

It’s a slippery slope The reinforcements

Lower clew position gives better
lower leech twist for more sail
are in place, Captain
control on the wave. Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess

C2 C3 C4

4.0 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.8 6.2

“ Power for early planing.
Forgiving in gusts.
Good control. Feels so light.
Softer, easy pump and

more range.
” Pieter
freest yle performanCe – Crossover wavesailing

Light‘em up. When you want to flick the switch between freestyle and wave in one sail, you need the
new Firefly. The Firefly turns up the heat with more neutrality for easier freestyle performance in
every sense. Power up, power down - Firefly entertains with super sensitive touch and control, and it’s
just as happy pulling tricks in flat water as it is on a wave. Light to handle and quick to power, this is the
sail that ignites the passion because it lets you make the rules on the water whatever the conditions.
Firefly - just get the damn thing wet - it’ll take care of the rest.

Heavyweight bantam
Strong and light; DyneeMa® X-ply and
Who’s the boss monofilm combined provide less weight
Increased sail stability through a and more durability.
central draft location puts more
power at your direct control.

Give it to me straight
Moderate luff curve and least rotated
Pedal to the metal sail body gives power release to the
Good acceleration and optimum head with early planing and constant
maneuverability from a moderately drive.
flat profile.

The reinforcements
You like to watch are in place, Captain
The large monofilm window let’s Load-specific reinforcement puts
you see just about everything. critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight.

It’s a slippery slope

Lower clew position gives better
Flick the switch
lower leech twist for more sail control Change from drive to neutral
on the wave. easily with Firefly’s low surface
tension and downhaul.

C2 C3 C4

4.1 4.5 4.9 5.3 5.7 6.1 6.5 6.9

“Super light. Super maneuverable.

Stronger. Perfect balance.
perfeCt all-rounder – extreme durabilit y

Greed is good. If having it all is still not sufficient for you, then may we suggest the Excess. Excess puts you
figuratively at the head of the table with the whole damn menu at your disposal. There’s a flavour here for
every taste - flatwater blaster, bump and jumper, freestyler or wave, because on any given day, you can be
one or all of these. It’s the heavy duty go-fast sail that feeds you everything with an expansive wind range
and whiplash speed and acceleration.
And if that’s still not enough, we can’t help you.

Twist and shout Show us what

Stable forward draft gives you more
control with an easy twisting head to you’re made of
release excess power. 100% DyneeMa a® reinforced
X-ply construction means the
excess never surrenders.

Something for
Moderate profile makes the sale
Alive and kicking
equally versatile for early planing, Good response and low end power is
power and maneuvers. fuelled by a more even surface tension
thanks to the moderate luff curve.

The reinforcements
Fat bottom end
Larger sail foot area improves low
are in place, Captain
end power and keeps you stable. Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight.

C2 C3 C4

5.4 5.9 6.4 6.9 7.4

“ Bulletproof! Fast and Maneuverable.
Excellent for bump and jump. Still
versatile though. The sail I can’t do
” Fabrice
praCtiC al ConCept – exCellent maneuverabilit y

The power of one. One mast. One boom. Five sails. Simple. Riders looking for all the range-capability of
multiple rigs without the usual compromise of a one-size-fits-all - this is most definitely your sail. Powerful yet
balanced, versatile yet simple. Zen also travels light, it’s the ideal companion for global roaming because it
demands less equipment, less space, and it won’t run up a tab with room service. Again: one mast, one boom,
and 5 sails; 4.9 for high wind and wave sailing through to 7.2 for flatwater and freeride.
Have Zen, will travel.

5 sail sizes, all cleverly designed
to fit one mast (430cm) and one
boom (160cm). Power play
Moderate luff curve in the mid to upper
sections gives reduced downhaul and
surface tension.

Get a move on
Planing is fast and easy with forward
draft and moderately deep profile
giving greater maneuverability. Weight loss
Progressive use of monofilm
thickness keeps Zen light up top
and strong down low.

Hail, CeSAR
Condition Specific aspect Ratio:
high aspect makes smaller
sails more maneuver oriented,
low aspect gives larger sizes
increased performance.
The reinforcements
are in place, Captain
Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight.

C2 C3 C4

4.9 5.5 6.1 6.7 7.2

“Travels light! Simple and clever.
Still powerful and maneuverable.
Dynamic - no compromise.
Go anywhere in the world
with Zen.
” Klaas
easy rider - light weight maneuverabilit y

Joyriders. get your ticket here. The new Tempo gives you all the highs of board-sailing without breaking
your back, your brain or your bank. It’s windsurfing pure and simple, an easy rig and an easy ride. Better
still, it’s a front row experience at a back seat price. If you’re an ambitious beginner or an intermediate
looking to accelerate the learning curve, Tempo has your name on it. (If your name also happens to be

Six appeal
It’s your dance Five full battens and a flex head batten puts
the balance between light weight, softness
easy planing and good maneuverability from and stability.
moderate deep forward oriented profile.

Turn it up
Specific luff curve gives broad
wind range and extra stability.
Some strong points
Clew, luff and foot are all reinforced with
DyneeMa® X-ply.

The reinforcements
are in place, Captain
Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight.
Weight loss programmed
Progressive use of monofilm thickness keeps
Tempo light up top and strong down low.

C2 C3

5.2 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.7

“ Light and easy. Simple rigging.

A pleasure to jibe. Just feels like fun.
no-Cam performanCe – pure freeride

There is good evil among us. If the thought of a pleasant, fun-loving gentle sail among friends is your idea
of purgatory, then the Hellcat is for you. Hellcat is a demonic projectile designed to reign fear upon others with
incredible speed and unmatched acceleration. The devil is in the details: No cams and a legacy born of the
RS:Racing EVOII conjures a sail so fast, so maneuverable, so light and responsive, so manageable - it’s like
nothing of this world. Blast them. Out-Gybe them. Overtake them all. Today, Lucifer would be proud.
Hellcat: Exercise the demon.

Hang in the balance

Six full battens and a flex head
ensures a stable sail even when
Weight loss programmed overpowered.
Progressive use of monofilm thickness keeps
Hellcat light up top and strong down low.

Pronounced performance oriented luff
curve gives increased body tension for
even faster response and stability.
Good and Evil
Balance between power and top
speed from moderately deep
centre oriented profile.

The reinforcements
are in place, Captain
Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight.

C2 C3

5.2 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2

“All the speed you can dream of.
Blast past friends. Hassle free
with no cams. FAST!! -
” Antoine
t w i n - C a m p o w e r – 10 0 % s p e e d

More speed and power than a V8. H2 is the elemental symbol for Hydrogen - used properly, it’s one of
the most powerful things on earth. Today, H2 by NeilPryde, used properly - is one of the most powerful
things on water. A “giant leap for mankind” sized improvement over our legendary V8 series, the new
H2 propels you with a whole new level of efficiency and performance through a highly refined twin cam
power plant. The result: beautifully balanced constant sail drive and predictable handling for even greater
wind range. The H2 is our fastest freeride sail ever thanks to it’s chemical make-up with behaviour directly
descended from the RS:Racing EVOII gene pool, meaning on the water, the H2 will leave everyone else
wondering what on earth just went passed them. (Amazing what we can do in the lab).

Hang in the balance

6 full battens and a flex head
ensures a stable sail even when

Deep and meaningful

Constant power, lift and board drive
are all enhanced through deep
centre oriented profile.

Nice suit
new luff pocket is tailor made for
aerodynamics and maneuverability.

Weight loss
Progressive use of monofilm
thickness keeps H2 light up top
and strong down low. A real head turner
Ultracam Freeride gives top
performance from facilitated
rotation in a more compact design.

The reinforcements
are in place, Captain
Load-specific reinforcement puts
Genetic engineering
critical strength where it’s needed Racing sail inspired luff curve delivers
most, without waste or excess weight. high sail tension for fast response, high
speed and low end power.

C2 C3

6.2 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2 8.7 9.2


Twin cam puts the power on.
Really, really fast. Feels like a
race sail. Very smooth.

Constant drive, I like it.
light wind – maximum power

Get Gas. If your only local is low-wind or the forecast breeze never fills in as promised, take a deep breath
of Helium. Helium is essential kit in your quiver because when Mother Nature says no, you can reply with
“well, actually - yes”. Guaranteed to bring you all the planing highs of stronger wind conditions, Helium
satisfies the need for speed with Big Bang acceleration to get you going faster, faster. It’s the most powerful sail
in the freeride collection with a smooth twin-cam profile - stable to the point of being inert - giving you more
predictable control over the elements. And when the breeze fills in, Helium responds with confidence so you can
handle temperamental gusts and increased wind velocity without losing a breath.
Helium - even on light days you can still get the high.

Only the strong will

Up and away Five full battens and a flex head
batten maintain the balance between
extreme early planing and lift in light
light weight and low-end power.
winds from deep, pronounced, central
to backhand oriented profile.

Can’t see them for dust

Weight loss exceptional early planing from moderate
luff curve and medium sail body tension.
Progressive use of monofilm thickness
keeps Helium light up top and strong
down low.

Nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide
Ultracam Freeride affords a greatly
The reinforcements reduced sleeve width with less weight
are in place, Captain overall.
Load-specific reinforcement puts
critical strength where it’s needed
most, without waste or excess weight.

C2 C3

6.5 7.5 8.5

“ Feels super light on the board.
Planes in unbelievably light
winds. Bottom end grunt for
faster planing. Fun! Even in
really slight breezes. Cool,
simple graphics.
” Jesper
No compromise Freerace – top speed

Handle with care. When you want to let the animal out of the cage and run fast, The RS:Slalom MKIII is
for you. The house-trained version of the lethal RS:Racing EVOII sail, the Slalom is unleashed with less
battens and cams and a smaller luff pocket for easier rigging and control. Be warned though, the animal
instinct runs strong in this one. Its soft, light feel conceals a furious and hungry heart, and in the right hands the
RS:Slalom MKIII is capable of carnage on water with reflex acceleration and blood-curdling straight-line pace.
It’s the most lethal freerace sail we make, good for upwind, downwind, or anywhere fast - it doesn’t matter, It’s
all one big happy hunting ground.

Component luff pocket

Flexhead configuration construction
A lightweight flexible tube enables the The luff pocket construction features a
head of the sail to adjust dynamically low friction elastic material in the cam
by allowing twist along the horizontal area, facilitating easier rotation.
and vertical axes. This reduces drag Stiffer material used in the upper
increasing top end speed, performance luff-pocket reduces sail weight while
and stability. stabilizing sail entry and twist.

Aerodynamic boom
Progressive batten cutout closure
Batten numbers are adjusted to the Prevents the apparent wind from
need of specific sizes. Large sails will blowing into the mast sleeve and
need more battens to insure stability generating drag.
while small sails will gain softness and
maneuverability with less battens.

Dynamic Luff sleeve

a) Increasing the width of the double
surface leading edge in the
Fully tubular batten area where the profile is the deepest,
ie in front of the rider, helps to keep
construction the draft stable in this critical area.
Three-piece batten construction b) Decreasing the width of the double
Reduces weight of the sail while luff in the head allows the sail to
increasing leech reflex. twist off more smoothly and under
less load. This reduces tension on the

Compact Outline –
Key differences vs. RS:RACING EVOII Reduced luff length
Compact aspect ratio sails retain high
Moderate deep profile and slightly flater shaping. levels of control and handling as the
Sleeve widths and body shape remain more moderate, increasing area remains low in the sail, where the
ease of handling while on the water and contributing to a simpler sailor has more control over it.
rigging and de-rigging procedure.
Fewer cambers (3) producing a softer feeling rig with smooth
rotation and easier handling during maneuvers.


5.0 5.5 6.2 7.0 7.8 8.6 9.5

“Speed! Total power, easy to
control. Uncomplicated to rig.
Does everything faster.

Pro racing – Ultimate Performance
Go to Light Speed. RS:Racing EVOII is NeilPrydes’ ultra high performance competition sail, built to win
at all cost. The official sail of the NeilPryde race team, RS:Racing EVOII is a red-line speed freak with
revered racetrack credentials. Full throttle, camber induced velocity, engineered without compromise and
driven without fear by riders with the same obsession for winning. This year’s evolution is an even more
refined engine; It’s lighter, stronger, easier to control, and quicker off the mark. And in light wind, you’ve
still got enough acceleration and drive to burn a hole in the water.
RS:Racing EVOII, leave the rest of the world behind whenever you feel like it.

Dynamic Luff sleeve

Flexhead configuration shaping
A lightweight flexible tube enables the
a) Increasing the width of the double
head of the sail to adjust dynamically by
surface leading edge in the area
allowing twist along the horizontal and
where the profile is the deepest, ie
vertical axes. This reduces drag increasing
in front of the rider, helps to keep the
top end speed, performance and stability.
draft stable in this critical area.
b) Decreasing the width of the double
luff in the head allows the sail to
twist off more smoothly and under
less load. This reduces tension on the

Progressive batten and

cam layout
Batten and cam numbers are adjusted
to the need of specific sizes. Large sails Aerodynamic boom
will need more battens and cams to
insure stability while small sails will gain
cutout closure
softness and maneuverability with less Prevents the apparent wind from
battens and cams. blowing into the mast sleeve and
generating drag.

Fully tubular batten

Three-piece batten construction
Reduces weight of the sail while Component luff pocket
increasing leech reflex. construction
The luff pocket construction features a
low friction material in the cam area,
facilitating easier rotation.
Stiffer material used in the upper
luff-pocket reduces sail weight while
stabilizing sail entry and twist
Compact Outline – Large window size for good visibility to
leeward and ahead.
Reduced luff length
Compact aspect ratio sails retain high
levels of control and handling as the area
remains low in the sail, where the sailor
has more control over it.


4.7 5.1 5.5 6.2 7.0 7.8 8.6 9.5 10.0 10.7 12.0
“ You want to win? Light.
Easy. Fast. Faster. FASTEST.
Really well balanced.
See you later.
” Antoine
o n e d e s i g n r a C i n g – o ly m p i C C l a s s

RS:X - London calling. It’s little wonder our obsession with windsurfing has led to our selection as official
supplier to the Olympic games. In return, we’ve distilled everything we’ve learned in this sport and applied it to
one class of rig now identified the world over as RS:X. To ride this sail is to be one step closer to the dais. RS:X is
engineered in the same headspace as the RS:Racing EVOII and RS:Slalom MKIII sails - as light as possible, and
as fast as impossible. Although substantial in volume at 8.5 and 9.5m, RS:X is built for an extraordinary wind
range; from 3-30 knots, and it can be comfortably handled by even the lightest riders. The RS:X class has a
proprietary NeilPryde mast, boom, board and extensions - ensuring a consistent and complete performance.
RS:X: The equipment is standard, it’s the rider that makes the difference.


RS:X 8.5 RS:X 9.5


8.5 519 233cm 30 7 2 RS:X 490 BnPRSX085
9.5 552 262cm 32 7 2 RS:X 520 BnPRSX095

BOARD The RS:X is a true cross-over board in that it makes the best compromise between traditional raceboard sailing in
sub-planing conditions, and exciting “Formula” racing in planing conditions starting from 8-10 knots.


Sub-Planing Conditions, Dagger-Board down (up to 8-10 knots)

• In light-wind sailing the RS:X board behaves in a similar fashion to a traditional raceboard. However, due to
the shorter length in comparison to a traditional raceboard, the ease of manoeuvrability in tacking and gybing
is significantly improved.
• Startline tactics: Many Olympic racers often sail the board backwards in order to keep a good position on the
start line. The rounded tail on the back of the board, in addition to improving the flow of water, makes it easier
to sail the board backwards!
• Upwind: In a little breeze with the Dagger-Board down, the rider can pump the board onto the rail for good
tracking upwind. On the rail, the “Convex Tail” allows the board to be rolled with the gusts and swells. Side
footstraps help to give the rider more stability and control.
• Downwind: With the Dagger-Board up for going downwind, the board provides good stability for pumping
(if necessary).
Planing Conditions, Dagger-Board up (8-10 knots and above)
• In planing conditions, the board behaves largely like a Formula Windsurfing board, thus giving much faster
performance and a more exciting ride.
• In downwind conditions, with the adjustable mast track set to the back, the board sails both with good speed
and a very steep angle.
* Fin, Dagger-Board and Footstraps are included.


BOARD 286cm 93cm 15.5 220litres Carbon Sandwich Deep Tuttle DnPRSXB
DAGGER-BOARD 77cm - - - Pre-preg Glass Sandwich - DRSPDB
FIN-LADIES 60cm - - - Pre-preg Carbon - DnPRSXF60
FIN-MEN 66cm - - - Pre-preg Carbon - DnPRSXF66


The RS:X mast is based closely on the masts used in NeilPryde’s matrix mast range. The RS:X is a 90-100% carbon mast that has the same bend curves
and tapers as the NeilPryde Progressive Flex bend curve. The RS:X is a high performance mast designed to work in all wind conditions, both planing
and non-planing.


490 490 29 2.20 90% Semi Gloss HardShell RMRSX490
520 520 32 2.40 100% Semi Gloss HardShell RMRSX520


The RS:X Carbon Boom has been developed to achieve the best
light weight to stiffness ratio avaliable on the market today.

Uni-Directional Monocoque
225-265 40 3.05 OverS & 30 Pre-preg Carbon / Glass Monocoque Carbon Head Carbon RBRSX225


Photo: Julian Schlosser

YOUTH perfOrmance

Everybody say a big hello to the new ONE, the mini-me of full blown windsurfing made strictly for
youth. Using ONE is childsplay, and although it has all the appearance, durability and features of it’s
larger siblings, it’s much lighter and easier to handle but just as rewarding to ride - relative to size. And
because we know what it takes to get kids sailing, we’ve reduced the need for parental guidance with the
equipment; the mast head is simpler, the set-up is quicker, and the loads are lighter and more manageable.
Before you know it the little tackers are out on the water doing almost everything faster than you did.
Pretty soon, they’ll be asking you for the keys to your rig.

Plug and play

Straight luff curve for easy rigging
and soft feel
Early development
Flat soft profile with central draft
location for optimum balance

You’re SO strong!
Only three battens on all sizes
for minimized weight

Watch where you’re

going, kid
Wide screen visibility thanks to
large monofilm window

Playground bullies
Load specific reinforcement puts critical
strength where it’s needed most, without
waste or excess weight


1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5


The ONE mast is based on the same Progressive Flex bend curve of the other NeilPryde WEIGHT/KG 1.1
masts, as this bend curve provides the best combination between sail stability, control
FINISH Semi Gloss
durability, and a lightweight feel.

Cody Young


The ONE boom is an aluminum boom for durability, light weight and stiffness. The dimensions The ONE 1.5 & 2.0 sail require no extension, and the ONE base can be used directly with the mast.
of the boom have been scaled down for smaller riders, with key attention being paid to having a The ONE sails from 2.5 - 3.5 use a combination of a size specific ONE extension and a ONE base.
narrow outline of the boom and a small handgrip diameter. ONE boom fits all ONE sails.
All ONE sails from 2.5 - 3.5 are sold with the correct ONE aluminum extension. The base is sold
For easy rigging simply put the extension (or the base for the 1.5 & 2.0) into the mast and fit the base
into the bottom. Then insert the mast up the sleeve of the sail, downhaul and go! No adjustments to
LENGTH/CM 115-165cm
the extension are required.
WEIGHT/KG 1.85kg
ADJUSTMENT Single pin ONE UXT Extension 2.5 REONE25
CODE RBONE115 ONE UXT Extension 3.5 REONE35

Meanwhile, back at the l ab
You’ve already heard what some of the world’s best riders have to The people who bring you these enhancements are accomplished
say about the weight reduction in the 2010 range - for people who practitioners of art and science. Their laboratory is affectionately
sail even more than you do, it takes a heck of a lot to surprise them. called the Loft. Here, they make things and they break things -
small things, big things - all in the name of windsurfing. Together,
But, it’s not all about the power to weight ratio; slightly against the they share a unique set of disciplines: a visionaries foresight of
spirit of fair competition, the 2010 sails are performance enhanced the future, an athlete’s thirst for boundaries to break, a physicist’s
in other ways too, giving you a noticeably unfair advantage over all understanding of, well, physics; and the innate ability to apply
your waterborne adversaries. Every individual new development is tactile craft much like the village seamstress of old.
bench-tested scientifically before we feed them to the “animals”. The
ones that get through are guaranteed to increase your sensation of It doesn’t hurt they’re all windsurfers too. Hard to believe we pay
speed, power and control. Want some? them, really.

3 11




X-ply Full Kevlar tape leech reinforcement

In order to be able to reduce weight of the sails we As KevlarTM provides ultimate strength to weight ratio for sail
developed completely new range of laminate materials, making fibers we chose to use fully woven, adhesive KevlarTM
which are all using Dyneema® yarns as a rip-stop. tape around entire leech and foot parameter on 2010 sails.
Dyneema® has similar breaking strength to KevlarTM, This tape stabilizes shape of leech and foot by preventing
but much better UV resistance, making it a fiber of choice any stretch along these extreme parameter load lines. At the
for this application. Application of this high strength rip- same time it provides perfect stitch holding and prevents sails
stop grid allowed us to use thinner films in new laminates ripping through. Since KevlarTM is sensitive to UV we take
to significantly reduce weight while improving durability care that any time we use KevlarTM in the sail it is completely
at the same time. covered by other materials in order for it to keep its properties
To ensure strong multi layer lamination, the Dyneema® after years of use.
yarns used in NP sails are twisted with polyester which
ensures the yarns are well anchored within the film layers 1 2

Laminated Kevlar Radial Reinforcement Rubber Foot Piping

on clew and tack: Protects the foot edge of the sail from wear caused by
As ultimate strength to weight ratio fiber with very good the non-skid on the deck of the board
adhesion properties, KevlarTM was a natural choice
when we were constructing our new, radial clew and
tack load oriented reinforcements. These are constructed
by fully laminating KevlarTM strips along the load
lines, all of them originating at the clew grommet or
tack pulley. As they are spreading out along the load
directions they are naturally thinning down, making for
a perfect, gradual thickness and load distribution. 3 4

3D Moulded tack fairing Mast tip chafe protector and 3D moulded

Completely encloses all pulleys and base elements Head Fairing
This helps protect the deck of the board from impact
damage. Manufactured from heat moulded closed cell Protects the top of the sail from abrasion damage.
foam to offer maximum protection and minimal weight Also includes an easy de-rigging loop.
without water absorption. Includes an uphaul hole for a
clean attachment of the uphaul rope.
Neoprene front piece makes it easy to fold the tack
fairing back when threading the downhaul rope through
the sail’s tack pulley.
5 6

High Grade Plastic Batcams Polyurethane (PU) moulded batten end

Positive lock BatCams. Allows the rider to precisely chafe protector
tune and set the batten tension. Easy to open when
Protects the ends of the batten pockets from abrasion
replacing battens or adjusting batten tension. No tools
damage when rigging and de-rigging
required for tension adjustment UV resistant material.

7 8

Battens Composite mini leech battens

NeilPryde component batten system. A sail model and Aerodynamic composite mini battens are sewn directly
size specific batten system - permitting placement of the onto the upper sections of the sail for added stability
draft at the optimal location. This maximizes the sails’ and durability – without a significant increase in weight
performance for the given design objectives and ensures
overall stability across a wide wind range.
- Rod batten: wave / x-over sails:
Solid fiberglass for optimum durability
- Rod / tube battens: freeride / race sails:
Solid fiberglass batten front combined with hollow
tube for lightness and profile stability
9 10

Triple roller tack fitting Sail toggle

A solid metal tack fitting of heavy duty construction. All NeilPryde sails include an elastic loop and sail
Three large nickel plated rollers offering minimal toggle system for keeping the sail rolled up during
downhaul friction over an extended lifespan. storage.

11 12

Easy to find mast joint Boom position reference points

To help with pre-downhaul checks, all sails feature an To help you remember exactly where you like to have
arrow on the luff pocket to show where the mast joint your boom positioned.
is when using the recommended mast.

13 14


Wind, meet your master.

The Freeride and Racing sails get the total body make-over this year with the inclusion of a major innovation
directly influenced by the NeilPryde racing programme. It’s called the Dynamic Compact Clew.

Totally unique to NeilPryde, DCC brings to sail handling what 4WD, ABS and ESP combined brings to
your car. In extreme gusty conditions or when the wind builds suddenly, DCC compensates and reacts
accordingly by absorbing pressure more evenly, so you stay sheeted in and powered on. Combined with
our new booms, Matrix mast system, and the rest of our sail enhancements, you’ve got unprecedented
control of power to run riot out there.

And you should be out there, NOW.

Draft movement in
overpowered conditions improved twist
without compact clew

Draft movement in
overpowered conditions
with compact clew clew

With Dynamic Compact Clew, where the clew is positioned

forward from the trailing edge, the profile behind the clew is able
to twist off when wind pressure increases. The sail automatically
adjusts its shape and thus controls excessive power.


low wind high wind

On a regular sail, where the clew is at the trailing edge of the In addition, it also creates an ‘S’ profile on the batten, effectively
profile, the profile deepest point shifts back as the wind pressure pushing the deepest profile point forward, preventing it from
increases. This bringing the center of effort backwards, increasing moving back while overpowered, or enabling to hold pressure
backhand pressure in the gusts and inevitably compromising and keep the lower leech tight in light winds and while riding
control and handling of the sail. upwind.

‘For past few years I used Compact Clew in all my Racing and Freeride designs. That concept helped me design compact, low aspect sails without
increasing the boom length as well as stabilizing the draft by preventing it from moving back . Now it evolved into Dynamic Compact Clew which
is constantly adjusting the batten profile depending on wind pressure in the sail.
In light conditions when the pressure is low the Boom batten supports lower leech in order to get maximum lift and low end power. As the wind
increases and pressure on the leech becomes higher the Boom batten starts to twist off, creating a reflex on the back of the profile and effectively
pushing the draft forward. This greatly increases control in strong winds, so the rider can easily hold optimal sailing position to get maximum
acceleration and speed from every gust!
You will find Dynamic Compact Clew on each of my 2010 Racing and Freeride designs.’
Robert Stroj
NeilPryde Chief Designer


Shifting the balance of power.

Power is nothing without control. This years’ Compact Clew enhancement takes a more democratic view
of the wind load to give you better management of sail-power. It’s a simple redistribution of the wealth;
the new clew allows greater area in the lower to mid leech section of the sail where it’s closer to you and
therefore more balanced. Move over big heads; the Compact Clew spells an end to top-heavy sailing,
giving riders a confident neutrality and quiet strength, kind of like the Switzerland of superpowers.

Once we’ve given you the power though, you are free to abuse it.

The Compact Clew improves control of the

sail in 3 ways:

1. Shorter “Working” Boom Length

A shorter boom improves stability by limiting movement of the
draft, and gives the rider greater control over the increased
bottom and mid-leech section surface area.
The 2010 wave and crossover sails have a lower aspect
ratio than in previous years. So, whilst the boom length is not
actually shorter than in the past, without the compact clew
a longer boom length would have been needed in order to
reduce the luff length.

2. Rider Focused Surface Area

Sail surface area can be removed from the head and transferred
down towards the rider. This places a higher percentage of the
sail’s surface area in direct connection with the boom, ensuring
easy control and powerful acceleration when fully sheeted in.

3. Improved Sail Twist

The Compact Clew gives the leech ability to twist further under
high loads, again improving stability and control of the sail.


Innovative suspension system for smoother sail rotation and greater acceleration out of gybes
Delivers a new level of performance and control in transitions without compromising stability
Batten pressure shared evenly between batten pocket and mast sleeve
Suspended cam is self-adjusting to accommodate different mast diameters
No cam spacers required for easy and precise tuning
Available in all RS:Racing EVOII and RS:Slalom MKIII

Smaller version of the Ultracam

Supports accurate development of the sail’s leading edge
Promotes draft stability and enhances rotation
Can now be found on all H2 and Helium Sails


Sail shaping balances the speed and power of a sail with control and handling.

Shaping lower down in the sail will produce a little less power but increases manoeuverability. Where as
shaping higher up in the sail creates more drive and low-end power.

In the performance oriented sails this extra power is easy to control due to the profile stability supported
by cams and tube-battens. In the manoeuvre and wave oriented sails, low shaping distribution provides
uncompromised manoeuverability.


Control Maneuver/wave riding Power/upwind Aerial perf.

Power and Draft Location

* This chart is not comparable to other sail category charts.

Characteristics Compact waveriding. Strong construction. Neutral feeling. Consistent power.

On/off instant response.
Great versatility. Precise handling. Consistent control.
Profile flat moderate moderate flat deep
Draft Location central/backhand forward/central forward central
Luff Curve moderate moderate/low low moderate/high
Downhaul moderate moderate low moderate/high
Surface Tension moderate moderate/low low moderate/high
Outhaul Tension moderate moderate high moderate/high
Sail Profile
Batten Layout 4 5 variable (4-5) 5


Control Maneuverability Power/Upwind Wave riding

Power and Draft Location

* This chart is not comparable to other sail category charts.

Freestyle performance.
Characteristics Perfect all-rounder. Practical concept.
Crossover wavesailing. Extreme durability. Excellent maneuverability.
Profile moderate moderate/deep deep
Draft Location central/forward central central
Luff Curve moderate moderate/high moderate/high
Downhaul moderate/low moderate/high moderate/high
Surface Tension moderate/low moderate/high moderate/high
Outhaul Tension moderate low low
Sail Profile Batten Layout 5 5 5


Speed & Control Maneuverability Power/upwind Speed Control

Power and Draft Location

(top end) (medium wind range)

* This chart is not comparable to other sail category charts.

Easy Rider. No-cam performance. Twin-cam power. Light wind.
Lightweight maneuverability. Pure Freeride. 100% speed. Maximum power.
Profile moderate moderate moderate/deep deep
Draft Location forward/central forward/central central central/backhand
Luff Curve moderate moderate moderate/high moderate/high
Downhaul moderate moderate/high moderate/high moderate
Surface Tension moderate moderate/high moderate/high moderate
Outhaul Tension moderate moderate low low
Batten Layout 5+1 6+1 6+1 5+1

Sail Profile


Speed & Control Maneuverability Power/Upwind Speed Control

(top end) (medium wind range)
Power and Draft Location

* This chart is not comparable to other sail category charts.

Characteristics No compromise Freerace. Pro racing.

Top speed. Ultimate performance.
Profile moderate/deep deep
Draft Location central central
Luff Curve moderate/high high
Downhaul moderate/high high
Surface Tension moderate/high high
Outhaul Tension low low
Batten Layout 6+1 and 7+1 6+1 and 7+1

Sail Profile

coMPact waveriding – on/off ins tant resPonse 3.2 333 140 4 370 4 Vario Top* 41 BNP10FL32
3.6 347 145 4 370 4 Vario Top* 27 BNP10FL36
No boundaries. Every now and then, a development in sport comes along which
3.9 361 151 4 370 4 Vario Top* 13 BNP10FL39
redefines the parameters, rocks the establishment and ignites the human spirit. The
4.2 371 155 4 370 4 Vario Top* 3 BNP10FL42
Fly is such a development. Created for new school wave riders who also want to
4.5 384 160 14 370 4 Vario Top* 0 BNP10FL45
be pilots, the Fly says “no” to gravity - translating wave face into launching ramp -
4.8 398 165 28 370 4 Vario Top* 0 BNP10FL48
giving you more time for an airshow, or simply to explore the oceans from above.
5.1 410 169 10 400 4 Fixed Head 0 BNP10FL51
Fast, light, soft feeling, compact and maneuverable - the Fly gives you liquid control
5.4 422 173 22 400 4 Fixed Head 0 BNP10FL54
on the water too for the brief moments you’re there, with fully loaded power for
aggressive rail-riding turns and velocity down the line. Especially suited to multi
fins boards.
The Fly - it’ll take you to new places. (Just ask Kauli). COLOUR 2 COLOUR 3 COLOUR 4

3.5 348 144 4 370 5 Vario Top* 26 BNP10CT35
s trong cons truction – great vers atilit y 4.0 366 150 4 370 5 Vario Top* 8 BNP10CT40
The wolf in wolf’s clothing. Make no mistake, the Combat does what it says - and 4.2 376 154 6 370 5 Vario Top* 0 BNP10CT42
more. All muscle and no fat - the new Combat is the strongest sail in our wavesail 4.5 388 159 18 370 5 Vario Top* 0 BNP10CT45
quiver, and perhaps the most telling in yours. Built for more powerful, dynamic 4.7 398 163 28 370 5 Vario Top* 0 BNP10CT47
and aggressive sailors, Combat is the undercover assassin without the undercover 5.0 408 167 8 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10CT50
bit. Shock and awe in equal measure, Combat delivers die-hard upwind ability 5.3 420 171 20 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10CT53
and low end power when you need it, for as long as you want it. Light for jumping, 5.6 433 176 4 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10CT56
stable for predictability, and strong for endurance - Combat is equipped to deal
with whatever, whenever, and whoever.
Sleep now, the battle continues another day.


neutral feeling – Precise handling 3.6 354 144 4 370 4 Vario Top* 20 BNP10ZN36
4.0 370 151 4 370 4 Vario Top* 4 BNP10ZN40
The third place. There’s windsurfing. There’s surfing. And there’s something else. 4.2 378 155 8 370 4 Vario Top* 0 BNP10ZN42
When you go there, you’ll need the Zone. If you’re heading for a “close to surfing” 4.5 388 160 18 370 4 Vario Top* 0 BNP10ZN45
experience, then the Zone is your ride; featherlight responsiveness, strength and 4.7 398 163 28 370 4 Vario Top* 0 BNP10ZN47
control - it’s our most invisible sail yet. Super accurate point and shoot handling 5.0 408 166 8 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10ZN50
is the least you’d expect, but the neutrality and transparency is something you 5.2 416 170 16 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10ZN52
probably never imagined. 5.5 428 174 28 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10ZN55
Zone; the third place. It’s the place where Jason hangs out.


4.0 362 154 4 370 5 Vario Top* 12 BNP10AL40
consis tent Power – consis tent control 4.2 375 158 6 370 5 Vario Top* 1 BNP10AL42
Fear nothing. When big bad onshore and his lighter brother come a knocking, now 4.5 388 162 18 370 5 Vario Top* 0 BNP10AL45
you can open the door. 4.7 398 166 28 370 5 Vario Top* 0 BNP10AL47
Today, the balance between the forces is tipped in your favour, because you’ve got 5.0 410 171 10 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10AL50
Alpha on your side. The new Alpha - our most powerful wave sail ever - is in no 5.4 424 176 24 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10AL54
mood for confrontation. When you need to get safely across the white lines, Alpha 5.8 438 182 8 430 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10AL58
is there for you, charging with freight train strength upwind and out the back, and 6.2 450 186 20 430 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10AL62
with reassuring power and control. And when there’s nowhere to hide, the larger
monofilm window lets you face your adversaries with eyes wide open. On your
day of reckoning, this is the bully you want on your team.
The new Alpha - committed to serve and protect. Even onshore is scared of it. COLOUR 2 COLOUR 3 COLOUR 4

frees t yle PerforMance – crossover waves ailing 4.1 373 155 4 370 5 Vario Top* 1 BNP10FF41
4.5 393 159 24 370 5 Vario Top* 1 BNP10FF45
Light‘em up. When you want to flick the switch between freestyle and wave in one 4.9 407 165 8 400 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10FF49
sail, you need the new Firefly. The Firefly turns up the heat with more neutrality 5.3 421 171 22 400 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10FF53
for easier freestyle performance in every sense. Power up, power down - Firefly 5.7 434 177 4 430 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10FF57
entertains with super sensitive touch and control, and it’s just as happy pulling tricks 6.1 447 185 18 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10FF61
in flat water as it is on a wave. Light to handle and quick to power, this is the sail 6.5 459 193 30 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10FF65
that ignites the passion because it lets you make the rules on the water whatever 6.9 473 199 44 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10FF69
the conditions.
Firefly - just get the damn thing wet - it’ll take care of the rest.


5.4 420 180 20 400 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10EC54
Perfect all-rounder – extreMe durabilit y 5.9 439 187 10 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10EC59
Greed is good. If having it all is still not sufficient for you, then may we suggest the 6.4 457 194 28 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10EC64
Excess. Excess puts you figuratively at the head of the table with the whole damn 6.9 470 201 10 460 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10EC69
menu at your disposal. There’s a flavour here for every taste - flatwater blaster, 7.4 483 208 24 460 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10EC74
bump and jumper, freestyler or wave, because on any given day, you can be one
or all of these. It’s the heavy duty go-fast sail that feeds you everything with an
expansive wind range and whiplash speed and acceleration.
And if that’s still not enough, we can’t help you.


4.9 423 169 0 430 5 Fixed Extension 7 BNP10ZE49
Practic al concePt – Maneuverable PerforMance 5.5 432 182 2 430 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10ZE55
The power of one. One mast. One boom. Five sails. Simple. Riders looking for all 6.1 441 195 12 430 5 Fixed Head 1 BNP10ZE61
the range-capability of multiple rigs without the usual compromise of a one-size-fits- 6.7 460 204 30 430 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10ZE67
all - this is most definitely your sail. Powerful yet balanced, versatile yet simple. Zen 7.2 472 212 42 430 5 Fixed Head 0 BNP10ZE72
also travels light, it’s the ideal companion for global roaming because it demands
less equipment, less space, and it won’t run up a tab with room service. Again:
one mast, one boom, and 5 sails; 4.9 for high wind and wave sailing through to
7.2 for flatwater and freeride.
Have Zen, will travel.


*Please note, due to the variotop buckle length,

all variotop sails should use one additional base step. 66
easY rider - light weight maneUverabilit Y 5.2 402 166 2 400 5 Fixed Head BNP10TP52
5.7 420 174 20 400 5 Fixed Head BNP10TP57
Joyriders. get your ticket here. The new Tempo gives you all the highs of board-
6.2 438 181 8 430 5 Fixed Head BNP10TP62
sailing without breaking your back, your brain or your bank. It’s windsurfing pure
6.7 455 188 26 430 5 Fixed Head BNP10TP67
and simple, an easy rig and an easy ride. Better still, it’s a front row experience
7.2 472 194 12 460 5 Fixed Head BNP10TP72
at a back seat price. If you’re an ambitious beginner or an intermediate looking
7.7 489 200 30 460 5 Fixed Head BNP10TP77
to accelerate the learning curve, Tempo has your name on it. (If your name also
happens to be NeilPryde).


5.2 392 175 22 370 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC52
no-c am Performance – PUre freeride 5.7 409 181 10 400 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC57
There is good evil among us. If the thought of a pleasant, fun-loving gentle sail 6.2 427 187 28 400 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC62
among friends is your idea of purgatory, then the Hellcat is for you. Hellcat is a 6.7 444 193 14 430 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC67
demonic projectile designed to reign fear upon others with incredible speed and 7.2 461 199 2 460 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC72
unmatched acceleration. The devil is in the details: No cams and a legacy born 7.7 479 206 20 460 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC77
of the RS:Racing EVOII conjures a sail so fast, so maneuverable, so light and 8.2 496 212 6 490 6 Fixed Head BNP10HC82
responsive, so manageable - it’s like nothing of this world. Blast them. Out-Gybe
them. Overtake them all. Today, Lucifer would be proud.
Hellcat: Exercise the demon.


6.2 426 182 26 400 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY62
t win-c am Power – 100% sPeed 6.7 440 190 10 430 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY67
More speed and power than a V8. H2 is the elemental symbol for Hydrogen - used 7.2 454 198 24 430 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY72
properly, it’s one of the most powerful things on earth. Today, H2 by NeilPryde, used 7.7 469 206 10 460 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY77
properly - is one of the most powerful things on water. A “giant leap for mankind” 8.2 484 214 24 460 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY82
sized improvement over our legendary V8 series, the new H2 propels you with a whole 8.7 496 222 6 490 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY87
new level of efficiency and performance through a highly refined twin cam power 9.2 509 231 20 490 6 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HY92
plant. The result: beautifully balanced constant sail drive and predictable handling
for even greater wind range. The H2 is our fastest freeride sail ever thanks to it’s
chemical make-up with behaviour directly descended from the RS:Racing EVOII gene
pool, meaning on the water, the H2 will leave everyone else wondering what on earth
just went passed them. (Amazing what we can do in the lab). COLOUR 2 COLOUR 3

6.5 449 192 20 430 5 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HE65
light wind – maximUm Power 7.5 472 212 12 460 5 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HE75
Get Gas. If your only local is low-wind or the forecast breeze never fills in as promised, 8.5 496 233 6 490 5 2 Ultra FR Fixed Head BNP10HE85
take a deep breath of Helium. Helium is essential kit in your quiver because when
Mother Nature says no, you can reply with “well, actually - yes”. Guaranteed to bring
you all the planing highs of stronger wind conditions, Helium satisfies the need for
speed with Big Bang acceleration to get you going faster, faster. It’s the most powerful
sail in the freeride collection with a smooth twin-cam profile - stable to the point of
being inert - giving you more predictable control over the elements. And when the
breeze fills in, Helium responds with confidence so you can handle temperamental
gusts and increased wind velocity without losing a breath.
Helium - even on light days you can still get the high. COLOUR 2 COLOUR 3

1.5 199 111 0 ONE 250 4 BNPONE215
YoUth Performance
Yo 2.0 250 118 0 ONE 250 4 BNPONE220
Everybody say a big hello to the new ONE, the mini-me of full blown windsurfing 2.5 273 136 ONE 2.5 ONE 250 4 BNPONE225
made strictly for youth. Using ONE is childsplay, and although it has all the 3.0 297 143 ONE 3.0 ONE 250 4 BNPONE230
appearance, durability and features of it’s larger siblings, it’s much lighter and 3.5 318 151 ONE 3.5 ONE 250 4 BNPONE235
easier to handle but just as rewarding to ride - relative to size. And because
we know what it takes to get kids sailing, we’ve reduced the need for parental
guidance with the equipment; the mast head is simpler, the set-up is quicker, and
the loads are lighter and more manageable. Before you know it the little tackers are
out on the water doing almost everything faster than you did.
Pretty soon, they’ll be asking you for the keys to your rig.


5.0 390 169 20 NP Matrix 6 3 Ultra BNP9RSS50
no comPromise freerace – toP sPeed 5.5 410 177 10 NP Matrix 6 3 Ultra BNP9RSS55
Handle with care. When you want to let the animal out of the cage and run fast, 6.2 432 189 2/32 NP Matrix 6 3 Ultra BNP9RSS62
The RS:Slalom MKIII is for you. The house-trained version of the lethal RS:Racing 7.0 462 202 2/32 NP Matrix 7 3 Ultra BNP9RSS70
EVOII sail, the Slalom is unleashed with less battens and cams and a smaller luff 7.8 483 213 24 NP Matrix 7 3 Ultra BNP9RSS78
pocket for easier rigging and control. Be warned though, the animal instinct runs 8.6 504 224 14 NP Matrix 7 3 Ultra BNP9RSS86
strong in this one. Its soft, light feel conceals a furious and hungry heart, and in 9.5 526 238 34 NP Matrix 7 3 Ultra BNP9RSS95
the right hands the RS:Slalom MKIII is capable of carnage on water with reflex
acceleration and blood-curdling straight-line pace. It’s the most lethal freerace sail
we make, good for upwind, downwind, or anywhere fast - it doesn’t matter, It’s all
one big happy hunting ground.


4.7 377 165 8 370 6 3 Ultra BNPRS47E2
Pro racing – Ultimate Performance 5.1 394 169 24 370 6 3 Ultra BNPRS51E2
Go to Light Speed. RS:Racing EVOII is NeilPrydes’ ultra high performance 5.5 411 178 12 400 6 3 Ultra BNPRS55E2
6.2 433 191 4 430 6 4 Ultra BNPRS62E2
competition sail, built to win at all cost. The official sail of the NeilPryde race 7.0 461 202 2/32 460/430 7 4 Ultra BNPRS70E2
team, RS:Racing EVOII is a red-line speed freak with revered racetrack credentials. 7.8 483 214 24 460 7 4 Ultra BNPRS78E2
Full throttle, camber induced velocity, engineered without compromise and driven 8.6 501 226 12 490 7 4 Ultra BNPRS86E2
without fear by riders with the same obsession for winning. This year’s evolution 9.5 525 240 36 490 7 5 Ultra BNPRS95E2
is an even more refined engine; It’s lighter, stronger, easier to control, and quicker 10.0 540 248 10 530 7 5 Ultra BNPRS00E2
off the mark. And in light wind, you’ve still got enough acceleration and drive to 10.7 557 258 28 530 7 5 Ultra BNPRS10E2
burn a hole in the water. 12.0 577 278 48* 530 7 5 Ultra BNPRS12E2
RS:Racing EVOII, leave the rest of the world behind whenever you feel like it.

You can’t go to work with a bad back.

The anatomy of the Matrix masts.

NeilPryde Matrix masts take their inspiration from you. Just as the human spine
forms the critical load centre for body movement and posture, a good mast acts
as a pivotal vertebrae to the sail, maintaining optimum aerofoil with stable,
clean and predictable power. Out there, it’s the difference between a
wing and a prayer.

Stiffness, strength, flexibility and sensitivity. Almost impossibly,

Matrix is all of these and more. Matrix masts are hard-wired
with Progressive Flex Bend Curve - a kind of artificial
intelligence built in to react dynamically to changes
in wind strength and direction. Matrix shares your
instinct for self preservation, only it’s reflexes
are faster than yours. Now, even in the
worst conditions, it’s nice to know you
are not alone.

Before you swear

your allegiance, you need
to understand the code:
X3: Strength, durability and
performance with economy.
X6: A step up from the X3 with lighter
materials reducing weight and increasing
performance. X9: Our most advanced mast
series with the highest performance possible.
All 370-400-430 Matrix series masts are also
available in RDM (reduced diameter).

Because every one of our sails is engineered around a

specific flex curve and rigidity, you are correct in thinking
that optimum performance comes when NeilPryde sails and
NeilPryde masts are combined. Together, you’ll get “the feeling”
at a whole new level. Besides, your kit looks a whole lot better, too.


Over the years NeilPryde has developed the “Progressive Flex” bend curve to truly 2. The defined taper of the mast improves its responsiveness and dynamic
maximise sail performance. Twist is one of the most important characteristics of sail performance. It does this by progressively flexing depending on the wind strength
design, and the “Progressive Flex” bend curve allows the sail to twist as dynamically and the amount of load in the rig.
and efficiently as possible.
Simply speaking, as the wind strength increases, a sail will twist and the mast will bend
NeilPryde’s “Progressive Flex” bend curve maximises sail performance and twist in two ways: from the top downwards. In light winds, only the top of the sail will twist so maximum
power is available to the rider. In stronger winds, the sail twist will extend further
1. It combines a stiffer bottom section with a lightweight and responsive top section. down the leech to increase the level of control. The better a mast can progressively
A stiffer bottom section is required for draft stability and power, while the lightweight and react to changes in the wind speed, the better a sail can react giving the rider
responsive top section provides release in the head of sail for control. maximum power, control, stability and speed!!

- Standard outside diameter mast with high wall thickness
for durability
- Carbon content: 30% X3 WAVE 370 370 16 1.95 30% RMX3W37E2
- For those looking for a price-point, performance mast that has X3 WAVE 400 400 19 2.15 30% RMX3W40E2
great compatibility with all sails, in all conditions X3 WAVE 430 430 21 2.30 30% RMX3W43E2
X3 460 460 25 2.65 30% RMX3460E2
X3 490 490 29 2.85 30% RMX3490E2

- Reduced diameter mast with high wall thickness for durability

- Construction Process: Filament Winding
- Carbon content: 30%
- For those looking for a price-point, performance mast that has
great compatibility with all sails, in all conditions MASTS LENGTH/CM IMCS WEIGHT/KG CARBON CONTENT CODE
X3 WAVE 370 RDM 370 16 1.90 30% RMX3R37E2
X3 WAVE 400 RDM 400 19 2.45 30% RMX3R40E2
X3 WAVE 430 RDM 430 21 2.60 30% RMX3R43E2

- Outside diameter sized in between the X3 and X9 mast with a

moderate wall thickness
- Carbon content: 50%-100% (length specific)
X6 WAVE 370 370 16 1.90 50% RMX6W37E2
- For those looking for a high-performance mast that has
X6 WAVE 400 400 19 1.95 55% RMX6W40E2
great compatibility with all sails, in all conditions
X6 WAVE 430 430 21 2.00 65% RMX6W43E2
X6 460 460 25 2.00 80% RMX6460E2
X6 490 490 29 2.20 90% RMX6490E2
X6 520 520 32 2.40 100% RMX6520E2

- Reduced diameter (between X3 and X9 RDM) with a moderate

wall thickness
- Construction process: Filament Winding
- Carbon content: 50%
- For those looking for a high-performance mast that has MASTS LENGTH/CM IMCS WEIGHT/KG CARBON CONTENT CODE
great compatibility with all sails, in all conditions
X6 WAVE 370 RDM 370 16 1.70 50% RMX6R37E2
X6 WAVE 400 RDM 400 19 2.10 50% RMX6R40E2
X6 WAVE 430 RDM 430 21 2.30 50% RMX6R43E2

- Smaller outside diameter compared to X3 and X6 MASTS LENGTH/CM IMCS WEIGHT/KG CARBON CONTENT CODE
ranges for ideal strength / weight / reflex ratio
- Construction process: Pre-preg Carbon Fibre X9 ULTRAWAVE 370 370 16 1.30 100% RMX9W37E2
- Carbon content: 100% X9 ULTRAWAVE 400 400 19 1.50 100% RMX9W40E2
- For those who demand custom performance with no X9 ULTRAWAVE 430 430 21 1.65 100% RMX9W43E2
compromises X9 ULTRA430 430 21 1.53 100% RMX9U43E2
X9 ULTRA460 460 25 1.68 100% RMX9U46E2
X9 ULTRA490 490 29 1.75 100% RMX9U49E2
X9 ULTRA530 530 34 2.30 100% RMX9U53E2

- Reduced diameter mast

- Construction: Pre-preg Carbon Fibre
- Carbon content: 90%
- For those who demand excellence in both durability
and performance
X9 370 RDM 370 16 1.50 90% RMX9R37E2
X9 400 RDM 400 19 1.70 90% RMX9R40E2
X9 430 RDM 430 21 1.80 90% RMX9R43E2

Power Steering.
The 2010 boom series blows everything else out of the water.

One of the most visibly radical changes you’ll notice across the 2010 NeilPryde collection is the form of the
new ‘S’ shaped booms. The simple shape belies a complex intelligence. The new boom profile is engineered
to place drivers naturally closer to the sail, firmly in control with a more intuitive body position; The boom
shape also compensates for wind pressure change by dynamically assisting with a stable sail shape - when the
pressure arrives - relax, your boom knows how to handle it.

So with all this power, is it going straight to the head? The new Pressure Flow Forging head section
explodes a few myths around traditional construction methods for aluminum booms. Utilizing industry-
first pressure flow forging, the heads are produced with seamless material integrity and unprecedented
strength, rigidity and endurance for the most demanding riders.

Lighter. Stronger. Stiffer - ‘S’ booms are also available in the ‘new school’ head profile in 140cm and
160cm, in the X3 and X6 aluminum and hybrid series. And our X9 - the industry benchmark 100% carbon
boom, is delivered with new construction and new components for unsurpassed strength and durability,
now available with customized slalom and race tails. It’s almost too good to get wet, and you’ll cry if you
scratch it.

Every other boom seems obsolete in comparison.

Everything other boom IS obsolete in comparison.

S-shape profile
The clock has long been ticking for conventional boom design, and that’s
because the performance has been held hostage by simple physics. It’s simple
really; as wind pressure increases, a straight or convex boom effectively
becomes shorter as it bends in response to increasing sail load, making
the sail fuller, less efficient and harder to manage.
(Ask your forearms, they’ve been putting up with it for years).

Everybody make way for the new convention; the ‘S’ profile boom.
The unique shape commands the sail to retain its shape and
length whatever the breeze, providing a more stable and
predictable delivery, and more useable power.
The ‘S’ profile is standard this season across
the entire NeilPryde range, so everyone can
get their hands on it.



Pressure Flow Forging (X3/X6)

‘Pressure Flow Forging’ is an innovative technology that allows for shaping of exceptionally
stiff aluminum tubing. By applying this technology on all our Matrix X3 and X6 booms,
the NeilPryde R&D team have managed to create the lightest, strongest and most rigid
aluminum booms available on the market.

‘Pressure Flow Forging’ represents a real breakthrough in boom shaping as the metal is allowed to X3
‘flow’ rather than stretch into shape. Fluid is injected at very high pressure into the aluminum tube that
causes it to expand until it matches an external female mold. This process increases the density of the
aluminum in all areas and provides the ability to control wall thickness, allowing for the creation of
complex shapes that result in a far stronger head. Further, we chose to put the boom arms inside the
head tube and this results in an outside diameter of the head being increased and bringing a further
increase in rigidity and strength.
As a final production process, this already high tech piece is heat tempered to create highest
stiffness and strength.

X3 2010
40 X3 2009

X3 2010
35 X3 2009

X3 2010
15 X3 2009

X3 2010
5 X3 2009

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Boom deformation/cm
* Force equals fixed weight dropped from different heights (cm).

‘New School’ head profile

The first lesson.

For the first time ever, the new X3 and X6 aluminum and hybrid series booms are also 2010 New School
available in the ‘new school’ head profile in both the 140 and 160 series.
The somewhat anti-establishment shape ensures a comfortable ride with less fatigue
because your body position is altogether more natural. Pay attention please.

Now, your wrists are aligned with your forearms regardless of where you hold the boom,
meaning your hands are no longer overstretched, forced or twisted. The pupil becomes
the master: when gusts exhort their authority, the new boom profile gives you the right
to answer back with your leading hand more naturally closer to the mast, giving you
unprecedented control and confidence. Lesson over.


X3 arms made of T6 series alloy New boom lever

X6 arms made of 5K series alloy Reduced surface area
Higher level of heat treatment attained, creating Lighter weight
stiffer and stronger arms.
Improved corrosion resistance in salt water
28mm Handgrip diameter on all 140 & 160
booms - maximum control and comfort
30mm Handgrip diameter on all 180, 200, 225
& 260 – optimum stiffness and performance

VT joint lateral locating button VT- Joint:

Locates VT joint side to side on the boom head and Standard on all NeilPryde booms
prevents side to side movement, while allowing The VT-Joint provides a stiffer boom
articulation. connection and a more responsive
transmission of the sail’s power while
protecting the mast.

Twin-pin lever actuated trim lock Nylon slide plugs in tail extensions
adjustment system Reduces friction with boom arm and ensure
Featured on all booms for ease of adjustment smooth adjustability
(except the X9 race booms). The Twin-Pin design
provides optimal load distribution and a stiff
connection between the boom body and tail end.

Mast Shim Harness line SCALE

All 140 and 160 booms are delivered with a For easy harness lines adjustment
RDM mast shim.

The Mast Cup

The mast cup interior of the VT-Joint creates a V shape that accommodates
variation in standard mast diameters without the need for a shim.
The V shape provides a second point of contact between the cup and the mast
creating a tighter connection and a greater transmission of power.
Slightly thinner masts simply sit further into the V while fatter ones sit lower down.

X3 – Oversized mast cup in glass fibre reinforced injection moulding

X6 – Oversized mast cup in carbon fibre reinforced injection moulding
X9 – Oversized mat cup in forged carbon composite material

T-Joint VT-Joint

X9 Custom Tails
Customized tails for Slalom and Racing booms.
Hollow box section tubes.
Square profile.
Increased torsional rigidity.
Optimized performance / weight ratio.

Slalom Racing

180-200 180-200 225-260 225-260

Aluminum Boom
For those looking for a price-point, stiff, performance oriented aluminum boom

‘Pressure Flow Forged’ aluminum Head

Monocoque Aluminum Tail Extension
T6 series alloy arms
S-Shape profile
Oversized Mast cup in glass fibre reinforced injection moulding
‘New School’ profile available in the 140 & 160

Boom / length Adjust / cm Arm diameter / mm Adjustment RDM Mast Shim Code
X3 140-190 50 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX3140E2
X3 160-210 50 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX3160E2
X3 180-230 50 30 Twin pin lever - RBX3180E2
X3 200-250 50 30 Twin pin lever - RBX3200E2
X3 225-275 50 30 Twin pin lever - RBX3225E2
New School
X3 140-190 50 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX314WE2
X3 160-210 50 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX316WE2

X6 Aluminum/Carbon Hybrid Boom

For those looking for enhanced performance achieved by hybrid construction

‘Pressure Flow Forged’ aluminum Head

Monocoque Carbon Tail Extension
5K series alloy arms
S-Shape profile
Oversized Mast cup in carbon fibre reinforced injection moulding
‘New School’ profile available in the 140 and 160 lengths (X6C)

Boom / length Adjust / cm Arm diameter / mm Adjustment RDM Mast Shim Code
X6 140-190 50 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX6140E2
X6 160-220 60 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX6160E2
X6 180-230 50 30 Twin pin lever - RBX6180E2
X6 200-250 50 30 Twin pin lever - RBX6200E2
X6 225-275 50 30 Twin pin lever - RBX6225E2
New School
X6 140-190 50 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX614WE2
X6 160-220 60 28 Twin pin lever √ RBX616WE2

All Carbon Boom

For those who demand the ultimate in performance with no compromises

Monocoque Carbon Boom body

Monocoque Carbon Tail Extension
S-Shape profile
Oversize Mast cup in forged carbon composite material for
lightweight and stiffness
225 & 260 sizes come supplied with an adjustable outhaul
system for maximum tuning range

Boom / length Adjust / cm Arm diameter / mm Adjustment RDM Mast Shim Code
X9 140-190 50 28 Twin-Pin Lever √ RBX9140E2
X9 160-220 60 28 Twin-Pin Lever √ RBX9160E2
X9 180-230 50 30 Twin-Pin Trim - RBX9180E2
X9 200-260 60 30 Twin-Pin Trim - RBX9200E2
X9 225-285 60 30 Twin-Pin Trim - RBX9225E2
X9 260-320 60 30 Twin-Pin Trim - RBX9260E2

Locked and Loaded.
Is that a gun in your luff pocket? it’s laughable. Matrix comes in two levels of
firepower; X6 MXT & UXT, our highest calibre
Few things instill confidence more than knowing with uncompromising build quality, and X3 UXT -
you have unlimited power on your side when you made with more affordable hardware. Both levels
need it. When the weather asks the question, are engineered for compatibility with Neil Pryde
Matrix gives you the answer with both barrels. masts, and the RDM-MXT is our reduced diameter
Covert, efficient and capable, Matrix is all fast profile extensions design specifically to load into
action - reducing your rigging time and effort RDM masts. Now more than ever, you’re ready...
substantially and ultimately minimizing the
necessary evil of set up on shore. After all, there’s On big wave days; when you are a tiny
not a moment to waste - “kid, you’re a long time courageous blade of wheat in a field of merciless
looking at the lid”. combine harvesters...
On big wind days; when you are an off-form
Fear not; Matrix stands strong in any weather. It’s bantam-weight boxing one-armed against the
buil t to tirelessly resist the most punishing extremes with super heavies...
super durable and precise aluminum castings, stainless
hardware and premium lines, and our proprietary On these, and every other day - take Matrix with you.
“clamshell’ system makes base adjustment so simple You’ll give up before it does.


Stainless Pulleys Anti-Chafe Pin UXT System Marlow Rope

Stainless pulleys for less friction and A steel pin under the plastic bridge (right Button for universal pin system High quality pre-stretched
greater durability. above the clam cleat) stops the plastic chafing. marlow rope.


Strong Integrated Pulley Rope Cleat Large Release Mono-Button Formula Line Rope
Monococque load carrying stainless caste The rope cleat has been integrated into For a secure, heavy-duty connection and Endurance tested highest grade spectra
structure – transfers load directly from the the stainless caste structure for streamlined ease of operation. rope for best performance, reduced
pulleys onto the extension tube without profile and maximum strength. friction and longevity.
relying on any plastic components.


• Enables MXT Extension to be
used with a UXT Power Base. • Easy, user friendly operation in all temperatures.
• Heavy duty stainless steel construction – designed to sustain high loads.
• A X6 version with permanently • Positive engagement - completely unaffected by sand.
fitted adapter is also available • Increased tube strength due to the absence of any grooves.



For use with X3,X6 and X9 Standard Diameter Masts.

X3 UXT 34 REUX334

X3 UXT 48 REUX348

For use with X3,X6 and X9 Standard Diameter Masts.

X6 MXT 34 REMX634
X6 MXT 48 REMX648

X6 UXT 34 REMUX634
X6 UXT 48 REMUX648
Adapter permanently fitted.


Adapter converts any MXT extension to UXT.

For use with X3,X6 and X9 Reduced Diameter Masts.



34cm 18cm

Lightweight, yet heavy-duty way to extend the mast while maintaining

the optimum bend curve on standard diameter masts.


• Fin box mast base system with urethane tendon, used by most
professional sailors.
• Universal Pin or MXT release system. Power U-Base RPUB
• Low profile.
• Wide surface area contacting board for better load distribution.
Power M-Base RPM
• Grip padded plate for shock absorption and
scratch protection of board deck.
Power U-Base Power M-Base


• Allows you to tune your rig as easily while sailing as you can
when on the beach – regardless of the type of NeilPryde
boom you use.
• Maximizes the tuning range of your sails. An absolute
essential for racing or large freerace sails. Outhaul Kit RAOKUNI
• Designed to be used on any X3, X6 or X9 boom.

Detailed installation instructions included.

PU leather finish Key pocket and waterproof pouch Wide adjustment range


Wave and freestyle sailors tend to prefer a waist harness because it The seat harness is preferred by freeride, slalom and speed sailors
offers freedom of movement and a high degree of manoeuvrability. because it offers more leverage over the rig and is better suited to
Individual body shape is important when selecting a waist harness and highspeed sailing on flat water. The low position of the hook allows
particular attention should be paid to comfort around the ribs. you to literally sit down on your harness and use all your body weight
The moulding on the 3D Waist X-Over Harness gives a greater degree of against the pull of the rig. It is the level of comfort when hooked in that
lower back support making it the ideal choice for freemove and freeride is crucial when selecting a seat harness.
sailing while the Pro Waist Harness is slightly shorter in height, which The X-Over seat harness allows the hook height to be adjusted up or
may be preferable for those looking for maximum freedom of movement down. This feature combined with increased back support gives you a
in wave and freestyle. seat harness with maximum versatility in your choice of hook height.
The hook can be raised for high wind conditions or when just learning
to use a harness. As rider experience and sail size increases, the hook
can be lowered for greater leverage over the power of the rig.


The unique technology used in the 3D Waist To closely match the shape of the hips and the
Harness enables the 3 outside layers (PE board seated area, and provide maximum comfort
for structure, closed cell foam for support, PU and support, NeilPryde’s seat harnesses
leather for durability) to be moulded together to are split between 2-layer and 3-layer
form a single layer. This reduces both the weight constructions in the back and sides of the
and water consumption allowing the harness harness respectively. This split construction
to become more compact and to hold a better allows the harness to completely wrap
form, resulting in a greater level of support and around the hip or seated area. Strategically
comfort. placed front and back seams between the
The key area of shaping and support in a waist harness is the lower back. constructions further improve the shaping of the harness.
The 3D Waist Harness gives maximum support for the lower back through the
raised 3D moulded cushion on the outer layer. Dynamic support is provided through the very close fit of the harness.

Dynamic Support is provided through: • 2-Layer construction including pre-shaped EVA

• The harnesses close match to the concave shape foams around the seated area provide maximum
of your back. fit, support and comfort. Additional inner shaping
• Lower back support cushion moulded into the points lock onto the hips to further improve the fit
lower back region of the outside of the harness. of the harness.
• The Vertebrae Support Cushion moulded into the
lower back region of the outside of the harness.

• 3-Layer construction on the side panels includes

PE board to help diffuse the force from the
harness attachment points.
• Outer layer of woven material provides durability.

3D Waist Pro Harness Standard GNPA9002 AutoRelease GNPA9012

• Ideal for use in waves and freestyle.

• Maximum dynamic support through NeilPryde’s 3-layer 3D Shaping.
• Non water absorbent PU leather finish for light weight and durability.
• Closed cell, padded neoprene finished edges for ultimate comfort.
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing. Sizes US: XXS XS S M L XL XXL
• Moderate height for freedom of movement while offering support. Sizes Euro: 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
• 360° Powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support.
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch. Colour 1: Black/Silver
• Elastic Webbing pockets. Colour 3: Silver/Red C3
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 5: Silver/Dark Purple C5

3D Waist X-Over Standard GNPA9004 AutoRelease GNPA9014

• Ideal for use in waves, freestyle, or general freeride cruising.
• Comfort support through shaping of the harness and an inside PE Board layer.
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing.
• Smooth finish neoprene outside edge for comfort. C1
• Moderate height, a little bit more than the Waist Pro, means greater
freedom of movement while still offering support. Sizes US: XXS XS S M L XL XXL
• 360° powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support. Sizes Euro: 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch.
• Elastic Webbing pockets. Colour 1: Black/Silver
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 3: Black/Red

2D Waist Harness Standard GNPA9003 AutoRelease GNPA9013

• Ideal for use in waves, freestyle, or general freeride cruising.
• Comfort support through shaping of the harness and an inside PE Board layer.
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing.
• Smooth finish neoprene outside edge for comfort.
• Moderate height for freedom of movement while offering support.
• 360° powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support. Sizes US: XXS XS S M L XL XXL
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch. Sizes Euro: 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
• Elastic Webbing pockets.
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 1: Black/Silver C1

Comfort Waist Harness Standard GNPA0003 AutoRelease GNPA0013

• Ideal for use in waves, freestyle, or general freeride cruising.
• Comfort support through shaping of the harness and an inside PE Board layer.
• Shaped EVA foam build in on back minimise ride while sailing.
• Smooth finish neoprene outside edge for comfort. C7
• Moderate height for freedom of movement while offering support. Sizes US: XXS XS S M L XL XXL
• 360° powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support. Sizes Euro: 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch.
• Elastic Webbing pockets. Colour 1: Black/Silver
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 7: Black/Gold

ONE Waist Harness Standard GNPA9005

• A purpose made harness designed to suit the smaller frame of youth sailors.
• Ideal for use in waves, freestyle, or general freeride cruising.
• Comfort support through shaping of the harness and an inside PE Board layer.
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing.
• Smooth finish neoprene outside edge for comfort.
• 360° powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support.
• Elastic Webbing pockets. Sizes: S (6-8 years) 18-21 kg
• Large adjustment range to allow for growth. M (9-11 years) 21-26 kg
• Suitable for boys and girls. L (12-14 years) 26-35 kg
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps.
• 20cm Standard Curve Spreader Bar. Colour 6: Black/Beige

3D Waist Lady Standard GNPAW9002 AutoRelease GNPAW9012

• A purpose made harness with increased shaping designed to suit the frame of female sailors.
• Smaller fit.
• Ideal for use in waves, freestyle, or general freeride cruising.
• Maximum dynamic support through NeilPryde’s 3 layer 3D Shaping. C2
• Non water absorbent PU leather finish for light weight and durability.
• Closed cell, padded neoprene finished edges for ultimate comfort.
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing.
• Moderate height for freedom of movement while offering support. Sizes US: S M L
• 360° Powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support. Sizes Euro: 36-38 38-40 40-42
• Elastic Webbing pockets.
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch. Colour 2: Silver/Purple C3
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 3: Silver/Red

2D Waist Lady Standard GNPAW9003 AutoRelease GNPAW9013

• A purpose made harness designed to suit the frame of female sailors.

• Smaller fit.
• Ideal for use in waves, freestyle, or general freeride cruising.
• Comfort support through shaping of the harness and an inside PE Board layer. C2
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing.
• Smooth finish neoprene outside edge for comfort.
• Moderate height for freedom of movement while offering support. Sizes US: S M L
• 360° powerstrap for flex limitation and additional support. Sizes Euro: 36-38 38-40 40-42
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch.
• Elastic Webbing pockets. Colour 2: White/Purple
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 3: White/Red

Seat Harness Standard GNPB9001 AutoRelease GNPB9011

• Ideal for use in racing.

• Low hook position for maximum leverage on the rig.
• Small outline harness with lightweight construction for maximum freedom of movement. C1
• Comfort support is provided through the shaping and close fit to the body. Inside
layer of soft EVA foam ribs on the back, pre-moulded EVA foam ribs around the hips.
• Soft neoprene outside edge for comfort.
• Clip in leg straps made of smooth neoprene for minimum wear and maximum
• Perfect fitting of leg straps made for maximum freedom of movement.
Sizes Euro: 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch.
• Elastic Webbing pockets.
Colour 1: Black/Silver
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. C6
Colour 6: Black/Beige

Seat Harness X-Over AutoRelease GNPB9013

• Ideal for use in freeride sailing, and for those looking for increased back support in a seat harness.
• Adjustable hook height and lightweight construction for wide range of use and comfort.
• Adjustable back support straps for increasing back support if necessary.
• Comfort support is provided through the shaping and close fit to the body. C6
• Inside layer of soft EVA foam ribs on the back, pre-moulded EVA foam ribs around the hips.
• Soft EVA foam ribs minimise ride while sailing.
• Soft neoprene outside edge for comfort.
• Clip in leg straps made of smooth neoprene for minimum wear and maximum
comfort. Sizes US: XXS XS S M L XL XXL
• Perfect fitting of leg straps made for maximum freedom of movement. Sizes Euro: 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
• Key pocket and waterproof key pouch.
• Elastic Webbing pockets. Colour 1: Black/Silver
• Includes replaceable hook attachment webbing straps. Colour 6: Black/Beige


Standard Curve GNPC1002 AutoRelease Curve GNPC2004

For use with waist harness For use with waist harness
Sizes: XS-20cm S-25cm M-30cm L-35cm Sizes: S-25cm M-30cm L-35cm

Standard Straight GNPC1004 AutoRelease Straight GNPC2005

For use with seat harness For use with seat harness
Sizes: S-25cm M-30cm L-35cm Sizes: S-25cm M-30cm L-35cm

• Fast and easy way to get in and out of your harness.
• Locks securely, won’t open when sailing.
• Smooth finish with no sharp edges.
• Interchangeable with Standard Hook on all NeilPryde waist and seat harnesses.

Getting hooked has never been easier!

With the lever in the mid-open position the

ratchet slides easily into place.

As the lever is closed the ratchet locks in and

the lever grips the bar securely creating a positive
lock to prevent it from opening whilst sailing.

Simply open the lever fully to release the ratchet and

remove the harness without undoing the webbing straps.




3D WAIST PRO, XXS / 44 68-73 26-28 20 Std C / 25 Auto C

3D WAIST X-OVER & XS / 46 71-78 28-30 25 C
2D WAIST HARNESS S / 48 76-83 30-32 25 C
COMFORT WAIST HARNESS M / 50 81-88 32-34 30 C
L / 52 86-93 34-36 30 C
XL / 54 91-98 36-38 35 C
XXL / 56 96-103 38-40 35 C

ONE WAIST HARNESS S 6-8 years 52-56 20-22 20 C

M 9-11years 56-61 22-24 20 C
L 12-14 years 57-64 22.5-25 20 C

3D WAIST LADY & S / 36-38 63-70 25-27 20 Std C / 25 Auto C

2D WAIST LADY HARNESS M / 38-40 70-76 27-29 25 C
L / 40-42 76-82 29-32 25 C

SEAT HARNESS & XXS / 44 68-73 26-28 25 S

SEAT HARNESS X-OVER XS / 46 71-78 28-30 25 S
S / 48 76-83 30-32 25 S
M / 50 81-88 32-34 30 S
L / 52 86-93 34-36 30 S
XL / 54 91-98 36-38 35 S
XXL / 56 96-103 38-40 35 S

Sizing is indicative only. Waist measurement is taken at the belly button position. NeilPryde recommend that all harnesses are tried on to confirm fit prior to purchase.

Fixed Harness Line GNPD9001 Pro Footstrap GNPE9001
• Low stretch rope with a tough trans • Multi-purpose, adjustable footstrap for
parent tube cover. use in wave and crossover conditions.
• Classic Velcro closure system - neoprene
cover with optional length position.
• Fine yet durable neoprene plus
additional foam provides extra comfort.
• High-density webbing sewn to PE
stiffener provides good stand-up
• Plastic moulding for screw mount and
anti-twist function.
• Neoprene covered multiple screw hole
• 2 pieces per set.

Colour: Black/Grey
Length: 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Travel Fixed Harness Line GNPD9002 Vario Footstrap GNPE9002

• Low stretch rope with a tough transparent • Multi-purpose, easily adjustable footstrap
tube cover. for use in changeable conditions i.e.
• Lines are detachable without removing booties vs. no booties, or family use
the back-end of the boom. where quick adjustments required.
• Quick Release Stainless Steel Ring on • Easy strap-length adjustment from outside
both sides of Harness line for easy - no need to open neoprene cover.
attachment and detachment. Simply • Fine yet durable neoprene plus additional
loop webbing through the ring and go! foam provides extra comfort.
• Fixed length. • High-Density webbing plus PE stiffener
provides good stand-up function.
• Neoprene covered multiple screw hole
• Suitable for wave, crossover / freeride
Colour: Black/Grey • 2 pieces per set.
Length: 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Vario Harness Line GNPD9003 Race Footstrap GNPE9007

• Low stretch rope with a tough transparent • Lightweight and stiff footstrap designed
tube cover. for racing.
• Neoprene covered adjustment buckle to • Stiffness provided through minimum
protect the hands. material.
• Stiffened PE board to prevent unwanted • Fine yet durable neoprene provides extra
swing. comfort.
• Adjustable length with pull handle for • Multiple screw hole adjustment system:
easier function on both sides of the loop. Footstrap is only adjustable by changing
No asymmetrical loop in the shortest position in the screw holes.
length. • Suitable for race conditions.
• 2 pieces per set.

Colour: Black/Grey
Length: 20-26 24-30

Travel Vario Harness Line GNPD9004 Race Vario Harness Line GNPD9005

• Low stretch rope with a tough transparent • Low stretch rope with a tough
tube cover. transparent tube cover.
• Stiffened PE board to prevent unwanted swing. • Stiffened PE board to prevent
• Lines are detachable without removing the unwanted swing.
back-end of the boom. • Adjustment system with “release loop”
• Quick Release Stainless Steel Ring on and pull handle for easier adjustment
both sides of line for easy attachment & while sailing.
detachment. Simply loop webbing through
the ring and go!
• Neoprene covered adjustment buckle to
protect the hands.
• Adjustable length with pull handle for
easier function on both sides of the loop.
N o asymmetrical loop in the shortest length.

Colour: Black/Grey
Colour: Black/Grey Length: 20-26 24-30 Length: 22-28 28-34

Uphaul Rope GNPF1001 Roof Rack Pad
• Extremely light. • Velcro closure for use with oval or round
• Doesn’t swing. racks.
• Secure ribbon to keep fabric cover and
tubular foam together.
• Two pads per set.

GNPF1006 - 44cm
GNPF9006 - 82cm

Uphaul Rope Deluxe GNPF1002 Roof Rack Pad Deluxe GNPF9007

• Comfortable and easy grip through • Non-slip, abrasion proof strip on the top
increased diameter tubular foam sections. side.
• Doesn’t swing. • Zip closure.
• Fits on different roof racks, especially on
the larger “oval” diameter bars.
• Two pads per set.

Boom Protector GNPF2003 Heavy Duty Roof Rack Strap GNPF9008

• Boom protector for impact protection of the • Heavy Duty metal buckle for maximum
board and boom lever. security.
• New shape for closer fitting of the boom • Foam padding under buckle for protection.
head offering greater protection than ever • Two pieces per set.
• 3D moulded finish, 1cm foam padding and
woven material exterior for improved
• Connection option for Mast Shell.

Mast Base Protector GNPF2004 Basic Roof Rack Strap GNPF9009

• Pre-formed protection for your toes. • Metal buckle for load security.
• Improved shaping locks protector in place • Foam padding under buckle for protection.
to limit movement and keep it flush on the • Two pieces per set.
• Woven material finish for greater comfort
and durability.

T-Boom Protector GNPF9005 Car Seat Cover GNPF9001

• 28 cm Mast Shell for impact protection from • Multi size fitting through stretch fabric
catapults for the boardnose. zones.
• Fixed to the Boom Protector for maximum • Easy installation.
possible protection for boom, mast and • Even fit seats with arm rests.
board. • Should not be used with seats outfitted
• Foam padding and woven material exterior with built in air bags.
for improved protection. • Two pieces per set.

Dimensions: 65 x 35 x 33 cm Dimensions: 83 x 40 x 33 cm
Capacity: 75 Litres Capacity: 109 Litres
C1 C1
Weight: 3.0 kg Weight: 6.0 kg

Equipment Bag Wave GNPF9010 Equipment Bag Race GNPF9011

• Holds wave fins, extensions, bases, screwdrivers etc. • Holds wave fins, extensions, bases, screwdrivers etc.
• Quick and easy access to bag contents through extra large main opening. • Quick and easy access to bag contents through extra large main opening.
• Large internal capacity, fully lined with water resistant tarpee. • Large internal capacity, fully lined with water resistant tarpee.
• 1 easy access external pocket plus 3 internal pockets. • 1 easy access external pocket plus 3 internal pockets and mutiple pockets on
• Separate tarpee storage compartment for wetsuits. inside of top flap for maximum storage.
• Abrasion resistant PVC on external corners for added durability. • Separate tarpee storage compartment for wetsuits.
• Holds wave fins, extensions, bases, screwdrivers etc. • Wheels for easier transport.

Multi 3: 265 x 17.5 x 16 cm Weight: 1.5 kg C1
Multi 5: 295 x 23.5 x 22 cm Weight: 2.0 kg

Mast Bag Multi Mast Bag Multi 3 GNPF9012 Mast Bag Multi 5 GNPF9013

• Multi 3 - Holds up to three 2 pcs masts from 370 – 490 cm.

• Multi 5 - Holds up to five 2 pcs masts from 370 – 530 cm.
• Non-slip shoulder strap.
• Triangular shaped bag for easier packing and “sitting”.

Boom Bag 160: 172 x 58 x 16 cm Weight: 2.8 kg
Boom Bag 200: 210 x 58 x 16 cm Weight: 3.0 kg
Boom Bag 260: 270 x 65 x 18 cm Weight: 3.8 kg

Boom Bag Boom Bag Wave 160 GNPF9015 Boom Bag Standard 200 GNPF9014 Boom Bag Formula 260 GNPF9016

• Boom Bag Wave 160 – Holds up to 4 pcs 160-210*. • Extra wide front for bulky front-end piece with reinforced PE Board for protection.
• Boom Bag Standard 200 – Holds up to 3 pcs 200-250 + 2 smaller size booms*. • Top loading function for easy packing.
• Boom Bag Formula 260 – Holds up to 3 pcs 260-310 + 2 smaller size booms*. • Adjustable internal strap to secure booms in place.
• Carry handles.
*Sizes based on booms taken from the current NeilPryde collection.

Standard: 200 cm x 35 cm x 25 cm Weight: 2.5 kg C1
Formula: 305 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm Weight: 3.3 kg

Quiver Sail Bag Quiver Sail Bag Standard GNPF9017 Quiver Sail Bag Formula GNPF9018

• Standard - Holds up to 5 racing or 7 wave sails.

• Formula - Holds up to 5 racing sails.
• Standard Bag extends at one end for additional length and capacity (plus 95 x 25 x 20cm).
• Shoulder strap.
• Name card holder for easy identification.

255 cm x 40 cm x 42 cm Weight: 6.0 kg C1

Streamliner Freeride GNPF9020

• 2 separate zippered compartments. • Rubber carry handles.
• Sail compartment (255 x 40 x 35cm) to hold 4-6 sails with a maximum mast • Roof Rack Mountable: solid sliding roof rack strap tunnels allow the easy feeding
length of 490cm. of roof rack straps through the mast bag even when fully loaded.
• Padded Mast compartment on the bottom fits 3 masts in manufacturers bags with • Name card holder for easy identification.
a maximum mast length of 490cm.

254 cm x 56 cm Weight: 9.0 kg C1

All in One Bag GNPF9023

• 3 separate zippered compartments to fit: • Heavy duty wheels and reinforced padded bottom.
• 4-5 sails with a maximum mast length of 460cm. • Rubber carry handles.
• 3 masts in manufacturers bags max: up to 460cm. • Roof Rack Mountable: solid sliding roof rack strap tunnels allow the easy
• 3 booms max length of 1 boom up to 200cm. feeding of roof rack straps through the mast bag even when fully loaded.
• Name card holder for easy identification.


Available Sizes:
• 235 x 60 cm • 250 x 65 cm
• 240 x 60 cm • 250 x 70 cm BACK
• 240 x 65 cm • 255 x 70 cm
• 240 x 70 cm • 260 x 75 cm
• 245 x 65 cm • 260 x 80 cm
• 245 x 75 cm
Weight: 2.5 - 3.2 kg

Performer Single GNPG9001

• 8mm foam body for protection.
• Double padded nose and tail.
• Side rust proof zipper for easy access while on the roof of the car.
• Padded tarpee zipper guard.
• Fin slot with zipper.
• Detachable shoulder strap and carry handle for ease of transport.

Available Sizes:
• 235 x 60 cm
• 240 x 65 cm
• 245 x 70 cm
• 250 x 70 cm
• 250 x 80 cm
• 255 x 75 cm
Weight: 4 - 5 kg

Heavy Duty Single GNPG9003

• 10mm foam body. 15mm on nose and tail. • Padded tarpee zipper guard.
• Abrasion resistant material around bag edges, nose and tail for increased durability. • Detachable shoulder strap and carry handle for ease of transport.
• Large 10mm rust proof zipper. • Suitable for air travel.

Double Sizes:
• 240 x 60 cm - Wave Triple Sizes:
• 250 x 70 cm - Freestyle • 250 x 65 cm - Wave
• 260 x 80 cm - Freeride • 260 x 80 cm - Freeride
Weight: 10 - 14 kg Weight: 12 - 14 kg
Holds up to two boards or one Holds up to three boards or two
board plus booms and /or sails. boards plus booms and /or sails.

Heavy Duty Multi Heavy Duty Double GNPG9004 Heavy Duty Triple GNPG9005
• 10mm foam body. 15mm on nose and tail. • Two compression straps all around the bag.
• Durability of bag edges through outside frame of abrasion resistant material. • Adjustable internal strap to secure boards and equipment in place.
• Large 10mm rust proof zipper. • Three carry handles, nose, tail and middle, for ease of transport.
• Abrasion resistant material around bag edges, nose and tail for increased durability. • Offroad wheels for easy transport.
• Padded divider protection between the boards. • Suitable for air travel.


Use the diagram in conjunction with the size chart below to help
you choose the right size board bag to fit your board.

Match the five points(A-E) on the drawing with the corresponding

Width (cm)
200cm 40cm points on your board for an accurate measure of which bag is
right for you.

A = Length (cm)
B = Width 200cm from Tail
Body A C = Maximum Width Mid Point (cm)
Length (cm) D = Width 40cm from Tail
E = Maximum Height (cm)

Please note that the sizing of the board bags below is with reference
to the boards dimensions. Measurements of the actual bags are slightly
larger to accomodate the actual height and shape of the board.
Side Wall
Height (cm)


PERFORMER SINGLE 235/60 52 69 54 - Freestyle Wave Pro 10 78, 85. Polakow Twinser Wave Pro 10 74, 82. Quad Wave Pro 10 68, 74, 82, 92.
Slalom VI Pro 10 56, 59. Speed Pro 10 45, 49, 54. Twinser Wave Pro 10 63, 68, 74, 82, 92. Wave Pro 10 69, 75, 83.
Young Gun 85 ES 10. Young Gun Freestyle ES 10. Young Gun Wave ES 10.
240/60 54 71 56 - Freestyle 89 Pro 10. Freestyle Wave 93 Pro 10. Super Sport 58 V91 Pro 10. Wave 93 Pro 10.
240/65 59 75 62 - Freestyle 98 Pro 10. Freestyle Wave Pro 10 102, 112. Slalom VI 65 Pro 10. Super Sport 62 V100 Pro 10.
240/70 62 81 67 - Slalom VI 68 Pro 10.
250/65 65 77 62 - Fun Ride 100 ES 10. Super Sport 65 V109 Pro 10. X-Cite Ride FWS 10 100, 110
250/70 65 81 66 - Freestyle 107 Pro 10. Super Sport 69 V118 Pro 10. X-Cite Ride FWS 10 120, 130. Young Gun 115 ES 10.
255/70 72 84 75 - Fun Ride ES 10 110, 120, 130.
260/75 75 88 71 - Fun Ride 145 ES 10. Funster 145 ASA 10. Slalom VI 76 Pro 10. Super Sport 74 V127 Pro 10.
X-Cite Ride 145 FWS 10.
260/80 78 91 74 - Fun Ride 160 ES 10. Funster 160 ASA 10. Super Sport 79 V136 Pro 10. X-Cite Ride 160 FWS 10.

HEAVY DUTY SINGLE 235/60 49 63 47 11 Freestyle 89 Pro 10. Freestyle Wave Pro 10 78, 85. Polakow Twinser Wave Pro 10 74, 82. Quad Wave Pro 10 68, 74, 82, 92.
Slalom VI Pro 56, 59. Speed Pro 10 45, 49, 54. Twinser Wave Pro 10 63, 68, 74, 82, 92. Wave Pro 10 69, 75, 83.
Young Gun 85 ES 10. Young Gun Freestyle ES 10. Young Gun Wave ES 10.
240/65 53 69 52 13 Freestyle 98 Pro 10. Freestyle Wave Pro 93, 102, 112. Slalom VI 65 Pro 10. Wave 93 Pro 10.
245/70 57 73 54 13 Freestyle 107 Pro 10. Slalom VI 68 Pro 10. Super Sport 58 V91 Pro 10. Super Sport 62 V100 Pro 10.
Young Gun 115 ES 10.
250/70 66 82 62 13 Fun Ride 100 ES 10. Super Sport 65 V109 Pro 10. Super Sport 69 V118 pro 10. X-Cite Ride FWS 10 100, 110, 120, 130.
250/80 68 83 61 13 Slalom VI 76 Pro 10. Super Sport 74 V127 Pro 10.
255/75 67 77 60 13 Fun Ride ES 10 110, 120, 130. X-Cite Ride 145 FWS 10.

HEAVY DUTY DOUBLE 240/63 56 70 57 27 Freestyle 89 Pro 10 Freestyle Wave Pro 10 78, 85, 93, 102. Polakow Twinser Wave Pro 10 74, 82. Quad Wave Pro 10 68, 74, 82, 92.
Slalom VI Pro 10 56, 59. Speed Pro 10 45, 49, 54. Super Sport 58 V91 Pro 10. Super Sport 62 V100 Pro 10.
Twinser Wave Pro 10 63, 68, 74, 82, 92. Wave Pro 10 69, 75, 83, 93. Young Gun 85 ES 10. Young Gun Freestyle ES 10.
Young Gun Wave ES 10.
250/70 62 74 57 29 Freestyle Pro 10 98, 107. Freestyle Wave 112 Pro 10. Fun Ride 100 ES 10. Slalom VI Pro 10 65, 68.
Super Sport 65 V109 Pro 10. Super Sport 69 V118 Pro 10. X-Cite Ride FWS 10 100, 110, 120, 130. Young Gun 115 ES 10.
260/80 75 87 70 32 Fun Ride ES 10 110, 120, 130, 145, 160. Funster ASA 10 145, 160. Slalom VI 76 Pro 10. Super Sport 74 V127 Pro 10.
Super Sport 79 V136 Pro 10. X-Cite Ride FWS 10 145, 160.

HEAVY DUTY TRIPLE 250/65 60 74 53 32 Freestyle Pro 10 89, 98. Freestyle Wave Pro 10 78, 85, 93, 102, 112. Fun Ride 100 ES 10. Polakow Twinser Wave Pro 10 74, 82.
Quad Wave Pro 10 68, 74, 82, 92. Slalom VI Pro 10 56, 59, 65. Speed Pro 10 45, 49, 54. Super Sport 58 V91 Pro 10.
Super Sport 62 V100 Pro 10. Super Sport 65 V109 Pro 10. Twinser Wave Pro 10 63, 68, 74, 82, 92. Wave Pro 10 69, 75, 83, 93.
X-Cite Ride FWS 10 100, 110. Young Gun 85 ES 10. Young Gun Freestyle ES 10. Young Gun Wave ES 10.
260/80 77 86 65 32 Freestyle 107 Pro 10. Fun Ride ES 10 110, 120, 130, 145, 160. Funster ASA 10 145, 160. Slalom VI Pro 10 68, 76.
Super Sport 69 V118 Pro 10. Super Sport 74 V127 Pro 10. Super Sport 79 V136 Pro 10. X-CIte Ride FWS 10 120, 130, 145, 160.
Young Gun 115 ES 10

* This is not an extensive list of those boards that fit in the board bags, rather it is a list of 2010 JP boards that are a “confirmed” fit. It should be used as a guide only to give
an example of which boards with particular dimensions could fit the 2010 Board Bags. We reccommend you take your board with you when buying a board bag to confirm the fit.

Kevin Ozee and NeilPryde Maui team: Darby, Sobolev, Dana, Wendy, Rene, Shannon,
April from Sprecks, Cody and Andrea Young, Jerome Houyvet, Elliot Leboe,
Jace Panebianco, Milk NZ , Simon Crowther for additional photography
The Loft Team: Robert, Pieter, David, Derek, Jesper, Lovisa, Lawrence from Pacific Helicopter, Michael Stephen

NeilPryde Hong Kong: Charming, Roger, Man, Cathy and of course TeamPryde International

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