2ND lecture BBA,BCS
2ND lecture BBA,BCS
2ND lecture BBA,BCS
University of Khana-e-Noor
Faculty of BBA & Computer Science
•Subject: Mathematics-1
•Lecture: 2nd
•Lecturer: Noorullah Ibrahimkhel
•Email: Noorullahibrahimkhel96@gmail.com
During this topic you will learn to:
Understand the equivalence of fractions.
Simplify a fraction.
Change proper fractions to improper fractions.
Change improper to proper fractions
Add and Subtract fractions
Multiply and Divide fractions
1 2 3 3 14 4
2 5 9 12 35 8
2 4 8 19 25 25
6 12 16 76 75 70
2 5 30 1 9 33
8 15 75 4 18 99
49 4 2 4 3 5
98 6 4 10 7 9
Before we can look at adding fractions we
need to get some practice in finding
equivalent fractions.
So long as you multiply the top and the
bottom of a fraction by the same number
you will not change its size (because all you
are doing is multiplying by 1!)
2 4 8 2 8
e.g., x = so =
5 4 20 5 20
This is just 1 whole
Match up the fraction on the left with its
equivalent on the right.
2 19
5 57
3 12
7 28
1 24
3 60
4 24
9 64
3 84
8 189
An improper fraction is one where the
numerator (top number) is bigger than the
denominator (bottom number).
An improper fraction can also be
written as a mixed number. This means
a whole number and a fraction.
3 1
e.g. =1 = =1
2 2
15 3
= =3
4 4
If you can find equivalent fractions then
simplifying fractions should not be a problem.
Give me some equivalent fractions for:
Which one do you think is the simplest and
Simplifying a fraction just means finding an
equivalent fraction with the smallest numbers
To convert an improper fraction into a mixed
How many times does the denominator go
into the numerator ?
This is the whole number part.
The remainder is the numerator of the
fraction part.
38 2
= 4 9
5 21 5 26
3 7
3 x 7 = 21
What do you think the answer to this is:
We can’t just add numerators and denominators or
we end up saying 2 halves make a half
1 1 2 1
+ = =
2 2 4 2
2 3 2 7 14
e.g. = x =
5 7 5 3 15