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Point estimation
Let’s say you collected some data. What you really care about is the probability
distribution that underlies your data. But all you can do is sample a finite amount of data
from the distribution. So how do you estimate a parameter (e.g. mean, variance) of the
underlying distribution based on your sampled data? This process is known as
calculating a point estimate. Although a point estimate might be an unfamiliar term, you
are probably very used to calculating a point estimate for the mean or variance.

Example: Estimating the mean of the underlying normal distribution based on 20

data points (y1, y2,… y20).
µ = mean of the underlying distribution
µ̂ = our estimate of µ (the point estimate)
µ̂ = ∑ i
i 20
Notice that the estimated mean (usually) differs from the true mean:

∧ µ

Example: Estimating the variance of the underlying normal distribution based on 20

data points (y1, y2,… y20).
σ2 = variance of the underlying distribution
σ̂ 2 = our estimate of σ2 (the point estimate)

( yi − µˆ ) 2
σˆ 2 = ∑
i 20

When plotting error bars, scientists often choose between plotting the standard
deviation versus the standard error of the mean. What’s the difference? The standard
deviation is your estimate of the standard deviation of the actual underlying distribution.
The standard error of the mean, on the other hand, is your estimate of the standard
deviation of your measurement of the mean. Thus, the more points that go into your
measurement of the mean, the smaller the standard error of the mean should be. On the
other hand, the standard deviation should not depend on your sample size.
The first step of calculating either term is to calculate the point estimate of the
( yi − µˆ ) 2
σ =∑
ˆ 2

i N
N is the number of data points, yi are the data points themselves, and µ̂ is the
mean of the data points (i.e. point estimate of the mean).
In order to estimate the standard deviation (STD) of the underlying distribution,
take the square root of the estimate of the variance:
σˆ = σˆ 2
In order to estimate the standard deviation in your estimate of the mean, take the
standard error of the mean (SEM):
σˆ sem =
The more data you have (the larger N), the smaller the SEM. That’s because with
more data, you have a better (less variable) estimate of the mean. The STD, on the other
hand, does not change with the size of N.

Confidence intervals
Once you calculate a point estimate, how do you know how good an estimate of
your underlying data it really is? If you calculated a point estimate of a mean, the SEM is
one measure of how good your estimate is. But the confidence interval is a much more
general and powerful approach.
The confidence interval tells you the probability that the parameter of interest in
the underlying distribution falls within some interval. More specifically, if you have
taken a number of measurements of a parameter, the confidence interval will allow you to
specify a range that with 95% probability contains the true value of the parameter.
Let’s first consider the confidence interval of the mean when you have a
distribution of known variance. To calculate the confidence interval, we take advantage of
the Z distribution, which is simply a Normal (or Gaussian) distribution with mean of 0
and variance of 1.
The central 95% of the area under the Z distribution is between -1.96 and +1.96,
which can be expressed mathematically as
P(-1.96 < Z < 1.96) = 0.95 (A)
This central 95% region of the Z distribution is shaded below:
-1.96 1.96

If you want to know the confidence interval for the mean of a distribution, µ̂ , the
first step is to rewrite the Z distribution in terms of µ̂ . This is accomplished by first
subtracting the mean, µ , from µ̂ , so that the distribution is centered at 0, just like the Z
distribution. Then, by dividing by the standard error of the mean, the standard deviation
of the distribution becomes 1, just like the Z distribution.
µˆ − µ
Z= (B)
σ/ n
Combining equation (A) and (B), along with a little algebra, leads to:
σ σ
P( µˆ − 1.96 < µ < µˆ + 1.96 ) = 0.95
n n
This means that our confidence interval for the mean, µ , is µˆ ± 1.96 .A
confidence interval should be interpreted as follows: the probability that the
confidence interval for µ̂ covers the true µ is 95%.
The general form of a 100(1-α)% confidence interval for the mean is written as
µˆ ± zα / 2
The number zα / 2 , denotes the boundary of the central 100(1-α)% area of the Z
distribution, as depicted below. It can be looked up in a table in any stats book.

-zα/2 zα/2

In order to use the Z-distribution, you need to know the true variance of
underlying distribution. In reality, this is almost never the case. If you only have an
estimate of the variance, you can use the T-distribution instead. In that case, the
confidence interval for the mean would read as follows:
µˆ ± tα / 2,n −1
Unlike the Z-distribution, the T-distribution depends on the sample size n. The T-
distribution looks the same as the Z-distribution for large sample size (n>25), so in that
case it doesn’t matter which distribution you use.

Hypothesis Testing

Let’s say you are wondering if a coin is fair. You could calculate a point estimate for
the probability of heads, and calculate a confidence interval on that probability after
flipping the coin, say, 12 times. If the confidence interval does not overlap with 0.5, you
may be suspicious that the coin isn’t fair. But how do you know if you can reject the
hypothesis that the coin is fair? This is where hypothesis testing comes in.
The null hypothesis is that the coin is fair (p=.5). The probability distribution that
describes the null hypothesis is a binomial distribution with n=12 and p=.5. The
alternative hypothesis is that the coin is not fair (p≠.5). How many heads would we need
to observe in 12 trials to reject the null hypothesis? The convention is to select a cutoff
such that the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis is less than .05
In the plot below, we have displayed the null distribution for the probability if seeing
a certain # of heads in 12 coin flips. The shaded region on the edges of the distribution is
the rejection region for α=.05. The highlighted region is the outer 5% of the curve. If we
find between 3 to 9 heads, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. If we find 0-2 or 10-12
heads, we can reject the null hypothesis.
region for

There are 5 key steps to statistical hypothesis testing. These same steps are followed
regardless of the specific hypothesis being tested.

1. Select a statistical test

This chart is a list of some common statistical tests:
What you’re Assumptions Test Name Hypotheses Notes
Something about µ Normal z-test H0: µtest= µnull Use a two-tailed t-test if H1 is
distribution H1: µtest≠ µnull an inequality.
Variance known or µtest> µnull Use a one-tailed test if H1 is
directional (i.e. you have
or µtest> µnull
previous evidence which lets
you rule out one direction).

Something about µ Normal t-test H0: µtest= µnull Use a two-tailed t-test if H1 is
distribution H1: µtest≠ µnull an inequality.
Variance or µtest> µnull Use a one-tailed test if H1 is
unknown directional (i.e. you have
or µtest> µnull
previous evidence which lets
you rule out one direction).
# degrees of freedom =
How well does an n is larger than Pearson's H0: observed # degrees of freedom =
observed 30. chi-square distribution # categories – 1
frequency Expected test comes from
distribution of frequencies are predicted
certain events fit all larger than 5. distribution
the distribution H1: observed
Error is normally
predicted by the distribution
null hypothesis? doesn’t come
from predicted
Are all of the Everything is ANOVA H0: all µ’s are Based on idea that observed
means from normal and has equal value = average + variation
several equal variance H1: at least one within group + variation across
distributions the pair of µ’s are groups.
same? not equal (but Null hypothesis is that variation
DOESN’T tell across groups is 0
you which Degrees of freedom within
one) groups = sample size within a
group -1
Degrees of freedom between
groups = # groups -1

2. State the hypotheses: null & alternative

The null hypothesis is a hypothesis that you are testing. You want to know
whether or not you can disprove it, at a particularly confidence level, based on your
data. For example, for a t-test, the null hypothesis could be that the mean of your
distribution is 0 ( µ =0), while the alternative could be that the mean of your
distribution is not 0 ( µ ≠0).

3. Identify the test statistic under the null hypothesis

The relevant test statistic depends on what hypothesis you are testing. The chart
below shows some test statistics for some common statistical tests.

One sample z-test (testing if the

mean is different from a value; known µˆ − µ
variance) z=
σ/ n
One sample t-test (testing if the
mean is different from a value; µˆ − µ
unknown variance) t=
σˆ / n

Two sample t-test (testing for a

difference in the mean of 2 µˆ1 − µˆ 2
σˆ 2 / n1 + σˆ 2 / n2
x1 x2

One proportion z-test (testing if a

pˆ − p
population proportion is different from z=
a value) p(1 − p )

4. Determine the rejection region of the test statistic for the selected significance level
Among all the sets of possible values of the test statistic, we choose the values
that represent the most extreme evidence against the hypothesis, given some
significance level. The significant level, α, which is often set to .05, represents the
probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. Whatever significance level
you choose, you can look up the value of the test statistic for that significance level in
a table. For instance, as depicted by the shaded region below, if you are using a z-test
to test the null hypothesis that µ=0, the rejection region would be a test statistic >1.96
or <-1.96. (This follows from the fact that zα/2=1.96 for α=.05.)
α is the Rejection
probability of region:
incorrectly If α=.05,
rejecting the
z > zα/2 zα/2=1.96
null hypothesis z < -zα/2

Probability of z, assuming the null

hypothesis is true

-zα/2 zα/2
1- α
α/2 α/2

5. Calculate the value of the test statistic for the data set.
Calculate the value of the test statistics based on your data. The table above has
the formula for some common test statistics.

6. Determine whether or not the test statistic falls within the rejection region
Compare the value of the test statistic to the rejection region. If it’s in the
rejection region, you reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, you can’t reject the null

What about if you have multiple hypotheses about your data? For example, you
want to know about the following things:
1) did the dendrite change in size?
2) did the axon change in size?
3) are there more presynaptic terminals?
4) are there more postsynaptic terminals?

One possibility would be to test each hypothesis, one at a time. But this would
cause an error. If you set α=.05 for each hypothesis, and you have 4 independent tests,
you have a greater than 5% chance of incorrectly rejecting at least one of the 4
hypotheses. If they’re all actually true, you actually have a 18% chance to incorrectly
reject one of the null hypotheses!
An extremely simple correction to overcome this multiple hypothesis testing issue
is the “Bonferroni correction”. You divide the desired α level for the whole test by the
number of tests to get the corrected level of α for each test.
αbonf = α/n
There are many more sophisticated corrections that can also be used to take into
account multiple hypotheses. These tests exist in most statistical analysis packages, and
are preferable to the Bonferroni correction because they are less conservative. These less
conservative adjustments will result in a larger adjusted significance levels α, and
therefore you’ll be more likely to end up with significant results.
A common statistical test that can be useful if you have multiple situations that
you are comparing is the ANOVA (analysis of variance). It tests for effect of 1 or more
categories (or “factors”) on the mean value of the data. Each category may include 2 or
more conditions (or “groups”).

µa µb µc
Medication A
Medication B
Medication C

1-factor ANOVA tests whether all group means are the same.
Null hypothesis: µa = µb=µc
Alternative hypothesis: At least one pair is different.

In ANOVA, the total variance in the data is partitioned into two components:
across-groups: variance of the data across groups
within-groups: variance of the data within groups
If the across group variance is sufficiently larger than the within group variance,
you reject the null hypothesis that all means are equal. The ANOVA relies on the F-test,
which tests for differences in the ratio of variances.
For 2 factor ANOVA, there are 2 different factors that you are interested in.
For example: How does rodent lifespan depend on exercise and medication?
0 hr 1hr

A 2.5 3.0

B 2.7 2.7

C 5.0 6.3

The things the 2-way ANOVA would be testing are:

• Does exercise effect lifespan?
• Does medication effect lifespan?
• Is there an interaction between medication and lifespan? (Interaction means that
you cannot simply sum the influence of exercise and lifespan to predict the
lifespan. In other words, medication affects lifespan differently, depending on the
exercise level.)
In summary, we use an ANOVA to decide whether we can reject the null
hypothesis that all group means are equal. An important thing to keep in mind is that
even if we reject the null hypothesis, we still don’t know which pairs of means are
different from one another. Usually, to figure out which means are different, people
perform multiple hypothesis testing on the factor that ANOVA identifies as “significant”.

Independence & covariance

So far, we have discussed the probability distribution of a SINGLE random

variable. You can also have a probability distribution for multiple random variables,
which is known as a joint probability distribution. The sample probability distribution
below depends on both X and Y. In this case, you are most likely to observe a value of
both X and Y near 0 (because the distribution peaks at 0 for both variables).


What’s the probability distribution of X, given you already know the value of Y?
This probability is written mathematically as P(X=x|Y=y), and is known as a conditional
probability. For instance, let’s say you have a deck of cards. The probability you draw a
spade is ¼, i.e. P(draw a spade)= ¼ . But what’s the conditional probability you draw a
spade, given that you know the card is black?
P(draw a spade|black card) = ½

In order to calculate a conditional probability, you can use the following equation:
P( X = x, Y = y )
P( X = x | Y = y ) =
P(Y = y )
In words: the probability of X given Y is the probability of X and Y, divided by the
probability of Y.
As an example, consider the following joint probability distribution for X and Y
X 0 1 2 3
0 1/8 2/8 1/8 0

X 1 0 1/8 2/8 1/8

Let’s calculate P(X=1|Y=1). Based on the chart, P(X=1,Y=1)=1/8 and
P(Y=1)=2/8+1/8=3/8. Plugging in for Bayes’ rule, we end up with P(X=1|Y=1)=1/3. In
other words, if someone told us that Y is 1, then X has a 1/3 chance of being 1.

Two random variables X and Y are statistically independent if knowledge of the

value of X does not affect the probability distribution of Y (and vice versa)
Mathematically, X and Y are independent if the following statements are true.
P(X=x|Y=y) = P(X=x)
P(X=x,Y=y) = P(X=x) P(Y=y)

In the figure below, X and Y are dependent. That’s because if you know Y, that
will change the probability distribution for X.

y x

On the other hand, in the figure below, X and Y are independent. That’s because
if you know Y, that does not change the probability distribution for X.

y x
Correlation coefficient and regression

Another way of describing the relationship between two variables is the

covariance. It’s a measure of how much two variables change together. If X is larger
than average when Y is larger than average, and X is smaller than average when Y is
smaller than average, the covariance is positive. On the other hand, if X is smaller than
average when Y is larger than average, and X is larger than average when Y is smaller
than average, the covariance is negative. If they are independent, and X and Y have no
relation to each other, and the covariance is 0.
The correlation coefficient is closely related to the covariance; it’s just the
covariance normalized by the variance (so that it ranges from -1 to 1). It indicates the
strength and direction of a linear relationship between X and Y. In the plot below, the
variable r refers to the correlation coefficient.

r=0 r=.3

r=.6 r=.9

The linear regression is the line that minimizes the “least square error”: the sum
of squared deviations between the data and the fitted line.

y = β o + β1 x

How does the correlation coefficient relate to a linear regression? If r is the
correlation coefficient, then r2 is the proportion of observed y variation that can be
explained by a linear regression model. Mathematically,
r2 = 1 – (Model Variance)/(Total Variance)
(See plot below for definitions of Total and Model variance.) Often, people
report the value of r2 after fitting a regression model. If r2 is near 1, the model is a good fit
(it explains most of the variance in the data), while if r2 is near 1, you need to find a new
model, because it is not capturing much of the variance in the data.

Variance of vertical lines Variance of vertical

gives the variation under lines gives the total
the model variation in data
(Model Variance) (Total variance)

When is it appropriate to calculate the correlation coefficient, and when do you

take a linear regression?
• Use correlation coefficient to determine the strength of a linear association
between X and Y.
• Use linear regression when you want to use X as a predictor for Y. Unlike
correlation, it’s NOT symmetric between X and Y.

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