Akmolink plc gggg (1)
Akmolink plc gggg (1)
Akmolink plc gggg (1)
Jan, 2025
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PEIA For Mixed use, commercial
ACRONIMS .................................................................................................................................................... v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................................. vi
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Approach to the Study ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.1 Objective of the Study ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1.2 Methodology .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2 Environmental Scoping............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 Limitations ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3 LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Economic Development Policies and Strategies ...................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 The National Economic Development Strategy ................................................................................ 7
3.1.2 Ethiopian Investment Strategy ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Environmental Policies and Strategies ..................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Constitution ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 The Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia (CSE) ................................................................................ 10
2.2.3 The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia............................................................................................ 10
3.2.4. Sectoral Policies and Strategies ..................................................................................................... 11
National Health Policies and Strategies .............................................................................................. 11
3.2.5 Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy............................................................................. 12
3.2.6 Legislative Instruments.................................................................................................................. 12
Proclamation on institutional arrangements .......................................................................... 12
FDRE Proclamation on Environmental Impact assessment Pro.No 299/2002 ........................ 13
FDRE Proclamation on Environmental Pollution and Control Pro. No 300/2002 .................. 13
3.2.7 Environmental Impact Assessment Guideline Document ................................................. 13
Oromia Region Proclamation on Environmental Impact assessment Pro.No 176/2005 .......... 14
3.2.8. Ethiopia's Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), ........................................................ 14
4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 Background to the Project ...................................................................................................... 14
Background of the Project............................................................................................................ 14
4.1.1 Project Goal .................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.2 Location .......................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.3 Project Objectives and Justification ................................................................................. 15 Project Objectives .................................................................................................... 15
Project Specific objectives ....................................................................................................... 15
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EA Environmental Assessment
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In the recent decade, Ethiopia has experienced a boom in urban development curtailed by the
construction of numerous infrastructure projects encompassing: residential and housing
projects; mixed use establishments; recreational facilities, and other amenities. These have
all been in support or service to the growing population in the city and also economic
development in both macro and micro scales. Most of these projects tend to have generic
impacts with baselines withholding but having a cumulative impact on the natural resources
that the greater population depends on. The project will be creates job for 35 workers
permanently by 100 million ETB birrs on 2000m2 of land provided by City administration.
The most beneficiary of the project is the youth who are eager to get the job. The gender
imbalance will be not considered and the opportunities will be equal for all, but the ladies
have pre-opportunities to be deployed within the services.
The proposed of this project is to conduct ESIA Study report for construction of mixed use
build that will involve a service development. The project shares impact similar to the most
construction ditto urban development projects, and are thus manageable through the
proposed ESIA that was developed commensurate to the assessment of its impact in this
The major objective of the assessment was to evaluate the effects/impacts of proposed
development in relation to the general environmental aspects i.e. physical, biological, and
social- economic environments. It aims at influencing the protection and co-existence of the
development with the surroundings as well as the compatibility of the proposed development
to the area; to ensure and enhance sustainable environmental management during
implementation and operational phases
The methodology used follows the conventional pattern for mixed use project of ESIA study
and meets the requirements of EPA’s Environmental Impact Assessment guideline. Data
collection both from primary and secondary sources; identification and analysis of
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significant environmental issues on the basis of those data; choosing mitigation and
enhancement measures; and developing environmental protection, monitoring and
management plans are the methodological approaches followed in conducting the EIA study
Direct, indirect and cumulative impacts are addressed. These impacts are further divided
according to their nature into negative or positive; random or predicted; ESIA Temporary
or permanent (reversible or irreversible) and short term or long term. The project is
characterized by short term and marginal impacts.
The major positive impacts of the proposed project are mainly those of economic benefits at
the national, regional and local level due to creation of ESIA Employment as well as
technology and capacity building for the citizens, while the major adverse impacts are
workers occupational safety and health cases. There is a need that, the project promoter
undertakes overall responsibility for compliance with the environmental management plan
Cost-effective and environmentally sustainable techniques that can mitigate the adverse
impacts were proposed. ESIA was given for the best available techniques for prevention of
air emissions and wastewater effluents and control of their environmental impact. Special
consideration should be given to enhance positive effects of the project (e.g. utilization of the
local manpower at different stages of the project and hiring them during the production stage
when there is the possibility to do so). Environmental management is concerned with
implementation of the measures necessary to minimize or offset adverse impacts and to
enhance beneficial impacts.
Hence, the implementation of the project brings several beneficial impacts while the negative
impacts can be reduced to an acceptable level through a holistic planning and
implementation of the environmental management plan. Consequently, it can be concluded
that the project benefits by-far outweigh its adverse socio-economic and socio-ecological
impacts as these two can be mitigated by proper utilizations of the suggested mitigation
Laws, Policies and institutions were considered for the dual purposes of identifying potential
project constraints, and establishing background for realistic, sensitive recommendations. The
respective policies, legislative and institutional issues that are most relevant to Modern Mixed
use building. This review found the following three programs and trends to have a strong
bearing upon the project: 1) National policies and strategies towards economic development
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The PEIA report discusses major environmental and social issues and constraints that can
arise from the project implementation. The project is characterized by short term and
insignificant pre-construction and construction stages impacts and long-term significant
impact during operation stage.
The major positive impacts of the proposed project are both those of economic benefits at the
national, regional and local level due to creation of employment for 40 permanent employees.
In order to be effective, environmental management must be fully integrated with the overall
project management effort at all levels, which itself should be aimed at providing a high level
of quality control, leading to a project which has been properly designed and constructed and
functions efficiently throughout its life.
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The company top management and affiliated units of the Oromia Environmental Protection,
Authority, such as technical divisions of the industrial pollution prevention and control
department will make occasional and random monitoring, respectively. The monitoring will
involve both quantitative and qualitative data, as appropriate to the nature of the information
which will involve during the production stage of the project.
Sustainable development that ensures intergenerational justice and equity is the approach of
the envisioned project. The company will have a good management structure that is capable
of executing its function in the day to day activity of the proposed project. Moreover, the
management, with previous experience of the owner in the running of many successful
businesses in Ethiopia, is capable of handling the responsibilities for environmental well-
being and creating job opportunities aimed at decreasing the foreign currency expenditure for
importing goods.
The implementation of the project will bring several beneficial impacts including creating job
opportunity and reducing poverty, contributing to national economic growth and providing
unique, specialized training and skills for those employed by established modern mixed use
building project investment. Thus it can be concluded that the project benefits by far
outweighs its adverse socio-economic and socio-ecological impacts as these two can be
mitigated by proper utilizations of the suggested-mitigation-measures
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Brief Description of the Project
The regional government has improved its performing capacity after made a national change
within administrating system and capacitate the institution that has direct impact on the
development of the region like Oromia Investment and industry bureau. The commission has
been exerting its maximum effort to expand investment opportunities in the region so as to
foster the economic development of the region. Hence, it is this viable investment policy
which invited mixed use building to develop the interest and motivation of opening the
mixed use services in Furi Sub-city. Hence, he has fully happy when investing the service in
Furi sub-city Muda furi woreda district that will be creates job for 35workers permanently by
100 million ETB birrs on 2000 m2 of land provided by City administration
Accordingly, the proponent of the project, has hired a consultancy firm to undertake
environmental and social management Project so that the team be able to identify adverse
environmental impacts likely to be arise from the use of water and waste management, dust,
nuisance noise occupational safety and health issues and environmental management systems
employment by the firm through its project life time.
Therefore, this environmental and social management plan study was conducted according to
legal requirements of the EIA proclamation of the government of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia, proclamation No.299/2002. This report is also submitted to the Furi
sub-city Muda furi woreda district Environment Protection Authority according to the
requirement of the proclamation. AKMONLINK COLLEGE PLC has contracted Bright
star management and environmental consultancy plc, a licensed and registered Grade 1
environmental consultancy firm, to prepare the ESIA for Mixed uses service License
application. The ESIA and its affiliated process comply with guidelines issued by EIA
guideline for Environmental Management Plan in 2003. The ESIA submitted to the City
Authority. The ESIA updated in accordance to comments made by the ministry and
communicated with relevant stakeholders
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project. The team also interacted and discussed possible environmental and socio-economic
impacts of the proposed project with a number of stakeholders in order to:
• Identify key environmental concerns relating to the proposed project; and
• Highlight the concerns of the relevant stakeholders in the preparation of the Report.
Even though some progress is made regarding PEIA, management and monitoring on Real
Estate Cons. project activities and services, there are a lot of things to be done to realize
objectives of the proclamation in developing countries like Ethiopia. Some of the challenges
in undertaking the study are:
Getting scientific and sufficient and reliable primary data particularly for the specific
location Muda furi Woreda was difficult, because of this the socio economic and
biological information based on furi sub-city data’s, which is relatively wide.
Lack of systemic networking among concerned government organizations so as to
accomplish the study as per the guideline of EIA,
Having complete knowledge and perfect skill on scientific analysis of environmental
1.5 Field observation
The site visit was made to assess the baseline environmental & social conditions of the
proposed project, to identify environmental components that are likely to be significantly
affected by the proposed project. During the field investigation, information on physical and
biological resources, socio-economic as well as socio-cultural profile data has been collected.
Despite, the environmental and social Impact Assessment proclamation No. 299/170 2,
article 15, sub article 1 and 2, of Ethiopia addresses public participation. As part of the
environmental and social Impact Assessment for the proposed development project, to know
background information significant to impact assessment and environment management and
to identify any areas of specific concern which need to be addressed by the project owners.
Consultations made aimed at providing relevant information about the company; discussion
on the possible adverse and beneficial effects of the project to the community and to collect
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recommendation on ways of the perceived adverse effects and maximizing the benefits of the
project activities.
The checklists, matrices, have been used to identify and analyze the main impacts as well
rating and evaluating the significance of the impacts.
Description of the characteristics of impacts in terms of: nature, magnitude, extent, location timing,
duration, livelihood and significance.
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2.Environmental Scoping
With the aim of deciding upon the limits of the study area and the list of activities and
impacts to be studied during the assessment, an initial environmental examination and
scoping have been carried out. The scoping exercise has been carried out with the following
main objectives:
This PESIA document covers the activities that will take place in the mixed use Cons. project
which includes: - Impacts during operation of the project implementation, Real Estate
Construction project such as: -
Waste water generation during operation of the project
Solid waste generation during construction and operation of the project
Noise pollution
Odor and air pollution during project implementation from VOCs emissions
Health and safety impact during for the staff workers during construction and
operation of the project
2.1 Valued Ecosystem Components within the Study Area
The primary function of scoping also referred to as setting the Terms of Reference of a
PESIA, is to establish the environmental priorities and set the boundaries for the study. The
objective of is to avoid creating a voluminous report and make the assessment process
concise and focused. Impacts of the mixed use build Cons. Project will totally cover around
2000m2 found in around furi sub-city sub city. Primarily water and air are the natural
ecosystem to be impacted by the project as result of the dust generated during construction
and transportation, loading and unloading activities. Landscape changes because
construction affects the flora and faunas reduce water quality and quantity of the area.
Physical injuries and human health affected from the dust emission during construction,
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processing, loading and unloading. Noise pollution is also another effect raised from the
machines used to full fill the purposes of the project.
2.2 Defining list of Activities, type and Magnitude of the Production Project
To investigate the activities such as base line environmental condition (such as the status of
flora and fauna) diversity and distribution, water resources quality and quantity situation, soil
type and geology of the area were investigated with objectives of predicting the future with
the project and without the project. The type and magnitude of the impact due to the project
is part of the environmental scoping. The PESIA team of expertise identified the impact type
such as:
Effects on endangered species
Change in natural landscapes
Impacts on the human health
Effects on the present use of available natural resources
Abandonment of either use of future production of natural resources
Air quality deterioration
Water quality reduction
Soil pollution
Instability of lands
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This section covers the policy, legislative and institutional issues that are most relevant to
establishment of such Multipurpose Construction project activities and services in particular.
The first part looks at the National Economic Development policy and strategies and sectoral
policies and strategies related to the project. The second section focuses on existing
environmental policies and strategies at the national and regional/sectoral levels including the
Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan. Finally, the third part presents the existing
institutional frame work for Environmental Protection and Management.
ADLI has provided that the basis for the development of the other national and sectoral
policies and strategies that have direct relevance to the development of export oriented
agriculture and its products in the country.
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Above all; the following two documents that constitute the building blocks of the current
Ethiopian investment strategy, directly affect investment in the country in general.
Upon receiving an application for investment permit made in full compliance with the
provisions of Article 13 of this proclamation, and after ascertaining within 10 days
that the included investment activity would not be contravening the operational laws
of the country and that, in particular, it complies with conditions stipulated in
environmental protection laws, the appropriate investment organ shall issue an
investment permit to the applicant.
The Council of Ministers regulation No.7/1996 provides the terms and conditions under
which investment incentives is provided for investors. The investment incentive is divided
into the following two categories: exemption from income tax and exemption from customs
duty on imported machinery and equipment. The exemption from income tax is based on the
following two criteria. The first criterion is the class of the investment as pioneer investment,
promoted investment, or expansion and upgrading of existing investment. The second
criterion is the location of the investment with respect to its potential contribution to
equitable distribution of regional development.
In 1998, the government of FDRE issued the following proclamation and regulations with the
objective of amending the investment proclamation and regulation issued in 1996.
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3.2.1 Constitution
The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia provides the overriding
principles and legal for all legislative frame-works in the country. The concept of sustainable
development and the environmental rights of the people are enshrined in the constitution by
the following articles that stipulate the rights of peoples in country.
1. The Peoples of Ethiopia as a whole, and each Nation, Nationality and People in Ethiopia
in particular have the right to improved living standards and to sustainable development;
4. The basic aim of development activities shall be to enhance the capacity of citizens for
development and to meet their basis needs.
1. All persons have the right to live in a clean and healthy environment.
2. All persons who have been displaced or whose livelihoods have been adversely affected
as a result of State programs have the right to commensurate monetary or alternative
means of compensation, including relocation with adequate State assistance.
These constitutional provisions have served as the guiding principle of all activates that are
related to policy formulation, strategy development and the formulation of legislative and
institutional framework for environmental protection.
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The policy contains elements that imply the importance of main streaming socio-ecologic
aspects in development programs. More specifically, there are two cross-sectoral policies
components with a mainstreaming effect in the EPE. Article 4.6 of EPE covers different
aspects of the importance of incorporating environmental costs and benefits in the
development planning process. Under this Article, the initiation of a pilot project on the
application of Environmental Accounting in Ethiopia was identified as one of the policy
directions. Furthermore, Article 4.6 states (EPA 1997, 21):
To explicitly consider in 5-, 10-, and 100- years time perspective the economic costs &
benefits to the environment in the planning of all major development programs,
projects and activities.
Article 4.9 of EPE covers the policy directive on EIA. The Article contains eleven sub-
articles covering different aspects of EIA and the conditions under which EIA must be
performed. Article 4.9.g (EPA 1997, 23) provides a provision:
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The sectoral policies of EPE contain policy directions that may ensure the promotion of
sustainable industrial development in the country. More specifically, Article 3.8 of EPE
provides policy directions for the control of hazards materials and pollution from industrial
waste. This sectoral policy emphasizes the importance of pollution prevention and
minimization as the primary approach for pollution control. To this effect, Article 3.6(a)
states (EPA 1997, 15):
Article 5.2 states that the promotional and preventive activities shall address ‘prevention of
Environmental pollution with hazardous chemical wastes’. Article 1.3 of the Health sector
strategy that was developed in 1995 states the following under Environmental and
occupational Health and safety’ (TGE, 1995):
Agricultural schemes and industries will be expected to have strong health prevention and
promotion program. Starting from inception, an appropriate health advice has to be
sought & incorporated in the project. Guidelines, standards, regulations & legislations
will be prepared in order to assist the community, planners, builders, agricultural
schemes and industries on safe disposal of waste, minimizing environmental pollution and
incorporating appropriate health and safety standards in housing and work premises.
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o Development of the water resources of the country for Economic and social
Benefits of the people on equitable & sustainable basis;
o Conserving, protecting and enhancing water resources and the overall aquatic
environment on sustainable basis.
The Environmental Council is chaired by the prime minister (or his designate) and is
composed of the relevant line ministries, heads of other government agencies and
representative of trade associations and NGOs. The executive Director of EPA will serve as
member and secretary of the Environmental Council.
Further-more, the proclamation requires every competent agency to establish or designate its
own environmental unit, which shall ensure collaboration with EPA and be responsible to co-
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ordinate and follow up that activities of the agency are taking place in harmony with this
proclamation and other Environmental requirements.
Assisting communities and NGO groups in realizing their environmental rights with
regard to EIA;
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The Proclamation contains general provision control; Environmental standards, powers and
duties of Environmental inspectors, rights to appeal and offenses and penalties. The pollution
control component includes provisions on management of hazardous wastes, chemicals and
radioactive substances, management of municipal wastes and protection of the ozone layer.
The proclamation has provisions on forfeiture cancellation and restoration.
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The ultimate goal of the project is to make profit by construction Market center, Recreation
area, Game zone, Office places, medical suites, shopping center, super market, parking
facilities, café, hotel components to build as well as for other potential customers in Furi
town In addition, the project will realize the derived benefits that include creation of
employment and contribute to the government treasury in the form of taxations
4.1.2 Location
The envisioned project is located in Furi sub-city Furi woreda district, Oromia Regional
To get private benefit from the construction material manufacturing by using different
machines from inside and outside.
Creating conducive living environment with ecological and social diversity as a
development approach for Ethiopia Country.
Provide a friendly pedestrian environment with quality, safe public environment for
those working and entertaining in the area and surroundings, and offer a nested
security for the residents.
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To construction Market center, Recreation area, Game zone, Office places, medical
suites, shopping center, super market, parking facilities, café, hotel components to the
To generate employment opportunity for 40 job seekers in the area.
To engage in playing its role in promoting local development by generating revenue
and paying taxes for local government
To engage in playing its role in promoting local development by generating revenue
and paying taxes for local government.
In line with the above facts, the government of Ethiopia has implementing the five years
Growth and Transformation Plan(2010/11-2012/15) that aimed to achieve wider
development spectrum in all sectors with a special emphasis to agricultural development that
will realize the formation of industrialized and middle income earned. In this plan, crop
production and productivity, irrigation and improved water use, technology multiplication,
food security and supply and distribution are among the main strategy for agriculture and
rural development strategies.
To all the above facts the parallel growth in complementary (supportive) sectors of the
economy is vital to sustain it. In relation to this, the owner of the envisioned factory
interested to engage in the sector that has government development focus apart from huge
market potentials.
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In the building sector of the economy, the multi- purpose in the one becoming rapidly
expanding in urban areas of the nation since dynamic economic development of urban
economy requires the construction of these buildings in towns to support the growing of
business service sectors like supermarkets, Beauty salon, shops, offices cinemas, Computer
Center, Cafeterias, restaurant, assembly hall, guest house and other activities. In this regard,
mixed used building expands in the all parts of the country.
Project Rationale
Internationally the economic growth this country is experiencing, the good governance
created and even if the town is in its nascent stage of development these project are the first
in kind in the town are feasible and would be a model development in promoting and
attracting different urban investments.
In order to respond to the created environment the town is in need of major, basic and
feasible urban projects to be developed.
The existing promising investment opportunities, the demands of service needs along with
relatively sound investment support made by the government in such kinds of feasible
projects, compelled the project promoter to initiate the multipurpose oriented business project
to be established. Despite the promising business opportunities of the town, the trend on such
kinds of investment found to minimal. Since there is no such kind of modern tourist facilities
and business station in the town to accommodate the existing demand of these services in the
town and the surrounding areas. The mismatch between the demand for and supply of such
kind of services in easily observed in the town.
Therefore, the existing shortage or absence in the supply of these services, along with its
commercial and administrative access, better location and infrastructure access, escalating
trend of urbanization and business activities, thus it is with such reason that this project is
identified and proposed and assumed to be more profitable.
In general, the country’s decentralized state based economy, privatized and free market
economy; good governance creates a favorable environment for the development of
investment for private investors.
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A. Source of Revenue
As public policy of any nation, the government collects different forms of taxes from
different business organizations and individuals. Among the different forms of taxes,
business income taxes, payroll income tax and VAT are collected from undertaking business
activities. Therefore, the building will serve as sources of revenue for the town as well as for
the region.
B. Employment opportunity
One of the problems that our country faced is unemployment. Therefore, the current
objective of the government is working on tackling the problem of unemployment and
fostering the development process either through creating self employment or employment in
other organization. Hence, this project will hire 68 individuals and more than eighty
individual during construction.
A. Aim of Project
This project is aimed for the establishment of multipurpose Mixed Building complex that
comprises Market center, Recreation area, Game zone, Office places, medical suites,
shopping center, super market, parking facilities, café and hotel components, etc
The historical nature of the town as business unique location in one of the most attractive
parts of the occurrence of the town along the along the Furi a fertile ground for future
promising growth of the town. The owner plans the project to render banking and insurance,
shopping facility, bank and cafeteria services to create high quality class to satisfy the
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interest of customers in the town. Based on environmental and other considerations, the
entrepreneur has determined the type and size of the building which is already determined by
the site; conceptual planning and preliminary analysis have been carried out by analysts.
In order to attract its clients to the service, the project will develop high standard shop &
banking rooms and office of best choices and will also save best quality restaurant and café,
national and international dish and various types of soft drinks.
the ground floor, first floor and second floor designed for different business centers
like banks, supermarket, beauty salon(man and women), Computer center,
pharmacy, internet café, boutiques, different shops and other business activities,
The third floor designed for bed room services.
Besides, the buildings will have enough parking facility for its customers and green area in
its compound.
B. Production program
Considering the gradual growth of demand and the time required to develop the required skill
the rate of capacity utilization during the first, second, third and fourth year of production
will be 50%, 75%, 90% and 100% respectively. Full capacity utilization will be reached
during the fourth year of operation.
In order to provide mixed use business center building services of a high standard, it has been
planned to construct and develop the infrastructure and facilities that would viable to meet
the requirements of an international standard business center. Accordingly, various buildings
and facilities will be constructed phase by phase starting with the most needed ones that are
essential to commence the operation of its business activities. With the completion of
construction, the building will provide a combined service such as shops, bedroom,
restaurant and café service as well as modern business center that primarily serve its guests
and major clients.
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1st floor Beauty salon, shop, Computer Center, Cafeteria Game M2 500
Parking Service M2 50
Green area M2 50
Total M2 2000
Since the project will be engaged in mixed building the main sources of its annual revenue
would be from the rental of building spaces such as shops, offices, and banking, café &
restaurant bedrooms. Therefore, the sources of revenue have been classified in to one
category namely the rental of banking & supermarket, offices, shops, bedrooms restaurant
and café based on these classifications. Based on the market price of similar mixed use
building in the area, the envisioned buildings set the following fair price (Before VAT) for its
service, hence when the building construction fully get operational it is assumed to generate a
yearly income of ETB 500,000,000.
4.2. Raw Materials, Production Process, Equipment’s, Machineries, Land and Civil
The primary application of LCA in the built environment professions is to inform design
Decisions, in particular, provide quantitative data to guide the selection of construction
material, construction component and building system combinations which will reduce the
life cycle environmental impacts of a built facility. While the decisions made throughout the
building life cycle will influence the impact it can have on the environment, materials
choices made in the pre-use phase commit the major environment impacts which occur in the
use phase.
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(Janssen, 1999).
3 4 5
1 2 End-of-life
Construction On-site Facilityoperati
material Construction
Material onandmainte Stripping
extraction and Foundation and nance
processing site earthwork, reusable
Timber concrete
products, Space and
fiber board,
water heating,
Forest products structural
cellulose framing, space cooling,
coal and products, steel, appliances, knock-down,
petroleum, aluminum mechanical and lighting
frames, electrical
site clearing,
plastic appliances, systems,
wire, paint, Facility disposal
products, solvents, plate
painting and
cleanup improvement
natural gas, glass, car+pet
iron, copper,
zinc, materials
sand, stone,
The use phase may account for 70-90% (Keoleian et al, 2001; Adalberth et al, 2001) of the
total life cycle environmental impacts of a built facility. The environmental impacts of the
use phase are primarily due to energy consumption for purposes of heating, cooling, lighting
and operating domestic or commercial appliances; and materials use for purposes of facilities
maintenance/upkeep. In the area of building and construction LCAs there is consensus that
use phase impacts are dominated by energy consumption, Climate Change and Acidifying
There is a strong correlation between materials used for the building envelope and intensity
of impacts. A study compared three homes of equal floor area designed primarily in wood,
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steel and concrete over the first 20 years of their lifespan. Relative to the wood design, the
steel and concrete designs (Wood Promotion Council, 2006):
Release 24% and 47% more air pollutants
Emit 34% and 81% more greenhouse gases
Consume 26% and 57% more energy.
The contribution of a material to use phase impacts is directly related to the quantities used
during construction and maintenance. Due to the very large quantities used the three
categories of construction materials which contributed the most to environmental impacts
measured during the use phase of 25 commercial buildings located in Hong Kong were
concrete, steel reinforcement and the combination of plaster, render and screed . The
contributions of these top three to total environmental impacts varied between 46-65%.
Table 2: Environmental impacts of commercial buildings - the ten most
influential construction materials (adapted from Chau et al,)
Ranking Construction material % contribution to overall
environmental impacts of
1 Concrete 21.3
5 Tiles 7.6
6 Stones 5.2
7 Aluminium 5.0
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includes erecting the scaffolding that will allow for exterior sheathing installation and
Mechanical and Electrical install coincide with each other due to the need for coordination
between the two divisions. There are several periods of construction during the schedule in
which there are multiple construction activities occurring at the same time.
The construction site must be organized accordingly as these processes take place. As with
any construction project, the goal of the schedule was to complete all construction activities
before the required Date of completion.
This date of completion is practical based on the time of year in which the building will be
completed. The team allowed a two week contingency for any setbacks. Typically, winter
construction tends to cause unforeseen delays that negatively impact a construction project.
These conditions can and will almost undoubtedly impact the project schedule by causing
unforeseen delays and project inefficiency.
The walls and partitions throughout the floor were congruent with the structural frame and
column locations.
Structural design
One of principle deliverables of our project is the structural design of the building. The
structural bays were coordinated wit the layout of the building adjustments were made to the
bays if specific layouts are necessary. The frame was made up of a grid with repeating
standard structural bays. Included in the structural system are bay sizes, shape and size of
structural members, floor compositions and curtain walls. These elements were established to
resist gravity ad lateral loads as appropriate.
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4.2.6. Utilities
A number of utilities would be put in place in order to ensure smooth functioning of the
project. These utilities include:
A. Water Supply,
B. Telephone line
C. Supplementary Electricity supply,
D. Paved Road Transportation,
E. Drainage
F. Fuel
G. Oil and Lubricants
5. Physical Environment
5.1 Location
Furi sub-city Muda furi woreda districtis located in central part of Ethiopia finfinne special
zone .At present; the town has 8 administrative sub divisions or kebeles. Furi sub-city Furi
woreda districtis the major town in the former welmerawereda. The total area of the town is
76.5square kilometer. It is located 20km from addis to the west. The study area lies within90
3' N 380 30'E longitude. The elevation of the study area lies 2391m (7844ft) above mean sea
level (Furi sub-city Furi woreda districtsocio economic office2018
1.1.1 Topography
According to the zonal information, out of the total area, 64% is plain, up downs is 20% and
mountains are 16%.
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shallow or have many rock outcrops and those developed on gentler slopes, however, have
good base saturation and fertility and can highly be important for agriculture. . Generally, the
fertility status of the soil of the zone is good and conducive for crop production. and also the
soil of the organization area is good for building no have such risk , if do properly designed..
1.1.3 Climate
Agro ecologically, the study area are classified as sub-tropical or it account
100%. The area receives higher rain fall at some part of the year. Te rain fall
pattern is bimodal highly erratic and
UN predictable in nature and its distribution most of the time extends from
June to August. It contains 43% of humidity and the wind direction of the
study area is 8km/hr at the east direction. (Furi sub-city Environmental
protection and rural land Administration office 2010). The rain fall data
from the year 1995-2017 show that 75% of the total rain fall occurs b/n
June to September. Based on the data from Furi sub-city Furi woreda
district metrological station 23% of the total amount of rain fall in the
month of April, May, October and November. And 2% occurs in January.
The highest and lowest rain falls of the study area 1100mm and 1040 mm
respectively. The annual maximum and minimum temperature of the study
area were 210C and 60C respectively. (Furi sub-city Furi woreda district
Agricultural and rural development office 2010).
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1.2.1 Vegetation
The natural vegetation of the area covers of an area is determined mainly by the altitude,
temperature, amount of rainfall and parent material from which the soil has been derived and
type of human interference. Its coverage and composition also changes over time due to
human activities. According to some literatures and oral tells hundred years ago most parts of
the Furi sub-city Furi woreda district were covered with dense and Indigenous natural forest.
However, due to an increase in demands for cropland, residential, industrial, woods for
construction and firewood as a result of population growth, this type of forests almost have
been lost. Currently, some limited areas in the zone are some pockets of the zone that remain
with very few limited natural forest coverage. In the absence of human being interference,
the Zone has a potential to grow the following five types of vegetation/ forest.
The Afro alpine and sub Afro alpine Vegetation: This type of vegetation occurs in areas
above 3100 meters with temperature less than 100C and average precipitation varies from
800-1600 mm. The low temperature is an inhibiting factor for tree growth except some low
bushes, tufts grass and lichens.
The Coniferous Forest: This type of vegetation is referred as temperate forest and found in
cool to warm areas of the Zone. It is dominated by 30 to 40 meter high Junipers procera and
Podocarpus falcatus with its broad-leafed trees in its second layer. This type of vegetation is
best developed at altitude range of 2300 to 3100 meters with mean annual rainfall varying
from 500 to 1100 mm.
The Broad-leafed Forest: is found in the most humid parts of the Zone. The Grassland –The
dominant grasses are Cechrus ciliaris and Chrysopogon ancheria. It covers Northern part of
the zone, especially Furi sub-city Furi woreda district district.
Government Protected Forest: There are three high priority forest development regions
with like Most of these forests are natural and indigenous species around Furi sub-city Furi
woreda district.
These forests are being decreasing from year to year both in coverage and composition due to
illegal and legal destruction. The illegal deforestation activities include forest clearing for
expanding farm lands, local lumber production, fire wood, construction and charcoal
production which are practiced by farmers.
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1.2.5 Education
As a general finding, both towns and rural areas can be regarded as having very low social
amenities. There are a total number of 348 schools at different class categories and a total
number of 160,260 students are learning in these schools. However for a total population of
702,593 with 55.93% (392,960) are found below the age 15, the existing school facilities are
not sufficient. No matter very proximate to the capital Finfinne, majority of the districts have
easy access to TVET and College, at different levels. Moreover, out of the total population
who must go to school only 53.56% are attending school, currently and the rest 46.44% or
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138,974 youngsters either do not have access to school or dropped out school as a result of
different socio‐economic reasons. With regard to professional composition of teachers,
majority of teachers (1,776 or 61.72%) in 343 schools at different class categories are
graduates of TTI (Teachers’ Training Institute), and 8.08% and 30.205 respectively are
degree and diploma holders. On average class to student and teacher to student ratio is 1:57,
which is more than the standard 1:40.
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be registered as urban centers in the Zone of which all urban areas have been supplied with
hydro electric power system and 8 of the rural Kebeles are also supplied with hydro electric
power supply.
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regional and local level due to earnings of foreign exchange and creation of employment as
well as technology transfer local people, while adverse impacts are mainly related to wastes
generating from the production processes of factory.
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The activities involved in the erection, maintenance and management of the proposed houses
will generate employment i.e. employees involved in the production, sale and transportation
of the buildings materials, construction of the building, maintenance of the building and
management (caretaker, domestic staff etc.). Security services, cleaning and waste collection
are also some of the services that will benefit indirectly. Other employment opportunities that
will be created will include for workers involved in the civil and interior works of
construction such as engineers, masons, foremen, bricklayers, machine operators, interior
designers, electricians, masons etc.
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surrounding area due to the potential high returns after development. This will attract more
high income investors into the region as well as more middle income groups as settlers. Creation of Employment Opportunities
The proposed project will create employment in three tiers, with the first being the staff that
will be primarily involved in its implementation, supervision and maintenance. The second
tier will be staff for the businesses that will formed in the commercial and retail area and
those involved in these businesses supply and value chains. The third tier of employment
creation will be for the people who will take the opportunities presented to service the
increased population and the population’s amenities.
Through these three tiers the project will create employment for high level staff, middle level
staff and low level staff in line with all development policies in the country and the region.
Also through the third tier and low level staff, the project will in advertently create jobs for
locals since this has always been the case with projects of similar nature due to the fact that
the locals are readily available and have the shortest access time to the site.
It is also important to note that all these employees will be taxed and generate revenue for the
taxman thereby contributing to more state implemented development projects. Increased Accommodation/Housing
The project will also increase the amount and quality of housing available in the country
through the residential area with commercial units. rent Housing trade is challenge in the
county mainly due to the high population growth rate therefore the project will contribute to
solving this problem and in line with development policies such as Vision 2030. Increased Access to Goods, Services and Social Amenities
The commercial area of the project will increase access to quality goods and services that
encompass those that will be provided by the shops, supermarket and businesses. Also the
recreational facilities created by the project will increase both the social facilities and health
of the region, which is psychologically linked to human wellbeing and productivity. This will
stimulate other economic activities linked to these services and goods on top of improving
the quality of life that is linked this access of goods and services.
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its occupants. The latter includes businesses that may form around the project site such as
shops, kiosks and transport.
All these businesses activities will be taxed and generate revenue for the government in
addition to providing a market for their supply and value chains. Stimulation to Urban Development
Cumulatively with other developments in the area the project will lead to turning the area
from a lower tier urban area to at least a middle tier urban area. This has benefits of
increasing the quality of life and revenue generation from increased activities. It is predicted
that the project will increase the viability of the area to develop more residential areas and
commercial establishments since it will increase the market and labour available, and the
socioeconomic status of the region.
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i.e. schools, hospitals, shops. This will have the indirect effect of creating job opportunities in
the area. Companies also in the business of providing services such as telecommunication
will also be encouraged to extend their networks to the region since it will be a ready and
capable market for their services.
Vegetation has a great effect on the general and localized environment and normally can
modify microclimate. Usually, the flora creates a good environment for habitats thus the two
may go together more often than not. In consequence, de-vegetation during construction may
result to negative effects on the fauna by creating a disturbance.
The vegetation is important in as food and habitat for various animals. It also assists in
maintaining the structure of the soil by holding the particles together. This enables the soil
microorganisms to flourish as their habitat; the soil is stable. This in turn allows the
organisms easily convert the dead leaves and plans to humus which helps enrich the soil as
well as preventing soil erosion. Converting the land area into a mostly built environment will
minimize the natural process of the existing vegetation.
Changes in Surface and Sub-Surface Hydrology
Together with the loss of flora, changing the characteristics of the project site from its present
state to a more built state (85-90% built) and changing the soil’s characteristics, the proposed
project will lead to a change in the water regime at the project site. This is because the built
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areas will increase run-off while reducing percolation of water into the ground and thereby
also changing the sub-surface hydrology.
The wastes from the construction activities also pose a threat to the quality of water that will
be drained from the site through run-off and this may pollute aquifers and River surrounding
The works involved in this phase of this project will also emit various air pollutants which
can have both negative effects on both human and environmental health. One of these is
dusts from the soil excavation, carving of bricks and movement of trucks on loose top soil
after the land has been cleared. Excavations and the use of cement and sand among other
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like-materials are bound to increase the dust and particle levels in the air around the
development area. Such effects should be avoided through the use of dust screens. Workers
at the site should also be provided with protective clothing to avoid negative health effects
Also engines burning fossil fuels (vehicular and generators) will emit oxides of Carbon,
Sulphur and Nitrogen, and these also pose risks to human and environmental health on top
some of them being GHGs such as (CO2).
Welding operations will also emit gases and fumes such as ozone, chromium particularly in
its hexavalent state (Cr6+), nickel (potential carcinogens), cadmium and lead10, whilst others
include: NOx, NO2, CO, CO2, O3 from mild and stainless steel welding6. The health effects
of exposure to these fumes can include irritation of the upper respiratory tract (nose and
throat), tightness in the chest, wheezing, metal fume fever, lung damage, bronchitis,
pneumonia or emphysema. While particulate welding fume is usually fairly easy to see,
gaseous fumes are invisible
The construction activities and processes will also generate noise above the ambient levels of
the area. One of the sources of this noise would be from the trucks’ and tractor’s engines
moving in the area either undertaking the civil works or ferrying materials, wastes and
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equipment to and fro the project site and these will form the mobile sources of noise during
this phase. Some point sources of noise will include civil works which will be operation
specific or localized at the site due to the scope of the activities. This category of noise will
include activities such as excavation, hammering, sawing, grinding; moving of material to
and fro storage and also the use of generators.
One of the risks of the noise would be to the surrounding areas where they may create a
nuisance or disturbance. Whereas at the site the loud noises pose a risk to the workers and
site personnel since loud noises increase the risk of ear damage and deafness. Table 6-
2below shows some of the levels of noise that can emitted from the project’s activities during
this phase.
There will be an increase in the levels of noise in the construction site owing to the nature of
machinery in use and the activities such as drilling and excavation. The normal levels of 55
decibels recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) will be surpassed in the
duration of the construction process. However, this is a minor negative impact since the site
area is largely an free open area with sparse residential settlement.
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heat can contribute cumulatively with other projects/activities in the area to change the
microclimate, while waste heat in run-off can lead thermal pollution if it eventually drains
into River near by surrounding the project area.
This type of waste poses risks to both human and environmental health and thus the proposed
project would require an adequate waste management strategy, occupational health and
safety strategy, and hazardous material safety plan. Some environmental impacts would
include soil contamination, water and air pollution, whereas health risks include: breathing
complications and respiratory diseases, cancer, skin disorders, poisoning etc.
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This may contribute to service disruptions since the utility and service requirements of this
stage are intensive. This impact is made more probable due to the challenges faced in the
county to provide these services and compounded by the growth of the population.
Increased Heavy Traffic
In this phase, the main roads leading to the site area will serve the additional vehicles used
for the transportation of materials, equipment and staff to the site. Thus together with other
developments the project will contribute to increasing the amount of heavy traffic plying the
roads around it. Heavy trucks not have the risk of causing accidents due to their limited
maneuverability but also place added pressure on the roads and can lead to failure (cracks
and potholes). This is failure is however a combination of factors including:
o the total of trips of heavy trucks
o the strength of the roads in context of carrying the heavy loads, and
o the resilience of the roads towards weathering.
Although Road is being upgraded the roads in the neighborhoods and other access roads in
the wider region remain in a poor state or are not up to the standards that Furi sub-city Furi
woreda district Road is being upgraded to. Therefore, they will be most at risk of failure or
dilapidation from the cumulative pressure placed on them by the construction projects
targeting the area.
Population Influx
During the construction phase, there will be an influx of people mainly working in the
development. There will also be an increase of population due to the opportunities presented
in providing goods and services to primary population increment for the construction
activities and employees. This secondary increase will mainly entail retailers of foodstuffs
and other commodities. Waste from such commodities might pollute the area if a designated
dumping place is not allocated. The population will increase since the opportunities will be
open to both local and people from other areas and thereby increasing the population.
This increase in population will create pressure on utilities as well as present social risks
through the interaction of people. Also, it may present a security risk since people will with
ill intentions may see an opportunity in the belongings of those attracted by the project for
economic reasons.
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region since more and more commercial establishments and higher value residential areas
will be created out of opportunity.
This increase of land values and attraction of businesses to the area will cause land use
changes in the region both in terms of uses of land (residential to commercial) and changing
its character (vegetated areas to built-up areas). This will have impacts of loss of vegetation
and emissions of GHGs on top of increasing the cost of living in the region, which may
socially push the residents of the region further away if their econometric capacities are not
improved in commensurate.
It is important to note that the project in its self can’t lead to this impact since it will only
involve land use change at the site but its combination with other projects in the area can
possibly cause this impact.
Micro-Climate Modification
Though the project area is quite small to cause any considerable microclimate change it bears
the potential of adding to cumulative effects of other infrastructural development that
together emit GHGs. Change in land surface from natural vegetation to manmade built
landscape will have an effect on the area microclimate by reducing the amount of
evapotranspiration from the vegetation in the area which are also a GHG sink.
The microclimate will also be modified by the project activities that produce waste heat
(emitted heat) and this will result in the area producing more heat than originally emitted
without the project. Waste heat will be produced from vehicles, electronics, generators, water
pump, air conditioning etc.
Security Threats
The proposed project will attract a variety of people to the region either as residents, business
people, suppliers, visitors and customers. Their variety of economic and social activities will
also generate income and increase both the economic and social capital in the area. These
may attract thieves to the area since they may target either the businesses or the people
themselves and their belongings. Also, the diversity of people in the project during its
operational phase and the creation of a hub by the project may also be a target for terrorists as
has been experienced in the past where malls have been put on high alert towards terror
Socio cultural Impacts
The proposed project will involve a mixed use development that will attract different citizens
and foreigners to the site. Social cohesion and blending with the existing communities may
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pose a conflict of interests in the short term since the influx population will come with their
differing cultural and social
Practices. The locals may also be forced to move from the area if the land values increase and
they end being bought out to pave way for more commercial developments that are predicted
to occur in the region. Thus they would face a loss of social control and ownership to the
region if this happens and economic segregation may occur on the basis of richer middle and
upper class moving into the area and displacing the local lower class.
However this may be treated as a minor impact since most communities in Kenya are
welcoming and easy to interact with. Also since Nairobi is a predominantly urban and
developed area that has a higher level of social permissiveness than most other urban areas in
the country.
Social interactions and increased population may also present public health risks from
communicable diseases such as respiratory diseases, HIV/AIDS, typhoid and cholera
amongst others. The latter two diseases can be caused as result of increased population
without commensurate services in sanitation, whilst the increase in population alone will
place pressure on available medical and health care.
Increased Air Pollution
Cumulatively with other projects and activities carried out in the area the proposed project
will emit pollutants to the air that present risks to human and ecosystem health. Table below
delineates some of the air pollutants expected from the project and the environmental and
social aspects that they present a risk on.
It is also important to note that there are no air pollution laws in the country and this creates a
problem in terms of regulating this impact and it is thus proposed for the project to use
international guidelines such as those provided by the WHO.
Increased Surface run-off
The paved surfaces and the project structures created from the construction phase of the
project can lead to increased run-off by preventing the natural percolation of water through
the soil. This will also aggregate to the changes in the surface and subsurface hydrology as a
result of the project.
Additionally the increased run-off may lead to soil erosion in the areas where the water
drains off to or drainage blockages by overloading the present drainage systems in the area.
The increased run-off from the project and other construction projects may also cumulatively
cause urban flooding and inundation of low lying areas during the rainy season.
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During operational stage possible noise generation will be as a result of vehicular movement
to and from the premises and also from the generators that would be installed to provide
alternative power supply.
The activities of this phase of the project will also generate noise and these will be from
various point sources such as if diesel generators without silencers are used and also any
repair works that may be carried as necessitated by the project’s operations. Mobile sources
of noise will mainly include cars and the trucks that will be ferrying goods to the project.
Although the noise levels emitted during this stage will be less than during the construction
the impact will have more receptors since there will be more people in the area as a direct
result of the project being operational.
Generation of waste
Several waste streams will be generated from the operational phase of the building and these
have are delineated in Table below alongside their sources and risks they present if not
properly managed.
Table: Operational Phase Wastes
Thus a plan to manage the OSH risks during this stage will also enable the proposed project
will also be important and necessary.
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The PESIA of the project activities was determined by identifying the environmental aspects
and then undertaking an environmental risk assessment to determine the significant
environmental aspects. The environmental impact assessment has included all phases of the
project namely construction phase and operational phase.
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This is expected to minimize the noise and vibration. Because of the open ocean conditions
in which drilling would take place within short duration, the significance of turbid plumes,
release of chemical drilling additives, and the smothering of benthic organisms, the
significance of these impacts would be negligible.
During construction, use sound-proof equipment and construction machinery causing less
noise pollution
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The stand-by generators would be placed in a honeycomb structure and each plant set would
have a silencer and lagging (sound proof casing) around the engine to control noise
generation. It is therefore unlikely that the generator would increase the ambient noise levels
significantly above the existing range of 38.4-67.8 dB (A).
Take following operational measures at noise sources:
Maintain devices and pieces of equipment regularly
Meet plant standards/rules and follow instructions for the operation of particular
devices and equipment (keeping the doors and other openings on the buildings during
plant operation open, the run/operation of devices and machines in the designed mode
of operation, etc.)
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Adequate dispersion of gases is anticipated in view of the high prevailing wind speed that
exists throughout the year. A stack height of at least 5 m (from ground level) will be
connected to the generator exhaust to enhance dispersion of gaseous and particulate
emissions. Waste
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The last but not the least, the company understood all the Environmental and
Health Risks in the post-consumer phase of the life cycle of the products and will
strive to get sound solution with the local Environmental authority.
In order to be effective, environmental management must be fully integrated with the overall
project management effort at all levels, which itself should be aimed at providing a high level
of quality control, leading to a project which has been properly designed and constructed and
functions efficiently throughout its life. Hence, the overall goal of the Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) of the project is to minimize adverse impacts of the project by
managing and implementing the proposed impact alleviation measures and good working
Under this section specific management activities (at construction and operation phases) to
overcome possible impacts of the project are outlined.
Ensuring that all government and concerned agency requirements and procedures
related to EIA are complete with
Implementation of land acquisition procedures including the payment of
compensation if any,
Selecting of technologies and equipments and process units in a manner that
minimizes adverse impacts and enhancing beneficial impacts,
Preparation of detail designs for the plant layout, which incorporate specific features
aimed at minimizing adverse impacts and enhancing beneficial impacts.
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The Furi Sub - City Administration’s Environmental Protection Authority will also be
responsible for ensuring that its own environmental requirements are fully met in the PESIA
study report. The other partners, development banks, are also responsible government and
non-governmental agencies that will be responsible for ensuring procedural consistency of
the project for providing a loan.
All the used oil and grease from the plant and equipment must be collected and burned or
buried in specially secured landfill effectively sealed from the surroundings. Environmental
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inspector has to ensure the proper implementation of these activities and submit report on the
status of environmental management to the company concerning local authorities.
The objective of the environmental management program at this phase of the project are:
protection of the environment from debris and other pollutants, protection of workers from
work area health hazard, efficient use of water sources, waste management and improve the
environmental performance of the company.
The study consultant team proposes an Environmental and Safety Management Unit (ESMU)
in the company’s structure to operate the environmental management program at this stage of
the project as.
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Sufficient budget should be allocated for environmental monitoring activities (150, 000.00
Ethiopian Birr Will be allocated). Regular internal auditing and monitoring should be made
and audit report should be submitted to the city environmental protection agency on quarter
to check on whether mitigation and benefit enhancement measures have actually been
adopted, and are proving effective in practice
to provide a means whereby any impacts which were subject to uncertainty at the
time of preparation of the EIA, or which were unforeseen, can be identified, and to
provide a basis for formulating appropriate additional impact control measures
1) Compliance monitoring, which checks whether prescribed actions have been carried
out, usually by means of inspection or enquiries.
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The aim of this study is to assess the environmental implications of establishing for building
and to suggest mitigation measures for identified environmental and social adverse impacts.
It will, thus, be necessary to investigate, if the plant under consideration emits air pollutants
or effluents that pollute rivers, lakes; ponds land surface or sub-surface areas, and residents
As it can be seen from the technological process description, the project does not emit air
pollutants, or effluents that pollute rivers, lakes, ponds, land surface or sub-surface areas and
local residents. Moreover, the company will implement improved workers health and safety
conditions and maintenance of production in view of prevailing Ethiopian environmental
legislation. The plant is being established on internationally acceptable standards, because it
intends to apply for Standard . Therefore, the plant will be absolutely environmentally
Hence, we recommend the establishment of the project due to its benefits which include the
The high job opportunity to be created for the local people as compared to other
The minimum adverse impacts and management ability of the project the proponent
and his capability of managing the environment in sustainable manner are
Implement the internal policy requirements including environmental aspects training
and awareness for staff and other suppliers;
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1. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Proclamation No.
1/1995.Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2. Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) (1996), Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
3. Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) (1997), Environmental Policy of Ethiopia:
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
4. Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) (2000), Guideline Document: Environmental
Assessment and Management; EPA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
5. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. (2002), Environmental Pollution Control
Proclamation. Proclamation No. 300/2002, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
6. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2002), Environmental Impact Assessment
Proclamation. Proclamation No. 299/2002. Addis Ababa.
7. FDRE EPA, 2003. Guideline for reviewing environmental impact study reports (final
drafts), Addis Ababa.
8. MEDAC/EPA (1997). The conservation strategies of Ethiopia, Vlume1. The resource
base, its utilization and planning for sustainability, Addis Ababa.
9. Otterstrom T. and P. Kosk. (1994). “Ekono Energy Ltd & Soil and Water Ltd.
Assessment of External Costs of Energy Production in Finland”. Report prepared for the
SIHTI 2 Project.
10. RGO, 1999a. Regulation for the establishment of Oromia Environmental protection Forst
& Climate chang Authority, Finfinne.
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