Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have
no conflicts of interest. Keywords: Hypertension, pulmonary; Hemodynamic monitoring; Cardiogenic shock; Heart failure (source:
Cite as:
Carrasco Rueda JM, Gabino Gonzalez
GA, Sánchez Cachi JL, Pariona Can-
chiz RP, Valdivia Gómez AF, Aguirre
Zurita ON. Monitoreo hemodiná-
mico invasivo por catéter de arteria
pulmonar Swan-Ganz: conceptos
y utilidad. Arch Peru Cardiol Cir
Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi:
Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152. EsSalud | 175
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz Carrasco Rueda JM, et al.
associated with a decrease in mortality and an increase in hospital the risk of complications must be assessed (Table 1) . The
cardiogenic shock (CS) hospitalized in intensive care units (8). vena cava through the femoral veins or via the superior vena cava
through the subclavian or internal jugular vein (interfascicular
The aim of this article is to review the current literature access); the latter accesses are of choice for bedside management.
on the concept, use, indications and usefulness of PAC by SGC, The right interfascicular approach via internal jugular vein is the
as well as the interpretation of cardiopulmonary hemodynamic preferred approach due to the easy and quick access to the RA.
parameters. Puncture should be performed with the patient in the supine or
Trendelenburg position with ultrasound guidance, confirming
adequate venous return, and dilating the access area through a
Concept dilator to facilitate entry of the venous introducer (13-15).
The pulmonary artery catheter is a balloon-tipped flow-directed The SGC should be introduced up to approximately 15 cm
catheter that allows rapid access to the central venous circulation, to obtain RA pressure waves, after which the distal balloon will be
the right heart and the pulmonary artery (PA) . Its length is
(1,9) inflated and the catheter will continue to enter rapidly through the
right ventricle (RV), to avoid ventricular ectopy, until obtaining PA
approximately 110 cm, with a standard external diameter of 7
pressure waves. Then, it should slowly progress until a pulmonary
or 7.5 French. The balloon at the tip, when inflated, guides the
capillary pressure (PCP) curve is obtained, this happens 50 to 55 cm
catheter from the major intrathoracic veins through the right
after catheter entry (Figure 1) (15).
atrium (RA) and ventricular chambers into the PA (9,10). Most have
four separate lumens, each of which has individual functions (9,10): Zeroing the pressure system is important to obtain
an adequate PCP value and is carried out by positioning the
- The proximal lumen (blue) is located in the RA and measures transducer at the level of the RA (mid-axillary line, 4th intercostal
intra-atrial pressure. It can also be used to administer space). The SGC should be fixed with the protective cap to
medications. mitigate the risk of infections and the adequate position should
176 | EsSalud Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152.
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz Carrasco Rueda JM, et al.
Patients with respiratory distress or altered systemic perfusion in the context of inadequate clinical I AHA 2013
Heart failure (reduced or preserved ejection fraction). IIA AHA 2013
- Acute heart failure with persistent symptomatology not responding to empirical manage- AHA 2017
ment and/or uncertain hemodynamic status, acute renal failure and hypotension plus use of
- Heart failure with organ dysfunction and absence of myocardial recovery, candidates for
circulatory support and cardiac transplantation. SCAI 2017
Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152. EsSalud | 177
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz Carrasco Rueda JM, et al.
The central venous pressure (CVP) reflects the right usually indicates decreased distensibility, as in patients with
intra-atrial pressure, it is preferably measured at the level of pulmonary hypertension (PHT), RV hypertrophy or volume
the Z-point and is represented by the correlation between the overload.
beginning of the QRS segment in the ECG and the intersection
Pulmonary artery distensibility (PAD), determined by
between the A and C wave. The CVP expresses the patient’s
the resistive and pulsatile components of RV load, represents
volume status and its direct relationship with the RV, it can be
the relationship between stroke volume and pulmonary pulse
interpreted as the filling pressures of the right side of the heart
pressure (PPP). It has been proven to be a strong prognostic
(Table 2) (16).
indicator of mortality and RV dysfunction in type II PHT and
heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF); a value lower
Right ventricle
than 2.15 is associated with lower survival, even in patients with
normal pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) (17,18).
RV tracings show a rapid pressure increase during ventricular
contraction and a rapid pressure decrease during relaxation, On the other hand, effective pulmonary artery elastance
with a diastolic phase characterized by an initially low pressure (PAE), a measure that relates PA systolic pressure (PAPs) to LV
that gradually increases. The RA pressure should be fairly close ejection volume, represents, like DAP, the RV afterload and
to the RV end-diastolic pressure, unless tricuspid stenosis is function and, therefore, is a more specific predictor of mortality
present. With atrial contraction, an A-wave may appear at the and RV dysfunction (independently of PVR and diastolic
end of ventricular diastole, which is an abnormal finding and pulmonary gradient) in patients with type II PHT and heart failure
Central venous pressure Represents right atrial pressure, and interprets right-sided filling pressures of the heart.
(CVP) 2 – 6 mmHg CVP > 15 mmHg indicates overloaded right-sided pressures.
RVSP: 15 – 30 mmHg Has a rapidly ascending and descending sinusoidal wave. The presence of an
RV pressure (RVP)
RVDP: 2 – 8 mmHg A-wave at the end of diastole usually indicates decreased distensibility.
It shows a rapid ascent and slow descent with a dicrotic notch, representing
SBP: 15 – 30 mmHg
pulmonary valve closure.
PA pressure (PAP) DAP: 8 – 15 mmHg
High PAPs associated with an elevated heart rate is indicative of right ventricular
MAP: 14 – 16 mmHg
dysfunction and high incidence of cardiac events.
The waveform is similar in appearance to the right atrial pressure wave with some
differences (greater variability with the ventilatory cycle and the magnitude of the
Capillary wedge
6 – 12 mmHg v-wave exceeds the a-wave in the tracing).
pressure (CWP)
CWP > 15 mmHg indicates hydrostatic edema, CWP should be corrected if PEEP is high
and >10mmHg.
Oximetry analysis of a blood sample taken from the pulmonary artery (distal lumen).
Central venous saturation < 60 % in myocardial infarction is indicative of low output
Mixed venous 60 – 80 % state and cardiogenic shock.
saturation (SvO2) Mixed venous saturation < 60 % is an indicator of hypoperfusion, lactic acidosis
and poor prognosis.
PHT: pulmonary arterial hypertension. SBP: systolic blood pressure DAP: diastolic blood pressure. MAP: mean arterial pressure. PEEP: positive end-expira-
tory pressure. RV: right ventricle. RVDP: right ventricular diastolic pressure. RVSP: right ventricular systolic pressure. LV: left ventricle.
178 | EsSalud Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152.
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz Carrasco Rueda JM, et al.
(HF) even with HFrEF. Values greater than 1 support the need parameter that predicts severe RV dysfunction in the context
for therapy aimed at improving total RV load rather than the of inferior myocardial infarction and/or LV mechanical
precapillary component, and its use is recommended in patients circulatory support (MCS), developed with the aim of
with decompensated HF and PHT II, as well as RV failure (17,18). identifying patients requiring right mechanical assistance; it
also tends to be more predictive in patients with inotropic
The pulmonary arterial pulsatility index (PAPi) support and is useful as a prognostic indicator of survival of
determined by the relation between PPP and the RA, is a PHT when values are < 0.95 (19,20).
Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152. EsSalud | 179
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz Carrasco Rueda JM, et al.
Unclear volume,
perfusion and vascular Diuretic + vasodilator. Maintain CVP <
resistance status. 8mmHg, PCP < 15mmHg, SVR 1000 to 1200
dynas/s/cm-5 and MAP> 65mmHg.
Hypotension of
IV Fluid (Probable Hypovolemic Shock)
undefined etiology..
RA: right atrium. HR: heart rate. CO: cardiac output. PHT: pulmonary arterial hypertension. CI: cardiac index. IV: intravenous. BP: blood pressure. MAP: mean
arterial pressure. CVP: central venous pressure. PCP: pulmonary capillary pressure. SVR: systemic vascular resistance. PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism.
Adapted from: Hsu S, Fang JC, Borlaug BA. Hemodynamics for the Heart Failure Clinician: A State-of-the-Art Review [published online ahead of print, 2021 Aug
8]. J Card Fail. 2021;S1071-9164(21)00306-7. doi:10.1016/j.cardfail.2021.07.012
180 | EsSalud Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152.
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz Carrasco Rueda JM, et al.
catheter is removed from position, and an oxygen saturation which represents the true left ventricular preload (29)
. With the
with the balloon inflated > 90%, the latter being the most help of PAC, CO and thus cardiac index (CI) can be calculated by
specific (Table 2). If the catheter tip is poorly positioned in a thermodilution and by Fick’s principle (10) (Figure 2). The presence
peripheral branch of the PA with the balloon over distended, an of a decreased CI is the main hemodynamic indicator for the
“overstacking” phenomenon occurs and a false PCP curve with diagnosis of CS. It can help to recognize a malfunction of MCS
an oscillating line without A- and V-waves is obtained, which devices and to assess myocardial recovery aimed at weaning.
can lead to abrupt rupture of the PA .
Together with systemic vascular resistance (SVR), the CI allows
differentiation of the various types of CS phenotypes (6). With
In patients with mechanical ventilation with positive
the values of CO, cardiac power (CP) can be calculated, which is
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) >10 cmH2O, there is a significant
the strongest independent hemodynamic marker of in-hospital
increase in alveolar pressure, which reduces the proportion of
mortality; the Shock trial reported CP within the risk stratification
WEST’s pulmonary zone 3, directly affecting the pressures of the
of patients with myocardial infarction, a value < 0.6 Watts is
right side, causing an overestimation of PCP (25). Direct correction
indicative of severe LV dysfunction (10,29).
of PCP due to elevated PEEP is carried out by subtracting the
esophageal pressure measured with an intraesophageal balloon On the other hand, the LV transmural filling pressure
from the PCP; however, there are other practical methods such represents LV preload, as well as the difference between
as subtracting 2 to 3 mmHg of PCP for each 5 cmH2O increase in pulmonary capillary pressure (PCP) and pericardial pressure (PP),
PEEP or arguing that the corrected PCP is equal to the measured using CVP instead of PP for calculation. PCP varies with changes in
PCP minus half the quotient of PEEP divided by 1.36 (16,25,26). LV transmural pressure and PP, so in a patient with HF it shows the
pericardial restrictive effect on the LV preload (11,30).
If the PCP is high, the increase in the ratio between RA
and PCP serves as an indicator of RV dysfunction and increased There is also a biventricular assessment measure called
complications in advanced HF; its value is associated with systolic work index (SWI).This parameter evaluates ventricular work
increased pulmonary resistance and in-hospital mortality (26). (energy) and has shown that its decrease in the LV is a predictor of
poor prognosis and the need for greater hemodynamic support;
To assess whether the increase in PA pressure is due
in addition, the SWI of the RV is a predictor of RV failure in MCS
to an isolated elevation of pulmonary wedge pressure, the
and mortality in post-lung transplant patients (31) (Figure 2).
transpulmonary arterial pressure gradient was traditionally used,
the value of which varies according to mPAP flow and LV filling
Intracardiac shunt (IS)
pressures; currently, it is notably less relevant. However, the
diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure gradient is a more accurate
PA oxygen saturation greater than 75% may indicate the presence
marker that allows adequate classification of PHT according
of a left-to-right IS, so it is recommended to measure the superior
to its pre- and post-capillary component; in addition, a high
and inferior vena cava, RA (middle, high and low), RV and PA.
value is considered a predictor of mortality, poor prognosis and
Increased oxygen saturation ≥ 7% may be indicative of a left-to-
hospitalization for heart failure (24,27).
right atrial shunt, whereas ≥ 5% may indicate a shunt at the level
Finally, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is a of the RV or the PA. The direct Fick method is the preferred means
marker that has gained prominence since the sixth WSPH; and of CO measurement when a left-to-right IS is suspected (32).
determines the presence of pulmonary vascular disease by being
a better indicator of precapillary PHT, in contrast to the diastolic
pulmonary gradient (DPG) (3). It is also used as a therapeutic Indications and usefulness
parameter in patients with congenital heart disease and in
Cardiogenic Shock
patients awaiting cardiac transplantation (Figure 1) (24,27,28).
Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152. EsSalud | 181
182 | EsSalud
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring by Swan-Ganz
with lower mortality and lower incidence of in-hospital cardiac large retrospective study found an association between the
arrest compared to those under conventional management .
(35) use of hemodynamic monitoring in patients with HF without
Another multicenter study of similar characteristics demonstrated CS and elevated mortality; however, the same study describes
that PAC-guided management offers greater in-hospital survival a significant decrease in the mortality rate over time associated
in the various CS scenarios before the onset of MCS, because it with increased use of advanced therapies and MCS, where the
allows recognition of the type of scenario, the need for drug use of SGC proves to have a greater benefit . Its usefulness
use of advanced therapies (39,40). mortality, which is why the 6th WSPH proposed a change in the
cut-off points for the diagnosis of PHT (mPAP > 20 mmHg) (5,45).
Heart failure According to the ESC, the PAC is the gold standard to
confirm the diagnosis of PHT because it allows defining the
Routine hemodynamic monitoring by PAC is not recommended hemodynamic profile, severity, classification, and the approach
in patients with HFrEF because, according to the ESCAPE study, for differential diagnoses (43)
. Likewise, it allows additional
it has not shown benefit on mortality during its initial routine evaluations such as the vasoreactivity test or hemodynamic
use in patients with acute decompensated HF . In 2019, a
monitoring on exertion, parameters with great relevance
Arch Peru Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc. 2021;2(3):175-186. doi: 10.47487/apcyccv.v2i3.152. EsSalud | 183
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