Movie Review August Rush -Jane
Movie Review August Rush -Jane
Movie Review August Rush -Jane
August Rush
Part 1: General Comprehension Questions
1. Who is Evan Taylor? What is special about him?
-Evan Taylor is a boy lives in an orphanage.
2. Why does Evan run away from the orphanage?
-Because he Belive He can find his parents
4. How does Evan meet Wizard? What does Wizard teach him?
—He met Arthur and he take him to Wizard,Wizard teach use music how to make money.
3. Find three words related to music in the movie (e.g., “orchestra,” “melody,” etc.) and explain them.
-Harmony:the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having
a pleasing effect.
-Melody:a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.
"he picked out an intricate melody on his guitar"
Part 3: Critical Thinking Questions
2. Do you think Evan’s parents should have tried harder to find him? Why or why not?
-Yes, becaues Evan is ther son.
Part 4: Creative Tasks: Write a short poem or song about family, like Evan might create.
Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
I can’t find you
I can’t hear you
I can’t know you
I want find you
I want hear you
I want know you
I don’t find you
I don’t hear you
I don’t know you