17 the Story of Immortality (1)
17 the Story of Immortality (1)
17 the Story of Immortality (1)
Invocation: True and supreme is God’s The amrita (nectar) they plunder – this the
Name. Blessed is Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. egoist realizes not.
ÃÇåéÅî ÃÌÆ òÅÇÔ×¹ðÍÈ At the last, none shall attend to his wailing
è¿é ÃÌÆ ×¹ðÈ éÅéÕ ç¶ò ÜÆú îÔÅðÅÜÍ and shrieking, (i.e. come to his rescue).’
P. 600
‘Prostrate salutation and obeisance I make
many a time before the omnipotent Lord, the
ÇÂù ç¶ÔÆ Á³çÇð ê³Ú Ú¯ð òÃÇÔ
Possessor of all the powers.
ÕÅî¹ ´¯è¹ ñ¯í¹ î¯Ô¹ ÁÔ¿ÕÅðÅÍÍ
Á³ÇîÌå° ¬àÇÔ îéî¹Ö éÔÆ ìÈÞÇÔ
Reach me Thy hand, O Lord and save me
from wavering, says Nanak.’ P. 256
կǠé ùäË êÈÕÅðŨ ê³éÅ - F@@
â¿âÀ°Çå ì¿çé ÁÇéÕ ìÅð Ãðì ÕñÅ Ãîðæ¨ ‘All the maid-companions (senses) are
â¯ñé å¶ ðÅÖÔ¹ êÌíÈ éÅéÕ ç¶ ÕÇð Ôæ¨ intoxicated with their own relishes.
They know not how to guard their own
‘After wandering and wandering, O Lord, I home.
have come and entered Thy sanctuary. The five evil passions are the plunderers and
O Master, Nanak’s prayer is: highway robbers.
Attach me to Thy devotional service.’P. 289 The cheats fall upon the unguarded town.’
Çëðå Çëðå êÌí ÁÅÇÂÁÅ êÇðÁÅ åÀ° ÃðéÅÇÂÍÍ P. 182
éÅéÕ ÕÆ êÌí ì¶éåÆ ÁêéÆ í×åÆ ñÅǨ Ã×ñ ÃÔ¶ñÆ ÁêéË ðà îÅåƨ
Refrain: Five are the tormentors of one poor Ç×ÌÔ Áê¹é¶ ÕÆ ÖìÇð é ÜÅåƨ
being, î¹ÃéÔÅð ê³Ú ìàòÅð¶¨
Save me, Thou who art the Preserver ………. ÃÈé¶ é×Çð êð¶ á×ÔÅð¶¨
èÅðéÅ - ê¿Ú ÇìÖÅçÆ Â¶Õ ×ðÆìÅ, ‘Numerous devices, of various kinds, to save
ðÅÖÔ¹ ðÅÖéÔÅð¶ ÜÆ - B, B myself have I employed to exhaustion,
ðÅÖÔ¹ ðÅÖéÔÅð¶ ÜÆ, - D, B Yet escape have not found.
ê³Ú ÇìÖÅçÆ Â¶Õ ×ðÆìÅ,.........B One way have I heard of to seek shelter;
In holy company are these effaced.’ P. 206
‘Divine Father! Lord! save me.
Without merit that I am, Thine is all merit. ÕÇð ÕÇð ÔÅÇðú ÁÇéÕ ìÔ¹ íÅåÆ Û¯âÇÔ ÕåÔÈ¿ éÅÔƨ
Five [the five sources of evil according to Â¶Õ ìÅå ùÇé åÅÕÆ úàÅ ÃÅèÿÇ× ÇîÇà ÜÅÔÆÍÍ
Indian ethical thought] are the tormentors of Refrain: Five are the tormentors of one poor
one poor being; being,
Save me, Thou who are the Preserver, Save me, Thou who art the Preserver……….
These cause pain and great torment. èÅðéÅ - ê¿Ú ÇìÖÅçÆ Â¶Õ ×ðÆìÅ,
Against these, to Thy shelter have I come.’ ðÅÖÔ¹ ðÅÖéÔÅð¶ ÜÆ - B, B
P. 205 ðÅÖÔ¹ ðÅÖéÔÅð¶ ÜÆ - D, B
ðÅÖ¹ ÇÇêåÅ
êåÅ êÌí î¶ð¶¨ ê³Ú ÇìÖÅçÆ Â¶Õ ×ðÆìÅ........ - B
î¯ÇÔ Çéð×¹é° Ãí ×¹é å¶ð¨¶
‘By Divine grace found I union with he holy.
ê³Ú ÇìÖÅçÆ Â¶Õ° ×ðÆìÅ ðÅÖÔ¹ ðÅÖéÔÅ𶨠By that came peace and poise.
Ö¶ç¹ ÕðÇÔ Áð¹ ìÔ¹å° Ã¿åÅòÇÔ The saints, have given me the ‘mantra’
ÁÅÇÂú à ðÇé å°ÔÅð¶¨
ÃðÇé ê³éÅ - B@E (chant) or the Name of the Fearless Lord;
‘Five are the robbers lodged in this body – Following that, the Guru’s Word have I
Lust, wrath, avarice, attachment, egoism. practised and lived.
Bhai Gurdas Ji also says thus – Tell him O crow, “If you don’t come, I
shall become a female yogi (ascetic). I shall
‘O crow, fly away swiftly and meet my
beloved Spouse,
beg from door to door and also look for
And tell him about my sorrow, suffering and you and find out why you are not coming
torment of separation.’ home. Without you, of what use is my life?
Kabit Swaiyas, Bhai Gurdas Ji, 571 Only I know how burdensome is every day
ìÅÇÂà À°âÔ¹ ìñ ÜÅÀ° ì¶× Çîñ½ êÆï, of my life that is passing. There is the
ii) Vedna (mental agony) means Six chief methods of Hatha-Yoga are
understanding the presence and absence of essential for cleansing and purifying the
joy and sorrow. body. These are – dhoti, basti, neti, neoli, tratak
and kapalbharti.
iii) States of mind continue changing;
sometimes joy, sometimes sorrow, 1. Dhoti: It is of three kinds. Three inch
sometimes attachment, sometimes non- broad and 1½ yard long cloth strip is
attachment or renunciation, sometimes slowly taken into the intestines to cleanse
harbouring malice or envy, and sometimes them. This activity has to be performed very
free from it, sometimes harbouring fondness carefully. ‘Dhoti’ is of three types – vaari
and love and sometimes free from them. dhoti, brahm datun, and vass dhoti.
iv) Mind has several creeds or duties. 2. Basti: Basti is near the ‘mooladhar’
It realises itself sometimes in lustfulness, (anus). Water is taken in like enema and
sometimes in betrayal, sometimes in sloth, intestines are cleansed in this manner.
sometimes in anxiety, regret etc. 3. Neti: Nose is cleansed with a cotton
8. True meditation or trance: In string. This can be done with water also.
Buddhism, it is believed that liberation is 4. Neoli: This activity is an essential part
not obtained without knowledge. of ‘hatha-yoga’. Wind from the stomach is
Knowledge has been regarded as the chief taken out by rotating it. By this activity are
means of attaining nirvana (salvation or cured throat, spleen, sluggish liver, wind,
liberation). Knowledge is not gained until flatulence, dysentery, sprue and all other
the body has the ability to acquire it. For stomach disorders and ailments. All the
gaining knowledge and understanding, the three ailments of ‘vaat’ (wind) ‘pit’ (bile) and
body needs to be cleansed and purified. In ‘kuff’ (phlegm) are cured simultaneously.
Buddhism, for cleansing body and mind or 5. Tratak: Sitting on a piece of cloth in
intellect, special emphasis has been laid on a comfortable posture, eyes are fixed
‘sheel’ (gentlesness or propriety) and ‘smadhi’ without blinking on a black spot on a small
(deep meditation or trance). piece of paper in candle light. This activity
Similarly, in Buddhism, the following does not harm and is of many types.
five principles have been described as five 6. Kapalbhati: It is also of many types.
‘Maha-varat’ (religious vows or fasts): (i) Sitting in a comfortable posture, it is
Non-violence, (ii) Speaking truth and performed by breathing through both the