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extension test
Name : Class :

1 Listen and number. Then, listen again and write the country and the continent. 2

2 Complete the text using possessive adjectives.

Hi, 1 name’s Martina and I’m Italian. I live with 2

mum, 3 brother and 4 sister. We live in a small
flat near Rome. 5 flat has got three bedrooms. My sister and I share a
bedroom and a bathroom. 6 bedroom is quite big. 7
grandparents are Italian, but they live in Berlin, in Germany. 8 mum is
daughter. They’ve also got a son, who is 10 uncle.
name is Gianni. Uncle Gianni plays the guitar
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

in a band. 12 guitar is bright pink!

grandparents come to 14
house every July and we go to 15 house in Berlin
in August. My mum loves seeing 16 parents. They
have got three dogs, 17 names are Buster, Rex
and Millie. My grandma loves Millie, she’s 18
favourite, but I love Rex, he’s 19 favourite.
What about you? Do any of 20 family live in a
different country?


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extension test
Name: :
Name Class
Class: :
3 Look and complete. Then write for you.

Olga Kai Lucy and Miriam Me

mum Morocco Japan France

dad Morocco Sweden India
birthday 12 th Dec 2 nd March 3 rd July
get up 7:20 7:45 6 :55
1 Olga
Her mum and dad are . birthday is on .
She gets up at twenty .
2 Kai
mum is and dad .
birthday is .

3 Lucy and Miriam

mum is .

4 Me

4 Answer the questions for you.

1 What time do you start school?
Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

I start school at .
2 What time do you finish school?

3 What time do you have dinner?

4 What nationalities are children in your school?

5 Which countries do you want to visit?


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