Architect Dictums
Architect Dictums
Architect Dictums
1. ADOLF LOOS: Supply and demand regulate architecture form 15. CHARLES EAMES: The details are not the details. They make the design
2. ADOLF LOOS: Ornamentation is a crime 16. CHARLES RENEE MACKINTOSH: Modern ideas in modern dress
3. ADOLF LOOS: Lift the building in the ground 17. CHARLES RENEE MACKINTOSH: Design by living men for living men
4. ADOLF LOOS: Does it follow that the house has nothing in common with art 18. CHARLES GWATHMEY: Constraints are very important
and is architecture not to be included in the arts? Only a very small part of 19. DANIEL BURNHAM: Make no little plans
architecture belongs to art: the tomb and the monument. Everything else 20. DANIEL BURNHAM: Make big plans
that fulfills a function is to be excluded from the domain of art 21. EERO SAARINEN: Function influence but does not dictate form
5. ALVAR AALTO: Separated problem, we spit the possibilities to make good 22. EDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURA: Drawing architecture is a schizoid act; It
building art involves reducing the world into a piece of paper.
6. ALVAR AALTO: Architecture must create bldgs. w/c are conceived as a total 23. ELIEL SAARINEN: Architectural - forms equals social form
artistic expression. 24. ELIEL SAARINEN: Beauty grows from necessity not from repetition of
7. ANTONIO GAUDI: Those who look for the laws of nature as a support for formulas.
their new works collaborate with the creator 25. ELIEL SAARINEN: "Gottlieb” Eliel Saarinen
8. ANTONIO GAUDI: Copiers do not collaborate 26. ELIEL SAARINEN: Art was born as a desire, not as a demand.
9. ANTONIO GAUDI: Forms does not necessarily follow function. 27. ERICH MENDELSOHN: Architecture seizes upon space, encompasses
10. AUGUSTE PERRET: Truth is indispensable to architecture and architectural space and is space itself.
lie concepts. 28. ERICH MENDELSOHN: Architecture depends on the sensuous seizure by
11. BENJAMIN H. LATROBE: A building is the combination of different means of touch and sight
geometric figure. 29. ERICH MENDELSOHN: Architecture is the only tangible expression of
12. BERTRAND DE LANOE: The fact is that automobile no longer have a place space (Fluid Mass Theory)
in the big cities of our time 30. FRANK GEHRY: look, Architecture has a lot of places to hide behind, a lot of
13. BUCKMINSTER FULLER: We called architects of the future not its victims; excuses, the client made me do this. The city made me do this. Oh, the
Starting with holes budget. I don’t believe that anymore.
14. CARLOS VILLANUEVA: Particularly fond concrete, symbol of construction 31. FRANK GEHRY: 98% of what gets built today is shit
progress of a whole century
32. FRANK GEHRY: Architects should speak of its time and place, but yearn for 47. JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE: I call architecture a "petrified music"
timelessness 48. IEOH MING PEI: Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life
33. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Architecture is organic 49. IEOH MING PEI: Symbolisms and blasphemies
34. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: An idea is salvation by imagination 50. IEOH MING PEI: Architecture is the expression of the past
35. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect 51. JAMES GASKIN: ignorance transcends architecture
can only advise his clients to plant vines 52. JEAN NOUVEL: Aesthetic or miracle.
36. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Forms follows function; form and function are one 53. JEAN NOUVEL: Each new situation requires a new architecture
37. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Forms follows function – that has been 54. JEAN NOUVEL: Thinks architecture has to be a gift
misunderstood. FORM AND FUNCTION SHOULE BE ONE, joined in a 55. JOHN RUSKIN: As impossible to raise the dead
spiritual union. 56. JOHN RUSKIN: Fantastic paradox
38. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Every great architect is necessarily a great poet. He 57. KENZO TANGE: Modern architecture need not to be western
must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age. 58. KENZO TANGE: The city must be subject to growth, decay and renewal.
39. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If 59. KENZO TANGE: Architects today tend to depreciate themselves
you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. 60. KENZO TANGE: The city must be subject to growth, decay & renewal
40. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: The mother art is architecture. 61. LEANDRO VALENCIA LOCSIN: The poet of space
41. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: A building should appear to grow easily from its 62. LE CORBUSIER: Charles Edouard Jeanneret - Gris
site and be shaped to harmonize with its surroundings. 63. LE CORBUSIER: Beautiful catastrophe
42. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Less is only move where is no good. 64. LE CORBUSIER: To create architecture is to put in order
43. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: The reality of a building is not the container but the 65. LE CORBUSIER: The exterior of the building is the result of the interior
space within. 66. LE CORBUSIER: Architecture is a learned game, correct and magnificent
44. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: The architect is a molder of men, whether or not forms assembles in the light
he consciously assumes responsibility. 67. LE CORBUSIER: There is no work of art without a system
45. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Nature spelled with a capital N the way you spell 68. LE CORBUSIER: The house is a machine for living in
God with a capital G. 69. LE CORBUSIER: Architecture or Revolution - "Towards an Architecture"
46. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: Continuity and Integrity 70. LE CORBUSIER: Cube within a cube
71. LOUIS KHAN: Immeasurable; student 91. MARCEL LAJOS BREUER: Nature and architecture are two different things
72. LOUIS KHAN: Architecture is the reaching out for the truth 92. MARCUS VITRUVIUS POLIO: Commodity, firmness, delight
73. LOUIS KHAN: A house is a house 93. MARCUS VITRUVIUS POLIO: Architecture is a science arising out of many
74. LOUIS SULLIVAN: Form ever follows function; form follows function other sciences
75. LOUIS SULLIVAN: The buildings identify resides in the ornament 94. MARCUS VITRUVIUS POLIO: Architecture must meet 3 requirements,
76. LOUIS SULLIVAN: Man shall find this anchorage in self – recognition strength, beauty and unity
77. LOUIS SULLIVAN: What the people are within the buildings express without. 95. MICHAEL GRAVES: I don’t believe in morality in architecture
78. LOUIS SULLIVAN: Our architecture reflects truly as a mirror. 96. MINORU YAMASAKI: Humanism
79. LOUIS SULLIVAN: being the powers of vision, of imagination, of intellect, of 97. MICHAEL GRAVES: if I have a style, I am not aware of it
sympathy with human need and the power to interpret 98. MICHAEL GRAVES: Any architecture, there is an equity between the
80. LUCIO COSTA: Each one sees whatever he wishes to see pragmatic function and the symbolic function
81. LUCIO COSTA: I am neither a capitalist nor a socialist, I am not a religious 99. MICHAEL GRAVES: I have no requirements for a style of architecture
nor atheist 100. MICHAEL GRAVES: Design as if you are a child
82. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: Maria Ludwig Michael Mies 101. MICHAEL GRAVES: Classical forms language of both the actuated and
83. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: An architect of ability should be able to tell trabeated models
a client what he wants 102. NORMAN FOSTER: If you weren’t an optimist, it would be impossible to be
84. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: It is better to be good than to be an original an architect
85. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: God is in the details 103. NORMAN FOSTER: Architecture is an expression of values
86. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: Never talk to a client about architecture 104. ORIOL BOHIGAS: Public space in the city
87. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: Architecture starts when you carefully put 105. OSCAR NIEMEYER: Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho
two bricks together 106. OSCAR NIEMEYER: Form follows beauty
88. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: Less is more 107. OSCAR NIEMEYER: Forms follows feminine
89. LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE: Architect is the will of an epoch translated 108. OSCAR NIEMEYER: Architecture is inventions
into space 109. OSCAR NIEMEYER: Architecture will always express the technical and
90. MARCEL LAJOS BREUER: Architecture is a social art social progress of the country in which it is carried out
110. OSCAR NIEMEYER: Architecture must have liberty of forms 130. ROBERT VENTURI: Forms accommodate function
111. OTTO WAGNER: Nothing that is not practical can be beautiful 131. SANTIAGO CALATRAVA: I ‘am always searching for more light and space.
112. OTTO WAGNER: Essential basis of natural forms as geometries. 132. SANTIAGO CALATRAVA: Technology is a vocabulary and a language in
113. PATRICK McCUE: Less is more work which you can say many things.
114. PHILIP JOHNSON: Architecture is the art of how to waste space 133. SANTIAGO CALATRAVA: Technology is constantly changing and brings you
115. PHILIP JOHNSON: All architects want to live beyond their deaths automatically into the present.
116. PIER LUIGI NERVI: Structure correctness, identical with functional. 134. SANTIAGO CALATRAVA: It’s very atmospheric. It’s not a building that is a
117. PIER LUIGI NERVI: Architecture is a synthesis of the technology and art severe statement in the skyline. We need the height; otherwise, the building
118. RENZO PIANO: Discipline; beauty within city almost disappears because it is so SLENDER.
119. RENZO PIANO: Architects spend an entire life with this unreasonable idea 135. TADAO ANDO: LOGIC AND THE SPIRIT OF MODERNISM, I use architecture
that you can fight against gravity. to reconcile the two.
120. RENZO PIANO: Life staring all over again 136. TADAO ANDO: I would like my architecture to INSPIRE people to use their
121. RENZO PIANO: Put down a bad book; Avoid listening to bad music; Ugly own resources
tower block opposite your house 137. THOMAS FULLER: Light Gods; eldest daughter is a principal beauty in a
122. RENZO PIANO: When a man is not satisfied with a house where he lives, he building
becomes an architect 138. WALTER GROPIUS: Architecture begins where engineering ends
123. RENZO PIANO: A builder is like a little God – somebody who does things, 139. WALTER GROPIUS: Art and architecture, the new unity
doesn’t just draw things. 140. WALTER GROPIUS: A MODERN, HARMONIC and LIVELY ARCHITECTURE is
124. RENZO PIANO: Light has not just intensity, but also a vibration; three – the visible sign of an authentic democracy.
dimensional 141. WALTER GROPIUS: Limitation makes the creative mind inventive; Mind is
125. RICHARD NEUTRA: A house is like a flower pot like an umbrella. Its most useful when open.
126. ROBERT MAILLART: A bridge is like a house (Mushroom Slab Construction) 142. WALTER GROPIUS: Society needs a good image of itself.
127. RICHARD ROGERS: Design is how, form is what. 143. WINSTON CHURCHILL: We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us
128. ROBERT VENTURI: Less is bore 144. ZAHA HADID: Architecture really about well being
129. ROBERT VENTURI: Unity disguise as chaos 145. ZAHA HADID: Architecture is how the person places herself in the space
146. ZAHA HADID: If you want an easy life, don’t be an architect
147. ZAHA HADID: There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one?
148. ZAHA HADID: A Brilliant design will always benefit from the input of others.
149. ZAHA HADID: Architecture is like writing. You have to edit it over and over so
it looks effortless.
150. ZAHA HADID: know what it is that you are trying to find out.
151. ZAHA HADID: I don’t think that architecture is only about shelter, is only
about a very simple enclosure.